Creative homework in mathematics as a means of improving students’ independent activities

MBOU "Uglitskaya Secondary School"

Creative work

"As my peers say"

Chelyabinsk region

Chesme district

Uglitsky village

MBOU Uglitskaya secondary school

6th grade 12 years old

Head: Galina Alekseevna Goloshchapova,

teacher of the highest category

MBOU "Uglitskaya secondary school" Chesmensky district Chelyabinsk region

“The Russian language is extremely rich, flexible and picturesque for expressing simple natural concepts,” wrote V.G. Belinsky.

I agree with the famous critic's statement. How many words can be found to express thoughts, describe nature, and just for communication!

In Russian language class, I learned that scientists estimate that there are more than 500 thousand words in the Russian language. All of them are “stored” in dictionaries. For example, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl has 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs, and the 4-volume dictionary edited by D.N. Ushakova – 85 thousand words.

But unfortunately, Lately my peers are not at all interested in the wealth of our native language, litter it with various in foreign words, for example, “high”, “bye-bye”, “helou”. Also, inappropriately and inappropriately they use incoherent words “like”, “in short”, “as if”, which sometimes makes speech meaningless.

If you look closely at some words youth slang, then you can see that some of them are borrowed from thieves’ jargon (“ksiva”, “wet”), others are formed by adding roots (chickfire - “lighter”), others are simply from abbreviations (schmuck - “fool”, “stupid” ). At our school, students use abbreviated words in their speech: “matika” (mathematics), “lit-ra” (literature), “fiz-ra” (physical education).

Why does youth slang arise? I think to make your speech incomprehensible to others, to show that you belong in the company, or is it just a desire to look like an adult.

And it also seems to me that these words are often used by my peers because such expressions introduce a special “flavor” into the language: if you say “high,” it becomes clear that it’s great, beautiful, interesting, but if you say “sucks,” it means the opposite.

Quite recently I heard from my classmates a new (at least for me) word “nyasha”. “He’s such a sweetheart,” they say, that is, “cute,” “charming.” Having opened Dahl’s dictionary, I read that “nyasha” is mud and mud, a viscous liquid swamp. Nothing in common. Apparently it's just beautiful word taken as a basis without even knowing the lexical meaning.

By the way, the words of youth slang penetrate both the speech of adults and the means mass media. For example, I often hear words such as tusovka (company), Kalash (Kalashnikov assault rifle), respect (an expression of sympathy), chip (something interesting, unusual).

What could be more important than well-developed speech? Without it there is no success in learning and good communication. A person’s speech shows his upbringing. Undeveloped speech, small lexicon, obscene language are an indicator of human underdevelopment. Lately Increasingly, swear words are heard in the speech of high school students (and sometimes younger students). I think this is unworthy for a person, in the end, it’s just ugly.

The development of speech culture depends on the family and everyday environment. My parents and grandparents have higher education, they love to read. We have a good library in our house, which contains a lot of reference books. And when I don’t understand something, I open an encyclopedia or dictionary and find the answer I need.

Unfortunately, in our small village there are not many families where there are libraries or at least shelves of books. It's a pity. After all, this is why the vocabulary of many of my peers is poor.

And I want to finish my work with the words of K. Paustovsky: “There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian: the sound of music, the brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm , children's whispers and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.”

According to new federal standards, creative work using technology is a mandatory part of the educational process. Such activities should demonstrate the skills and abilities that were acquired by the student in technology lessons. Thanks to such work, they can show their individuality. In addition, creative work using technology helps the child to use theoretical knowledge in practice.

Why are technology projects needed?

Technology projects as a learning option

Let's try to figure out what a creative technology project is. An example of such an activity is the creation of a wooden stool. Before proceeding with the actual assembly of the product, project participants study theoretical issues (product elements, options for fastening parts) and pay attention to safety precautions.

DIY stool

The “Stool” project seems simple only at first glance. In reality, the situation is much more complicated, because you need to select optimal sizes legs, parameters of the base of the stool, in order to obtain not only a beautiful, but also a stable product. The project may contain elements of research, abstracts, and reports. For example, you can analyze how the shape changed, appearance stools, trace the use of raw materials for its creation. Creative work of this type is based on the independence of schoolchildren.

Each creative project using technology (any example can be given: embroidery, wood carving) is aimed at cooperation between the student and the teacher. Already in early age the child develops initial professional skills; on their basis, the child can choose his own future profession. Such activities combine several types of work: pair, individual, group, collective. The teacher is a consultant, partner, coordinator, and the bulk of the work falls on the shoulders of the students themselves. Each creative technology project (examples will be given below) encourages children to acquire new skills and knowledge. By working on a specific topic, schoolchildren receive a specific result, which has a positive effect on their self-esteem.

