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The Persian word meydan means area. All over the world, after the first Kyiv Maidan in 2004 and the recent bloody events, it became a symbol of rebellion against the authorities, intransigence of the parties, pogroms and endless confrontation.

However, only the term “Maidan” itself can be called new in modern politics. In fact, this has happened more than once before, and not only in Ukraine. But today it becomes convenient when planning similar events define them with exactly this Ukrainian term.

The most recent Maidan, almost parallel to the canonical one in Kyiv, happened in Moldavian Gagauzia. There it ended with a referendum and a decision on joining the Customs Union if Moldova was swallowed up by Romania.

IN modern Russia The most terrible and effective were the Maidans in Moscow, when Boris Yeltsin came to power and the USSR collapsed. And especially the Maidans in Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny, where a large number of residents of the Republic of Tatarstan demanded separation from Russia. This is what was actually achieved in 1991, 1992, 1993. It calmed down only in 1994, when it was possible to sign an Agreement on the Separation of Powers with the president of this free republic. Of course, one cannot help but mention the Maidan in Dudayev’s Grozny, when men stood in a huge circle on the square and performed the “ChIagaran Khelhar” dance. It is especially painful to remember the consequences of that Maidan.

But Russian Maidans were far from the first in recent Soviet-Russian history. The collapse of the USSR was preceded by giant Maidans in Vilnius, Riga, Alma-Ata, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Chisinau. For the most part, the main Maidan activists, after the coming calm, went into obscurity or into the next world: as it should be, others enjoyed the fruits of the revolutions they made. Killed in Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia. Later, another famous Maidan activist was killed there - Zhvaniya.

In the vast post-Soviet space, people are still partying on the Maidans with might and main. Maidans are not translated in Kyrgyzstan, they happen in Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan is in a special position. After the recent devaluation of the local currency tenge by 30%, troops were even massed in large cities. And three years ago in the Kazakh city of Zhenaozen, dozens of people died on the Maidan.

We must assume that after the Crimean events we can expect new Maidans in Kazakhstan’s cities populated by Russians. When the Russian language is declared as a language of interethnic communication, it is gradually and purposefully displaced. Together with the Russians. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, there were more than half of the population there. Today - less than 40%. They are being forced out of government bodies and law enforcement agencies. The new capital Astana is practically a mono-ethnic city. It appeared in the center of Kazakhstan, closer to the north, where most Russians lived. For the sake of such squeezing out, we even had to leave the Russian Alma-Ata, a Cossack border village built under the Tsar.

It’s worth reminding of this, if only because the events in Crimea should serve as a warning to those who see Russians and Russian-speaking strangers who have lived on their lands for centuries as strangers who need to be pinned down. Apparently, feeling some kind of threat, the smartest and most cunning president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev urgently arrives in Moscow. And not just for negotiations, but to give a lecture on the topic “international integration” on March 11 in the Imperial Hall of the historical building of Moscow State University. Perhaps this is a mere coincidence, since everything is in order with integration in Kazakhstan.

However, we can talk for a long time about the military past of such a phenomenon as the Maidan. What about the combat future? There are many places in the world where hotheads will begin to seriously study the Kyiv events. It's quite possible it could be Riga, or Tallinn, or Narva. The outwardly subdued Russian-speaking population may well go berserk after the most insignificant incident. This is what happened after the demolition of the monument to the Unknown Soldier in Tallinn.

The Maidan in Chisinau would be completely justified, where half of the population does not want to come under Romanian jurisdiction. The London Maidan will be good. Its echoes have already happened last year, and a huge Arab-Indian-African-and many other incoming population will be happy to burn tires in Trafalgar Square and smoke the queen out of the palace. After the Kyiv one, which has become a symbol of heroism in official Europe, the Berlin and Paris Maidans will become quite natural. And then, you see, in Washington itself they will start building barricades and stocking up on gasoline for bottles.

The picture turns out to be sad. But the genie is already out of the bottle. The history of the forced division of Yugoslavia by NATO countries is repeating itself again. Then our Foreign Ministry asked our “Western partners” not to recognize the separatists from Kosovo, Don't open this Pandora's box. They didn't listen. We got South Ossetia, Abkhazia and now Crimea. It's time to anathematize at least the armed bandits of the Kyiv Maidan. Tomorrow will be late.

As for us, the threat of a new Maidan remains here too. Alas, the vaccinations of recent years, such as the events on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, have been of no particular benefit to the authorities. The government and many ministries continue to be run by amateurs and businessmen (as in Ukraine). Liberal economists, who have brought the country's economy into a state of insanity, continue to blow their theories into V. Putin's ears. Behind their sweet whispers you can sleep through your own “Race” Maidan.

And who needs it?

February 10th, 2014

January 31 is the birthday of Russian vodka

The holiday, of course, is playful and unofficial. It’s just that on January 31, 1865, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev actually defended his dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water.” People believe that it was there that the great chemist proved that the best ratio for drinking of these two components is the famous 40 degrees. That is, vodka. Well, we decided to celebrate Russian Vodka Day with AN. Not by drinking, of course, but by talking about why the “vodka question” was so important in Mendeleev’s times - and is still relevant today.

