Homemade stretch ceilings made of fabric. Do-it-yourself fabric ceiling: doing it right. Installation - main difficulties

In today's article we will talk about how to install fabric stretch ceilings.

New technologies - new opportunities

Like everyone else in modern world, construction technologies do not stand in one place. Some ten to fifteen years ago stretch ceiling were something from the category of “premium” solutions, available only to a select few. Today this is one of the standard methods finishing of premises.

Vinyl - main advantages

The use of fiber optic lighting also has a positive effect on the popularity of this method of interior decoration. Moreover, they are quite durable.

At its core, the ceiling canvas is an ordinary vinyl film. The advantages of this material include water resistance, which allows you to reliably protect the space from accidental leaks from above. Thus, even if your upstairs neighbors flood you, your fresh renovation will not be spoiled, since French fabric stretch ceilings will reliably protect the room. All the water will accumulate in the resulting “bag”. After eliminating the source of the leak, this water is drained through a special hole. And you shouldn’t think that the canvas can’t withstand heavy loads. Modern vinyl ceiling able to withstand 100 kg/sq.m. And this, you see, is a very respectable indicator.

Although, by the way, vinyl, like other man-made materials, is not without its drawbacks. First of all, we mean its price and the need to attract specialists to install such a ceiling.

Stretch ceiling - main criteria

Although the price is to some extent a deterrent, the resulting coating pays for itself very quickly. And in order for the suspended ceiling to be of high quality, it is necessary to pay due attention to calculations, choice of material and the process itself.

Difficult choice

Choosing a vinyl ceiling requires some knowledge. So, for example, let's say you chose glossy white ceiling. Your motivation is simple - to get maximum light in the room. But after installing the ceiling, it turns out that everything happens exactly the opposite. The room became darker than before. What went wrong? After all, the ceiling is glossy and white. It is in gloss that the main reason for this effect lies. Such a ceiling reflects well not only light, but also the surrounding space. Thus, if you have dark floors and furniture, they will be reflected in the ceiling. And installation large quantities lamps will only worsen this situation. Therefore, the choice of canvas must be entrusted to specialists.

Installation of fabric stretch ceilings

But then you need special tools and knowledge of certain techniques. A hammer drill, screwdrivers, a knife - everyone can easily find this good master. But what about the special spatula that is used to tuck the canvas? Yes, it can be purchased at your nearest hardware store. But what about a heat gun?

The PVC ceiling requires that during installation the room temperature is about 40 degrees. Only in this case can the canvas be properly tensioned. Buying such a heat gun for single installation is completely unprofitable, since the cost of such an installation is quite high.

DIY fabric stretch ceiling

But what to do then? After all, the services of specialists can cost as much as the material and consumables themselves? Fortunately there is Alternative option. You can install fabric-based suspended ceilings. It is about the technology for installing such a canvas that we will talk below. Anyone can install fabric stretch ceilings with their own hands; this does not require special tools or knowledge.

The choice of fabric is the most important thing - durability and practicality

We use calico to make stretch ceilings. The choice of this particular fabric is determined by several factors. Calico is made in a special way - cotton threads are intertwined using the linen method, which gives the already durable material additional durability. If you have clothes made of calico, then you know that they do not lose their shape and quality even after numerous washes. The color of fabric stretch ceilings must correspond to the general color design premises.

Before purchasing material, you need to take measurements of the ceiling. This will help you decide required size material. And in order to measure the ceiling it is not at all necessary to climb on a stepladder. It will be enough to measure the floor area, since it is identical to the ceiling.

You should purchase undyed calico, with a coarse fiber structure. This allows, firstly, to save on material, and secondly, it opens the way for subsequent painting and processing of the canvas. Other types of fabric stretch ceilings involve the use of a variety of fabrics.

Installation tools

So, the material has been purchased. Now, in order to make a fabric stretch ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare the tools.

We will need the following:

  • drill or hammer drill;
  • construction stapler;
  • wallpaper spatula (flipper);
  • painting knife and scissors;
  • laser or water level.

From additional materials In addition to calico fabric, you will need:

  • wooden beams with a cross section of 40*50 or 50*50 mm. The number of beams is selected in accordance with the perimeter of the room;
  • anchor. The quantity and size depends on the area of ​​the room and the material of the walls. As a result, the bars secured by them should hold firmly;
  • tracing paper;
  • assembly adhesive;
  • PVA glue;
  • paint and primer for calico.

