Letter template for friend horizontal. General rules for writing business letters. stage. Making suggestions, recommendations

By using business correspondence there is not only coordination of business activities, but also the collection of the necessary information for this organization, which will be in demand during various reporting audits. Therefore, first of all, the tasks of administrative employees include the correct maintenance of business records, for which various internal instructions and forms. The advantage of a standard form is the fact that the person fills it out automatically, thereby saving their time and the time of the company.

Business correspondence should contain:

Reliable and complete information;
- summary due to the lack of narration;
- neutral tone of address, but in a friendly manner;
- a logical chain, and not an emotional assessment of the facts presented.

How to write a business letter?

The most important thing is to decide what type of business letter is suitable for this situation. There are several types of it:

- the confirmation;
- refusal;
- transmittal letter;
- invitation;
- warranty;
- information;
- a letter with a notice and an order.

As a rule, such business letters require a response that contain a request, offer, appeal, request or demand in their content.

Rules for writing a business letter.

The tone of a business letter carries a very important emotional load, since veiled disrespect will still show through with impeccable communication techniques. You should be especially careful when writing a business letter containing a refusal. In this case, you should not state the refusal at the very beginning of the letter. In the first part of the message, you should give convincing arguments in favor of your point of view, for this you can use formulas such as

- “Unfortunately, we cannot satisfy your request”;
- “We are deeply sorry, but it is not possible to satisfy your wish”, etc.

In case of refusal, it is important to remember that our task is to refuse, but not to lose the customer, partner, etc.

So, the basic rules for writing a business letter:

For the correct assimilation of the essence of the letter, it is necessary to repeat the request addressed to the addressee several times in the text;
- in the letter of refusal it is important to indicate the reasons why this request cannot be satisfied;
- offer rejection is a rejection formula.

Language of business correspondence.

It is important that the reader of business correspondence captures only its essence, and not the language in which it is written. It is in this condition that mastery of the rules for writing a business letter lies, which is developed over many years of experience.

It should be remembered that in a business letter:

Must be consumed simple words at the same time, without impoverishing the content;
- use verbs more often than adjectives - this will make the text of the letter dynamic;
- stay close to the meaning of the appeal, without going into details and reasoning;
- do not use long sentences, as they scatter the reader's attention;
- the transition between phrases should be logical and imperceptible;
- use as few pronouns as possible.

A business letter is distinguished by literacy and style.

Drafting of business correspondence.

When writing a business letter, remember that the top part (1/4 sheet of A4) must remain free for letterhead. Also, in the upper corner of the letter, the outgoing number and date are indicated, which are recorded in a special journal of outgoing mail.

In the lower left corner, the position, surname and signature of the manager are indicated, and at the very end of the sheet the surname of the executor of the business letter is indicated with his phone number for additional information.

Thus, a business letter consists of three parts: the essence of the request, its justification and supporting information.

When replying to a letter, the first part of the content should refer to the last letter of the addressee. If there is a foreign correspondence, then for better clarity, it is necessary to attach a booklet to the letter, a link to which will be indicated in this letter. It is very important to end such a letter with gratitude for cooperation and the phrase “Yours sincerely (name) ...”

People have been writing letters to each other since time immemorial. By letters, one can judge the character of a person, his education, hobbies, and most importantly, how well he speaks the language in which he writes. Those who study the language will sooner or later face the need to learn how to write letters in English language.

A letter may be needed when entering a higher educational institution abroad, when passing a language exam, when applying for a job. But not only in the world of business communication, it is important to know how to write a letter in English. Informal correspondence can also have an impact on your life, communication with friends and acquaintances. Your letters will be judged by those who read them. Do you want to leave a good impression of yourself? We will introduce you to the basic rules of correspondence in English. Worth repeating too. Before you start writing a letter, you need to determine for what purpose you are doing this, and therefore - to determine the type of letter.

Types of letters in English

All letters can be divided into personal (Personal letter) and business (Business letter). We talked about correspondence with business partners and the main taboos of business correspondence earlier, today we will discuss the rules of personal correspondence in more detail. Are there general strict rules for writing letters in English? When it comes to personal correspondence, the answer is obvious - no. This is in business documentation, communication with business partners, letter templates in English are often used. Personal correspondence is your own business, sorry for the tautology. And yet, there are a few tips that will help make correspondence more enjoyable for you and the person with whom you are conducting an epistolary conversation. In addition, if you are new to the world of English, it is still better to try writing your first letters using templates.

