Management as a kind of social activity. Management activity and its role in the social transformation of society

Social management, or management of social processes (we will proceed from the identity of these terms) is one of the types of management activities in society. What is its specificity, how does it differ from other types of management? Although in our scientific literature, as in practice, a lot is said about social management, the essence, specificity of this type, or directions in the multifaceted management activities public systems is not always clearly defined. Quite often, in the works devoted, it would seem, to social management, the issues of both the regulation of production activities and management in the political sphere are considered, and often it is generally about the whole range of phenomena and processes that exist in society and experience a purposeful impact.

This state of affairs can hardly provide a fruitful basis for the theory and practice of social management. To ensure the effectiveness of management activities, a clear understanding of the specifics of its various types and directions is necessary. Because if, for example, we take on the management of production, the content of this activity consists of some actions and functions, requires the use of some means and methods, and the management of non-production objects consists largely of a different sub-action and is carried out using other means and methods. There are quite a few similar differences that can be identified, moreover, on different classification grounds.

Since in managerial activity we are primarily faced with the subject and object of management, the differences between its types act as differences, on the one hand, in terms of the subject and, on the other hand, in terms of the object. So, if we talk about the subject of management, there are obvious differences between state management, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, carried out outside the direct state influence, even in relation to the same objects: for example, management of state enterprises and owned by private individuals and corporations; the same applies to educational, medical and other institutions, depending on whether or not they are directly controlled by the state.

Trying to isolate the types of control by object(which is for us in this case is of main interest, as will be seen from what follows), one should pay attention to the great complexity of its structure, to the possibility of structuring it in accordance not with one classification system, but on the basis of several, in a certain way related to each other. If we consider, say, such an object of management as an organization of a production nature, then in the system of phenomena and processes that make up its vital activity, we can isolate the elements of three various kinds: technological, economic and social. Each of them forms a special "subsystem in the control object. Accordingly, in the management of this object, three main directions can be distinguished. The first is technological control, which regulates the set of actions, operations of members of the organization to fulfill its main (basic) target function (functions) - say, for the production of certain products, the excitation of services, the implementation of educational, medical, law enforcement activities, etc. Note that it seems more correct to call this type of Management technological than "Production", which is quite common.

The second is economic management, which regulates the economic aspects of the organization's activities and its relations with the surrounding social environment. The combination of these aspects forms the second subsystem of the organization's life activity, which differs from the technological subsystem.

The third subsystem that requires a special type of management activity is a set of elements that embody the social qualities of the people who form it, the level of their culture, general and professional knowledge, their needs, interests, shared values, as well as their attitude to the conditions of their life, the nature of human relationships. etc. Purposeful impact on the relevant phenomena and processes is the third type, or direction of management activity, which in production organizations is usually referred to as human resource management, or personnel, or even simply "management of people." The last name, of course, cannot be considered successful, since the types of management activities listed above are also aimed at people, since they perform both technological and economic functions.

The widely used names "personnel management" and "human resource management" also seem insufficient. They do not adequately reveal the fullness of that totality of phenomena, even briefly outlined above, that characterize the third subsystem we single out. This seems to be more accurate constituent part management activity is called social management and it is in the form of such that its essence is considered.

Despite the close relationship between different types management, each of them has its own specifics. In some cases, the functions of technological, economic and social management are separated between different divisions of the control system: for example, the technological service deals only with the first of these types of management, the marketing service with the second type, and the personnel service with only the third type. But often they are closely intertwined in a single activity of management subjects - the head of the organization and even individual functional links of the management system. But even in such cases, the noted types of control are not inseparable; each of them has its own specifics, its own object of influence and is carried out by its own means and methods. Some influences in such an integral, all-encompassing activity of the subject of management turn out to be directed to the technological subsystem of the object and therefore form technological management in this activity, other actions are similarly aimed at the economic subsystem and therefore constitute economic management, while others affect the above-mentioned elements of the proper human life, i.e. are social control.

Identification and understanding of the essence and specifics of social management as a specific subsystem in the system of management activity, which differs from its other subsystems, is of great practical importance. Suffice it to note, for example, that an enterprise can ideally work out both organizationally and functionally a system for managing production processes, i.e. technological management, its economy is well established, but at the same time, processes expressing the dynamics of relationships between people, workers, their socio-psychological well-being, satisfaction with the working environment and other purely human characteristics of the social and labor situation, due to insufficient attention to these phenomena, begin to develop downward, to degrade. This will inevitably have a negative impact on the actual production and economic results of the organization, and will have negative social consequences.