It is better to install a fabric stretch ceiling with your own hands together. First, a single fabric is sewn from existing pieces of fabric that will match the size of your room. In this case, it is necessary to leave 10-15 cm for reserve and fastening.

The first step will be to secure the beams around the perimeter of the room. To do this, horizontal markings are first applied to the walls:

  • First, using a level, you need to find the lowest point of the ceiling, after which several marks of this height are made along the perimeter of the wall.
  • If you purchased beams with a cross-section of 50*50 mm, then step down 5 cm from the marking site.
  • After this, using a level, draw an even horizontal line along the wall.
  • If everything was done correctly, then the ends of the line should clearly coincide.
  • For this, a paste is boiled.
  • To two parts of the resulting mixture add one part of PVA glue.
  • After this, the mixture is thoroughly stirred.
  • Since we need a consistency close to liquid sour cream, add water to the container.
  • The mixture is thoroughly mixed again.
  • After this, tracing paper is glued to the seams in the fabric.
  • Separate strips of tracing paper are glued overlapping.

Installation fabric ceiling, look at the video:

In order to get the best fabric stretch ceilings, you need to process the edges of the joints sandpaper(zero). After this, the seams are covered with PVA glue, and the ceiling is left to dry. In parallel with drying, you can start gluing the baguettes. After the canvas has dried, you can begin painting it. This is done in several layers, giving each layer of paint time to dry.

You can see the stages of such installation of suspended ceilings in the photo. If you want to install a chandelier or other lighting, then look for instructions on how to do this in other materials on our portal.

Today we will talk about the installation of fabric stretch ceilings, and also understand the features of this time-proven material.

New technologies - new opportunities

Like everything else in the world, construction technologies do not stand still. Many still remember the first proposals for the installation of suspended ceilings, and how the novelty soon became one of the standard decorative elements in the renovation and decoration of premises.

A huge advantage of such ceilings is the wide selection of shades and colors that allow you to select the canvas to suit your needs. different interior and for almost any room. Possibilities of modern photo printing, which is used in the production of suspended ceilings. We have reached such a level that we can purchase ceilings of various styles.

Vinyl - main advantages

Before describing fabric ceilings, let's first talk a little about its direct competitor made of vinyl. This stretch ceiling is essentially a vinyl film.

The fact that vinyl is not afraid of water is its undeniable advantage; it is easier to make. Imagine that after a renovation has just been completed, a leak appears in the apartment due to a forgotten open tap or a burst pipe in the neighbors above. The repair will be ruined.

Nervous tension when talking with neighbors, spoiled mood, household items and the need for new repairs - all this can be avoided if a high-quality stretch ceiling is installed. Water will simply collect on it, it will bend, and after the water is drained, it will return to its original shape.

Our information is that a stretch vinyl ceiling can withstand 100 kg per m2.

But of course, like any element, a vinyl ceiling is not without its drawbacks. First of all, this relates to certain skills when selecting and installing it.

Installation - main difficulties

As for installation, this is not an idle question. Of course, a person who decided to install a vinyl stretch ceiling himself most likely has certain construction skills. It will not be difficult for him to drill holes for fastenings and mount baguettes.

  • But then you will need to use certain installation techniques and have a special tool.
  • While almost everyone has a hammer drill, screwdrivers, keys and knives, not everyone has a special spatula for threading vinyl. Of course, you can purchase it in a specialized store or make it yourself, but then the question arises, where to get a heat gun?
  • During installation, you will need to raise the temperature of the canvas to 40°C to increase its elasticity.
  • Purchasing such a tool for installing one ceiling is completely unprofitable and makes no sense, since the price of this unit is quite high.
  • To this it is worth adding one more important point, if you violated the technology during installation, you run a high risk of getting untidy folds on its surface.

Fabric ceiling is your right choice

It is much easier to install a fabric stretch ceiling with your own hands, which will be discussed further. Anyone with the desire and a little skill in handling standard home craftsman tools can assemble and install fabric ceilings with their own hands.

Installation – the most important thing is strength and practicality

To make a stretch ceiling we will use calico. Why?

The main difference between calico lies in the method of its production. Cotton threads are woven using a special linen method, which adds strength. Clothes made from calico are practical and can withstand numerous washes without loss of quality, shape and color.

The issue with the material has been resolved. Before purchasing it, you need to measure the ceiling to determine the amount of material to purchase.

