Broadleaf bell: description, cultivation. Meet in your garden different types and varieties of a wonderful bell

Broadleaf bell is a tall herbaceous perennial. Distribution area: European part of Russia, Western Siberia, Caucasus, Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor.


The plant has a powerful branched rhizome. The stem is naked, cylindrical, reaches a height of 70-130 cm.

Source: Depositphotos

Bellflower broadleaf grows well in the shade

The leaves are ovate near the root and sit on a small petiole; lanceolate, petiolate are located along the entire length of the stem.

The flowers are large, each is located in the axil of the leaf. Form a brush. The corolla of the flower can be up to 7 cm long, cone-shaped, the edges are not deeply divided into triangular parts.

On various photos This plant has a different color of flowers: white, light purple and dark purple. Regardless of color, all these plants belong to the same species.

After flowering, a fruit is formed - a box. Seeds are small, oval, Brown color. They ripen at the end of summer.


Wild bellflower plants are not currently used in ornamental gardening. Many new varieties and hybrids have been developed that have larger and brighter flowers.

In early spring, seeds are sown in a container with fertile soil. The first time is tightened with a film or covered with glass. After germination, the glass or film is removed.

Broadleaf bell is grown from seeds by seedlings.

When the seedlings grow up and get stronger, or when 1-2 pairs of true leaves appear, it can be planted in open ground in May, after the return frost has passed.

For planting, sunny or semi-shady areas of the garden are best suited. The plant grows well in the shade.

Another method of reproduction is the division of the rhizome after flowering in autumn or spring.

The plant loves lungs fertile soils without standing water. On clay soils, it is also possible to grow a broad-leaved bell. However, the composition clay soil needs to be improved by adding humus or peat.

The flower responds well to the application of nitrogen fertilizers in the spring to increase green mass, potassium and phosphorus during flowering and seed ripening. You can use complex fertilizers for flowering plants.

The plant is unpretentious, easily propagated. Decorative forms of a hand bell will become decoration of any personal plot.

All bluebells have a diverse appearance and grow in middle lane Russia and in the south of her country. Flowers tolerate heat, low temperatures and various diseases well.. Description of the most the best varieties and short info about the birthplace of growth are given below.

AT modern world there are many bluebells that are grown in garden conditions and delight the grower with their flowers. Now let us dwell in more detail on the varieties of this plant.

peach ( Campanula persicifolia)

Is not perennial variety lives only 2-3 years, after which he dies. It is called Peach-leaved because of its leaf blades, reminiscent of peach leaves. The height of the bush is 100 cm. flowering continues all summer, if carried out on time timely pruning dry shoots. Flowers have different shades:

  • Blue;
  • Purplish blue;
  • White double flowers.

Seed boxes ripen at the end of August. Prefers sunny places.

If in the garden close to the surface of the soil lie ground water, that is, the need for a drainage cushion of fine gravel 10 cm high.

Field or Meadow

Field bells are found, as the name implies, in the wild in the fields and meadows of our country. Bush not high 40 cm. Flowering of a meadow plant lasts all June with lilac flowers.

perennial varieties

All varieties are perennial. And therefore, choosing a place for them in the garden should take this into account.


Separate type There is no garden flower, but any wild or varietal flower can grow in the garden.

Round-leaved (Campanula rotundifolia)

The plant grows tall to a height of 60 cm
. Leaf plates die off at the time of flowering. Flowers blue color bloom in June. This type of bellflower is considered medicinal.

Spreading (Campanula patula)

This plant is native to Caucasian mountains. This plant is two years old and has a herbaceous straight stem, strongly branched, so that it grows in a strongly sprawling bush. Leaf blades are arranged spirally on the stem, have an oblong shape, pointed towards the end of the plate.

Flowers collected in a panicle have a lilac color and, depending on the soil and lighting, sometimes become light. purple hue. Each individual flower has the shape of a funnel consisting of five equal parts. Flowering begins in early June and lasts all summer. It easily propagates by self-sowing, but if there is a desire to collect seeds, then you need to catch the moment of their ripening and shake them out of the flower.

