Refueling of gas cylinders for burners. How to fill a gas bottle

If the gas cylinder runs out of gas, then it is easier to buy it than to refill the used one. But for the sake of economy Money people still try to fill an empty cylinder with gas on their own, avoiding buying it. Of course, it is quite possible and easy to do this. The main thing is to follow all the rules and safety measures. You can fill a small cylinder to the country or tourist gas cylinder using a large-capacity donor balloon.

A household gas cylinder can be of different capacities: from 5 to 300 liters. In order for liquid gas to flow out, turn the donor cylinder upside down, the valve must be at the bottom. For convenience, you can use any design, for example, hang on a rope or install a cylinder on a stand. You can come up with many options for mounting the cylinder upside down. The main thing is that the design is reliable. To assemble a system for filling gas into an empty cylinder, you will need: a tap, hose adapters, a threaded head, a high-pressure hose. In order for the assembled filling system to be durable and serve more than once, it is better to take all the items listed from gas equipment, preferably for liquid nitrogen. If you take ordinary plumbing equipment, the system will quickly fail. Assemble the gas filling system, carefully fasten with couplings. The gearbox is not needed, with it the refueling process will go slower.

Attach the high pressure hose to the cylinder. Screw the adapter onto the thread of the empty cylinder (for example, 2 liters). Connect the cylinders with a hose. A valve is needed in order to regulate the gas supply. In this case, it is better not to use the cylinder valve, otherwise it will quickly become unusable. From the old cutter, take the head on the thread of the gas cylinder, attach it to the hose. You can also use a burner head, but in this case you will need to do extra work, as its diameter is too small for the hose. The collet is best suited metal, not plastic. If you once understand the details of the device and work for one day, then in the future the refueling process will be quite simple. Now that the priming system is ready, start the priming process. Before refueling, be sure to determine the weight of the empty cylinder. Open the valve on the empty cylinder, then on its donor. In terms of time, depending on the capacity of the gas cylinder, it will take you 3-15 minutes, since the gas flows slowly. The volume of the cylinder is usually indicated on its body. Therefore, use the scales to control the refueling. After the characteristic whistling sound of the escaping gas has disappeared, close the valve on the donor cylinder, disconnect the hose from it. Weigh the filled cylinder. In the absence of scales, refuel "by eye": fill half the volume of the cylinder, then bleed the gas, fill the cylinder completely.

Carefully fill the gas cylinder with gas according to the instructions, and you can use it up to ten times. The signal for the purchase of a new cylinder is the detection of some external defects or damage. In this case, no saving is worth the possible danger to your life. It is better not to risk buying a new cylinder.

It is possible to fill only household cylinders with a valve, and not old-style cylinders with a “lamb”. Always remember that gas is highly explosive and must be handled with care and caution. You can fill the cylinder at gas stations equipped with special scales and having official permission.

I remember the time (the beginning of the 2000s) when Chinese gas stoves and the half-liter cylinders attached to them (in the common people - “dichlorvos”) began to appear in fishing and tourist shops. At that time, for one such balloon, merchants asked for about a hundred scars, which, to put it mildly, was completely unaffordable for not quite profitable segments of the population. And then, cunning in invention, the need learned to fill them - these cartridges - from household gas cylinders.

The name of the pioneer who was the first to erect a bridge in the form of a hose between the mighty 50-liter giant and the tiny half-liter is unknown, but this event became epoch-making, because the Great Era of Free Gas began with it.

We comrades in this case darling at one time also took well. So many cylinders were refilled - the account was lost! And everything would go on and on, until an unpleasant flaw was discovered in one of the more than once refilled cylinders. He, this balloon, started to leak, and slowly but surely began to lower its precious contents into the atmosphere.

Not immediately, but we had a suspicion that the pressure of the gas pumped into the cylinder clearly did not correspond to the pressure that it was obliged to hold. This suspicion was also reinforced by one remarkable event that happened to a completely different refilled cylinder.