Time of parallels

From time to time, our statesmen turn their thoughts to the eternal Russian drinking issues. Don't people drink too much here? And if they do drink, who gets the “vodka” money? How to make sure that the entire “drunk ruble” goes into the sovereign’s pocket? Late last year, for example, Senator S. Shatirov proposed selling alcohol in specialized state stores. Many have fond memories of the state alcohol monopoly of Soviet times.

We talk about all this without irony. Indeed, there is a problem. And there is experience in solving it - Soviet, long-standing domestic, foreign. Successful in some ways, not so successful in others, but in general it shows that when we pull one thread, we touch dozens of others.

A writer, author of a series of books on the history of Russian vodka, was asked to help understand the topic “AN” Alexandra NIKISHINA. And as a historical parallel we turned to the period
1895-1914 - the time when the “wine monopoly” program was implemented in Russia. Ruled then AlexanderIII, Then NikolaiII, and at the origins of the monopoly stood a prominent statesman Sergei Witte (see help).

No need for inventionscunning

Alexander III was not a teetotaler. In the evenings I regularly crushed a bottle with a friend - the palace commandant, general Cherevin. Both of them carried a flat flask of cognac in their boot; they loved to wink at each other when the empress turned away, quickly take it out and take a sip: they called it “ the need for invention is cunning" But Alexander is a mighty, big guy, one of those for whom a glass or two is like a pellet to an elephant. Not everyone is like that!

The need for a “wine monopoly” was officially explained primarily by his fatherly concern for his subjects: “the owner of the Russian land” is tormented by the fact that “people get drunk so much" The people really got drunk - but not because they were terribly bad. And the authorities were guided by considerations not only of moral ones.

After the abolition of serfdom, a mass of recent peasants moved to the cities. The percentage of city residents with low incomes has increased sharply - and this is a traditionally drinking environment.

Even when AlexandraII, father Alexandra III, the tax-farm system that had been in effect for many years (a person buys from the state the right to produce and sell alcohol) began to be gradually replaced by a system of excise taxes - on production, on volumes, on sales, etc. But the transition period dragged on, the situation was intermittent: tax farmers tore theirs, cheated with figures, officials stole... No, budget revenues grew - but less than we would like. The question arose about a radical solution to the problem.

A special topic is the quality of the “drinks” of that time. Witte, starting the task, turned to the best Russian chemists, led by Mendeleev. It turned out: in fact, all of our vodka, even popular brands, is low-grade. And it’s scary to say what they interfere with in all sorts of colored tinctures! There are many manufacturers, there is no unified control system, so they use chemicals.

Finally - a global trend. Germany, Sweden, Serbia, Switzerland, the USA, distant Venezuela - everywhere took on their drunkards and introduced various forms of alcohol restrictions based on local conditions. Russia did not want to lag behind.

“AN” has already written (No. 23, 06/21/12) that the then Russian monopoly on vodka did not mean that the state kept absolutely everything in the alcohol sphere to itself. But it set the standards for the drink (see reference) and took control of its sales. This aspect is worth special attention.

The book by A. Nikishin “Secrets of Russian vodka. The Age of Joseph Stalin" you can purchase cash on delivery (280 rubles) by ordering by phone 8(495) 980‑45‑60, or by sending an email to [email protected], or by mail: 125167, Moscow, Aviation Lane, 4a, application and your exact address with zip code, full name. Please indicate “ORDER BOOKS” in the subject line of your email. In Moscow, the book can be bought at the publishing price (160 rubles) at the editorial office at the address: Aviation lane, building 4a (MFYuA building), room 104, or you can order it by phone 8(495) 980‑45‑60 (delivery cost to within the Moscow Ring Road - 200 rubles). We are open: Mon. - Fri. from 10.00 to 18.00.

Vodka standard

The notorious 40 degrees have a very indirect relation to Mendeleev’s dissertation. It was not dedicated to vodka. And in general, “40 degrees” appeared earlier - as a base figure for calculating excise taxes. Actually produced (albeit by private owners) different brands, including stronger ones (up to 70 degrees), and weaker ones - at 30 degrees.

Dmitry Ivanovich’s merit lies elsewhere: he participated in the development of a wine monopoly, spoke out on excise policy, and was involved (although not playing a major role) in the development of “ vodka standard"(introduced in 1895). Then the problem was quality vodka The “standard” established the criteria: such and such requirements for alcohol, such and such a degree, such and such technologies. For violations - we punish. And best of all, gentlemen, take " official bitter wine" Made strictly according to the standard, quality guaranteed by the state.

“Kazyonka” was white (not colored! - colored ones were allowed to private traders), with a strength of 40 degrees. Then they decided: throughout the empire, “state vodka” would have the same price and be produced using the same technology. Therefore, they began to build vodka factories of the same type everywhere (their buildings are the same everywhere, red brick still stands in many Russian cities). At the core modern production vodka - experience in the production of “breech” at the end of the 19th century.