To determine the essence and specificity of social management means to develop a clear understanding of what range of social processes it covers with its regulatory, guiding influence. Unfortunately, a well-founded, convincing and accepted by a fairly wide range of specialists concept on this issue, the starting point for building the entire theory of social management, has not yet been developed in science.

Apparently, social management should be understood as the regulation of processes occurring in the social sphere described above, as a targeted impact on social systems.

The goals of such an impact are to improve the living conditions of people, their relationships, to strengthen formal and informal organizational ties between them, cohesion, solidarity, to improve the activities of the institutions and organizations they create. This - speaking in the most general terms - determines the specifics of social management as a special type of management activity.

The opinion is often expressed that in the conditions of an open democratic society, which has established itself in the most developed countries and to which we are moving, the scope of social management should be significantly narrowed, since it represents, as it were, interference in the private life of people, in their relationships. Proponents of such views believe that, unlike a totalitarian system with its "over-organization" of everything and everything, with the intrusive desire of its inherent institutions to command all manifestations of human life, an open society does not tend to somehow direct the course of social processes (in that specific, narrow meaning given to this concept) fully focusing on their spontaneous course. The experience of prosperous countries living in an open society shows that this is not at all the case. Only in the early stages of the formation of this society in the West was the orientation towards the spontaneous course of economic and social life quite strong, and non-interference of the state in the economy with all its social aspects and in the public life of people was proclaimed; the state was supposed to be nothing more than a "night watchman", and in the life it guarded, let everything go as it goes. There was opposition to the institutions of civil society when interfering in people's lives. Thus, for a long time, trade unions were denied the right to influence social and labor relations, to fight for the improvement of working and living conditions for employees. In general, the desire the mighty of the world this "to be as free as possible from the regulatory influence of society and the state was carried out in a fairly on a large scale. But this led to a lot of trouble.

Now the situation in this society has changed dramatically. State and public regulation affects the widest range of human actions and relationships. The arbitrariness of entrepreneurs in their relations with employees and with the state is severely limited (despite the fact that, at its core, freedom entrepreneurial activity as necessary condition prosperity of the economy is by no means undermined). Let's remember the strict tax and antimonopoly legislation, the statutory obligations of the entrepreneur to his employees and trade unions, and so on. Citizens are required to declare their income. Even such restrictions are introduced, such as the prohibition to pay in cash for purchases in excess of a certain amount cost.

In a modern democratic society, state legal regulation covers a very wide range of manifestations of people's vital activity and elements of their living environment. And the most authoritative champions of the principles of liberalism not only do not oppose such regulation, but often demand its strengthening and expansion.

A vivid example of this is the justification for the need to strengthen public control over television and other media. mass media, which was made in an interview shortly before his death in 1993 by the creator of the theory of an open society, Karl Popper. Here are some excerpts from this extensive interview. "Television has tremendous educational power, and this power, this power can tip the scales ... towards law or towards violence." Therefore, "any kind of power, and especially such a gigantic one as television has now, must be under control." In response to reproaches that such a position is contrary to the ideals of liberalism, K. Popper said: "Why should it be considered anti-liberal ... the statement about the need to limit freedom? There is no such freedom that would not need to be limited." So "it does not mean at all that it is paradoxical for a liberal like me to call for the restriction of freedom of speech."

As is clear from the above, control over some social institution (which is the media), regulation of its activities - this is management, and since we are talking about the impact on the orientation of the ideological and moral content of the media, this is a typical manifestation of precisely the social management. Concretely speaking, this is one of the functions of shaping the social qualities of people, which is carried out in this case by influencing social institutions that contribute to the education of such qualities or, on the contrary, that can deform them.

We have given one example in the field of social management. But it can be seen from it - and this applies to all other manifestations of the activity under consideration - that social management, of course, is a certain "intervention" in people's lives and restriction (not always, but in many cases) of their freedom, but all this is done in democratic open society in the interests, for the benefit of the people themselves. Confirmation of this will be obvious when we reveal in its entirety the system of functions of social management, from which its content is composed.

But for now, let's dwell a little more on the complex of issues under consideration.

It should be noted that the idea of ​​narrowing the sphere of social control is inherent not only to ultra-liberals, but was also expressed within the framework of a completely opposite ideology - Marxism. He proclaimed that with the progress of social progress, which was presented as the affirmation and endless development of communism, the state would wither away and in general the sphere of social management would be narrowed and simplified, and in the end, in general, "the management of people will be replaced by the management of things and production processes" . History has not confirmed this prediction, as well as some others put forward in the Marxist doctrine. And social progress itself took on a completely different character. It seems that the main path of social progress has become the establishment of an open democratic society, and social management does not disappear in it, but only its nature, principles and methods, the relationship between the rulers and the governed, the scope of application are changing. All this is strikingly different from what is inherent in a totalitarian society. type.

