Symbol of attraction of money and good luck. Runic talisman - a sign of good luck and luck in trade. How magic formulas work

Many people confuse symbols with signs and even diagrams. However, a symbol is not just an image, but an image that carries a certain mystical, philosophical semantic meaning. A sign is the external image of a symbol. A symbol can affect a person and his environment as a call, a ban, a blessing on something.

The thoughtless use of symbols in everyday life can lead to unexpected consequences. Each character has a special inner meaning and energy. There are several points of view on this property of symbols.

1. The energy of a symbol is objective and exists regardless of belief in it.

2. The energy of a symbol is subjective and has an effect only if there is faith in it.

3. The energy of a symbol is objective, but depends on the psychological perception of a person, the connection between the image and emotions.

Whatever point of view you may adhere to, it is impossible to completely deny the influence of symbols on our lives. Even if we dwell on the last of the above theories, the right attitude, concentration and faith in the fulfillment of the desired will help to achieve the goal, based on the chosen symbol.

Knowing the semantic meaning of symbols and the degree of impact on a particular aspect of life, you can use them for good.

Particularly popular in Lately acquired symbols from the philosophy of feng shui. This is an oriental teaching about achieving harmony with the outside world and with oneself. Harmony can be interpreted in different ways, but it invariably comes down to balance, which is impossible without the fulfillment of certain needs. Feng Shui Philosophy Special attention material wealth and good fortune.

There is growing interest in runic symbols, as well as to the symbolism of Slavic amulets. It should be noted here that the use of runes to fulfill the desired is exclusively folk custom that emerged in many countries in the course of globalization. Runes are designed to connect with the supernatural, determine the future, but not to attract wealth or good luck. It is advisable to use the runes in order to find out, for example, which path to take in order to achieve the goal. However, today you can often find tips on using runes as talismans. Probably, this technique works thanks to the faith of the owner of the talisman. The symbolism of Slavic amulets can often be found in clothes and embroidered panels.

In a certain sense, numbers can also be called symbols. Each of the ten Arabic numerals is not just an image of an account, but contains a semantic meaning, as a rule, acquired. All numbers consisting of various numbers. Numerology is based on this principle - the study of the relationship between numbers and fate. Using numbers and numbers as symbols (or sets of symbols), you can attract wealth and good luck into your life.

Symbols for attracting wealth, good luck and happiness are not only varied in their external design, but can also be located in different ways.

Some symbols can be formatted as wall panel, others must be placed in a certain place in an apartment or office, others can even be worn in the form of an amulet or embroidery on clothes.

Today, symbols-amulets embroidered with a counted cross ("cross") or satin stitch are common. Start on a certain day lunar month(the most favorable are the seventh, tenth, eleventh and fourteenth days of the lunar cycle). They embroider a symbol-amulet with thoughts about what they want, without being distracted by extraneous fuss, otherwise the embroidery will not receive the necessary strength. There are two opposite opinions about the embroidery of amulets. One of them is that only the person to whom the amulet is intended should embroider. Another is that only a blood relative or spouse with good intentions and without selfish intent can embroider.

Of great importance is the symbolism of color and the material on which the symbol will be depicted. The choice of material and color is described in more detail in the sections on certain symbols.

A symbol is not necessarily an abstract image consisting of geometric shapes. All objects and living beings that surround us are, to one degree or another, symbols and are associated with some area of ​​life, with a certain mood. According to Feng Shui, objects that are pleasant to us create a flow of beneficial Chi energy. Objects that are unpleasant to the eye contribute to the formation of harmful Sha energy.

Chapter 1
Symbols to attract money and wealth

Whatever the attitude of a person to money, in modern world he needs them. Perhaps that is why almost all world cultures have traditional symbols for attracting money.

Symbols in the interior
Aquarium with fish

An aquarium with fish is not only a unique interior element that has a positive effect on the psyche, but also a powerful symbol, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, that can activate any area in a home or office.

This is especially true for the Wealth Zone, located in the southeast of a house or a separate room. Fish symbolize success, water - wealth.

Thus, an aquarium with fish will help you achieve success in money matters (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Aquarium with fish

It is preferable to opt for live fish, but artificial ones are also suitable. It is necessary to keep the water clean at all times. The aquarium is located in the southeastern sector of the house or premises, avoiding the place to the right of the front door. The optimal number of fish in an aquarium is nine. Well, if eight of them will golden color(colors of wealth), and the ninth is black. The black fish will absorb and suppress all negative energy, golden fish - create a positive.

Gold is especially popular. aquarium fish and carps as they symbolize prosperity and wealth.