Advice! Don’t try to simplify the task and measure the floor instead of the ceiling, hoping for the same results. Sometimes the walls have significant differences, which can play a cruel joke - the fabric is like PVC film you won't stretch it. We take a margin of 7-8 centimeters for each wall.

You need to purchase undyed calico, with a rough structure. This is much cheaper and better for further processing of the ceiling. Typically, specialized stores sell calico 1.5 meters wide.

Installation tools

The material has been purchased, it is necessary to prepare the tools and additional materials.

We will need:

  • Construction stapler;

  • Hammer or drill— it all depends on the material from which your walls are made;

  • Stationery knife and scissors;

  • Level— it is best to use laser or water;

  • Dyeing thread;

  • Tension tool.


From the materials we will need:

  • Calico fabric.

  • Wooden blocks measuring 40x50 or 50x50 mm. Their total length should be equal to the perimeter of the room in which the suspended ceiling is installed.

  • Anchor. Their size and quantity directly depend on the room and the material from which its walls are made. In any case, the bars secured with their help must hold firmly.

  • Assembly adhesive. An ordinary shoemaker works well.

  • Tracing paper.
  • PVA glue.

Installation process

It is worth noting that when installing suspended fabric ceilings, installation is best done with an assistant.

  • First, from the existing fabric you need to sew a panel the size of your ceiling, leaving an appropriate margin for fastening; 100 - 150 mm will be quite enough.
  • The next stage is attaching the bars to the walls around the perimeter of the room. To do this, you must first draw a horizontal line on the walls along which they will be installed.

  • First, using a level, we find the lowest point of the existing ceiling.
  • We step back the required distance from it and transfer it to the remaining corners.
  • Next, using a dye thread, we connect the marks, forming even horizontal lines.

Do-it-yourself fabric ceiling involves making holes for anchors. Special care is important here.

  • First, use a marker to number the bars in the order in which they were installed.
  • After this, drill the required number of holes in each for attaching anchors.
  • Next, apply the bars one at a time to the line marked on the wall and through drilled holes make marks.
  • Thus, the holes on the bars and the wall will completely coincide.
  • We drill holes in the wall according to the marked marks.

Our help - We repeat, it all depends on the material from which your walls are made. Some people may have walls made of wood, in which case attaching the bars will not be a particular problem for them. Anchors are not required here; strong self-tapping screws of appropriate length will be sufficient.

Someone may doubt the advisability of using anchors and want to simplify the task of installing the bars using wooden or plastic dowels (chops) and screws. This option is not suitable because it is good for fastening elements in which the load is located strictly vertically - from top to bottom.

In our case, in addition to the vertical load, there is also a horizontal load associated with the tension of the panel, so anchors are justified. Now you can attach the bars. Since they are numbered, this will not be difficult.

Stretch fabric ceilings - installation of supporting beams

Unlike a vinyl stretch ceiling, which has four corners attached at once, we need to secure the panel on one side. We start with the longest wall of the room.

  • Assembly glue is applied to the bars and the panel is secured using a stapler.
  • In the future, the staples will be hidden with a baguette.
  • You need to start strictly from the middle and evenly stretch the fabric, moving towards the edges.
  • Next, the fabric is attached to the opposite wall - here you will definitely need an assistant.

Our advice is to make a device in the form of a mop before installation. It is made from metal rod with a diameter of 20 - 25 mm. The result is a kind of letter T. For convenience, bend the handle to form two parallel rods adjacent to each other.

  • Let's start from the middle.
  • Spread glue on the bars.
  • Attach the fabric to the block and press it with a device at the corner of the joint with the wall. This is where the extra 100 - 150 mm left will come in handy.
  • Pull the free part while holding the tool. The cloth will stretch. At this time, the assistant will shoot him with a stapler.
  • After removing the device, you can shoot again - closer to the wall.
  • This way the entire side is covered.
  • Make sure that there are no wrinkles in the fabric.
  • After that, attach all the other sides.
  • The main thing is to move from the center to the edges.

“Installation of a fabric stretch ceiling” video will help you become more familiar with the described process.

Finishing the canvas

Of course, it’s good if there is a panel without seams of the appropriate size. As a rule, when installing fabric ceilings. The fabric has to be sewn. So it's time to hide the seams.

Hiding the seams

For this we will use tracing paper. But first, let's prepare the glue.

