Fedor Konyukhov pseudonym or first name. Fedor Konyukhov - biography, photo, personal life of the traveler: Eternal Wanderer. - What kind of friends

Fedor Konyukhov set a new world record for the fastest circumnavigation of the world hot-air balloon. The Russian traveler set off on July 12. He took to the skies in a balloon from the west coast of Australia. This morning, July 23, the Russian reached the shores of Australia after 11 days of travel. The previous record was held by American Steve Fossett, whose flight took 13 days. An amazing person, what kind of records he did not set, where he had not been. This post summarizes some of his accomplishments:

1) He climbed to a height of 10 thousand 600 meters in a balloon

Having risen to a height of 10 thousand 600 meters during a round-the-world trip in a hot air balloon, the famous traveler Fedor Konyukhov beat the record set by the American businessman, yachtsman, balloonist Steve Fossett. Its maximum flight altitude was 10 thousand 200 meters.

2) The first Russian who managed to complete the Grand Slam program

The first Russian who managed to complete the Grand Slam program. Here, sometimes, it is difficult to climb the stairs to the twentieth floor, not to mention the mountain peaks. What only the "Grand Slam" is not included in order to complete the program must be conquered: the North Pole, the South Pole, Cape Horn, Everest.

3) Completed the program "7 Peaks of the World"

The first Russian who managed to complete the program "7 Summits of the World" - to climb the highest peak of each continent.

As part of this program, Fedor Konyukhov climbed:

4) Paddle across the Atlantic Ocean

In 2002, the Russian Fyodor Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone. He traveled on the URALAZ rowing boat, setting a world record - 3,000 nautical miles in 46 days.

5) Paddle through Pacific Ocean

Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov reached the coast of Australia in May 2014. Thus, he managed to cross the Pacific Ocean alone in a rowing boat without calls to ports and outside help.

Konyukhov started on December 22, 2013 from the port of Concon (Chile) at 09:15 am Chilean time, covered over 17 thousand km on a boat called "Turgoyak" and finished in the town of Mululaba (Queensland) at 13:13 ET coast of Australia. "Turgoyak" has a length of 9 meters, a width of 1.8 meters, the weight of its hull made of carbon fiber is 250 kg, the weight with a full load is 850 kg. He completed his journey in 160 days.

6) The first in the history of Russia, solo circumnavigation of the world non-stop

He made the first in the history of Russia, a solo circumnavigation of the world non-stop. On the 36-pound Karaana yacht, he sailed along the route Sydney - Cape Horn - Equator - Sydney. It took him 224 days to do this. Konyukhov's round-the-world trip began in the fall of 1990 and ended in the spring of 1991.

7) Solo ski trip to the North Pole

1990 - the first solo ski trip to the North Pole in the history of Russia. Launched from Cape Lokot, Sredny Island, March 3. Reached the Pole on May 8, 1990. Travel time - 72 days.

8) Solo trip to the South Pole

1995-1996 - the first solo trip to the South Pole in the history of Russia, followed by an ascent to the highest point of Antarctica - the Vinson Massif (5140 m). Launched from Hercules Bay on November 8, 1995 - reached the South Pole on January 6, 1996. Reached the South Pole in 64 days, alone, autonomously.

9) Crossing Greenland by dog ​​sled

The record was set in 2007 - crossing Greenland on dog sleds from the east coast (Isortok village) through the ice dome to the west coast (Illulisat village), along the Arctic Circle. A record was set for crossing Greenland on this route - 15 days and 22 hours.

10) World record for longest flight

In January 2016 - together with his partner Ivan Menyailo, setting a world record for the duration of a flight in a hot air balloon, with a volume of 3950 cubic meters- 32 hours 20 minutes.


Fedor Konyukhov is the first "professional traveler" in the USSR and Russia, sea captain, pilot of a free balloon, dog sled rider, mountaineer, writer, priest of the UOC-MP. Among the achievements of Konyukhov are five round-the-world expeditions, 17 crossings of the Atlantic Ocean on sailing yachts and once on a rowboat.

