How to clean the faucet in the bathroom: step-by-step disassembly and cleaning of taps. How to remove and remove limescale from a faucet - the best remedies

How to clean the faucet in the bathroom or in the kitchen, because the water in our plumbing is sometimes such that it leaves much to be desired. This is hardness, and the content of iron and other chemical and mechanical impurities. All this affects the condition of our taps and faucets. They fade, become covered with bloom, take on an unsightly appearance. This cannot please our hostesses, and they take all measures to restore the original appearance. We will try to consider various ways mixer cleaning.

Let's choose the material first.

To start cleaning your faucet, in the bathroom or kitchen, you need to find out what material it is made of. Mostly on the market, sanitary products, faucets made of brass are presented. There are products made from other metals and alloys. They can be made of copper, bronze, stainless steel, and other chrome alloys. It would also be nice to clean up.

Some of our alloys are nickel plated. There are mixers covered with ceramics.
Nickel-plated products are not very practical, at the slightest blow, nickel is chipped. Nickel tarnishes with use and is difficult to restore to its original appearance. Copper and bronze faucets have a rich look and are quite practical to use.
Recently, ceramic and plastic products are often used.

Plastic ones have not yet found their proper application, although they are devoid of all the shortcomings that metal mixers have. They do not oxidize, do not become covered with various raids. They have their own big drawback. They are very fragile and break quickly.

Leading professors are working in this direction.
Ceramic structures have all positive properties, which are possessed by metal and plastic mixers. Their biggest drawback is high price. They are not available to the general consumer.

Methods for cleaning brass products

Brass is an alloy that, over time, begins to tarnish. It has such properties that it is quite easy to bring it back to its original form.
Let's consider some of them.

The first way, you need to take a clean soft cloth, moisten it with hot soapy water and gently wipe the entire mixer. Where you can't get it with a tissue, you can clean it with a toothbrush. Brass will shine with pristine brilliance.

The second way, tomato paste contains acid. It returns brass to its former luster. To do this, cover the entire mixer with a thin layer of tomato paste. Wait about thirty minutes, and then rinse well with water.

The third way, Lemon also contains acid. The lemon is cut in half, sprinkled with a small amount of salt, then the entire plane of the tap is wiped. After this procedure, the product becomes like new.

The fourth way, if your faucet has almost lost its color, you need to prepare the next liquid solution. Salt, vinegar and flour are taken, the mixer is removed and disassembled into separate parts. All this is immersed in the prepared solution, aged for about an hour and washed well with water. The faucet will shine like new.

There is one more universal remedy, which saves brass from tarnishing, is linseed oil. You just need to, after a while, just apply it to the tap. By doing this, you are doing good prevention so that the faucet does not lose its brilliant appearance.

Another tip when cleaning your brass faucet is to avoid using metal brushes and hard cloths to avoid scratches.

Methods for cleaning copper devices

The installed faucet is constantly in contact with water. This is a hostile environment. Copper gradually begins to fade, and if you do not pay attention to it for a long time, it becomes covered with a green coating. You can clean it up in the following ways.

  1. - In boiling water, dish detergent is added, the tap is placed in this solution. Lasts half an hour. Washes well and rubs with a soft cloth;
  2. -Prepare a solution of vinegar with salt, the mixer is boiled in this solution. Then, as in the first case, it rubs. Your design will shine with renewed vigor.

Methods for cleaning bronze mixers

Bronze products quickly take on a dull appearance. If you want to clean them, first assess how dirty they are. You can arrange them various means which can be bought at the store. This is TRILON-B or GOI paste. In some cases, it is recommended to add gasoline to the GOI paste. There are several other tools that are widely used by the people.

Prepare the next mixture. Add chicory to the water and mix well. We place a bronze structure in this mixture, stand for some time and rinse well.

The item can be boiled in pea broth, the mixer will shine like new.

If it is very dirty, we prepare a solution of caustic sodium or potassium. We put the device in it and stand for about an hour. Rinse and rub well.

