Relatives of Yevgeny Yevtushenko called the cause of his death. Yevgeny Yevtushenko: unknown facts about the famous poet

Yevtushenko died on April 1.
There is nothing to say that the era of the sixties finally died with him.

Contradictory era, conflicting people.
Yevtushenko was born in 1932. The place of his birth is the city of Zima in the Irkutsk region, but he grew up in Moscow.

His parents were geologists. They divorced early, the future poet changed his last name from Gagnus to Yevtushenko, but he talked with his father.
Paternal great-grandfather is a glass blower. Paternal grandfather - a Baltic German, a teacher of mathematics, wrote two textbooks, was repressed in 1938, later released. The poet's father died in 1976.
In addition to geology, my parents were fond of the arts. His father wrote poetry, his mother was an actress.

Wikipedia says that Zinaida Ermolaevna Yevtushenko is an Honored Cultural Worker of the RSFSR. But I remember that for many years she worked with the Soyuzpechat kiosk near the Belorusskaya metro station, at least in the late 80s anyone could buy a newspaper from her. She had an unkind character, she did not communicate with the journalists who besieged that kiosk.
Yevtushenko complained at concerts that his mother did not accept his help, she wanted to live independently. Yevtushenko has a younger sister, born in 1945.

Zinaida Ermolaevna died at the age of 92, in 2002.

In early photographs, his childhood looks prosperous, although the child looks frowningly.

Yevtushenko began to print early, became a member of the joint venture at the age of 20. He became famous very quickly.

In those years, poets collected stadiums

Mikhail Svetlov, Andrei Voznesensky, Bella Akhmadulina, Evgeny Yevtushenko

By the time I remember myself, it had already become something of a monument.
A song based on his poems “Do Russians Want Wars” often sounded on the radio. There are lines: “Ask my wife” - which of the wives should have been asked? He was married to the poetess Bella Akhmadulina,

Then on her friend Galina Lukonina (surname after her first husband, poet Mikhail Lukonin).

Interestingly, both women did not have their own children. With Lukonina, Yevtushenko adopted the boy Peter in 1968. Despite the fact that the marriage broke up, Yevtushenko helped his adopted son until the end of his life. And he died in 2015 in a psychiatric clinic. After the death of his mother, Galina, Peter drank a lot.

The third wife was an Irish woman - a fan of the poet. She gave birth to two sons.

Yevtushenko lived cheerfully, stormily.

His relationship with the authorities was complicated. Either Yevtushenko wrote something very patriotic, or something with a touch of seditiousness.
For example, in 1961 Yevtushenko wrote the poem "Babi Yar". She made a lot of noise. The fact is that he raised the topic of the Holocaust in it, while in the USSR they believed that all Soviet victims of the war were equal.
The editor of Literaturnaya Gazeta, where the poem was published, was fired. But Shostakovich wrote a symphony to Yevtushenko's poems, and Yevtushenko gained worldwide fame.
Since then, how many poets, directors, etc. have come out with the theme of the Holocaust? So tell me after that that Yevtushenko was not a genius. Moreover, according to him, he composed “Babi Yar” without any ulterior motive: just, being in Kyiv, he saw that there was no monument at the burial site, that garbage was dumped there, and was indignant. Came to the hotel and wrote poetry.
Then Yevtushenko had to go, one might say, to his historical homeland, to Siberia, and write the poem "Bratskaya HPP" about the feat of socialist construction. Well, where is the Bratsk hydroelectric power station now? Who needs electricity in this very Siberia? Why do we need our own production, if you can buy everything in China?
For all this, Yevtushenko was strongly disliked by both patriots and Westerners, communists and anti-communists, especially since he did not get out of business trips abroad.
Yevtushenko loved public speaking and read his own poetry well. I was at one such performance in 1985. He was then about to divorce his foreign wife. Rather, he divorced in 1987, but he was suspiciously cheerful and read a poem about a meeting in the taiga with a girl who had a mosquito net on her face, and he liked this girl so much that he had already destroyed 2 families and is ready to destroy another one.

