How to prepare drilling mud for hydro drilling. Do-it-yourself well drilling. What is the best place to start

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A budget option for manufacturing an autonomous source of water supply is a do-it-yourself well without equipment for several existing technologies. This refers to ways to do without renting a drilling rig. However, the home master will still need some equipment and tools.

Making a well without do-it-yourself equipment

Purpose, nuances of the device

Compared to a well, the well has smaller dimensions, allowing you to save workspace site. The mouth of the source is sealed much easier, precipitation and dirt do not get inside. No need to take out a large number of soil, remove it from the construction site.

A well is being built with your own hands without equipment in several ways:

  • by washing the soil with water;
  • extraction of rock with a hand drill auger;

  • flushing - usually 2 - 3 buckets are pumped out very dirty water, then comes 1 - 2 cubes of liquid with sand, after which the quality is normalized;

Advantages of the method:

  • low construction budget - purchase of a drill + production of rods with locks for extension;
  • penetration rate - the auger is an Archimedes screw, along which the soil independently moves up.

When choosing a drill with replaceable blades, labor costs increase sharply. After a few revolutions, the tool must be raised to shake off the rock. Anyway House master can do without helpers. The disadvantages of the technology are:

  • complex vertical positioning;
  • numerous descents/ascents.

Tooling diameter hand drills limited to 40 cm, if desired, you can find 50 cm screws, which are produced by 3 - 4 manufacturers of the Russian Federation. This sharply limits the diameter of the casing string, allowing low-power submersible pumps to be lowered into it.

Useful advice! As soon as the drill reaches the aquifer, the soil ceases to linger on the auger and blades. Further penetration is carried out by flushing, for which water under pressure is supplied to the bottomhole.

Abyssinian well-needle

There is a method for constructing a water intake source without excavation. A hole in the ground is made by compacting the adjacent rocks by driving a small diameter pipe. That is, the working tool after reaching the aquifer simply becomes a casing string.

Therefore, all the necessary equipment is mounted on the pipe before driving:

A well is made with a do-it-yourself needle without equipment, but a special tool is needed - a headstock. For Abyssinian well no need for a tripod, auger, flush pump. However, impact penetration with a sledgehammer flattens upper part pipes, so a different scheme is applied:

  • a traveling block is attached to the very top of the pipe with clamps;
  • ropes / cables are attached to the headstock, thrown over the pulleys of the block to different sides.

After that, one or two workers simultaneously lift the headstock up to the traveling block, release the rope. The headstock hits the site, the pipe is driven into the ground, the operation is repeated until the site is near the ground. Then the pipe is built up, the bollard and traveling block rise higher.

Despite the low construction budget (5-7 thousand rubles), the technology has some disadvantages:

  • difficulties in finding a headstock, a support platform or making these devices with your own hands;
  • polymer pipes cannot be used for impact drilling, steel pipe has less resources.
Useful advice! If necessary, you can fix the bollard with clamps on the pipe, pull out the column with jacks to clean or replace the filter, check valve.

Bait drilling

In addition to the above methods, a well can be made with your own hands without equipment using the bailer method, which is also called shock-rope drilling.

For this, a sequence of operations is used:

  • a tripod - 1.5 - 2 m high is mounted on the mouth, a traveling block is fixed in the upper part;
  • drilling - the bailer is lifted by a cable to the traveling block, released, falls to the ground, filled with rock, after removing the earth, the operation is repeated.

The bailer is made of a pipe, the lower edge of which is pointed (chamfer) or has teeth to destroy the formation. Inside, a round plug is installed on the hinge in the size of the inner diameter of the pipe. When hitting the ground, the plug opens on a hinge; when removed, it closes under the weight of the soil that has accumulated inside.

On dense soils, after the impact, the pipe is additionally rotated by levers welded or passed through the holes. This improves productivity and reduces labor costs.

Useful advice! The main advantage is the ability to extract the rock when it reaches the aquifer. The well is deeper, which provides a greater flow rate than with manual drilling.

The disadvantage of the technique is the need to purchase a thick-walled pipe 1–1.5 m long. Since drilling efficiency depends on the severity of the tool.

There are several ways to penetrate the soil in depth. From the point of view of expediency, the method of hydrodrilling water wells, implemented by oneself, raises a number of questions, although in some cases it gives good result and significantly reduces the time for independent work. This article will help those who have decided to prepare the trunk for further arrangement of the source in this way.