An angel over a man walking uphill

The image of a traveler going uphill, over whom an angel flies, as if protecting him on the road, can have different variations. The traveler in different pictures rises to the left or right relative to the viewer. The image is used in engravings, reproductions, embroidery (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. An angel over a man walking uphill

The symbol owes its origin to the alchemical tradition, in which angels not only bless for some business and protect a person so that he does not stumble, but are also able to give wealth and prosperity. It is believed that given symbol originated in the Czech Republic in the Middle Ages.

An affirmation is a short, positive statement aimed at creating a positive mindset and shaping a chosen future. Affirmations are often used in magical and psychological practices. Despite the difference in areas of application, the meaning and essence of affirmations are the same: to tune yourself and the surrounding energy to the result you need.

It is used before starting a new business, getting a new job or moving to a new position, as well as significant financial events (important transactions, deposits, investments). Thanks to this symbol, you will gain confidence in a favorable outcome of the case, tune in to the ability to foresee the result of your actions. If the symbol is placed in the interior, it will absorb the positive energy of abundance and prosperity, while repelling negative energy. Thus, you will be less likely to have thoughts of failures and failures.

1. Everything I touch will bring me financial success.

2. Wealth comes to me easily.

3. All my thoughts and actions are useful to me.

Initial position- kneeling, toes are not a support, arms extended forward with palms up. Exhalation. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms forward with fingers slightly splayed. Inhale. Rotate your body to the left. Exhalation. Return the body to a straight position. Inhale. Tilt forward, at the same time lower your pelvis on your heels, reach your knees with your head, bend your arms at a right angle, put your elbows on the floor in a straight line with your knees. Elbows touch knees, palms point down and lie on the floor, fingers are connected. Exhalation. Return to a straight body position with your arms extended forward. Hold your breath. Separate your fingers. Spread your arms out to the sides. Inhale. Repeat the above in a mirror image (with a preliminary rotation of the body to the right). Repeat the exercise six times for each side. Straighten your body while sitting on your heels. Inhale. Initial position.

This exercise is gratitude to the patron symbol for everything that happens in life, even for negative events who have served good experience. The exercise helps to set yourself up for a positive wave and strengthen self-confidence.


Ganesha is the Indian god of abundance, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Ganesha figurine - the most strong talisman to attract money, originating from ancient india. On the figurine you can see a deity with the head of an elephant, a large belly and several pairs of hands (two, three or four pairs). This deity stands on a rat, which, according to legend, was a demon before Ganesha tamed it and made it his mount. This combination personifies pride and vanity defeated by patience and prudence (Fig. 3).

When choosing a figurine with the image of Ganesha, you should know that the strength of its influence depends on the size of the depicted deity. From materials, you can give preference to bronze, copper, wood, semi-precious stones, or a combination of these materials. For a symbol to work, its strength must be respected. Metal figurines are placed in northwestern sector or to the right of the workplace, wooden - in the Family sector (southwest) or Wealth (southeast). There are several rituals to activate the symbol: scratching the belly of the deity, stroking his right palm, offerings in the form of Chinese coins and sweets, reading special mantras. Mantras are similar to affirmations, they also activate the energy of the symbol, aimed at helping its owner.

Figure 3. Ganesha

In this case, use the following mantra: "Om gam ganapataye namah." It is advisable to repeat this mantra 108 times a day, or at least before important financial events.

In gratitude for the help, you need to stroke the deity's trunk.

Hexagram with four beasts

In a six-pointed star there is a snake eating itself in a ring, and in this ring an eagle, a peacock, a swan and a lion. The self-eating serpent is the "solar wheel", personifying the everlasting vitality. Birds symbolize the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, at the same time, each of the birds has its own meaning: the swan is honest wealth; eagle - courage, strength, wealth, greatness; peacock - pride and prosperity. The lion is a symbol of energy, strength and perseverance (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Hexagram with four beasts

The symbol originates in ancient civilizations (presumably in Ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia). Development to modern look and interpretations he received in alchemy, in medieval Europe.

This symbol can be used as a permanent talisman, it will bring permanent financial well-being, profit and prosperity, will protect from slander and negative energy, as well as natural phenomena.

You can apply and strengthen the energy of a symbol with the help of affirmations:

1. I attract money.

2. I have conquered poverty and financial problems.

3. I deserve to be rich.

Symbol energy release exercise. Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed and lowered. Raise your hands to chest level, imagining that you are squeezing a ball in your palms. The right hand should be on top (the palm, squeezing the “ball”, is turned down), the left hand should be below (the palm, squeezing the “ball”, is turned up). Shift your body weight to your right leg, take your left leg back a little. Gently lift left hand at eye level, looking at her palm. At the same time, slowly lower your right hand along the body. Look closely at left palm, imagining that you are warming her with your eyes. Rotate your left hand, turning your palm away from you. Turn your head to the right, look closely at the right palm, the fingers of which form a bowl. Get back into a position where your hands are squeezing the “ball”. Repeat the exercise eight times.

