Chipboard or MDF kitchens, what to choose. Chipboard or MDF: which material is better to choose. Advantages of waterproof chipboard

Let's find out which of these materials is more reliable, stronger and safer.


“Sometimes a variety of goods is bad...” sighs visitors to a hardware store, who have to choose between similar board materials such as MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard. At the same time, it is completely unclear to a non-professional which of the above can be used in a particular case. But figuring it out is not as difficult as it seems.

MDF (short for Medium Density Fiberboard) is a type of wood fiber board that has a medium density and is created by dry pressing (at a certain high pressure and temperature), finely divided wood shavings. It is clear that how many in this case Do not heat or squeeze the raw material; the chips will not stick to each other. Therefore, a “binder” (something like glue) is added to them - urea resins modified by melamine.

Technology MDF production was developed in the USA in the 60s of the twentieth century, where it was started in 1966 industrial production. In Russia, the first MDFs were produced only in 1997.

Chipboard - chipboard (usually referred to as chipboard, although it is correct to use the abbreviation DSTP) - is obtained by hot pressing of chips (and other wood particles) mixed with a non-mineral binder. In this case, chipboard can consist of either one layer or several layers (three or more).

Chipboard has been produced in the USA for more than 70 years, in Russia - somewhat less.


laminated chipboard - a type of chipboard, which is a board laminated with melamine films. The unity of the design is achieved by simultaneous exposure high temperature and pressure. The surface of laminated chipboard can be made either smooth or embossed (imitating the structure of wood or any other materials).


Production technology slab materials implies that in MDF the content harmful substances less than in chipboard. We are talking about volatile substances released by resins (used as binders), harmful to humans, which gradually (during long-term operation) “evaporate” and accumulate in the air if there is no sufficient ventilation of the room. All these substances do not cause immediate damage to the human body and have harmful effects only with prolonged contact with them (in other words, if you decide to lie on a chipboard or MDF board for a long enough time, you will die not from poisoning with the substances they secrete, but from thirst, hunger or old age).

However, manufacturers still established a certain gradation:

MDF - with strict adherence to technology and execution high-quality cladding the surfaces of the structure made from it are considered the least dangerous in terms of the release of harmful substances into the surrounding air. In the production of MDF, the main binder is lignin, released during the heating of wood. Therefore, high-quality MDF is environmentally friendly;

Chipboard class E1 - ranks second in terms of safety for the human body (but also only with appropriate surface cladding);

Chipboard class E2 - highlights greatest number harmful substances, prohibited for production in foreign countries, and in Russia it is prohibited for the production of furniture and products used inside public and residential premises (GOST 10632-2007).

The difficulty of determining the harm actually caused by these materials is that the information recorded in the certificates is not always true (and sometimes the certificates attached to the materials are not “original” ones, that is, compiled based on the results of tests, but “purchased ones”). In addition, not all manufacturers (especially Russian ones) comply with the recommended process technology for MDF manufacturing and chipboard, trying to save money by using lower quality resins.


The simpler the production and the more accessible the raw materials, the cheaper the material will be. Since the main raw material for the production of MDF and chipboard is waste from the woodworking industry, the difference in price will be influenced by the following factors:

Production technology ( MDF is more expensive chipboard),
- country of origin (board materials from foreign European companies will cost more than their Russian counterparts),
- the number of intermediaries between the manufacturing company and the buyer (the more there are, the more expensive the material will end up being),
- the presence of additional properties imparted to the materials during the production process (fire resistance, biostability, water resistance),
- availability, quality and durability decorative covering on MDF or chipboard (everything that makes a structure made from these materials more safe and durable costs more).

Which is better: MDF, chipboard or chipboard?


Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered unambiguously, since MDF and chipboard have their own main purposes, in which their use is considered quite safe for humans.

Thus, MDF and chipboard (chipboard) of class E1 (with mandatory surface cladding) can be used in the production of furniture. In this case Special attention should be given to the quality of the edges and seams between them and the face (surface of the slab). If the seams are not made well enough, water will get into them over time (for example, when wet cleaning premises) and MDF (like chipboard) will “swell”. At the same time, chipboard is much less moisture resistant.

But MDF reacts more strongly to high temperatures. MDF furniture should not be placed too close to heating devices- it may warp.

MDF is a harder material; it does not crumble during milling - this allows you to make cutouts for fittings, create drawings and carvings on the surface. Unlike chipboard, MDF holds screws and other fasteners well.

But even if all the furniture elements are made with high quality, we should not forget that MDF and chipboard are mass-produced materials, which to one degree or another (according to different characteristics) are inferior to furniture made from properly dried and treated wood. In other words, even the most best furniture made of slab materials will not last more than 10-25 years (depending on the quality of the source materials and the care with which it is handled during operation).

