Conspiracies, advice from healers. White magic spells - good witchcraft for all occasions

The following article on magical advice uses special spells and rituals. Using these magical tips, you can not only improve your sleep and get rid of ill-wishers, but also protect yourself from deception, and also protect your deepest secrets.

improve sleep

If during sleep you often have nightmares, wake up sweating or with a strong heartbeat (tachycardia), then try to solve this problem this way.

Take three empty mayonnaise jars. Fill one to the top with sugar, the other with rock table salt, and the third with water. On the jar of sugar, read the Lord’s Prayer three times, and over the one with the salt, clearly pronounce the spell: “I salted the bad, salted it out, and didn’t let it into my sleep. My word is strong, and my conspiracy is strong. So be it!”

Don’t read anything about the water, she herself “knows” what to do in this company.

Place the jars under the bed in the projection of your head so that there is water in the middle.

The result will be noticed almost immediately, but once the water has completely evaporated, your problem should go away forever.

Then flush the salt and sugar down the toilet or bury it in a deserted place.

Carrot healing

It will help with bad luck at work, vague anxiety, chronic insomnia, obesity, increased nervous excitability, and heart neurosis.

For this purpose, you need to grate 50-60 g of fresh carrots in the morning and mix it with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil, eat on an empty stomach (you can have breakfast no earlier than 20 minutes later), while eating, say countless times: "OUM."

During lunch, eat raw carrots while chanting the same mantra.

1 hour before dinner, prepare yourself carrot juice, at least 300 ml, pour 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil into it, start stirring, saying 7 times: "Let it be so!"

The course is at least 1 month.

Speedy Garter

If your work activity is associated with the need to move on your feet for a long time (you work as a postman, a land surveyor, or deliver goods to homes as a courier), then make for yourself a special amulet, which in the magical tradition is called a fast-moving garter.

To do this, at the dawn of the waxing moon, cut two strips of red and white fabric. Place them together, and between them place three horsehairs, previously taken from the mane of a young stallion. Sew the strips together, saying: “By roundabout paths, by leaps and bounds on the way and at the crossroads, on the road and at the crossroads of the road, do not lose your feet, do not miss time, always fast, tirelessly be the one who wears this garter, the one who utters secret words.”

Before you go on a journey (to work), tie the amulet you made around the ankle of your left leg (white side inward) and say: “Through this secret thing, I will have good luck and ease on my journey, both day and night.”

Get rid of ill-wishers

At noon in the middle of summer, needles are collected from a young pine tree. You need to stand facing the tree and say: “Mother Pine, I, the servant of God (name), did not come to you on my own for help. The Queen of Heaven visited me and sent me to you. Help me, servant of God (name), protect me from the evil eye, from the lying tale. Amen.” .

As you say, collect as many pine needles as you have ill-wishers. Take them to a deserted place, light a fire there and say over the needles: “My enemies, get away, get away from me. Don’t scold me, don’t reproach me, you won’t have power over me. Forever and ever. Amen.”

Throw the needles into the fire one by one. Extinguish the fire and scatter the ashes at the first intersection.

Give yourself confidence

Simple steps will help you in this case.

Pour approximately 100 ml of spring or non-carbonated bottled mineral water and whisper into it 7 times: "The help of Lady Water is in me!", then breathe deeply into yourself air (preferably fresh) 12 times, saying on each exhale: "The help of Mr. Air is in me!" And finally, take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet on the ground, bend down and additionally rest your palms on it, and then say three times: “The help of Mother Earth is in me!”

Carry out in the specified sequence. Now - go ahead, solve your greatest task.

Getting rid of an unknown illness

Take three silk ribbons, white, green and of blue color and immediately before going to bed, tie a blue ribbon across your forehead around your head, place a green one on your torso (approximately in its center), and wrap a white one around the axis: buttocks - genital organ. At the same time say: "We both know why, why and wherefore."

In the morning, upon awakening, remove these tapes (if they slipped during sleep, it does not matter, the main thing is that they are in contact with your body all night long) and get rid of them in any way convenient for you: burn, drown, bury.

Do this for three days in a row, starting on any Sunday.

Get rid of strange sounds

If any are present in your home (without visible reasons rustling, sighing, rustling, creaking, etc.), then on the waning moon, from sunset to the beginning of a new day, take a handful of coins (at least 12 pieces of any denomination) and put 1-2-3 in each corner of your house (apartments), while exhaling, saying: "A ransom for all time. So it is ordered." The money should lie there for three days. Then collect them and buy food with them that could be fed to a stray dog ​​or cat.