Attention should be paid to the following theoretical point: management in general is by no means reduced to the methods of command, it can be carried out in a different way - using economic levers, organizational and educational methods. And in such a different form, radically different from the practice of totalitarianism, having lost its former hypertrophied significance, taking its rightful place, social management in an open society can play an important beneficial role in creating ever more favorable living conditions for people.

An essential feature of a modern open democratic society is its social orientation. The meaning of this is that the economy, political power and other structures and institutions that are inherent in the life of society should, as the main, ultimate goal of their functioning, be focused on ensuring and satisfying the needs of the broad masses of the people, the population.

This principle has already found its embodiment to a fairly large extent in countries with developed democracies and market economies, where, thanks to the advantages of the latter and the pressure of the democratic aspirations of the masses, a high level of their well-being has been achieved. More and more countries are embarking on the same path, including those that have put an end to failed utopian experiments. And before them, in particular before Russia, the task of ensuring the social orientation of the emerging market economy, as well as the entire state policy has now become one of the most important.

Giving the economy, social structures and institutions a social orientation and its subsequent strengthening will certainly lead to an increase in the role of social management, which is a means of ensuring this very social orientation of all public life.

In the modern world, management activity plays a crucial role, since the reputation of the success of its interaction with partners and other counterparties depends on the quality of its implementation. It, albeit indirectly, but still affects the productivity of enterprises and organizations.

The essence of management activity lies in the competent organization of the interaction of people in collective work in order to achieve the main tasks of production. Its main feature is the fact that it is necessary to influence the subject, that is, people, and human psychology is a rather subtle science that requires certain skills and knowledge.

Management activity involves the creation of such an atmosphere in the team and such an attitude towards each employee that would encourage them to perform the functions necessary for the management of the enterprise. Organized should take into account internal and external conditions. The first includes the need to solve several the most difficult tasks sometimes contrary to previously prescribed standards. And external ones suggest the presence of information limitations, a high degree of responsibility for characterizing the efficiency of production activities, as well as the possibility of unforeseen situations associated with changes in the political or economic situation in the country.

In order for management activities to work clearly and smoothly, the manager should find a compromise between positioning himself as an indisputable leader and the same member of the overall team as everyone else. When a lower-level employee feels the support and understanding of the management apparatus, when there is a friendly note in hierarchical relations, unity is felt in the team, this naturally has a positive effect on the company's performance.

The leader is considered the main link in the management system, since he is responsible for creating the most positive and productive atmosphere in the team. He has the right to choose a specific model of behavior, among which we can distinguish such types of management activities as an authoritarian, democratic or liberal position of the head. With an authoritarian approach, he is considered the undisputed leader, and his word is law, so it is forbidden to challenge him. Liberalism allows employees to do what they see fit in a given situation, without prior advice from the boss. The democratic system is the most productive, as it involves joint decision-making, which means that they will fully satisfy both parties.

Management activity, like any system, includes certain components:

Definition of the main goals by the manager and their competent explanation to the staff, careful development of an action plan for the coming period.

Implementation of measures to create effective motivating levers of influence.

A clear statement of a number of tasks that need to be implemented by employees, and the distribution of appropriate orders.

Delegation and control over the results of their work.

Reflection, that is, the presence of feedback.

A specialist who carries out managerial activities must have the character of a leader, be confident with employees, clearly and clearly give orders. A real leader must be initiated into each stage production process and understand a particular area, only literacy will allow him to respond in a timely manner in the event of unforeseen situations.

The moment of communication with the staff is very important, you should not order the employee, it is better to make a request. The more time you spend with each of your subordinates, the more productive your interaction will be.


Stock lectures can be used by students of legal specialties when studying the discipline " Administrative law ».

The purpose of studying the discipline "Administrative Law" is the formation and development of the professional culture of students, the improvement of the creative qualities of the future lawyer, the acquisition of practical skills necessary for their professional activities.

When studying the discipline, the following tasks are solved:

Ensuring the assimilation by students of concepts, categories and institutions of public administration;

Formation of students' ideas about administrative and legal norms and relations; subjects of administrative law; administrative coercion and administrative responsibility; the basics of the administrative-legal organization of economic management, socio-cultural and administrative-political spheres;

Developing students' skills to use normative legal acts that regulate relations that form the subject of administrative law.

