Pole exercises are an effective sports load

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

One of the areas of fitness, which has recently come to Russia, but is rapidly gaining momentum, is pylon lessons(pole dance, pole dance). Correction of posture, improvement of the contours of the figure, weight loss - classes on the pylon, which include elements of sports acrobatics and dance, will help to achieve this.

Pole-dance as an alternative to aerobic exercise

Strict adherence to all kinds of diets guarantees only weight within the normal range. And for the beautiful tightened contours of the figure, the muscles are responsible, which can and should be forced to work, providing them with regular physical activity.

Pylon lessons will constantly keep literally all the muscles in good shape, and the ability to comprehend new acrobatic elements to incendiary music guarantees that you will not be bored.

Canada is considered the birthplace of pole dancing as a sport. This direction began to quickly gain popularity: first conquered the United States, then Australia, Europe and China. And this is not surprising, because pole training is a very dynamic sport, each training session is a discovery!

Fans of this growing fitness trend become not only the owners of a slender, toned figure. They are also distinguished by a beautiful posture, special plasticity and precise coordination of movements, self-confidence and artistry. Due to the fact that pole exercises combine a whole range of loads (cardio, strength plus choreographic component), changes in your appearance will become noticeable very soon. There are no strict restrictions on food - in one workout you will burn about 900 calories.

Pole lessons for beginners

It is a mistake to think that pole-dance is only for people in excellent physical shape. Engage on the pylon is within the power of even people without special physical training. And tightened muscles and the ability to control your body will come with time, the main thing is to continue training and not give up.

If the main purpose of coming to pole dance- this is weight correction, then it is better to start classes with a personal instructor. With it, the workout will be built in a cardio-strength key with an emphasis on burning calories. It makes sense to connect the choreographer a little later.

Strong muscles (calf muscles, muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are actively involved during classes) will allow you to wear high heels easily and naturally, while maintaining a proud posture.

Group pole lessons are also possible. This is a great way to loosen up and get rid of shyness. Only one nuance must be taken into account - it is unlikely that the instructor will be able to distribute his attention equally to all members of the group. The optimal number of workouts is three times a week. A standard session consists of stretching (15-20 minutes) and general strength training.

Dress assumes the presence of several sets:

For stretching - a T-shirt, long sweatpants and socks (clothing that retains body heat helps to quickly warm up the muscles);

To work on the pole - short tight shorts, a tight-fitting top, socks, leggings or Czechs.

To work on choreography - tight-fitting clothing (for example, leggings and a T-shirt); Clothing should emphasize the silhouette of the figure.

It should be noted that pole training is a rather traumatic sport. Therefore, you should not try to master complex tricks on your own. Even training with an experienced instructor does not promise that everything will go smoothly right away. The result of successful classes will be a spectacular dance, which includes elements such as twists, tricks and choreography around the pole.

Basic elements of pole-dance for beginners

In the first lessons, beginners are taught to feel the weight of their body and control it.

high chair- the first element for beginners to master. Just hold on to the pole with your hands, catching it with one foot.

Slingshot- hanging head down with legs wide apart. The basic element for subsequent tricks upside down.

Hang under the knee

half lotes- hanging in a vertical position. The pole is clasped with one leg bent at the knee.

Superman- vis in horizontal position. The body on the pylon is held by the legs and one hand. This trick can be used both in bundles and as independent element.

plank- an element similar to "superman", only face up.

Embryo- holding the pylon with your feet, you roll around it in a pose reflected in the very name of the element.

Each simple element is a kind of base for reaching more complex elements.

There are several international organizations that unite all lovers of pole dancing. The main tasks of these associations are the development of pole-dance and the organization of competitions. The number of fans and those wishing to try themselves in this direction is steadily growing. Its worldwide popularity is already evidenced by the fact that Pole-dance is being seriously considered for inclusion in the list. Olympic sports sports.

Criminalistics- a special legal science of an applied nature. Its social purpose is to promote the activities of bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, court, forensic examination.

Criminalistics- a science that studies the patterns of criminal acts, the mechanism of their reflection in information sources and develops means and methods of activity for the disclosure, investigation and prevention of all types of crimes in order to ensure the proper application of substantive and procedural legal norms.

Subject of criminology- laws of the crime mechanism, laws of collection, research and evaluation of evidence, the knowledge of which has an impact on the investigation and prevention of crimes.

