Feeding peonies in spring is a guarantee of gorgeous and healthy flowers. Feeding peonies: little tricks Peonies gain buds with what to feed

Peony is a stunningly beautiful blooming perennial decorative garden culture. Unlike many flowers, which must be replanted every few years, peonies can grow in the same place for decades without replanting. Luxurious peony inflorescences can have either delicate, pastel or bright, rich colors. They last quite a long time on the bush and when cut. Lush peony leaves decorate personal plot all season, turning purple in the fall. Of course, like all garden flowers, peonies love “tasty” things, that is various peonies carried out throughout the season and can be either foliar or basal. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

Foliar feeding

Peonies occur by spraying the leaves with a complex solution. Moreover, the smaller the droplets when sprayed, the greater the effect of this procedure. Spraying is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather, when the plants' stomata open. For better absorption of the fertilizer, you can add a little soap or washing powder to the solution. It is very good to feed in this way once a week, starting from the second week of May.

Mature plants also respond very well to foliar feeding. They are carried out three times a season with an interval of three weeks in this way: urea - urea + mineral fertilizers - mineral fertilizers. Why is this so? At the beginning of growth, plants need nitrogen contained in urea, during budding - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; during the formation of renewal buds, nitrogen is no longer needed, so urea is excluded from the feeding composition.

Feeding peonies in spring with organic fertilizers

Fertilizing with organic fertilizers is carried out for adult plants during the formation of buds and the beginning of flowering by the root method. This can be a solution of mullein or bird droppings in a ratio of 1:10 and 1:25, respectively.

Root feeding of peonies with mineral fertilizers

Feeding with mineral fertilizers at the roots is carried out three times a season, starting from late March-early April, when fertilizer granules can be scattered directly on the snow. They will dissolve in melt water and be absorbed into the soil - the goal will be achieved. IN summer time year, fertilizer is also scattered on the soil at the roots, trying not to touch the neck of the bush. The soil is watered first, and after applying the fertilizer, the surface is sprinkled with another layer of earth and compacted.

Feeding peonies with bread

Bread fertilizer is one of the best for peony, despite the fact that it belongs to folk recipes. It is prepared in this way: half a loaf rye bread or crusts remaining after eating are soaked in cold water and let it sit for half a day so that the mass swells. After this, it is diluted with another bucket of water and the plants are watered with this mixture at the beginning of the growing season.

As you can see, feeding peonies in general is not much different from fertilizing other garden plants. flower crops. It is only important to follow the regime and choose the right composition for feeding, and then your garden peonies will definitely delight you every season with lush greenery and long-lasting luxurious flowering.

What do you need to feed peonies in the spring? lush flowering so that in the summer in the garden they will charm all visitors to the dacha? How to properly feed them during the development period? Experienced gardeners give their recommendations on how to do this productively and what formulations to use.

Peonies grow actively and bloom profusely in the same area. But for this, flowers need proper care. Starting from the 3rd year of flowering, they require not only timely watering and loosening, but also the application of fertilizers:

Important: When feeding, you should carefully observe the dosage of drugs. If there is too much nitrogen, the green mass grows and budding is delayed.

What fertilizers do peonies feed?

There are several very effective modern remedies.

Kemira – mineral fertilizer

The composition is used three times per season. At the beginning of spring and 7 days after flowering, the drug Kemira-universal is used. First, water each plant, and then pour a handful of fertilizer under it and bury it in the ground. The composition immediately dissolves in water and penetrates into the roots of the flower.

The second feeding can be done with Kemira-Combi, which does not need to be added in drops. The packaging is simply poured onto a bed under the bushes and watered. This is a fast-soluble drug that reaches plant roots almost immediately.

All components of Kemira are in chelated form, due to which they are absorbed by plants without additional treatment by soil microorganisms.

Another useful product containing many microelements is called “Siliplant”. It helps to increase the strength of plant tissues and its adaptation to external conditions.