Feature of hydrodrilling technology

In fact, this is a complex work that combines the processes of direct drilling and soil softening. The soil is affected not only by the tool, but also by the pressure of the liquid, and the soil is washed out to the surface after destruction. Work can be significantly accelerated by adding an abrasive to the pressure water (for example, quartz sand), hunting shot (steel balls) or something similar. This will significantly increase the efficiency of crushing hard segments (layers, pieces) of soil.

  • The compactness of the equipment, therefore, the possibility of drilling in a limited segment, without the risk of damage to the developed area.
  • High speed technological operations and reducing their number.
  • You will have to spend a little on mechanization, since a home-made drill, even with a small depth of penetration, is clearly not enough.

Necessary equipment

drilling rig

For a shallow well, a small one is sufficient (abbreviation - MBU). It does not make sense to buy it, because after the completion of the work, the equipment will no longer be in demand on the farm, because it performs only very specific operations. Who cares about the price, you can specify the minimum cost of the simplest models - about 100,000 rubles (15 "horses", the drilling depth is not more than 90 - 100 m, and then, under certain conditions, and not with every tool).

Conclusion - it is more expedient to rent an MBU. Data on the cost of such a service is different, but using the installation during the day will cost about 8,000 - 10,000 rubles. Considering that the whole process will take no more than 2.5 - 3 days, then in any case it is much more profitable. The figure shows one of these compact models.

It should be borne in mind that not all MBUs in their composition have a pressure device. You may have to either purchase or rent a motor pump separately. Gasoline models, which are suitable not only for pumping out dirty water, but for supplying liquid under the required pressure, cost from 28,000 rubles, diesel ones are even more expensive. approximate price"Rental" - from 650 to 1,000 rubles / day.

Water supply

In order not to waste time searching for it during work (additionally), you should count on approximately 15 m³. This is quite enough, since it will not be possible to drill a deep (artesian) well with your own hands, therefore no one will do it. Focusing on such a volume, you will have to select tanks - by capacity and quantity.

If the well is planned to be small, then proceed in this way. Near the place of the proposed drilling, "pits" are made. They are in the form of trays, dug directly into the ground and connected by an overflow chute (trays). The water necessary for pumping into the pit is loaded into them. The dimensions of the "pits" are chosen arbitrarily, based on required quantity washing solution.

What to consider when drilling

Soil characteristics

Not only the choice of tools (drills), but also the expediency of using this technology depends on this. Since it is associated with the washing out of the rock under pressure, then on rocky soils it is pointless to do this, and it is better to resort to another technique.

The configuration and depth of the water reservoir

Operating procedure

General algorithm of actions. A specific list of activities is determined individually, taking into account local specifics.

Preparation of the drilling site

It consists in cleaning and leveling the soil for the further installation of the MBU and the placement of containers for the washing liquid.

Assembly and leveling of the plant

The last one is very significant. If the tool goes into the ground at least at a slight angle, then under such conditions, drilling will not last long, and the installation of casing elbows will be significantly complicated.

Placement of technological tanks

If it is possible to replenish water supplies (for example, from the water supply system), then this is taken into account when choosing a place. The length of the connecting sleeve "reservoir - barrel" is also taken into account.

Feature - you need to take into account that the liquid coming from the barrel must go somewhere. When the well is pumped (but it will be later, after drilling and installation of casing pipes), it is simply diverted. In this case, the water enters the same place - into the container (“pit”), that is, it circulates in a circle. Therefore, the first tank after the MBU performs the function of a filter, that is, it cleans the process fluid from large fractions. During the drilling process, it is periodically cleaned.

water pump

The point of its location is determined by the ease of use and all the same linear parameters of the hoses. One - in the tank, the other - to the MBU.

On a note! All the nuances of connections, assembly production line specified in the instructions for a specific drilling rig.

Everything else is quite simple. The drill "bites" into the ground, and the motor pump supplies the prepared liquid, which strengthens the walls of the pit and at the same time cools the working tool.

If a this technology compared with the “dry” drilling method, in which you have to periodically remove the tool from the pit (along with the soil), clean it, load it back, then the advantages are obvious.

