How to wash dirty kitchen towels from old and greasy stains. How to wash kitchen towels? Methods tested by housewives

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How to wash kitchen towels: 16 ways

You can’t do without kitchen towels in the kitchen - you can wipe your hands, dishes, wipe the table, or you can use them as oven mitts. But after such active work, the towels often get dirty, food stains form on them, or they become greasy. I don’t want to use them in this form, and it’s not advisable. Reanimate kitchen towels: how to wash them at home, even if they are very dirty - 15 ways.

For starters, it's worth keeping a few towels in the kitchen so that you can immediately throw the dirty ones in the wash and continue cooking. It’s better to have 3-4 pieces, let a few lie in reserve.

Choose waffle towels, because terry towels accumulate dust, grease, moisture and quickly develop harmful microbes. In addition, they take longer to dry, so the kitchen undoubtedly needs special waffle towels.

Additionally, put napkins in the kitchen - you can use them to blot stains or wipe the table to make the towels less dirty.

After each wash, iron your towels to reduce staining.

How often should I wash? No one can say for sure here - it all depends on your activity in the kitchen and the degree of contamination. Some people recommend changing towels every day, putting the old ones in the wash, but for some this will be a luxury.

It is worthwhile to reasonably assess the condition of the towel - if stains appear, immediately send it to the wash. If you use them carefully and rarely, then there is no point in spending time on this every day. It’s just worth carrying out preventive cleaning once a week, because not only dirt, but also germs accumulate on them.

How to wash kitchen towels:

1. Washing machine- This is the simplest and most accessible method for every housewife. All you have to do is throw them in the machine, add some powder, and turn them on. desired mode and pull out the already clean towels. But certain rules must be followed.

  • It is necessary to wash snow-white and colored towels separately, because they require different temperatures and may become stained.
  • For white towels, choose a mode with a temperature of about 95 degrees, and for colored towels - up to 40.

If the towels are heavily soiled, it is better to first soak them in cold water, dissolving 5 tbsp in it. salt.

2. Hand wash– in this case, you can use hand washing powder or laundry soap, which copes well with various contaminants.

But in some cases, regular washing will not help much. Stains from various foods or grease cannot be easily removed and must be special means. There are many combinations of substances that can act on certain types of contaminants. Actually, this is worth dwelling on in more detail.

How to wash very dirty kitchen towels

First, you need to treat the stain directly, and only then put the towel in the machine or wash the area by hand. Otherwise, it will simply become faded from your efforts, but will not disappear completely. You'll have to live with a stained towel or buy a new one. To prevent this, pre-treat contaminated areas folk remedies:

  • Salt– will help remove stains from coffee, tomatoes, red wine. To do this, stir 5 tbsp. salt in 5 liters of water, place towels for an hour and let soak. After this, wash the towels by hand or in the washing machine.
  • Laundry soap>72% – will help remove grease stains. Rub soap onto all stains, place in a bag and tie it tightly. Wash the towel well and rinse under running water.
  • Laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help restore whiteness to white towels. To do this, grind laundry soap with a knife or grater, mix with 6 tablets of hydrogen peroxide and add literally 4-5 drops of ammonia, pour hot water, stir until all components are dissolved. After this, place the towels in the mixture, wait until they cool, put them in the washing machine or wash off any remaining stains with your hands. Rinse well.
  • Shampoo will help remove fruit stains. Apply any shampoo to the stain, hold and rinse. You can rub it with a brush if it didn’t work the first time.
  • Ammonia, mixed with water, removes tea and coffee stains. Mix ammonia and water in equal proportions, soak the towel for an hour, and then wash it. There may be a strong smell, so you will have to dry it in the fresh air.
  • Ammonia + glycerin get rid of tea stains. Mix in a ratio of 1 to 4 and wipe off the stain.
  • Silicate glue will cope with various stains, but can only be used on white fabrics. Grind a bar of soap, mix with 1 tbsp. glue, and boil the towel in the solution for about 30 minutes.
  • Dish detergent gets rid of greasy stains. Apply the product to the stain, leave it for a day for the substances to take effect, and then wash and rinse well. (pay attention to the article:).
  • Vinegar helps deal with mold on towels, although in some cases it is better to throw them away immediately. In any case, if you want to save the towel, soak the towel in a 5-9% vinegar solution for 10 minutes. And then rinse thoroughly.
  • Lemon acid removes stains from tomatoes and beets. Wash the towels in hot water and laundry soap, wring them out, and sprinkle on top citric acid. After 5 minutes, rinse and get rid of all marks and stains.
  • Citric acid for old stains(of all kinds) will help without using household items. soap - just wipe all dirty places with it, and after an hour, rinse well. It should work.
  • Hydrogen peroxide– gets rid of old stains (various). Soak the towel in peroxide for half an hour and then wash in the usual way.
  • Soda and powder mix in equal proportions, add hot water and place white towels in the solution overnight. Rinse them in the washing machine in the morning and they will be as good as new.
  • Remedy for(for example, Mole) - from stubborn stains. Dissolve 150-200 g of the substance in a glass of water, soak it in this towel and wash quickly.