Baikal EM-1 – organic fertilizer

A microbiological preparation based on EM technology. It contains living microorganisms that improve the composition and fertility of the soil. Baikal EM-1 is placed in compost, which is used to mulch mature plants in the fall. Mulch layer 7-10 cm.

Any organic matter helps the development of flower shoots and numerous buds. Mullein diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and bird droppings - 1:15 are often used as fertilizer. This mixture is carefully watered at the roots of the plants, without touching the root collar. It is advisable to make small holes around the bush and pour the drug into them. This feeding is carried out once a season, when budding is in progress.

Foliar feeding

Bushes, regardless of age, are fertilized once a month using the foliar method: the bushes are sprayed with a solution of a combined mineral composition. For example, you can use the drug Ideal, the rate of use of which is written in the annotation.

Important: To keep the fertilizer on the leaves longer, add 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent or laundry soap per 10 liters. composition.

There is another option for foliar feeding. The first time it is carried out after the formation of the above-ground part of the plant: make a solution of urea 50 g per 10 liters. water. The second time - a month later: microfertilizer tablets are placed in the diluted urea, 1 piece per 10 liters. solution. The third treatment is carried out only with a composition of 2 tablets per 10 liters. water.

To strengthen the roots, use Heteroauxin, 2 tablets per bucket of water. In order for shoots to actively grow, peonies are fed with sodium humate, 5 g per piece, scattering it in small furrows near the flower.

Most preparations are sprayed onto the bush with a spray bottle, but in order for the soapy substances to “stick” better, you can treat the flowers with a brush.

What experienced gardeners say

“I’m not an expert on peonies, so they didn’t want to bloom at all. Small buds were constantly formed, which never became flowers. Now it became clear to me what needed to be done: plants need not only drainage and a little depth, but also good fertilizer. For two seasons now I have been feeding peonies with Jerusalem artichoke: I cut the stems and sprinkle them on the bush. I do this all the time in the spring. I want to take a picture of my old bush, which for many years produced 2-3 flowers a year. And now it's full of buds. Also, young specimens of the Sarah Bernhardt and Dresden Peak varieties produce lush flowers. I don’t believe in chance, it’s all about fertilizer” (Larisa, Moscow).

Peonies Sarah Bernhardt

“I read that peonies really like ash. I purchased my first flower, a Felix Cruz peony, from an experienced gardener. He explained to me what level to deepen and how to feed the plant with organic matter. My flower is already 3 years old, it overwintered well, in the summer I cut off the buds, the next season 5 large flowers appeared, and now there are 11 of them. I fertilized them, as recommended, with mullein. Peonies are unpretentious flowers and respond well to proper care” (Annet, Tver).

Traditional recipes for feeding


Mineral supplements can be replaced with yeast infusion containing a large number of useful substances. Due to it, the quality of the soil is improved and the bushes are provided with the necessary components. Yeast feeding of peonies can be the first. Fertilizer is made as follows: in 10 l. water is diluted with 100 g of yeast and sugar to activate the composition. One tablespoon is also placed there. wood ash. The drug is infused for 2-3 hours, and then the peonies are watered.


Black bread, especially Borodinsky, is also rich useful substances. It is cut into small pieces, dried a little, and then dipped in water. At 10 l. Place the bread in water so that the liquid completely covers it. Everything is pressed down on top with a vessel and a weight is placed as a press. The product ferments for 7 days. Peonies are fed only with diluted bread infusion, in a 1:1 ratio.


A popular remedy that must be dosed correctly, otherwise the green mass will grow, taking away nutrition from the flowers and fruits. The substance is used only diluted: 25 ml. for 10 l. water. Even in case of poor growth of peonies, emergency watering is used: for 1 tablespoon of water there is the same amount of 25% ammonia.

Also used to make fertilizers eggshells, banana peel, potato peelings, yeast, nettle, whey, onion peel.

There is another simple way to make organic fertilizer: dissolve 0.5 liters. chicken manure in 10 liters. water and leave for 2 weeks. The prepared product is additionally diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, and for more strong action put a handful of ash there.