Alexander Nikishin emphasizes: from the point of view of government management, streamlining sales is an absolutely competent measure! Monopoly on release alcohol is not even half the battle. Main - retail! Vaughn Yeltsin At first he abandoned the monopoly, but in 1993 he introduced it again. And in the end? The stores were no longer state owned! And it turned out: at factories (state-owned!) such and such a quantity of vodka is bought at one price, another is sold to the people at a different price, but how this happens and where, bypassing the treasury, billions of rubles disappear - “this is a great secret.” And the authorities played back: it’s easier to impose excise taxes on private owners.

Witte built a different scheme. Produce alcohol anyone can. But it can only be sold to government warehouses. From here the alcohol goes to state factories, where they make “state-owned” vodka, which only goes on sale to the state-owned ones. retail network. Is a private owner a vodka producer? And they will sell him alcohol! But according to the residual principle - from those same state-owned warehouses and at exorbitant prices. In addition, the process of producing vodka is now only under strict government control. At the same time, you will still be subject to crazy excise taxes and taxes. Whether you survive or not is up to you... You can get compensation and leave this area. Or we’ll also help with money! - repurpose production (brothers Shustovs then they switched to cognacs). You can make vodka for export - we don’t prohibit it! Or supply to provinces where we have not yet introduced a monopoly (the process took eight years).

In 1898, the “vodka king” of Russia, Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov lay down on the sofa, lay silently for several days, did not drink, did not eat - and died. Even his business - one of the largest merchants in Russia, a supplier to the court - was going downhill (how those who took over the business got out of it in the new conditions is a separate topic). And that’s what to say! Now in " state-owned wine shops", where you could only buy vodka, a glass of "breech" cost ten kopecks, and a bottle of "Smirnovskaya" cost a ruble (the numbers are relative, but the order of the price ratio is approximately the same).

That is, deliberately unfair competition? Naturally! But vodka is a special product for the country.

Effective manager

Sergey Yulievich Witte(1849-1915) - one of those who today would be called “ effective manager" Smart, energetic, big-thinking, cynical, ready to go over his head. Minister of Railways (1892), Minister of Finance (1892-1903), Head of the Cabinet (then Council) of Ministers (1903-1906)…

The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia is largely the merit of Witte. Financial reform, a profitable state budget, large-scale foreign investments - and this is Witte. Not a bad Portsmouth peace for us after an unsuccessful one Japanese war, freedoms granted by the manifesto NicholasII dated October 17, 1905, - again by Witte. Intrigues, elimination of rivals by any means (including slander and meanness), self-PR, demagoguery - also Witte...

Unwittingly unleashing the genie of the revolution of 1905-1907, he could not control it and left the stage. But this was after the events described. And to launch and implement the “wine reform”, just such a person was needed - a pragmatist, ready to follow the intended line, uncomplicated, capable of holding and delivering blows.

Green signs

What is the then “ state-owned wine shop"("monopoly"), lushly described in his memoirs, for example, Samuel Marshak- the mother of his childhood friend was in such a shop nurse(seller). Dark green sign. A room partitioned off with iron bars. On one side is the seller. There perfect order, cleanliness, rows of shelves where bottles are arranged in order of forty, hundred, two hundred (they are popularly known as “shkaliki”, “bastards”, “half-bastards”), etc. The part is sealed with white sealing wax - this is “cleaned”, it costs more than the simple one, which is with red sealing wax. On the other side of the bars there is a crowd of people. Those who come “under the influence” are prohibited from releasing the goods. If you start yelling and swearing, the prisoner will call the policeman who is always on duty nearby. Therefore, trade, Marshak notes, was generally peaceful.

January 25th, 2014

90 years ago Lenin was buried not only by communists

The same “temporary crypt”

Chairman of the board people's commissars RSFSR, the creator of the world's first socialist state, Vladimir Lenin, died 90 years ago - on January 21, 1924. On January 27, his grand funeral took place in Moscow.

Old files

By then those who Lenin did not love, were either destroyed in Civil War, were either expelled from Russia or remained deafeningly silent. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of people actually passed in front of the red leader’s coffin. Let us note that no one was being chased at gunpoint. And it’s unlikely that there will be many people willing to jostle in a long line in the thirty-degree frost out of ordinary curiosity. This means there are other motives. Which? Ideological? Yes, of course - it’s stupid to deny that millions followed the red banner and the ardent communists sincerely mourned their leader. By someone (say, peasants, many of whom wanted to bow to the coffin) Lenin was simply perceived as a new tsar who replaced “Nikolashka.” Moreover, the king is kind, such a one could, for example, complain about local self-government. He died - what happens next? It’s also an understandable feeling. What else? In such a crowd there could not but be the most ordinary citizens - those who went to church, who went hungry during the time of “war communism”. What brought them?

