We double the yield: do-it-yourself drip irrigation in the greenhouse. Automatic drip irrigation in the country - why you need it and how to do it What does the system consist of

Benefits of drip irrigation in industrial vegetable growing became apparent in the 50s of the last century, when this system was first tested on a large scale by Israeli agronomists. Thanks to many years of measurements and observations, today we know that the increase in yield with drip irrigation compared to the same sprinkling is 50-80% for vegetables and 20-40% for horticultural crops and vineyards. Moreover, vegetables enter the fruiting phase 5-10 days earlier than usual.

I would like to emphasize that drip irrigation the most rational and economical way irrigation also from the standpoint of preserving and maintaining soil fertility and the overall ecological state of the environment.

With a well-thought-out irrigation schedule using drip irrigation systems, there is no need to lay drainage on the site. Irrigation water does not seep below the root layer, so surface water do not come into contact with subsoil (highly mineralized). This, in turn, minimizes the threat of waterlogging and salinization of the soil on the site.

The advantages of drip irrigation include the fact that it does not compact the surface layer of the soil at all and retains its loose structure. As a result, anaerobic conditions are not formed in the soil, which provoke the occurrence of various rots. Drip irrigation can be carried out even in areas with difficult terrain and located on slopes. In fact, under such conditions, this method of irrigation is the only possible one, in which there is no need to build special terraces or level the surface of the site.

Ultimately, drip irrigation makes it possible to obtain high yields of environmentally friendly vegetable products while saving almost all types of resources: water, fertilizers, electricity, labor, and, consequently, money.

let's consider full list advantages of drip irrigation:

  • water is delivered purposefully to the root layer cultivated plants at such a rate that they absorb up to 95% of its volume.
  • watering can be carried out around the clock, not paying attention to external conditions, which allows you to water the plants in optimal time and in the right amount.
  • fertilizers in liquid form can be delivered together with irrigation water directly to the roots of cultivated plants, as well as to coordinate their diet with specific needs for macro- and microelements in different phases of their development. At the same time, savings on fertilizers can be from 50% or more due to an increase in their overall availability to the root system of the plant.
  • plant roots develop more intensively due to a balanced water and nutrient regime, as well as due to good aeration of the surface soil layer.
  • when watering by drip method, the whole remains dry above-ground part plants, which can greatly reduce the risk of spreading diseases and infections.
  • along with irrigation water, it is also possible to introduce complex action preparations to combat the most different types pests - soil, sucking, leaf-eating and many diseases vegetable crops. The preparations are completely absorbed by the plants, which ensures their prolonged effect (compared to their application by conventional spraying).
  • due to the local application of water and nutrients, drip irrigation inhibits growth weeds and almost completely stops their development in the aisles.
  • all work on crop care and harvesting can be carried out at any time - before, after or even during the irrigation process.

The only but very significant disadvantage drip irrigation systems is their price. However, not everything is so hopeless here. For example, it won't cost you anything other than some labor and time. And in this article you will also find a description of a cheap one, which is based on the principle of the same drip irrigation. In a word, nothing is impossible if there is a desire and sufficient motivation.

The drip irrigation system appeared in the 19th century, but only in the 20th century it began to be actively introduced into horticulture and horticulture. It, of course, received the greatest distribution in large industries, where crops are grown on huge plantations, fields, in greenhouses, hotbeds. However, it is also used in small private gardens and orchards. Features of drip irrigation, its types, advantages and disadvantages will be described below in the article.

What is a drip irrigation system?

In a drip system, water is supplied to the plant through special pipes connected to the main source of water supply on the site. These pipes are laid between crops. They have built-in droppers, through which water enters directly under the root of each individual plant.

The drip irrigation system is not very complicated, some people even collect it themselves, carry it out. It consists of 7 main parts.

  1. Drip tapes are pipelines, which are, in fact, the basis of the entire structure.
  2. Controller - a mechanism that controls the time, quantity and volume of irrigation.
  3. Filters are necessary to purify water, but sometimes they are not installed.
  4. Valves for regulating water supply.
  5. Droppers.
  6. Fertilizer application unit - simplifies the application of top dressing.
  7. Water meter (to control the flow).

There is a mass different diameters pipes, faucets, types of droppers, etc. Depending on all these details, you can adjust the irrigation rate for individual crops - somewhere the water will flow in a larger volume, and somewhere in a smaller one. True, the more perfect the system, the more expensive it will cost, but those who have tried drip irrigation speak mostly positively about it - the cost fully pays for itself.

What types of drip irrigation are there?