The concept of the object of criminalistics consists of two parts: criminal activity and the activities of law enforcement agencies to detect, investigate and prevent crimes.

Mechanism of crime- a system that includes such elements as: the subject of the crime, his attitude to the act, the subject of the crime and the method of committing. The elements of the crime mechanism are interconnected. They reflect the traces of the crime, provide information about the subjects of the crime and how it was committed. Crime is inevitably reflected in environment, the appearance of information is natural. The process of reflection is influenced by various factors: the time of the commission of the criminal act, weather, physical and mental state of the person, etc.

General tasks of forensic science:

1) disclosure of crimes - the establishment of the actual circumstances of the commission of a crime, as well as the person who committed it;

2) investigation of crimes - the activity of collecting, researching, evaluating evidence and using it in order to establish the truth;

3) prevention of crimes - establishing the causes and conditions for the commission of crimes and carrying out preventive measures preventing the commission of new acts. The general tasks of forensic science imply the existence of a number of particular tasks that reveal the internal structure and methodology of forensic science.

The special tasks of criminalistics include:

1) identification and study of the general patterns of committing crimes and activities for their investigation;

2) development and improvement of methods and means of practical activities for the disclosure and investigation of crimes;

3) development of technical and forensic support for the investigation of crimes using the knowledge of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences;

4) improvement of the organizational foundations of the investigation.

2. Forensic system

Criminalistics is a system consisting of parts and sections, characterized by the presence of internal links between elements.

The system of modern Russian criminalistics includes four structural elements, such as:

1) theory and methodology of criminalistics. They contain sections that reveal the main theoretical concepts, methodological aspects of the object and subject of forensic science, the conceptual apparatus, categories, terms; fundamentals of forensic planning, prevention, forecasting, diagnostics, history of forensic science.

The methods of disclosure and investigation are determined by the forensic features of crimes, namely, the method, the situation in which the crime was committed, and the personal characteristics of the criminals. Theoretical and methodological foundations are concretized and developed in other parts of forensic science;

2) forensic technology- a section of the science of forensic science that studies the patterns of formation of trace information and develops techniques, tools, methods for its detection, fixation, seizure, research and use of the results obtained in order to detect, investigate and prevent crimes. The mechanisms of material interactions during criminal activity are studied. different types, means and methods for their identification and research are being developed during the investigation based on the information contained in the traces;

3) forensic tactics- a system of scientific provisions and recommendations on organizing, planning a preliminary and judicial investigation, determining the line of conduct of persons carrying out evidence, developing methods for conducting procedural, in particular investigative, actions, such as an investigative examination of the scene, an investigative experiment, interrogation or a set of investigative actions and tactical operations;

4) forensic investigation technique certain types crimes- a set of recommendations on the organization and implementation of the investigation, the prevention of crimes and certain types of crimes. Scientific provisions are being developed and based on them guidelines for the investigation and prevention of murders, robberies, thefts, rapes, etc.

Target- providing the investigator with the necessary knowledge and developed methods for detecting, investigating and preventing certain types of crimes in different investigative situations.

All sections of criminalistics are interconnected. The theory and methodology of forensic science are the basis of forensic methods, techniques and tactics. Tactical techniques have an impact on the use of techniques and means of forensic technology.

3. The concept and system of forensic technology

Forensic technology- a section of the science of forensic science that studies the patterns of formation of trace information and develops techniques, tools, methods for its detection, fixation, withdrawal, research and use of the results obtained in order to disclose, investigate and prevent crimes.

Detection– identification of visible, barely visible or invisible traces of crimes with the help of special search technical means. Fixation traces of a crime - their fixation on the trace carrier, the production of casts, photographs, the use of video recording, a description of the traces of crimes in the protocol of the investigative action. Withdrawal- packaging of traces of a crime and other objects, their procedural registration and inclusion in a criminal case. Forensic technology includes a system general provisions which are based on dialectical philosophy, data of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences.

Subjects application of forensic technology are investigators, operatives, forensic experts. The use of forensic technology in investigative actions must comply with the requirements of the law.