Fedor Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951 in the village of Chkalovo, Zaporozhye region. The childhood of the future traveler passed on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. Father Philip Mikhailovich often went to the sea for fish, took his son with him. Grandfather Mikhail often shared with his grandson the knowledge that he had learned from communicating with the famous Russian polar explorer. With him, Mikhail had a chance to serve in the same garrison of the tsarist army. The polar explorer left Konyukhov his own pectoral cross so that he gets the strongest of the descendants of a friend. The grandfather gave this cross to Fedor.

Even then, the boy had a craving for travel, when Fedor stood at the helm of his father's ship and peered into the sea. At the age of 15, the young man ventured to make his first journey and crossed the Sea of ​​Azov in a rowboat. True, before that, Fedor had to actively engage in rowing, master sailing.

Like any teenager, Fedor enjoyed playing football. Like any village boy, Konyukhov often slept in the hayloft, and also drunkenly read adventure novels by Jules Verne and other authors. By the end of school, the young man realized that he wanted to connect life with the sea.

Fedor entered the Odessa Seafarer and received the specialty of a ship mechanic. Then there was study at the polar school in Leningrad as a navigator-navigator, service in the Baltic Fleet. For 2 years, Fedor Konyukhov served in Vietnam as a sailor on a special ship supplying ammunition to the Viet Cong. During his service, he also traveled to Nicaragua and El Salvador. After returning to his homeland, Konyukhov did not leave his studies and received the specialty of a carver-encruster in a specialized school in the Belarusian city of Bobruisk.


The first serious expedition took place in 1977, when a young man sailed in the Pacific Ocean and repeated the route. The first was followed by expeditions to Kamchatka, Sakhalin.

Fedor Konyukhov set a new goal - to conquer the North Pole alone.

Konyukhov prepared for an expedition in Chukotka, mastered dog sledding, learned to build ice huts, developed other skills for extreme travel - it took several years. Initially, Konyukhov undertook a training trip to the Pole of relative inaccessibility. The traveler complicated his task by going skiing during the polar night.

Then Fedor traveled to Canada, to Baffin Island and to the North Pole itself as part of a Soviet-Canadian group led by Vladimir Chukov. In 1990, Konyukhov set off on skis, with a heavy backpack and equipment, and after 72 days reached the North Pole. Overcoming polynyas and hummocks along the way, Fedor almost died during a collision of ice floes. Konyukhov became a pioneer in a solo trip there. In 1995, Fedor Konyukhov conquered the South Pole, and 59 days later, the flag of Russia was already fluttering over the extreme southern point.

There were other routes in the traveler's biography. Fedor became the first Russian to complete the Grand Slam program, that is, to conquer the North, South Pole and Everest. Earlier, in 1992, he climbed Everest alone, in January 1996 - Mount Aconcagua, and in 1997 - Mount Kilimanjaro.

Among the expeditions in which Fedor Konyukhov participated are the Soviet-American bike ride across the USSR Nakhodka - Moscow - Leningrad in 1989, the Russian-Australian off-road rally Nakhodka - Moscow in 1991, the caravan expedition along the route of the Great Silk Road in 2002 and 2009. Fedor Konyukhov also makes overland expeditions, following the path of the famous explorers of the taiga.

During his life, Konyukhov made a total of 40 sea expeditions. Not everything went smoothly during these trips. In addition to the troubles created by the elements, Fedor Konyukhov received unpleasant surprises from people. During one voyage Konyukhov caught a tropical infection and was forced to stop in the Philippines. Local pirates took advantage of the forced parking of Konyukhov's yacht and stole it. After recovering, in order to find his own ship in the sea latitudes, Fedor took possession of the robber's yacht and caught up with his own.

In July 2016, Fedor Konyukhov set a new record in a hot air balloon in 11 days. The Russian traveler beat the previous record holder Steve Fossett by 2 days.

While traveling, Fedor Konyukhov is engaged in research work and creativity: paints pictures and books. In total, the traveler created almost 3 thousand paintings, published twenty books. In his own works “My Journeys”, “Under Scarlet Sails”, “Alone with the Ocean”, “How I Became a Traveler”, Fedor Konyukhov shares his life experience, travel events. The author also has historical works: “ Crimean War. Defense of Sevastopol”, “Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov”, “How Admiral Ushakov made the Black Sea Russian”. In the books “My Way to Truth”, “The Power of Faith. 160 days and nights alone with the Pacific Ocean”, “The ocean is my abode” Konyukhov highlights issues of faith. The traveler introduces readers to his works from the pages of the official website, where he also posts photos of his own paintings.

