Canopy bed - romantic and comfortable bedroom design (78 photos). How to beautifully decorate walls with curtains Canopy over an adult bed

A little history. If you ask anyone modern man where the canopy came from, then you will hear in response that it appeared thanks to the whim of emperors, rich padishahs and similar heroes of that time. Of course, this answer was born for a reason. Any historical film about the Middle East will confirm this answer. Therefore, in the minds of modern people, the canopy seems to be a symbol of luxury and wealth.

But few people know that this element of modern design has existed in Rus' since time immemorial and was an ordinary chintz cape thrown over a baby cradle suspended from the ceiling. This canopy cape had a purely practical meaning - protecting the baby from drafts and all kinds of insects. Thus, the hanging cradle with a chintz dome is the ancestor of all four-poster beds.

Of course, speaking about such a wonderful design element as a canopy, I don’t want to mention its original purpose - protection from mosquitoes and other insects. But this was precisely the original idea of ​​our ancestors for the purpose of the canopy. And only over time, through the efforts of designers, did it become an element of bed decoration, which is also quite justified. Everything in the room should serve not only a functional role, but also decorate it.

Types of canopy. Frame and mounting methods

Since the canopy today almost no longer plays its original protective function, it is more often used as a decoration for a sleeping place and room. Like any design element, it undergoes changes over time.

In some cases, his presence is barely noticeable, purely symbolic. As an option, this is a canopy consisting of only the upper part. This design will only protect you from plaster falling from the ceiling. But psychologists say that even such a symbolic canopy will give you a feeling of security and peace. This feeling is exactly what you need for normal, sound sleep.

There are several types of canopies. The most popular is the canopy hung on a frame. The frame is placed above the ceiling and secured to bed posts. Sometimes the frame is attached to the ceiling without forming a single unit with the racks - it looks great. This design is a transitional option from a rectangular to a tent-type design. But if your bed was not originally designed with a canopy, that is, there are no posts, then the option of simply attaching the frame to the ceiling is quite possible

Racks can be either wooden or metal. The design of this frame, of course, depends on your financial opportunities, since it can be made of wood valuable breed or forged metal, plus all kinds of artistic decorative elements.

For lovers of sophistication, there is a canopy in the form of a “crown”. In this version, the axis of the canopy passes through the center of the bed. The frame itself is made in the form of a circle or square, through which the fabric is threaded. The look, of course, of a bed with such a canopy is royal, but provided that the “crown” looks like a royal one, and not like a sports hoop with a cloth thrown over it.

A canopy, the curtain of which is thrown over a crossbar attached to the wall at the head, will be quite convenient and easy to make.

Modernity makes its own adjustments. Today, a canopy can be not only in the form of a fabric cape over the bed. Often it is presented in quite original forms, only vaguely reminiscent of a classic canopy.

Agree that a canopy with elements of flora will create an incredible feeling of peace and relaxation in nature. And if you also hang a cage with a songbird, then... it will be a real piece of paradise.

Some features of a canopy bed for children and adults

Every parent wants to see their child happy and does everything for this. He builds a children's room as a prototype of his future life - beautiful and protected from all life's adversities.

A children's canopy bed is definitely needed for children for a simple reason - protection from insects (the main reason), from light rays, and drafts.

This bed is universal for both sexes up to a certain age. The continuation can only be if this is a girl’s or girl’s bed. Boys, when they reach a certain age, under no circumstances agree to sleep in such a bed - after all, a man is growing. But this, of course, is purely individual. It is possible that this will take a while indefinite time. Therefore, let's consider canopy options for girls.

IN in this case should strictly adhere to traditional color scheme rooms. Main fundamental difference bed for a girl is the color of the canopy. Of course, this color should be pink. Other tones are also allowed, but only those close to pink color according to color scheme.

As the child grows, the protective function of the canopy turns into atavism. That's why modern canopies over the children's bed began to play a role simply beautiful element bed and children's room design.

For teenage girls the best option there will be a canopy, which is a drapery hung at the head. However, girls do not refuse this option either. This design will make the bedroom more feminine, somewhat pushing childhood out of it.

Being an original person, you will probably like a canopy hung over the bed not in the standard way, along the bed, but across it.