This cylinder was inserted into a portable gas unit, located in a newly installed (in good frost) mobile shelter of the fisherman. And for the time being, the dubak reigned in the tent - the unit regularly emitted calories, gradually raising the temperature. And when it reached a value at which the holes (as well as the fisherman's rake) stopped freezing, the emergency pressure valve in the unit immediately worked, immediately turning off the gas supply to the system. This valve - if you believe a piece of paper with hieroglyphs - is needed in order to prevent overheating of the cylinder. But the balloon was cold! Aki beer from the fridge!

It became clear that after the artisanal refueling, something was wrong with the cylinders, and the gas inside them was clearly uncomfortable.

Yes, but the original gas, pumped into the cylinders by the manufacturer, calmly splashed itself inside, without making any attempts to slip out.

Subsequently, it turned out that initially liquid butane or isobutane was poured into the cylinders, but we, by the simplicity of our souls, “inflated” them with technical propane. The following table eloquently shows how propane differs from its brothers butane and isobutane.

Table 1. Pressure (in atmospheres) of saturated vapors of saturated hydrocarbons.

Temperature, °C Pressure, atm
- tolerable; - unbearable; — boys, scatter!
Butane Isobutane Propane
0 1,01 1,15 4,59
5 1,21 1,80 5,36
10 1,44 2,12 6,21
15 1,72 2,49 7,16
20 2,02 2,90 8,22
25 2,37 3,37 9,39
30 2,76 3,89 10,66
35 3,20 4,46 12,10
40 3,69 5,11 13,64
45 4,23 5,82 15,34
50 4,84 6,60 17,17
55 5,50 7,49 19,18
60 6,23 8,42 21,34
65 7,03 9,44 23,67

According to a Paraguayan intelligence agent working undercover in South Korea- all "dichlorvos" are designed for pressure up to 6.4 atmospheres. Based on the above plate, one can easily understand why cylinder manufacturers prohibit heating their products above 40-45 ° C - it is at this temperature that the pressure of isobutane begins to really test the strength of the thin walls of the cylinder. But the cylinder with butane, as can be seen from the table - theoretically it is possible to heat it up a couple of tens of degrees more, but - the company said nizya, then nizya! Why - there is one version, but about it below.

Well, now it's time to look into the propane column and round your eyes ... Already at zero degrees, this gas tangibly presses on the walls of the cylinder, hinting that it becomes tight inside. At 15°C, the vapor pressure overcomes the limit mark of 6.4 atmospheres. And at 40°C, it is already more than twice the maximum allowable (which is absolutely unacceptable). I can’t say for sure at what pressure the cylinder will finally fail and crack at the seams, but it’s better not to check this in practice. We managed to store refilled propane cylinders at room temperature, just in case, not allowing them to heat up, and, apparently, the cylinder calmly withstood 8 kopeck atmospheres.

Do not forget that in addition to the walls, which are likely to cope with a pressure slightly higher than the declared norm, the cylinder also has such an intimate part as a valve. How long it will withstand is an interesting question, because in the design of this “organ”, in addition to metal parts, there are also plastic parts. He could simply be "jabbed" when refueling, therefore, in one cylinder, he began to poison.

The balloon could also be "blowed". It is known that any liquefied gas should be poured into containers in such a way that there is free space on top. Why is this necessary? Pundits from physics have repeatedly written in their scientific treatises that liquid gas is not water, as the temperature rises, it expands noticeably before it has evaporated. And if there is no balloon free space- the gas will tear it like a capelin (it is possible that this is why for cylinders with pure butane the heating limit is 45 ° C, despite the fact that the vapor pressure has not yet reached the limit of 6.4 atmospheres).

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above?

And the conclusion here is the only one: if you're not sure, don't refuel.

Of course, with good equipment, straight arms and a sober head, this is quite feasible. And after all, it is not necessary to pour pure propane into cylinders, you can also use a propane-butane mixture, where there is only a third of this propane.