Fedor Konyukhov is an active member of the Union of Journalists, the Union of Artists and Sculptors, the Union of Writers of Russia. With his drawings, Konyukhov adorned the publication of the book "Tao Te Ching", which he considers to be the second after the "Bible".

In addition to the main business of life, serving in the Orthodox Church became an important page in Fedor's biography. Konyukhov took the rank of subdeacon in 2010 on a holiday, the patron saint of travelers and sailors. After graduating from the Seminary in the Northern capital, Konyukhov went to serve in Zaporozhye, leaving no sea, land and air travel.

Personal life

Fedor Konyukhov was married twice. The first wife, Lyubov, gave Fedor two children - a son, Oscar (born in 1975) and a daughter, Tatyana (born in 1978). Later, the woman moved to the United States, where she settled with her daughter. Konyukhov's eldest son heads the All-Russian Sailing Federation.

The second wife of the famous traveler is Professor, Doctor of Law, expert in international law Irina Anatolyevna. The future spouses met in 1995. Irina was also divorced by that time, raising two sons. Fedor honestly warned the girl about his hobby, but this did not frighten Irina. For the sake of her beloved, Irina Anatolyevna refused to work in the UN and the European Parliament.

Often the wife herself went on trips with her husband. In 2004, while crossing the Atlantic, the ship, where Fedor and Irina were, got into a severe storm. After returning home, the Konyukhovs erected a chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker near the Moscow creative workshop of Fyodor. Long time the couple didn't have common child, but in 2005 the long-awaited son Nikolai was born.

Now Fedor Konyukhov is a happy grandfather who has four grandchildren - Philip, Arkady, Ethan, Blake and two granddaughters - Polina and Kate, but this does not prevent him from doing what he loves.

Traveler, artist, writer, cyclist, mountaineer, navigator - it's all about Konyukhov. Since 1998, the navigator has been sharing his experience with young followers and running a distance learning laboratory. In the laboratory, he teaches young travelers how to survive in difficult conditions.

Fedor Konyukhov now

Fedor Konyukhov continues to break records. The latest hobby for the traveler was aeronautics in a balloon. In 2017, Fedor, having been in the air for 55 hours 10 minutes of continuous time. The previous record of 50 hours 38 minutes was held by Japanese pilots Michio Kanda and Hirazuki Takezawa, who set it in 1997.

The indefatigable traveler will not stop there. For summer rafting on the rivers, Konyukhov has already chosen a place in the Sheregesh resort in the Kemerovo region, where he managed to visit in January 2018 with his family.


  • 1996 - Honorary resident of the city of Nakhodka
  • 1988 - Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • 2014 - Gold medal named after N. N. Miklukho-Maklay of the Russian Geographical Society
  • 2015 - Peoples' Friendship Award "White Cranes of Russia" and the order of the same name
  • 2017 - Order of Honor


  • The first person in the world who reached the five poles of the Earth: the North and South geographic poles, the Pole of relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, the height poles - Chomolungma, the poles of yachtsmen - Cape Horn
  • The first Russian who managed to complete the Grand Slam program (North Pole, South Pole, Cape Horn, Chomolungma).
  • Crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone in a rowboat with a world record of 46 days 4 hours.
  • Crossed the Pacific Ocean alone in a rowboat with a world record of 159 days 14 hours 45 minutes.

Fedor Konyukhov - Orthodox priest, elevated to the rank of archpriest (senior priest) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). Born December 12, 1951, the village of Chkalovo, Zaporozhye region. AT ordinary life Father Fyodor, like all priests, performs rites and sacraments: he crowns, baptizes, performs funerals, confesses, serves liturgy, and delivers sermons.