You also need to take into account that often in the production of furniture only facades are made from MDF, and walls and internal parts are made from chipboard. Furniture made entirely from MDF is quite expensive.

Another option for using MDF is to manufacture door elements from it in a factory. However, when adjusting parts at the installation site, you should pay attention to some nuances. So, MDF trims, when cut to size, are on one side “unprotected” from moisture, which can lead to their deformation.

But chipboard will be simply irreplaceable as a subfloor (since in this case the material does not have direct contact with the indoor air and, therefore, will not be able to release harmful substances into it). To be on the safe side, you can coat the chipboard with a protective paint coating.

Ask a specialist to name the two most popular materials for making furniture, and he will confidently name chipboard and MDF. They have long been successfully used as wood substitutes. Although their production technology has similar features, the properties of the materials are different. Once you know these differences, answering the question of which one is better will be easy.

LDSP - laminated chipboard. Its basis is wood shavings, firmly compressed and impregnated with formaldehyde resin. The additive resin is not safe, and there are two environmental standards - E1 and E2. The second allows more harmful substances, so laminated chipboards of the E2 standard are not used for children's rooms and medical premises. The surface of the boards is covered with laminated paper film with the addition of melamine resin, thereby increasing the strength of the material.

MDF - wood fiber board. It is made from sawdust, the binder for which is lignin or paraffin. This stove is safe to use. The board is stronger and more resistant to high temperatures and the presence of water than laminated chipboard, thanks to smaller and more uniform particles.

Properties of MDF boards

· safe;

· resistant to water and high temperatures, mechanical damage;

· soft, fine processing and finishing possible;

· the price is higher than laminated chipboard;

· perfectly hold hinges and other accessories;

· more varied types of finishing - in addition to smooth colored coatings with enamel and plastic, panels, carvings, cornices, and pilasters are widely used;

· practically have advantages natural wood(and they are cheaper).

Looking at the elegant products made in different styles, it can be hard to believe that they are made from MDF. In appearance, they are completely indistinguishable from furniture made of natural wood.

Properties of laminated chipboards

· limited safety;

· resistant to temperature changes, moisture, mechanical impact;

· hard, which excludes fine finishing;

· cheaper;

· limited in finishing - covering with laminated film, although with a wide range of colors and textures.

It should be noted that in most difficult conditions Kitchen and bathroom furniture is in use, so it requires special attention. In addition to temperature and humidity, accidental impacts, frequent opening of doors, it is exposed to household chemicals, boiling water and oils. Therefore, experts recommend choosing MDF for such furniture.

Comparing properties of laminated chipboard and MDF, we see that the main advantage of laminated chipboard is attractive price. Do you need economy class furniture at a minimal cost? Then laminated chipboard is what you need. Needed beautiful facades threaded? Fine finish? Beautiful, durable and safe furniture? Then the choice is MDF.

Which is better - MDF or laminated chipboard for furniture? ? — Many of us ask this question when carrying out repairs and replacements. old furniture in an apartment or private house. It is very important that the material combines environmental friendliness, high quality, and also fits elegantly into the interior of the room. Modern construction and Decoration Materials greatly facilitate the repair process. With the help of such materials the consumer has a great opportunity create durable and exclusive pieces of furniture for various purposes.

To date huge demand in the manufacture of cabinet, kitchen and other furniture, laminated chipboard and MDF are used, which in some respects have properties similar to natural wood, and in some respects even surpass it. In our article we will tell you in detail Which furniture is better - MDF or laminated chipboard? , let's get acquainted with the main properties and areas of application of these materials.

What is laminated chipboard?

Almost everyone who works in the furniture industry or has dealt with the issue of repairs is familiar with the name chipboard. Chipboard began to be used for furniture production back in the period when the building materials market did not have such wide range goods. Over time, manufacturers improved their products and began to cover the stove with a special film. So chipboard received the new name LDSP. This decision Improvements in the material have significantly increased its wear resistance and strength.

Advantages of laminated chipboards:

  • A durable, durable surface that can withstand various mechanical loads and damage.
  • A wide range of shades, imitation of various types of trees and other materials.
  • Simple mechanical processing of plates.
  • Reasonable price.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • Laminated chipboard panels are not recommended for finishing or decorating bathrooms or rooms with high moisture.
  • Due to the presence of large wood particles in the composition, it is very difficult to produce objects with curved contours. The panel cut will have an unpresentable appearance.
  • For chipboard manufacturing use formaldehyde. Plates with high content of this element not suitable for residential use.

Important! Formaldehyde is a volatile Chemical substance, which is very dangerous for humans. As a result of intense exposure to the substance human body Poisoning may occur, and in some cases, death.