A great idea would be to decorate a canopy with a children's theme. For example, butterflies attached to a canopy will definitely delight your child. Also, a garland hung on the canopy curtain will be an excellent solution to two issues at once - night lighting and at the same time decoration in the form of stars.

A four-poster bed for adults has, in principle, the same features as a children's one, except that here the canopy serves more as a design element for creating a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom, rather than a practical value. And what better way to create such an atmosphere than a canopy made of voile, lye and other translucent fabrics.

Fabrics used

Definitely, the fabric of the canopy plays an important role in creating harmonious design bedrooms. The fabric of the canopy should be airy, light, and of a color that matches general style rooms. Of course, natural silk has this quality better than all fabrics. A canopy made of organza and awning also looks great.

Despite the popularity of silk, heavy fabrics (jaquard, velvet, tapestry) are often used for canopies. There is a reason for this, because a canopy is a kind of symbol of prosperity, which is fully confirmed by a canopy made of beautiful heavy fabric. In addition, the heavy fabric of the canopy in winter time will help you keep warm in the space under the canopy.

It should be remembered that the canopy fabric, no matter what material it is made of, must be harmonious with the rest of the interior of your room, especially with curtains and bedspreads

Canopy and room style

A canopy in a bedroom is a special, significant element of room design. Therefore, its presence requires a special approach to the choice of design, shape, and fabric. It is important to know and take into account the available area of ​​the room, because in a small bedroom the presence of a canopy over the bed will make it even smaller. You should also take into account the lighting of the room and the style of its interior.

If we talk about the combination of a canopy with the style of the bedroom, then there are certain dependencies that make it possible to ensure the harmony of the interior design. For example, when classic style You need to use heavy fabrics, but silk and satin fit perfectly into baroque.

In a bedroom decorated in high-tech style, the canopy should have a different look from the classic one (made of fabric). These can be any designs, but without fabric.

canopy in oriental style should look airy. The use of lightweight fabrics ensures this effect. By the way, a canopy without flounces and tassels will probably be a beautiful canopy, but not in an oriental style.

691 1067 Administrator https://www..pngAdministrator 2014-10-31 11:57:57 2014-10-31 11:57:57 The canopy over the bed - its role yesterday and today

The bed is considered one of important elements bedroom or nursery, the design of which determines the image of the room. A canopy can create feelings of comfort, romance and security. Similar designs available for spacious premises, may differ in the type of frame and choice of fabric.

It is equally important to consider how to make a canopy over a bed with your own hands.

Types of structures

Looking at the photo of the canopy over the bed, you can be amazed at the variety design solutions. In general, experts distinguish 3 types of frames for such a structure:

  • fabrics on supports;
  • design using suspended consoles;
  • arbitrary textile compositions.

Among the popular types of decor are the canopy on a frame. In this case, wooden or metal structure not only serves as a support for fabric draperies. It emphasizes the size of the bed and the height of the ceilings.

To make this option look decent, you should use it either in the design of a bed with carvings or forged elements. Or it is better to use a more luxurious decorative material for finishing.

The structure of the crown canopy involves a small frame, representing a square or circle, through which the fabric must be pulled. This option is also classified as an expensive and sophisticated type of decor.

A more budget-friendly way to decorate a bedroom is to install a frame in the form of an arc. Due to its shape, it forms a smooth bend, which provides the fabric drapery with soft lines in advance. Fastening the main element to the wall and the absence of other complex supports makes installation easier and significantly reduces the cost of the structure.

You can make a spectacular canopy over the bed in the bedroom using two crossbars. One of them is attached perpendicular to the direction of the berth in the headboard area. And the other is fixed parallel to it on the other side of the bed. These crossbars form two support points through which a piece of fabric is thrown.

Features of fabric selection

The choice of fabric when decorating a canopy is also taken very seriously. The atmosphere created will depend on the type of material, its color and method of draping.

So, when decorating a canopy over a child’s bed, a decision is often made in favor of silk or a veil. These n

Upon registration adult bedroom they will add a touch of romance and tenderness. And although such a solution can stylistically bring the decor closer to that of a child’s room, it gives the setting a unique charm that is difficult to achieve in other ways.