The bronze mixer gets a nice look.
If your faucet is dull, then use one of these remedies.

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Glittering faucets are in every kitchen and every bathroom. These are absolutely necessary technical devices in the economy. In addition, stylish faucets in classic or modern design have long been an interior decoration.

Suddenly, the faucet begins to hiss and snort, and the jet loses pressure. The reason for this may be calcium deposits contained in tap water. To eliminate the breakdown, the mechanism must be thoroughly cleaned and defective parts replaced.

Conventional faucets are equipped with two separate valves for cold and hot water. AT recent times they are gradually being replaced by single-lever designs. Which of the models is preferable in terms of design and technical device, everyone chooses for himself.

Double valve

In such a mixer, the force of the water flow is controlled by the so-called crane boxes. There are two of them: separately for cold and hot water. One of three types is usually used:

  • worm;
  • lamellar;
  • ball.

When we turn the valve, the locking mechanisms open the way for the corresponding flow. After passing through the faucet box, the water is mixed in the spout.

single lever

A special cartridge is built into the body of such a mixer, which contains two ceramic plates ground to each other. When the handle-lever is turned, the plates are displaced relative to each other. This expands or closes the holes through which water passes.

There is also a model where the plates are replaced by a hollow ball with holes. Hot and cold streams enter, mixing, into this chamber and through the outlet enter the tap spout. The control lever moves the ball, thus regulating the pressure and temperature of the water.


For installation in the bathroom, the faucets can be equipped with a ball switch. It allows you to redirect the flow of water between the shower and the gander, i.e., the spout of the tap. Structurally, this device is close to the ceramic crane box. Adjustment is made by rotating a small lever.

This mechanism is extremely reliable and less susceptible to breakdowns, unlike other popular variety- push button shower switch.

How to disassemble the mixer into parts

Limescale does more than just stain chrome surfaces. It accumulates between the elements of the mixer and interferes with their normal operation. Therefore, to clean the internal areas, you have to remove the crane and disassemble it into parts.

In the bathroom

Bathrooms often have twin-valve faucets because they require more precise temperature control. To remove such a mixer, the first step is to shut off the supply to the pipes of both hot and cold water.

The further course of action is as follows:

  • disconnect mixer from water pipes by unscrewing the nuts holding it;
  • remove the red and blue plugs on the faucet handles and unscrew the screws under them;
  • unscrew both faucets from the mixer using an adjustable wrench;
  • disconnect the faucet spout with aerator.

If the device uses rubber or plastic gaskets, it is recommended to upgrade them.

There is no point in repairing the crane-boxes with ceramic elements themselves, it is easier to buy new ones to replace them. It will be inexpensive. We clean all the parts with a detergent from rust and lime and assemble the structure in the reverse order.

In the shower

A diverter shower faucet is similar in design to a faucet with only two valves. Having disconnected the mixer from the water supply network, the faucets for cold and hot water are unscrewed from it, then the shower / gander switch is removed. To do this, also remove the plug and, by unscrewing the screw, remove the lever. After cleaning the parts, they are reassembled into a single structure.

AT this case attention must be paid to the safety of the shower hose. It's easy to damage metal tool, so it is better to disconnect the hose manually.

If this fails, the nuts must be wrapped with a cloth so as not to be scratched. The shower head is removed and placed in a solution of vinegar for several hours to clean the water holes. Especially heavily clogged holes are pierced with a toothpick.

In the kitchen

Many people prefer to install a single-lever faucet in the kitchen. In the process of cooking, it is convenient to regulate the water with one hand. To clean such a mixer, you need:

  • remove the plug located under the lever and unscrew the screw;
  • pull the lever handle up and remove it from the cartridge stem;
  • remove the cap that closes the mechanism from above and unscrew the clamping nut;
  • remove the cartridge from the faucet body.

How to clean a faucet from rust, scale and other contaminants

In order to clean the mixer from rust, scale and other contaminants, you can use a variety of chemicals. It is not recommended to use compounds containing aggressive acids and chlorine. You also need to be careful with abrasive powders so as not to damage the chrome surface.