Exercise leads to harmony of positive and negative energies.

Dwarf rolling a wheel

A symbol depicting a gnome rolling a wheel uphill. A square is placed in the wheel, fixed with four spokes of the wheel (Fig. 5). The symbol appeared in Europe in the early Middle Ages during the development of alchemy. Its meaning is the constancy of the vital force.

The dwarf personifies earthly energy, material, desired; wheel - movement, variability; square - immobility, constancy. The material energy makes the world changeable, but the essence of things is unchanged. The meaning of the symbol is that on the path to financial change and improvement, one should rely on what is constant, and not on what is changeable.

The symbol is addressed if you want career growth, getting a new position, opening your own business. In this case, the symbol can be depicted simply on a printed picture located in the office, or on a talisman (amulet).

Figure 5. Dwarf rolling a wheel

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol with the help of the following affirmations:

1. I manage well-being in my life.

2. My desires deservedly receive financial support.

3. My success is in my control.

Symbol energy release exercise. Slightly bending your knees, lower your hands down. Exhalation. Tilt to the left. Smooth circular movement of the arms to the left and up with a large amplitude. Inhale. Tilt to the right. Smooth circular motion of the arms to the right and down. Exhalation. Repeat the exercise a total of nine times, imagining that you are spinning the Wheel of Fortune and Prosperity, controlling energy from the Universe. Returning to the starting position, do the exercise nine more times in the opposite direction (to the right and up - inhale, down and to the left - exhale). The body should only bend to the left and right. Rest. Repeat the entire exercise.

Gnome with scales and diamond

The symbol depicts a walking dwarf holding a diamond in his left hand and a scale in his right hand (Fig. 6).

Dwarf - fabulous creature small stature, natural spirit (forest, mountain, earth), protecting wealth in the bowels of the Earth. These creatures are found in Germanic and Scandinavian folklore. The symbol with the dwarf, diamond and scales appeared in the early Middle Ages in the alchemical tradition.

Exercises to release the energy of the symbol help to tune in to receive financial benefits, the development of the material sphere of life. This is a kind of meditation that has nothing to do with witchcraft.

Figure 6. Gnome with scales and a diamond

Dwarf - a symbol of material energy, earthly desires, a diamond (or other gem) and scales represent wealth, abundance, balance, prosperity and stability.

This symbol will help to improve the financial situation, protect from ruin, save the accumulated. With constant use as a talisman, it helps to fulfill cherished desires and gain wealth.

You can apply and strengthen the energy of a symbol with the help of affirmations:

1. The better my financial condition, the better I feel.

2. I create my own world.

3. I receive money and part with it with pleasure.

Symbol energy release exercise. Put any gem or image of this symbol on the table. You can take a stone in your hand. Breathing is even and calm. Your heart is open and sends positive energy to the stone, charges it, asking for healing energy in return. Thoughts are focused on how this energy flows to you in beams or waves. After that, you should mentally thank the stone.

If the exercise is easy, without tension, you can mentally ask questions to the stone and distinguish the answers by vibration of energy. You can ask the stone for something. Charged with positive energy, it will become a powerful talisman in fulfilling your request.

"Pot of Wealth"

The “Pot of Wealth” is another symbolic item from the Feng Shui tradition. It looks like a clay or wooden pot filled with gold coins (Fig. 7). The "pot of wealth" personifies the golden bowels and helps to gain good luck in financial matters.

Figure 7. "Pot of wealth"

It is better to use natural ceramics or wood, while coins are most often an imitation (for example, made of painted ceramics). This symbol can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. The "Pot of Wealth" is placed in the southeastern sector of the room or house, making sure that it is not covered with dust.

Money Tree

One of the most famous symbols for attracting wealth comes from the philosophy of Feng Shui. The money tree can be artificial or live. In the first case, coins or semi-precious stones are hung on the tree instead of leaves; in the second case, it is a houseplant whose leaves resemble coins (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Money tree

Acquired artificial tree must first be cleansed of excess energy: immerse the whole in salted water and leave it for three days, then rinse under running water and put in the right place.

It is better if the tree is made by its owner himself, then it absorbs the necessary energy and mood during the manufacturing process. The trunk and branches can be woven from wire. Hang coins on the branches: Chinese or ordinary (in the latter case, you must first make holes in them). There must be an odd number of coins on the tree, otherwise you will not make a profit, but a loss. It is preferable to use Chinese coins, rather than ordinary ones. If, in addition to coins, the tree is decorated with flowers, there should also be an odd number of them (preferably three). Attach coins and flowers with a red thread or ribbon. The same rules must be observed when embroidering panels with the image of a money tree.