The main branches of forensic technology:

1) forensic photography and video recording;

2) forensic investigation of traces (trasology);

3) forensic weapons science. Includes sections such as:

a) forensic ballistics, studying firearms, ammunition, traces of the use of firearms;

b) explosives;

c) forensic research of edged weapons;

4) forensic examination of documents;

5) forensic doctrine about external signs human (gabitoscopy);

6) forensic phonoscopy - identification of a person by voice, the authenticity or falsification of the carrier is determined;

7) forensic odorology - identification of a person by smell traces;

8) forensic micrology - identification of objects by microtraces;

9) forensic investigation of materials, substances, products;

10) forensic registration.

Methods of forensic technology:

1) physical (optical methods);

2) chemical (methods of qualitative analysis);

3) physical and chemical;

4) botanical;

5) physiological;

6) mathematical (statistical methods).

Forensic technology solves a number of problems, such as:

1) detection, fixation, seizure of material traces of a crime;

2) establishing the conditions and causes of the action that led to the formation of traces;

3) establishing the identity of objects (identification).

4. The concept and scientific basis of forensic identification

Forensic identification is a branch of forensic technology. This is one of the most developed theories of forensic science, widely used in practice in the activities of law enforcement agencies.

Forensic identification- a comparative study of the object associated with the event under investigation, in order to resolve the issue of its identity with itself and the subsequent establishment of the nature of the connection with the event under investigation of this desired object. The objects involved in the identification process are divided into identifiable, whose identity is supposed to be established, and identifying, through which the identity is established. In the identification process, a system of identification features is used. Identification feature represents the properties of the identified object, which are displayed in its trace and can be used to compare and resolve the issue of identity.

The identification feature must meet the following conditions:

1) materiality;

2) the severity of the sign;

3) the relative stability of the trait, despite the inevitable changes taking place.

The theory of identification is based on the following main provisions:

1) any object of the material world has individuality, originality;

2) any object reflects the world. It is always possible to identify an object by its traces, that is, to establish the individual identity of an object.

In the process of research, it is important to distinguish between the following categories:

1) the desired object is an object that actually left traces;

2) the object being checked is the one that could leave the traces found.

The properties of the checked object are established according to the samples specially obtained for identification of the mappings of the checked object. An essential feature of the trace of the desired object is its connection with the event under investigation. An essential feature of the samples is their origin, precisely established in the course of the investigation, from specific persons or objects.

Identification stages:

1) separate study - the establishment of identification properties of compared objects;

2) comparative study - a consistent comparison of general and particular features of the checked and sought objects;

3) evaluation of comparison results - processing of the obtained comparison results;

4) formulation of a conclusion about the identity or difference of objects.

Forensic identification is a tool that helps to establish the truth in criminal proceedings.

5. Forensic diagnostics

- the actual direction of forensic knowledge.

Forensic diagnostics is a scientifically developed system of tasks and methods for recognizing and explaining the essence, properties, states and other features of objects, phenomena, processes associated with crimes, with the aim of their disclosure, investigation and prevention. Diagnosis has much in common with the process of forensic identification. Diagnostics is also based on the study of the features of objects, regardless of whether the object itself or its display is being studied. However, diagnostics and identification differ in the goals of their research and methodological techniques. Diagnostics is primarily aimed at establishing the mechanism for the formation of traces and the conditions for their occurrence. The process of diagnosing is based on such regularity of the material process as constant repetition, which affects the appearance of a stable reflection. Diagnostic studies allow you to find out the sequence of formation of traces and establish the sequence of actions of the criminal.

Tasks of forensic diagnostics: identification, study, explanation and recognition of the properties and states of the object. Forensic diagnostics contributes to the establishment of objective truth. Diagnostic tasks are solved using methods of comparison, analogy, modeling, experimentation, etc. In the theory of forensic diagnostics, diagnosed and diagnosing, sought and tested objects are distinguished. diagnosable- what needs to be recognized (property, state, mechanism). diagnostic is a material trace (sign) of a crime event, reflecting outwardly recognizable features, features and mechanism. Searched objects– properties, states and mechanism to be recognized. Checked objects are sources of information about recognizable objects. Diagnosis steps:

1) goal definition;

2) study of objects;

3) analysis of diagnostic features;

4) comparison of the received data;

5) evaluation of results.

Based on the results of diagnostic studies, conclusions are formulated. The conclusion may contain the probable course of an event under given conditions, an explanation for the occurrence of traces under certain circumstances, the real existence of a fact, or a causal relationship between facts.