The study of the discipline involves a logical combination of lectures and seminars, as well as independent work students over educational material.

These lectures are written taking into account changes in the field of legislation and jurisprudence, and are recommended for use in the preparation and conduct of practical classes, in the performance of independent and control work, in preparation for the exam on the course.

Management, public administration, executive power

Questions to the topic:

1. Concept, content and types of management. Social management.

2. The concept, features and types of public administration. Correlation of concepts executive power and public administration.

3. Features of the executive power. Executive and administrative activities.

The concept, content and types of management. Social management.

Management is purposeful and constant process of influence of the subject of management on the object of management. Various phenomena and processes act as an object of control: a person, a team, social community, mechanisms, technological processes, devices. Management as a process of the influence of the subject on the object of management is unthinkable without a management system, which, as a rule, is understood as a mechanism that provides the management process, i.e., a set of interrelated elements that function in a coordinated and purposeful manner. The elements participating in the management process are combined into a system using information links, more specifically, according to the feedback principle.

"Manage" means "direct, lead"(to take care of something, to do something on behalf of, to execute and dispose). In the 60s. 20th century a new scientific direction was formed - cybernetics, the subject of which was the management processes in various areas. Using the mathematical apparatus, mathematical logic and the theory of functions, it was possible to combine the most important achievements of the theory of automatic control, computer science and many other areas of scientific knowledge. This science studies the issues of management, communication, control, regulation, reception, storage and processing of information in any complex dynamic systems. In this case, management is considered high level abstraction, and special importance is attached to management procedures, its principles, patterns and relationships of numerous elements that form a single system.

The concept of "system", revealing the essence of management, is characterized by the presence of the following features: tasks and goals; subjects and objects of management; functions; organizational structure; unity, independence and interdependence of the elements of the system; certain forms and methods of activity.

Governed by in the most general sense, one can understand the purposeful influence of the subject of management on the objects of management in order to create an efficiently functioning system based on information links and relations. A very precise definition of management was given by G.V. created bodies and structures (state bodies, political parties, public associations, enterprises, societies, unions, etc.).

It should be noted that the essence of management has remained unchanged for many decades.

Defining the concept of "management", the classic of management A. Fayol names the following six functions (operations):

1) technical (production, dressing and processing);

2) commercial (purchase, sale and exchange);

3) financial (raising funds and managing them);

4) insurance (insurance and protection of property and persons);

5) accounting (accounting, costing, accounting, statistics, etc.);

6) administrative (foresight, organization, command, coordination and control).

Revealing the meaning of the administrative operation, the scientist explains:

- “To manage means to foresee, organize, dispose, coordinate and control;

Foresee, that is, take into account the future and develop a program of action;

To organize, i.e., to build a double - material and social - organism of the enterprise;

Dispose, i.e., force the staff to work properly;

Coordinate, i.e. link, unite, harmonize all actions and all efforts;

To control, that is, to take care that everything is done according to established rules and given orders.

The literature deals with several types of systems: technical systems (energy system, information and computer network, technological process etc.); socio-economic systems (industries, individual enterprises, service sector, etc.); organizational systems, the main element of which is the person himself. As a rule, most members of society are members of one or more organizations, that is, organizational relations are a characteristic feature of human existence.

People enter the organization to solve problems through management processes. An organization is a conscious association of people, characterized by the principles of systemicity, reasonable organization, structuredness and pursuing the achievement of certain social goals and the solution of socially significant tasks. Every organization has the management processes necessary to achieve its goals and objectives.

Any management process is characterized by the following characteristic features:

1) the need to create and operate a complete system;

2) purposeful impact on the system, the result of which is the achievement of orderliness of relations and connections capable of fulfilling the tasks set;

3) the presence of the subject and object of management as direct participants in management;

4) information as the main thing connecting link between management participants;

5) the presence of a hierarchy in the management structure (elements, subsystems, industries, areas);

6) the use of various forms of subordination of the control object to the control subject, within which various methods, forms, methods, means and techniques of management.

Traditionally, the following types of management are distinguished:

1) mechanical, technical management (management of equipment, machines, technological processes);

2) biological management (management of vital processes of living organisms);

3) social management (management of social processes, people and organizations).