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Drip irrigation system is automatic and non-automatic. The first can be programmed to regularly supply and turn off water at a certain time and at the right amount. In the second case, the gardener needs to turn on and off the water all the time and adjust the pressure so that the plants do not flood.

In addition to the type of drip systems, there are also two types of drip tapes (pipes through which water enters the droppers).

  • Annual tapes (vegetable) serve 1 year. They serve well and are ideal for small private households, where the site layout changes from year to year. Due to the constant change in layout, it is impossible to install a permanent drip system, which is why annuals are used.
  • Perennial systems can last 20-50 years. They are usually installed in greenhouses, greenhouses, vineyards, orchards, where the layout has not changed for many years. The system is removed for the winter, and the next season it is disassembled again so that in winter it does not freeze, do not appear mechanical damage etc.

Benefits of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation during its existence has become very popular not only in large complexes, but also in small gardens, private plots. Such excitement can only be explained by the abundance of positive qualities.

  • Innovative drip systems are mostly automated. The gardener can set the time at which the water should turn on, turn off when it should be more or less.
  • Saving time for the gardener - no longer need to waste time and effort every day on watering all the beds.
  • In the drip irrigation system, you can turn on the supply liquid fertilizer. And this allows you to significantly simplify not only watering, but also feeding plants.
  • Water saving. Since water flows directly under the root, there is a significant resource saving.
  • Can be used on different soils, landscape, in any climate and for any garden and horticultural crops.
  • During the transportation of liquid through pipes, it warms up a little.
  • The development of fungus and some diseases associated with drought is prevented, since the ground under the plant will always be wet.
  • The leaves will not receive thermal and chemical burns, since watering is carried out directly under the root.

In addition to these advantages, there is one more important thing - the ability to make and assemble the structure yourself, if the gardener has everything the right details, which do not even have to be bought (pipes, droppers and even valves can be made or taken from other mechanisms). By doing such a system on your own, the gardener saves a lot of money.

Fittings and drip tapes can be subjected to mechanical damage

  1. The cost of a good drip irrigation design can be quite high.
  2. Dropper tubes can become clogged, as a result of which water will either not flow at all, or not in the amount that the gardener needs.
  3. Fittings and drip tapes can be subjected to mechanical damage.
  4. The root system can develop very densely due to the fact that moisture is concentrated in one place.

VIDEO - Installation of drip irrigation from "A" to "Z" in 15 minutes!

Drip irrigation attracts with its simplicity: opened the faucet - and everything is watered by itself, the soil is not compacted and does not require frequent loosening, its structure is practically not destroyed. Dream! You can just sit down, fold your arms and watch how everything is watered, grows and is filled with juices.

Of course, for such a heavenly life, preparation is required: it is necessary to organize the beds so that you can lay hoses and drippers. It is necessary to purchase all the materials and spread the drip tapes around the site ... Nevertheless, many go for it and then boast of an excellent harvest.

It is important to plan everything so that the wiring is simple and practical. Anyone can install it. The most difficult thing is probably to choose hoses for drip irrigation.

They can be from 1.5 to 100 m long. The diameter of the long hose must be larger than that of the short one in order to pass more water. The standard diameter is 13 mm.

The service life of irrigation tapes depends on the material from which it is made. Usually it is either vinyl PVC or rubber. Rubber is better.

The hose has a pressure limit. Reinforced hoses will withstand five to six bar, and single-layer hoses - no more than two bar. Choose hoses that can withstand not only heat, but also cold so that they do not deteriorate in winter. It is better to give preference to opaque hoses, as they are not susceptible to flowering inside.

Tape is an important part of drip irrigation. Ribbons are of three types:

  1. Labyrinth. The cheapest tape has a zigzag shape and therefore reduces the speed of the water. But the water in it warms up well. But uniform watering will be difficult to achieve.
  2. slotted. More modern version. It is easy to spread over the site, it allows for better watering. But he needs pure water. So you have to use filters.
  3. Emitter. most reliable and quality option. Not afraid of pollution. The tape can be compensated and uncompensated. In the first option, the length of the tape does not affect the water flow.

Fittings for drip irrigation

Eat a large number of elements and assemblies necessary to assemble the system. They are made from polyethylene. high pressure. It can be primary and secondary. Primary is better.

All fitting surfaces must be smooth and free from depressions. The end surfaces must be in a strictly perpendicular position to the axis. Fittings may vary. But usually everything is done for a diameter of 20 mm. Here are the hottest details:

  • mini starter, connects main pipe and drip tape. Additional seals are not required;
  • starter with preload, used to increase the density of pressing the irrigation pipe;
  • clamping tee, provides system outlets depending on the location of the beds, combining three tapes into one system;
  • adapter - for combining tape and pipe. The connection is sealed with a nut;
  • a starter valve with a clamp is mounted on the main pipe, and the clamp securely seals the connection.