In an interview with RP, he admitted: “I always remind my children and parishioners in church during a sermon that one must be a romantic.” According to Father Fyodor, the Church for a person is a ship in the sea of ​​life. Here people save their souls. His motto is: "In spite of all the troubles and worries, I am not alone on the road - I am with God." He firmly believes that God helps him overcome all the difficulties of traveling.
The last circumnavigation of the world also did not go without God's providence and help.
On board the ball about. Fedor in trip around the world took with him a cross-reliquary, which contains more than 60 pieces of relics, including Reverend Mary Egyptian, St. Gregory the Wonderworker of the Caves, the holy righteous Fedor Ushakov, a particle of the Crown of Thorns, the Tree of the Cross of the Lord, as well as to the image Mother of God"Guide", written by Athos monks and donated to Konyukhov by the president of the company "Morton" Alexander Ruchev.
Quote - “I am often asked who to pray to before climbing Everest. And I answer: “Pray to our mother Matronushka, she will help you climb Everest.” Although saints do not have ranks, people are used to doing something specific and turning to specific saints Of course, I pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Fyodor Stratilat, Irina the Great Martyr, the Holy Righteous Fyodor Ushakov, Blessed Mother Matrona, Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. In fact, all the saints help in traveling, especially if you ask them to do so."
about. Fedor citizen Russian Federation living in Moscow. Radio amateur with the call sign R0FK.
In the Zaporozhye region, in a small village on the banks of the Utlyuk estuary, his old father, his brother's family now live, and there is a house of the traveler himself, bought for his youngest son Nikolai.
Wife Irina - doctor of sciences, professor. The first wife Lyuba has been living in the USA since the 90s.
St. Alexis Hermitage, which is located in the village of Novoalekseevka Yaroslavl region the monastery of Father Fyodor, there is his cell. In the absence of the owner, numerous pilgrims are allowed in there, who, for example, can see above his desk, at the window, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker personally painted by Father Fyodor, who holds a sailboat and Cape Horn - the southernmost point of the traveler's expeditions.

by the most beautiful place on earth about Fedor considers Sergiev Posad. Here are his words - "There I have my small house and 4 acres of land. This is the most spiritual and a good place. In general, I love the whole world."

In the Zaoksky district, Tula region, near the village of Antonovka, the village of Fyodor Konyukhov is being built. 70 hectares of land of extraordinary beauty are glades separated by forest ravines, ponds for recreation and fishing. When Fedor Konyukhov first saw the glade, he immediately said: “I want to live here!”.

The authors of the project have an important goal - to create a unique and cozy place for life and communication of like-minded people: travelers, writers, artists who are tired of the "stone jungle", connoisseurs of an active lifestyle and wildlife. The village will be the place of residence of Fyodor Konyukhov himself, his friends, like-minded people and at the same time a museum of the great traveler.

  • Name: Fedor
  • Surname: Filippovich
  • Surname: Konyukhov
  • Date of Birth: 12.12.1951
  • Place of Birth: Chkalovo village, Ukraine
  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Eastern horoscope: Rabbit
  • Occupation: traveler
  • Growth: 180 cm

Fedor Konyukhov is a unique person who made traveling his profession. He conquered the most inaccessible peaks, the most inaccessible corners of the planet, he swam across the oceans and each time proved his incredible capabilities. Millions of people know him precisely as a traveler. In fact, this is a multifaceted person, a good artist, an amazing author, and he also bears the dignity of a clergyman.

Photo by Fedor Konyukhov

Childhood, youth, education

Fedor Konyukhov's childhood passed on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. His parents were ordinary people, my father constantly went to sea and was engaged in fishing, my mother had household duties. All five children were busy, helping their parents with the housework. Father often took Fedor with him to the sea. The boy was very fond of looking at seascapes, pulling out fishing nets. It was then that dreams of great travels were born in him. Inspired by his dream, at the age of 15 he committed an unprecedented act for a teenager. Several years of preparation, enhanced swimming and rowing classes allowed Fedor to embark on a boat trip around Sea of ​​Azov and cross it.

Fedor Konyukhov received several educations. He has a technical school in the city of Bobruisk, the profession of a navigator (a nautical school in Odessa), and also Konyukhov became a graduate of the Arctic school in Leningrad. The traveler did not neglect military service either. Due to a conflict with colleagues from the Baltic Fleet, he had to leave and serve as a sailor on a boat in the waters of Southeast Asia.