Cleaning products

On sale you can find a variety of compounds that will effectively help in the fight against pollution. The most famous of them is Silit.

Please note that ordinary bath and toilet gels, as well as bleaches, are not suitable for cleaning faucets from the inside.

The most popular home remedies are:

Should not be mixed different means, so you can accidentally get a caustic compound that will damage the metal. Before cleaning, put on rubber gloves to protect your hands from harmful effects.

How to clean a faucet

In the presence of light plaque, you can simply rinse the device with an appropriate agent. If deposits have penetrated deeply, you will have to remove and disassemble the entire mixer. Rough dirt and rust internal parts can be cleaned with a steel wool.

When cleaning external chrome surfaces, abrasive powders should be avoided.

If it is not possible to disassemble the mixer, then it can be soaked in detergent for several hours, in the hope that the lime build-up inside the device will dissolve or become brittle and fall off on their own. But you don't have to leave hardware in solution for too long.

Limescale removal

Lime deposits are formed due to the high content of calcium in the water. Hard water enters water supply network often enough. White spots and stains can be easily removed from the surface of the mixer with laundry soap or soda. In the presence of persistent contamination, they can be covered for a while with a cloth soaked in vinegar or a solution of citric acid, then rinse the part clean water. For the treatment of internal surfaces, it is better to use special tools.

Rust removal

If there is a significant amount of rust, it must first be cleaned with a wire brush or sandpaper. The remaining traces, as well as slightly affected areas, are treated with the usual means: vinegar, soda, lemon juice.

You can try to wipe off the rust with a rag soaked in machine oil or kerosene. Car owners use an auto cleaner for this purpose, or you can buy a special one in the store household remedy against rust.

How to clean the aerator filter

The cause of a weak uneven jet from the tap may be a clogged aerator filter. It is often clogged with small debris contained in the water. In addition, the fine mesh is also susceptible to salt deposits and rust. The aerator is carefully unscrewed and immersed in a solution of vinegar. Then it is rinsed and set in place.

If the filter is so "grown" to the tap that it is impossible to remove it, the cleaning solution is poured into the bag. This package is hung on a crane, immersing the part of the device to be cleaned into it.

In the video, the author tells what components of the mixer need to be checked in order to improve the water supply.

Preventive actions

Even with increased water hardness, contamination of the mixer will not be a problem if the plumbing equipment is properly maintained. For example, you can apply the following methods:

  • install water softener filters;
  • install coarse and fine mechanical filters;
  • Use suitable cleaning agents;
  • remove lime deposits while they are fresh;
  • coat external surfaces with a special shampoo that forms a film that protects against dirt.

Then maintaining the good condition of the equipment will not be a hassle.

Using the methods described, any skilled owner will be able to clean the mixer. To do this, you need a screwdriver, wrench and special remedy to remove rust and lime deposits. The main thing is not to forget to block shut-off valves hot and cold water before starting work. All these efforts will not go in vain. A smooth, powerful jet from the tap will help you quickly and easily complete all household chores.

Each person at least once in his life faced with the problem of how to remove limescale from a tap, but few people thought about the true reasons for its appearance. The fact is that in the water that is supplied to our houses and apartments through pipeline systems, there are always various mineral impurities. Their number may vary depending on the area of ​​​​residence, but still they exist and have a direct impact not only on the hardness of the water, but also on the formation of an unpleasant plaque on the internal and external surfaces of pipeline equipment. In this article, we will tell you how to clean a limescale faucet at home and how to avoid further contamination.

How to avoid the formation of plaque?

In the care of any sink, shower or bathtub, it is best to try to avoid the formation of limescale than to go to great lengths to get rid of the pollution. To make it easier to take care of household plumbing, it is recommended to observe the following rules of its operation:

  • after each use of the sink or bath, thoroughly rinse the bowl and faucet, and wipe them dry with a soft cloth;
  • carefully remove every drop of liquid on plumbing to avoid the formation of dry streaks;
  • every month, you should take the time to thoroughly disinfect the bathroom, which will prevent the formation and reproduction of mold and fungi, which can lead to health problems.

