Lavender color. Lavender color (photo). Combination of lavender color with other colors. Lavender color in the interior photo

The interior of the bedroom will look most impressive if decorated in lavender. According to psychologists, it is the shades of this color that promote an even, calm and even spiritual mood. And warm combinations of lavender with other shades will successfully highlight all the advantages of a sleeping place.

But due to the complexity of the selected shades, not every average person will decide to decorate their bedroom this way. And rightly so, in vain. After all, this color has enormous emotional potential.

In such a bedroom it is easy to relax after a hard day. Warm shades relieve eye strain. Nervous excitement gradually decreases and eventually disappears. And the general psychological state reaches the level of peace. This is conducive to a good night's rest.

And vice versa, in the morning the lavender color, thanks to its natural freshness and purity, energizes, positively sets you up for solving problems and fulfilling the responsibilities of the coming day.

Favorite of flowers

It is also worth noting that lavender color in last years has become a favorite among colors and shades among many interior designers. Including in the design of bedrooms.

Of course, it would be inappropriate to paint the walls men's bedroom in a rich lavender color. But for a children's room or a young girl's bedroom, this the color will suit, could not be more optimal. And a separate compromise between the masculine and feminine principles can be, for example, the design of a joint bedroom for spouses.

If the male half of the family categorically does not accept walls or ceilings painted in lavender color, and the female half wants to see this particular color in their bedroom, then a wall design in pastel colors.

Here are the various accessories: textile coverings(a blanket, a small rug by the bed, curtains, etc.), and even just bed linen can be chosen in lavender color.

The versatility of this color also lies in its beautiful, effective combination with other shades of a certain color spectrum.

  • Combination with white. According to spectral theory color range White color refers to warm tones. And lavender has its origins in the blue spectrum. Therefore, combining it with white will bring a feeling of freshness and coolness to the bedroom. Which, from a psychological point of view, is very useful for healthy sleep. But if, at the same time, you want to add romance to the interior, then it is recommended to place various accessories in the shabby chic style in the bedroom. Or fill it with various textile textures in vintage style.
  • Combination with pastel. This combination is very similar to the combination with white. However, a bedroom decorated in lavender with splashes of beige, cream or light gray will visually expand the space. But in the overall geometry it will look somewhat “blurred”. Therefore, designers advise focusing on bright accessories of the opposite color scheme or on accessories of the same lilac-violet theme, but with more monochrome.
  • Combination with bright shades. If the bedroom design was conceived in bright colors, then a combination of lavender with raspberry, purple, rich green, orange or lemon yellow can add dynamism to the interior. Such an interior will really look stylish, bright and with a “pretense of originality”. However, with this design, the dosage of one or another shade should be very strictly observed; after all, the lavender color should play a dominant role. Otherwise you can easily turn " original interior” simply into “tacky design.”

  • Combination with dark shades. The lavender shade, due to its color characteristics, can visually narrow and reduce space. If the bedroom is a fairly spacious room, then there should be no problems with decoration. But if the bedroom - small room, then you should exercise caution, moderation and “sense of style” when combining lavender with dark colors such as brown, terracotta, chocolate, black, emerald, purple, rich metallic or dark green. Of course, these colors have the right to exist in the interior of a “lavender bedroom”, but only in moderation, and better yet in the design of any individual elements.
  • Combination with black. As a rule, it is used very rarely. This combination looks quite heavy, and psychologically gloomy and dreary, so it is not very suitable for decorating a bedroom. It is better to consider this option for the design of premises for any other purpose.
  • Combination with the “native” color group. Lavender color belongs to the violet spectrum, so shades such as lilac, lilac, pink, etc. are closer to it. Such combinations will give the bedroom interior more warmth, warmth, comfort, a sense of security, tranquility, and at the same time lightness and airiness.

Undoubtedly, all the considered combinations of colors and their shades can be safely applied to other colors. However, it is precisely such color schemes as “main tone + neutral”, “contrasting pair + color addition” or “monochrome group” that are most universally applied, and most importantly with excellent and effective results, specifically to the lavender color.