There are enough mineral and organic means for feeding peonies, and which one to choose depends on the place where the flowers grow, the climate and the opinion of the grower himself. Ornamental plants will duly thank the owners of the plots for proper nutrition juicy bright flowers.

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Peonies need to be fed both in spring and autumn. carried out to strengthen the plants and prepare them for winter. in spring extra food peonies need for active growth, successful entry into the budding phase and lush flowering, which pleases the eye. The composition of peony fertilizers in spring depends on the age of the plant.

  1. Peonies in the first 2 years after planting. Root and foliar feeding for plant growth and development.
  2. Blooming peonies. Three fertilizers for flowering.
  3. Mature plants are 8-10 years old.
  4. Watering the peony.
  5. How to feed peonies for lush flowering in spring. Video tips.


During the first two years, young peonies do not require root feeding with mineral fertilizers if the soil was sufficiently fertilized when planting. At this age, it is enough to water, loosen and weed peonies. Peonies should be loosened very carefully: next to the bush, loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm, and at a distance of 20 cm from the bush - to a depth of 10 cm. Loosening is especially necessary after rains and heavy watering.

And foliar feeding in the first year after planting may be as follows:

  1. Urea solution: 40-50 g per 10 liters of water. Using a garden sprayer, treatment is carried out in the spring, as soon as the plants wake up and begin to grow.
  2. Peonies are treated again after 10-15 days. This time 1 tablet is added to the urea solution. microelements.
  3. The third feeding is done after another 10-15 days. Composition of the solution: 2 tablets. microelements per 10 liters of water, without urea.

At the same time during the 2nd and 3rd feeding you can water the peonies at the root with one of the solutions to stimulate the growth of the root system:

  • Sodium humate: 5 g per 10 liters of water,
  • Heteroauxin: 2 tablets per 10 liters of water.

In the first 2 years, it is important for a young plant to develop powerful root system, grow stronger, form a strong bush. Therefore, in addition to fertilizing, the literature recommends removing peony buds in the first 2 years after planting. Abundant flowering can only be expected in the 3rd year.


So, at the age of 3 years, peonies, as a rule, begin to delight the eye with lush flowering. By this time, the plant usually has 10-15 stems. Now the plant needs regular root feeding with mineral fertilizers. During the entire growing season (from spring to autumn) there should be at least three of them. It is important to observe the dosage and timing of plant treatment. Overfeeding is just as undesirable as undernutrition.

First spring feeding

Time: early spring, during snow melt or immediately after.
Composition: 10-15 g of nitrogen and 15-20 g of potassium per plant, urea can be used.
How to feed: fertilizers are scattered around the bush or embedded in the furrow around it.

Second spring feeding

Time: during the budding phase
Composition: 10 g of nitrogen, 15-20 g of phosphorus, 10-15 g of potassium per 10 liters of water. Dosage - for 1 plant.

Third feeding

Time: 14 days after flowering.
Composition: 15-20 g of phosphorus, 10-15 g of potassium per 10 liters of water. Dosage - for 1 plant.
How to feed: in the form of an aqueous solution, at the root.


Peonies in “advanced” age need to increase the dose of mineral fertilizers in the composition of fertilizing by 1.5 times. At the age of 8-10 years, peonies are recommended to be fed with slurry.

Feeding time: during the budding phase, once.
Ingredients: mullein/bird droppings + mineral fertilizers.

Recipe for preparing the solution:

  • Fresh mullein (1 liter) is diluted in 10 liters of water. Instead, you can use bird droppings (500 ml) per 10 liters of water. Add 40-50 g of superphosphate to the solution and leave for 10-12 days. Before use, the solution is diluted with water 1:1.

How to feed:

  • A groove 10-15 cm deep is dug around the bush at a distance of 20 cm from it. 1 bucket of fertilizer is used for 1 plant.

Important! Root feeding is carried out so that solutions do not fall on the peony rhizome.


Peony loves moisture and needs plenty of watering:

  • during budding (before flowering),
  • during the formation of renewal buds (starting in mid-summer).

Watering frequency: once every 8-10 days.

Amount of water: 3-4 buckets per 1 adult bush.