  • To do this, you need to cook the paste - you can easily find the recipe on the Internet.
  • Add PVA glue to the resulting paste in an amount of 1/3 of the volume of liquid.
  • The mixture is thoroughly stirred.
  • Next, you need to bring our glue to the state of very liquid sour cream. To do this, simply add the required amount of water while stirring constantly.
  • Be very careful when gluing tracing paper onto the seams.
  • The strips of tracing paper are glued overlapping.

Our advice is to make the edges of the tracing paper and overlaps invisible, bend them when gluing so that they do not stick to the fabric. When the glue has dried, carefully tear off the edges so that the tracing paper on the edges becomes thinner and the seams become completely invisible.

  • To obtain high-quality joints, the edges can be processed with sandpaper or scratch paper.
  • After processing, the seams are covered with PVA glue and the ceiling is left for final drying. At this time, you can stick on the baguettes.
  • When the glue has completely dried, you can prime the surface with a primer and paint it with a special paint.
  • It is better to apply the paint in several layers, allowing each layer to dry.

A detailed examination of the video instructions about the installation of fabric stretch ceilings allows you to fully master all operations.

If you have a question about mounting a chandelier or other lamps, then in this case everything is done exactly the same as in any stretch ceiling - first the thermal rings are glued with special glue, and then the fabric inside them is cut through.

Almost anyone can install fabric stretch ceilings with their own hands, the main thing is desire and accuracy in work. When the ceiling is ready, you can start finishing it, but we will talk about this in other articles. Best wishes.

Stretch ceilings have entered our lives so tightly that, perhaps, a good half modern interiors can't do without installing them. And if stretching a ceiling from PVC film requires a rather expensive heat gun, then fabric stretch ceilings can be made without such a bulky and expensive tool.

In this article I will tell you how I made a fabric stretch ceiling with my own hands in my apartment (and then at my mother-in-law’s, because she also liked it).

For this I needed:

  • Hammer
  • Level
  • Dowels
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Special spatula
  • Cable for lighting wiring
  • Hangers for embeds
  • Mortgages
  • Terminal blocks
  • Saw and miter box (for 45 degree angles)
  • Baguette
  • Fabric for stretch ceiling

A little theory

Read in detail about the types and properties of suspended ceilings.

A stretch ceiling is a fabric stretched over the entire area of ​​the room and secured to the walls or ceiling using a baguette - a special profile into which the edge of the fabric is inserted.

Naturally, special fabric and baguette are needed. The fabric I used was from Descor. The baguette is a wall one, that is, one that is attached to the wall, like this:

Ceiling installation

At the preparation stage, you need to determine where the lamps will be and stretch all the wires. You need to purchase these same lamps (if not already) and install mortgages for them in order to determine the required minimum height above the ceiling.

The next stage - installing the profile - is the most labor-intensive, dirty and unpleasant, but that's almost all that needs to be done). Using a level, I mark the horizontal line on the walls in the plane of the future ceiling. Then I secure the framing profile to the wall with self-tapping screws. It is necessary to fasten frequently, in increments of 7–10 cm, so that after stretching the fabric, a gap does not form between the baguette and the wall.

Well, you can move on to stretching the fabric. The fabric should be cut with a margin of 10 cm on each side. Unlike PVC ceilings, the fabric does not need any edges, edgings, O-rings, etc. And, unlike PVC, we do not heat the fabric, and we start stretching not from the corners, but from the middle of the sides. It is more convenient, of course, to do the work together.

Starting from the middle of the first side, from the center to the corners, I tuck the fabric into the baguette. This can be done conveniently (and, in fact, necessary) with a special spatula. It does not tear the fabric, and the shape is designed for the operation of stretching the fabric into a baguette. I have a clipso spatula - it’s very convenient (I paid 1350 rubles for it, but it’s worth it).

After stretching, the excess fabric hangs along the wall. I'm switching to the opposite side, I fix the middle there. Then I fill the middle part of the remaining two sides, and move on to the corners. I make sure that the fabric is stretched well, without “waves” or folds. They say small wrinkles can be straightened out construction hairdryer, but I didn’t check, but did everything smoothly right away.

Where there are risers in the room, the fabric is cut to fit the pipes, and a plastic ring is installed to refine the edge of the hole.

When the entire ceiling is filled, I cut off the excess, leaving 1 cm for the final filling. Then, using the same spatula, I tuck the remaining 1 cm into the baguette.

This is what it looks like after refueling:

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

At the stage of finishing the ceiling, you need to focus on finding the best one, optimal for you, from the many options. This choice may well be a fabric ceiling created by yourself. This modern alternative has many advantages that justify its popularity.

