A round-the-world trip is made around what. History of travel around the world: from Magellan to Picard

In 1519, in the month of August, five ships were sent from the harbor of Seville on the first round-the-world expedition. Equipped and approved her on the road Charles I - King of Spain. The journey was very difficult, the path lay through America to the southwest, the expedition kept the direction to the Moluccas. In the event of a successful trip, Spain could get the rights to new open lands.

The flotilla moved along the South American continent for a very long time, it tried to find a way out "South Sea". At the southern end of the mainland, they discovered a deep bay. It was decided to sail on, the shores looked completely deserted, but suddenly several fires lit up in the darkness. For this reason Magellan gave the name to this country - "Land of Fire" and become its pioneer.

Going through Strait of Magellan(strait between Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia), the ships went to Pacific Ocean.

Strait of Magellan

Navigators did not see land for 3 months, reserves drinking water and provisions are over. Scurvy and hunger began on deck. Sailors, in order to somehow satisfy their hunger, had to chew ox skin and eat ship rats. In total, the crew suffered losses of 21 people who died of exhaustion. Through many setbacks, travelers were able to reach the Philippine Islands and stocked up on water and food. Magellan was not very lucky, and he got involved in the internecine strife of local rulers. In battle with the natives, he was killed on April 27, 1521.

Three years later, only one was able to return from swimming The ship is the Victoria. Under the command of J. S. Elcano, he and the crew members completed the voyage in 1522. At home, they were met with triumph and honors, they were heroes who were participants in the world's first circumnavigation.

Voyage of Magellan

Who made the first trip around the world and what is the significance of Magellan's voyage?

This hero turned out to be a Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan.

1) He was able to prove the sphericity of the Earth with his swimming.

2) Magellan's expedition gave the whole world some idea of ​​the relative sizes of sea and land on the globe.

3) Magellan proved that the greatest ocean stretched between Asia and America. Actually it was he who called him Quiet. He chose this name because in all 4 months of sailing he did not encounter a single storm.

4) He proved that there is only one on the planet single world ocean.

Any educated person can easily remember the name of the one who made the first trip around the world and crossed the Pacific Ocean. This was done by the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan about 500 years ago.

But it should be noted that this formulation is not entirely correct. Magellan thought out and planned the route of the voyage, organized it and led it, but he was destined to die many months before it was completed. So Juan Sebastian del Cano (Elcano), a Spanish navigator, with whom Magellan had, to put it mildly, not friendly relations, continued and completed the first round-the-world trip. It was del Cano who eventually became the captain of the Victoria (the only ship to return to his native harbor) and received fame and fortune. However, Magellan made great discoveries during a dramatic voyage, which will be discussed below, and therefore he is considered the first traveler around the world.

First trip around the world: background

In the 16th century, Portuguese and Spanish seafarers and merchants vied with each other for control of the spice-rich East Indies. The latter made it possible to preserve food, and it was difficult to do without them. There was already a proven path to the Moluccas, where the largest markets with the cheapest goods were located, but this path was not short and unsafe. Due to the limited knowledge of the world, America, discovered not so long ago, seemed to sailors an obstacle on the way to rich Asia. No one knew if there was a strait between South America and the hypothetical Unknown Southern Land, but the Europeans wanted it to be. They did not yet know that America and East Asia separated by a huge ocean, and it was thought that the opening of the strait would provide quick access to Asian markets. Therefore, the first navigator to circumnavigate the world would certainly have been awarded royal honors.

Career of Ferdinand Magellan

The impoverished Portuguese nobleman Magellan (Magallans), by the age of 39, managed to repeatedly visit Asia and Africa, was wounded in battles with the natives and collected a lot of information about travels to the shores of America.

With his idea to get to the Moluccas by the western route and return by the usual one (that is, to make the first trip around the world), he turned to the Portuguese king Manuel. He was not at all interested in the proposal of Magellan, whom he also disliked for his lack of loyalty. But he allowed Fernand to change citizenship, which he immediately took advantage of. The navigator settled in Spain (that is, in a country hostile to the Portuguese!), got a family and associates. In 1518, he obtained an audience with the young king Charles I. The king and his advisers became interested in finding a shortcut for spices and "gave the go-ahead" to organize an expedition.