With pure propane, the only thing left is to keep the cylinders in the cold and operate them there, preventing even the slightest heating.

And most importantly, any refilling of a disposable cylinder is carried out by the refiller at his own peril and risk, and in case of any unpleasant consequences- all responsibility for what happened will lie solely on him.

Incidentally, in Lately gas in cans has fallen significantly, and a logical question arises: is it needed at all - all this fuss with hoses? Maybe it's easier to buy a new cylinder than to mess around with refilling the old one?


It is best to fill a threaded container from the same half-empty can or a cheaper collet. But some craftsmen fill the container with gas from a domestic cylinder. A five-liter container is suitable, in which there is a propane-butane mixture. It, unlike pure butane, which is originally in purchased gas cylinders, works great at sub-zero temperatures.

Secure connection It is carried out through a special adapter for refilling gas cartridges. It is a transparent tube, at the ends of which there are threaded adapters for connecting to cartridges. Part of the adapter tip is made of brass. It has a latch with a lamb and an o-ring. This device helps to wind and fix the adapter on the cylinder. In addition, it has a regulator valve to ensure smooth gas supply.

Refueling of the can must be carried out in compliance with safety rules.

Work algorithm:

  1. 1. Check if the regulator valve on the adapter is closed. Then put a gasket into the fitting and screw the adapter to the domestic cylinder. For reliability, tighten the fitting with an adjustable wrench.
  2. 2. Turn the cylinder upside down and, if possible, hang it up.
  3. 3. On pre-prepared scales, you need to weigh the cylinder and find out its mass in an empty state. The resulting weight should be written on the bottom of the container with a marker, this will come in handy at the next refueling.
  4. But the main purpose of this weighing is to find out the exact mass, so that when filling the can, do not exceed the specified volume and leave an air "cushion".
  5. 4.After weighing, the balloon is screwed to the adapter. First, the valve on the large cylinder opens, and then on the small one, and the gas supply begins. You can see through the transparent tube
  6. movement of gas bubbles.
  7. 5. After a certain time, the movement of liquid gas may slow down, in this case
  8. it is necessary to suspend the process and bleed the gas from the tourist spray. Evaporation
  9. some of the substance in the container will decrease the pressure and the filling process can be continued.
  10. Another solution in this situation would be to cool the entire cylinder, which can be
  11. place in the freezer for a short period of time, and then refill.
  12. 6. After refueling, the can is weighed again, and if the accumulated volume exceeds the required one, then it is necessary
  13. vent excess gas.


The source of gas can be a domestic cylinder. To connect it, you need to make a special adapter. The manufacture of such an adapter consists in connecting the burner, previously removed from the gas collet cartridge without a nozzle, and a hose. The latter is clamped with metal clamps on both sides, which provide secure fastening and hose slip protection. A fitting is attached to its other end. He puts on a balloon, but before him you should not forget put a gasket, and then tightly tighten the homemade adapter. The cylinder is placed on the table, and on the other side of the adapter they put on its tourist counterpart and refuel to the desired volume, checking it by weighing.

You can also fill a collet cartridge with gas from its counterpart with a thread. Just worth doing homemade adapter from the needle of a disposable syringe and use it to connect two cartridges.

Refueling of gas cylinders for tourist burners can be carried out independently, taking into account the above nuances. After the first time, you can remember all the steps and repeat them at the next refueling. But we must remember that any tourist spray is a disposable product and its refueling is done at your own peril and risk.

What do you need to fill gas cylinders?

The domestic gas bottle has various capacities. Starting from 5, ending with 300 liters. It will be needed as a source of gas. From it the balloon will be refueled. They all refuel according to the same scheme. For the refueling process, you will need the following materials:

  • empty travel can;
  • household gas cylinder for refueling;
  • adapter;
  • scales.