By following these simple rules, which take no more than a couple of minutes, you can long time not to think about the problems associated with clogging of faucets and the need for weekly cleaning of taps.

How to clean the faucet from limescale?

If there are still unpleasant contaminants on the tap, then you can get rid of them using several methods. The main difficulty here lies in the fact that these structures usually have a relief surface. To achieve the desired result, be patient and use one of the following cleaning methods.

Method #1 - Acetic Solution

A concentrated solution of vinegar and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1, will help to clean the faucet from limescale at home.

Clean the faucet surface as follows:

  1. In a pre-prepared bowl, mix equal amounts of water and 9% table vinegar.
  2. Soak a kitchen sponge in the prepared solution.
  3. Treat the surface of your faucet carefully.
  4. Rinse the structure with running water.
  5. Wipe the faucet dry with a dry, clean, soft cloth.

Important! If the plaque is already old and large, it is better to unscrew the tap and place it in a container with such a solution overnight. This time will be sufficient for the effective splitting of salt deposits on the metal surface.

Method #2 - Hot Acetic Acid

To clean the faucet from limescale, you can use acetic acid differently:

  1. Heat, but do not boil, the vinegar - the table solution should be warm, but not hot.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting liquid.
  3. Wrap cloth around your faucet.
  4. Leave the plumbing in this state for half an hour or an hour.
  5. Rinse the surface of the faucet thoroughly - warm water is best for this.
  6. Wipe the faucet dry with a soft cloth.

Important! When working with vinegar, be sure to use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves and a respirator. These precautions are necessary to protect the skin of the hands from irritation when interacting with acid. It is also very important to protect the respiratory tract, because when evaporated, vinegar has a rather pungent odor, inhalation of which in large volumes can lead to irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Method #3 - Citric Acid

A solution of water and citric acid has a sufficiently high cleaning effect. Cleaning using this tool is carried out as follows:

Method #4 - Baking Soda and Soap

Such simple means cleaning products, like laundry soap and baking soda, are sure to be at hand for every housewife. However, not everyone knows that with their help it is enough to simply remove limescale from the tap. For best results, follow these cleaning tips:

  • Dissolve a bar of laundry soap in hot water.
  • Add to the resulting thick solution a large number of table soda.
  • Soak a kitchen sponge in the prepared cleaning agent and carefully treat the surface of the faucet.
  • After cleaning, wash off the remaining soap with running water;
  • The surface of the tap must be wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Important! In the hard-to-reach area of ​​the faucet, you can clean with a soft-bristled toothbrush. A special microfiber cloth is perfect for cleaning embossed surfaces.

Use of household chemicals

You can also clean the faucet of limescale with the help of specially designed cleaning products that are sold in every store. household chemicals. However, when choosing and using chemical substances There are a few very important things to keep in mind:

In this article, we have shared with you the most effective methods how to remove limescale from a faucet, and we sincerely hope that following these recommendations will help keep your plumbing clean.

There is hardly a hostess who would not be affected by the problem of how to remove limescale from a tap. As soon as you cleanse it, it reappears with the same tenacity. Even if you wipe the surface of the chrome faucet after each use. Which, in general, is unrealistic. And yet you want the faucet in the bathroom or in the kitchen to always look beautiful and shining, like new.

Where does pollution come from

They say that a couple of decades ago, tap water could be drunk without the slightest fear (at least in Moscow). It was so soft that soapy hands had to be washed off for a long time.

Today the water has become much worse quality. And most importantly - much tougher. This means that it contains an excessively large amount of salt. It is they who are postponed for the most different surfaces sinks, toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs. Salt deposits accumulate especially actively at the joints of faucet parts, at the joints of the faucet with a sink or sink, and on the underside of the faucet watering can. There the hostess notices them last. And when they are already striking with whitish stripes, it becomes not so easy to overcome them.