Using these tips you can get rid of any heavy pollution. One more for last unusual advice– get rid of greasy stains with vegetable oil. Suddenly? Read in more detail and believe me!

Wash kitchen towels
using vegetable oil

It is considered one of the most effective methods for cleaning towels, and every housewife hears about it and just grins. Until he tries it - because it really works.

Take 5-7 liters of boiling water, pour 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, add 2 tbsp. dry bleach and 2 tbsp powder (preferably Automatic). Mix thoroughly and place everything dirty towels into the container. Leave it overnight under a closed lid, and wash it in the morning in any way - in washing machine or by hand (use gloves). Get some clean towels!

What is the secret of this method? Vegetable oil softens all dirt so that it can easily come off the fabric under the influence of powder and bleach.

Now your arsenal of knowledge has been replenished with 15 more secrets on how to wash kitchen towels at home. Such knowledge will never be superfluous, and you can save a lot of money on your home budget if you keep an eye on the towels in the kitchen.

The first point in deciding how to wash kitchen towels is to determine the type of stain. It is not always possible to dip the fabric in hot water or bleach, because this can only make the situation worse. Sometimes soaking and boiling help remove stains.

What should you soak kitchen towels in before washing?

For some fabrics, washing in hot water is prohibited, and colored towels can be completely ruined by chlorine-containing bleaches. If washing kitchen towels without boiling is exactly the case, you should use pre-soaking:

  1. Traces of tomato paste or coffee can be removed by pre-soaking them in salt water (for each liter there is a tablespoon of salt, this method is good for any type of fabric).
  2. Gel or dishwashing liquid works well against grease.
  3. Soaking in a suitable bleach in warm water for a couple of hours is used.
  4. It is easier to wash kitchen towels if you put them in a solution before washing; for light-colored fabrics, it is recommended to add soda to the powder.
  5. Soaking in water with laundry soap and potassium permanganate will help refresh the fabric; the solution should be slightly pink.

At what temperature should I wash kitchen towels?

Not all fabrics can be washed with high temperatures. This can be said about coloring: even the most durable materials They are afraid of hot water, because the drawing becomes pale. Washing of kitchen towels is indicated on. For colored fabrics, it is not recommended to use temperatures above 60°C; white or plain light fabrics can withstand about 95°C. But even such an aggressive method will not guarantee perfect cleanliness.

How to wash very dirty kitchen towels?

Methods for washing kitchen towels with high-quality powders and auxiliary products often solve the problem if used correctly and on time. But this is not always the only way to clean towels. On the kitchen shelves there are budget and effective solutions. Washing kitchen towels can be successful using classic and unexpected means:

  • mustard;
  • sunflower oil;
  • laundry soap and bleach;
  • baking soda and dishwashing liquid.

Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil

A substance that leaves stains on kitchen towels more often than usual has become a salvation from stains. In this matter, it is important to maintain the proportions correctly and not try to increase them. When the task is to refresh kitchen towels, washing with sunflower oil seems like a joke, but, nevertheless, there are several recipes:

  1. A couple of tablespoons of oil are diluted in a five-liter container, and the same amount of mustard powder and vinegar is sent there. Water is heated to 60°C and a solution is prepared, towels are dipped into it and left for 12 hours. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly several times.
  2. There is a recipe for how to wash kitchen towels, where they use washing powder and dry bleach together with oil, adding soda. You will need three tablespoons of each ingredient. All this is diluted in warm water, the towels are kept there all night. Next they are sent to the washing machine.
  3. The third solution includes two tablespoons of bleach and oil, and a glass of washing powder. We will add the ingredients to boiling water. After mixing, bring the water to a boil again and leave the towels in it until it cools completely. All that remains is to rinse the fabric thoroughly.