  • Boards with a high content of formaldehyde are used exclusively for technical purposes.

Important! Before the purchase Chipboard boards read the quality certificate and hygienic certificate for this material.

MDF furniture, what is it?

The production of MDF panels is practically no different from the production of chipboard. We can only say that the MDF board is more advanced. And to find out Which is better - MDF or laminated chipboard for furniture? , you need to understand the difference in production technology. The board is made from small particles of sawdust, carefully pressed together. This process allows us to produce products High Quality, uniform in texture and strong enough for making furniture and other items.

Advantages of MDF boards:

  • The material is absolutely harmless to humans, as it is made from environmentally friendly raw materials.
  • MDF can be confidently used for the manufacture of interior items for various purposes.
  • Moisture-resistant, durable material.
  • The homogeneous structure allows us to produce furniture elements of any complexity.
  • MDF panels almost never deform during operation.
  • Large assortment of shades and variety of textures.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • High cost compared to chipboard.
  • At mechanical damage Dents, chips and cracks easily form.
  • The material is classified as flammable and may therefore be prohibited for use in some areas.

Furniture made of MDF or chipboard - which is better?

Having carefully considered all the pros and cons of these materials, we can say with confidence that each of them is perfect for making furniture or other items. Even so clear advantages MDF boards will not be so important, given the significantly lower cost of laminated chipboard. Some consumers sometimes focus on this indicator, despite the fact that more cheap option less quality and wear-resistant.

IN furniture industry MDF and laminated chipboard are excellent for production; they compete with each other. Often these two types of slabs are combined in one product, because they combine well and complement each other.

Important! When ordering furniture for your home, take into account all the factors of the product’s operation, your financial opportunities. In some situations it will be very appropriate to combine MDF and laminated chipboard to obtain optimal option quality and price of the finished product.

Cabinet made of MDF or chipboard?

It is very difficult for a person who has never encountered these building materials to “by eye” determine what a particular piece of furniture is made of.

The only thing that can indicate the use of MDF is the exorbitant cost of furniture, although manufacturers very rarely use only MDF:

  • In most cases, corrugated and shaped parts are made from MDF.
  • The internal filling, shelves and partitions are made of chipboard or laminated chipboard.

Important! If you are looking for an answer to the question, what better than chipboard or laminated chipboard for the cabinet, then give preference to laminated boards. They are more durable and wear-resistant, and appearance They are a little more attractive than a regular panel.

What material should I use to make the bedroom?

First of all, for the production of furniture for the bedroom, it is necessary to choose environmentally friendly material. In the bedroom, a person spends most free time, so give preference to products made from MDF.

As mentioned above, for the production of chipboard they use substances that can affect human health; take this factor into account when choosing furniture for yourself. In order to reduce the cost of products, as an alternative, you can combine these two types of slabs.

Important! Before purchasing a product, be sure to read the quality certificate.

What is better - MDF or laminated chipboard for children's room furniture?

The room in which the child will be is a place where you should not experiment with the quality of the material. In this case, it is advisable to make all products from natural wood or use MDF.

When choosing any furniture for a child, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Manufacturer's warranty.

Important! Some companies save on the quality of their products by adding impregnations or adhesives to the raw materials.

  • If the laminated chipboard is of high quality, there are no obvious film defects on the panels, the joints and connections are well closed with an edge. Such products can also be installed in the nursery.
  • Too low cost and flimsy assembly finished products- this is a sign of low-quality material. We recommend that you refuse to purchase such furniture.
  • When choosing furniture, you should not focus solely on your financial capabilities.

Important! You can reduce the cost of a finished piece of furniture by installing less expensive fittings, choosing self-delivery or assembling the furniture yourself.

What to make a kitchen set from?

When choosing countertop drawers and other kitchen utensils, both slab options are widely used. The production of kitchen furniture also has its own nuances that are worth paying attention to:

  • Laminated chipboard is a material that is afraid of moisture, so it is not used in bathrooms. For the same reason, you should not purchase a cabinet for a sink or countertop located near a water tap.
  • MDF, on the contrary, is very sensitive to high temperatures, therefore, you should not place it near the hob.

If you take into account all the features of these slabs, you can safely design the placement of furniture in the kitchen, successfully combining two material options.

There are two types of boards that are difficult to distinguish, especially if their ends are sealed - these are chipboards and MDF (fine wood fraction). Due to the difference in production, their properties differ, and, accordingly, the slabs have different quality.

What is the difference between chipboard and MDF?

The names themselves tell you how they differ from each other. Wood-based material is made from sawdust and shavings impregnated with glue by pressing. Typically, formaldehyde resin is used as a binder. Pressing is carried out at high temperature.