This is what you must do if you begin to perform my ritual.

Protect yourself from deception

This ritual is carried out before concluding any transactions, buying, selling an apartment, etc. IN troubled times There are always a huge number of scammers. To avoid, as they say, “being cheated”, do the following before a commercial transaction. Light 3 church candles, saying: "Lord, deliver from evil."

Then wet your ears with spring or well water and say the spell 3 times: “It’s not I, the servant of God (name), who will listen to speeches. Angels are with me to help me from getting lost. Amen.”

Then wash your face and rinse your eyes especially well, saying the following spell 3 times: “The foggy, deceitful, deceitful person is of no use, the eye of the Lord is watching over me. Amen.”

After this, wet your neck, also saying 3 times: “Do not put on a collar, never harness me. The soul is with the body, the mind of the servant of God (name) is in every case. Amen.”

And finally, drink some pure spring water, then say the following spell: "Lord, holy, Lord, right, save from fog, the devil's deception. Amen."

Extinguish the candles by crossing them three times and put them away. After the transaction is completed, the candles are lit and allowed to burn out to the end.

To forget the trouble

If there is a certain episode in your life that you would like to forget, but you just can’t, then follow the suggested manipulations below.

At noon (approximately) on the waning moon, take a nickel and apply it with a coat of arms for 1 minute to the center of the forehead (the “third” eye) with the words: “Grief, melancholy, sadness, switch to money, but I’m not sad!” then repeat the same thing, but this time fix the coin on the tailbone.

Using glue, glue 1 kopeck to the nickel on both sides with the emblems facing outward. While doing this work, say: “To you in submission, and for me to get rid of the grief, melancholy, sadness that the devils pumped up.”

At sunset on the same day, take the nickel with its “subordinates” to the intersection closest to your house and there silently throw this structure in front of you with your left hand.

From the moment the ritual begins until its completion, maintain absolute silence, except, of course, when casting my spells.

Protect secrets

Every person has secrets that he keeps, as they say, like the apple of his eye. And, naturally, he never wants other people to know about them. My magical advice will help with this.

When no one is in your home (office), light any candle and on a blank piece of paper formulate the secret as briefly as possible, writing it with different colored ink (paste), adhering to the rule: each word must be written in a different color (a preposition is also considered a word) .

The order here is: the first word is black, the second is red, the third is blue, the fourth is green and then, if necessary, return to black, then red, etc. The mystery can be described by you in one word - black.

When the text is ready, burn that sheet of paper, holding it in your hands and turning it counterclockwise, while simultaneously saying: “The secret will not become apparent, the secret will not become apparent, the secret will not become apparent. So be it!” Collect ashes, scatter, wash hands. All.

In this article we publish short magic tips - all of them have been tested, and their use is justified in most cases.

For attractiveness

In order not to lose your attractiveness to people of the opposite sex, leave after romantic date backwards, backing away, while mentally saying: "Let it be so!". Walk at least a few steps this way.

For financial well-being

To increase your wealth, have any yellow or red crystal container in your home. At the bottom, place as many coins of any denomination as the total age of all household members. Naturally, on each birthday, 1 coin is added to the vase.

You can put both artificial and fresh flowers in such a vase. In the second case, when the flowers wither and need to be thrown away, the coins should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried, and then placed in their original place.

For good health

If you are sick, place two glasses next to you. In one of them let there be just boiled milk, and in the second - still mineral water. Drink milk one sip at a time, saying: Ordered!, and after 5-10 seconds - a sip of water, saying: Truly!. Do this until both glasses are empty. These procedures should be carried out 1-1.5 hours before meals 2-3 times a day. Recovery will come faster.

For successful trading

If you are a seller and can’t organize the trading process, make a block of aspen of any size and place it under your feet at your workplace. If for some reason this is not possible, then knit a rug in the manner of a small “raft” from poplar, rowan and spruce branches (clean them of pine needles).

Keep a wallet (purse) with money while at home, not far from the exit of your home, or in the bedroom at the foot of the bed when you are lying down. Keeping money at your bedside, according to old healers, means attracting negativity, envy, and ill will.

Protection from thief and ill-wisher

When meeting an ill-wisher (enemy), try to greet him first, especially on the waning moon in the afternoon.

To be your key to front door the dashing man could not take advantage of it, when you put it in the hiding place, say: From departure to arrival, as ordered!, and when you pick it up, say: From arrival to departure, as ordered!.