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave?

Housewives who do not have time for experiments and soaking use simple and effective method. They don’t want to collect laundry all week, but turn on the microwave instead of the washing machine. Washing kitchen towels at home is greatly simplified, and requires minimal time:

  1. A dirty towel is dipped in hot water and thoroughly soaped with laundry soap. You can use laundry soap with a whitening effect or to remove stains.
  2. The prepared towel is placed in a plastic bag. It is important not to tie the package, but only slightly open it.
  3. Washing involves heating a bag with a soapy towel in the microwave for just one and a half minutes.
  4. All that remains is to rinse and dry the towel.

Washing kitchen towels with mustard

Mustard is another well-known way among housewives to remove stains and grease. Mustard powder is used for colored and white fabrics. There are two options for washing kitchen towels using mustard:

  1. For soaking without further boiling, fill the bucket halfway with hot water. Mustard powder is dissolved in it, which was previously mixed with boiling water. 50 g of powder is enough for this amount of water. The towels are soaked for several hours. Next, the textiles need to be rinsed.
  2. Instead of soaking, you can apply a paste of mustard powder directly to the stained area. Next, place the damp towel in the bag and leave overnight. It will be easier to wash in the machine as usual.

Washing kitchen towels with baking soda

Soda is one of the safest and universal remedies from pollution various kinds. Soak towels or apply a creamy mixture to the area with the stain. Experienced housewives have their own recipes for how to remove stains on kitchen towels with soda:

  1. Difficult stains are washed in a machine at high temperatures; a few tablespoons of soda are poured directly into the washing powder compartment.
  2. Soda ash with washing powder will solve the problem of how to wash kitchen towels: leave the towels in the prepared hot solution until the morning, all that remains is to run the machine with kitchen textiles as usual.

How to wash kitchen towels with “White”?

Using bleach has its own nuances. Just pouring it on the stains is not enough, sometimes it only worsens the situation. Before washing old kitchen towels with bleach, you need to freshen them in the usual way. washing machine. Otherwise, the stains will only stick to the fabric.

  1. Whiteness is added to boiling water and cotton towels are dipped into it. This is not a problem for white fabrics, but colored fabrics will be damaged by such cleaning.
  2. It is advisable to boil in a white enamel bowl. It is important that there are no chips or rust on it, otherwise the towels will completely deteriorate.

Detergent for washing kitchen towels

There are no special products for washing kitchen towels as such, but there are chemical industry products that actually work. It's about using familiar tools in a new way. There are radical methods for washing colored kitchen towels if the others simply did not help:

  1. Silicate glue can be used to remove old and stubborn stains. It is dissolved in boiling water along with washing powder. For three liters of boiling water, add a tablespoon of glue and powder, stir well and boil the towels in this mixture for about half an hour. It is important to rinse the fabric thoroughly.
  2. Hair shampoo will deal with fruit stains. The fabric is pre-soaked in hot water. Next, apply shampoo and leave for an hour. Wash as usual. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Housewives even fight difficult stains with the help of “Mole” type powders. This is an extreme and radical measure, but the method works. The powder is diluted in two glasses of hot water and soaked in a towel, then washed in the usual way.

Perhaps the kitchen is the most visited and in demand place in the house. It is here that work is constantly in full swing: food is prepared, dishes are washed, preparations are made for holidays and simple family events. This means that we cannot do without fighting constant contamination, especially on kitchen towels, these indispensable helpers for every housewife. It is very difficult to get rid of stains of grease, dirt, juices, and coffee. But we will help you get your kitchen towels clean and fresh again.

Types of towels and types of their stains

It is best to use towels for the kitchen made from short-haired materials with good absorbency: cotton, linen or bamboo. Nowadays fabric mixes are popular, for example, a mixture of linen and cotton. These towels are very durable and hygroscopic, almost do not fade and are wash-resistant.

In our kitchens you can often see the following towels:

  • terry - soft, fluffy thread towels different densities and colors;
  • waffle - made from linen and cotton by special weaving of threads, creating a waffle-shaped pattern;
  • stuffed towels;
  • special paper kitchen towels.