Soviet newspapers (the author leafed through, first of all, the files “ Truth" And " Izvestia") entire pages were devoted to covering events. Let's skip the official materials. What is interesting, first of all, is the reaction of those who seemed to have nothing to love Lenin for. And generally forgotten details of time.

On behalf of the believers

The new government was anti-God, but still – Power. Whether you like it or not, you have to take it into account. Official church authorities They emphasized that they were also grieving.

“The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church expresses sincere regret on the occasion of the death of the great liberator of our people from the kingdom of centuries-old violence and oppression on the path of complete freedom and self-development. (...) May this silent grave be an incessant tribune for all who wish themselves happiness” - from the Metropolitan’s statement Evdokima. Lenin is named in it "Christian soul". At the Patriarch's Tikhon There were very tense relations with the Bolsheviks. A little later, he published a separate short statement, in standard phrases, on his own behalf.

“Renovationist” that broke away (with the encouragement of the authorities) from the Patriarchal Church Union "Church Revival" bishop Antonina not only expressed grief over “stopping the heart that beat for the working people and the poor“, but also... No, the “renovationists” did not read funeral prayers for the atheist Lenin. But in the Zaikonospassky Cathedral on Nikolskaya it took place “funeral service dedicated to honoring exploits for the benefit of humanity».

There were condolences from the representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in Russia, Sakkelion Vasily Dimopulo, from Muslims (signed by Mufti Fakhretdinova from Ufa), from the All-Russian Union of Baptists (“Russian sectarians, oppressed by tsars and priests, honor the great fighter”). In addition, in Russia there were a lot of beliefs that under the tsar were considered a kind of religious dissidence: Seventh-day Adventists, Tolstoyans (see our information), eunuchs... These people perceived Lenin’s death quite sympathetically - new government saved them from attacks and persecution. Example: “The principles of freedom of conscience, set out in the Constitution and decrees of our great Union Republic, the soul of which was Vladimir Ilyich, are the most precious gift for Adventists.”

The gaze of the blindword of the deaf and dumb

Let's skip the endless responses from workers of factories, factories, railways... Let's take a look at information about other organizations. The students of the Moscow Music College for the Blind now decided to call their concert hall Leninsky. A " general meeting deaf-mutes of Moscow" decided to apply for " turning on the image of Comrade Lenin in the coat of arms of the USSR».

In general, a separate point is who sent the mourning letters to the newspapers back then. In particular - from the “proletarian group of gypsies”; “prisoners of the Sokolniki correctional hospital”; “workers of the Arsky canton”; “military students of the Turkic peoples”; “labor artels of responsible labor”; "American Mennonite Relief"; "Moscow Georgians"; “The All-Russian Union of Photographers”... The “Meeting of Commissioners of the Sukharevsky Market” decided to deduct 5 rubles in gold from each tent “ in order to perpetuate the memory of V.I. Lenin" It was supposed to perpetuate him by donating money to an orphanage.

Reconciliation at the grave

In those days, some people who did not consider the Bolsheviks “ideologically close” also found it necessary to speak out - for example, the former Socialist Revolutionary I. Ozhigov. Or here... “Death reconciles those at war and forces them to resurrect in their memory the good and sublime that was characteristic of the deceased. (...) open coffin We will all tell him our last farewell.” Captions: " Ap. Karelin; G. Anosov; Al-dr. Andreev; A. Solonovich; N. Nikolin; I. Grigoriev; V. Ivanov-Filippov" Karelin, Anosov and Solonovich noted: “for themselves and for their comrades.” These were the leaders of various anarchist groups. A. Svyatogor, N. Lebedev and V. Zikeev issued a separate statement on behalf of Central and Moscow Secretariat of Anarchist-Biocosmists.

January 22nd, 2014

On January 20, at the initiative of more than a hundred deputies, a bill on the next time reform was introduced into the State Duma. What it will be like is not entirely clear. While it is being discussed, will the clocks be moved back an hour or will we return to the practice of seasonal time, when the hands are moved twice a year - in spring and autumn?

According to AN, the first option will be chosen - the Duma majority is leaning towards this. This means that soon winter time will be established in Russia instead of the current “Medvedev-summer time”. The number of time zones, reduced by the same mysterious ex-president, will also be increased. However, the voices of experts are increasingly being heard who consider these measures to be insufficient. What needs to be done to finally bring order to our time calculation?

Break the vicious circle

The speaker of the lower house of parliament directly stated the possibility of an early transition to winter time Sergey Naryshkin. According to him, the State Duma will carefully consider the document: “This is a topic under discussion, the transition to winter time, as I understand it, for the most part society is supported." Deputies are already promising that after the law is adopted, Russians will receive extra hour sleep. At first glance, the idea of ​​the State Duma is excellent. But a number of experts disagree with this. In their opinion, they once again want to solve the problem in a simple but ineffective way.