Bedroom furniture in lavender color

Many people believe that lavender color is suitable for decorating a bedroom only in a minimalist style or, in extreme cases, in a vintage style. However, this very common statement is erroneous. " Lavender bedroom» can be issued, for example, in French Provence, you just have to choose the right furniture and accessories.

As a rule, preference is given to furniture made of wood, and it should not be some kind of “conveyor” veneer or laminate, but a real solid tree of noble species. Such furniture is ideal for a classic or vintage style, but much, of course, depends on the area of ​​the bedroom and the dimensions of the furniture itself.

Youth style also does not deny the use of this color in the bedroom interior. It may be present on the surface of the table, bedside table or cabinet doors, but it must be glossy. Moreover, furniture in this option should, on the contrary, be light and mobile; a transforming bed or a transforming table are welcome.

In lavender shades you can create a bedroom even in a high-tech style. In this case, as in the previous example, you need glossy surfaces, metallized furniture and accessories, as well as a large number of mirror surfaces.

Bedroom textiles in lavender color

When decorating a bedroom in lavender color, it is worth considering the quantity and availability of textile materials. This could be a blanket on the bed, a blanket on the chair, curtains on the window, a light, flowing canopy at the head of the bed, small pillows or ottomans and much more.

It is important to remember here that if lavender is the dominant color in the design of walls, ceilings or floors, then it is more advisable to choose all kinds of textile coverings from combined color combinations - partners.

If, on the contrary, lavender color is present in the design as an auxiliary color, then textile coverings should be chosen in lavender, or, in extreme cases, purple or lilac shades.

Many psychologists note that lavender color is characterized by:

  • sensuality,
  • originality,
  • complexity
  • and even magical energy.

It’s not for nothing that in Old Slavonic times, lavender wreaths were thrown into the fire on Midsummer’s Day to appease the gods. And many of our ancestors constantly wore pouches (sachets) with dried flowers of this plant as amulets. And women used flowers in magical love rituals.

But even if you do not rely on the “magical power” of this color, you can safely guarantee that in a bedroom decorated in lavender shades, its inhabitants will feel at ease, comfortable, and cozy. And most importantly, they will fall asleep peacefully in the evening, their sleep will be sound, healthy and peaceful. And the awakening will be cheerful and positive.


The color, also called violet after the popular flower, is loved by many. The lilac or lavender color used in clothing is also very similar to violet.

Buying and wearing clothes of similar shades is worth it for women who strive to create their own original and unique image. Especially often used for evening dresses. This is due to the fact that it looks impressive and luxurious.

Similarities and differences between lavender and violet flowers

Lavender or lilac are often confused with violet, as they are very similar to each other. Confusion especially often occurs when choosing dresses for bridesmaids. However, it is important to know what color it is (violet) and how it differs from lavender. So, in lavender the blue and red tones are balanced, while in violet there is noticeably more blue.

Taking into account external data and individual preferences, you can wear the following shades and combinations of these unusual colors:

  1. Shining orchid. This amazing combination comes in purple, gray and pink. When choosing an elongated dress of this color scheme, it will become a decoration for a special event.
  2. Soft lilac. It looks discreet and attractive. A long skirt of this shade and a light blouse are the ideal outfit for a walk.
  3. Lavender. It is considered bright, suitable for girls with a memorable appearance.
  4. Purple pink. Ideal in combination with dark tones (black, blue, burgundy).

Symbolic meaning of flowers

The color violet, which has many tones and halftones (lavender, lilac, plum, etc.), is distinguished by its complexity, balancing between the following color scheme:

  • Red and blue;
  • blue and black.

This is where the meaning of purple shades and their symbolism comes from. They mean the following:

  • fear;
  • depression;
  • mysticism;
  • loneliness.

In addition to such mysterious meanings, violet also symbolizes:

  • luxury;
  • wealth;
  • spirituality;
  • wisdom.

The impact of color on the psyche and health

Purple in its natural form refers to dangerous flowers which put pressure on the psyche, causing depression and apathy in women. However, various shades of violets, on the contrary, stimulate mental health, increasing self-esteem, and encouraging the development of grandiose plans.

Taking into account such features purple palette colors, be careful when adding these shades to your wardrobe (especially if the look consists entirely of them).