Each of these types of management is distinguished by its purpose, qualitative originality, specific features, intensity of management functions and operations performed.

social management

Under social management management in the sphere of human, social activity is understood; management of social relations, processes in society, the behavior of people and their teams, organizations in which people carry out labor or service activities. Joint social activities of people are carried out in various areas, for example, in the process of production and consumption of material goods, in the socio-political, ideological, ethical, cultural, and family spheres. The processes taking place in these areas, which are sometimes of particular complexity and importance, require guidance, i.e., bringing relations into a complete system, creating order in social relations. In each sphere, which has a qualitative originality, only special systems management organization.

Thus, the managerial principle is obligatory, in particular, for a social system in which two participants in management are distinguished - a subject and an object with direct and feedback links between them.

The essence of social management is revealed in the process of analyzing its following characteristics:

1) management - the process of conscious-volitional influence of a particular subject of management on the corresponding objects;

2) management - an activity built on specific principles for the implementation of management actions, the achievement of certain management goals and the solution of administrative tasks;

3) management is a functional socio-legal phenomenon, i.e. public administration is characterized by a multitude of administrative functions performed;

4) management is organized and carried out by specially trained subjects of management, for whom management is a profession, professional activity;

5) management is a management process, a system of administrative procedures that have a specific legal content;

6) management is carried out either to achieve general management tasks , or to solve managerial affairs in specific areas of social or public life (management of internal affairs, management in the field of foreign affairs, protection public order, management in the field of finance, management in the field of justice, management of the country's construction complex);

7) management can be considered as a specific closed organizational system built on certain legal grounds; i.e. it is a separate organization that has specific management goals and objectives, organizational structure, powers and structure, interacts with other organizations.

The content of social management is the streamlining of social relations, regulation of the organization and functioning of the social order and public associations, providing conditions for harmonious development personality, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In all these cases, social-volitional connections, human behavior and actions become the object of control. However, a person is also a subject of social control, which is carried out by him in relation to other people. In each case, the subject of social management are both individuals and organizations: state, public, international.

Social management includes the concept social management activities, which is broader than the term "management". Management activity presupposes the presence of a practical element in the implementation of management, that is, it is characterized by the direct implementation of the functions of social management - the implementation of norms, rules, organization, leadership, coordination, accounting and control.

Creation organizational structure social management is a necessary but not sufficient condition for achieving the goals and objectives of management. The reality of management is provided by such qualities as organization, responsibility, subordination, strength, will. Taken together, they form a new quality - control dominance, i.e., empowering the subject of management activity with the necessary powers for the successful implementation of the management functions assigned to him.

Thus, management is inseparable from the concepts of "power", "state power". The power of management determines the emergence of organizational ties that ensure the subordination of the participants in joint social activities to the desire of the subject of management, his "dominant" will. Power is necessary remedy regulation of social processes; it forms a unified organizational and governing will that meets the public interests and ensures the creation of a social order, democratic foundations for the life of society.

The power of social management includes such a social phenomenon as authority. Social management should ensure the interaction of two factors: on the one hand, the power and authority of the subject of management and management (in the broad sense, the authority of the state), and on the other hand, the voluntary fulfillment by people and their organizations of social norms, conscious submission to the subject of power and management, and as well as his instructions. The balance of these phenomena creates the necessary quality of social management activity.

Social management is characterized by the fact that it:

1) arises in connection with the need to organize and regulate the activities of people and their organizations, as well as to establish standards for their behavior and actions;

2) is aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of management, which are to satisfy public interests through the implementation of joint activities of people;

3) uses the available powers and functions;

4) is carried out on the basis of subordination of participants in management activities to a single control will of the subject of management (person, team, organization).

Social management includes several species, differing in goals, objectives, functions, subjects and their powers, as well as management procedures:

1) public administration (management in the field of organization and functioning of the state, state executive power);

2)local government (municipal administration, local government, communal self-government);

3) public administration (management in public associations and not commercial organizations);

4) commercial management (management in commercial organizations created for the purpose of making a profit and distributing the profit received among their participants).