If only water is pumped into the trunk, then, firstly, it will be absorbed into the ground. When working on sandstones, it is very intensive, so even large reserves of it may not be enough. Secondly, the liquid will begin to partially destroy the walls of the pit.

It is more expedient to pump in a clay solution, which is easy to prepare with an electric drill and a butterfly nozzle (about 185 - 205 rubles; sold in any specialized store). By consistency, it should resemble kefir. Such preparation gives a double effect - the walls are strengthened, and the fluid flow is reduced.

The soil is heterogeneous over the entire depth, and in the process of sinking, the tool encounters its various layers. Based on their composition, the "recipe" of the technological solution should be adjusted.

It should not be forgotten that reaching the aquifer is not yet the “crown” of all work. After drilling is completed, it is necessary to produce the so-called "buildup" of the well,.

Water interruptions or poor quality- a common occurrence for small towns and villages. Therefore, the owners of private houses are insured against possible troubles and drill their own well. In the conditions of a built-up area, the choice of wells is small - only shallow ones, on sand, since they do not require bulky equipment and powerful equipment that can transfer all green spaces. Especially popular are drilling methods using water. Let's consider how it is beneficial to do-it-yourself hydro-drilling of wells and on what soils it is carried out.

The main element in do-it-yourself hydro-drilling of wells is a hollow rod. At its end, a burner is welded - a sharp tip with notches, due to which the destruction of the soil occurs. By using small installation the barbell with the burner is forced to rotate, gradually deepening into the ground. Water is used to wash out the rocks destroyed in the mine well to the surface. Rather, they do not use clean water, and its solution with bentonite (a special kind of clay). During the washing process, clay particles stick to the walls of the shaft and strengthen them, preventing them from collapsing.

The drill is connected to a hollow rod by a thread, which allows water to flow down the tool unhindered and cool it during operation, which allows water to flow down the tool unhindered and cool it during work

The dirt squeezed to the surface is collected in a dug-out sludge pit, where solid rocks settle to the bottom, and the purified liquid flows into the next sludge pit. From there, it is again taken to wash the mine from destroyed soil, i.e. it turns out a cyclical process. No wonder this liquid is called recycled water.

For drilling a well up to 30 meters, 5-15 cubic meters of water is enough.

Advantages of such hydrodrilling:

  • a well can be created in hard to reach place(even in the basement);
  • not as much as with standard hydraulic drilling, mud;
  • fast work speed.

Rotary technology is good for creating wells up to 50 meters.

High pressure hydro drilling

It differs from the first option in that the soil is washed out without destroying it with a drill. They simply give a very strong pressure of the liquid, which simultaneously stratifies the rocks and washes them to the surface of the earth. Pressure hydraulic drilling is considered the simplest and most understandable for a non-professional driller. The main thing is to prepare pits for the drilling fluid, the solution itself (water + hydrochloric acid in a ratio of 1:20 thousand) and casing pipes, which must be lowered immediately after the discovery of the aquifer. If this is not done, the well will be immediately washed out, and the procedure will have to be repeated. Hydrochloric acid is needed as a prophylactic, it does not allow the aquifer to be polluted.

Slag receivers need to be dug deep so that solid rocks settle at the bottom and do not rise when the liquid is re-sampled

Using this method the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Only suitable for hydrodrilling loose soils consisting of sandy, sandy or loamy layers.
  • The maximum depth to which the soil can be washed with water is 15 meters.
  • If there are layers of Jurassic clay in the ground, water will not break through them, as they are very hard.
  • The presence of quicksand in the ground will significantly increase water consumption, and the drilling speed will decrease due to incoming sand.
  • After installing the casing, the voids outside the pipe must be cemented, deepening at least 3 meters from the ground level. This will protect the mine from the ingress of perched water and melt water.

Before drilling with this method, it is worth knowing exactly the geological composition of the lands in your area, otherwise the work may not be successful.

Flush drilling

Rotary drilling can be attributed to hydrodrilling for only one reason - the destroyed soil from the deep layers is washed out with drilling fluid. This method is indispensable on rocky and limestone soils, where a well cannot be punched in any other way. The main "destroyer" is a cone bit, which sets the drilling rig in motion. In the conditions of a habitable area, small-sized structures such as TM-80 are used.