How to get rid of negativity yourself

3 days before the new moon, boil water and cool it until room temperature, pour into an airtight non-metallic container and place in freezer refrigerator. A day before the new moon, remove the frozen water from the refrigerator and put it in a dark place to thaw, as far as possible from electrical appliances and plants. Pets, if you have them at home, should also not climb in the area where you put the water. The ice should turn into water on its own. Do not heat the container or try to somehow speed up the process. By the time the first month appears in the sky, the ice will completely turn into water. After this you should absolutely not eat. Drink exclusively the resulting melt water for three days. If you smoke, you should also stop smoking for three days. Let me note again that you should not drink regular water during this period. After three days, begin to gradually return to your usual diet. For the first two to three days, drink natural juices. For the next two days, add porridge, vegetables and fruits to your diet. In three more days chicken bouillon and a small amount of meat. After your body comes out of the fasting state, you can return to your usual regimen. By using this witchcraft fast at least once every six months, you will get rid of negative energy, damage and the evil eye, and feel a surge of strength and health.

Food is incompatible with negativity

Never swear or enter into conflict with others if you are going to eat. Also, do not start a meal or tea drinking angry or saddened by something, so that this does not negatively affect your health. Also, do not cook food when you are out of sorts, offended, or even more so angry, unless, of course, you are going to treat your enemy to this concoction. And before you start eating, whisper “I bless you.”

Bath and shower for a bad mood

If you are in a bad mood, take a shower so that the flowing water washes away the negativity from you. There is no need to lie in the bathroom in a bad mood. Try to take a bath in a good mood, but at the same time positive emotions keep them to yourself - don’t voice them, don’t sing them. Following this very simple advice, you will learn to shake off ailments and fatigue and improve your health and well-being. Water will wash away bad thoughts from you, cleansing your body, spirit and mind.

White magic spells are one of the sections of witchcraft that involves creation rather than destruction. It can be used to improve family relationships, find love, become more attractive, attract money and good luck, cure many diseases and protect yourself from black magic.

In the article:

White magic spells and features of light witchcraft

If you have chosen the path of a white magician for yourself, then you should understand that the boundaries of development in light witchcraft are almost limitless. This means that self-development must be continuous. You should never assume that you know everything there is to know.

Much attention is also paid to the lack bad habits. These are smoking, foul language, addiction to alcohol and some others. It is not necessary to try to end all of them at once, but this should be strived for in the long term.

White magicians are not always Orthodox Christians. There are, for example, pagans among them, but there are not too many of them. Often, when pronouncing magic spells white magic is used various instruments– icons, crosses, candles, ritual knives and other objects. , fortune telling cards, frame - these are all those ritual accessories that are very popular among white magicians. With their help, you can find out the future, find geopathogenic zones and reduce their impact on yourself and your family.

It doesn’t matter whether the spells of ancient white magic or more modern variations are in front of you - they are united by the fact that they cannot cause harm. White magic spells are aimed exclusively at creation. This even applies to Punishing an offender with the help of white magic is possible, but at the same time your enemy will receive exactly what he deserves.

Magic for money at the spring equinox

There is an old ritual that attracts money and helps increase the income of the whole family. It is done on the day of the vernal equinox - March 20-21, the time is sunrise in clear weather. While doing this, stand facing east.

Take something fresh egg. Try to buy an egg from a domestic chicken; it is usually not difficult to negotiate in the village. Make holes in it on both sides and pour the contents into two plates, separating the white from the yolk.

Now light the candle you bought in the church and give it the blessing sign of the cross yourself and an eggshell with two holes with these words:

By the grace of God, and with the help of the Almighty.

Take a small sliver of wood, dip it in the yolk and write your initials on the shell. In this case, each letter should be pointed three times. Blow three times on the shell, extinguish the candle without the help of water and air - with your hands or a special cap.

After you have extinguished the candle, count all the money you have in your house, wallet and pockets. If you have bank accounts and plastic cards, you should clarify or remember how much money is available on them. Write the resulting amount of all your funds on a small paper bill.

Now make the dough with just water and flour. Large quantity not required. The dough is only needed to coat the shell with it. Do this after cooking it. While the dough on the shell has not yet dried, attach a bill to it with the written result of your Money and read the plot:

The egg is white, you spin and spin,
Turn around like a clear sun.
I conjure with the nightingale's song,
I bless you with a clear day and a dark night,
Singing copper, flowing water,
With burning fire and flying wind.
From this day my wealth will increase,
And the servant of God (your name) will forget about the sorrows forever!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen.