  • 10. Administrative law as a science and academic discipline.
  • 11. Administrative and legal norms: concept, features, structure.
  • 12. Types of administrative and legal norms.
  • 13. Implementation of administrative and legal norms.
  • 14.Administrative legal relationship: concept and features.
  • 15. Type of administrative and legal relations.
  • 2. Administrative and legal relations in terms of legal content:
  • 3. Administrative and legal relations according to the method of protection:
  • 4. Administrative and legal relations according to the composition of participants:
  • 5. Administrative and legal relations by function:
  • 16. Legal facts in administrative law.
  • 17. The concept and signs of the subject ap.
  • 18. Administrative legal personality: administrative legal capacity, legal capacity, delinquency.
  • 19. System and classification of subjects of administrative law.
  • 21. Rights and obligations of citizens in the field of public administration.
  • 22. Administrative and legal guarantees of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • 23. Features of the administrative and legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons.
  • 24. Features of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons.
  • 25. Separation of powers as a fundamental principle of public administration in the state.
  • 26. The role, importance and content of the executive branch in modern public administration.
  • 27. The main state functions of executive authorities.
  • 28. The concept and types of executive authorities.
  • 29. Principles of organization and activities of executive authorities.
  • 10. The principle of democracy
  • 30. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of executive power.
  • 31. Government of the Russian Federation: formation procedure, composition and main powers.
  • Chapter 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 32.Federal executive authorities: system and structure.
  • III. Federal services and federal agencies managed by
  • 33. The order of organization and functioning of the territorial bodies of the federal government.
  • 35. Executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region).
  • 36. The concept and significance of administrative and legal forms of executive power.
  • 38. Classification and types of forms of management actions.
  • 39. The concept and significance of administrative acts of executive authorities.
  • 40. Principles for the adoption of administrative acts.
  • 41. Classification and types of administrative acts of executive authorities.
  • 1. Depending on the legal properties (or legal content), legal acts of management are divided into normative, individual and mixed.
  • 2. Depending on the functional role and significance of the management act (or depending on the function performed), management acts can be distinguished:
  • 5. Depending on the date of commencement of the act, they can be divided into acts that come into force:
  • 6. Depending on the action in time (validity period), management acts can be:
  • 7. Depending on the form of expression, there are:
  • 8. Depending on the nature of the competence of the bodies that adopt legal acts of management, the following are distinguished:
  • 9. Depending on the level of bodies that adopt management acts, and their names are distinguished:
  • 42,43 Omitted from the list of questions.
  • 44. Competence of executive authorities to adopt administrative acts.
  • 45. Legitimacy of administrative acts of executive authorities.
  • 46. ​​Effectiveness of administrative acts.
  • 47. The concept, meaning and essence of administrative rule-making.
  • 48. The main subjects of administrative rule-making.
  • 49. Forms of administrative rule-making.
  • 50. Administrative regulation as a type of administrative rule-making.
  • 51. Administrative procedures as a result of administrative rule-making.
  • 2. General concept of management. Management as a social phenomenon. Types and categories of management.

    The term management comes from the Latin word administracio and has many meanings. In its broadest sense, it means leading something or someone.

    Control means to lead something or someone. It is carried out in organized systems of any nature in order to ensure the proper organization of the system and the necessary mode of its functioning, and, ultimately, the achievement of the tasks facing the system. Management is carried out in technical, biological and social systems.

    Despite many fundamental differences in technical, biological and social systems, the control mechanism for these systems is the same and is associated with a certain impact. control subject (management subject) to a managed object (management object). Management will be real only when the object obeys the subject (either voluntarily or forcibly).

    Currently, the following types of controlled systems are generally recognized:

    1) mechanical (control of machines, technological processes, etc.);

    2) biological (management of processes in living organisms);

    3) social (managing the behavior of people and their teams).

    The most difficult type of management is the management of social systems.

    Under social management(management of social systems) is understood as the impact on the community of people in order to streamline society, improve and develop it, and achieve the tasks facing people. The objective need for social management is due to the social nature of people's existence: their work, other relationships, communication, interaction.


    1. Social management is necessary whenever joint activities of people, to ensure its coordination and regulation, consistency of individual actions.

    2. Human actions are conscious. And an essential sign of social control is the impact on the will. Hence the object of social control is behavior participants in the collective activity of people, the relationship between them.

    3. Management is possible both vertically and horizontally.

    Social management is subdivided intopublic administrationandnon-state administration.

    Non-state administration is carried out by local self-government bodies, the administration of non-governmental organizations and public associations of citizens.

    The administrative law course focuses on public administration.

    The object of control is various systems and their components (people, phenomena, events, etc.).

    The subjects of management are always people. There are two groups of control subjects:

    1) sole proprietors; 2) collegiate (groups of people).

    The content of management is the legal relationship that arises in the course of management activities, including the impact on objects by coordinating, directing various actions, processes by the subject of management through the application of appropriate methods and mechanisms. 3. State administration, public administration and executive power as categories that determine the essence of administrative law.