The last option is disposable. This towel does not need to be washed; it is thrown into the trash bin after use. And we'll talk about the other types.

Choose kitchen towels made from soft, absorbent fabric

Terry towels are very soft, pleasant to the touch and wipe away water and dirt well. But on the other hand, it is precisely this property that makes such towels not best choice for working in the kitchen: terry fabric accumulates and reliably colonizes microbes, and besides, it takes a long time to dry. Caring for such a towel will be tedious. Therefore, experts recommend cotton and linen, in particular, very comfortable waffle napkins.

Preventive measures

The kitchen is not a bedroom or a living room; here spots await you at every turn. If you use this place for its intended purpose - cooking, eating, cleaning - then the question of washing towels will arise regularly. You will encounter stains from:

  • fat;
  • dirty water;
  • juices;
  • berries;
  • coffee and tea;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • blood after cutting meat or fish;
  • mold.

Add to this unpleasant odors, which also need to be gotten rid of. Some of these stains can be easily removed by simply rinsing the towel in running water with a little soap. But most of them will require persistence and resourcefulness on your part.

Grease stains are the most common stains on kitchen towels.

It turns out that our grandmothers knew how to fight such dirt using folk remedies. We will tell you about these simple and reliable ways, as well as more modern methods. But first, here are a few tips to help you prevent too much contamination.

  1. Have several sets of kitchen towels and use them alternately, changing them as often as possible. This way they won't get dirty too much and will last longer.
  2. Kitchen towels white can be boiled using bleach. If they are not very dirty, feel free to wash them with other laundry.
  3. No need to grab the greasy handles of the stove, lids and pans with towels. This will save you the hassle of doing laundry every day. And even more so, you can’t wipe a dirty floor with such towels.
  4. After washing and drying, the towels should be ironed: they will become softer and less dirty.

Let's start washing

If the stains on the towel are deep, boiling is recommended. But we will look at this method later, and now we will tell you how you can do without it. You need to pre-soak the kitchen towels for a while. And this can be done in several ways.

There are many products that can help you get your kitchen towels back clean and fresh.

Using salt when soaking

Pour cold or slightly warm water into a basin and add salt in a ratio of 5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved and place dirty towels there. Depending on the degree of contamination, leave to soak for 1–2 hours or overnight. After this, you can safely wash your towels in the usual way - manually or in an automatic machine.

You can also prepare a water-salt solution at the rate of 0.5 cups of salt for each towel. The next morning, wash them in very hot water.

Dish detergents

These representatives, long familiar to us, household chemicals They do a great job removing dirt from towels. Dilute a little liquid dishwashing detergent in water and soak dirty towels for 10–30 minutes. After this, wash with regular powder. This method will help you easily remove greasy stains from fabric.

If you need to wash white towels, add a few more drops of ammonia to the water when soaking. Then you won't need to use bleach.

By the way, not only dishwashing detergent can help you, but also “MOLE”, which we use to clean water pipes. Pour 200–250 g of this substance into a bucket with some warm water, put dirty towels there and leave for about a day. Stir the contents of the bucket from time to time. Then rinse and wash as usual. This way you will get rid of not only stains, but also odor.

The product 'MLE' will help you wash towels

Laundry soap

This remedy is time-tested, it is known to everyone and has never let anyone down. Laundry soap will rid your towels of grease, yellowness and unpleasant odors. Wet the towels thoroughly and thoroughly rub them with laundry soap containing at least 72% fatty acids. Place them in a plastic bag, tie it so that air does not pass inside and leave for a day. After this, simply rinse the towels.

Dry mustard

This product will help thoroughly clean and disinfect your kitchen towels. Take mustard powder and dilute it in hot water to the consistency of sour cream. Wet the towels and apply the resulting mixture to them. Leave for several hours or overnight, then wash and rinse.

A woman’s life in the kitchen – and there’s no other way to describe her walk from the stove to the sink and back – has become much easier and more comfortable with the advent of electric meat grinder, blender, mixer and all sorts of gadgets accompanying these devices.

But even if the kitchen is sparkling clean, there is a magnificent pie on the table, but a washed kitchen towel hangs on a hook near the sink, then the impression of what you see instantly changes. And not in favor of the hostess.

Of course, the easiest way out of this situation is to give the towel a “second life” in the form of a doormat. And in its place hang a new, starched one. Moreover, buying a towel is not difficult now. Tea, not years of widespread shortages.