Drip irrigation filter

When choosing it, pay attention to the throughput. It is indicated on the filter itself. The parameter can be from 3 to 100 cubic meters per hour.

Advice from "Economy"

The capacity of the filter must be greater than the volume of water that the pump can deliver.

The filter can be of two types: mesh and disc. Mesh retains clay and sand well and is suitable for filtration tap water or well water. The disc filter is more expensive, but also more reliable. It traps organic and mineral impurities. But the main advantage is that it is easy to clean.

Types of drip irrigation

  1. The drip hose is a thick-walled pipe that can withstand pressure up to three atmospheres, which means that water can be supplied to long distances. Emitters or droppers are installed at regular intervals.
  2. Drip tape, it is attached to the main hose. Considered the cheapest option.
  3. External microdroppers. Droppers are installed on outside pipes or connected branches. Watering is carried out either with drops or microjets of water.

How to do drip irrigation?

  • Everything can be assembled with your own hands, like a designer for children. Here simple instruction how to do everything:
  • the hose is connected to the water supply. It is important to insert a filter in order to keep the droppers clean;
  • using an awl, holes are made in the hose, and a plug is placed at the end;
  • droppers or emitters are inserted into the holes made. That's all.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

  • Droppers can become clogged and silted up.
  • The price of the issue is higher than simple watering with a hose.
  • Tapes and hoses can be pecked by birds to drink water, they are spoiled by rodents and other living creatures.
  • The average service life does not exceed two years, which means that as it wears out, you again have to spend money.

Drip irrigation is widely used both in greenhouses and in open areas, and in last years its popularity continues to grow. This method is especially appreciated by those summer residents who can visit their site only on weekends. However, however, like everything in our life, drip irrigation is also not without certain disadvantages. It's time to figure out what the pros and cons are inherent in it.

Benefits of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation helps to significantly reduce water consumption, because it first appeared in Israel, which is completely poor in water resources, where life-giving moisture is literally worth its weight in gold. So, with the help this method You can save up to 60% of water from its original volume! At the same time, the yield will increase noticeably - according to studies, it can grow from 1.8 to 3.5 times! In addition, the drip irrigation system can be easily adjusted to each specific crop, because any plant has its own needs and preferences.

The next advantage is the ability of drip irrigation to purposefully deliver to growing crops all kinds of organic and mineral substances that are vital for their full growth. This is due to the fact that in this case water is supplied directly to root system. Moreover, drip irrigation makes it possible to avoid extremely undesirable overspending of fertilizers. It is perfectly acceptable to drip method along with water and all kinds of pest control products - in this case, they will act much more efficiently!

Drip irrigation contributes to the uniform distribution of water throughout the site, while a crust almost never appears on the surface of the soil, which prevents the plants from receiving oxygen. And, what is especially valuable, such watering can be easily carried out even in the sun, because the probability of sunburn on the leaves as a result of water ingress in this case is zero!

Another undoubted advantage of drip irrigation is the ability to independently regulate the temperature of the water, making it the most suitable for a particular crop. As a rule, the water collected in the tank is almost always heated to the air temperature, which in turn allows you to protect the vegetation from temperature shock that is sometimes detrimental to it. But in the case when water is supplied directly from the well, a temperature shock is often inevitable. In addition, the drip irrigation system is able to work even with a relatively small water pressure, which is especially important on a fussy country weekend. And it also helps to save a lot of time and effort, which can always be directed to other equally important country chores.

And, of course, the drip system can always be automated - for this, a controller equipped with special electrovalves is installed. And the built-in rain sensor helps to turn on the system only when it is needed. This is very convenient, since this approach makes it possible to adjust the watering time and leave the site for exactly as long as necessary.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

One of the main disadvantages of drip irrigation is the systematic clogging of droppers. In order to safely solve this problem, in some cases it is necessary to install a filter, which also needs periodic cleaning. And droppers without much difficulty can greatly damage or, even worse, render the rodents living on the site and pets walking on it completely unusable.

Does not please summer residents and is very short average term service life of such irrigation systems - as a rule, it rarely exceeds two years. And, of course, all parts, as they wear out, will need to be replaced with new ones. So, the inevitable material costs can also be identified as another minus, however, this is not such a minus if it more than pays off with impressive volumes of an excellent harvest!

To be or not to be a drip irrigation system on the site - of course, everyone must decide for themselves. However, you should be prepared for the fact that the use of such systems will bring not only joy, but also some trouble!