After watering: the soil is loosened and mulched.

It is best to water peonies in the evening. During flowering, it is important to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the flowers.

This scheme for feeding and watering peony is given in the book “Peonies. My blooming garden."

How to feed peonies for lush flowering in spring?

But it would be unfair to go to just one source, so we decided to watch videos on YouTube. In them, flower growers share their experience in caring for plants.

Water-soluble fertilizers for flowers: Fertika, Kemira, Terrace-lux

Mid-May is the time to feed peonies. The peony root is located quite deep, and in order for the fertilizer to reach the roots, holes about 15 cm deep need to be made 30 centimeters from the bush.

Kemira, Fertika, Terrace-Lux - complex fertilizers for flower crops in granules with good set microelements. They contain nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the early spring flowering of peonies. It is enough to make 3-4 holes around the bush, and pour half a tablespoon of fertilizer into each.

Important: Before any feeding of the peony, you must first water the soil with water.

There is such an option. You can prepare an aqueous solution of the listed complex fertilizers: 1 tablespoon of fertilizer "Fertika" or "Terrace Suite" for 10 liters of water. A solution of microelements is made root feeding or spraying on leaves. The treatment can be carried out twice: as soon as the “spouts” of the plants appear from the ground in early spring and during budding, just before flowering. Feeding consumption per bush is 10 liters.

Mullein infusion + mineral fertilizers

2 weeks before flowering It is useful to feed peonies with mullein infusion, diluting it with water in a ratio of 1 to 20, with the addition of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

Humus, "Baikal", "Gumi"

In the spring, when the stems just appeared above the surface of the earth, the soil needs to be cleared of weeds and loosened shallowly. Old peonies can be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1%) to prevent fungal diseases.

It is useful to sprinkle the soil under the bushes with humus (a few handfuls are enough), and then water it with water. You can fertilize with mineral fertilizers: azophosphate, superphosphate, Baikal solution, herbal infusion, Gumi solution.

Second feeding carried out after another 10 days. And then - into the phase of bud formation.

Mineral fertilizer solutions

In spring, as soon as the first shoots appear prepare an aqueous solution of mineral fertilizers: 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water.

At the budding stage or during the flowering of peonies: 7 g ammonium nitrate, 5 g potassium salt, 10 g superphosphate.

After flowering - 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate.

Aqueous solutions of mineral fertilizers are prepared in the indicated proportion and applied to holes dug 20 cm from the bush, 10-15 cm deep.

Grain feeding

One loaf of black bread is cut into slices and soaked in 10 liters of water. Place in the sun, cover with a lid so that the pieces of bread are submerged in water (you can use a press). The bread will release a large amount of acids into the water, which will be beneficial for the growth of peonies. Leave for 1-2 days.

Sources of information in this section: video channels on Youtube.

Does not require special attention. But certain agricultural techniques for obtaining lush flowering of peonies still exist. It is especially important to know what to feed peonies so that they bloom magnificently in the summer and winter safely in the open ground.

What fertilizers do peonies need when planting?

Competent and timely feeding of peonies is the key to their full development and lush flowering for many years. Providing the plant with nutrition should begin with preparing the ideal soil composition for it.

Garden flowers peonies need fertile soil and feeding.

Plant a peony in a regular garden soil impossible, because for proper development it needs fertile, loose soil. To plant a peony, you need to prepare a hole with a diameter of 70 and a depth of 60 centimeters. Place two buckets of humus or peat and 300 grams of bone meal at the bottom of the pit. Instead of bone meal, you can add 200 grams of superphosphate. IN clay soils To loosen it, it is recommended to add a bucket of sand. If the soil is sandy, use a bucket of clay.

If the soil is properly filled, the plant does not need to be fed for up to 3 years. The fertilizers added to the pit will be enough to form a powerful peony root system.

Advice. If buds form on the bush in the first 2 years, they need to be torn off so that the plant puts all its energy into root growth.

Feeding scheme for adult plants during the growing season

For lush flowering in the garden, peonies need to be provided with all the necessary nutrients.