Various shades

Light and dark shades of purple combine well with any color. It is only important to take into account the characteristics of each color tone, combine correctly and make a choice in favor of the most harmonious one.

Light and pastel

A good solution would be to choose clothes in light colors. It’s not for nothing that the violet color is used for bridesmaids’ dresses (thus it sets off White dress newlywed). IN summer period This shade is refreshing, and in winter it creates a gentle and cozy look.

Sets with blue, soft pink, and beige shades look most harmonious. They play off the pink hidden in the light lilac background. A woman who chooses trousers or a skirt of this color scheme looks stylish and attractive.

Combinations of purple and dark look great. It is advisable that the violet color not be too saturated.

The bright details of the outfit in contrasting colors look amazing, for example, a motley green belt on a lavender background of the dress.

Bright and rich

The bright purple color is hard to miss and attracts everyone's attention. An outfit of this color looks festive; other bright colors (dark blue, variegated) enhance this effect. By adding a silver or gold palette to the outfit, you will get even more stylish look, captivating the views of others.

The combination of dark purple and intense emerald also looks unusual. The resulting image will be fashionable, unforgettable and slightly mysterious. This is what you need to attend a youth party or other special ceremony. Color also comes into play on fashion shows.

In a sporty style, a combination of bright purple shades with menthol color is successful. A fashionable image is created, full of enthusiasm and energy.

If you want to complement the image with lightness and brightness, they prefer bright yellow or combined with violet or lavender shades. This will be a worthy solution for a still cool spring or an already hot summer.

When you combine purple with black, the outfit takes on a formal and formal look. When combined with gray, you can achieve a neutral and understated impression. In order not to look pale and inconspicuous, brighter accessories are added to the image, revealing a woman’s individuality and reflecting the state of her inner mood.

How to use lavender and violet in clothes

Even if there is only one thing in a woman’s wardrobe that is lavender or violet in color, you should definitely know what it goes with best in order to correctly combine the shades and get the perfect tone.

When the combination of red/blue with light or dark lilac seems too shocking to a woman, you can always find out which color goes best with a particular tone. Replace unattractive ones color palettes You can use soft, pastel colors, for example:

  1. Beige. It has a calming effect on bright lavender and violet colors, muting them. Gives a lady femininity and softness.
  2. Light brown. Good for daily wear.
  3. Cream, pale yellow, soft pink. Lightens both dark and light shades of purple. Makes the image more romantic and elegant.

Stylish looks for all occasions

Things in lavender and violet colors are suitable for creating almost any look, the only exception being business style in companies where there is a strict dress code. If the company's management allows office employees to wear clothes of any color, then you can use a combination of lavender color with other shades that match the style. Example: light lilac blouse/shirt and dark blue or brown skirt or jeans.

Stylish images can be like this:

  1. Exclusively purple. Things of this color look impressive, but they need to be combined correctly. Lavender (lilac) color is ideal for these purposes.
  2. Everyday. The main wardrobe staple in this style is purple trousers or jeans. For the top, you can take tops, blouses or shirts.
  3. Youth. An original solution There will be a choice of a green dress and a light lilac jacket. Unremarkable jewelry, such as silver, is worn with them.
  4. Evening. For this style, a simple dress, light or dark lilac, but made of expensive fabric (velvet or silk) is suitable. Discreet jewelry will add a highlight to the look.

In any of the above fashionable images A combination of dark purple and pale lilac will look harmonious. When the outfit you are wearing seems too simple and boring, you can dilute it with jewelry or accessories of a similar tone, for example, a pink handbag or scarf. Such a suit will not go unnoticed and will attract the attention of others.

The color of violet and lavender in stylish and fashionable looks

For those who have not fully imagined their wardrobe with these unusual colors, we have selected a lookbook of the best looks in various shades and variations of violet and lavender.

Use our tips and don't be afraid to experiment with color combinations in your wardrobe. Remember that the image should first of all convey individuality and inner mood. Then your outfit will definitely not go unnoticed!