Small-sized drilling rigs can work even in cramped conditions, next to buildings, plantings

The complexity of the rotary method lies in the fact that the bit is rotated by an internal combustion engine, and it needs a significant load from above to make it heavier. It is problematic to recreate these conditions with your own hands. It's easier to call professionals with everything necessary equipment and experience in such work.

Water in rotary drilling helps to cool the bit, protecting it from overheating and rapid wear.

Types of soil washing

Rotary drilling uses direct and reverse flushing of the soil. Each has its own advantages.

direct flush

For private households, direct flushing is almost always offered. The point is that the drilling fluid is poured into the drill rods, from where it flows down, cooling the bit along the way, and mixes with the destroyed rocks. Due to the force of water pressure, this mass is forced to seek its way out through the free space between the drill pipe and the shaft wall. So, through the annulus, the solution with the rocks flows back out of the well and enters the sludge receiver prepared for it.

The drilling fluid is most often fed into the pipe by a pump or a motor pump, and the more powerful they are, the faster the drilling process will go.

Technology advantages:

  1. Costs less than backwash.
  2. Due to the narrow section of the pipe, the drilling fluid acquires high speed and force, which accelerates the process of soil destruction.
  3. Using a clay solution, it is possible to fasten and make the walls of the mine more stable on loose or loose rocks (clay clogs the pores, cements the wall).
  1. When using clay drilling fluid, it does not allow 100% to open the aquifer, while maintaining the filtration properties of rocks in the bottomhole zone. Therefore, in areas with hard rocks it is better to use clean water for washing.
  2. If a well is drilled with a large diameter, a lot of flushing fluid and a strong motor pump are required to flush all the slag from the bottomhole.

Important! If during drilling there are layers of loose, loose rocks that alternate with limestone or stones, it is necessary to alternately use water and mud for flushing, taking into account the passable on this moment formation.

This flushing method is distinguished by the fact that the fluid flows by gravity into the well through the annulus, and rises to the surface along with the slag through the internal cavity of the drill pipes.

Due to the high water velocity, backwashing is considered more effective for core removal than direct flushing.

  1. When backwashing, the wells maintain the maximum flow rate, and the aquifer is opened more efficiently.
  2. Due to the high speed of liquid exit, even large slags are removed from the bottomhole.
  3. Increases the life of the well.
  4. It makes it possible to create mines with a large diameter, so in the filter zone it is possible to make gravel filling thicker and reduce the likelihood of well sanding.
  1. The technology is more expensive, since it is necessary to seal the wellhead and equip the drill pipe with a special stuffing box. It should supply the drilling fluid only upwards, without passing it back into the well.
  2. On quicksand or other water-absorbing horizons, the quality of slag cleaning is low.

Video: working with a drilling rig

From right choice the method of hydrodrilling will depend on the main indicators of your well: flow rate, water quality, service life. Therefore, when carrying out work on your own, it is better to check with specialists in advance which drilling method will be effective on your soil.

Do-it-yourself well drilling is carried out on sandy, clay or loamy soils. It is useless on rocky soils.

Drilling a well is expensive and energy-intensive, especially if special equipment is involved, and after the work is completed, the site has to be put in order for a long time. The cost of work may decrease when using the hydrodrilling method.

What are the advantages of the method

There are more than ten ways for. It is possible to destroy rocks high temperature, chemicals, which include special additives or mechanical action.

When drilling a well, the energy of the fluid is used. Under a certain pressure, a working solution is fed into the hole. With its help, soil is washed out of the well, which is then brought to the surface.

Tip: You can increase the effect of the method used by adding steel shot to the liquid.

Advantages of hydrodrilling:

  • Short process time.
  • It doesn't take much effort to work.
  • Relatively low cost of water extraction method.
  • There is no need to attract specialists and pay for the work of equipment.
  • For effective work a small drilling rig is required.

What equipment and tools are used for hydrodrilling

The main tool for drilling a well is.

The MBU includes:

  • Frame - a collapsible frame structure, an engine and a winch are mounted on it. Drill pipes are also installed on the frame in a vertical position.
  • The engine generates torque on the boom and winch.
  • The swivel provides a "sliding" fastening of the working parts of the MBU.
  • The working elements include drill rods and a drill head.