Project "Soft Toy"

Not all girls love to sew, but all of them, without exception, adore soft toys. To combine their love of stuffed animals with regular technology lessons, consider a fluffy bunny making project. The goal of the work will be to create soft toy. The starting materials for the work are pieces of fur, thread, a needle, filler for a toy, cardboard for a pattern. The project involves working in a group. One girl will be making a pattern for the future bunny. You can choose a ready-made pattern or make it yourself. The task of the second needlewoman is to connect the parts. Another participant in the project will fill finished parts with soft filler. All girls will take part in the final stage, during which individual parts will be connected to each other.

Examples of creative projects for girls

To give to mom on March 8th original gift, you don’t have to spend money, you can do it yourself. Creative project“Postcard to Mom” involves creating a beautiful postcard using the scrapbooking technique. At the first stage, girls get acquainted with the features of technology and examine finished products. Next, together with the teacher, they set a goal: to make an unusual and bright postcard. To achieve this goal, materials are selected: colored cardboard, satin ribbons, figured hole punches, halves of pearls. Next, an action plan is outlined, the sequence of work is analyzed, and responsibilities are distributed between project participants. Creative technology project - use case available materials to get the original result. We suggest a sequence of actions:

  1. We bend ordinary cardboard in half, choosing the desired postcard size (10 by 15 cm, 20 by 25 cm).
  2. Next, using a figured hole punch, we give the card unusual shape, trim the edges. The shape can also be given using commercially available ones.
  3. Let's get down to it important point- design of the outer part of the postcard. At this stage, girls will be able to show their Creative skills, come up with satin ribbon bows and unusual pictures for decoration. As an additional touch, you can consider attaching the halves of pearls.
  4. While one group is designing the front part of the card, the second group can think about the internal content: text, design. The most in a simple way There will be a printout on a color printer ready-made template, but poems or congratulations of your own composition will be much more pleasant for mothers.
  5. At the final stage of the project, you need to glue a congratulation to the finished card.

Such a project will definitely unite the girls and help the teacher solve a lot of problems related to the interpersonal relationships of teenagers.

Example of an individual technology project

An example of a project for one student to complete is crocheting. In order to make a knitted handbag, a girl must first master theoretical knowledge. The teacher introduces the technique of crocheting, helps to choose a product model, and choose threads. Together with a mentor, the needlewoman chooses the dimensions of the product, the knitting option, and its density. The second stage of the project involves individual work schoolgirls. The teacher’s task is to periodically monitor the quality of the resulting product, as well as help when difficulties and difficulties arise. The end result of such a project should be ready product- unusual knitted handbag.


A teacher who uses project technology in his work meets the requirements that are presented to him as part of the transition to new education standards. It is in such joint activities with students that trusting relationship, all the prerequisites arise for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. Attempts to find together an answer to the problem set by the teacher contribute to the formation of communication skills. Schoolchildren who have experience working on a variety of projects do not experience difficulties when studying in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Educational activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard do not involve simple memorization theoretical material, and working it out on specific examples. More fruitful cooperation in the process of work between students and the teacher leads to the formation of the ability to set a goal and look for a rational way to achieve it. Analytical skills acquired in technology lessons will help children make quick and right decisions V Everyday life. The project approach is distinguished by humanism, respect for the student’s personality, and a positive charge. This activity is aimed primarily at developing the child’s personality and solving the problem of adaptation in modern society.

What is creative work? A work created with your own hands, a craft, a written poem, a composed melody... Many things can be attributed to this concept.

A child creates every moment of his life

In fact, any activity can be called creative if a person performs it using imagination. Children's creativity sometimes lies in the simplest actions that adults seem ordinary or even harmful.

Here the kid tears the paper and randomly scatters the scraps on the floor. From the outside it may seem that he is just being a hooligan. However, the child may be busy with an important task: he is creating snowflakes that cover the ground.

Damaged wallpaper is an attempt to depict something monumental, large, that does not fit on the sheet. The cut-up curtains may also be the embodiment of a creative idea - the child wanted to cut out lace on boring, monotonous curtains.

Life is a fairy tale that must be seen

Children need to be taught to use their imagination when doing anything from childhood. Even such a tedious job as rewinding balls can be easily turned into a creative one if you invite the “winder” to imagine the balls as living creatures that run around a bowl, talk, quarrel, make peace - in short, live their own “ball” life. And then the boring activity is no longer boring at all, but creative work.