Types of forensic diagnostics:

1) investigative diagnostics. Explains the properties, the state of committing a crime, the subjects of the crime, criminal and forensic situations;

2) forensic diagnostics. Assumes the possibility of re-diagnosing research subjects during the preliminary investigation;

3) expert diagnostics.

6. Forms of using special knowledge in criminal proceedings

When investigating a crime, the establishment of important facts for the case is possible through their direct perception or through a special study and a detailed study of the properties and qualities. The effectiveness of the disclosure and investigation of crimes depends on the use of natural science, technical and other special knowledge in the criminal process. Special knowledge are knowledge acquired while receiving special education or in the process of practical work in a particular specialty. The purpose of applying special knowledge in the investigation of crimes is to detect and evaluate signs that contain information about the facts to be established. Special knowledge is used by the investigator, specialist, expert, but has different procedural forms.

Forms of using special knowledge:

1) directly by the investigator and the court conducting the investigation and consideration of the criminal case. The investigator must be prepared to consider general issues and have sufficient knowledge to solve special problems. The investigator uses special knowledge in the production of investigative actions, for example, an investigative experiment, presentation for identification, inspection of the scene. Factual data established by the investigator and recorded in the protocol of the investigative action receive the force of evidence;

2) by obtaining information and consultations from knowledgeable persons;

3) by attracting specialists to participate in investigative actions. Specialist - a person with special knowledge, involved in assisting in the detection, fixing and seizure of objects and documents, the use of technical means and the study of criminal case materials, to raise questions to the expert and explain to the parties and the court issues within his professional competence. The specialist is present during the inspection of the corpse, examination, exhumation;

4) by revision;

5) by examination. The expert implements his knowledge by conducting an examination. The expert opinion is the source of forensic evidence, and his conclusions constitute evidence.

When determining the form of application of special knowledge, it is necessary to take into account a set of criteria: the time factor, the reliability of a reliable establishment of a fact, the economy and materiality of the established fact. If this fact is evidentiary, then it can be used as an argument in the process of subsequent proof. The participation of specialists and experts in the investigative action significantly expands the possibilities of applying special knowledge.

7. Technical and forensic tools and methods for detecting, fixing and removing traces

When disclosing and investigating crimes, objects related to the criminal case must be discovered, recorded and seized. At the scene of the incident, they are subjected to a preliminary study in order to obtain investigative and evidentiary information that contributes to the disclosure of the crime in hot pursuit.

Detection means the identification of visible, barely visible or invisible traces of a crime, namely traces of hands, feet, vehicles, etc. For this, special search technical means are used.

Fixation traces of a crime consists in fixing them on the object - the trace carrier, as well as in making casts, copies, photographs using special technical means, impression masses, materials and substances. Fixation involves a description of the traces of the crime in the protocol of the investigative action.

Withdrawal traces of a crime involves their packaging, procedural registration and inclusion in the criminal case.

Actions to detect, fix and seize traces of a crime are united by the concept collecting evidence. The performance of these actions must comply with the requirements of applicable law. The traces of the crime must be fully discovered, recorded accurately and clearly, with an indication of the location and a description of their individualizing features. It is necessary to ensure the safety of traces of crimes for their further perception by the court and other participants in the process. A variety of traces of crimes led to the multiplicity of forensic tools and methods. Classification of technical means:

1) according to the sources of origin of technical means, physical, chemical, biomedical means are distinguished;

2) by intended purpose allocate means for detecting and removing traces of hands, feet, micro-objects;

3) granular, gaseous, liquid, solid substances are distinguished according to the qualitative composition and state of the objects to be collected.

Crime detection tools include:

1) lighting means - devices that create artificial lighting;

2) optical devices - devices that allow to increase the range of sensitivity of the eye;

3) search devices are designed to detect objects;

4) chemical substances- reagents to detect traces of biological origin.

The means of fixing the traces of crimes include the following:

1) photographic means;

2) measuring instruments. Serve to determine the quantitative characteristics and dimensions of devices;

3) materials for making casts, copies. Seizure of traces crimes are made along with the objects on which they are displayed. If this is not possible, they are withdrawn without an object.

8. Forensic photograph. Its concept, meaning and types

A variety of forensic photography is forensic photography. This is a capturing photograph, which is used to carry out a general fixation of objects and their signs. The results of this photography are drawn up in the form of photo tables, which are attached to the protocols of investigative actions or to materials reflecting the results of operational search activities. Photographs are considered as photographic documents and may be of evidentiary value.