A living money tree must be carefully looked after and dust removed from its leaves. There is a belief that in order to make a profit in the ground under the money tree, you need to bury a few coins. This should not be done, as coins can oxidize in the soil (unless they are made of precious metal) and the plant will die.

The money tree is placed in a lighted place in the living room or hallway, placing a paper bill under it. The money tree is combined with any symbols to attract wealth and prosperity. It is better to place a panel (for example, embroidery) with the image of a money tree opposite the front door, luring money into the house.

dragon in the cave

On this symbol, the dragon is located at the entrance to the cave (Fig. 9). The dragon at the cave personifies protection, protection of treasures and vitality. The origin of the symbol can be attributed to ancient China, but it is also characteristic of Ancient Greece and civilization of the Celts.

During the exercises and meditations associated with a particular symbol, you must be in front of this symbol or have it on yourself in the form of an amulet. Some symbols (for example, a magic circle with a hexagram) can be depicted on the floor or ground, and then perform the exercise while being directly in the symbol.

The dragon will come to the rescue if you need to stabilize your financial situation, save up a certain amount of money, or move to a higher paying position. The talisman in the form of a dragon will bring material and spiritual well-being. It can be kept at home or in the workplace in the form of a figurine, panel or embroidery.

Figure 9. Dragon at the cave

It is necessary to apply and strengthen the energy of the symbol with the help of affirmations:

1. Everything I work with brings me material well-being.

2. From Heaven, streams are directed at me, carrying material well-being.

3. I attract good luck and prosperity.

An exercise to release the energy of the "Floating Dragon" symbol. Starting position - standing, legs together, arms lowered down and relaxed. Put your palms together at chest level, take them to the left (right hand facing up) and draw a semicircle above your head with them, then a semicircle below your stomach. Bring your hands to your chest and do the same movements in a mirror. It turns out that you, as it were, describe a figure of three loops in the air. Movements should be performed smoothly and without tension. Repeat the exercise eight times.

Toad with three legs

The Three Legged Toad, or the Three Legged Toad, is one of the most popular symbols for attracting wealth known to us from Feng Shui philosophy. It is aimed at gaining monetary luck.

Figure 10. Toad with three legs

Such a toad is considered a symbol of wealth and immortality. The toad's mouth may be free, but most often it holds a coin or a "fan" of three coins in it (Fig. 10).

The symbol is placed in the Wealth sector (the southeastern part of the house or office). At the same time, you can not put a talisman in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bedroom. The toad should be in an "active" zone with positive energy: for example, in the living room or office. I bury it if the southeastern sector of the house coincides with the corner of the living room, located diagonally opposite the entrance to this room. Such a place is considered ideal for the location of the three-legged talisman and is called the "corner of Power." You can also put a toad in the hallway, symbolically creating the appearance that wealth has entered the house. The toad should “look” in the direction from the entrance, then wealth will come into the house, and not flow out of it. It is possible to increase the effect of the symbol by placing it in a fountain or a small pond. If you purchased a toad with an empty open mouth, it is better to insert a real coin into it. It is preferable to choose a metallic-colored toad (gold, copper or bronze, or their imitation), shaped like a real, live toad.

The ancient sages kept many secrets about the power possessed by magical symbols. They opened the way to Monetary Power and Power only to the elite, but now it is available to everyone. Now it is within the power of every person to activate the symbol of wealth, thanks to which abundance will come into life. You just need to decide for yourself what you want more to succeed or get a quick profit, or can you get everything at once?

For the Slavs from Old Rus', the path is known how to achieve power, get a lot of money or secure stable material support. It is necessary to follow step by step and the result will not keep you waiting. There are five main groups - these are symbols of wealth. They only need to be opened, a person and his entire Slavic race will get access to the Higher energy, which is necessary for this stage life.

The first group of characters - Higher

Stable connection to energy higher powers provide such symbols of wealth:

  • Key;
  • All-seeing eye;
  • Window;
  • Scales;
  • Pyramid truncated at the top;
  • Open Chinese umbrella.

If these well-being items appear in the house, then the Slavs will be able to improve their financial situation, but this will not happen immediately, but gradually, over several years.

The second group is the Universal Money Bank

The Feng Shui symbols for attracting money, luck, happiness, wealth, collected in this group will help you get big money in a short time. But in order for this technique to work flawlessly, it is necessary to formulate a goal (it can be written), what finances are needed for and what they will be spent on.