The last wife, Maria, is the mother of the poet's two younger sons.


Long-awaited Aldanochka
guest or zhigan!
On her shoulder
where in any trunk -
That the guest
made sure
pounded the moss with a sock,
and not to trust
and tried on with an eye.
She has the habit of a sable.
Vigilantly sat on the porch
and adapted to the fan
capercaillie wing.
And soft in all movements,
signorita of the three courts
looks askance, waving
camarilla mosquitoes.
And a mosquito net mantilla
trembles a little,
Well, I'm silent
how small
albeit an old one.
It's hard to build a self-roll -
I'm not an expert at this.
I'm talking jokes
and without words like this:
"I'm almost gone.
I lost the address.
I got into a trap
from Buenos Aires.
The one who burned down two houses is the one
happy and shalash.
The third house is about to burn down
and I do not extinguish.
I'm not a slacker at all
but in your hut
don't let it take a bite -
and I will burn her.
I forgot who I am.
I am a total wreck.
I'm not from the clouds
but rather from the pits.
I am in the taiga among the snags,
dainty knife,
from special vagabonds -
wandering in myself.
And there are swamps
not a hole,
but something blue
blooms slowly.
So much messed up in life
everything that he did - everything is not right,
and I'm all - from forget-me-nots.
I can't forget anything.
Destroyed everything, destroyed everything
but believe me, I'm lying:
didn't love anyone
I don't love anyone.
The locust crumbles
how not to shake it!
Love is not in love, aldanochka,
there is still dislike.
you are so young now
and beautiful for the time being
and chasing after you
mosquitoes eat you.
I'm a little old
but this porch
let me stand
next to your face."

Directly, I can see how he famously stamps his foot while reading.

I was then surprised that Yevtushenko was wearing some kind of colored jacket.
Subsequently, wherever he performed, he was always dressed in something unimaginable. Nobody else dressed like that.
I remember him at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR - he then represented Kharkov, and wore an embroidered shirt on this occasion. He behaved defiantly: apparently, he felt that the time of the USSR was coming to an end. Didn't he bring embroidered shirts into fashion?

Then Yevtushenko liked to tell that his biggest shock was the commissioning Soviet troops to Prague in 1968.
I still don’t understand why this struck the sixties so much. The suppression of the Hungarian uprising did not impress, the execution of workers in Novocherkassk did not impress, but Prague did.
And today it is clear that if the troops had not been sent then, the USSR and the Warsaw Pact would have collapsed already in 1970. Would that be good?

I never really liked Yevtushenko's poems, but I remember one thing:

Every case has a random boy.
Such fate did not give talent,
and to them with the cool unkindness of stepmothers
favorite things are.

They take it hard
fighting for their rights for years
but, as before, they look immature
treacherously ruddy words.

They have a lot of anxiety about everything.
They live without doubt
and, stepchildren, they cannot be silent,
when sons are silent about something.

They are alien to those who are only glad for peace,
who is not averse to running away from himself.
They feel with their whole skin what they need,
but they can't help it.

When sometimes, trying to no avail,
ruining the whole thing with mediocrity,
goes to fight for the truth mediocrity,
talent, I'm ashamed of you.

I wonder if he is talking about himself?

In addition, Yevtushenko understood and loved other people's poetry and compiled an excellent anthology of Russian poetry. I have it, and when I open it, I remember the compiler with gratitude.

Yevtushenko enriched the treasury of Russian aphorisms with the expression "A poet in Russia is more than a poet." He tried to put it into practice: he interfered in many cases, helped someone, drew the attention of the authorities to some outrages.

Another famous aphorism does not belong to him, but is associated with him. Joseph Brodsky hated Yevtushenko, and when he heard that Yevtushenko was in favor of liquidating the collective farms (this was during Perestroika), he declared: "If Yevtushenko is against collective farms, then I am for it."