    Public administration - in a broad sense - the activities of all state bodies for the implementation of the assigned powers, in a narrow sense - by-law, legally powerful activities of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects for the implementation of the assigned powers.

    signs government controlled:

    This is a type of state management activity;

    The activity is legally authoritative, executive-administrative in nature;

    Activities are carried out continuously, continuously and according to plan;

    Activities are carried out on the basis of and in pursuance of laws (legislative activities);

    It is characterized by the presence of vertical (hierarchical) and horizontal links;

    It is carried out in various forms (legal and non-legal);

    Provided through a system of guarantees;

    Violation of managerial activity entails the onset of negative consequences (legal restrictions).

    Target public administration - the expected results that the subject seeks in the implementation of managerial activities. There are the following management objectives:

    1) socio-economic - streamlining public life and satisfying the public interest; achieving economic well-being, building and maintaining a certain system of economic relations;

    2) political - participation in the management of all political forces in the country, the development of positive proposals and processes in society and the state, contributing to the improvement of state and public structures, human development;

    3) security - ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality in society, public order and public safety, the necessary level of well-being;

    4) organizational and legal - the formation of a legal system that contributes to the implementation of all the main functions of the state.

    Principles public administration - fundamental ideas, guiding principles.

    General (social and legal) principles:

    Democracy - the people are the only source of power; he exercises power both directly and through executive authorities; control over the activities of the executive authorities is carried out by the legislative and judicial authorities, the prosecutor's office, as well as the population (public control);

    Legitimacy - the activities of the executive authorities should be based on the exact and strict observance and implementation of the Constitution and laws, the compliance of the attached regulatory legal acts with acts of higher legal force;

    Objectivity - in the implementation of management activities, it is necessary to adequately perceive the ongoing processes, establish existing patterns and take them into account when making management decisions and their implementation;

    Concreteness - the implementation of management should be built taking into account specific life circumstances, i.e. in accordance with the real state of the management object and the resource of the management subject;

    Separation of powers - the division of state power into legislative, executive and judicial with the assignment of specific functions to them in the prescribed manner;

    Federalism - the activities of executive authorities are based on the normative consolidation of the delineation of competence and jurisdiction between the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    Efficiency - the achievement of the goals of management activities should be carried out with minimal cost forces, means and time.

    Organizational principles:

    Sectoral - the implementation of management activities, the organization of the management system is built taking into account the generality of the management object, which forms a certain industry (management of industry, transport, communications, agro-industrial complex, education, healthcare, etc.);

    Territorial - the formation of a management system is based on a territorial basis (administrative-territorial division);

    Functional - bodies and apparatuses of executive power carry out general subordinate management functions (finance, statistics, employment, etc.);

    Dual subordination - a combination of the principles of centralized leadership, taking into account territorial conditions;

    The combination of unity of command and collegiality - the most important issues relating to the fundamental aspects of management activities are taken collectively, and operational, current, not requiring collegial consideration, are resolved individually.

    public administration- the impact of the subject of management on society (social processes of relations) in accordance with the socially significant functions and powers assigned to it. The word "public" means public, open, public, not private.

    The executive power is a relatively independent branch of the unified state power, closely interacting with its legislative and judicial branches. Executive power (i.e., the ability and ability to exert a decisive influence on behavior, the right and ability to subordinate others to oneself) is realized not by itself, but in relations with various individual and collective elements of a state-organizational society on a national scale and as a specific state enforcement functions.

    State administration, public administration and executive power determine the essence of administrative law, because:

    1.AP, its norms are designed to regulate social relations arising in the process of exercising executive power, exercising public administration. Therefore, administrative law is called the right of management, or management law, because the content of the activities of executive authorities and executive bodies of local self-government is precisely state, or “public” management.

    2. The AP is designed to regulate social relations that arise between the individual and the state, between the citizen and the executive authorities, ensuring the implementation and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the field of public administration, their protection from possible arbitrariness, infringement or restriction of these rights and freedoms by the or other government official.

    In the broadest sense, management means leading something (or someone). In a similar sense, it is interpreted in our days. However, it is not enough to confine oneself to such a statement. There is a need to disclose the contents of this manual, its functional purpose. General theoretical positions, including cybernetic ones, provide sufficient grounds for the following conclusions:

    1. Management is a function of organized systems of various nature (biological, technical, social), ensuring their integrity, i.e. achievement of the tasks facing them, preservation of their structure, maintenance of the proper mode of activity.

    2. Management serves the interests of the interaction of the elements that make up this or that system and represent a single whole with tasks common to all elements.

    3. Management - the internal quality of an integral system, the main elements of which are the subject (managing element) and the object (managed element), constantly interacting on the basis of self-organization (self-management).