With your own hands, rewound threads under your mother’s or grandmother’s fingers will turn into an amazing little thing, in the creation of which the baby will take part.

Types of creative work

That is why it is quite difficult to assign them to specific categories. But if we consider children's creativity directly, we should highlight several fairly extensive sections. These are the activities in which a child can reveal his potential. For example, we can distinguish such types of creativity as:

  • figurative;
  • verbal;
  • musical;
  • theatrical and gaming.

This also includes design classes, modeling, and making appliqués. L. S. Vygotsky suggests including them in visual creativity. But research creative work is already scientific activity. It most closely fits the category of verbal creativity.

Children are already born musical

But the baby got to the pots and selflessly knocks on them with a ladle. Where does a child get so much harm? Does he deliberately piss off adults by causing headaches with noise? Of course not.

A wise adult understands that the baby is doing important creative work - with his own hands he learns to make different sounds, compares them, and puts them into a certain pattern. He may be doing it clumsily for now, but look how hard he tries!

What if next time, instead of a saucepan, you offer him a tambourine, castanets or triangles? You can set up a real little orchestra with your child and play an amazing melody.

Drawing - a touch of creativity

Children also love to draw. They also begin to engage in this type of activity with early childhood. And if, while eating, the baby purposefully stains the table with jam, spreads a puddle of juice with his finger, and smears the porridge on his head and clothes, perhaps he is already trying himself as an artist.

It can be given to very tiny toddlers at this age, which can be easily washed off furniture and hands and washed off clothes and upholstery without much difficulty. And it’s best to replace wallpaper in a children’s room with cheap ones that you won’t mind changing after a year.

Children who can already deftly hold a pencil in their fist need to be offered paper and shown how great this “magic wand” can do amazing things on a white field.

And at first let the child simply scribble on the sheet with pencils or make shapeless spots with a brush. The main thing in this activity is not the result, but the goal that he sets for himself.

Fine arts classes in kindergarten

In classes, children no longer just draw. They perform creative work on a topic given by the teacher. It can be a landscape or still life, a plot painting depicting people, animals, fairy-tale characters or household items.

Children's creative works are interesting, in which the teacher does not set a clearly defined task - to draw a specific object, but invites them to independently come up with the concept of a painting on one or another, quite broad, topic. These could be the topics “We don’t want war!”, “Why you need to follow the rules traffic?,” “Take care of nature, because it is our home!” and others.

The words “sculpt” and “create” are often synonymous

Fine art, as mentioned above, also includes modeling. Kids, using plasticine, clay, polymer masses, salt dough, cold porcelain, try to sculpt what they see, love, what adults told them or read about, what their imagination suggests. Such creative works of children can tell a lot about their inner world. That is why it is so important to give children the opportunity to sculpt not only on a given topic, but also according to their own ideas.

Collective creativity of children

Everyone has noticed that kids sometimes create something together. Here in the sandbox they build a town or lay a highway, or build fortresses out of snow. This type of activity not only allows them to unleash their creative potential, but also teaches them to work in a team, which will be so useful to them in their future adult life.

This should also be used for educational purposes in the classroom. For example, the applique “Bird Town” can turn out wonderful if the children independently glue birds cut out of paper onto whatman paper, their nests, flowers, leaves on the branches of a tree or in the grass under it! This is a wonderful collective creative work. What you make and hang with your own hands will be the pride of the kids, their parents and teachers.

Exhibitions of children's crafts

Children's institutions often hold a competition of creative works on a certain topic. It can be very different. For example, “Crafts competition from natural material", "We create fairy-tale characters from vegetables", "Magic cardboard", "What can be made from plastic bottles? and others.

Children and teenagers purposefully learn to construct objects and compositions from scrap materials that can be used in everyday life or as home decoration. It is very important to set a task for children, show examples of work already completed by someone, and explain that the more valuable option is the one that was made according to one’s own plan, and not copied.

It is interesting that students’ creative works are often so unexpected in their solutions, individual and so skillfully executed that adults sometimes do not believe in the student’s authorship.

Children learn about the world through play.

All children love role-playing games. By participating in them, they perform entire improvised performances. But a smart teacher will not let this look take its course.

All children's groups are developing a special creative plan for work in this area. The goals that the teacher seeks to achieve through the game, the necessary skills and abilities of the participants, which they consolidate or learn during the action, and methodological techniques, must be indicated here.

For example, the creative game “Shop” was included in the plan. The teacher sets the following goals:

  • Familiarization with the work of adults who work in the store.
  • Development of cultural communication skills in retail outlets.
  • Fixing the names of products, classifying them according to quality characteristics.