Before applying fertilizer to the roots, the soil is moistened.

When fertilizing peonies, you need to take into account a number of features:

  • If there is a lack of organic matter in the soil, adding mineral mixtures instead of benefit will harm the flower.
  • Fertilizers are applied at the root only to moist soil. Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil - this can burn the roots and destroy the peony.
  • Fertilizers are applied taking into account the age of the bush. The older the plant, the more luxuriant its flowering, which means the greater the need for fertilizer.

The composition of fertilizers in spring and autumn is different, since the plant requires special nutrients at different periods of development.

Feeding in early spring

The first feeding of peony is carried out in the spring, in the first days after the snow melts. The plant is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 gram per 5 liters of water. This amount of liquid is used to water one bush.

As soon as the peony sprouts begin to bloom, they are fed with ammonium nitrate. For 10 liters of water - 15 grams of fertilizer.

Fertilizing peony during budding

Peonies begin to bloom in the third year after planting. By this time, 10-15 main stems are fully formed on the bushes. During the formation of buds, a second feeding of adult bushes is carried out.

For feeding use the following mixture:

  • nitrogen – 10 grams;
  • phosphorus – 20 grams;
  • potassium – 15 grams.

This amount of minerals is dissolved in 10 liters of water and used to water one bush.

Summer feeding during and after flowering

In summer, to improve the quality of flowering, it is recommended to feed peonies with one of the following compounds:

  1. Potassium salt – 5 g., superphosphate – 10 g., saltpeter – 7.5 g., per 10 l. water.
  2. Potassium – 10 g., Nitrogen – 10 g., Phosphorus – 15-20 g., 10 l. water.

During the flowering period, peonies are watered with a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt.

This amount of fertilizer is used for 1 adult (5 years and older) or two young bushes.

The third fertilizing during the growing season is carried out after flowering, after 14-15 days. Experienced gardeners recommend using the drug Kemira-combi with the addition of potassium monophosphate.

Autumn feeding of peony

The last feeding of peonies during the growing season is carried out in the fall, at the end of September or in the first ten days of October. Liquid fertilizers are not recommended at this time, as they will provoke shoot growth.

The last feeding consists of a glass of wood ash and 100 grams of bone meal. This amount of fertilizer is evenly distributed around each peony bush and incorporated into the soil by loosening.

Mineral and organic fertilizers for peonies

In addition to the main nutrients, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, a lush peony bush needs a number of minerals, which are called microelements.

Peony leaves signal a lack of any substance by their color and condition:

Peony bushes respond well to fertilizing with organic fertilizers in pure form or in combination with mineral mixtures. During budding, you can water the peony with a solution of mullein (1:10) with the addition of 40 grams of phosphorus and 20 grams of potassium.

Feeding peonies has a beneficial effect chicken droppings. Half a bucket chicken droppings diluted in 100 liters of water and fermented for 14 days. At the end of fermentation, the resulting solution is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3, 100 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of wood ash are added to it. For one feeding use 10 liters of fertilizer for each bush. Peonies can be fed with this mixture twice a season: in spring and summer.

Peonies can be fertilized with diluted chicken droppings.

Foliar feeding of peonies

Foliar feeding is especially important in the first three years of a plant’s life. At this time, the bush grows its root system.

For the proper development of a young plant, three sprayings are necessary:

  1. Urea - 5 grams per 5 liters. Spraying is recommended. as soon as the first shoots emerge from the ground.
  2. A mixture of urea and universal mineral fertilizer. 14-15 days after the first feeding.
  3. Microelements, 2 tablets per bucket of water. Spraying is carried out in mid-summer.

Advice. In order for the fertilizing to better linger on the leaves during spraying and not drain from them, it is recommended to add a small amount of laundry soap to the solution. This technique will additionally help rid the peony of pests.

Only healthy and well-fertilized peonies can produce abundant and long-lasting flowering, so feeding should not be neglected. Required condition proper fertilizing- This is a combination of fertilizing with abundant watering and loosening the soil.