Assistive devices and tools include:

  • A set of hoses that connect the swivel and pump.
  • A set of fittings, they provide the assembly of the pipeline supplying drilling fluid.
  • A pump with an engine that injects clay suspension into the drilling zone.
  • Manual tool for mounting the structure: adjustable wrench, manual clamp, transfer plug.
  • Electric generator, to power the winch, winch, with a lifting capacity of up to two tons.

In addition, to equip the source, it is necessary to purchase, and to build up the well, a pump.

How to install MBU

The order of work is as follows:

  • Main assembly in progress metal structure. In this case, the instructions must be strictly followed.
  • The pits are being made - technological excavations. They must be 1.5 meters away from the rig and contain drilling fluid for hydro-drilling.

Tip: When installing the MBU, it is necessary to prepare two pits: the main pit and the filter pit.

  • A filter pit is located near the drilling rig. Its depth, width and length are up to 0.7 meters.
  • The main pit is located a little further and communicates with the filter pit through a shallow trench. The length, width and depth of the device is approximately one meter.
  • A water pump is installed behind the main pit. The hose from the inlet of which goes to the main pit, and the supply hose is lowered from the outlet to the drilling rig.
  • By means of a rod, this element is connected to the swivel. Drilling fluid will flow into the well through it.
  • After working out from the well, drilling fluid will begin to get into the sump-filter. Here, the soil from the well will settle to the bottom, and the drilling fluid will enter the main pit and can again be used during the operation of the drilling rig.

Tip: The composition of the drilling fluid is taken depending on the type of soil for drilling. When the type of soil changes during well construction, the drilling fluid also changes.

How to drill a well

In the process of hydraulic drilling, the soil is softened by a special washing liquid in the place where the drill is deepened. For flushing, ordinary process water is taken.

This is done to reduce the friction force of the drill on the ground, which makes it possible to obtain a high-speed and energy-efficient arrangement of the structure. It is known that liquefied soil is much easier to “drill” than a compacted, super-dense horizon.

The work process is as follows:

  • The drilling rig is being installed. A frame is assembled on the site, an engine, a winch and a swivel are attached to it. Then the first knee of the drill rod is assembled, at the lower end of which there is a head. With a winch, it is pulled up to the swivel and fixed in this knot.

Tip: The connection of the elements of the drill rod is made on the thread. For this, a trapezoidal or tapered thread. The tip of the drill is made in the form of a chisel or petals. With the help of MBU, you can drill a well up to 50 meters.

  • Not far from the drilling site, a network of pits is dug out, which are square depressions measuring one meter per meter, interconnected by trays - special trenches.
  • Drilling fluid is poured into the pits. This is a clay suspension, consisting mainly of industrial water. It is poorly absorbed by the soil. The suction hose coming from the motorized pump also goes down here.
  • A constant flow of fluid in the drilling zone is provided by the pressure hose of the pump connected to the swivel.
  • As a result, clay suspension polishes the walls of the shaft, it also cools the drill head, and softens the soil at the drilling site.
  • AT this case energy costs are minimal, and the advantages are: increased drilling speed; reduction in head wear.

MBU drilling occurs in the following order:

  • A gearbox, an engine and a swivel slide along the frame on the bracket, gradually deepening the drill rods into the ground.
  • From the remote control, the speed of rotation of the drill is regulated.
  • Then, after deepening to the design mark of the rod, the engine, swivel and gearbox mounted on the bracket are lifted up by the winch, and a new elbow is screwed to the end of the threaded rod. The drilling rig is shown in the photo.

  • This happens before the drill reaches the calculated depth.
  • With the help of a calibrating bracket, fixed on the frame at the lower end, the rod is centered.
  • The bracket has round hole, into which one end of the rod is inserted.
  • The second end is included in the swivel.
  • By adjusting the deviation of the frame from the vertical and horizontal, the drilling angle is set.

How casing pipes are installed in a well

Work order:

  • After reaching aquifers technical water is pumped into the well, which softens the soil near the mine shaft.
  • The winch pulls the drill rod out of the well. At the same time, everything is gradually unwinding threaded connections located at the junctions of constituent elements.
  • After dismantling the rod, the first casing plunges into the well. In this case, the end of the pipe is held by a winch. The walls of the first pipe are covered with perforation, and then they are wrapped with a geofabric, such as a filter membrane.