Of course, stream of consciousness is a good thing, but only in the works of Joyce. If you want your letter to be read to the end, respect the addressee. Try to make the text easy to read. The structure of the letter in English is the same important element as well as the meaning you put into the written words.

The letter, as a rule, has the following structural elements:

  • appeal - a separate line
  • a short introduction (in which you can refer to previous contacts, previously written letters, etc.) - a separate paragraph
  • main body - a few paragraphs
  • conclusion - a separate line
  • final phrase - a separate line
  • signature (name only) - separate line
  • in the upper right corner, you should indicate the address of the author and the date under the address

We offer a sample letter in English, with the following structure:

The form of address always depends on the degree of acquaintance with the person to whom you are addressing in the letter. Let's take a few examples.

  • Dear John! contacting a friend, relative
  • Dear Sir- address if this John is your boss. Official address.
  • My dear Sir an appeal that can be used in personal correspondence with irony
  • Dear Mr. Smith- formal address to a stranger (you don't know who John is)

Tip 3. A few important points to pay attention to

1. If you do not know the gender of the addressee, write his full name: Dear T.K. Spinazola

2. If you do not know which abbreviation is best to use: Miss or Mrs, since you don't know if a woman is married, use neutral Ms.

3. If you are writing a letter to two people, include both names in the appeal

4. These appeals cannot be reduced: Professor, Dean, Governor, Captain, Admiral, JudgeSister, Senator

5. These addresses should never be used in their entirety Mr., Ms., Mrs. and Dr.

In order to write a letter correctly for the first time, it is good to have a sample letter in English handy.

Template phrases for writing letters

5 introductory phrase templates:

  • It was great to get your letter….
  • Thanks for your letter. It was great/lovely to hear from you.
  • Thanks for your long letter. It was really great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages….
  • Sorry I haven't written for so long but….
  • I was really pleased to hear that…

These phrases are neutral, you can start a letter with them to any addressee. Sometimes it is difficult to find words, especially if you are not writing in mother tongue. Template phrases will help you structure the text of the letter, correctly formulate your thoughts.

5 Closing Phrase Templates:

  • I would really like you to visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
  • Please give/send my regards (love) to your….
  • And write and tell me your plans for….
  • Write back soon!
  • If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Advice letter template (5 options):

  • I am writing to ask for your advice
  • Can you give me your advice?
  • I've got a problem and I need your advice.
  • What do you think I should do?
  • Do you think I should…?

Phrases for different letters:

We wish you only good and warm letters!


Hello! In this article, we will talk about business letters.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why business correspondence has not lost its relevance;
  2. What are business letters and how are they drawn up;
  3. How to write a business letter.

Now outside our windows - time high technology and the Internet. But business correspondence has not lost its importance and relevance, it has simply moved to other media. Why it is important to be able to compose and format business letters, let's talk today.

Why do you need business correspondence

First of all, it is an opportunity to exchange opinions, suggestions and thoughts with employees or business partners. With the help of correspondence, they state claims, requests, clarify misunderstandings between companies.

Business correspondence is one of the varieties of official.

Differences between business letters and others

The main differences are as follows:

  • Style of presentation;
  • Vocabulary that does not allow a vivid expression of emotions;
  • It is issued on the official letterhead of the company;
  • The font is not too small, but not large, while the same throughout the text;
  • Rarely occupy more than 1 page;
  • The presence of strict official subordination.

Types of business letters

All business letters can be conditionally divided into several groups. We will dwell on each in more detail and give a brief description.

Letters that do not need to be answered.

  • Letter of guarantee;
  • Accompanying;
  • Informational;
  • Warning letter;
  • Reminder letter.

Letters that need a response.

  • Appeal;
  • Sentence;
  • Request;
  • Requirement;
  • Petition.

non-commercial letters.