Preparatory materials used for organizing didactic role-playing game, may be as follows:

  • Targeted excursion to the store.
  • Talking with children about what they buy at retail outlets.
  • Modeling of vegetables and fruits from plasticine.
  • Drawing on the theme “We went to the store.”
  • Ball game "Edible-inedible".
  • Didactic table lotto “What products are made of.”

Role-playing games are used not only in kindergartens and primary school. They are very effective in studying foreign languages. Also, even high school students really like playing teachers in class - it teaches teenagers to relax, develops the skill of speaking in front of an audience, the ability to evaluate and review other people's answers.

And everyone’s favorite game “The Sea is Troubled”, when the presenter asks to show various figures, reveals real acting talent in players.

Creative work - concert

Often in teams it is necessary on our own hold a concert. It’s good if all members of a small society know each other and know who is capable of what. But if the team is still very young, if it is only a couple of days old, as happens in summer holiday camps at the beginning of the shift? Then the game “Chamomile” will help organize such a creative activity.

You just need to cut out a lot of petals from cardboard and lay them out on the table or fasten them with buttons on the wall. On the back of each one you need to write a task: read poetry, sing, dance, portray an animal, tell funny story and so on. Children take turns choosing a petal for themselves and preparing their performance. Some group with each other. The ability to replace one task with another should not be prohibited; this is still a creative endeavor, not an exam.

Verbal creativity

This view is worth a separate point. Even adults don’t all know how to talk interestingly about what they see, much less come up with something. But everyone needs to develop this talent from early childhood.

Children try to compose fairy tales, poems, fables - it’s wonderful! Wise adults immediately write down all their creations. And even if the baby does not later grow up to be Bazhov or Dragunsky, Pushkin or Rozhdestvensky, the first literary experience will remain a pleasant memory.

But both the child at school and the adult in the future will need the skills of presentation, formulation, and writing descriptions. Therefore it is worth paying Special attention for retellings and expositions, compiling stories from pictures.


The process of learning about the world occurs constantly, from birth to old age. At each age it has its own volume and its own speed of assimilation of new things. However, he almost never stops.

Here is a baby crumpling and tearing a newspaper, putting his fingers and toys into his mouth. This is serious research and creative work. The baby receives a lot of sensations and knowledge. But he is still too young to draw conclusions that are understandable to others.

Later, when the child begins to speak, he should be sent to the right direction. From early childhood, children must learn to systematize their acquired knowledge. Executed in written or printed form, such research may be called a scientific work.

The baby can carry out his first experiments with bulbs, placing cups with plants on the windowsill. Daily observation results should be recorded under the supervision of an adult using notes or drawings. Ready option report is already a real research work.

Creative research in the field of culture and art can be organized. For example, an interesting topic would be comparing patterns and ornaments on dishes. Here the aspiring "scientist" masters comparative analysis, learns to find the complex in the simple, and the simple in the complex.

Older children choose a more difficult topic for research. These can be analyzes of artistic and musical works, experiments with chemical elements, collection and systematization of plant care methods and other interesting options.

Briefly about the main thing

Every person has creative potential. And the task of educators, parents, teachers is, with the help of collective actions, to help him open up, to give impetus to the development of the talents of the growing individual.

Test task

Creative work on the topic:

"New opportunities for creativity

in educational activities".

Essay by a teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2

Art. Grigoropolisskaya, Novoaleksandrovsky district, Stavropol Territory

Shelski Anna Viktorovna

The more we give joy and care to others, the more happiness we ourselves gain.

Ancient wisdom

Teacher...Modern teacher...When I reflect on these concepts, I think about myself, about the school where I came to work in September of this school year, about education in general. Where do I fit in all this? Am I a real teacher? Modern?

I’m sure it’s too early for me to talk about this. After all, the life of a teacher can be compared to climbing a mountain peak. First you dream and think, then you make plans and prepare. And then the long and difficult climb to the top begins.

I'm just at the beginning of this journey. My school dream came true: after graduating from Armavir State Pedagogical University, I received a specialty as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Started to climb the mountain. And where? In his native Grigoropolis municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2. Next to me is my beloved class teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature, now my mentor - Irina Viktorovna Goncharova. I consider myself lucky because I got into ideal conditions to start pedagogical activity. And yet I must find new opportunities for creativity in the educational process.

I worked for several months. During this time, I managed to experience the joy of first success and first victories, bitterness and tears of failures and mistakes. But I know what definitely didn’t happen. There was no disappointment, there was no moment when I wanted to give up and give up everything.