Most of the water that flows from our taps contains calcium and magnesium salts. Therefore, the plaque remaining from the water on different surfaces is called calcareous. After all, lime contains calcium. Plaque formation is intensified when hot water is poured from the faucet.

In addition to limescale deposits on chrome-plated surfaces, drying residues of soap suds and toothpaste also give faucets an unsightly appearance. But they are easy to deal with: you just need to wash them off after washing.

Deposit removers

When the hostess discovers that a brand new chrome faucet is covered with a whitish coating, the first thing she does is look for suitable chemicals. They will surely help. In the departments of household chemicals of supermarkets and hardware stores, there is a huge selection of such drugs.

All sorts of "Domestos", "Sunclins", "Mr. Muscles" really remove plaque quite easily. But then the hostess is horrified that the mixer, instead of becoming shiny, is covered with dark, cloudy spots that are almost impossible to remove.

The fact is that most cleaners chemicals contain acids with which chromium reacts. Especially if you leave the composition on the surface of the tap for 10-15 minutes, as stated in the instructions for use.

So it is better to turn to home remedies for cleaning chrome parts in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen. This will be both cheaper and better quality. And it will not be “excruciatingly painful” to look at a completely new, but such a ugly mixer.

If you still prefer to use household chemicals, then look for those that say: "For chrome surfaces." So, well-known world manufacturers plumbing fixtures develop their own care products. For example, the Czech company Ravak has developed products specifically for cleaning chrome parts. But, like the plumbing of this company, the means it offers are far from the cheapest.

Eco-liquids from the German company Grohe are on sale. They also remove well not only limescale, but also grease and other contaminants.

Home remedies for dealing with the problem

The easiest way to remove whitish salt streaks at the joints of the faucet parts is to use a soft metal dishwashing net. But you should save your manicure and wear gloves. After all, the mesh will have to wield in narrow spaces.

When using a plaque remover, you do not need to be too zealous so as not to leave scratches on the metal.

Quite reliable way remove lime deposits from the mixer - use fine table salt as an abrasive. Just pour it on a damp kitchen cloth and wipe the surfaces contaminated with plaque. Salt is not as harsh on shiny surfaces as a metal mesh.

Despite the fact that chromium does not get along well with acids, you can clean it of small salt layers with a slice of lemon. For best effect you can sprinkle the lemon with fine salt. After the procedure, the mixer must be thoroughly rinsed with water and wiped dry.

If you prefer to eat lemon, you can use citric acid, diluted in water. Vinegar will work too. But after using them, you also need to thoroughly rinse the mixer and wipe it with a dry, clean cloth.

Another option for removing limescale is regular baking soda. It is necessary to pour it on a damp cloth, carefully wipe all contaminated surfaces with it, rinse and wipe dry. If the plaque does not lend itself well, then you can leave the soda on the mixer for half an hour or an hour. To clean parts that are difficult to reach with a cloth or sponge, you can use a disused toothbrush.

It is often said: “No metal brushes, no abrasives in the care of chrome surfaces!" But salt and soda are also abrasive substances. The main thing is not to use force when using a metal mesh or salt, so as not to really scratch the faucet. And even better, so that you don’t have to fight plaque, take care of the mixer every day. Then it can be cleaned with normal kitchen sponge with laundry or toilet soap.

Recently, bronze sanitary ware has become increasingly popular. This is a spectacular externally product, endowed with all the advantages of a noble metal. But the joy of acquisition and use can be overshadowed by the appearance of stains and plaque. As part of this material we will talk about how to properly use bronze faucets, how to care for them. And, of course, we will learn the features of cleaning such a sensitive surface.