But if not financial opportunity buy a new kitchen towel every week (which most often happens in the average family), then you need to remember the advice of grandmothers and mothers, rummage through smart books or surf the Internet and stock up on those products that will not only help wash the towels, but also not hurt according to the wallet.

Oddly enough, quite affordable and budgetary means can help bring kitchen towels into divine shape:

  • salt;
  • vinegar or lemon juice;
  • soda (both baking soda and ash);
  • the cheapest washing powder;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • mustard;
  • bleach;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • ammonia (simply ammonia);
  • and, oddly enough, sunflower oil.

But in order to use this or that product for washing kitchen towels or just to remove stains from them, you need to take into account the composition of the fabric, the ease of use of the chosen method, and even individual sensitivity to each of the selected products. After all, if the housewife puts on rubber gloves when washing, but at the same time suffocates due to ammonia fumes, then she is unlikely to enjoy the cleanest kitchen towels.

What towels should be in the kitchen

  • It is best to use waffle or linen towels made of light fabric.
  • It is not advisable to buy kitchen towels with a bright pattern. These towels certainly look impressive. But before the first wash. After all, on the one hand, products made of bright fabric cannot be washed in very hot water, as they will fade. But, on the other hand, towels in warm water simply may not wash.
  • For the kitchen, towels made of light-colored fabric are suitable, but they will not unravel when boiling. For the same reason, synthetic towels are not suitable.
  • You should not buy terry towels for the kitchen. Because with constant use they take a long time to dry, and this causes bad smell. They strongly absorb grease and other kitchen “dirt”, which will be difficult to remove from terry loops.

Of course, you won’t be able to avoid soiling your towels, but you can try to improve the situation if you follow a few rules:

  • Use a kitchen towel to dry only clean dishes.
  • For clean hands there should be another towel hanging. Dry hands that are greasy or simply rinsed while preparing food only with paper towels.
  • Change the kitchen towel at least every 2 days.
  • Do not use it as oven mitts or a rag for wiping the table.
  • If oil, juice or other liquid suddenly gets on a towel, you need to wash the area immediately and not throw it in the dirty laundry basket.

The most affordable ways to wash kitchen towels

No matter how dirty the towels are, they are washed separately from other laundry. White towels are washed at 95°, and colored towels at a temperature not exceeding 60°.

Very often, towels are soaked before washing.

Soaking in saline solution

Per liter cold water take a tablespoon of salt and dissolve it. Then the towels are immersed in water and left for one hour.

After this, the towels are wrung out, placed in the washing machine and washed with your favorite laundry detergent.

By the way, this method is also suitable for kitchen curtains, and for tulle that cannot be washed in hot water or boiled.

Soaking with laundry soap

This method was used by mothers when washing children's white diapers when there were no diapers. After all, after a month or a month and a half, the snow-white diapers became yellow and washed out. Therefore, white towels can also be bleached this way.

Towels are generously soaped with 72% laundry soap, and then immersed in a basin with cold water tinted with potassium permanganate in a pale pink color. Leave for half an hour. Then the towels are rinsed well or washed in a washing machine, adding washing powder.

You can do without potassium permanganate. To do this, the dirty towel is heavily soaped with laundry soap, placed in a plastic bag, tied and left in this position for a day. The next day, rinse the towel well. And if dirt remains, wash it in a washing machine with powder.

Whitening with boric acid

For ten liters of water take two tablespoons boric acid, stir and place already washed towels in this solution. Leave it for a while, and then rinse and dry. Using the same principle, you can bleach towels using hydrogen peroxide (you need to take 30 ml of peroxide per bowl of water).

If there is a fresh grease stain on a kitchen towel...

A fresh oil stain can be significantly reduced if, without thinking twice, sprinkle it with crushed chalk, baking soda or salt and leave for at least half an hour. Then wash in a washing machine with powder.

A fresh stain from beer, ketchup, juice, accidentally left on a towel, should be immediately wiped with undiluted vinegar, and then the towel should be washed.

For better effect You can also pour 200 grams of vinegar into the washing machine and wash it in the same mode as towels.

Before washing, soak towels with greasy stains in water containing vinegar and dishwashing liquid (for one liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of any detergent). Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice, of course, if you don’t mind.