Initially, lavender grew mainly near Mediterranean Sea, however, the plant is now grown widely throughout the world.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that generally accepted concept about lavender color differs from the web name, which can be clearly seen on the color table. For the HTML palette, the lightest shade was chosen, which has a lavender color (the photo of the plant gives an idea of ​​​​the variety of its shades). However, in art and culture, the concept has been assigned to a rich floral hue. In the future, by the name “lavender color” we will understand precisely the shade found in nature. At the same time, we cannot ignore the richness of the color palette we are examining.

Shades of lavender

The color covered in this article can be described as a medium purple or light purple-pinkish color. The term “lavender” itself can be associated with a whole range of shades: pale, light, medium, gray, pale pinkish, purple, blue, indigo blue and others, some of which are listed in the table above. In painting, this color is obtained by mixing purple and white.


Originally used only as a flower name, the term "lavender" in relation to a color in writing was first used in English language in 1705. The 1930 book A Dictionary of Color identified three basic shades: lavender floral, lavender gray and lavender blue. At the same time, a fourth shade was also used - aged lavender, which is a dark gray with a lavender tint.

And already in a 1955 book describing shades for stamp collectors, more than a dozen shades were attributed to the color being described, which continues to this day.


Lavender color is considered very feminine, relating to elegant style, luxury. When lavender flowers are given, they either want to emphasize the attitude towards wealth and luxury, or (according to other sources) they express purity, peace and good luck. Also, a gift of lavender flowers will speak of the giver’s devotion and loyalty to fate.

Symbolism in culture

  • Lavender floral and lavender purple previously symbolized attitudes towards decadence, that is, a lifestyle aimed at cultural regression and the primacy of sensuality over spirituality. For example, the cover of literary critic Richard Gilman's book Decadence: The Strange Life of an Epithet, published in 1980, was made in this color.
  • Lavender shades are often associated with luxury in art, food, and drink. In addition, the design in the Byzantine style is accompanied by lavender color (photo in which you can already see the matching colors).
  • The 1951 film The Lavender Hill Mob became a popular comedy and was frequently broadcast on television in the West.
  • The Sigma Kappa organization, founded back in 1874 at Colby College in America and aimed at fighting for women's rights, has two official colors: lavender and brown.
  • “The Lavender Dragon” was the title of a short story by American playwright Eden Philpots, written in 1923. An ironic utopian story about a dragon who steals people to create his people.
  • If in the 1890s the color mallow symbolized homosexuality, then later, in the 1950s-1960s, lavender symbolized this movement. And for the first time in this regard, this color was mentioned in the 1920s, indicating effeminacy in something.


Violet shades, which include lavender, reflect success, loyalty, wisdom and a confident state. It is not surprising that this particular color is considered royal and is used by many leaders.

Combination of lavender color with other colors

Combine this shade purple is quite simple, many colors suit it. So, if you want to achieve a simple and modern impression, then choose white or black to pair with lavender.

What other colors does lavender go with? The main directions in choice are presented in the table below.

Soft green, sand, beige, azure - these colors are offered everywhere. Just remember the reproduction of Byzantine frescoes; they also could not do without them (see photo above).

The color we chose goes well with the dark chocolate shade. Men are recommended to combine lavender with gray and graphite-gray shades in their clothes.

You can also combine different tones of purple flowers in a single ensemble, one of which will be lavender. This combination in clothing, for example, is considered eclectic and traditional.

Use in interior decoration

When decorating, choosing one or another of suitable colors can provide a different mood in the room.

If you need to create a complex combination in a unisex style, then lavender is accompanied by black or gray. Modern trend the design will emphasize the choice coffee shade or mocha.

To decorate a nursery, it is good to combine this color with some of the pleasant shades of pink, yellow or green.

Walls painted in light shades of lavender will enhance the brightness of the room, especially if it is used in combination with white. Dark and rich shades of lavender give the room status and importance.

What color goes with lavender when decorating a bathroom? To create a refreshing mood in the bathroom, it is better to combine this color with lemon yellow or yellow-green.

To decorate a married bedroom in lavender tones, it is better to also stick to the unisex direction, so that both will enjoy being there. To do this, choose deep brown or black.