In rooms that imitate ancient palace styles, heavy materials are widely used when decorating canopies. Thus, decorating a room with tapestry, jacquard or velvet will be a sign of luxury and prosperity. Especially if the color scheme is dominated by warm shades or imitation gilding.

When reproducing ancient and noble styles, the type of material should be carefully considered. It is worth remembering that velvet will be a sign of classics.

If the interior is made in Baroque, preference should be given to satin or silk. According to the style, the tone and pattern are selected, which it is advisable to duplicate when choosing other textile items.

Another style criterion will be the amount of material on the frame. Using a canopy in a bedroom decorated in modern styles like Hi-Tech, it is worth using a minimum amount decorative element. At the same time, imitating the oriental style, one should not neglect its characteristic abundance of curved lines, ruffles and multi-level draperies.

Installation rules

Installation of a canopy includes 2 main stages: preparing the frame elements and cutting the material. The first of these involves the choice of supports. One of the most simple ways is the fastening of the frame to the ceiling.

But this option involves using only light fabrics. For heavy loads, it is worthwhile to provide vertical beams that will be fixed to the floor.

Before you start cutting the fabric, you should clearly understand the whole composition and the parameters of all the required details. This will allow you to immediately prepare everything you need as quickly as possible. The edges of the parts must be processed so that the appearance is not spoiled by the fabric, which has become frayed over time.

The prepared material is attached in advance installed rings. When purchasing a canopy over a bed from IKEA, you should carefully read the instructions before starting installation.

Photo of a canopy over the bed

Initially, a canopy is an elegant canopy made of silk, velvet damask or brocade. They were hung exclusively above thrones, altars and state boxes, decorated with embroidery, plumes and braid and were considered a symbol of power. In the 14th century, fabric canopies began to be fixed over sleeping places to protect sleepers from insects, drafts, and prying eyes. Moreover, the latter was the most relevant: in those days it was believed that in a dream a person’s protection from damage and the evil eye weakened. Gradually, the relevance of these accessories faded away and they almost ceased to be used. Today, the canopy bed has returned to our bedroom and has become an accent element around which the rest of the decor is formed.

Is a canopy necessary in a modern bedroom?

Once upon a time sleeping area, protected on all sides by magnificent curtains, was called the royal tent, and only very rich people could afford such luxury.

Even the simplest tulle canopy over the bed in the bedroom looks stylish and gives the whole room a special atmosphere conducive to rest and relaxation.

What can we say about canopies made of expensive and luxury fabrics, turning a place to sleep into a real work of design art? Despite this, many believe that the benefits of this item are modern bedroom is approaching zero, and it is difficult to care for it. They are mistaken: to this day, bed canopies carry not only a decorative, but also a functional load.

Advantages of a fabric bed canopy:

  • The curtain over the bed gives a feeling of cozy security, as if taking us back to childhood. Remember how, as kids, we hid in huts made of tablecloths and blankets and felt in complete harmony with the surrounding space.
  • Under the canopy a separate sleeping area is created, a kind of “room within a room”, which is very convenient for a small apartment or studio.
  • Even a thin mesh becomes a reliable barrier to annoying midges, flies and mosquitoes.
  • Thick fabric cuts off, and transparent fabric softly diffuses light, making falling asleep and waking up more comfortable.
  • A bed with curtains will become reliable protection from drafts. By closing them, you can sleep with the window open without fear of catching a cold.

The difficulties of care are also greatly exaggerated. Caring for curtains over the bed is exactly the same as for any other curtains, and depends on the choice of fabric for the canopy. The only difference is that during weekly cleaning you need to shake off the dust from it, and it is advisable to wash it at least once a month. You can make the process easier if you sew the canopy from a lightweight material that dries quickly and does not require ironing.

Methods for attaching canopies

As mentioned above, canopies over beds in the bedroom have been used all over the world for the eighth century. During this time, several new options were added to their basic design, and the range of fabrics for sewing them expanded significantly. The only thing that remains unchanged is the purpose of this accessory in the interior - creating the most comfortable conditions for sound and healthy sleep.