All last years and even the entire 20th century, Russia walks in the same vicious circle. Throughout its history, the country has lived in winter, summer, mixed, maternity, and standard time... But the problem has not gone away. Moreover, the situation is already confused beyond all measure. With the current confusion in keeping track of time, when reasonable time zones are confused, one additional summer hour has been introduced to standard time, not counting maternity time, it is almost impossible to figure this out on your own.

Therefore, “AN” turned to Viktor Ivanovich Degtyarev- graduate of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, author of popular computer programs based on the Chinese calendar. In addition, Viktor Degtyarev - famous musician. In his youth he played drums and bass guitar in the groups “Skifs”, “Blue Guitars”, “Flame”. Performed with A. Gradsky, V. Malezhik, A. Buinov, D. Tukhmanov, worked with I. Nikolaev. Then he changed his activities - for many years he has been working on problems of time calculation.

Now, in his opinion, “games with time” have reached a dead end. However, nothing else should have been expected. Due to the inertia of thinking, and sometimes even lack of education, no one in power can offer anything better than moving the hands forward or back an hour. Experts have known for a long time that this cannot be a panacea. But after all the experiments, getting on the right path is not easy over time. Sometimes it seems that the situation is confused not by accident, but deliberately. Nevertheless, “AN” will try to gradually and orderly unravel the “temporary tangle.”

Unlucky Territory

Our ancestors left us a great country - the territory of Russia is huge. It is located in the largest number of time zones in the world. This also has its downsides. Russia is located in the middle latitudes of the globe. This is where it is observed the biggest difference between sunrise and sunset times in summer and winter. Simply put, throughout the year the length of day and night varies greatly. You constantly have to adjust your life schedule.

In this sense, those states that are located closer to the equator are more fortunate. On it, the sun always rises at 6 am and sets at 6 pm. So the most ardent innovators have nothing to reform there. In the polar regions of the planet, everything is just as simple: six months is day, six months is night. And very few people live in these regions. They don't care about the sun - some even navigate by the moon. So our territory in terms of time management is one of the most unsuccessful on the planet.

Nevertheless, almost until the beginning of the 20th century, our ancestors hardly cared about this. They lived and did not grieve. The life of people, literally at the genetic level, was subject to solar rhythms. Everyone woke up at sunrise. We went to bed after sunset.

This went on for hundreds and thousands of years. But progress and development of society did their dirty work. Russia has been combed with the same brush as other countries. When unifying time, no one delved into where people lived - in the north or in the south. It is not difficult to guess that it was our country that suffered the worst.

Experimenton living people

Throughout the 20th century, various governments experimented with Russia. The goal is to achieve maximum economic effect. No one thought about people's health. The main thing is saving energy. Although this problem has become less pressing compared to the beginning of the last century, there is still no end in sight to the experiments. As a result, under the guise of supposed “savings,” the health of the population of an entire state is purposefully destroyed. Moreover, according to V. Degtyarev’s calculations, such a strategy brings the benefit of saving electricity - only 1-2%.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that the boundaries of time zones are artificial - they have never strictly corresponded to the real ones. But even in such a difficult situation, Dm. Medvedev managed to “distinguish himself” once again. After his time reform it was completely dark.

By the way

The influence of the circadian cycle on human health

Scientists are confident that in cities where nocturnal lifestyle has become the norm and the normal physiological daily cycle is not observed, the number of cancers increases sharply. Study University of Haifa (Israel) confirms the theory that bright artificial lighting at night disrupts production in the body melatonin and increases susceptibility to prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.

Medvedev's arrows are taken away

As president, Dm. Medvedev slashed from the shoulder. Time zones were shortened, winter time was abolished - the country began to live only during summer time Now it’s clear - it was a mistake. It was better to cancel the summer one. But almost no one understands why everything was done so clumsily. There is a joke that Dmitry Anatolyevich simply wanted to extend his presidency by at least one hour. But he got confused and as a result left the presidency 60 minutes early. Total…

January 19th, 2014

Former CIA and NSA agent Edward Snowden, who fled to Russia, was named person of the year by several influential Western newspapers and television channels. His name thundered throughout the world. Will he have imitators?

The AN columnist asked his old friend, “journalist in uniform” Sergei Viktorovich N., about this.

Talkunder rosehip decoction

We met right after New Year's holidays at the fitness club. At nine in the morning there were almost no people. Outside the huge window of the pool it was night, as the old song says, even if you poke your eyes out. For these tricks with winter time they scolded the LADY in unison - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

We swam 1500 meters. After the holiday violations of the sports regime, it was doubly difficult to overcome the difficult Olympic distance. Tiredly we plopped down on the soft sunbeds.

How is it, the damned West is rotting? - I asked Sergei Viktorovich ironically, who had flown in “from over the hill” a few days ago.

Freezing. “It’s as if the cold war is going on not in a figurative, but in the most literal sense of the word,” he answered, pouring a rosehip decoction flavored with non-alcoholic balm into glasses. - And he is still sick with spy mania.

Is counterintelligence really bothering them? - the AN observer sympathized.

Sergei casually waved his hand:

These guys don't really bother you. But the fools and psychos are already fed up. They failed mine email proposals for cooperation. Snowden's example turned out to be very infectious.