Bronze - a real impulse of the modern building world. No one can resist stylish, spectacular and noble mixer taps. But during the purchase, many simply do not think about what troubles they doom themselves to. Only regular cleaning with the right products can provide the necessary disinfection in the kitchen or in the bathroom. To begin with, we want to give a few general recommendations for cleaning plumbing:

  • it is necessary to select cleaning products, starting from the type of coating;
  • during cleaning, pay great attention to the cleanliness of the aerator - this is where the largest number dirt, rust and pathogenic bacteria;
  • do not use bronze taps for cleaning because they can damage the surface of the product;
  • for cleaning, use a soft, lint-free cloth; if you use a sponge, treat the product with its soft side;
  • after cleaning, wipe the faucet with glass cleaner - just a few drops of the product are enough to restore shine and radiance to plumbing.

Features of operation of bronze cranes

All those who have bronze plumbing at home are well aware that it fades rather quickly, loses the saturation and nobility of its original shade. That is why product care must be timely and, most importantly, careful. Let's look at the most effective and already proven methods.


If you need to clean a bronze or bathroom, use a mixture of vinegar, salt and flour - these components are sure to be in the arsenal of every modern housewife.

To prepare a miracle remedy, you will need a tablespoon of 6% vinegar, salt and wheat flour. All components must be mixed together until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, and the resulting slurry is evenly distributed over the surface of the plumbing with a soft sponge, left in this state for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly with cool water and wipe dry. soft cloth, better from microfiber.

tomato paste

Bronze water faucets are recommended to be cleaned with tomato paste, you can replace it with juice fresh tomatoes giving equally effective results. The tarnished areas of the bronze surface should be covered with tomato paste and kept for 30-50 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed off the surface of the plumbing with cool water, and the product itself is wiped dry.

Linseed oil

It is difficult to call this product popular, it is hardly present on the shelf of every housewife. But if flaxseed oil is present in your diet, we recommend finding one more oil for it. useful application. This is an excellent prevention of dullness and plaque on the surface of bronze plumbing. All that is required of you is to periodically apply a thin layer of oil to the faucet.

Lemon juice

Don't know how to clean bronze faucets? Use the old proven way - lemon juice. To do this, cut a medium lemon in half, sprinkle half of it with ordinary table salt, and then treat the surface of the plumbing with it.

Bronze faucets, however, as unfortunately, very quickly lose their effectiveness, become dull. Therefore, in order to return them to their original appearance and cope with even the most serious and ingrained pollution, use a special paste - Trilon-B. You can find it at an appliance care store.


Few people know that bronze taps are great to clean with chicory powder. So, three tablespoons must be diluted with water until a rather thick slurry is obtained. The finished mixture should be evenly distributed over the surface, left for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

sodium and potassium

In advanced cases, when pollution from the surface of a bronze tap cannot be eliminated by all of the above methods, you can resort to the help of caustic potassium and sodium. The components should be mixed in equal proportions, the resulting composition should be applied to the contaminated areas of the sanitary ware, held for 30-40 minutes, then rinsed with water.

We fight stubborn pollution in hard-to-reach places

Modern manufacturers, trying to win the love of consumers, offer faucets of very bizarre, non-standard, to put it mildly, forms. By the way, it is they who are especially popular, but few people think about how difficult it is to clean hard-to-reach places during the purchase. Take advantage of our tricks:

  • Toothbrush. With the removal of dirt in hard-to-reach places ah, the plain old one does just fine Toothbrush. With its help, it is necessary to distribute the cleaning solution over contaminated areas. An excellent remedy is baking soda with a few drops of lemon juice. If necessary, it will be necessary to make a little effort to remove all old stains.

  • Dental floss. Who would have thought that ordinary dental floss would help in removing dirt from hard-to-reach places. Measure about 20-30 cm of the thread and use it to remove dirt from the joints and all hard-to-reach places. The hostesses who used this recommendation have already confirmed the effectiveness of the method.

Summing up

Timely removal of all dirt, traces of plaque from the surface of plumbing will save you from removing old stubborn stains in the future and prolong the presentable appearance of the product in the present. If you regularly follow all these recommendations, you will not only maintain the attractive appearance of plumbing, but also significantly extend its life.