While still studying at the pedagogical university, I knew that I wanted to become a good teacher. I knew that for this you need to have not only excellent knowledge, but also a kind soul and a sensitive heart. And now I also realize that I must be in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the question: “What and how to teach schoolchildren?”

And now I’m working in a 21st century school. Modern technologies allow the teacher to maximize his creativity, reveal his teaching potential and bring variety to his lessons. As part of the Federal State Educational Standard, our school has created conditions for the child to acquire knowledge on his own, engage in self-education, and have the opportunity to try his hand at various fields, including research activities. I feel great satisfaction in knowing that I have the opportunity to be at the center of what is happening.

Yes, in the 21st century the teacher has entered the age of new technologies. And there is no doubt that a modern teacher needs to be competent in the field of ICT and introduce them into the educational process. I'm happy to do this. From my own little experience I know: lessons using multimedia and the Internet increase interest in learning the Russian language and literature, and thanks to their use, efficiency increases independent work, there is an opportunity to realize your creative plans more widely. These are truly new opportunities for the development of creativity in the educational process.

Nowadays it’s generally difficult to imagine a teacher’s work without using information technologies, allowing, using a computer and various information programs, to build lessons and conduct extracurricular and extracurricular activities. That is why you have to constantly study yourself and work hard. This means that self-education is a priority for teachers in modern world. A teacher must know not only his subject and master the methods of teaching it, but also have knowledge in other areas public life, navigate modern politics and economics.

Teachers face the most important task teach children in such a way that they can quickly respond to the changing conditions of the world around them, are able to discover new problems and tasks, and find ways to solve them. To achieve this, we need an innovative approach that ensures a transition to a productive and creative level and the creation of a system of interaction between students, teachers, and parents to solve educational problems.

Undoubtedly, children are the main ones in this process. Communicating with them, I constantly feel deep inner happiness, I feel necessary to those who sit in front of me. Of course, it is impossible to be lower than what they love in me, because right now for them I am the smartest, the kindest, the most beautiful. And at this moment I understand: for the sake of this feeling I live, I suffer, I read a lot of books, I try, I experiment, I fantasize - after all, I cannot let them down, I have no right to betray our unity. Words by S.L. Soloveichik reflect my pedagogical credo on the relationship between teacher and student: “There are no two relationships towards a child - pedagogical and human. There is one thing, and only one thing, human.”

I remember these words of the famous teacher also because I am the class teacher of grade 5-A. First of September. First Classroom hour. The first question to yourself is: “Can I?” The bell rang changed my life. When my fifth-graders ran into the classroom, I realized: my place is here, in this office, in this school. And every day I tell them everything I know, what I can do. And I’m happy to see that they like it. They are not the only ones learning, I continue to study with them. Every day and every hour I am an adviser, informant, inspirer, mentor and, it seems to me, a friend. Every day and hourly my activity changes: I am now an actor and creator, now a master and researcher, now an organizer and entertainer, now a guide and even a parent.

As I change, I understand that one thing remains unchanged: the teacher must know not only child psychology and age characteristics child, he must understand the soul of the child. Working in a school, every day I plunge into the inner world of children and see how much empathy and support from a teacher matters to them. I believe that if a teacher is not able to see the inner world of his student, then he has no place in this profession, even if he knows the subject he is teaching perfectly well.

In my lessons, I try to create favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of each student and my own.

I believe that every child is talented. Talented in his own way. My task as a teacher is to identify the unique potential of each child, to help him show his best qualities, to reveal himself. Child development, improvement best qualities can only take place in activity. That is why the leading idea of ​​my pedagogical experience is modeling the choice of the most effective technologies, means and forms of organizing joint activities of teacher and student.

With every new day, with every new lesson and class time I understand that I like the profession I have chosen. Now, as once upon a time, it is not surprising to me that a teacher, crossing the threshold of a school, discovers new life, where there is room for endless self-improvement, where you can preserve a piece of childish naivety.

Now I believe: school is my life. When they ask me: “What do you do?”, I answer with special trepidation: “Teacher!” And I am especially proud that I am a rural teacher. This is not just a word - it is work. In a rural school it is work from morning to evening. There is no other way. I wouldn't want it any other way. I like to spend all my time at school because I like my job. As I. Kant said, “work is The best way Enjoying life".

That's why you can't stop. Life moves forward. My wide-eyed students expect something new and unusual from me every day... And since I have chosen the profession of a teacher, it means that I will only strive forward, only to new heights, so as not to disappoint them!