All the talents of Yevtushenko cannot be listed: he wrote prose, directed films, and starred in them himself. He said that Pasolini wanted to shoot him in the birth of Christ, but our authorities did not allow it.

A separate story - songs on the verses of Yevtushenko. Probably everyone knows them and sometimes they even sing, for example, "It's snowing." For some reason, I always want to sing "For this snow in my destiny, thank you, party, to you."

Well, the man lived a bright, eventful life. And he didn't give up though last years was seriously ill. 6 years ago he had a kidney removed, 4 years ago his foot was amputated. But he came to Russia that year, and this summer, on the occasion of his 85th birthday, he was going to arrange a big tour. But did not live.

For some reason, he is being blamed for having lived in the United States since 1991. He found a teaching job there. At that time, he still had small children, and his age was no longer young.
But Yevtushenko never declared himself an emigrant and a fighter against the regime, he never said nasty things about Russia. And he bequeathed to bury himself in Peredelkino, near the grave of Pasternak, whom he respected very much.

Once again, I cannot help but recall the amazing style of clothing that the poet adhered to. Why did he want brightness so much? All these flowers surprisingly do not fit with his stern face.
I remember that he once complained about a poor childhood (which he had exactly the same, if not better, than that of all other Soviet children) and told a story. He dressed up in one of his colored suits, and some simple woman like a cloakroom attendant said to him: “Man, you have such a poor face!”
Probably, he still wanted to get as far away from any asceticism as possible. His feature was shirts with prints, colored jackets, which came with caps made of the same fabric, rings and bracelets. Even under winter clothes, he wore crocheted scarves in the form of a flower garland.

Here is a selection of his outfits.

84-year-old poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko died in his sleep in the United States. The cause of death is cancer.

"Five minutes ago, Evgeny Alexandrovich passed away into eternity. His son, Zhenya, called me and told me this sad news. Unfortunately, my wife Masha cannot talk now," Morgulis told TASS.

Mikhail Morgulis said that almost until the very last minutes of his life, Yevgeny Yevtushenko was conscious - "he heard everything, reacted and, of course, understood that so many people were worried about him."

With the poet, hospitalized on March 12 in the city of Tulsa (Oklahoma), his wife Maria Novikova was all this time. Two of their sons, Dmitry and Evgeny, who arrived at the hospital, also managed to say goodbye to him. Another son - Alexander will arrive in Oklahoma soon.

The poet's wife was also supported by her mother in the hospital. Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who was officially married four times, has five sons: Peter, Alexander, Anton, as well as Evgeny and Dmitry born in the last marriage.

The legendary poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko died in his sleep in a circle of close and dear people. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the wife of the poet Maria Novikova.

Maria Novikova named the cause of death as cardiac arrest and cancer. "He died a few minutes ago, surrounded by family and friends. Peacefully, in his sleep, from cardiac arrest," she said.

The poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko was ill with cancer of the fourth degree. Yevtushenko was first diagnosed with cancer about six years ago. The poet underwent surgery to remove part of the kidney, but in recent times the disease returned.

The funeral will take place in Peredelkino. It is known that Yevgeny Yevtushenko asked to be buried in the Russian writers' village of Peredelkino, next to Boris Pasternak.

The producer of the festival, which was to be held in Moscow for the anniversary of the poet, Sergei Vinnikov, said that on March 29, the wife of the poet Maria called him and connected him with Evgeny Alexandrovich.

“Sergey, I am in a very serious condition in the clinic, the doctors predict my imminent departure,” Vinnikov conveyed his words to the TASS correspondent. “I apologize to you for letting you down very much. us jointly projects - evening in Great Hall The conservatories and the performance at the Kremlin Palace took place without me."

Yevgeny Yevtushenko was supposed to have turned 85 on July 18. He planned to conduct a tour of the cities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Also, the main stage venues in Moscow were to become the venue for the main anniversary events: the P. I. Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory and the State Kremlin Palace.