The shell needs to be planted. Use a flower pot and soil for this. Water it from time to time, preferably during the waxing moon. During watering, it would be useful to visualize the increase in wealth and profit growth.

The astronomical day of the equinox falls on March 20, but according to the creators Gregorian calendar The “official” date is considered to be March 21 (literally “12 days before the Kalends of April”) because this was the date of the vernal equinox during the time of the Council of Nicaea.

In order to find Good work using white magic, go to church and buy two icons - Savior And Mother of God. You also need to take holy water there if you don’t have it at home. Should buy six more large ones church candles. In addition, for a plot to find a job, you also need a clay mug or cup. Any clay container into which you can pour holy water will do.

The time of the ceremony is from sunrise to noon.

Place the purchased icons and light a candle in front of them. Pour water into a mug and place it in front of the candles and icons. First, read the prayer to the Savior, and then to the Mother of God. Cross yourself, make the sign of the cross over the holy water, and then read three times over the water:

Mother of God, and God the Father! Give a blessing for good work. Amen.

Drink three sips of water at once, and leave the rest in the same place until the evening - you can wash your face with it before going to bed. Let the candles burn out in front of the icons. This ritual is repeated for three days in a row, that is, a total of six candles must burn in front of the icons. After three days have passed, you can begin to search for a job using the methods that you would use without the help of magic. You'll definitely be lucky. Don't forget to say prayers of gratitude when you find a job.

Ancient White Magic Spells for Trading

Such conspiracies and spells were used by merchants, and currently they are popular among businessmen who are engaged in trade.

In order to successfully purchase goods, sell them well in the future and increase your profits, you can use one of the white magic spells. It is read in the morning, before you go to purchase goods. Stand facing east, read a prayer to the Savior and make the sign of the cross. After this, read the spell:

The sun is clear, the sunrise is beautiful,
Find my way, find my way,
So that I take it cheaper and sell it more expensive!

As mentioned above, love spells white magic does not bring such harm as. As a rule, their texts contain an appeal to the forces of light that do not accept violence against the will of man. With the help of white magic spells you can find love, strengthen family bonds(especially if you got married in a church), ward off the homewrecker and attract the attention of a certain person.

Strengthening the relationship between spouses

There is a very simple conspiracy to strengthen marital relationships. It helps a lot if you have been married for a long time and think that your feelings have faded and need such influence. You should knead the dough, and then add an arbitrary amount of honey, powdered sugar and a couple of drops of rose oil to it with the following words:

Lada, bright Mother, Svarog, great Father, You have bound our souls forever, you have tied us together.

Use the dough to make any sweet pastries. You can leave it unchanged, or you can add berries, jam or pastry cream to make a cake, pie or something else. You need to feed the dish to your spouse, you can eat it. But you shouldn’t treat strangers to this pie.

Returning passion to the spouses' relationship

There is another conspiracy to incite passion and return the husband’s old feelings. With its help, it is not difficult to restore the relationship that you had several years ago. The time for such a ceremony is the waxing moon. To do this, type running water early in the morning, at sunrise. This could be water from a well or spring. The amount of water you need is a full cup.

A cup of running water should be hidden somewhere in the house until the evening so that no one drinks it. After the sun sets and it gets dark, take this cup of water with both hands and say the following words to it three times:

A bird cannot live without a clear sky,
A wild beast - without meadows and forests,
Servant of God (name) - without me, servant of God (your name).
He's bored and grieving,
Cries and suffers
He doesn't know anything good.

While reading the plot, you should be completely alone, no one should hear you. You need to sprinkle your marital bed with water, but if you sleep separately with your husband, sprinkle clothes or other things that belong to him. The rest of the water should be poured out the window.

How to regain your wife's love and protect your marriage from cheating

There is a way to return the love of your wife, which will be useful to many men if the wife has lost sexual desire and began to pay attention to other men. This ritual is done in full moon. You should take holy water in church and pour it into any clean cup at home. As in the previous ritual to return the husband’s love, the cup of water is hidden until the evening.

At night, between dark and midnight, take a cup of water to left hand, stand near an open window. It is advisable that full moon was visible in the sky. On blessed water the following plot is read:

Just as flowers bloom under the clear sun, so let my wife bloom and shine with love from me.
Just as the heat in her ignites and sinks down to her bosom, so my wife will come to me and keep smiling.
At night she keeps caressing me, and during the day she cries and kills herself without me.
Key. Lock. Language.

Add 12 drops of spoken water to your wife’s drink, but not hot. Compote, water, juices, etc. are suitable. After she drinks it, sprinkle the rest of the water on her clothes, personal belongings and, of course, your marital bed.