Crowded (Campanula glomerata)

The tall plant has a straight, slightly pubescent stem. Leaf blades change as they grow, young ones are shaped like a pointed heart. In an adult plant, in the second year of its life, eggs similar to sheet plates up to 7 cm long with a width of 3 cm.

Most of the flowers have a bright blue tint and have a standard bell shape.

The winter-hardy plant easily endures winters in Russia.

The plant does not tolerate seasonal heavy rains, and as a result, watered only during times of prolonged drought.

Flowering lasts only one month, but if you cut flowers into bouquets, then flowering continues all summer.

Altai (Campanula altaika)

Perennial with a height of only 25 cm, leaf plates are elongated, green. blue bells small size . Flowering occurs at the end of June and lasts about a month.

Siberian (Campanula sibirika)

The plant is not tall up to 20 cm. With green leaves and lilac bells. Flowering lasts all summer and September.

Bolognese (Campanula bononiensis)

Possesses healing properties, high up to 70 cm, the stem is crowned with pink bells. The lower leaves are rounded, the upper ones are straight and narrow.. Flowering lasts all June.

Rapunzel (Campanula rapunculoides)

Long stems can grow to a meter high. The flower arrow is long and dotted with blue, pink and white bells.. This variety blooms all summer.

Broadleaf (Campanula latifolia)

This tall plant grows up to 130 cm and has tight stems. The lower leaf plates have a rounded shape with small teeth along the edge of the plate. The upper leaves are elongated with a pointed end. Flowers grow from the axils of the upper leaves, and are up to 4 cm long.. The flower brush itself has a height of 20 cm. The flowering of the species lasts two months, starting in early July. Depending on the belonging to the variety, flowers are:

  • purple;
  • Lilac.

He loves the lacy shade of trees and does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Nettle (Campanula trachelium)

This perennial has a bush height of 55 cm. The leaf plates are similar to nettle leaves, for which it got its name. His flowers are both terry and simple forms.. Flowering occurs all summer. It reproduces poorly when dividing the mother bush, has strong frost-resistant qualities.

Propagated almost exclusively by seed.

Rough-haired deer (Campanula cervicaria)

It is also popularly called St. John's wort. The plant grows to a height of one meter and has stiff stems.. The foliage is gray-green in color, the lower leaf plates are more rounded than the upper ones. It blooms with small blue bells in May and June.


This plant can easily be grown on Mauritanian lawns and garden beds, as it does not cause any trouble in caring for oneself.

Landing in open ground

When choosing places in open ground, you need to choose a place where there will be a lacy shadow of a tree and there is no stagnant water. Seedlings are planted in early May or June, when the threat of a return of frost has passed.. There should be plenty of space as bluebell bushes usually grow well.

The bluebell grows well on the eastern slopes.

If there is poor soil on the site, a handful of humus is added to each well. A seedling is placed in the center of the hole and earth is poured around it and compacted with hands.

After planting, water the seedlings well.


To prolong the flowering of bluebells, remove wilted flowers in a timely manner

Any variety of bluebells does not respond well to increased watering, as this can lead to rotting of the plant's root system. Lighting can be quite sunny, but bluebells tolerate light penumbra of trees well..

Fertilize the plant annually in April with mullein infusion or any nitrogen fertilizer.

All top dressings should be applied to moist soil.


The easiest way to propagate bluebells of any variety is with seeds.

Seed propagation in spring

Seeds in early March are planted in containers with lower drainage holes for water flow. The soil is purchased for seedlings or made up by yourself, taking in equal proportions:

  • sod land;
  • leaf ground;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

Seeds are watered and covered to improve seed germination with glass or a transparent bag. When most of the seeds show their spouts from the ground, the shelter is removed., put in a brighter place, but without direct sunlight, so that tender seedlings do not burn out. Further care consists of timely watering and torsion of seedlings relative to the sun.

Maintain good lighting and moderate humidity, otherwise blackleg disease may appear.