In total, there are five main ways to secure a canopy:

  • On vertical posts installed at the corners of the bed and united at the top by a frame.
  • On cantilever design suspended from the ceiling on hooks.
  • On a cornice fixed to the ceiling.
  • On one or more horizontal rods, mounted on two hooks or one end on the wall.
  • On a semicircular cornice fixed above the headboard.

Using a classic, ceiling or console canopy holder requires sufficient space, therefore, this type of mount must be chosen if the ceiling in the room is high enough. But the most optimal solution for a small bedroom would be a canopy, for fastening which a horizontal rod is used.

Let's take a closer look different variants main fastenings.

On vertical stands

A canopy for an adult or teenage bed, mounted on posts with a frame, is considered classic, having come down to us from time immemorial unchanged. Today, such designs are increasingly used to design sleeping places for newborns. In this case, the racks are installed on the floor or are, as it were, a continuation of the legs. You can assemble this design yourself, but it’s easier to buy ready bed with a canopy in a furniture store.

Such a royal bed, in turn, can be decorated in three ways:

  • canopy and side curtains;
  • only canopy;
  • only curtains.

In addition, the vertical racks can be extended to the very ceiling. All these options are presented in the photo below.

Canopy with curtains
Canopy only
Curtains only
Side racks hit the ceiling

The cost of such structures largely depends on the material used. Particularly popular among them are forged canopy beds, made according to individual order. Such a bed, even without a fabric canopy, looks very stylish and often becomes the central element that sets the tone for the entire interior.

The design solution of such a structure is limited only by the imagination of its authors. For example, in this case, the canopy over the bed will resemble a tent.

On a cantilever structure

Cantilever models, suspended on ropes or chains on hooks screwed into the ceiling, are simpler in design. If in the first case the sleeping place resembles a small cozy room, then the bed canopy, draped over a holder in the form of a console, is usually made of light translucent fabric, and looks more airy and democratic. Such mounts do not come with the bed and are sold or manufactured as a separate accessory.

The console mount in the form of a hoop is perfect for a canopy bed for a teenage girl. You can make it from an ordinary plastic hoop and hang it from a hook with satin ribbons. The main thing to remember is that such a holder is not designed for heavy loads and can only withstand light fabrics: tulle, tulle, organza, veil, chiffon and the like.

Hoops for light awnings are sold in construction and furniture stores. They are not only functional, but also decorative and can take their rightful place even in the bedroom of a young princess or fairy fairy.

You can attach a canopy over the bed on metal carcass from the lampshade, which already contains everything necessary for installation on the ceiling. Such a canopy will look no worse than a ready-made or custom-made one.

Mount for canopy on adult bed in the form of a large rectangular console suspended on four hooks, it can withstand serious loads. It is suitable in cases where you want to install a full-fledged canopy over an existing bed.

On the ceiling cornice

Curtains above the bed, attached to the ceiling cornice, are a great way to zone the space in one-room apartment or studio. It is noteworthy that it is also suitable for small rooms. Thanks to this solution, the sleeping area becomes completely isolated.

Such zoning is also convenient for a nursery, in which both same-sex and opposite-sex children or teenagers live. The curtain above the bed, descending from the ceiling itself, allows you to create comfortable conditions for sleeping for a child sharing a room with a brother or sister, creating for him his own completely isolated corner.

If you don't want to create a completely isolated area for each child, hang curtains above each bed only at the headboard and complement them with a lambrequin that will completely hide the cornice.

There are many ways to hang a canopy on a cornice right up to the ceiling. But if you want the entire interior to look organic and for the sleeping area to not deviate from its concept, think through the entire furnishings in advance, even at the renovation stage.

IN Lately become especially relevant non-standard solutions. One of them is a round bed with a canopy made of delicate muslin, which can only be installed on a flexible ceiling cornice.

In a one-room apartment, the place to sleep is often a sofa. Separating it from the rest of the room in this case is not a whim, but necessary condition for a comfortable sleep. But a classic canopy frame above a sofa will look somewhat strange and out of place. In this case, attaching a curtain with a bandeau to the ceiling cornice will be the best solution.

On horizontal rods

Attaching a canopy over a bed in this way looks simple, stylish and elegant. The long sheet is simply thrown over one or more horizontally fixed rods. This design is easy to care for, since it is even easier to remove it from the rod for washing than curtains from the cornice above the window. It’s also convenient that depending on your mood, time of year, or while one canvas is being washed, you can replace it with another and radically transform the decor in a matter of minutes.