Forensic photography method- a set of rules and recommendations for the choice of photographic means, conditions for shooting and processing photographic materials.

The methods of forensic photography include:

1) panoramic photography. It is used in the case when it is impossible to photograph the entire object due to its length and large size. This method allows you to sequentially shoot an object on several interconnected frames. The resulting photographs are combined into a common picture - a panorama. Panoramic photography can be either horizontal or vertical. There are two ways to take panoramic photos:

a) round panorama - shooting an object from one place;

b) linear panorama - involves moving the camera parallel to the object being filmed at a short distance from it;

2) measuring photography. It is used when it is necessary to establish the size of objects and the distance between them. The measurement survey method is implemented using special scale rulers, tapes, squares with dimensional values ​​indicated on them. The choice of the type of scale is determined by the characteristics of the object and the objectives of the survey;

3) the method of large-scale photography. Used for photographing individual parts, details, small items;

4) stereoscopic shooting. It is carried out with small format cameras. This method allows you to get overview, detailed and nodal photographs by obtaining a three-dimensional perception of the object. This photograph allows you to determine the shape, size and relative position of the objects fixed on it;

5) reproduction shooting. Necessary for obtaining flat objects, drawings, paintings. Usually, this species photography is used to obtain photocopies;

6) identification photography. It is used for photographing living persons and corpses. Photographs are used for the purpose of registration, search and presentation for identification. Identification shooting of persons is carried out in front and profile, while the person must be without a headdress and glasses. Identification photography of a corpse can be carried out at the place of its discovery or in the morgue after a thorough toilet. Pictures are taken full face, left and right profiles.

The marketing mix is ​​a special set of tools that allows the marketer to achieve the main goal: to satisfy the needs of customers and increase sales. With the help of these tools, demand is formed and management is carried out.

The concept and goals of marketing

The concept of marketing appears in the second half of the 19th century, when, in response to overproduction, it became necessary to find new tools to stimulate the sale of products. The new concept was defined as a certain activity aimed at increasing the profits of the company. Today there are at least a thousand different definitions. In general, marketing is understood as a process aimed at studying the market and forming a circle of consumers of goods.

The main goal of marketing is to satisfy the needs of consumers. To do this, the market is studied, the product is designed, its price is determined and promotion is planned. Marketing seeks to establish a relationship between the producer and the buyer of a product in order to maximize consumption. In addition, he faces the goals of in-depth study of the situation on the market and the study of the needs of the consumer and the characteristics of his behavior. It is designed to increase customer satisfaction with the product in order to lead him to repeat purchase. Improving the quality of life of consumers, expanding the product range to best meet the needs of the population - this is also the scope of marketing. Based on these goals, marketing functions are determined: marketing, analytical, product and production, communication, management and control.

Marketing Mix Theory

In 1953, the term "marketing mix" was first used in American marketing, by which Neil Borden understood a special set of tools to achieve the desired marketing results. Later, McCarthy refined this concept and developed the concept of 4p marketing, which has become synonymous with the concept of "marketing mix". It included such elements as product, price, place, promotion. He discovered that the four basic elements, without which it is impossible to organize enterprises, exist in any kind of production and are universal.

AT general view marketing mix is ​​a set of measures and tools that allow a company to influence the demand for goods and services produced.


The first is the product (or product). This is the starting point marketing activities, and it is understood as a certain item or service that has a certain value for the consumer. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to lay in the product those qualities and properties that will be in demand by the consumer. For the successful implementation of the product, the marketer needs to have a good idea of ​​what need he is able to satisfy, what are the advantages and weaknesses of the product. You should also imagine what product improvements can increase its sales, in which markets it can be in demand. To increase sales volumes, it is necessary to take care of the packaging of the goods, its attractiveness and informativeness, and for quick identification of the product by the consumer. To form consumer loyalty to the product, it would be nice to provide guarantees and additional services for the client.


The marketing mix includes pricing. This is a very important action on which the success or failure of a product in the market depends. The price should not be too low or unreasonably high, as it can scare away the buyer. Despite the apparent ease of maximizing profits through high price, you should be very careful about setting a high or low cost, as it is a powerful factor in the image of the product and manufacturer. The price must be competitive, adequate to the purchasing power of consumers and the chosen strategy. Price can become a promotional tool in strategies such as market penetration or cream skimming. When designing the cost of a product, it is necessary to provide several options for various distribution channels, the possibility of providing discounts.