  • Invitation letter;
  • Condolence letters;
  • Thank you letters;
  • Letters informing about something;
  • Letters containing recommendations;
  • letters of guarantee;
  • Letters confirming that the goods have been received, the service has been provided, and so on;
  • Letters of congratulations on various occasions;
  • Letter of request;
  • Instruction letters;
  • Cover letters.

Commercial letters.

Usually they are used before entering into an agreement, as well as during the validity of the contract.

These include:

  • Letters with answers to inquiries;
  • direct request;
  • - a letter in which it is proposed to make a deal or conclude an agreement;
  • Claim;
  • Reminder;
  • A letter containing a warning about the termination of agreements or the need to fulfill obligations, etc.

If we talk about classification by structure, then there are 2 types of business letters:

  • Containing the text of the author and written in free form;
  • Compiled according to a strict pattern.

By addressees.

  • Circular - a letter that is sent to several recipients;
  • Normal - sent to one addressee on behalf of one person;
  • Collective - sent to one addressee, but from several persons.

Letters are also divided according to the form in which they were sent:

  • Sent as a fax message;
  • sent by email;
  • Those sent in regular envelopes.

There are types of letters that, for ethical reasons, should be handwritten rather than typed. This applies to condolences and congratulations.

Secrets of correct design

The text of the letter is divided into introductory, main and final parts. They are logically related to each other. The introductory part includes the circumstances that led to the creation of the letter, and the main part is the content itself. In the final part, the results are summed up, which express the request, refusal, and so on.

In general, business correspondence with all responsibility can be called an art, because it is necessary to learn how to conduct it correctly, in compliance with all requirements. After all, most often we only think about the fact that the information is presented clearly, but we forget that the letter can be considered the face of the company.


Each letter is kept in a strict business style, the speech means typical for official documents are used.

Requirements for the presentation of information.

All information contained in the letter is set out as follows:

  • Addressed, intended for a specific person;
  • As of the date of writing, all information must be up-to-date;
  • Reliably;
  • Impartially;
  • Argued;
  • As much as possible so that based on it it was possible to make a decision.


First of all, the letter is drawn up on a letterhead that is branded for the company.

  • For writing a business letter, A4 sheets are used;
  • The left margin of the form must be at least 3 cm, since after some time they will be sent to the binder;
  • The name of the company, its legal and actual address, address Email;
  • It is better to use the standard font Times New Roman, size 12. It is the most optimal and is well perceived when reading;
  • It is allowed to issue business letters without using a letterhead, then you need to provide information from the form after all.

If the letter refers to major transactions related to finances or confidential information of a different nature, send such letters by fax or to in electronic format Not recommended. Better the old fashioned way, in an ordinary paper envelope.


If the letter consists of several pages, then they are numbered, starting from the second. Numbers are put down at the top in the middle in Arabic numerals. Do not put any dots next to the number.

Division into parts.

This means dividing the letter into paragraphs. The text should not go in a continuous stream, so it simply will not be perceived. By dividing into paragraphs, you can see where one thought ends and another begins.

Availability of fixes.

Corrections and typos, as well as erasures, are undesirable. The letter must be composed correctly, and the text is printed at intervals of 1.5 - 2.

Details used.

We will indicate only the main ones, since we already briefly talked about them a little earlier:

  • If the enterprise is state-owned, the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is used. It is located in the middle of the official form;
  • Company name in full;
  • Fax and telephone numbers;
  • Bank account number;
  • Addressee - moreover, the name of the addressee company is used in the nominative case, use the dative case to indicate the position and surname of the recipient;
  • If the addressee has an academic degree or title, indicate it before the person's surname;
  • Any props are written on a new line and with a capital letter.

Business letter after the meeting

you spent business meeting, there has been some prospect for . How to reflect this in the letter, we will discuss further.

  1. First of all, at the beginning of the letter, refer to the date and time of your communication with a potential partner, even if a couple of days have passed since the meeting.
  2. Avoid mistakes or overly complex phrases: make the letter short and clear, but in such a way that the recipient has a desire to read it.
  3. Mention what the conversation was about. For example: " We discussed how much the Venetian style vase would cost.”
  4. Make sure that the recipient of the letter expresses his attitude to the topic of the meeting.
  5. Specify the time when you can communicate by phone or meet in person.
  6. Tell the recipient that you are waiting for cooperation with him: " Hope to have further business relationship with you«.
  7. End the letter with the following or similar phrase: Best wishes to you...».