Seed propagation in open ground

Seeds are sown in early November or in spring in May in previously prepared land. At the same time, the seeds do not need to be soaked; they are mixed with sand and evenly poured onto the ground. The first shoots appear after 15 days. Further care goes with the help of watering and timely weeding.

If the weather is cold in spring in May, the bell crops are covered with any shelter.

By dividing the bush

Such breeding is carried out at the end of May or at the beginning of September, when the intense heat subsides. The old mother bush is dug up and divided with the tip of a shovel so that each part has growth points and root system. Then they are planted in prepared holes with the addition nitrogen fertilizer and water well. After all the manipulations, the earth around the seedling is compacted by hand, and mulched with straw.

The entire procedure for dividing the bush should be carried out quickly so that the fibrous root system of the plant does not dry out.

Homeland and where it grows now

Homeland are considered to be areas with a temperate climate. AT this moment you can meet him:

  • In Siberia;
  • in the Caucasus;
  • In Asia;
  • In Ukraine.

Prefers to grow on rocky surfaces and mountain slopes. Digitalis

Growing in the garden and in natural conditions

In the garden Bluebell of any kind gets more care than wild, and therefore its flowers can be larger and brighter when grown in garden conditions. Also, the duration of flowering in the garden bell is a month longer.

History and cultural use

This plant in horticulture began to be cultivated in the 16th century. At first, wild species were planted in the garden, but, in the end, botanists brought out plants that were more ornamental than their wild relatives.

At the moment, it is planted very often, decorating various landscape compositions with it. Blooming bluebells look very cute, but this is not the only advantage of flowers. It looks very nice planted as part of the Mauritanian lawn.

The bell strikes with its large quantity varieties with which you can decorate your garden. And at the same time, he needs absolutely no complicated care.

Broad-leaved bell (Campanula latifolia) - over a vast area of ​​its range is characterized by a high level of intraspecific variability.

Geographic distribution. Euro-West Asian, plain-subalpine species, its range covers almost all of Europe, except for the Far North, as well as Western Asia up to the Himalayas. On the territory of Russia, the broadleaf bell is found in all regions of the European part of Russia, with the exception of the Arctic, the Caucasus, Western Siberia in the Middle Urals and in the regions of the southern Cis-Urals; does not cross the mountains to Siberia.

Morphological description. Broadleaf bell is a perennial, herbaceous, polycarpic, short-rhizome plant with a raceme-root system and sympodially regenerating, orthotropic, monocarpic, monocyclic, semi-rosette shoots.

In shady forests, the length of the rhizome system does not exceed 6 cm, and only one generative shoot is formed on it annually (very rarely, two). On the edges and clearings total length the rhizome system increases to 10-15 cm. The depth of the root system does not exceed 15-20 cm, the strike width is 50-60 cm.

Above-ground shoots are orthotropic, rather large, 115-150 cm tall. The stems are green, smooth, rather thick (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), rounded in cross section, with indistinct ribs. Branching is observed only in the area of ​​the inflorescence in well-lit habitats. The leaf arrangement is alternate. Leaves - simple, entire, without stipules, pubescent with soft unicellular hairs; on the surface of the plate, the hairs are concentrated mainly along the veins. Leaf blades ovate-oblong with rounded bases, doubly serrate margin and acute apex.

Inflorescences are fronduleous, racemose, closed, monotelic. The flower is regular, bisexual, with a double perianth, on a pedicel. The teeth of the completely bare calyx are long pointed, widened towards the base, serrate along the edge, shorter than the corolla. The corolla is large (5.0-6.0 cm), bell-shaped or funnel-shaped, blue, almost purple, light blue or even almost white in color with hairs inside the tube and usually with drawn narrowed teeth.

The fruit is a capsule, drooping, oval, with three pores at the base. The seeds of the broadleaf bell are light brown, ovoid, somewhat flattened, 1.6-2.0 mm long and 0.6-1.0 mm wide. The weight of 100 seeds varies from 25 to 42 mg. The endosperm contains a straight colorless dicotyledonous embryo about 1 mm long.