All life is a journey

It is difficult to even imagine how much time Fedor Konyukhov spent on expeditions. He began his great activity as a traveler in 1977. The first thing he did was follow the route of Vitus Bering. Conquering the Pacific Ocean, he swam to the shores of Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and then there was Chukotka. The fearless Konyukhov sailed alone and, moreover, imitated conditions on his ship similar to those in which travelers performed their exploits several centuries ago.

Two Poles

Groom approached the task of carrying out an expedition to the North Pole thoroughly. The indefatigable traveler took years of training, research, participation in expeditions of Canadian scientists, in the ski expedition of the USSR. And in 1990, the first person to reach it alone was at the North Pole. The campaign was difficult and dangerous, Konyukhov carried heavy equipment, he even nearly died. But after 72 days, the pole was conquered, and the traveler himself was already making new plans.

Konyukhov went to explore the South Pole in 1995. On the Antarctic expedition, he very carefully studied the state of the organism, the influence of external factors. Two months after the start, the Russian tricolor was hoisted at the southernmost point of the world. The data collected as a result of the expedition, discoveries and research made a great contribution to science.

On the peaks

After completing the trip to the South Pole, the Grand Slam program replenished the traveler's asset: North Pole - South - Everest (I climbed Everest in 1992).

In his business, Fedor Konyukhov repeatedly became the first. So it happened with the conquest of the "seven peaks", the seven most high points continents (became the first in the CIS):

  • 1992 - Elbrus, Europe;
  • 1992 - Everest, Asia;
  • 1996 - Wilson massif, Antarctica;
  • 1996 - Aconcagua, South America;
  • 1997 - Kosciuszko Peak, Australia;
  • 1997 - Kilimanjaro, Africa;
  • 1997 - McKinley, North America.

By land

Overland expeditions have become an indispensable part of the traveler's life. There were a lot of them and each of them contributed to the study natural phenomena and human abilities. The most large-scale campaigns of Konyukhov were:

  • ski expedition in Chukotka in 1981;
  • hiking in the Ussuri taiga, 1985;
  • Soviet-American bike ride Nakhodka - Moscow - Leningrad, 1989;
  • travel by SUVs Nakhodka - Moscow, 1991 (Russian-Australian project);
  • Great Silk Road, 2002;
  • Great Silk Road, stage 2, 2009;

By sea and air

Fedor Konyukhov realizes his childhood dream of sea adventures all his life. It is travel by sea that occupies a significant part of his activity. Dozens of swims, five round-the-world voyages, seventeen crossings of the Atlantic, a crossing of the Pacific in a rowboat. At the same time, a number of expeditions are records. In the summer of 2016, Konyukhov circumnavigated the world in a hot air balloon and landed with a new world record.

Many things happened on his way: illnesses, ship hijacking, and unforeseen situations, but nothing stops Konyukhov. He continues his adventures, and moves only forward, towards new discoveries. His life is a journey, the search for something new, and only the desire to achieve his goal fills his path with meaning.

Social activities, creativity, family

Fedor Konyukhov has no less talent in the artistic genre. He paints pictures, and during his travels. His works are shown at exhibitions and arouse genuine interest. Back in 1983, he entered the Union of Artists Soviet Union. In 1996 he was admitted to the Moscow Union of Artists, and in 2012 he took the place of an academician at the Russian Academy of Arts.

From the pen of Konyukhov the author, extraordinary Scientific research and discoveries, as well as writings about personal experiences and impressions during the expeditions. He is a talented author, for which he was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia.

Another interesting fact biography of this unique person is his ecclesiastical activity. Since 2010, he has been a priest (Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchy).

Interesting, but in pursuit of amazing discoveries, Fedor Konyukhov did not forget about a simple family happiness. His second wife is a doctor of jurisprudence. Fyodor Filippovich and Irina Anatolyevna have a common son, and the traveler also has two children from his first marriage. Now he already bears the proud title of grandfather of five grandchildren.

  • Konyukhov was the first to conquer the five poles of the world;
  • winner of UNESCO awards, UNEP;
  • honorary resident of several cities (Nakhodka, Miass, Italian Terni);
  • in Tobolsk, a prize is awarded to them. F. Konyukhova.

On his account, as many as four round-the-world voyages, made in splendid isolation.