Do secret service agents want fame? - I asked incredulously.

“Not so much fame as money,” said Sergei Viktorovich. - It seems that scammers and adventurers have acquired a new game: Spy on Russian intelligence.

Nothing surprising. False agents pretend to be Snowden, dreaming of fame and fortune. They are also trying to deceive their own authorities,” the AN columnist responded and told his interlocutor a story he had recently heard.

Help "AN"

This has never happened before in the history of espionage. Edward Snowden kidnapped about 1.7 million files containing classified documents about US military intelligence operations. He gave journalists only a little more 200 thousand files. The agency recently reported this AssociatedPress with reference to a closed report of the American military department. Congressmen spoke about him - the head of the House Intelligence Committee Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger.As politicians noted, most of the files from the Snowden dossier are directly related to the current operations of the US Air Force and Navy. According to Rogers and Ruppersberger, even the publication of some of the secret documents stolen by Snowden managed to damage US intelligence activities. And there are new revelations ahead.

Khlestakovsfrom the fake CIA

As foreign media reported, an American official appeared in federal court in Washington at the end of last year for years of fraud. The man skipped work for years and traveled around the world at the expense of his employer, citing fictitious business trips. CIA, while he received more salary than all his bosses.

For his mischief, an employee of the Protection Agency environment, climate change specialist John Bale can get more 30 months in prison. Lime James Bond surrounded himself with the legend that he is a secret CIA operative and is regularly deployed in operations overseas such as Pakistan.

According to preliminary estimates, it lasted about decades the deception cost the American treasury million dollars - this is not only the salary of an official, but also numerous trips and accommodation in expensive hotels. During the fictitious “special operations,” Bale rested at his home in a neighboring state and visited his parents in California at government expense.

Prosecutors insist that Bale's actions, already named "a crime of enormous proportions", caused not only economic damage and damaged the department’s reputation, but also became an insult to real CIA employees. According to the investigation, Bale, a graduate of New York University, whose annual income exceeded 206 thousand dollars, was the highest paid employee of the department. The total funds he received in the form of salaries, bonuses and compensation were greater than those of his immediate superior and the head of the agency.

Since 2000, the fraudster regularly, often for several months in a row, did not go to work, citing his employment with the CIA. At the same time, as it became reliably known, the man was never associated with intelligence activities. Former colleagues John Bale note that such a scam has not occurred in American government agencies for at least the last 35 years.

The deceiver could have gotten away with anything, but greed ruined him: for a year after his retirement, which Bale celebrated in style on a yacht, he continued to “draw” his salary. Only then did law enforcement officers become interested in the situation.

Similar the legend of a mysterious special agent A resident of Turkey also tried to hide. He was “outed” when he refused to pay his bill for a hotel stay in Thailand. Having presented the workers with a false ID, he insisted that he could not give his real name because holds classified CIA information

Last year, as a viewer, I had the pleasure of spending time with actress Anna Kovalchuk twice - firstly, new episodes of “Secrets of the Investigation” were released. And secondly, Kovalchuk distinguished herself on the stage of the Lensovet Theater, playing the main role in the play “We Are All Beautiful People” (in the puzzling direction of Yu. Butusov). Theater fame was added to wide television fame - and the actress’s personality became even more interesting.

Anna Kovalchuk is extremely pretty, and her beauty has something calming about it. She does not provoke, does not excite with overt appeals. This is the beauty of a mature, decent woman “with rules.” It is not for nothing that Kovalchuk has been appearing on screen for so many years in the role of investigator Masha Shvetsova - an exemplary worker, as well as a wonderful wife and mother.

What separates Masha from ordinary representatives of her gender? That she is, first of all, intelligent. And he knows how to control himself. For some reason, many women believe that yelling, crying and screaming for any reason is very cute and feminine. Meanwhile, for every person, the ability to control oneself and one’s emotions is the first, most necessary thing. Masha, performed by Kovalchuk, is a courageous woman, and this makes her similar to the soulful Soviet heroines of cinema of the 50-80s, but in the aura of a kind of “European-quality renovation”.

That is, in fact, our Masha is from the past, from the “Russian Soviets”, clear-eyed, faithful and reliable, who easily hold home and work on strong shoulders, but there is also a side dish of new times: Masha learned to drive a car, learned to dress elegantly and in addition acquired the composure necessary for these times.

And in the play “We Are All Beautiful People” (based on Turgenev’s “A Month in the Country”), the actress in the role of Natalya Petrovna appears as a complex, varied, anxious woman, not so much a Turgenev woman, but rather a musical and plastic variation on the theme of the “eternally feminine.” Director Butusov, acting as a high-voltage generator, generates a field where the actors are transformed, and our Anna is transformed. She appears in jeans, singing modern songs, and in dresses with fluffy skirts she parades, and provokes, and suffers, and teases, and mocks, and yearns... Completely unexpected, new, amazing.