What to do if a wife doesn’t want a husband - a plot for a shirt

What to do if you don't want to intimate relationships with your husband, but still love him? With the help of white magic you can rekindle the flame of passion. To do this, at dawn a liter of spring water is collected. Mineral water without gas it is not suitable here. This is also water from a natural source, but it is impossible to know what time it was collected.

Buy a new nightgown in advance and prepare a suitable large basin. This ritual is not done in religious holiday and not on Sunday. You should not practice such magic while when the moon wanes.

So, try to be completely alone by midnight. Put on a new nightgown, place a basin near the table, and on the table - a container of water that you collected at dawn. Say the spell on the water twelve times:

I was born a red girl, I was baptized as a red girl, I will always be just as sweet and red. I, the servant of God (your name), will never forget a man’s blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet. Amen.

Now take water, stand in a basin and pour this water over it. Take off your shirt. There is no need to wash it, just dry it. After it dries, wear it the next night when you go to bed in the bed you share with your husband.

Conspiracy against cheating husband

White magic can protect your husband from cheating. With the help of the following conspiracy, you can not only prevent infidelity, but also stop it once and for all. You need a liter of holy water. The right time for a conspiracy against betrayal is the waning moon, immediately after the full moon. The text must be learned in advance.

So, wake up at a time when it is still dark and the sun has not yet risen. Stay in one of the rooms of the house alone, take a container with a liter of holy water in your hands and read the spell ten times, while looking at the bottom of the container:

A brownie cannot leave the hut, nor can he come to someone else’s doorstep.
So I can’t change my dear one, neither with the pockmarked nor with the good one.
According to my words, everything will be fine, my beloved will never forget me.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After you have read the plot, walk around the apartment or house clockwise with the water. Each corner while walking around the home should be sprinkled with this water. What remains is added to the husband’s drinks (cold or room temperature) in the morning, ten drops at a time.

White magic spells for beauty and attractiveness

In white magic there is a way to become more attractive to the opposite sex. With slight differences in some points, it is suitable for women and men. This one will also help you find your love.

For this ritual you need a red candle, a glass of ordinary water, a mixture essential oils patchouli, ylang-ylang and roses (each oil has instructions that indicate the dosage of oils, and you need one that is suitable for taking a bath), several handfuls of rose petals of any color. In advance, select pleasant music that is associated with relaxation, attractiveness and a romantic atmosphere.

At night new moon You need to put a glass of water on the window so that the moonlight falls on it. Leave this glass until the full moon. This is suitable for women, men need to drink water sunlight, not lunar. Women put the glass in a dark place during the day, and men at night.

On a full moon, the glass of water is removed. Run a bath with water at a comfortable temperature. Water, saturated with the light of a day or night star, is poured into it. At the same time, women imagine how the water becomes silver, and men should visualize golden Sun shine.

After this, turn on pleasant music, add a mixture of essential oils to the water (before adding them to the water, mix the oils with milk or drip them onto sea ​​salt) and pink petals. Immerse yourself in the water and try to relax. Spend as much time in the water as you see fit. While taking a bath, imagine how the skin begins to glow (silver light for women, and golden light for men), ask the Moon or Sun to bestow attractiveness and love, visualize yourself the way you want to see.

Protective spells of white magic

Protective white witchcraft is capable of many things. With the help of appropriate spells you can protect yourself from problems, damage or curses, the machinations of ill-wishers, evil spirits And negative energy. Knowing a few spells, each person will be able to protect himself and his family.

Protective spell against problems

In order to protect yourself from any problems outside the home, read the plot for a scarf or towel:

The shield is my guarantee, Christ is my protection.
I walk and everywhere there is a path and a bright road for me. Amen.

This is done right before leaving the house. After reading the plot, you should wipe your face with a handkerchief or towel.

Conspiracy to the native land before a long journey

In the distant past, before setting off on a long journey, they took a little of their native land with them in a bag. This is very powerful amulet, which can even save lives while traveling. Collect land near your home with these words:

Save your father’s house, and your mother earth, and protect God’s servant (name) from evil on his journey.

Tie the soil in a fabric bag and put it in your traveling clothes pocket or suitcase. This is done just before departure or early in the morning. You can make such a talisman not only for yourself, but also for your family members.

Protection from damage using light witchcraft

There are methods from white magic. As soon as you hear something that can be classified as a threat (for example, a promise to cause damage), stop listening to the words. Cross yourself (and your phone, if threats were heard during a telephone conversation), and then say (without hanging up if you are talking to an enemy on the phone):

Everything has come, it’s passed on to you. Perish, disappear, go away. Amen.