It is important to remember that you should not overload the room with this color alone. Accessories for the premises (paintings, flowers, candles, etc.) must be chosen in neutral tones. So, if the room is decorated in yellow-lavender colors, then the accessories are selected in almond, cream, ecru (unbleached wool) and Ivory.

Particular attention should also be paid to furniture, since not all traditional colors will be easily combined with lavender. It is better to choose black, chocolate, white, ivory, silver. You should avoid choosing furniture in mahogany, cherry colors, that is, materials with reddish and copper tones.

Application in makeup

When choosing a shade of lavender for makeup, you need to consider the woman's skin tone. If the skin is light and cool in tone, then the shadows should be chosen in delicate shades, close to lilac. At the same time, it is good if the shadows are combined with a silver color. If a woman has a warm skin tone, then you can choose shadows in more saturated shades - ripe plum or dark plum. As for the lips, then additional choice Purple shades of lipstick are only possible if the skin has a very tanned appearance. Only then is there a chance of not overloading your face with shades of purple. In other cases, it is necessary to limit the use of shades of lavender and similar colors.

The shade that reigned in fashion trends 2018 - ultraviolet. In 2019, purple appears in a softer version. Dusty and delicate or shiny and luminescent - lavender manicure is one of the most trendy this year. Sublime pastel - a softened variation of ultraviolet, seems ready to displace classic pink from its pedestal, giving nail art lovers a new shade that also looks fresh on the hands, while declaring a new trend with its appearance.

Lavender is so cute that it's hard to resist, even if you're not a fan of purple tones. Despite the pastel palette, it is no less universal among its shades, and everyone will find the right tone for themselves:

  • Ultralight light soft lavender color- soft and delicate, goes well with unique nuances such as cognac, turquoise, mint, dark burgundy.
  • Dusty lavender- warm color harmonizes well with neutral tones: gray, beige, cream and is also beautiful in a monochromatic duet with ultraviolet.
  • Rich lavender- as juicy as calm, bright pastels will be ideal for a range of colors: peach, hot pink, black and sandy beige.

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Lavender shades look great on any length and shape of the nail plate. Classic - square and oval, the most comfortable and practical. Looks best on short to medium nails. Long nails are in harmony with the almond shape, emphasizing the elegance and sophistication of the hands.

With design

Since a lavender-colored manicure goes well with many nuances,

this makes it possible to use various techniques nail design for a stylish and elegant manicure.

With glitter

Lavender nails will look even more delicate with the addition of glitter. Now there are many varieties of them: from the usual small, almost specks of dust, gold and silver colors, to all kinds of round, diamond-shaped ones, having various shimmers, including the effect of chameleon sequins.

Moreover, this can be not only the laying out of one or two accent nails in full, stretching (ombre) or done by them geometric pattern, the shimmer gel polish also looks great on all fingers, adding a subtle shimmer.

Lavender manicure ideas with patterns

The most individual design, emphasizing your character and mood, is a design with a pattern. Depending on preference, different patterns are possible. Most often used:

  • Floristry - in soft, delicate tones, an ornament with flowers will look very feminine. It's running artistic painting, stamping or the most in a simple way- applying slider stickers;
  • No matter how strict and concise the geometric pattern is, in combination with delicate tones, it looks elegant and stylish.

Lavender manicure with rubbing

Pigments that create delicate shimmers look especially advantageous on light shades. Silver and pearl rub will add a light, weightless veil to the lavender-toned finish, giving an elegant and stylish look to your hands.

Rainbow, with a chameleon effect, will add multi-colored shimmer to the nails and make the manicure even more interesting.

You can cover all nails with pigments or combine them with a matte top. The different textures look very original - this is a great idea for lovers of a laconic style.

Classic variation with lavender color

French manicure with the addition of delicate lavender looks fresh and stylish. Moreover, it is not limited to just the option: a nude base and a purple jacket.

You can also add a lavender finish to your white (or any other) smile line. Decorative elements with silver - ribbons, sparkles - will add a touch of piquancy.

More bright colors: pink, mint, yellow also look good in a gradient.

Iridescent rhinestones on a delicate background

The elegant beauty of a manicure in lavender tones will be emphasized by inlay. Small crystals will add a touch of chic. To make the design more impressive, it is better to use matte finish, rhinestones look more accentuated on it.