Along the coast. Riot

Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world, which was never completed for most of the team, began in 1519. Five ships left the Spanish harbor of San Lucar, carrying 265 people from different countries Europe. Despite the storm, the flotilla relatively safely reached the coast of Brazil and began to "go down" along it to the south. Fernand hoped to find a strait into the South Sea, which, according to his information, should have been located in the region of 40 degrees south latitude. But in the indicated place it was not the strait, but the mouth of the La Plata River. Magellan ordered to continue moving south, and when the weather turned bad, the ships anchored in the bay of St. Julian (San Julian) to spend the winter there. The captains of three ships (Spaniards by nationality) mutinied, seized the ships and decided not to continue the first round-the-world trip, but to head for the Cape of Good Hope and from it to their homeland. People loyal to the admiral managed to do the impossible - to recapture the ships and cut off the rebels' escape route.

Strait of All Saints

One captain was killed, another was executed, and a third was put ashore. Magellan pardoned ordinary rebels, which once again proved his foresight. Only at the end of the summer of 1520 the ships left the bay and continued to search for the strait. During a storm, the ship "Santiago" sank. And on October 21, the sailors finally discovered the strait, more reminiscent of a narrow crevice between the rocks. The ships of Magellan sailed along it for 38 days.

The shore left behind left hand, the admiral called Tierra del Fuego, since the fires of the Indians burned on it around the clock. It was thanks to the discovery of the Strait of All Saints that Ferdinand Magellan began to be considered the one who made the first trip around the world. Subsequently, the strait was renamed Magellan.

Pacific Ocean

Only three ships left the strait into the so-called "South Sea": "San Antonio" disappeared (simply deserted). The sailors liked the new waters, especially after the troubled Atlantic. The ocean was named the Pacific.

The expedition headed northwest, then west. For several months, the sailors sailed without seeing any signs of land. Starvation and scurvy caused the death of almost half of the team. Only at the beginning of March 1521 did the ships approach two yet undiscovered inhabited islands from the Mariana group. From here it was not far to the Philippines.

Philippines. Death of Magellan

The discovery of the islands of Samar, Siargao and Homonkhon greatly pleased the Europeans. Here they recuperated and communicated with local residents who willingly shared food and information.

Magellan's servant, a Malay, spoke freely with the natives in the same language, and the admiral realized that the Moluccas were very close. By the way, this servant, Enrique, eventually became one of those who made the first trip around the world, unlike his master, who was not destined to land on the Moluccas. Magellan and his people intervened in the internecine war of two local princes, and the navigator was killed (either with a poisoned arrow, or with a cutlass). Moreover, after some time, as a result of a treacherous attack by savages, his closest associates, experienced Spanish sailors, died. The team became so thin that one of the ships, the Concepción, was decided to be destroyed.

Moluccas. Return to Spain

Who led the first round-the-world trip after Magellan's death? Juan Sebastian del Cano, Basque sailor. He was among the conspirators who presented Magellan with an ultimatum in San Julian Bay, but the admiral forgave him. Del Cano commanded one of the two remaining ships, the Victoria.

He made sure the ship returned to Spain loaded with spices. It was not easy to do this: off the coast of Africa, the Portuguese were waiting for the Spaniards, who from the very beginning of the expedition did everything to upset the plans of their competitors. The second ship, the flagship Trinidad, was boarded by them; sailors were enslaved. Thus, in 1522, 18 members of the expedition returned to San Lucar. The cargo delivered by them paid off all the expenses for the expensive expedition. Del Cano was awarded a personal coat of arms. If in those days someone had said that Magellan made the first trip around the world, he would have been ridiculed. The Portuguese had only accusations of violating royal instructions.

The results of Magellan's journey

Magellan explored the east coast South America and opened the strait from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thanks to his expedition, people received weighty proof that the Earth is really round, they were convinced that the Pacific Ocean is much larger than expected, and that it is unprofitable to swim on it to the Moluccas. Also, the Europeans realized that the World Ocean is one and washes all the continents. Spain satisfied its ambitions by announcing the discovery of the Mariana and Philippine Islands, and laid claim to the Moluccas.

All the great discoveries made during this voyage belong to Ferdinand Magellan. So the answer to the question of who made the first trip around the world is not so obvious. In fact, this person was del Cano, but nevertheless, the main achievement of the Spaniard was that the world generally learned about the history and results of this voyage.