There are several ways to attach a rod canopy holder:

  • fix one end to the wall;
  • hang at both ends on hooks;
  • screw both ends to the ceiling, leaving a gap between the rod and the ceiling in order to throw the fabric.

Thanks to the elegant fastening, such a canopy, even if it is made of thick fabric or placed on a lining, as in the photo above, does not look massive.

Canopy rods can also not only be purchased ready-made, but also made independently from scrap materials or ordered from a workshop. Their risers are usually decorated with decorative finials. They serve not only as decoration, but also prevent the fabric from slipping.

This method becomes the only possible one when the canopy needs to be installed above the bed in the attic, with a low sloping ceiling, in order to cover the beams above the headboard, which are not very comfortable to see while falling asleep. A full-fledged design in this case will be too cumbersome.

On the arched cornice

An arc wall cornice means that the fabric at the arc drapes into light folds and falls down the sides. If the bed is adjacent to the wall with the headboard, the arch is attached above it, and is located along the wall - above its central part. This type of mount does not overload the interior, visually raises the ceilings, is suitable for rooms of any size and looks great even in small spaces.

The arc can be covered with fabric or decorative molds, and also decorated top part small lambrequin.

Arc fasteners are sold in stores, both independently and as a set with a sleeping place. For example, a wrought-iron canopy bed does not necessarily imply the presence of a complex frame. It may be accompanied by a small elegant semicircular cornice.

You can make simple curtain rods for light curtains yourself from thick wire or half an aluminum hoop. If you choose all the other details correctly, even such a simple solution will look stylish and elegant.

A canopy is always appropriate in a bedroom, regardless of its interior style and size. The main thing is to choose the right frame design and fabric. For spacious rooms with high ceilings A massive double bed with stand-mounts, united at the top by a frame, is suitable. For a small room or attic, it is better to choose a canopy over the bed on rods or an arc.

For bedrooms designed in the style of romanticism, empire, gothic, rococo, baroque or Arab East The canopy on the bed was originally conceived as an obligatory element of the decor. In these cases, without it the interior will seem unfinished.

A canopy over the bed will help add new fresh notes to an already boring environment:

  • The use of colorful fabrics will allow you to plunge into the world of fabulous India;
  • Choosing a snow-white, airy fabric will take you to a tropical beach;
  • The use of a plain linen canopy will make the interior European-style restrained;
  • The presence of scarlet silk draperies will remind you of the sensual oriental world.

To give the interior stylistic unity, it is enough to complement it decorative pillows, bedspread, curtains or tablecloth to match.

A wrought-iron four-poster bed is very attractive in itself. Such racks do not need to be hidden under drapery. It is better to leave them in sight using a light transparent fabric. If the stands are simple and not particularly attractive, it is better to disguise them with puffs, lace, artificial flower garlands or other accessories that match the interior.

The curtain for the bed should match its style. A massive and bulky bed needs lush and dense textile accessories, a light and laconic one needs simple and translucent ones.

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And annoying insects. Now the canopy seems to denote a zone of intimacy, creating an atmosphere of security, privacy, comfort and tranquility, cutting off external vanity.

Benefits of a canopy

A four-poster bed may seem to many to be a relic of the past, completely out of place in modern interior. But this is far from the truth, because with the help of elegant drapery you can not only protect yourself from light, annoying insects and prying eyes, but effectively emphasize the features of the bedroom interior, set a certain style, seasoned with notes of romance. A canopy over the bed can immerse you in the world of a fairy tale and create a mood in the bedroom. A married couple, a romantic young lady, a teenage girl, a newborn baby - they will all be much more comfortable in a room where such an element is present.