How to cross the ocean

The first time is always the hardest, especially if you are a teenager. The future famous traveler decided to conquer the sea at the age of fifteen. The place for the experiment was the Sea of ​​Azov, and the instrument was an ordinary fishing boat equipped only with oars.

True, according to the original plan, Fedor was going to cross the sea by boat own production. But then an angry parent intervened and took away the homemade product. But the young traveler did not lose his head and "borrowed" a fishing boat from the village council. Konyukhov claims that he then swam across the Sea of ​​Azov.

Later, he realized that for serious travel you need a good one. And after the end of the service, he went to work as a sailor for the Baltic rescue fleet, later he went on fishing trawlers.

Most likely, Konyukhov did not forget his youthful adventure with a boat in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and decided to conquer the ocean in the same way. The traveler successfully implemented his idea, and even repeated it in two oceans. He began in 2002 with the conquest on the boat "Uralaz".

The development of a seven-meter vessel was entrusted to Philip Morrison. The body was made of carbon fiber and Canadian cedar wood, and a figure of a sponsored Ural car was attached to the nose.

The navigation point was equipped with a stationary and manual device GPS, automatic positioning system, electronic compass and radar warning of approaching ships. The life support system was powered by two batteries powered by solar panels. Also provided the opportunity to replenish stocks at the expense of rainwater.

In October 2002 Konyukhov started off and went solo across the Atlantic by way of Columbus. He reached the island in record time, spending a little more than 46 days crossing the ocean.

Without a sail and without a motor, armed with only two pairs of oars, Fedor Konyukhov managed to cross the Pacific Ocean. Preparing for the trip, he independently created sketches of a unique boat and entrusted its creation to English specialists. Initially, the ship was named "K9", but later it was renamed "Turgoyak".

The nine-meter carbon fiber boat was divided into two parts: a compartment with a miniature galley and a navigation unit (equipped with the latest equipment) and a living compartment, in which part of the area is reserved for navigation equipment. Electricity for household needs was generated by solar panels, and a water desalinator also worked from them.

According to the plan, Konyukhov's boat was supposed to travel from Chile to in six months, without calling at ports or stopping. "Turgoyak" left Konkon on December 14, 2013 and rushed to the waters of Peru. On the way, he contacted the support group several times. In mid-January, Konyukhov survived a storm, but was able to continue his journey.

From Peru, the traveler went to the Australian city of Mululaba, the end point of a solo expedition. The whole journey was completed in 160 days, the boat withstood all the tests of bad weather, and its owner considers that he was lucky to get to his destination so successfully.

On the way, he caught squid, saw a coconut and tried to get rid of the annoying one. He also set a world record for the fastest crossing of the Pacific Ocean and became the first citizen to make such a journey.

Round the world and regattas

In this circumnavigation Konyukhov discovered wonderful world oceans, rounded Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope. Closing the planetary circle, the traveler brought the yacht back to Australia in June 1991.

Konyukhov's second circumnavigation began in March 1993. For this trip, he built the Formosa yacht in Taiwan and immediately set off. The voyage took seven months, and in 1994 the traveler gave up at the launch site.

In 2004, the indefatigable Fedor Konyukhov started from Falmouth, England, paved the way for the island of Tasmania and returned to Falmouth in 2005. His big yacht Commercial network The Scarlet Sails (85 feet long) was the first ship of its class to round Cape Horn. December to January next year he sailed on the same ship, but with a Russian crew on board.

In addition to single round-the-world voyages, the traveler took part in single regattas. His name can be found in the list of participants in the round-the-world regatta "Around Alone", held in 1998-1999.

Konyukhov went to the start on an Open 60 class yacht "Modern Humanitarian University". This flight is considered the third circumnavigation of the famous Russian traveler.

Konyukhov also competed at the helm of the same yacht in the French regatta. The ships had to make a round-the-world passage without stopping and calling at ports.

It took Konyukhov one hundred and two more days to circumnavigate Antarctica, participating in the Australian Antarctica Cup competition in 2007-2008. In these races, he took part on his large yacht "Scarlet Sails Trading Network".

Fedor Konyukhov is constantly making new plans and developing new sea voyages. For 2017, he planned not just a regatta or a round-the-world trip. The traveler swung at the Mariana Trench, he plans to sink to the bottom in a bathyscaphe and spend several days there all alone.