For me, Anna Kovalchuk as an actress is much more interesting and nicer, for example, than the famous Angelina Jolie. Just think, eyes and lips - Kovalchuk also has eyes and lips. Jolie doesn’t know how to act at all; you can admire her in the thriller “The Changeling” by Eastwood, where she has a huge role as an unhappy mother who lost her son. This is some kind of shame, and not a game - Jolie sobs throughout the film, while coquettishly shooting her eyes out from under her hat. And at the same time gets nominated for an Oscar! I can imagine with what hatred the real Hollywood actresses, who are now aged and have been “written off”, look at this: Glen Close, Kathy Bates, Goldie Hawn, there are quite a few of them. The current generation of “beauties” is no match for them.

So you have to love and appreciate your own. You have to love your own. “Did you understand my shallow thought?” (F. Ranevskaya)

Weekly newspaper "Arguments and Facts" is one of the most famous publications in Russia and neighboring countries. For almost 40 years, more than 2 million copies have been delivered to readers four times a month. This newspaper pleases readers with fresh news and educational news not only in different parts Russia, such as Belgorod, Chelyabinsk or Crimea. It is popular in 60 countries around the world, and especially nearby ones, such as Ukraine and Belarus.

Publication forms

The weekly is published not only in printed form.

You can study on the official website last number even before it appeared on newspaper shelves. Everyone with access to the Internet has the opportunity to read all published materials online for free in fresh form.

In addition, the publication is presented on all social networks, such as VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter.

Valid online official store AiFa, which implements PDF versions of the newspaper and all its applications. Their price is lower than that of printed versions and therefore more accessible to a wide range of people. It also provides for a subscription for several months or a year. After payment, the newspaper will be delivered to the customer's mail regularly.

Read for free latest issue newspaper "Arguments and Facts" on the official website online: www.AIF.Ru.

AiF mobile application:

Publishing house "AiF"

The company “Publishing House “AiF” has been in the information and advertising market for a long time. During this time, it has developed into one of the largest in the industry. It includes:

  • 3 newspapers telling about latest news, taking care of health and life outside the city;
  • 3 magazines telling readers about fashion, health, and culinary delights;
  • constantly updated official website.

The company is the initiator of a number of social projects that help low-income citizens and the younger generation. For this purpose, a permanent Good Heart Foundation has been created.

According to recent studies, each new issue of the publication is read by over 6 million people from the Ugra region to the city of Rostov.

The main newspaper "AiF" contains the following sections concerning:

  • politics and social life;
  • incidents that happened during the week;
  • cultural and sports news;
  • taking care of your own health;
  • arrangement of housing, food;
  • automobile news;
  • entertainment.

Section "Society"

In this section, the publication's journalists publish topical articles informing readers about the news:

  • scientific community of the state of Russia and other countries;
  • spheres of education, education;
  • bodies ensuring the security of the country, the army, as well as liquidating emergency situations;
  • Agriculture, social sphere;
  • about improvements and problems in the lives of ordinary citizens.

Residents of the large cities of St. Petersburg, Volgograd and other populated areas of the country will always find the latest news relating to their region here.

Politics news

One of the most read sections of the newspaper is “Politics”. The news from Russia and the world posted there tell about:

  • lives of top officials of states;
  • the decisions they make and their consequences;
  • peace processes and hostilities;
  • electoral processes in different countries;
  • activities political parties within the country and abroad.

IN Lately every week is filled with data on the fight against terrorism and related political processes.

Financial news

The section telling about global financial processes is of constant interest to specialists and ordinary citizens.

Everyone is interested in the question of how external economic problems affect the lives of ordinary citizens. This applies not only to the capital, but also to regional centers such as Yaroslavl, Kazan or Krasnoyarsk.

In addition, readers are presented with the latest interstate agreements aimed at developing trade and industry.

Incident information

In this part of the newspaper you can always find articles about the problems of fighting crime in Russia and abroad, high-profile crimes and their detection.

The publication’s journalists also talk about man-made accidents and natural disasters.

The interest of readers is attracted to the fight against the consequences of disasters and emergencies. They are also warned about the dangers that exist in different countries and regions. Citizens of the country living not only in the capital regions, but also in cities such as Kirov or Omsk, follow with interest the work of law enforcement agencies and rescuers.

Articles about real estate

Many readers are interested in the real estate market in the country and abroad. The rise or fall in prices largely regulates the level of development of the economy as a whole. Now the dacha is becoming not only a place of relaxation, but also a source of food. There are practically no people who are indifferent to the following questions:

  • home improvement;
  • landscape design and growing vegetables in the country;
  • sale, rental of houses and apartments;
  • compliance with legislation during construction and repairs;
  • registration of rights to houses and land;
  • protection of monuments.

The problems of setting tariffs for housing and communal services and energy saving are also relevant. Increasingly, not only the Urals, but also residents of the capital are asking to write about this.

Healthy lifestyle issues

Sections on health and nutrition are inextricably linked. Readers place their health at the top of their list of personal priorities.