Place of sale

Choice of place of distribution of goods - important element marketing-mix complex. This selection is based on careful analysis. consumer behavior. It is necessary in the course of the study to identify places where it will be most convenient for the consumer to make a purchase. Sales organization, like other methods of sales promotion, should encourage a person to buy. The procedure for purchasing a product should be extremely simplified and fast, the consumer should not spend a lot of effort on making a purchase. When developing a marketing strategy, you should determine the target markets and distribution channels. Also an important part of the sales organization is the merchandising system (advertising at the point of sale, including product display, atmosphere and navigation in the store).


The marketing mix is ​​what is most often associated with promotion. Indeed, promotion is an essential component of the marketing mix. In its structure, it is customary to distinguish four groups of tools: advertising, sales promotion methods, PR. These funds are used in combination, solving long-term and short-term tasks. Advertising and sales promotion usually give quick results, PR is a low-intensity technology and creates a delayed effect. A set of promotional tools is implemented in the form of a company's media strategy. For B2B and B2C markets, different tools are used.

Marketing Tools

The marketing mix is ​​a certain plan of action, operations cannot be swapped or released as unnecessary. Each element of the complex requires coordinated and thoughtful marketing actions. The main marketing tools are the marketing, pricing, product and communication policy of the enterprise. In addition to the marketing mix, there is the concept of a media mix - a set of means of promoting a product in information environment. It includes direct advertising in the media (radio, television, etc.), event marketing, various promotions, advertising on the Internet.

In the nature of "transport" there is a general definition of suspension, which is used in different areas use of transport depending on the vehicle.

The suspension system, or, as they say colloquially, suspension, spring suspension, is a set of mechanisms, parts and assemblies that connect the body of the machines directly with the interrogation elements (skating rinks, wheels, skis). In general, the suspension is designed to reduce various types of emerging dynamic loads, while this device ensures a uniform distribution of these loads when moving on all supporting elements. In addition, the suspension serves to increase the quality of the vehicle's traction ability.

In tracked vehicles, which is important, the suspension system consists of suspension units. The suspension unit is a set of mechanisms, parts and assemblies that connect the axle of one roller (wheel) directly to the machine body. Sometimes, several rollers can be connected. In this case, they will be connected to the body through one elastic element. Each of the suspension units in all cases includes the mandatory presence of an elastic element - a spring, a shock absorber and a balancer.

A different suspension for rail vehicles, which are called spring suspension. This type includes such elastic elements as springs, springs and vibration dampers. Vibration dampers are of two types - hydraulic and friction dampers.

The above two paragraphs talk about suspension systems on tracked vehicles and electric locomotives. For us, these points are important for a complete comparison of the entire suspension structure and a complete definition of its functioning.

The suspension system of a car, or suspension, is also a set of components, parts and mechanisms that are connectors between the road and the car body. This device included in the chassis.

The suspension system performs the following functions:

1. Connects physically uncut bridges or wheels to the body or frame - the vehicle's supporting system.

2. Transfers moments and forces to the carrier system, which occur when the wheels interact with the road.

3. Provides the necessary way to move the wheels relative to the frame or body. In addition, they regulate the smoothness of the entire car.

It is now necessary to understand the device itself and the design of the suspension. In this way, suspension includes the following elements:

1. Guide elements. These elements determine the nature and method of movement of the wheels, as well as their direct connection with each other. In addition, these elements transmit longitudinal and lateral forces and their moments.

2. elastic elements. This type of element transmits and absorbs the normal reaction forces of the road (those that are directed vertically). These road reaction forces, in turn, arise at the moment the vehicle's wheel hits a certain bump.

3. shock absorbers serve to extinguish various kinds of vibrations of the entire carrier system, which arise due to negative impact roads.

In reality, it turns out that one of the above elements is a multifunctional device. So, for example, in a natural leaf spring suspension of a rear axle, a multi-leaf spring absorbs all lateral and longitudinal forces, in addition to the main function of absorbing the normal reaction of the road. In addition, due to intersheet friction given element acts as an imperfect friction damper. Nevertheless, in the suspensions of modern cars, individual structural elements perform individual functions.