    4. Management involves not only the internal interaction of the elements that make up the system. There are many interacting integral systems of various hierarchical levels, which implies the implementation of management functions, both intra-system and inter-system. In the latter case, a higher-order system acts as a subject of control in relation to a lower-order system, which is an object of control within the framework of interaction between them.

    5. Management in its essence is reduced to the control action of the subject on the object, the content of which is the ordering of the system, ensuring its functioning in full accordance with the laws of its existence and development. This is a purposeful ordering influence, implemented in the relations between the subject and the object and carried out directly by the subject of management.

    6. Control is real when there is a known subordination of the object to the subject of control, of the controlled element of the system to its control element. Consequently, the control (ordering) impact is the prerogative of the subject of control.

    7. In the management process, its functions find their direct expression, determined by the nature and purpose of management activities. This means that management has a functional structure.

    The management functions are understood as the most typical, homogeneous and clearly defined types (directions) of the activity of the managing subject, corresponding to the content and serving the interests of achieving the main goals of the control action. As a rule, they include: forecasting (planning); organization (formation of a management system and ensuring its normal operation); coordination (ensuring coordinated actions of various participants in relations in the managed sphere); regulation (establishment of the mode of interaction between the subject and the object of management); management (imperious solution of specific issues arising in the managed sphere); control (observation of the functioning of the managed sphere).

    These are the main features that characterize general concept management. They are also fully acceptable for understanding management in the social sphere, where people and their various associations act as subjects and objects of management.

    Of course, this takes into account the features social sphere, the most important of which is that managerial communications are realized through the relations of people. Society is an integral organism with a complex structure, with various kinds of individual manifestations, as well as with functions of a general nature. Hence the need to express the general connection and unity of social processes, which finds its manifestation in the implementation of social management. It is one of the leading conditions normal functioning and development of society.

    Social management as an attribute of social life is expressed in signs predetermined common features characteristic of management as a scientific category, as well as the peculiarities of the organization of public life. The most important are the following ones.

    Firstly, social management exists only where the joint activity of people is manifested. By itself, this kind of activity (industrial and other) is not yet able to ensure the necessary interaction of its participants, the uninterrupted and effective implementation of the common tasks facing them, the achievement of common goals. Management organizes people specifically for joint activities in certain teams and organizationally draws them up.

    Secondly, social management, with its main purpose, has a streamlining effect on the participants in joint activities, giving organization to the interaction of people. At the same time, the coordination of individual actions of the participants in joint activities is ensured, and general functions necessary for the regulation of such activities and directly arising from its nature (for example, planning, coordination, control, etc.).

    Thirdly, social management has as the main object of influence the behavior (actions) of participants in joint activities, their relationships. These are categories of a conscious-volitional nature, in which the management of people's behavior is mediated.

    Fourthly, social management, acting as a regulator of people's behavior, achieves this goal within the framework of public relations, which are essentially managerial relations. They arise primarily between the subject and the object in connection with the practical implementation of the functions of social management.

    Fifthly, social management is based on a certain subordination of the wills of people - participants in managerial relations, since their relations have a conscious-volitional mediation. The will of the rulers takes precedence over the will of the governed. Hence - the imperiousness of social management, which means that the subject of management forms and implements the "dominant will", and the object obeys it. This is how the power-volitional moment of social control is expressed.

    Consequently, power is a specific means that ensures that the will of the governed is followed by the will of the rulers. This is how volitional regulation of people's behavior takes place, and under conditions state organization social life is provided with the necessary "intervention" of state power in social relations.

    Sixth, social management needs a special mechanism for its implementation, which is personified by the subjects of management. In the role of such are certain groups of people, organizationally formalized in the form of appropriate governing bodies (public or state), or individual persons authorized to do so. Their activity, which has a specific purpose and special forms of expression, is managerial.

    Management, understood in the social sense, is diverse. In its broadest form, it can be understood as a mechanism for organizing public relations. Here we can say that the tasks and functions of this mechanism are practically performed by all state bodies, regardless of their specific purpose, as well as public associations. Local self-government is also an element of the social management system.

    Social management also has a special meaning. In this variant, it is usually characterized as public administration, which is understood as a specific type of state activity, different from its other manifestations (for example, legislative, judicial, prosecutorial activities), as well as from the managerial activities of public associations and other non-state formations (labor collectives, commercial structures, etc.). Public administration is a kind of social administration, the functioning of which is traditionally associated with the formation of a special legal branch - administrative law.