You need to collect the following items:

  • five-pointed star;
  • Dam;
  • Umbrella Green colour;
  • Mountain or Mountains;
  • Sun;
  • Ladder.

The third group - Universal monetary power

Secret symbols leading to wealth according to Feng Shui in this group are:

  • Oak leaves or one oak leaf;
  • A stone bridge;
  • Bay leaf;
  • double-headed eagle;
  • Opened umbrella.

These signs have the monetary power that is necessary for the success of the Slavs, who are constantly making deals. Due to the presence of such objects in oneself, a person receives a special flair that helps not to be at risk. A businessman will immediately learn to choose the right benchmark in the world of finance, it will become easier for him to earn money, they will “float” like a river into his hands.

The fourth group - Monetary protection of the energy of a person and at home

Special secret symbols leading to wealth for the Slavs in this group are:

  • The Star of David is two equilateral triangles that intersect at three points);
  • Cross;
  • Thistle;
  • Large umbrella;
  • George the Victorious;

These feng shui success items can provide protection for the funds already accumulated. Protection will be made not only from the evil eye and bad people from outside, but also from influences inside the house. For example, if the owner is a spender, he will be able to stop and be more frugal.

Fifth group - Monetary abundance and constant prosperity

This is a real Slavic ritual of well-being, but with feng shui elements. In Rus', the Chinese sages used these items as symbols of wealth, abundance and prosperity:

  • Sakura flower (in Rus', people could use a birch branch, which betrayed the same effect), you can have a Chinese umbrella in the house gently Pink colour- this is good energy;
  • Triumphal Arch;
  • Ears of wheat or rye;
  • White Lily;
  • Water poured into a wooden vessel;
  • Ship.

Those people who were in power always kept these symbols in their palaces. This helps to multiply your wealth many times over.

"Money" rules of well-being according to Feng Shui

There are special Chinese rules, which must be adhered to in order to have money in the house.

  1. The first rule was in the first place not only for those who read the rules of feng shui, but also for the Slavs - this order in the house, harmony and complete order. If the owners are careless and do not put their things in their place, there will be no prosperity in the house. Old trash must be thrown away in a timely manner, it collects negative energy, and clean and new energy needs a lot of space.
  2. The sector of well-being and prosperity according to Feng Shui. In Rus', in the left corner of the entrance they put broom- it helps to sweep the negativity out of the house. According to Feng Shui, you can put a TV, thanks to which there will be a movement of energy. Slavic custom is to put an umbrella in the hallway in the open state. You can buy a small umbrella or a decorative umbrella, decorating the interior with it. This will help protect the positive energy and keep out the negative.
  3. live fish- attraction of wealth. Many Slavs have fish at home. It is necessary to put an aquarium in the southeastern part of the apartment with nine fish or hang a picture with their image. According to Feng Shui, the presence of these creatures in the house leads to wealth in such an amount as each fish will have eggs.
  4. Chinese coins- objects of power and money according to Feng Shui. It is unusual for the Slavs to have such a thing in the house - it seems strange. But an umbrella in the open position is considered no less original, however, it is used to attract prosperity and power over money. These are not real coins, but copies of them, but they work great, like any other Slavic symbol.
  5. Money Tree is also a new subject of obtaining large Money for the Slavs. In Rus', oak or birch has always been revered, but for all Slavs such a plant brings good luck.
  6. three legged frog- girlfriend for the Slavs. Although it sounds strange, it is necessary to make friends with her, because she has a coin in her mouth, and on the back there is an image of Yin and Yang. In Rus', they also treated frogs in a special way, they were used in various legends. Chinese frogs should be in the living room, in fact the best place, for example on a pedestal next to the TV.

There are many different items in Rus' that help to get easy and fast money. But there are many who protect what is, for example, an umbrella, the Slavic God, the Slavic talisman Triglav and much more. All of them carry their own symbols that help people, like Chinese animals or household items.

If you want to have a powerful talisman that can turn your life around, then use the symbol of good luck. Exists a large number of figures and drawings with energy that needs to be directed in the right direction. You need to choose based on your own feelings.

Lucky symbols

People have long used various talismans to protect themselves from negativity, become happier and. The most popular symbols that bring good luck and wealth:

  1. Acorn- attracts success, gives strength and fulfills desires.
  2. Bee- personifies wealth and good luck in all matters.
  3. Butterfly- attracts well-being and helps to achieve goals.
  4. Cat- is considered a symbol of good luck.
  5. Ladybug- means good luck, prosperity and blessing of the Higher powers.