Ontogenesis. Field germination - about 15%. Seed germination is above ground. The main root appears first, and then in air environment a shortened rosette-type shoot is deployed. The cotyledons are light green, ovoid (4-6 mm long and 3-4 mm wide) with a notch at the top of the plate and petioles up to 2.5-3.0 mm long. The rosette shoot of seedlings has 2-3 long-petiolate (2-3 cm) leaves, pubescent with sparse unicellular hairs.

The root system is mixed. The main root occupies a leading position and reaches a length of 15 cm. In the second year, as a rule, an elongated shoot develops from the apical bud. It can be generative or remain vegetative (an escape with an incomplete development cycle). In the conditions of the nursery, individual individuals bloom in the 2nd year of life, and a massive transition to the generative period is observed in the 3rd-4th year.

AT natural conditions this species passes into the generative period not earlier than the 7-10th year of life.

Methods of reproduction and distribution. The broadleaf bell is characterized by both seed and vegetative reproduction. Within established populations, individuals reproduce mainly as a result of branching and subsequent particulation of rhizomes. Penetration of the species into new habitats occurs exclusively by seed.

Ecology. Broadleaf bell is not very picky about moisture and grows on relatively rich soils.

Phytocenology. Broadleaf bell grows in deciduous, mixed, dark coniferous forests and on the edges. Reacts sharply negatively to trampling and related mechanical damage above-ground shoots, renewal buds and soil compaction.

Consortative Relationships and Biological Productivity. Broadleaf bell is an entomophilous plant. Insects (bumblebees, bees and flies) are attracted to nectar and pollen. Cows, goats and sheep quite willingly eat its young shoots.

Economic importance and species protection. The shoots of the broad-leaved bell during the flowering period are very decorative and intensively break off into bouquets. Since the middle of the 16th century, it has been used in decorative floriculture for group plantings. It belongs to the group of honey plants and perganos; used for feed for cattle and small cattle.

Roots, young shoots and leaves are edible. The leaves contain a large number of vitamin C. In the aerial part, saponins and alkaloids were found, as well as a small amount of rubber - up to 0.5% in stems and roots and up to 1% in leaves (Karyagin, 1936).

The broadleaf bell is protected almost throughout its range.

Literature: V.P. Viktorov. Biological flora of the Moscow region. Issue. 13. Moscow, 1997

The bell is nettle-leaved, peach-leaved, crowded, like other types of this tall herbaceous plant, are very popular among flower growers today. Some of the bluebell species grow in both natural and cultural conditions. For example, such plants include broadleaf bell, the cultivation of which has been known for several hundred years. What is attractive plant for flower growers? Did the cultivation of the plant affect the preservation of the species in nature? These are questions that concern not only environmental scientists, but also everyone who is not indifferent to the preservation of the natural balance on the planet.

Description of the species

The broadleaf bell, the description of which is given below, is a herbaceous perennial, in some cases a biennial or annual plant. Its height is from sixty to one hundred and twenty centimeters. The species is distinguished by thickened lateral roots that look like a spindle, as well as a powerful rhizome.

The stem of the plant is naked, has the shape of a cylinder. At the top, the shoot has the shape of an obtuse angle.

The broadleaf bell is distinguished by oblong leaves resembling an egg in shape, serrated along the edges, pointed. On both sides, the leaves are covered with a sparse soft fluff. The upper leaf plates differ significantly in their appearance from the lower ones.

Broadleaf bell has racemose inflorescences. The flowers are large, purple. White flowers are rare.

The fruit is capsule-shaped with three pores at the base. The seeds are flattened, light brown in color, ovoid in shape.

Bellflower, growing in natural conditions, is resistant to pests and diseases.

Plant propagation

The preferred method of propagation is by seed. When ripe, they spill out of the box while the stems sway in the wind. Seedlings will appear on next year spring. Sometimes the seeds germinate only in the second or third year.

The ability of the plant to self-seeding allows it to be classified as a weed. Although young shoots are easily removed from the soil and do not cause much trouble to gardeners.