Three weeks ago, the poet took part in a TASS press conference via video bridge dedicated to the festive events on the occasion of his anniversary.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko is a poet, winner of numerous literary awards, including the State Prize of the USSR, an honorary member of the Spanish and American Academies of Arts and Letters, a full member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Eugene was born into the family of a geologist and amateur poet Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus (Baltic German by birth) (1910-1976).

In 1944, upon returning from the evacuation from the Zima station to Moscow, the poet's mother, Zinaida Ermolaevna Yevtushenko (1910-2002), geologist, actress, Honored Cultural Worker of the RSFSR, changed her son's surname to her maiden one.

When filling out documents for changing the surname, a mistake was deliberately made in the date of birth: they wrote down 1933 so as not to receive a pass, which was supposed to be at the age of 12.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko was officially married 4 times. His wives: Isabella (Bella) Akhatovna Akhmadulina, poetess (married since 1954); Galina Semyonovna Sokol-Lukonina (married since 1961), son Peter (adopted in 1968); Jen Butler, Irish, his passionate admirer (married since 1978), sons Alexander and Anton;

Maria Vladimirovna Novikova (b. 1962), married since 1987, sons Evgeny and Dmitry.

Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko dies at 85

“Five minutes ago, Evgeny Alexandrovich passed away into eternity,” he said.

The poet will be buried in Peredelkino near Moscow.

Like us, on March 31, the writer was hospitalized in serious condition. His wife Maria Novikova refused to disclose the details.

Yevtushenko was born on July 18, 1933. He published his first poem in 1949. Three years later, his first book, Scouts of the Future, was published. Then he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. In the 1960s, together with other poets, he performed at poetry evenings at the Polytechnic Museum, which became one of the symbols of the thaw era. Since 1991 lives in the USA.

In 2013, the poet underwent a complex operation. In the USA, in a clinic in the city of Tulsa (Oklahoma), 81-year-old Evgeny Aleksandrovich had his right leg amputated. Yevtushenko's leg problems began back in 1997. His ankle joint wore out, and he was given a titanium one. At first everything went well, but then they began to torment the poet unbearable pain- it turned out that the titanium joint in the leg did not take root. Ultimately, the situation went so far that the doctors had to amputate the limb.

Yevtushenko entered the history of the Jewish people in the early 60s of the last century. His poem "Babi Yar", written in 1961, became the basis for the symphony composed by the composer Dmitry Shostakovich. The poem made Yevtushenko world famous.

Yevtushenko recalls that the first poems about the tragedy of Babi Yar were published by Ilya Erenburg and Lev Ozerov, who entered Kyiv in 1944 together with the Red Army. He read these verses in 1944 at the age of 11. Ozerov's poems made a strong impression on Yevtushenko. Yevtushenko also said that he had long intended to write poetry against anti-Semitism.

Arriving for the first time in Babi Yar in 1961, together with the writer Anatoly Kuznetsov, Yevtushenko was shocked by the absence of any monument to the dead, Wikipedia notes. Moreover, there was a dump at the site of mass executions.

"And suddenly I saw the most ordinary landfill, which was turned into such a sandwich of foul-smelling garbage. And this is in the place where tens of thousands of innocent people, children, old people, women lay in the ground. Trucks drove up before our eyes and dumped on the place where these victims lay, more and more heaps of garbage."

This spectacle had such an effect on the poet that he wrote a poem in a few hours, sitting in a hotel. The first to hear the poem were Ivan Drach and Vitaly Korotich, who came to Yevtushenko's room. Then he read the poem over the phone to Alexander Mezhirov. After that, the local authorities tried to cancel the planned performance of Yevtushenko, but retreated in the face of the threat of a major scandal.

The next day, Yevtushenko publicly read a new poem in Kyiv. It began with the words “There are no monuments above Babi Yar…” The poem “Babi Yar” became one of the elements of a breakthrough of twenty years of silence about this tragedy.