This year, the fashionable shape for them is a square; they are laid out either pointwise or in geometric shapes. Decor with rhinestones will be one of the best solutions for special events.

Lavender manicure is quite multifaceted; sometimes you only need to apply gel polish of a given color to feel all the freshness and its tenderness. Combining it with different designs nails, you can implement any fashionable and stylish idea manicure Which is suitable for women of every age and lifestyle.

When decorating the interior of an apartment, you need to be more careful when choosing primary colors and shades. Some of them are too bright and can quickly become boring, others, on the contrary, are considered classic and do not lose relevance over the years, while being easily “refreshed” with richer accents.

Lavender color in the interior – interesting solution, when used correctly, it will fill the room with lightness and tranquility.

Features and psychology of color

It’s easy to see from the photo that lavender is one of the subtones of purple. All shades of purple - warm and cool, bright and light - are considered strong, having powerful energy. Because it contains blue and red, psychologists describe violet as a “harmony of contradictions.”

Lavender is a magical color; in the past it often symbolized the sacrament of various rituals. Light purple tint surrounded many famous people, contributed to the spirit of creativity: that is why it is still used in the design of school premises and playrooms.

In the interior, lavender is not only beautiful, but also promotes relaxation, has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, and treats disorders and depression. Too dark shades of lavender, on the contrary, if in excess, can depress and irritate the nervous system, so you should not abuse them. Psychologists believe that this color somewhat dulls the appetite; it is quite suitable for a kitchen whose owner is trying to lose weight.

What interior styles suits lavender color?

This complex, specific shade can fit perfectly into many popular styles. Most often it is used in glamor, baroque, neo-baroque, lavender gives the room a feeling of magic and goes well with mirrors, glass, crystal, gloss. Lavender is also used when decorating bedrooms in the Arabic (oriental) style: if in other rooms you need to strive for “hotter” tones, then a soft purple shade will be ideal for a room for sleeping and relaxing.

Lavender is no less often used for styles such as:

  • Provence;
  • classic;
  • retro;
  • vintage;
  • art deco;
  • palace classicism;
  • Mediterranean;
  • ethno;
  • pop Art.

Lavender is used even in laconic high-tech: with this color you can emphasize the clarity of lines and slightly soften the picture in the bedroom. In minimalism, lavender is combined with black and white tones, using it as a light background for walls and ceilings.

What colors can lavender be combined with?

Lavender goes well with many bright and pastel colors, although the most successful combinations its duets with gold, silver, white, green flowers. No less often in interiors it is used together with soft pink and cream, which gives the room lightness and airiness.

Lavender with white

The combination of white and lavender creates a feeling of freshness in the room. In bright light it looks good, but if you want to enhance the notes of romanticism, it is better to introduce decorative elements from soft fabrics, vintage or natural textures into the design. Usually done white finish walls, which is diluted with lavender accessories. It is also possible to paint the walls in a lavender tone in combination with white furniture, ceilings and textiles.

Lavender with pastel

Combining lavender and pastel colors also provides a fresh, soft and peaceful look to any room. Adding cream, light gray, milky shades will add spaciousness, although at first glance, this combination may become blurry. To avoid visual “depersonalization” of the room, you need to introduce several rich accents from contrasting tones or shades of a dark purple palette.

Lavender with bright colors

The combination of lavender and rich tones will be justified if the goal is to achieve a lively, dynamic interior. Lavender with the following colors are considered trendy tandems:

  • yellow;
  • light green;
  • raspberry;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • bright greenery;
  • purple.

When diluted with bright tones, lavender will look more stylish, and the room will take on an original look. It’s just important not to overdo it with adding colors, otherwise they will overshadow the delicate background.

Lavender and dark tones

The color lavender should be used more carefully in small rooms, since even with a slight darkening it will visually conceal the space. The introduction of dark tones is unacceptable here, it will only increase the oppressive feeling. The combination with black is not recommended, regardless of the size of the room: it is perceived as difficult, the atmosphere will create melancholy.