Therefore, the publication’s journalists publish on the pages of the newspaper:

  • interviews with leading doctors of the country and abroad;
  • general recommendations for maintaining and improving health and using various diets;
  • recommendations from specialists on maintaining physical and nervous health;
  • articles about dangerous and healthy products, recipes for their preparation.

The publication reflects the issues of maintenance and influence on the state of the body of pets, positive and dangerous aspects.

Development of culture

Not a single issue of the newspaper is complete without information about the lives of theater, film and pop stars.

The publication's employees try to meet interesting actors and pop figures. Their interviews describe not only the story of their success, but life advice and plans for the future. It cannot be done without describing scandalous incidents with stars, their weddings and divorces.

On the pages of the publication, readers will learn about new cinema and theater projects, the results of music and film festivals before anyone else.


Newspaper editoring:


  • OGRN: 1027700459379;
  • INN: 7701103751;
  • Checkpoint: 770101001.

From issue to issue, the editorials of the editor-in-chief of the Argumenty Nedeli newspaper, Andrei Uglanov, become more and more harsh. It would seem much more? However, judge for yourself...

The new “bomb” of the editor-in-chief begins, it would seem, quite harmlessly - with the marriage of the Crown Prince of the British Royal Family, officer William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten-Windsor, with the daughter of flight attendant and pilot Kate Middleton. Needless to say, Andrei Uglanov writes in his editorial, that in Great Britain the whole country knows about every step not only of the reigning persons. Prime ministers, ministers, politicians, their wives, children, fathers and mothers are all under the control of society. Every mistake they make is discussed and they have to apologize. There is no reason to plant them.

And then the author moves on to comparisons. Who from the current composition of the so-called Russian authorities at least mention that their sons are serving in the army? The Nashinskys are proud of something else. The eldest son of the Chairman of the Security Council, Patrushev, at the age of Prince William, was appointed to Rosselkhozbank. The younger one, a graduate of the FSB Academy, works as an adviser to the chairman of the board of Rosneft. Prosecutor General Chaika has a younger son, a student, who loves to drive a Mercedes on Moscow roads. The eldest has already become a participant in major scandals where people die. Minister of Agriculture Skrynnik is simply a model of morality. She changed three husbands, and the second accused her of threatening to kill. There is a long and special conversation about her financial exploits. In England, she would have become the heroine of front-page scandals and, at best, would have faded into oblivion.

Minister Khristenko and his wife Minister Golikova. This is a completely unique case. There was no such cozy family nest in the government even under the communists. Both are “reforming” the country with all the accounting hatred. Both are always lobbying for something. He is foreign planes and much more, she is their mysterious Arbidol tablets mutual friend. At the same time, he does not like doctors and patients. She believes that even a dead man was recently planted on her. Other ministers also participate in the cuts and divisions. And also their family members.
There are, however, one or two secrets that are inaccessible to us. Everything that concerns members of the families of the duumvirate. Do their children live in Russia, and not in London, like the children of many Russian officials? And the main secret is how they tolerate a group of black accountants next to them, running the country on behalf of the president, but according to their own concepts?
However, this topic has nothing to do with the upcoming wedding in London. This is how Andrei Uglanov ends his editorial, after reading which one becomes afraid both for the editor-in-chief and for his newspaper...

A lot in latest issue and other materials on political topics. A frequent guest on the pages of Arguments of the Week, Nikolai Levichev, whose bold, different from the official point of view, publications about the processes taking place in the country literally exploded the readership, in the new issue of the weekly he himself gives an interview, but already in the rank of chairman of the A Just Russia party.

And here is the news from United Russia. From the current parliamentary faction of this party, “AN” writes, to the lists for future elections of a new composition State Duma no more than... 30 people will be included.

Or a publication entitled “Dancing Medvedev”. In the last period, this material says, observers have registered strange trends. Dmitry Medvedev makes statements that will further prevent him from winning the sympathy of electoral groups.

In the UN 2010 quality of life ranking, which combines health, longevity, education, and GDP per capita, Russia took 65th place, right after poor Albania ( Soviet Union before its collapse it was in 26th place). Over the past 10–12 years, more than 17 thousand villages have ceased to exist. Today, no more than 20–30 people live in each of the 20 thousand rural settlements. Who? Old men. Abandoned and sick. What is happening in our country? Why have we become orphaned and wretched in such a great space? And why did such terrible changes occur in the Russian village? The answers to these and many other questions are in the latest issue of Arguments of the Week.

There is, of course, a lot of material on the pages of the weekly about the bright sides of our lives. For example, the AN columnist was lucky enough to be part of the delegation of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the delegation delivered the Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to Moscow.

And Pskov residents will be interested in learning from the latest issue of AN that housing prices in their region are far from the highest. It turns out that in the North-West of Russia there is a city (no, not St. Petersburg, you guessed wrong!), where the cost of new apartments is much higher than in Pskov! And the population is almost the same.

The latest issue, as always, contains a lot of other useful and interesting information.