They quite rigidly set the character in the movement of the wheels relative to the road in this carrier system. This, in fact, is the basis that provides certain parameters of controllability and stability.

In modern cars themselves suspension systems are quite complex structures, as they combine hydraulic, mechanical, electrical and pneumatic elements. Quite often found with electronic control systems. This allows you to achieve a good and harmonious combination of all high parameters of handling, comfort and safety.

1. The effect of the suspension on the movement of the car

The choice of a car is entirely consistent with the traits of a human character. This has long been proven by psychologists. The shape of the body, the color of the car, all the technical qualities of the engine, and, of course, the driving characteristics of the car - this gradually or specifically corresponds to internal state person when choosing a car.

In addition, the suspension of the car depends entirely on the nature of the car owner. All driving characteristics of the suspension are selected simultaneously with the purchase of the car. It may be that then they will be finalized in the process of tuning the car of the vehicle to suit your feelings and desires. In addition, the driving style of a motorist determines the suspension itself: soft or hard.

Reliable is a rigid suspension, which is a big plus for safe driving. Most importantly, this suspension controls to the smallest detail all the nuances of maneuvering the car. However, a hard suspension has a negative impact on the health of the driver, as long-term use of a car with a hard suspension can cause problems with the spine. This is due to the fact that every bump or pit is fully felt by the driver at its rightful location.

Soft Suspension is a manufacturer of soft ride vehicle. The car will move smoothly and comfortably for passengers, but only until the first turn, if it is carried out at high speed. This is due to the fact that at such a moment a certain complexity of management arises. If the ride takes a decidedly long period, the passengers may get sick.

All conveyor cars that have been born have already built-in and preset suspension parameters: hard, soft or medium suspension. The values ​​of such characteristics are constant. Only pneumatic suspension elements can change all quality while driving on the road: it becomes harder or softer. The cost of such a suspension is not small, since it is considered the best of all potentially possible types.

2. How to make the suspension softer yourself

If the motorist is not interested in high speed, and priority is given to a comfortable ride, regularity and solidity during the period of movement on the road, then tuning that will directly relate to the chassis can be done independently. If such a need arises, then these recommendations may be useful in the implementation of the plans.

1. Shock absorbers can be replaced. Install double-acting gas-oil shock absorbers.

2. In addition, you can replace the springs. Old springs are replaced with new ones with variable coil pitch. The acquisition of this kind of springs will not be any particular problem.

3. Tire replacement work. It is possible to solve the above problem by buying new tires that are equipped with a soft sidewall. This type of tire is good enough to absorb all the bumps. Nevertheless, it is also dangerous, since at high speed getting into a hole with jagged edges can be seriously injured.

4. In this option it is necessary to replace the factory wheels with alloy wheels with a long overhang. These discs will increase the comfort and handling of the car. The downside is the excessive load on the bearings, which is why their sudden failure.

5. Installing an air suspension is a rather favorable option, since this is the most soft suspension. The problem may be the high cost of such a suspension. In addition, the problem lies in the heavy installation of this type of suspension. This suspension is reliable and the most convenient in operation, as it provides high comfort when moving on various sections of the road.

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"Periodic Table of Chemical Elements" - Arrange the elements in ascending order of metallic properties. Station theoretical "Mendeleev quiz". 6-7 correct answers - "4" points. 5 correct answers - "3" points. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 1834-1907. 9-8 correct answers - "5" points. 4. How many energy levels are there in a sulfur atom? The letters corresponding to the correct answers will give the name of the country.

"Elements of statistics" - In order to check the progress in mathematics, each of the 50 students was offered 20 tasks. Basic concepts. After registering the duration of 65 vacuum tubes, the following results were obtained: Table of statistical data. To calculate the number of intervals, the Sturgers formula is recommended r ? 1+3.322 lg n The length of the interval is calculated by the formula: h = (xmax-xmin)/r.

"Rhythmic gymnastics" - P.F. Lesgaft. Gymnastics. A. Vaganova Nikolay Ivanovsky. Leningrad 1935. Russia is the birthplace of rhythmic gymnastics. refereeing Three groups of judges evaluate various elements exercises. competitions Exercises in rhythmic gymnastics are performed not on apparatuses, but with apparatuses. Rhythmic gymnastics is a harmonious combination of art and sport.