On September 19, 1961, the poem was published in " Literary newspaper". Before publication Chief Editor Valery Kosolapov said that he needed to consult with his wife, because after the publication he would be fired. However, he made a positive decision.

In 1962, Paul Celan translated the poem into German, in Hebrew - Even Shoshan. In total, it has been translated into 72 languages.

The poem aroused discontent both among a certain part of society and the leadership of the state. In particular, Yevtushenko was accused of exaggerating the tragedy of the Jews against the background of other victims of Nazism.

A political controversy ensued around the poem. A few days later, an article by Dmitry Starikov appeared in Literaturnaya Gazeta, in which, comparing the poems of Ehrenburg and Yevtushenko, he accused the latter of a lack of internationalism. Ilya Ehrenburg sent a protest against incorrect comparisons to the editorial office, but the Central Committee of the CPSU forbade the publication of his letter. Benedict Sarnov subsequently called the article anti-Semitic, and Starikov was described as a "literary rogue."

The poet Alexei Markov wrote to Yevtushenko:

"What kind of Russian are you,

When I forgot about my people

The soul, like trousers, has become narrow,

Empty as a flight of stairs.

Markov was answered by the poets Samuil Marshak and Konstantin Simonov, the composer Dmitry Shostakovich, and the singer Leonid Utyosov. In particular, Marshak compared Markov with the well-known Black Hundreds Markov II, and Utyosov wrote to Markov that "anti-Semitism is the socialism of idiots."

Nikita Khrushchev publicly accused Yevtushenko of political immaturity and ignorance of historical facts.

The editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta, Valery Kosolapov, who published the poem, was fired. Dmitri Shostakovich recalled how the authorities and ill-wishers tried to disrupt the premiere of the 13th symphony, which included the poem. As a result, according to Solomon Volkov, the premiere turned into a demonstration of anti-government sentiment.

In the future, Yevtushenko was repeatedly subjected to anti-Semitic attacks, and the fight against anti-Semitism became an essential part of his work. The second time the poem was published only in 1983 in a three-volume edition. Public reading of the poem was forbidden in Kyiv until the start of perestroika in the USSR.

According to Yevtushenko himself, such a reaction was due to the fact that the topic of anti-Semitism in the USSR was taboo. He also claimed to have received a huge number of letters of support.

Many have heard of Babi Yar, but Yevtushenko's poems were needed for people to truly know about him. There were attempts to erase the memory of Babi Yar, first by the Germans, and then by the Ukrainian and Soviet leadership. But after Yevtushenko's poems, it became clear that he would never be forgotten. Such is the power of art.

Yevgeny Sidorov in the book "Yevgeny Yevtushenko: Personality and Creativity" noted that the creation of a monument to the victims of Babi Yar in Kyiv is also the merit of the author of the poem.

Yevgeny Aleksandrovich was the last of the galaxy of "poets of the thaw".

With his departure, an entire era ended in which poets were the idols of millions.

Blessed memory to you, the great Russian Poet!

Once, while visiting Bella Akhmadulina, the tipsy Vasily Shukshin began to ridicule Yevtushenko: they say, what is he - a Siberian who grew up at the Zima station, wears a bow tie, like the last dude! .. Eugene did not hesitate, answered in tone: tarpaulin boots - not foppery? .. ”The altercation ended with the poet agreeing to take off the“ butterfly ”on the condition that the writer remove his tarpaulins. The result of this story was the poem "Bow Tie ..."

All his life, Yevtushenko dressed unusually, preferring colorful, brightly colored jackets, shirts and ties. According to Yevgeny Alexandrovich, such an addiction came from the Siberian childhood of the war years - as a contrast to the black padded jackets with numbers on their backs, in which gloomy prisoners were dressed, walking in endless columns to the prison camps, and the dusty-earthy overcoats of the Vokhrovites accompanying them ...

Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov

2. At the Zima station of the Irkutsk region, June 18, 1932, the future poet was born

From his father's side, he has Latvian, German and Belarusian roots, from his mother - Polish and Ukrainian. Father Alexander Gangnus worked as a hydrogeologist, his developments were used in the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. Mother Zinaida Ermolaevna is an actress by her second profession. Without finishing her studies at the Geological Prospecting Institute, she entered the Music College. MM. Ippolitova-Ivanov, after which she became a soloist of the Moscow Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky.

In 1944, Eugene's parents divorced - his father had another woman, but his communication with his son did not stop. Being himself an amateur poet, he gave the teenager a brilliant literary education.

3. At the very beginning of the war, parents sent 9-year-old Zhenya to be evacuated to their grandmothers

The boy traveled to the Irkutsk region alone. The journey took four and a half months. He rode, as he had to, mainly on the roofs of train cars, tied with a belt to the ventilation hatch. It has been bombed many times. However, the most terrible test was hunger. He earned money for a crust of bread and a mug of boiling water by reading poetry on the platforms. At one of the stops in the Urals, I went to the market, where aunts were selling freshly boiled potatoes. Fascinated by the aroma, he picked up one potato and began to sniff. Noticing this, the traders attacked the hungry boy and began to beat him. Broke ribs. He escaped from the angry speculators by a miracle - the homeless children recaptured ...

Yevtushenko Evgeny with his mother Zinaida Ermolaevna (1993). Photo: Nikolay Malyshev/TASS

4. “I stopped drinking vodka at 19”

In the Abkhazian village of Gulripsh, where Yevtushenko had his own house, he was considered a noble winemaker. At one time, rumors spread about the poet's addiction to alcohol. False. “I stopped drinking vodka at the age of 19. the poet said. - And I drank it from the age of 12 ... ”This is when he worked at a factory that produced grenades during the war years. In dank Siberia, even children were allowed to drink - so that they would not freeze ... Yevtushenko developed his own philosophy regarding alcohol consumption. He believed that you can drink only in cases where the mood is good. Because this process enhances precisely the state in which a person in this moment is - whether it be depression or joy ...

5. The future poet composed the first poems at the age of 5:

“Why such a cold, why do I breathe with difficulty?

Because Aunt Puddle became a fat Uncle Ice ... "

From childhood, he began to compile his own dictionary of rhymes, which, as it seemed to the boy, did not yet exist in poetry. There were about 10 thousand of them. Alas, over the years, the notebook with these notes was lost ...

Songs were written to Yevtushenko’s poems that have long become popular: “The river runs, it melts in the fog ...”, “Do the Russians want wars”, “Waltz about the waltz”, “Ferris wheel”, “And it's snowing ...”, “Your traces”, "Don't rush", "God forbid..."

In addition to Russian, Yevgeny Yevtushenko was fluent in four languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.

6. In 1991, Evgeny Aleksandrovich left for America with his family.

He taught Russian poetry and Russian cinema at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma and at Queens College in New York.

By the way, Evgeny Alexandrovich received a diploma of higher education only in 2001. The fact is that shortly before graduating from the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, fifth-year student Yevtushenko received disciplinary action for public support of Dudintsev's officially condemned novel "Not by Bread Alone", after which he was expelled from the university.

Petrozavodsk. Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko with his wife Maria and sons (seven-year-old Dima and five-year-old Zhenya) visiting mother-in-law Ghana Nikolaevna Novikova. (1994). Photo by Semyon Meisterman/TASS

7. In 1963, the poet was nominated for the Nobel Prize for the poem "Babi Yar"

In the USSR, for the same poems, which raised the topic of the Holocaust, which was taboo in the USSR, he was accused of anti-patriotism. Miraculously published in Literaturnaya Gazeta, it had the effect of a bombshell. All copies of that issue were instantly sold out. But the scandal flared up serious. And the editor-in-chief of Literaturka, Valery Kosolapov, who decided to publish it, soon lost his post ... Impressed by Babi Yar, Dmitry Shostakovich composed his famous 13th symphony. Which, being performed once, was immediately removed from the repertoire ...