Lucky symbol - clover

Many plants have energy that can influence a person. The four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck, which is national for the Irish. It is believed among the people that if such a plant can be found, then positive changes can be expected ahead. To turn a clover leaf into a talisman, it must be dried and always carried with you. Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck may be made of gold or other materials. There are several ways to use clover:

  1. Put a sheet under the insole of your shoes before you leave the house, and then you can pull it towards you.
  2. To attract good luck and financial stability, you need to carry clover in your wallet.
  3. To protect the house and attract happiness, you need to place a clover under glass and hang it in front of the front door.

Good luck symbol - star

To change your life into better side, you can use the star of the erzgamma as a talisman. She is able to attract good luck, give success and protect from trouble. This symbol is considered a guiding star of the subconscious, which will help not to turn off the right path. It is recommended to wear it around the neck so that the amulet is closer to the heart. You can not keep it with you for a long time and it is best to put it on a few days before the event and take it off some time after it.

If a symbol of good luck and luck while wearing causes negative feelings, then this indicates that it is better not to use such a talisman. There are several opinions about what the presented sign can mean:

  1. Astrologers believe that the 12 rays of the star represent the signs of the zodiac. The symbol denotes the unity of the stars in the sky and infinity.
  2. Numerologists are sure that 12 is the meaning of the Moon and the Sun. The Erzgamma star attracts good luck due to the influence of the most powerful celestial bodies.
  3. Esotericists consider the symbol as the center of the universe or a powerful chakra that is responsible for life.

Good luck symbol is the key

A powerful ancient talisman is the key that attracts good luck and protects from negativity. In modern magical practices, the amulet is used to gain wisdom and knowledge of being. There are several ways to use the symbol of good luck and wealth:

  1. As a personal amulet, it is recommended to wear a key on a chain around your neck. If it is made of gold, it can protect a person from negativity and attract success.
  2. The talisman in the form of a bundle with three golden keys is a symbol of health, wealth and finding love.
  3. Describing the symbols of good luck, it is worth highlighting the big key of Solomon, which is used in practical Kabbalah. Such a talisman is not suitable for ordinary people, and it is recommended to wear it only if you have a magical gift.
  4. The key, made of silver, is ideal for students, business start-ups and people who want to advance in their careers.
  5. You can hang a bunch of keys in a conspicuous place in the house as a talisman that will attract good luck and protect against negativity.

Good luck symbol - horse

The noble animal is used as a feng shui talisman that will attract success in work and business. There are several types of horses with their own meaning:

  1. The rearing animal is intended to attract recognition and victory to a person.
  2. An unsaddled and galloping animal is a symbol of good luck, which personifies victory over opponents. It is recommended to use a figurine or picture of such a horse in order to achieve success in a career, business and competitions.
  3. A horse surrounded by jewels is used to attract good luck, improve financial position and increase in importance in society.

In order for the symbol of good luck to give results, it is necessary to correctly position the figurine or picture in the house. The horse should be placed in the southwest and south direction. It is important that the figure is not directed towards a window or door. Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing a picture of a horse in the bedroom. To achieve success in your work, place the figure of a horse on your desktop.

Good luck symbol - horseshoe

One of the most popular symbols for attracting good luck is the horseshoe. In ancient times, it was believed that if a person finds such a thing on the street, then success and happiness await him ahead. This is due to the fact that the horse in those days was considered the personification of wealth, since not everyone could afford it. The symbol of happiness and good luck must be made of metal. According to tradition, a horseshoe must be placed above the door.

As for how to properly hang a talisman, there are different opinions in different countries:

  1. In the East Latin America and in many European countries it is customary to place a horseshoe with the horns down so that happiness flows from ergot into the house.
  2. The opposite opinion is among the inhabitants of England and Ireland, who believe that the horns should be directed upwards, as this will symbolize a full bowl.
  3. A symbol of good luck, a horseshoe in Italy is hung so that every person entering the house touches it. In Mexico, on the contrary, no one can touch it, so as not to steal happiness, so they hang it high, decorating it with ribbons and coins.

Symbols of good luck of different nations

Many peoples, associations and cultures have their own unique talismans that have powerful energy that can attract success and change the world for the better. Famous symbols that attract money and good luck:

  • in Africa, crocodile teeth;
  • in Asia - bamboo and cricket;
  • among the Indians - kachina (special dolls);
  • in Egypt, the scarab.

Slavic symbol of good luck

The ancient Slavs made various amulets with their own hands, which have not lost their popularity for a long time. Powerful symbols were applied to belts, bracelets, headbands, and pendants were also made. Slavic symbols of good luck and wealth were made from fabrics, embroidered on clothes and painted on dishes or walls. The most popular include the following symbols of good luck and wealth among the Slavs:

Japanese symbol of good luck

To attract success into their lives, the inhabitants of Japan use figurines of the seven gods of Buddhist syncretism. Each of them is responsible for its own area and the most popular are the following persons:

Chinese symbol of good luck

Many of the talismans popular in China are known to us thanks to the popular Feng Shui teachings.