In the interior of the bedroom, the canopy has a special role:

  • Creates a suitable mood, fills with comfort and harmony. With its help, the sleeping person feels more comfortable and protected. An atmosphere of privacy is created, hidden from prying eyes.
  • Dense textiles protect well from bright light and muffle sounds from neighboring rooms. With it you don't have to worry about drafts.
  • Thin and light textiles will leave a feeling of spaciousness, while reliably protecting against flying insects. Such a canopy will successfully complement a children's room, but it is also designed for an adult audience, because the flying draperies give a romantic mood.
  • Makes the room more comfortable with its help large bedroom with high ceilings you can make it more comfortable for sleep and relaxation.
  • With the help of a canopy you can effectively zone the space if there is no separate bedroom. It will simultaneously limit the area for comfortable sleep and hide those sleeping from people in the same room, for example, in the living room.
  • The canopy prevents dust from entering the sleeping area.
  • It adds individuality to the interior, emphasizes its style, and ennobles it.


But the canopy also has disadvantages, albeit not so significant:

  • Textiles accumulate dust in folds, which can harm allergy sufferers.
  • To avoid an allergic reaction, the fabric will have to be washed frequently. Taking it off and putting it back on is quite problematic.
  • A canopy is not suitable for a small bedroom, as it will visually reduce it even more.

Methods for attaching a canopy

Advice! The canopy holder should be selected based on the dimensions of the bed and the bedroom itself, so that the entire structure looks harmonious and holistic.

Canopy bed in children's room

Style decision

IN modern design The development of the canopy was divided into two main trends:

  • minimalism ( modern And

Many people associate the concept of “canopy” with oriental pomp and wealth, but the appearance of this design element is associated with a utilitarian reason. Initially, canopies were used as a comfortable cape that protected a sleeping person from wind, dust and annoying insects.

In Rus', the prototype of a canopy was a piece of ordinary chintz that was used to cover a baby’s cradle. This cape was practical and reliable: it saved the child from drafts, dust and insect bites. It was the cradle with a chintz dome that became the ancestor of the canopy bed.

Types and methods of fastening canopies

Thanks to the efforts of designers, the functional cape was transformed over time into an element of bed decoration, and today the canopy above the bed mainly serves decorative role. According to psychologists, a canopy gives a sleeping person a feeling of peace, comfort and security, so using a canopy in the interior is not only desirable, but also useful.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of canopies, the frame of which can:

  • attached to bed posts and placed under the ceiling;
  • attach directly to the ceiling;
  • have the shape of a tent and be attached only to bed posts;
  • have the shape of a circle or square, and the canopy itself, in this case, is attached to an axis passing through the center of the bed;
  • have the shape of a semicircular arc, attached to the wall at the head of the bed, then a piece of fabric thrown over the frame acts as a canopy.

Modern canopies over the bed often have an elaborate shape, made from textured fabrics or nonwovens. The canopy posts and frame are usually made of wood or metal. The choice of materials depends not only on the designer’s intentions, but also on the financial capabilities of the future owner of the canopy bed.

Children's canopy beds

Typically, parents choose such models for babies and toddlers. Of course, girls like canopies much more than boys. Any little princess will be delighted with such a bed, and boys may refuse to sleep under a canopy.

Girls' bed canopies are usually made from pink or peach colored material. Other shades are acceptable, but it is preferable that they be gentle and warm. For teenage girls, the color scheme can be more varied.

As for the design, tent-shaped canopies or frames are suitable for children, giving the bed the appearance of a cozy house. Older girls and young girls will appreciate drapes at the head of the bed, which will make the room more feminine.

You can decorate a children's canopy with a scattering of bright decorative flowers or strange butterflies. A garland attached to a canopy will not only give it original look, but will also solve the problem of night lighting.

Canopies for adults

They act as a design element, so it is necessary to correctly combine them with. If the room is decorated in a classic style, thick, plain-dyed fabrics should be used for the canopy. A thin canopy with flounces or draperies will fit perfectly into Baroque and Rococo interiors. A translucent canopy will decorate a bedroom in an oriental style, and a canopy for a hi-tec bedroom is best made from an unusual material.

Canopy fabrics

Airy, lightweight materials that match the color and style with the rest of the textiles in the bedroom are preferred. Typically, canopies are made of silk, organza, satin, and voile. They are practical and do not visually reduce the space of the room. Sometimes designers recommend making a canopy from more expensive and dense fabrics that symbolize wealth and luxury, for example, velvet, jacquard, tapestry. In winter they will make the bed warmer and more comfortable.