To remove yellow stains from towels, you need to soak them overnight in a mixture of water and vinegar in a 12:1 ratio. And wash it in the morning as usual.

Bleaching with ammonia (ammonia)

To give whiteness to once-white kitchen towels, when machine washing, you need to add one tablespoon of ammonia in addition to the powder itself to the washing powder compartment. And wash as usual.

To remove a stain on a towel, you need to mix ammonia in half with water and pour this liquid onto the stain. After an hour, wash the towel.

Whitening kitchen towels with baking soda

You need to pour four tablespoons of baking soda into the washing powder compartment and wash the towels in the cotton washing mode, that is, at 95°.

Pour washing powder into hot water, add a little soda ash and stir. Soak the towels in this water and leave for several hours. Then squeeze it out, put it in the washing machine and wash. Washing powder can be replaced with laundry soap.

Pour ten liters of water into the tank, add a shaved piece of laundry soap and two handfuls of soda ash or baking soda. Boil already washed towels in this water. This applies to any type of boiling. After all, if you boil dirty towels, some stains may brew and cannot be washed off.

Soaking towels in mustard

A bag of dry mustard should be poured with about a liter of boiling water and stirred. When the mustard settles to the bottom, carefully drain the water. Add mustard water to a bowl of water and place dirty towels. Leave for several hours. Then rinse thoroughly.

How to wash kitchen towels using sunflower oil

This method confirms the old saying: “They knock out a wedge with a wedge.”

Method 1. You need to pour half a glass of washing powder into the zinc tank and pour half a glass sunflower oil. Pour boiling water over and stir. Place towels with greasy stains and tamp down well. Place oppression on top of the towels. The next day, rinse the towels thoroughly or, for greater effect, wash them in the washing machine.

Method 2. Pour 50 grams of washing powder, 30 grams of soda, 20 grams of dry bleach into the tank and add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Pour boiling water over and mix well. Soak the towels in this water and leave for several hours. After that, squeeze them out and wash them in the washing machine as usual.

If the housewife at least occasionally puts these methods into practice, then her kitchen towels will always look like new!

You can use this bleaching method for any towels: both colored and white. The method is intended to remove greasy marks and to rid fabric of yellowness.

For whitening you need to take:

  • 5 l. water;
  • bleach powder 1 tbsp;
  • washing powder 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp..

In Bring to a boil. Add all ingredients, mix. Soak dirty napkins for 10-12 hours. Rinse them afterwards. This procedure makes them brighter. If desired, they can be washed after bleaching to consolidate the effect.

Washing with bleach is the easiest way to whiten napkins, including those with old marks. Use bleach to remove traces of grease and oil. If the products have turned gray or yellowed, or have an unpleasant odor, then bleach will also help. Choose bleaching products without chlorine in their composition: their advantage is that these products do not wear out the fabric. If you often use products containing chlorine, the fabric will quickly become unusable.

For machine washing, choose oxygen-containing bleaches. They are suitable for light and colored napkins.

How to use the product:

  • Wet the towels well;
  • Pour bleach (see the instructions for dosage) into the special compartment of the machine. You can also add washing powder, but it is not necessary;
  • start the car.

Remember that light and colored items should be washed at different times. temperature conditions. Bleach will help rid them of unpleasant odors and will also disinfect them. But it makes no sense to use air conditioners for this: they do not disinfect, but simply mask the unpleasant smell. The products are intended for bath towels, not kitchen towels.

Many housewives collect dirty things to wash them all at once. This should not be done with kitchen items: wash them immediately to prevent stains from being absorbed. Remember that old marks are much more difficult to remove.

Washing with vinegar to combat unpleasant odors

Table vinegar is a universal remedy and very useful in everyday life. One of the secrets of its use is as effective means from an unpleasant odor. There's vinegar on everyone kitchen, so it can be called the first and most available help in the fight against unpleasant smell emanating from kitchen napkins: it helps both from the smell that remains after food, and from the smell of mold, which often occurs if the towel is not properly dried.

Table vinegar 9% is used for processing. There are several ways to combat odor:

  1. To remove an old mark, pour vinegar on it, wait a few minutes, and then wash it off.
  2. To wash the entire napkin, 5 liters warm water add 3 tablespoons of vinegar, soak the napkins for 5 minutes, rinse.
  3. The main purpose of vinegar is to remove mold smell. Place the napkins in the machine and start washing. Pour half a glass of vinegar (or a full glass if the wash is large) into the conditioner compartment. This can be done while washing. The machine will use vinegar as a conditioner, which will remove the smell from the product.