MDF boards are also made from wood waste, but unlike chipboard, all raw materials for them are ground by a refiner, steamed and ground. After rubbing, the raw material becomes like felt. It is dried, a binder is added and pressed.

The big difference compared to particle boards is the presence of lignin in the binder. It is much better than formaldehyde in terms of environmental friendliness, since it is obtained from wood after high heating.

The slabs also differ in their surface condition. If chipboard is most often laminated, then MDF boards can be painted, laminated, or covered with veneer. This is explained by the fact that their surface is much better - it is dense, uniform, even and smooth.

These boards also differ in strength: chipboard is considered a high-strength product, MDF is considered a medium-strength product. This fact directly affects the scope of their application.

What to choose?

Individual developers often wonder what is better - MDF or chipboard and what to guide their choice? The answer will depend on which of the characteristics will be important to achieve the desired result when used:

  • particle board is durable, but cannot be used in areas with high humidity;
  • finely dispersed slab tolerates even 80% humidity well, but it is more fire hazardous;
  • in MDF all components are natural, except for paraffin, but it is neutral; in chipboards, formaldehyde is used, the fumes of which are harmful to people;
  • You can’t fix chipboard with nails at all, and you can only use screws at right angles and then only once. MDF boards are easy to install, and thanks to the density of 700-870 kg/m 3, it becomes possible to process it with milling machines;
  • the cost of particle board material is much lower than the cost of MDF, this is largely the result of transport costs, since there are still few of these industries;
  • MDF is much more durable than chipboard, which is ensured by the fact that this type of wood board is practically not deformed by fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • Chipboard withstands impact better than MDF.

As you can see, both types of slabs have their pros and cons. Therefore, the use of a particular type depends on each specific use case.

Areas of application

Since chipboard is afraid of moisture, it is mainly used indoors. In construction, such a slab is most often used to construct partitions between rooms. It can be drilled, sawed, painted. Therefore, it is always in demand when decorating the interior. Other areas of use particle board- production of cabinet furniture.

Doors, trims, and facades are made from MDF. The arrangement of rooms, including the manufacture of partitions, is also best made from this material due to its environmental friendliness. The exception is floors - here it is better to use chipboard due to its greater strength.

Partitions, floors, large interior items in children's rooms, as well as furniture in children's rooms, should be made exclusively from MDF in order to completely eliminate the toxic fumes of formaldehyde resins.

Chipboard and MDF are frequently used abbreviations. Let's try to figure out what they mean and, most importantly, how they differ from each other. After all, chipboard and MDF are considered the most popular materials used for the production of doors, cabinet furniture and other structures.


Chipboard– chipboard. It is formed by flat hot pressing of wood particles (sawdust and shavings), impregnated with a binder, mainly formaldehyde resins. The raw material for the production of chipboards is low-value wood, such as hardwood, and conifers. Chipboard is characterized by increased strength, water resistance, excellent heat and soundproofing properties. It is used in the furniture industry, but due to the formaldehyde resins it contains, it is not recommended for the production of children's furniture.

MDF is a medium-density fiberboard made from very fine sawdust. Fiber boards are formed from waste from wood processing or deforestation, which is ground into small cubes, then treated with high-pressure steam and fed to the disks of a grating machine. The rubbed material is sent for drying and subsequent gluing. Wood particles are glued together with paraffin or lignin, so MDF is exclusively environmentally friendly material. MDF is widely used for doors, furniture, laminate flooring and moldings. Surface MDF boards smooth, uniform, even, dense, easy to process.


The most important difference between chipboard and MDF is their production technology. MDF, unlike chipboard, is made by dry pressing small wood chips under the influence of high pressure and temperature. For the production of chipboards, the hot pressing method is used. To form chipboard, low-value tree species are used, while for the production of MDF, wood offcuts or wood intended for felling are used.

Fine chips are glued together with paraffin or lignin, and in the production of chipboards, synthetic resins are used to glue chips. Thus, MDF, unlike particle boards, considered environmentally friendly clean material, which in its environmental characteristics is close to natural wood. During operation, chipboard releases formaldehyde (a rather toxic substance) into the air. Products made from fibreboards can be used in rooms with air humidity up to 80% ( wooden crafts– up to 60%).

Conclusions website

  1. MDF is produced by dry pressing of small chips under high temperature and pressure, chipboard by hot pressing.
  2. For the production of chipboard, low-value tree species are used, for the production of MDF, wood offcuts or wood intended for felling are used.
  3. MDF is an environmentally friendly material, and chipboard releases formaldehyde into the air during operation.
  4. MDF, unlike particle boards, can be used in rooms with high humidity (up to 80%).