It doesn't matter whether your enemy was listening to you at the time. The main thing is that you sent back negative program and defended themselves from it.

Protection from negative energy using magic

The method is like after a quarrel in a personal meeting with your enemy. To do this, you need an ordinary black thread of any material, approximately the length of an elbow, and any wax candle. Black candles are often used to get rid of negativity, but if they are associated only with black magic, they should not be used for protection. There should be no lighting other than this candle.

You can protect your home even without the help of conspiracies, only by resorting to the power of herbs. The technique described below is necessary to protect and cleanse your home from evil spirits, the evil eye and negative energy. Repeat it once a month, on the waning moon.

Prepare a cool infusion of thistle (can be found in almost any field) and dill. Herbs can be either fresh or dry. Wormwood, which has long been famous for its protective properties, is also good.

Make a small broom of white, speckled and black chicken feathers. Sprinkle your home with this broom and infusion of herbs, walking around it clockwise. Be sure to sprinkle the front door, windows and window sills. Don't skip the bathroom, storage room and balcony.

White magic can not only protect, but also get rid of damage. With its help, any person can always change their life for the better; the main thing is to do good not only in their thoughts, but also in their actions.

People's Councils of the Veduns

It can be bad for those who celebrate their birthday in advance.

If at someone’s birthday they fight until they bleed, then the birthday person will have bad luck for the whole year.

It is forbidden to have a holiday or funeral table There were thirteen people sitting - one of them would certainly die soon. If you are invited and you see that there will be thirteen people at the table, then it is better to immediately get ready and leave this house.

Do not count your money three times on Sunday - you will always have little of it.

Do not finish your baby’s portion of milk, otherwise he will get sick.

A seriously ill person will recover if you pick grass from the grave of a suicide and, throwing this grass into the fire, say:
How true it is that (so-and-so) hanged himself,
It is so true that (so-and-so) said goodbye to his illness.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If, after stress, your eyesight begins to deteriorate, take a freshly laid black chicken egg and rub your eyelids with it, then give this egg to the chickens to peck, and your vision will return.

If a husband and wife kiss across the threshold, then they will not live together.

You cannot give money and food over the threshold - you risk living in poverty.

The first leaves that fall from the oak tree are carried into the house and stored until next year. Leaves will keep your home from evil people. Before you bring them into the house, you need to say:
How these leaves fell from the oak tree,
So that all evil things disappear from me
And they never got into my house. Amen.

If the housewife finds a dead mouse in the milk, she must read “Our Father” forty times, otherwise there will be a drowned person in the house.

Anyone who has been rescued from water twice will drown a third time.

Do not go to the barn at night unless necessary, otherwise the cattle will be weak.

Don’t throw the rope above your head and don’t make nooses for fun, otherwise there will be a suicide in the family.

If you steam yourself with a broom in a bathhouse and it crumbles, you will get sick and will be sick for a very long time. Always tie the broom well.

Whoever approaches the mirror at night will disturb his double.

Ask God for what you really need at Christmas. Ask seventy-seven times and it will be given!

IN Maundy Thursday Wash yourself with silver or gold, putting it in water, and you will be beautiful and healthy.

Those who have quarrels in the family should all eat periwinkle leaves together. The quarrels will stop after this.

If you want an unwanted person to leave your home, go and place a knife at the doorstep with the words:
Like a piece cut from a piece of bread falls away,
So let (so-and-so) leave this threshold.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen

You can’t kick a child’s potty, otherwise people will kick your child all his life.

If an old, very ill person is bathed in leaves that have fallen from an apple tree, he will live another year.

If on Pokrovsky evening you heat the stove with apple wood, and then go outside and, looking at the smoke, say:
How Adam did not leave his Eve until death,
So that (so-and-so) doesn’t walk away from me! —
then the husband will not walk away from his wife.

Neither the first nor the last in the family cuts down the linden tree, otherwise they will lose their health.

Brother to sister, and children should not sell their cattle to their parents, otherwise it will all die.

Hatched chickens are not shown to strangers for three weeks, otherwise the chickens will not lay eggs well.

During the initial construction of a house, you cannot lay the first log or the first brick on the day when someone’s funeral was nearby, otherwise the whole family in the new house will die out. And vice versa, if someone is celebrating a wedding or christening nearby, then laying the foundation of a house will bring happiness.