Indian symbol of good luck

Many will be surprised, but one of the main symbols of good luck for the people of India is the swastika, which is a cross with curved ends clockwise or counterclockwise. The solar sign is seen as the personification of life, abundance and light. The symbol that brings good luck is carved on the walls of many temples, rocks and monuments throughout India.

Rituals for additional charging of symbols

To attract success

The ritual of charging symbols of attracting success (if you have chosen the sign that will become a support talisman for you in business) is best done at sunrise, facing east. If you have the opportunity to spend it in nature, be sure to use it.

  • First of all, take a shower, wash off everything superficial (remember, water will definitely take away all bad, all negative energy) and retire. Remember, during the ritual of charging the symbol, no one should interfere with you, distract from your work.
  • Arrange the candles in the form of a five-pointed star right in front of you. Place one candle in the center of this figure on the symbol of your choice, five - on the tops of the star.
  • Light candles and incense. Place salt around your feet. After that, pick up a knife (preferably with a wooden or bone handle) and draw a five-pointed star in front of you in the air. Turn right after that and do the same again. Then, turning clockwise in this way, repeat the “drawing” again.
  • Place in front of you at the candle burning at the top of the five-pointed star, an offering to the spirits. From the candle burning in the center of the pentagram, light another candle and take it in your left hand.
  • Holding in right hand knife, and in the left a burning candle, imagine the Sun with rays coming from it and say the key phrase to connect to space forces his symbol-talisman: “Your strength and greatness will save many and bestow them. Help me!"
  • After that, say: "From now on and forever!"
  • Place the knife on the floor next to you and place the candle that was in your hand on the ground. Let her burn.
  • Wait for all the candles involved in the ritual of charging the symbol to burn out. Only after that, a symbol for working with the energy of good luck and prosperity can be considered charged with cosmic forces.

Since ancient times, people have been striving to master unknown knowledge and powers. Some peoples followed special rituals for this, others created symbols of good luck that could have an impact on certain forces.

The purpose of many symbols and talismans is to attract good luck and prosperity. There are a large number of such symbols, but only a few of them are currently popular.

Believe it or not magical abilities these attributes is a personal matter of each person. However, the presence of your own symbol of good luck, of course, strengthens the faith in the successful resolution of cases.

The most popular talismans will be discussed below.

A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is perhaps the most popular symbol of wealth and good luck today. In the vast majority of cases, the three-legged toad is made sitting on a stand of coins, on which the Yin-Yang symbol is placed. The coin in the toad's mouth symbolizes gold. Thus, the corresponding symbol attracts not only luck, but also wealth.

One of the most simple ways revitalization money energy with the help of a three-legged toad - put it on the table (but not directly in front of you) or place one talisman in the southeastern part of each room.

According to legend, initially the toad was an extremely malicious creature, but one day the Buddha conquered it and forced it to help people. Since that time, the toad began to pay for the trouble caused to people by spitting out gold coins.

The birthplace of this talisman is America, where in the old days it was customary to fan a newborn baby with a rabbit's foot. At the same time, the paw itself was a powerful talisman that attracted good luck. Accordingly, the paw protected the kids from various misfortunes, and helped adults in business.

The history of the talisman in question began during the time of the Celts, who believed that rabbits digging holes are creatures that are endowed with the gift of communicating with the spirits of the underworld. Therefore, these animals must have at least partially possessed the knowledge, strength and power of these spirits.

In addition, on magical powers rabbits are indicated by the fact that, unlike hares, they are born with open eyes.

An interesting fact is that not every foot has power, but only the hind foot, taken from a rabbit caught on a full moon in a cemetery.

Some people still believe in the power of this talisman and do not part with the paw for a minute.

The sailboat is a traditional symbol that brings good luck and wealth. This symbol, which attracts good luck in business, appeared at a time when people associated a sailing ship with the arrival of money, gold bars, jewelry, and other expensive things.

At present, the corresponding symbol can often be seen not only in the offices and reception rooms of big bosses, but also in small firms, shops and even private homes.

IN classic version this symbol is a rather large and fragile structure with sails, masts and other necessary attributes a sailboat, in connection with which, it is quite difficult to transport and pack it. Because of these difficulties, images of sailboats, rather than their models, are becoming increasingly popular.

A few years ago, it was believed that only a model of a ship brought from China had magical properties, but now the situation has changed dramatically. The sailboat can be purchased in many outlets. In addition, you can make it yourself.