Places of distribution, growing conditions

Broadleaf bell is found in Europe, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor, Himalayas, Altai.

Widely distributed in broad-leaved, dark coniferous, mixed forests. Often found along river banks. Bluebell thickets can be found among subalpine forbs.

The plant prefers shady areas with moist rich soils, but does not tolerate waterlogging. The lack of moisture is experienced painlessly, so it is often found in open sunny places.

Saving a View

Human economic activity is not always thoughtful. Grazing, collection medicinal plants, cultivation of virgin lands and many other human activities can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Like many other herbaceous plants, it does not tolerate mechanical impact and broadleaf bell. The Red Book has pages where some species of this seemingly common plant are listed. Until recently, the Carpathian bell was widespread in the Carpathians. Today it is endangered. Breeding and conservation work gives hope for the preservation of this type of bluebell.

Where is the broadleaf bell used

The plant is used by flower growers as an ornamental planting. It is most often seen in group landings. Also used by florists for making bouquets. As cultivated plant cultivated since 1576.

The leaves and roots of the broadleaf bell contain the carbohydrate inulin.

Leaves and roots are edible. For eating, it is recommended to take the root of plants whose age does not exceed two years. Older roots are so hard that they are not suitable for cooking.

Varietal and species diversity

Today, scientists know about three hundred types of bluebell. Most natural forms are successfully transferred to gardens, flower beds, and parks. Plants are decorative, do not require big care. But they do not differ in a wide variety of colors.

For several centuries, the bell has been the object of research by breeders. One of its species was no exception - this is a broad-leaved bell flower. Scientists have developed a large number variety of varieties this plant.

The most popular are such as "Alba", "Brantwood", "Makranta" and many others. These forms have large inflorescences, characterized by a variety of shades of color.

Bell broad-leaved "White Alba" has a rare for this species White color petals, which makes the plant surprisingly unusual. It cannot go unnoticed in the landing sites.

Variety "Makranta" is distinguished by an unusually large size of the inflorescence and a rich dark purple color of the petals.

Plants are easily propagated by dividing the bush. Natural forms of the plant prefer the seed method of distribution.

Bell broad-leaved Carpathian

Mountain types of bluebells are very popular. Broad-leaved Carpathian is one of them. The plant is valued for its short stature, compactness of the bush. This makes it possible to grow the plant on Alpine rollercoaster and stony soils.

Available varietal diversity species - White Star, White Alba, Blue Celestina, Isabelle and many others. The positive characteristic is that the plant gives abundant self-seeding. In addition, it is easy to propagate vegetatively.

Bushes grow rapidly, forming dense thickets. Flowering is possible already in the first year of sowing. Usually the Carpathian bell pleases with flowers from May to September, which is important for decorative design flower garden.

The fragility of the plant is one of its shortcomings. After two or three years, the bell dies, so regular updating of plantings is required. Excessive fertilization also leads to rapid aging of the bush and a decrease in its winter hardiness.


Under natural conditions, the broadleaf bell is distributed by seeds. Florists also use this method of reproduction of the species. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in early spring. The plant is planted in the flower bed when the threat of frost has passed. The bell, planted by seedlings, blooms the next year.

Seeds can be sown directly into the ground, but at different times. May or June is suitable for most regions of Russia.

Let's also vegetative way reproduction of the bellflower broadleaf. The division of the rhizome is one of them. For these purposes, it is not necessary to dig up the entire plant. With a garden shovel, the desired part of the rhizome is separated and transplanted to the prepared area.

The method of cutting green stems for the purpose of plant propagation is rarely used, since it does not good result. But experienced flower growers successfully apply it.

    top dressing with complex fertilizers is necessary during growth;

    moderate regular watering has a beneficial effect on the development of the plant;

    after flowering, it is necessary to remove the inflorescences;

    some varieties for the winter require shelter.

Cultivars of broadleaf bellflower may be susceptible to some diseases. One of them is powdery mildew. It affects the plant in the second half of summer in cool rainy weather.

For young plants, aphids and slugs can become dangerous pests. Conventional means are used to combat them.