Before proceeding to the gas station itself, it is necessary to make sure that the container of the tourist burner does not contain gas residues. To do this, the cylinder is turned over so that the valve is at the bottom. Such a simple movement will help get rid of the remaining gas. Only after making sure that the gas has come out, you can proceed to the next step.

Technology for refilling cartridges for a burner

The first stage is work with weights. We need to weigh the empty cans. This is necessary to determine the exact amount of gas filled at the very end. Then, using an adapter, an empty cylinder is connected to a household one.

There is a little trick here. A large gas cylinder is laid on its side. Wherein Bottom part must remain elevated. Therefore, enclose any object. For example, a brick. This is done so that the valve is as low as possible for better gas transportation.

After we close the valve, which is located on the adapter, and open the one on the cylinder. Gradually open the valve on the adapter. Thus, air is squeezed out of the hose by gas. Refueling has begun.

During operation, you can clearly hear how liquid gas moves through the hose. At the moment when the sound stops, you can shake the tourist spray. Thus, a small amount of gas will get into it. On average, it takes no more than 5 minutes to fill one small canister.

After completing the work, close the valves and carefully disconnect the tourist spray. You can shake it to make sure there is gas in it. The gas should just slosh around. This will indicate the presence of a small space, the so-called gas cap. You should also check the valve for tightness with a soapy solution. Fire testing is prohibited. After filling the first cylinder, you can fill the others in the same way.

After refueling one or several cylinders, it is necessary to carry out weighing. This way you can keep track of how much gas is in the tank. It should not be in excess. But it would not be advisable to leave too much space unfilled with gas.

Refueling tricks you need to know

Always wear protective gloves when working with gas. Since the gas has a cooling effect. Also, due to this property of the gas, frost can be observed on the system during refueling. Don't panic. You should wait for the frost to thaw, and then continue to work.

This has already been mentioned above, that you need to leave a little space in the gas canister. This is due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the gas. Follow the rules fire safety. Close to the workplace should not be open fire and sparks. However, the gas is flammable.

Branded cans can be refilled up to three or four times, but not desirable. The valves on cans are easily deformed, so they often cannot survive multiple refills.

The trouble with household gas lies in its smell. Moreover, fresh gas also smells, but it is quite tolerable. But the one that has lain in the balloon for up to several years has a nasty smell. Be prepared for this at work.

Summing up, we can say about the positive aspects of refueling gas cylinders. Economically, filling gas cylinders with household gas is a profitable process. On average, the cost of a tourist cartridge for a burner is 300 rubles. While refueling a large domestic gas cylinder can be done on average for 800 rubles. Moreover, you will use a household balloon many times. The savings are obvious. From additional materials all you need is a hose. That is, the cost of optional equipment insignificant.

In many country houses gas cylinders are used, which must be regularly refilled. Although they are used in production. Refilling is much cheaper than buying a new cylinder. They are used for heating and domestic needs. When living outside the city limits, the question of where to fill the gas cylinder becomes natural. This is discussed in the article.

Pros and cons of gas cylinders

The self-contained tank is a convenient thing to use. Its advantages include:

  1. Mobility. It can be rearranged, transported.
  2. Unlimited storage period. It can be used later.
  3. Big choice. You can purchase a container of any size, purpose, made of various materials.

Of the minuses are:

  1. Fire hazard. If the tank is located in the area of ​​a fire or a sudden change in temperature, this can lead to a threat to life and health, as well as damage to property.
  2. The presence of sediment in old tanks with prolonged use. They need to be cleaned for future use.
  3. Gas leakage if the equipment has been used for a long time. You need to change the jet regularly to prevent this.
  4. Danger from sudden overturning. There is a risk of a pressure surge and a sudden burst of flame. And it’s almost impossible to pay off everything on your own.
  5. Risk of substance inhalation. If the equipment is malfunctioning, then people living in the house can be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Where to apply?

Household gas cylinders are sold at specialized points. Usually there is home delivery. Where to fill the gas cylinder if it is empty? In these specialized centers, the filling of containers is carried out. As a rule, these points are located at stationary automobile gas stations.