Email business letters

It is impossible to ignore the requirements for their design, since now more and more letters are issued in electronic form than in paper. It's the 21st century after all.

It is not difficult to prepare a business e-mail, the requirements for registration are identical to traditional letters. The only thing is that such a letter should always have a title (or subject line) so that it simply does not get lost in the documentation flow.

In addition, when such a letter is answered, it is better not to change the subject of the letter, so you will quickly understand what it is about if you receive a lot of emails.

Also, you should not use cutting-edge software when making attachments to such letters, it is far from a fact that your addressee has the same. If it is not there, the letter simply will not open.

Don't use emoticons when writing a business email. Technology is great, but use business language when writing.

What is the deadline for responding to a letter?

If the letter belongs to the category requiring a response, then when to respond depends on the information contained in the letter:

  • If you receive a request, within the next three days from the date of receipt, confirm that it has been received. And the final answer can be given within a month;
  • If we are talking about condolences, it can be sent within ten days after the sad event happened;
  • It is permissible to send a congratulation within 8 days from the moment you learned about the solemn date;
  • If we talk about the general rules of good manners, then it is better to respond to letters within seven days.

How to write a business letter: simple language about complex

Distinguish between a business letter and personal correspondence. We have already talked more than once today about what these differences are, we should not forget about them. Now let's look at writing a letter in stages.

Stage 1. Specify the addressee.

In the upper right corner of the form we write the last name, initials and position of the person to whom we address the letter. If the addressee is an organization, indicate its legal address.

Stage 2. Appeal.

We place it in the middle of the form. It is carried out in a respectful manner, without abbreviations and blots.

Example: Dear (name, patronymic)! Also, an address to the addressee can be carried out with an indication of his position. But when you address a person by name, it reduces psychological stress, indicates that the business relationship is stable and established.

Stage 3. Purpose statement.

Explain the purpose of the letter, its essence and main ideas. This part is the main one. Write about what you want to say, what is the reason for the appeal. But do not forget about the official and neutral style.

Stage 4. Making suggestions, recommendations.

Almost any business letter implies that the addressee will respond to it. This is not required mainly only by letters of an informational nature. Therefore, do not just describe the problem, but also suggest how it can be solved.

If you file a complaint, ask for certain measures to be taken, but if you offer to cooperate, tell us what options are available.

Simply put, the one who receives the letter must see that they not only want something from him, but also understand how this can be done.

How to end a business letter

A business letter must be written perfectly. If the spelling rules are not followed, this can negatively affect the reputation of the company as a whole. Therefore, we propose now to dwell in more detail on the design of the final part of a business letter.

At the end of the letter, summarize everything that was said earlier. But it’s not worth stretching the conclusions over 10 sentences, after all, brevity and conciseness are valued in business letters. It is better to limit yourself to simple phrases.

We will put 2 indicators as the basis of the ending: it should be as polite and correct as possible. There are different options for how to build it.

Here are some examples:

  • Thank you for your attention or help: Thank you! (Let me thank you…);
  • Express your hopes for the future: We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation (We hope to receive an answer in the near future ...);
  • You can build a phrase with the assurance of the addressee of something: We would be glad to cooperate with you;
  • Make a request: Please report the results;
  • Sorry for the inconvenience caused: I apologize for the unexpected delay in payment of the material.

How to say goodbye to the addressee.

Despite the fact that the correspondence is official, you can say goodbye in different ways.

Here are a few options:

  • With respect to you…;
  • Wishing you success...;
  • Best wishes…

We put the signature correctly.

When signing a letter, indicate your position, first and last name. If you doubt the appropriateness of a phrase like: " Yours sincerely" - just don't use it.

You can indicate your contacts, additional phone number or email address in the signature, so you show the recipient that you are ready to communicate and cooperate with him.

In the next part of our article, I would like to talk about business letters in English.

Business letters in English

There is no regulated form for compiling such letters. Everything will depend on what the purpose of the letter is and who the recipient is. We present here brief recommendations for compiling.