The first round-the-world voyage of Russian sailors

In 1803-1806, Russian sailors Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky made a large-scale journey through the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Their goals were: the study of the Far Eastern outskirts Russian Empire, finding a convenient trade route to China and Japan by sea, providing the Russian population of Alaska with everything necessary. The navigators (set off on two ships) explored and described Easter Island, the Marquesas, the coast of Japan and Korea, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and the island of Iesso, visited Sitka and Kodiak, where Russian settlers lived, and in addition, delivered an ambassador from the emperor to Japan. During this voyage, domestic ships visited high latitudes for the first time. The first round-the-world trip of Russian explorers had a huge public outcry and helped to increase the prestige of the country. Its scientific significance is no less great.

Acquaintance with the heroes that were the first to dare to challenge the elements, I owe to my grandfather. He spent more than thirty years at sea, but preferred to talk not about his work, but about the brave discoverers who plowed the vast expanses long before his birth.

The roots of the great geographical discoveries

Why was it necessary to look for this route to India? Why was it necessary to swim in an incomprehensible place? To understand where this need arose, it is necessary to go back in time and consider communication routes of ancient civilizations of Eurasia.

First of all, I'm talking about those extremities:

The communication of the first two, as far as I know, began by means of Silk Road in the second century BC. The second significant trade route - spice road,connecting India and Europe.

The reader who did not skip history lessons at school may already have guessed where I am leading. In the seventh to eighth century AD Arab conquests cut off European civilization from the routes described above, which brings Europe into the so-called dark ages. A few centuries later, the Arabs are turning from aggressive conquerors into settled traders, and it seems that life is getting better. Or not getting better, in the 15th century begins its capture of post-Mongolian state formations Timurid Empire, around the same time, the Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople, Europe starts to choke again.

However, this time the European civilization is well informed about the outside world, and also has access to Arabic astronomy and a compass. Appears idea to find a workaround first to black africa, and if you're lucky, then and to the much-desired India.

Motivation of Magellan and the first trip around the world

Of all the figures of this era, I was most struck by the feat of one person, we are talking about Fernand Magellane, whose expedition circumnavigated the globe, having made the first circumnavigation of the world in human history.

Magellan was on Portuguese service, however fell into disgrace and decided to offer their services Catholic kings(name of the government of the union of Aragon and Castile). Fernand offers sail to India from the west and thereby impale the system (a loophole in what is really located to the west of the demarcation line). The Spanish leadership approves the expedition and even agrees to appoint an ambitious navigator as governor of the largest of the discovered islands.

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As a child I had interesting book- "Encyclopedia geographical discoveries". That's where I read all the details first circumnavigation and I'll add a few facts.

First trip around the world

Almost 500 years ago to the port Spain ship arrived with only 18 people. These people changed the course of history by doing the unthinkable at the time - trip around the world. During the voyage, it was crossed 3 oceans, new trade routes appeared, and most importantly, information was received on the actual size of our planet. Despite the awareness of the expedition, there are still unknown facts.

Commercial purposes

In August 1519 guided only by your intuition, Magellan led an expedition of 5 ships. The goal is not the desire to circumnavigate the globe. As with most expeditions of the time, the main goal is the thirst for profit. Like the journey of Columbus, the expedition involved reaching the cherished shores Asia. The previously discovered continent was little studied and did not bring significant profit, which cannot be said about the Portuguese colonies in India. It was clear that - not Asia, but the cherished country of spices lies a little further. It was for these purposes that 5 ships were equipped:

  • Victoria;
  • Concepción;
  • Santiago.

Made up name

In fact Magellan- a fictitious name. Real name - Fernand de Magalhaes, and was changed upon entering the royal service.

The hardships of circumnavigating the world

In addition to the meager diet and psychological stress, the team members experienced a sense of fear. Even the sky above their heads looked different, and the devout sailors wondered Southern Cross and a cluster of several bright stars surrounded by strange clouds. Nowadays, these clusters are known as the nearest galaxies, and nebulae - magellanic clouds.


Shortly before his death, Magellan was disappointed: such coveted shores of spices ended up in Portuguese hemisphere. It's all about the deal between Spain And Portugal according to which the world was divided into two hemispheres. Everything that extended west of the 49th meridian fell into the dominion of Spain, the eastern part retreated to the eternal enemy - Portugal.