To kitchen napkins served as long as possible, do not use them as potholders: this way they will stay fresh longer and maintain a presentable appearance.

We remove difficult stains with hydrogen peroxide and citric acid

Like vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and citric acid are substances that are widely used in everyday life. They are also suitable for removing difficult marks that even bleach could not cope with.

For example, citric acid copes well with traces of beetroot or tomato juice.

How to use acid:

  1. To begin with, the mark must be washed off with ordinary laundry soap.
  2. If the trace is fresh, then pour in the acid for 5-10 minutes and then rinse; if it is old, then pour the powder for 1 hour. Be careful not to rub the citric acid in with your fingers to avoid getting burned. You should not wash very thin napkins this way.

We use hydrogen peroxide in a similar way: wash the stain, soak it in peroxide, leave for half an hour, and then wash the napkins.

When working with hydrogen peroxide, acid and vinegar, always wear household gloves to protect your hands.

Homemade laundry products

Many available products are suitable for treating kitchen utensils, as they effectively help deal with dirt. In addition to vegetable oil, you can use mustard powder, baking soda, silicate glue, boric acid.

Dry mustard

Please note that we are talking about mustard powder, which can be bought at any supermarket. Be careful: fresh mustard powder bakes strongly, so use it only with household gloves. Mustard also copes with old stains. Mustard powder also helps disinfect napkins and copes well with unpleasant odors.

The easiest way is to use powder to combat stains. To do this, dilute it with hot water into a thick paste, rub it into the mark. If it is old, then leave the napkin for 6 hours.

If you want to wash the entire napkin (to bleach and disinfect), then first wet it well with hot water, and then spread the mustard pulp over it using rubbing movements. Leave the item to soak, then wash it.


Regular salt Suitable for washing colored and light-colored napkins. It helps get rid of coffee stains, as well as traces left from fruits and berries:

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of water. The amount of water depends on the number of towels you need to wash.
  2. Dip napkins into the solution, leave for half an hour, then wash.

Baking soda

Soda can be used to boil white items (if they are heavily soiled or the stains are old), or for washing. To boil accessories, add 1 cup of soda to several liters of water. You need to boil the napkins in this solution.

For hand or machine washing, soda is used as follows: a paste of soda is applied to the marks, left for half an hour, then the items are washed. Or you can soak the napkins in a soda solution and then wash them.

If the stains are complex and cannot be removed, then during machine washing you can add baking soda to the washing powder compartment, and then wash the napkins at maximum temperature.

To combat old stains, you can use soda ash: mix it with washing powder and leave the kitchen items to soak overnight.

Dishwashing liquid

It can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to remove difficult stains. However, you should not often use this method: because of this, the napkins quickly wear out. To remove traces, you can use any detergent. It is simply applied to the stain and left overnight. Then the napkin should be rinsed well and washed in the machine. After the first procedure, the stain may lighten, but not completely disappear: in this case, repeat the procedure twice.

Laundry soap

Using regular laundry soap, you can remove any stains, including drops of grease. Thanks to its high alkali content, soap helps get rid of even old marks. There are several ways to use:

  1. The towel must be thoroughly wetted with water and then soaped generously. Then the product is tightly wrapped in a plastic bag and left for a day. This method is best suited for washing colored napkins. After a day, the towel must be washed.
  2. To combat old stains, you can make a solution of laundry soap and soda. For 1 standard bar of soap (choose 72% soap without fragrances and other additives) take 3 tablespoons of soda. The soap must be grated, mixed with baking soda and added to hot water for washing. The towel is boiled in this solution for half an hour, then washed in the machine. If these are white napkins, then they can be washed using bleach.

Please note that boiling is not the first stage of washing, but the second: it is not dirty towels that are boiled, but pre-washed towels. It is this sequence of actions that helps remove complex and old stains.

Silicate glue

Silicate glue is not the most famous, but very effective method Remove stains from kitchen towels. The glue is used together with washing powder to boil napkins. Boil 3 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of glue and powder, then boil the towels in this solution for half an hour. Afterwards they should be washed immediately. It is very important to wash the napkins immediately after boiling, since it is then difficult to remove the glue from the product.

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