How practical can a fabric ceiling be?

This question worries many. To understand the difference and the main advantages you need to know the main thing about it:

  • it withstands temperature well;
  • satisfactory strength;
  • simple installation that requires a minimum of time (see video);
  • and, of course, excellent appearance.

Types of fabric ceiling installation

This is an important point that you should be careful with. After all, when choosing fabric stretch ceilings, you need to consider that you will need to install them yourself. Therefore, you need to realistically assess your capabilities. For example, a U-shaped profile is installed much faster and easier than a clip profile. It all depends on desire, abilities, and talents.

If you decide on a simple option, then you will need:

  1. Bead;
  2. Wedge;
  3. Decorative insert.

We must not forget that this particular type, although easy to install, is not as strong and durable as the clip type.

If your choice is the second type of profile, keep in mind that the structure and system are different. In the photo materials you can see the main differences between the two installation systems.

Let's get straight to work

First of all, let's proceed to the first task - determining the horizontal level. To do this, we use any type of special meter (laser/water level).

The next stage is to measure the corners of the room to precise installation our clip profile system.

We fix the baguette and stretch the fabric according to the principle: from a fixed angle to the sides. Now we proceed to install the second opposite corner. This way you should have two base points already secured, which is essentially half the job.

Next, one by one and slowly fasten fabric cloth between the insert and the profile. Thus, we stretch the fabric base over the entire ceiling area. Your activity can be considered completed, the only thing left is to record decorative elements, install lighting fixtures. The practical part of our task can be considered completed.

Source: stretch ceiling33.rf

What you need to know about stretch ceilings

They come in only two types: polyvinyl chloride. PVC is cheaper and often forms glossy surface. They have a huge color variety and do not let water through. But there are also significant disadvantages: the material can be torn by catching it with a sharp object, and self installation is practically excluded. It requires the use of special equipment, namely a heat gas gun, which will heat your room to 65 o C and give the film elasticity for further installation.

In addition, on such ceilings several seams are almost always visible, since standard width a roll of film is 1.5 meters, and when making canvas for a room, these sections are soldered together with a special machine. There are, of course, exceptions - these are expensive European companies that produce PVC film up to 5 meters wide, but their cost is so enormous that they are a rare visitor to our markets.

Ceilings with a fabric base are a completely different matter. They are made, as you may have guessed, from cotton fabric 5.1 meters wide. This canvas covers a room 5 meters wide, which is a construction standard, because more wide rooms huge rarity. There are no apartments with rooms this wide, unless you knock down a few partitions. Apartment buildings are built using standard slabs the ceilings are 6 meters long, and even then they are located not across the room, but along them. In general, don't worry that you won't have enough width for 5 meters.

Installation of such a surface does not require any heat guns or preliminary cutting, soldering the fabric or gluing harpoons, as is the case with PVC. The installation is "clean" and shouldn't take more than a few hours if you have a helper. Therefore, you can do all the work yourself and not involve expensive specialists.

During manufacturing, the fabric is impregnated with a special polyurethane solution, which gives the fabric a huge mechanical strength and resistance to water. Thus, by installing the canvas even in a damp room, you do not risk damaging the material. In addition, this impregnation ensures that it absolutely does not absorb odors and does not support combustion.

After completing all the work, you will receive a perfectly smooth, classic matte surface that will perfectly suit any interior. A variety of colors will allow you to match the ceiling to any room design and furniture. Of course, it is not as large as in the case of PVC, which even has the possibility of photo printing. But if you are not chasing a bright and colorful appearance of the room, then you can do without such a function.

With all the above advantages, unfortunately, there are also several significant disadvantages. Firstly, such material does not retain moisture. Yes, it is impregnated with polyurethane and does not deform when water gets on it, and it can even be washed. But if your neighbors flood you, such a ceiling will not become a barrier to water, but will let it pass through itself. Here, of course, PVC gives it a head start, which is a continuous barrier and just forms a kind of bag of water that can be drained through the hole in the chandelier.

The second disadvantage is the price, which is often an order of magnitude higher than vinyl films. But this is more than offset by the fact that you will install it yourself and save on specialists. The third disadvantage is that your main ceiling will not breathe in any case, although at first glance the texture of the canvas suggests this and allows water to pass through.

In general, if you are not bothered by the nuances with color and texture, as well as small disadvantages with moisture retention, then this is a completely excellent finishing option.