IN new house they don’t drive in at sunset - it won’t happen family happiness, also do not enter fast days- on Wednesday and Friday.

At a housewarming party, the widow does not cook food, otherwise the new housewife will become a widow.

Driving into a new house in a snowstorm is a sign of good fortune, in a snowfall is a sign of wealth, and in a hailstorm is a sign of misfortune.

If a person suddenly loses a lot of weight, you need to take him out into the yard on the first day of the full moon and say behind his back:
How full are you, the moon?
So would (so-and-so)
The body grew white,
It wouldn't get dry and it wouldn't hurt.

If a child is sick and does not recover for a long time, you need to break a branch of an apple tree and place it under the sick person’s bed until it dries up. The dry branch is burned, and the child immediately recovers.

Do not pull out the first gray hair, otherwise you will not live to see the time when your entire head turns grey, and if this has already happened, contact a healer, she will reprimand you.

If you accidentally scratch your other hand with one hand, someone will steal something from you.

In a dream, biting your tongue means illness. Hitting yourself in a dream means a scandal.

About those who swore by someone or something and did not keep this oath, old people say: “His twelve veins will soon die,” then he will become vulnerable to troubles and misfortunes. And if the apostate was born third to his mother, then such a person will soon die.

When a child does not begin to speak for a long time, he should be bathed in rainwater. Until the child speaks, he is not allowed to eat fish soup or fish, otherwise he will be as dumb as a fish.

When you are visiting a pregnant woman, when leaving, do not stand at the door for a long time, otherwise the woman’s labor will be protracted and difficult.

If a pregnant woman participates in washing the deceased, then she too will soon die. Do not allow a dog or a pig to sniff a pregnant woman's belly, this will always make the child sick.

When a pregnant woman lends money to someone, she also gives away the health of the child.

If a man “feels” chickens, he will be impotent.

Whoever spits when talking about a witch will lose all his teeth.

The witch will know all the thoughts of the person who thinks about her at night.

If someone seriously offends a witch, she can make him suffer for seven years, and in the eighth year the offender will die.

A truce between witches will come if one of them throws silver or gold coin, after such a ransom, any harm will be empty.

Give the witch willow with Palm Sunday means asking her for forgiveness. From this day on, the witch will not have to take revenge on the offender for his language or bad deeds.

If you are reading a prayer and yawning attacks you, then you have damage.

If you feel bad in the temple and the smell of incense and candles irritates you, you are probably spoiled by your enemies.

When someone offers you to remove the damage at once, they are telling you a lie. Damage is reprimanded several times, or even throughout the year, depending on who forged it and when. It is impossible to remove damage over the phone, and it is also impossible to remove damage by applying a photograph of the “master” to the body. Photography is not miraculous icon. If you were offered something like this, then you are being led by the nose.

Never pass someone else's candle in church if it is handed to you over your shoulder. Do not allow the candle to be lit from your candle and do not allow your candle to be moved from place to place. It is especially dangerous if you light a candle and someone extinguishes it in front of you.
In former times there was such a belief: if a family sits down at the table on Christmas Day and, when the first star appears, begins to have dinner, that is, to eat, then unmarried girl or an unmarried guy from this family, having taken the first non-lenten piece into his mouth, must keep it on his tongue and not swallow until he, going out into the street, accidentally hears some name from people passing by. It was believed that the bride or groom would have the same name. People say that this sign has come true more than once.

On the feast of the holy two - Zosima and Savvati - a person born of twins can ask the Holy Fathers for happiness and wealth. To do this, you need to go out at night under the clear stars and say twice:
Holy Fathers Zosimus and Savvaty,
There are two of you, and I am one of twins.
Give it to me
My dual fate (this and that and that).

After you say this twice, you need to cross yourself and, kneeling down, kiss the ground. Everything that you asked from the Holy Fathers will be given to you.

No worst omen, if you meet an old hairless horse coming towards you. To avoid trouble, you need to say:
You have four hooves, I have two.
No one will ever destroy me.
My guardian angel is with me,
Christ and the Mother of God are above me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amine

Whoever stretches at the table will have “lazy” money.

If an adult pees in bed, he will soon get sick and will be sick for a long time.

Whoever kills a fly on the table will be unloved in the family. The table is the home throne!

Until all the breads or rolls are baked, you cannot try any of them, otherwise your children will live in poverty.

An egg with two yolks is a sign of joy. An egg without a yolk means the owner is ill. To ward off the disease, you need to break a yolkless egg on the corner of the house.

Whoever celebrates a wedding on Elijah’s day will wash himself with tears.