Tip: It is better to seal the joints with electrofusion couplings or a silicone sealant.

  • The final stage is the docking of the source with the water supply.

A little about well repair

Or why you can’t do the repair yourself, but entrust it to professionals?


  • The main reason for a well to go out of operation is most often filter clogging, or sand compaction in the pipeline due to irregular use of water.
  • You can get a dirty filter yourself and clean it, but if the reason is in the pipe, then you need effective methods specialists.
  • They flush the well under the pressure of water. Why is water pumped into a pipe high pressure and the dirt is carried out. An uncontrolled splash of dirty liquid can occur, which does not please the people doused with it, and this is considered a disadvantage of this method.
  • The pipe is cleaned by air flow, with the same principle of operation, but this method may damage the filter, which is also undesirable.
  • remains the most acceptable safe way– pumping out with a pump for dirty liquid. The filter is not damaged, there is no dirt around.
  • It is possible to pour special food acids into the well, which have the ability to quickly restore the well. The process is simple, the acid is poured, the well remains with it for some time, then the dirty liquid is pumped out.
  • High cleaning efficiency - explosion in the wellbore. But it can happen, like the pharmacist in The Elusive Avengers, when he shifted the explosives, so here, you can damage not only the filter, but also the pipe.

How to make hydrodrilling wells is clearly visible in the video. This article invites you to familiarize yourself with general provisions about hydro drilling.

Drilling a well with a hydraulic drill will describe the pitfalls that they stumbled upon, all the jambs when creating a hydraulic drill with their own hands. It was my very first drilling experience, I didn’t take any lessons from anyone, everything is on own experience which was not easy.

A little theory: everything seems to be easy along the rod, water is supplied through the pipe, which rests on the bottom of the well, we drill and wash out the water-mud emulsion.

There are two settling tanks on the surface: heavy fractions, especially harmful to the pump, sand settles and flows into the second well, already purified settling water. Then it is taken by the pump and fed back into the bar and so on in a circle.

Hydrodrill drawing

I was guided by the fact that the device should be easily repeatable and could be made by anyone who was interested in this topic.
You will need 2 corners, 75 mm wide on one side, wall thickness 8 mm and a length of 30 cm. And 2 corners 65 mm long, wall thickness 5 mm. A pipe with a diameter of 32 mm is also required.

The cutting part of the drill will be 2 cm under the cone. We cut and sharpen it under the cone.
On the cutting edge, we make markings from each edge of 17 mm. It is necessary to cut so that the pipe does not reach the cutting edge by about 10 cm.

To make the holes for the water jet bigger, it remains only to cut a little grinder inner part corner, at the same time we will make a chamfer from each edge and outside the corner.

So that the drill does not cling to sharp edges, when we pull it out, the sharp edges of the corners must be cut off.
Next, we wind a millimeter rope around the pipe in order to provide a millimeter gap and intercept it by welding. For more thorough welding, we take out the pipe.

Now we need 20 inch pieces metal pipe 2 meters each. The ends must be chamfered so that threads can be cut. Except for one, because this one edge will be welded to our drill.

On the one hand, we will cut the thread into half the length of the coupling, immediately screw them on and grab them a little by welding to prevent untwisting during the drilling process.

On the other hand, we cut the threads a little more, approximately for the entire length of the coupling and tighten the nuts that protect the pipe from unwinding.

On the pipe on which there was no thread, we put on our drill, set the same gap everywhere and scald as shown in the photo.

Prepare the ribs for centering the drill. Corner 65 by 65 mm, two segments of 15 cm each. In order not to cling, we cut off 3 cm on each side. Now you need to weld to our drill on different sides, about 30-50 centimeters from the edge.

Complete structure

After drilling, it was decided to disassemble the structure and modify it a little. They cut off the cutting part, reduced it by almost half, left 3 centimeters from the water outlets. This was done due to the fact that the water pressure was simply not enough to break through this distance and effectively test the water emulsion.

The working speed of drilling has increased one and a half times, it has become easier to drill and the process has gone faster
What else can be added to improve the drill. In addition to the fact that we cut off the front of the drill, we recommend reducing the length of the shank itself by 5 centimeters.
If you want to drill a well with high quality and not expensive, then we recommend professionals.

Well drilling process: video