The lush vegetation of the flower beds and the greenery of the lawn require attention and care. Therefore, constant watering pretty soon ceases to bring joy, but turns into a boring routine. Will a do-it-yourself irrigation system work and which option to choose from a variety?

Of all irrigation systems, it is drip irrigation that is considered the best option. It is used for plants in the greenhouse, and for beds, flower beds and plantations, as well as for trees and shrubs. If it is not possible to use a sprinkler, drip irrigation can also be used for lawns. In order to establish drip irrigation on the site with your own hands, you will need:

  • long hose;
  • main pipe;
  • cranes;
  • fitting;
  • droppers;
  • timer;
  • punch;
  • water container;
  • submersible pump.

Drip irrigation system: pros and cons

The system must operate at such a speed that the water that has fallen on the soil surface has time to be absorbed in a certain period of time.

One drop point of the soil in 2 hours is impregnated 10-15 cm deep and at the same radius.

The advantages include the fact that with drip irrigation, the distortion of the irrigation sector is excluded, while sprinkler installations depend on the speed and direction of the wind. With drip irrigation, irrigation of a particular plant and its root area is provided. Water ingress into neighboring landscape zones is excluded, while this often happens with sprinklers. Watering when using drip plants is distributed evenly throughout the site, and a crust does not form on the soil surface, which prevents plant roots from receiving oxygen.

Installation of a drip system is very simple and does not require earthworks taking very little time. In addition to personal time, water is also saved, besides, with this method, plant nutrition is possible. mineral fertilizers. Drip irrigation is possible in the sun itself, since there is no chance of damage to the leaves by sunburn due to water getting on them. Ideally, this type of irrigation is suitable for greenhouses.

This is a way out for those who can only come to the dacha on weekends: most plants will not withstand such a break in watering.

An indisputable plus for everyone is the low cost. complete set equipment. A do-it-yourself irrigation system is a great opportunity to get a well-groomed green area at virtually no cost.

But the drip system has 2 noticeable minuses, which in some cases completely cover all the pluses. As they wear out, all parts have to be replaced with new ones, and the service life of the entire system as a whole does not exceed 2 years. In addition, both the dripper and the hoses can easily destroy or severely injure pets or rodents.

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The procedure for installing a drip irrigation system

The correct arrangement of an irrigation system depends mainly on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site on which it will be installed. But this does not affect the order of the stages for assembling equipment.

The installation of an irrigation system begins with the installation of a water tank. For this, they use any barrel that is suitable in size or purchase a special plastic tank in the store.

A submersible pump is installed in the tank. Before you buy it, you should pay attention to technical capabilities models. The power of the pump should be enough to irrigate the entire area that is planned.

A main pipe is connected to the pump. Well suited pipe 16 mm diameter. You can take the pipe out of the tank in 2 ways: if the pump power allows, then through the tank lid, and if not, then through the hole in the bottom, which will have to be specially made. A fitting with a sealant is pre-inserted into this hole, everything is fixed with sealants.

After that, the system is diluted into 3 or 4 droppers using fittings. Plugs are installed at the end of each hose or pipe and droppers are laid to the end of the lawn. The main pipe and droppers are connected by starting taps.

If you need a special layer for watering individual bushes or flower beds, droppers are carried out near the root system, along the landing.

Holes for droppers in the main pipe are made using a punch. Eat ready-made options droppers that are already labeled for how much water they deliver per hour. If drippers are installed under flower bushes, holes are made for each plant. If additional tubes are used, then their ends are equipped with droppers and stuck near the root system.

After that, you need to set a timer that will regulate the operation of the pump. He himself must turn on the electricity at a given moment and start the pump, and then turn it off so that the entire system functions only for a given period of time. Such timers are mechanical and electronic, powered by autonomous power sources.

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Proper operation and maintenance of the system

For the accurate and proper functioning of the system, it is required to test it and correct the shortcomings, if any. For this, the plugs at the ends of the droppers are removed and water is released. If the system is tight and functioning well, clean water will flow from all hoses. To prevent blockages in hoses and pipes, this check should be done at least once a year.

A visual inspection also helps to eliminate, and in some cases prevent blockages and breakdowns, in time. Having turned on the irrigation systems and all the devices, they go around all the droppers in turn, carefully examining them. Special attention should be applied to wet spots near the holes. They should, depending on the adjustment of the irrigation system, have a diameter of 10 to 40 cm and at the same time be the same in size and increase proportionally. The dropper must be cleaned or replaced if there is no stain near it or it is smaller than the others. Puddles of water are much more evidence of broken tightness than others.

Checking the system and its accessories can be carried out in parts, for this, the start valves are opened on all hoses in turn. If the watering of the site has stopped, it is most likely a clogged dropper.