Preparatory work

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to carry out a set of works that is aimed at preventing it, and also devote time to making lighting and cornices, if they are needed. This is done in the following sequence.

  1. We make a calculation required quantity materials and make purchases.
  2. We remove a chandelier or other lighting fixtures from the ceiling. To do this, you need to disconnect the apartment from the power supply, disassemble the circuit breakers, open the junction box located opposite the chandelier, and disconnect the wires leading to it and to the switch.
  3. Next, you need to coat the surface with an antifungal compound. If there are foci of fungal infection, they should be treated copper sulfate or store-bought formulations against mold and fungi, which, according to our observations, are still not as effective as vitriol.
  4. After the applied layer has dried, it is necessary to apply a primer deep penetration. This is not necessary, but is still recommended. This will create an additional protective layer, which will further prevent the formation of mold and cracking old surface, be it lime or water-based emulsion.

  1. Let's move on to lighting planning. It would be best to install the main lighting with a chandelier and additional lighting from spotlights. It is modern and when used LED lamps will save energy while filling the room with excellent bright light. It is best to make a connection based on the following diagram; this option is optimal for most rooms:

Remember that it is best to lay the wires in a corrugated pipe and secure them with special fasteners or metal wire through the impact dowel. And nothing else. When using putty or other fixing solution, you risk damaging the ceiling when your solution separates from the main ceiling.

  1. Using impact dowels, nail adjustable feet for lamps.
  2. Nail the curtain rod support. It could be wooden beam, nailed to the ceiling, or a special metal strip for a future level that will block it. Or, if you want to make the cornice invisible, mount it according to the following scheme:

Basically, that's all we need to do before we start editing.

Required tools and materials

To avoid delays during work, we need to prepare some equipment that is available in any tool box home handyman. You will need the following:

  • perforator with pobeditovy drill with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • a special plastic spatula with a rounded end for threading the canvas into the profile;
  • hammer;
  • ladder;
  • level;
  • laser or hydraulic level;
  • chop cord, if possible;
  • tape measure with pencil and marker;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • construction or stationery knife.

We've sorted out the tool, and now we'll list the material so that you don't forget anything when purchasing. So we need:

  • the fabric ceiling itself is purchased with a margin on all 4 edges, which must be at least 10 cm in size;
  • plastic or better aluminum profile, and it doesn’t matter which fastening we choose: a clip or a glazing bead;
  • screws (with flat, not sharp threads);
  • plastic impact dowels.

Also be sure to purchase adjustable fixtures for the lights. As for the screws, I would like to note that impact dowels are used as standard. But if you want your ceiling to be impossible to tear off, then buy Sarmat screws. They look small and inconspicuous, but any of these three-centimeter screws driven into the ceiling can withstand a weight of more than 100 kg, this has been tested.

Step-by-step installation

In order to contemplate the long-awaited result in a few hours, you need to do the following.

  1. We carry out the ones listed above.
  2. We beat off the future level of the ceiling, that is, we put two marks in the corners on each of the walls. This is done using a laser or a hydraulic level, or, at worst, using a regular one, but you will have to tinker with it. Usually this distance is 10 cm, but you may have a different value. For example, if you are not going to use Spotlights, it can be reduced to 5 cm. Well, or if you are making a hidden cornice system, then you will have to retreat at least 15 cm. In general, this is purely individual and is calculated based on local conditions.
  3. Draw a line around the entire perimeter using a tapping cord.
  4. We begin to nail the profile under the line. If necessary, cut it with a hacksaw. If you are using a branded and quality profile, then it already has holes for screws, but if it’s cheaper, then it doesn’t have them. Drilling should be done at a maximum distance of 30 cm from each other. If you use Sarmatians, this distance can be increased to 50 cm. Do not risk nailing less often; it is better to be safe than to redo the entire ceiling later because some part of the profile will move away from the wall. As a last resort, you can use dowels with a cap and drill holes in the wall directly through the profile.
  5. We move on to the primary fastening of the canvas. To do this, we attach it to the 4 corners of the room with a spatula in the groove. This can also be done using a large stationery binder - a black paper clip. Take two such clamps, tie them with a cord about 30 cm long, one binder is attached to the corner of the canvas, and the other to the profile, and so on in all 4 corners.
  6. Let's start fixing it. This is done with a spatula, with which the canvas is carefully tucked into the profile clip.