In rooms of sufficient size, lavender can be combined with dark shades in the form of accents or individual decorative elements. Successful duets can be lavender and the following colors:

  • dark purple;
  • purple;
  • chocolate;
  • terracotta;
  • emerald;
  • metallic

When conflicting shades are chosen in a correctly calculated combination, the room takes on a luxurious look, but only a professional can find such a combination.

Lavender interiors

Beautiful lavender color suitable for most different rooms, it is only important to use it correctly when decorating the interior.


Lavender walls in the bedroom – good decision aesthetically and psychologically. A gentle, light shade will promote restful sleep, improve your mood, and help you relax after a hard day. Even a few minutes of being in such a room will reduce nervous tension and give you a feeling of peace.

In the morning, in daylight, the lavender shade is filled with natural freshness, charges with positive energy, sets you up for work, that is, it acts in the opposite way.

This color is usually used in girls' bedrooms, since it traditionally belongs to the “feminine” range. Men do not use lavender in the bedroom; such a decision will look strange. As for the matrimonial bedroom, as a compromise, you can decorate the walls with other pastel colors, and add lavender in the form of decor - linen, curtains, textiles, accessories.

Kitchen In the kitchen, the presence of lavender tones should be treated carefully. It is usually used in a fashionable design technique called an “accent wall.” Lavender can also be used in decorating the dining area or installed lunch group

this color in combination with light pieces of furniture.

Living room For the living room, the color lavender suits well, especially if the room matches the Art Deco and classic styles. Commonly used, matte paints plain wallpaper of this shade or individual inclusions, accessories. Some designers offer non-standard solutions : For example, furniture facades

or lavender-colored ceilings, which will look fresh and stylish when successfully combined with other light tones.

Bathroom A bathing room is rarely spacious, so get carried away with the use of saturated, bright colors

not worth it. Lavender should be gentle, pastel, combined with pink, silver or white, beige. This will eliminate the visual reduction in the size of the room and ensure originality and optimism of the interior. In a large bathroom, it is allowed to combine light lavender with dark purple shades, which can be used for zoning or highlighting individual elements.

Children's room In a girl's bedroom or playroom, a muted, soft lavender tone will have a positive effect on the child's mood. This coloring of walls is especially useful for hyperactivity: lavender has the ability to calm and stabilize the nervous system. This shade is best combined in children's rooms with cream, beige, blue, and white. To add playfulness, orange and light green accessories are introduced into the interior. You can also highlight only the playing area with lavender, and paint the remaining walls in a different pastel tone. Another suitable option

: In a neutral-colored room, install a lavender chair and put the same rug on the floor.

Hallway and corridor small size It is allowed to use light lavender tones, which will not cause the effect of visually making the room smaller. If you want to decorate the room more bright colors

, balance them with white, milky tones. A bright hallway with a fresco and lavender-colored stone will look great.

Balcony or loggia Typically, balconies do not have significant dimensions, so only light shades of any palette are suitable for their decoration. On a light lavender background, more bright accents

, however, in a minimal amount.

Ways to use lavender color in the interior

It is worth taking a closer look at how lavender can be used when decorating an apartment, because design techniques are very diverse.

Finishing walls, floors and ceilings

  • The room takes on a different look, first of all, when the color of the walls changes. To decorate the room, paints, wallpaper, decorative plaster, tiles, stone, and some other finishing materials are used. The most popular option is wallpaper sticker. Here are recommendations for choosing lavender fabrics:
  • if the wallpaper is not plain, the pattern should be light and elegant in appearance; For small room
  • it is better to choose wallpaper without contrasting decor;
  • if the wallpaper is not plain, the pattern should be light and elegant in appearance; a good option are plain corrugated fabrics; classic style
  • geometric designs and floral prints are suitable;
  • the golden pattern of the material is acceptable, but only in combination with appropriate furniture;
  • vertical lavender-white stripes allow you to visually increase the height of the room;
  • a magnificent effect is achieved by combining matte tones, mother-of-pearl and gloss;

You can use lavender-colored photo wallpapers; they depict flowers, landscapes, abstraction, and surrealism. Floor coverings in lavender tones are rare, but carpet or rugs are not difficult to find on sale. Typically, such products are used in the interior of a bedroom or children's room. Another coating option - ceramic tile

, which will look good in the bathroom. In the kitchen you can use a light marble floor coupled with lavender decor and ornaments. Colored ceilings in an apartment always make the interior non-standard and interesting. Easiest to use suspended ceiling

, where the color of the canvas can be absolutely any. Also, designers often use suspended multi-tiered structures, beams, and photo printing with various original images.