Experienced flower growers advise not to get carried away with organic fertilizing, since from excess nitrogen the peony will begin to “fatten”, that is, increase green mass and slow down flowering. It is also important to observe the dosage of minerals in fertilizing. For young plants, it is recommended to reduce the rate by half, and for adult bushes (over 5 years old) to increase by a third.

On video experienced gardener shows and tells how to properly feed peonies in your garden.

Luxurious flowering of peonies is impossible without their timely feeding. The most relevant are spring feedings. They are responsible for the number of buds laid and their size.

Preparing peonies for spring feeding

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the tree trunk circle of peonies must be freed from dry leaves and other debris.

  • Having retreated 30-40 from the center of the bush, you need to slightly loosen the ground.
  • Next, you should monitor the soil moisture and if it dries out too quickly after the snow melts, water the peonies once every 7-10 days.
  • At the same time, you need to make sure that the soil is just damp and does not turn into a swamp.
  • Peonies do not like stagnant water and can die if overwatered.

What spring feeding is necessary for peonies?

Peonies respond gratefully to both mineral and organic fertilizers. Mineral ones are sold in any garden store, and every summer resident makes organic ones on his own. Some gardeners mix organics and mineral complexes and this is also quite acceptable.

In addition to root feeding, peonies also like leaf feeding, when the bushes are sprayed from above with a healing solution.

Scheme of spring root feeding of peonies

First feeding

It is carried out at the moment when red sprouts of peonies have already appeared from the ground and they have grown to a height of 2-3 cm. This usually happens at the end of April or at the beginning of May.

  • At this time, a cow or horse dung, necessarily well rotted.
  • A little nitrophoska or any complex fertilizer for garden flowers is added to the manure.
  • For 1 kg of manure, take 100 g of store-bought fertilizer.
  • An average peony bush requires 300 grams (1 liter jar) of this mixed fertilizer.
  • The fertilizer mixes well with top layer land under the peony.
  • Next, the feeding area is mulched with peat humus.

Second feeding

This is done 15-20 days after the first one. At this time, the peonies are already setting buds. This time, the fertilizing is liquid and 2-3 liters of fertilizer are poured under each bush. How it is prepared:

  • Mix one part cow dung and 3 parts water. The infusion is aged for 10 days for fermentation. The resulting fermented mass is mixed until smooth and diluted with another ten parts of water. This solution is called mullein.
  • Take 10 liters of mullein and add 2 tablespoons of any fertilizer with phosphorus and 1 tablespoon of any fertilizer with potassium. Phosphorus fertilizers: superphosphate, ammophos, diammophos, bone meal, etc. Potash fertilizers: potassium chloride, potassium humate, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia, etc.

Third feeding

Although it is done after the peonies have flowered, the luxurious flowering of peonies next year also greatly depends on it. Fertilizing is done on damp soil and the bushes are watered with the following solution: 10 liters of water + 30 g of superphosphate + 15 g of potassium sulfate.

Scheme of spring feeding of peonies by leaf

Peonies are fed leaf by leaf by spraying a special nutrient solution. Use a garden sprayer or a regular home spray gun. In order for the fertilizer to linger on the leaves and not drain from them, add half a teaspoon of liquid to each liter of prepared solution. detergent for dishes or a special thick solution, which is sold in garden centers under the name “Adhesive”. Peonies are fed by leaf in the late afternoon and in dry weather.

First feeding

The best time for leaf feeding is mid-May. For fertilizer, water and urea are mixed. Water requires 10 liters, urea - 50 g.

Second feeding

This is done two weeks after the first. For it, take 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of urea and 1/2 part of a teaspoon of complex flower fertilizer. Fertilizers are sold in any store and are called “Complex” or “Microfertilizers”. They include all the microelements that flowers need.

Third feeding

It is carried out 14 days after the second. Now only the previously purchased microfertilizer is diluted in ten liters of water and 1 teaspoon or 2 tablets are required.

Except spring fertilizing, peonies also require that they not be forgotten in the fall. This video will tell you how to feed peonies in the fall and how to prepare them for winter.