8. Officially, Yevtushenko was married four times.

The first legal wife was Bella Akhmadulina. They lived together for only three years, and all this time the husband was desperately jealous of his beautiful wife for her countless admirers. The stormy quarrels of the spouses were replaced by no less stormy reconciliations ... Passionate love ended due to Bella's pregnancy - the young poet was not ready for the birth of a child and forced his wife to have an abortion. For which later, bitterly repenting, he blamed himself for the rest of his life.

With Voznesensky and Akhmadulina (1984). Photo: Global Look Press

With his second wife, Galina Sokol-Lukonina, Eugene spent 17 years in marriage. They knew each other long before the divorce from Akhmadullina, but got together only after both of their marriages cracked at the seams. After seven years of marriage, the couple took from the orphanage and adopted a baby - the boy Petya (1967), godmother which was Galina Volchek. He became an artist.

According to the stories of relatives, the marriage broke up due to the numerous novels of Eugene on the side. After the divorce, the husband and wife maintained friendly relations. And the father never left his adopted son with his attention: he paid for his education in America, provided him with an apartment ... However, Peter, especially after the death of his mother, developed an alcohol addiction. Two years ago, he died of sudden cardiac arrest in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent six months due to mental illness.

For the third time, Yevtushenko married an Irish woman, Jan Butler. She worked in a Soviet publishing house, translated Russian literature and was an ardent admirer of the poet ... This marriage, which lasted eight years, gave Yevtushenko two sons: Alexander (1979) and Anton (1981). Both were born and live in London. The first-born works as a journalist for the Air Force. The second son is disabled. Anton was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease.

Evgeny Yevtushenko with his wife Jan (Jan Butler) Moscow (January 22, 1979). Photo: East News

From 1987 to last day the life of Yevgeny Alexandrovich was connected with Maria Novikova (married - Yevtushenko). They were separated by 30 years of age. We met when Yevtushenko was filing a divorce from Can. It so happened that young Masha, a graduate of a medical school, approached the legendary poet to ask for an autograph for her mother. Five months later they got married.

Unable to get a job in America in the medical specialty, Maria received another education - philology, and devoted herself to teaching. Teaches Russian language and literature to college students.

In this marital union, Yevgeny Yevtushenko also had two sons: Yevgeny (1989) and Dmitry (1990). Both write poetry and translate their father's poetry into English language. The senior is engaged in political science. The younger one is a computer scientist and plans to become a philologist.

9. Next to Yevtushenko until the last were relatives ... 39_014

Death began to creep up on the poet for a long time. In 2013, due to the developing inflammatory process, Yevtushenko's leg was amputated. Having barely recovered from the operation, the poet flew to Russia and gave more than 40 concerts around the country ...

A year and a half ago, he was hospitalized in Moscow with a diagnosis of arrhythmia. To eliminate the problems associated with the heart rhythm, he was fitted with a pacemaker ...

This year, a big festival was being prepared for the poet's anniversary: ​​in addition to anniversary evenings in different halls of Moscow, Yevtushenko planned to go on a tour of the cities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

According to TASS, two days before the hospitalization, in a telephone conversation with the general producer of ceremonial events, Sergei Vinnikov, Evgeny Aleksandrovich turned to him with two requests. Firstly, he expressed a wish to be buried in Russia - in the writer's village of Peredelkino, not far from the grave of Boris Pasternak. And yet, admitting that he was in an extremely serious condition, he said: “I'm sorry ... that I let you down very much. But ... I ask you that the projects we planned together - an evening in the Great Hall of the Conservatory and a performance in the Kremlin Palace, take place without me. Promise me this. I will die with peace of mind…”

Next to the poet last hours there were his sons Evgeny and Dmitry, and their mother Maria Vladimirovna, now the widow of Evgeny Alexandrovich ...

Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko has been hospitalized in the United States, doctors assess his condition as serious. This was announced today by his wife Maria Novikova.

“Evgeny Alexandrovich was hospitalized in a serious condition, I can’t talk about the details yet. I can only say that this is not a planned examination, ”TASS quotes Novikova as saying.

In 2013, Yevtushenko was unable to travel from the US to his own birthday party in Russia. The poet was going to celebrate the holiday with his family and friends in Peredelkino.

He also had to ignore the ceremony of presenting the Book of the Year award, awarded to him for the anthology Ten Centuries of Russian Poetry.

Just during the ceremony, the poet was in an American hospital, where he underwent an operation to amputate his leg. Overseas doctors informed the poet about the need for surgical intervention a few months before, therefore, according to him, there was no tragedy for him.

Yevtushenko began to experience severe pain in his leg around 1997. The cause was damage to the ankle joint, in which the cartilage had worn out. The joint was replaced with a titanium one, but this did not turn out to be a way out - foreign body did not take root, and Yevtushenko was paralyzed. Shortly after the operation, it was reported that "now he feels tolerable and hopes to new year holidays come to Russia with his wife and sons.”

In December 2014, Yevtushenko was hospitalized in Rostov-on-Don, he suffered a head injury in a fall. Later, the poet was taken to Moscow. Then he said that he did not want to cancel the creative evening in the capital, despite what had happened.

“He is in intensive care, only his wife is allowed in there. He is weak from loss of blood, but is nevertheless alert. He does not want to fly to America on January 2, his wife insists on this. He does not want to cancel the creative evening on January 6 in ZIL (KC ZIL. - Gazeta.Ru). He says, "I will rise." Knowing him, I have no doubt about it, ”the poet’s friend, editor Valery Krasnopolsky, said then.

Despite the problems, in June next year Yevtushenko went on a concert tour of 26 cities of Russia with the first performance in St. Petersburg under the title "A poet in Russia is more than a poet."

Yevgeny Yevtushenko compiled the first part of the tour program from his poems different years reading poems from notes from the audience. The second section was made up of the poet's friends - musicians and artists, including Oleg Pogudin, Gleb May, Denis Konstantinov, who played the young Yevtushenko in his film Stalin's Funeral. Dmitry Kharatyan performed songs based on poems by Pushkin, Pasternak, Alexei Surkov, Bulat Okudzhava and Gennady Shpalikov.

However, two months later, Yevtushenko was hospitalized in Medical Center named after P.V. Mandryka due to breathing problems. Shortly before being admitted to the hospital, the 83-year-old poet began to experience difficulty breathing and, feeling unwell, decided to go to the hospital.

“Yevgeny Aleksandrovich is undergoing planned preventive maintenance before his departure to America,” said Yevtushenko’s assistant in this regard.

Later, doctors said that the poet's condition did not cause concern. However, three days later, doctors unexpectedly reported that Yevtushenko had successfully undergone heart surgery.

“In order to eliminate problems with the heart rhythm, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich was given a pacemaker during the operation. Moreover, he was introduced into the vessel without an incision in the heart tissues, ”the hospital reported then.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko is 83 years old. He was born at the Zima station in the Irkutsk region in the family of a geologist and amateur poet Alexander Gangnus. He published his first poem in the newspaper "Soviet Sport". His first book of poems, Scouts of the Future, was published in 1952, at the same time he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. He is the author of more than 150 books that have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Yevtushenko is the owner of many literary awards, among his most famous works are the poems “Bratskaya HPP”, “Mother and the Neutron Bomb”, collections of poems “Citizens, listen to me”, etc. In 1963 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Two years ago, Yevtushenko received the prestigious Chinese Zhongkun Prize for his outstanding contribution to world poetry.

“I am still a young man, I am only 82 years old. We must live on,” Yevtushenko said at a press conference after the award ceremony at Peking University.

Since 1991, Yevtushenko has been living and working in the United States.