Other items

Where else is propane? There are several options:

  1. Factory. But this option is not very convenient, besides not cheap.
  2. Companies that have received the right from Gostekhnadzor. These include the exchange of cylinders.

Factories and companies must have special premises that meet the requirements, as well as the equipment that is needed for such work. Where to fill gas This work is performed by the same specialized points.

Where should you not go?

Although you can perform this procedure at almost every gas station, where there are not even special balloon points, you should not buy liquefied gas there. This is quite risky because:

  1. After this procedure, there is no check for gas leakage.
  2. There is no control of tankers, which is why the use of such gas equipment will be unsafe.
  3. Due to the format of the filling column, the balloon cannot be filled with high quality.

According to the norms, the filling volume should not exceed 85%. This creates a "vapor cap" in the cylinder, which protects against the risk of the cylinder exploding due to high temperatures. In automobile cylinders, in comparison with household ones, there is a cut-off valve to prevent gas overflow. Therefore, the equipment must be checked on the scales. Where is the best place to fill a gas cylinder? You can also apply to car gas stations, if only there is special equipment and a license.

Filling process

Refueling centers are called gas filling stations. They may have different equipment. Usually the procedure is performed in 3 ways:

  1. Pumped: A pump is used.
  2. Pump-compression: gas is taken with a pump and under high pressure compressor enters the cylinder.
  3. Pump-evaporator: in the gas supply system there is a heater-evaporator that provides increased pressure.

All refueling methods are safe if the rules and procedures are followed.

station requirements

If you are interested in where you can fill the gas cylinder, then you should check the station for the presence of:

  1. Exhaust and pump installations.
  2. Reservoirs for gas.
  3. Technical tools for transportation.
  4. Additional devices - dispensers, devices for measuring the density of a substance.

Where are household gas cylinders filled in cities? This is usually done by gas services that connect and maintain this equipment. They deliver containers with the substance according to a certain schedule. Delivered to the villages gas equipment, delivering it on special machines.

The procedure is carried out according to standard requirements. They must be observed, as there is a risk of explosion. For example, the procedure is not performed if there is one of the shortcomings:

  • the equipment is faulty;
  • there is no necessary pressure in the cylinder;
  • there are valve or valve defects;
  • rust is visible on the surface;
  • peeling paint;
  • there is damage.

Therefore, you need to check compliance with these regulations regarding where you can fill the gas cylinder. They should be labeled "compressed gas". A sticker is also attached, indicating an explosion hazard. Only in this case, everything complies with safety standards, so refueling in such a company can be performed.

Refueling rules

Before the procedure, the balloon is freed from condensate and remaining gas. Filling is carried out on the basis of the characteristics indicated in the data sheet, so that the equipment will work safely. During the procedure, there should be no fire, sparks, coals and other hazardous substances nearby. Work can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Exchange. A person gives away his reservoirs, and he is provided with filled ones. This saves time. But the disadvantage is the receipt of other equipment, which may not have quite high-quality parameters.
  2. own balloons. A person leaves their tanks for refueling, and after a while picks them up. Then only your equipment will be used. But you will have to spend money on shipping and wait a while.

After refueling, the equipment must be properly maintained. It should not be affected by precipitation, sunlight. Cylinders should be stored upright. Equipment should be checked regularly for proper operation. It is better to eliminate any defects immediately, without waiting for adverse consequences.

What does the price depend on?

It is important to know not only where to fill the gas cylinder, but also the price of these services. The cost depends on:

  • service level;
  • availability of transport services;
  • electricity costs;
  • gas prices.

In case of violation of refueling procedures, firms are held liable. If they do not comply with the rules and regulations, then for these cases it applies. Therefore, if you need to fill a gas cylinder (50 liters or another volume), you should contact specialized companies that work on the basis of a legally issued permit. Then the procedures for filling the cylinders are performed correctly, which is safe for the life and health of people.