In order for the model to bring good luck in business, it must be well fixed on a pedestal, and then loaded with riches (for example, real metal coins, copies of imperial coins, precious and semi-precious stones, etc.). It is advisable to place one of the gods of wealth at the stern of the sailboat, who will help to manage the ship in the sea of ​​​​competitors.

The sailboat has become a classic ship of wealth for several reasons. First, sailboats are driven by the wind, which is a force of nature. Thus, the sailboat is a symbol of wealth coming to a person as a result of the blessing of nature and the gods, and not human deeds. Secondly, the symbol is quite old. It has been better known since the eighteenth century, when all ships were sailing only.

Exists certain rules the location of the ship. It should be located in such a way that it "floats" from the window or door to the person. Otherwise, the ship will take away wealth from its owner.

This is perhaps the most common symbol of good luck and success in Russia. It's no secret that a horseshoe found on the road acquires magical properties and brings good luck and happiness to its new owner. Unfortunately, at the present time on the roads you can find anything, but not so desirable horseshoe. Due to the acute shortage of the corresponding attribute, people agreed to its reduced counterparts made of copper and precious metals. Miniature copies are attached to a keychain, chain or bracelet.

The history of giving a horseshoe magic power V various countries has its own characteristics. So, in Rus', the magical properties of a horseshoe were associated, first of all, with the blacksmith who forged it. The fact is that blacksmiths have always been considered fighters with evil spirit. In addition, the horseshoe is inextricably linked with the horse, which has faithfully served its owner all its life.

In order for a horseshoe to bring good luck to the house, it must be hung over front door horns up. It is this position of the horseshoe that allows positive energy to linger in the house. If you hang a horseshoe with its horns down, then it will attract prosperity to the house. Currently, a souvenir horseshoe can be used for this purpose.

The fish has long been a symbol of abundance in Chinese culture. Strictly speaking, the words "abundance" and "fish" in Chinese have the same meaning. In addition, the fish symbolizes marital happiness. If you believe the wisdom of the Chinese people, then a medium-sized aquarium with goldfish can bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to the house. The main thing is to follow certain recommendations:

  • the water in the aquarium should always be crystal clear and saturated with oxygen (after all, the well-being of the fish directly depends on this);
  • the optimal number of fish is nine (in this case, one fish should be black, and the remaining eight should be red or silver-red).

Such a symbol as the Ladybug is endowed with special properties in almost all existing cultures. Although this symbol has different names in different countries (in particular, in Switzerland and Germany - "God's candle", in Lithuania - "God's Maryushka", in the Czech Republic - "sun", in France - "God's chicken", in Bulgaria - " God's beauty"), its meaning has remained unchanged for many years.

People believe that the insect in question (its image, figurine, etc.) is a kind of intermediary between people and Gods, the world of the living and the dead. It is with this that the belief is connected, the essence of which is that the Ladybug can answer the most secret questions.

Talisman associated with ladybug, brings good luck to its owner, and also protects him from misfortune and danger. Wherein special meaning has a number of black spots on the back of the animal. The more of them, the stronger the power of the talisman. In addition, a certain number of specks can be interpreted as follows:

  • one speck - a talisman of good luck will help its owner in all endeavors;
  • two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;
  • three spots - the talisman contributes to making the right decisions;
  • four spots - the talisman is able to protect its owner from robbers;
  • five spots - increasing a person's ability to creative work;
  • six spots - increased learning ability;
  • seven spots is a special talisman that brings good luck and happiness to its owner in all his affairs.

Plants - talismans of good luck

Plants have been used since ancient times as symbols that bring good luck. Perhaps this is due to the fact that such a talisman is the easiest to make. Lucky plants include:

The leaf of this plant is a symbol of good luck, in connection with which it has long been used to protect against dark spells, the evil eye. To make a good luck talisman, it is enough to dry a clover leaf, and then place it in a bag made of red flannel.

It is believed that each leaf has its own meaning. So, to the left of the handle in a circle - fame, wealth, love and health.

2. Bay leaf

This plant helps its owner achieve his goals, in addition, it protects him from damage, the evil eye and evil spirits. If you put a bay leaf in your pocket, then luck will not be able to bypass a person.

3. Acorn

A simple, but at the same time very strong talisman of good luck. To attract good luck, you can wear both acorn beads and one acorn. If it is not possible to collect acorns in the fall, then you can replace them with an analogue made of any material (for example, a silver pendant in the shape of an acorn).

4. Rose

The rose is the northern counterpart of the lotus, which is also a symbol of good luck. It is a flower of love, good luck and happiness. There is a belief that in order to fulfill a cherished desire, you need to make it while the rose petals are burning in a flame.

If you wear rose fruits wrapped in red flannel around your neck, a person will find his other half and marry.