The widow needs to get married on Tuesday, then the second marriage will be long.

If a girl hand feeds a guy, that is, puts candy, a berry or a cookie into his mouth with her hand, then it is possible that she is bewitching him.

To prevent my daughter from being beaten future husband, her mother, on the eve of the wedding, soars her daughter in the bathhouse with a broom, slapping her on the back and sides, and says:
I'm the last one alive to beat you
And don’t let this broom let anyone hit you!

What not to do at a funeral

You can't feed while standing infant, if the funeral is visible, for example from a window, otherwise the child will suffer.

The first person to fall asleep in the place where the deceased gave up the ghost will die for the same reason, so it is not advisable for anyone to sleep on his bed for forty days.

Anyone whose shadow falls on the coffin while the coffin is being lowered into the grave will not live long.

If the dug grave does not accommodate the lowered coffin, then wait for a new funeral. To avoid this, you need to urgently contact a specialist for a lecture.

If during a funeral a crow sits nearby and caws, this foreshadows a new misfortune, and if a cuckoo crows, then everyone present at the funeral will live a long time.

Don't let children look empty coffin and touch him so that their life would not be empty and lonely.

If a coffin was lined with cloth in the house, the remaining cloth is burned so that there is no new dead person.

If during a funeral procession someone's soles of their feet itch, then that person will follow the deceased. To prevent this from happening, you need to immediately whisper:
You, dead man, care, but I care!

I offer you a few simple magic tips... I hope you find them useful.

1. To maintain your attractiveness to people of the opposite sex, after a romantic date, leave backwards (backwards) and at the same time mentally say: “So be it!” Thus, you need to go through at least a few steps.

2.To increase wealth, you need to take some kind of crystal container (for example, a vase) of red or yellow color and at the bottom put as many coins of any denomination as the total age of all your household members. And, of course, on each birthday you need to add one coin to this vase. By the way, you can put artificial or fresh flowers in this vase. When living flowers wither, they should be thrown away, and the coins should be rinsed well with running water and dried, then placed again in this vase.

3. In order to establish the trading process, you need to make a die from aspen (the size is arbitrary) and put it under your feet at the workplace. If this is not possible, then knit a rug (in the shape of a raft) from branches of rowan, spruce (after clearing the pine needles) or poplar.

4.Keep your wallet with money near the exit from the house, or in the bedroom at the foot of your bed (when you are lying in it). It is not recommended to keep money at your head, as you can attract negativity, hostility and envy.

5. To prevent dashing people from using your keys to the front door, when putting them in a hiding place, say: “From leaving to coming, as ordered!”, and when taking them away, say: “From coming to leaving, as ordered!”

6.Before going to work on a day when you have an important transaction planned, perform the following ritual. Waking up with the first rays of the sun and smiling at it, say, looking straight at it: “The sun is shining in the sky, giving its warmth to everyone. Give me luck and success, may my business succeed. The sun is the source of life, a stream of bright light. Make me lucky. Truly." Then you can calmly go to work, everything will certainly work out for you.

7. To find something lost in the house, stop and relax for a while, then quietly say to yourself: “Found!” You don't have to think about what the word means, just say it and don't do anything else. Throw away all extraneous thoughts and think all the time only about what you are looking for. Soon you will feel an unknown force leading you somewhere. Don't resist her. Stretch out your hands, open the drawer, etc., and soon you will see the thing you are looking for. But even if you don’t find it, internal forces will tell you where it is. After all, perhaps you just took it out of the house and forgot, and now you will certainly remember about it.

8.If you are unsuccessfully looking for a job, then take 2 dimes. Hold one of them in your left fist, and the other in your right fist and leave the house. When you cross the first intersection, don’t forget to throw a coin in front of you with your left hand and whisper: “Paid!” When crossing the second intersection, throw the patch behind you with your right hand, and while it is flying, be sure to have time to whisper: “I paid off (paid off)!” These manipulations must be carried out on the waxing Moon in the first half of the day. On this day, you should skip lunch and go to work on an empty stomach. If necessary, repeat this ritual after 2 or 3 days.
9. If you are overcome by a feeling of impending disaster, then perform the following ritual.

Take an empty green bottle and light a candle. Close your eyes and imagine as clearly as possible the problem (impending disaster) that you want to get rid of. Say the spell: “Let all the bad things that are coming to me, my family and friends (list everyone by name) go into this bottle. Let it be so! And so it will be!” As quickly as possible, cap this bottle and seal it with wax, then take it to some untrodden place and bury it there.
Good luck to you!