Fernand knew perfectly well what this ultimately meant. After all, all the values ​​were on Spanish side, which means that the whole undertaking was undertaken in vain, and in fact he deceived the king. Much larger than he thought the globe, could not stop him, but played a cruel joke.

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The first trip around the world was made by Ferdinand Magellan. The journey started on September 20, 1519 and ended on September 6, 1522. It involved five ships with a crew of about 280 people. But as a result of civil strife, conflicts and skirmishes, only 18 people returned to Spain on board one ship - the Victoria.

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Everyone must have watched or read Jules Verne and his immortal “ Around the world in 80 days? Who cares, but I wanted to catch up and overtake this record until the burning sensation in my heels! With a modern transport system, this task can be completed in a couple of days. What was it like for the first travelers? How the first circumnavigation of the world? The textbook about this was boring and not enough, so I had to rely on own forces.

Who pioneered the world tour

The pioneer in this endeavor was Spaniard Ferdinand Magellan with his fleet. Of the five ships released on September 20, 1519 from Sanlúcar de Barrameda only Victoria is back to Spain on September 6, 1522. Magellan himself also did not return, killed in a skirmish near the island of Cebu. Completed the route Tocaptain of the Victoria Juan Sebastian Elcano, therefore, the laurels of the first circumnavigation of the world can be safely divided into two.

The composition of the flotilla:

  • Trinidad;
  • Santiago;
  • San Antonio;
  • Concepción;
  • Victoria.

Why was it necessary

Like Columbus, many wanted find a western route to Asia. In addition, through Isthmus of Panama it was clear that America was not the end of the world and there were plenty of prospects for searching. Yes and economic incentive to do without intermediaries in the spice trade is not the last reason. That's why To the ups of Europe took the most Active participation in preparation for the expedition. by the king Magellan and Phaler(companion astronomer) were promised and shares in income from the expedition, and governorship in new lands, and even ownership of part of the new islands.


The flotilla passed along west coast of africa, having wintered in b ukhte San Julian (Argentina), having survived several riots due to distrust, fatigue and lack of food, having lost the Santiago, found the same Prole in the southern part of the South American continent named after Magellan. Already as part of 3 ships (the rebellious San Antonio went back to Spain), the expedition crossed the strait in 38 days.

Almost 4 months took their way to the Marianas. This size of the ocean turned out to be unexpectedly large even for experienced sailors.

On one of the Visayas, Mactan, in conflict with local forces, Magellan was killed.

A few months later, dilapidated ships, already without "Concepcion" abandoned and burned by the crew, reached Molluk Islands, Where "Trinidad" was arrested on orders Portuguese kingI.

Team only "Victoria", rounding Africa managed to finish what he started.

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I remember in school years was a fairly well-read child, interested in history and geography (and where did I go wrong?). I never pretended to be a know-it-all, but I periodically had disputes with a geographer about different points of view, and somehow she categorically refused to take seriously the hypotheses of eminent scientists from the lips of a seventh grader ...

Seeing a question about first trip around the world, I wiped a stingy nostalgic tear and climbed to refresh my knowledge in Google. Well, now I can tell you who this brave navigator really was.

First round the world expedition

It is believed that first circumnavigation of the world (1519-1522) committed Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator who was going to reach Asia by sailing west and at the same time find new way To spice islands for the Spaniards.

The journey itself can be divided into several stages:

And exactly Elcano the Spanish king recognized the person who completed the first circumnavigation of the world, A NotMagellan. Why? Because he is just did not live to see the end of the expedition. It was a harsh 16th century: Magellan was followed west by almost 300 people on five ships, but only returned 18 .

"Slave Traveler"

Enrique de Malaca born on the island Sumatra, but soon was taken prisoner Portuguese and then ransomed by Ferdinand Magellan. During the trip, he was on the ship something like an interpreter, and after the death of the owner, when the ships stopped at one of Philippine Islands, escaped and soon returned to Sumatra. Perhaps he was the one. the first person in history to circumnavigate the globe.

Travels of Zheng He

I also want to mention one curious assumption of the writer and former submariner Gavin Menzies. He also claims that in the 15th century the first circumnavigation of the world made by the Chinese admiral Zheng He, and takes as an argument old maps found in China, which, among other things, bear