White, pearl, beige, transparent furniture will be an excellent companion for lavender walls. But in some cases, the interior will look more interesting when decorating the walls in pastel colors and installing lavender-colored furniture:

  1. Sofa. Can decorate any design. It can have light or dark lavender upholstery, massive or elegant dimensions. For classics and Provence, it is better to choose models with smooth curves and floral patterns.
  2. Bed. The lavender upholstery of the headboard looks gorgeous in combination with metal rivets, transparent rhinestones, and buttons. You can also use lavender bedspreads, blankets, bed linen, and pillows, especially since they are easy to replace if necessary.
  3. Closet. Most often, cabinets in similar shades are used in a vintage style, becoming the center of the room, attracting attention. For a girl's room, they often purchase cabinets with photographs, glass or mirrors painted with lavender patterns. Among other things, mirrors can be decorated with stucco molding painted in this shade.
  4. Chairs, armchairs. They are part of the contrasting decor in the room or combined with other pieces of furniture. For example, in the kitchen, bright lavender chairs perfectly match the beige set, finished with lavender.


Lavender color is not easy to perceive, so in some cases it is recommended to introduce it into the interior in the form of bright spots: textile compositions, accessories. Its light and dark shades can be used for sewing curtains, while a combination with white or beige tulle is considered ideal. Curtains look interesting when decorated with tassels, magnets, tiebacks, and fringes. In the kitchen you can hang lavender-colored curtains - this will make the daylight soft and refresh the room.

The following textile decorative elements are also used indoors:

  • pillows for the sofa, bed;
  • blankets, bedspreads;
  • rugs with short or long pile.

Window decoration

Large rooms with windows facing south can be decorated in lavender color. Of course, such an idea should not contradict the basic concept of the style, otherwise the window will look pretentious. Frames covered with colored film are a bold decision. It is much easier to use curtains, lambrequins, tulle, artistic canvases and photo curtains for decoration: if necessary, you can hang less bright products in their place.

Accents in the interior

An important detail that helps give the interior a finished look are harmoniously selected accessories. You can introduce lavender color into your design in the form of panels, pillows, carpets and lampshades, soft blankets, decorative flowerpots and flower vases.

Paintings on the walls, mosaics and frescoes with corresponding patterns and ornaments can echo them.

Style selection

When selecting finishing materials and decorative elements, you must be guided by the rules that each interior style follows.

Provence Most often, lavender shades are found in Provence (French country) style. Its distinctive features are freshness and simplicity, lightness and airiness. The best solution the walls will be decorated in a delicate lavender tone in combination with pastel shades . The general style direction is emphasized white furniture

with a touch of antiquity, lavender decor, forging, transparent curtains, ruffles and frills.

Classic This style is elegant, restrained, unpretentious, all the details in it are smooth, the palette is calm. You cannot use a lot of artificial details in the interior; if possible, you should decorate it with stone, wood, metal and other natural textures. Lavender is used as a background and only in the form of a pale, pastel shade.

Its introduction into furniture upholstery and textiles is also acceptable.

Modern style Colors according to this style direction can be rich, bright, shapes can be asymmetrical. Photo wallpapers are popular in wall decoration, floor coverings

They can also be non-standard, rich in color. The white ceiling can be replaced with a stretch ceiling in a delicate shade of lavender.

Country It is also possible to build a corner in a city apartment rustic comfort

: decorate it in country style. Lavender shades are used in textiles: curtains, blankets, pillows, as well as in decor: jugs, vases, candlesticks, chests. The use of natural materials, especially wood, is encouraged. Lavender color allows you to create both bright, memorable combinations and delicate, weightless details. It is only important not to overload the room, acting wisely and tastefully.