Date of writing.

If we write in the USA, then in the indication of the date we put the month first, then the day, and only then the year. If to the UK - the date is affixed as in the Russian Federation. At the same time, write the month in letters, avoid confusion.

Recipient details.

  • If you write to a man, please contact: Mr (insert last name);
  • If a woman who is married: Mrs (insert last name);
  • For an unmarried lady: Miss (insert last name);
  • If you do not know the status of the lady: Ms (insert last name).

Address indication.

The order is opposite to that adopted in the Russian Federation: office, house number, street name, postal code, state name (if we write in the USA), county name and country name (if we write in the UK).

How to contact the recipient.

Standard calls:

  • Dear madam;
  • Dear Sir;
  • Dear Sir or Madam;
  • Dear Mrs;
  • Dear.

After the appeal, we put a comma (if we write to the UK) or a colon (if we write in the USA). An exclamation mark is not accepted.


Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter, as well as in the Russian Federation.

Main text.

Divide it into paragraphs. Or write each sentence on a new line.

How to say goodbye

For example, like this: Thanking you for assistance, we remain Yours truly"- Thank you, devoted to you ... although it can be less formal.

Signature formatting.

We put the signature under the paragraph with farewell, indicate our last name and first name, company name and position.

Designing applications.

If you are attaching any documents, indicate this at the end of the letter: " Enc." and list applications.

What to capitalize.

  • Surnames and initials;
  • Company names;
  • Names of cities, states, and so on;
  • Any words that indicate the position held;
  • First words in farewell;
  • Introductory remarks.

Before we end the conversation, we will give samples of business letters in Russian and English.

Sample business letters in Russian and English


Summing up, I would like to say that a business letter is a tool for communication in any field of activity. If written correctly, it will certainly present your company in a positive way.

On the other hand, a letter written sloppily, with errors, is capable of destroying the most promising business. Write letters correctly, and we tried to tell you how to do it.

The entrepreneur has to conduct active correspondence both with officials (for example, representatives of state bodies) and with “semi-official” ones - partners, contractors, specialists involved in a freelance order, and so on. The skill of written communication is developed quite quickly, but at first you can make a lot of mistakes and make not the most pleasant impression on your addressees. In this article, we will talk about the features of writing both ordinary business letters (on paper) and electronic messages.

Letterhead and layout

Be sure to use your company's letterhead. This always makes an impression and increases the loyalty of the “interlocutors”. The type of forms, the norms for filling them out and the design elements must be fixed in the order for the organization (or instructions for office work). Basic requirements for business letter forms can be found in GOST 2003 "Requirements for paperwork."

It is desirable to “squeeze” basic information about the company into the form:

  • name (and abbreviated name);
  • actual and postal addresses;
  • E-mail address;
  • Contact phone numbers;
  • Website address.

This is not a list of mandatory data, but only an indicative list. You can add or remove as you wish.

The general requirements for writing a letter are as follows:

  • minimum indent - 10 mm on the right and 20 mm on the left, top and bottom;
  • if the letter is written on two or more sheets, each of them must be numbered in the middle from the top;
  • each application is separately numbered;
  • the outgoing number of the letter is indicated in the upper left corner (do not forget to fix it in the document registration log);
  • in the upper right corner the name of the organization, the position of the addressee and his surname with initials are indicated;
  • in the lower left corner - your position, surname with initials and signature;
  • be sure to put down the date of writing the letter at the bottom.

However, GOST 2003 allows the use of forms not only with an angular, but also with a longitudinal arrangement of details (when they are indicated in the center). corner arrangement looks more familiar and easier to read, so it's better to choose this option.

General rules for writing

The classic text structure of a business letter includes three elements:

  • introductory part (a brief indication of the reasons why the letter is written, its purpose);
  • content (description of the situation, proposal of solutions, presentation of conclusions and recommendations);
  • summarizing part (a brief summary with a clear indication of what you expect from the addressee).

You should always understand the purpose of writing a letter. Do you want to offer cooperation? Submit a claim? Invite to a presentation or other event? Write only about this and do not be distracted by lengthy arguments and assumptions that are not relevant to the case.

Every business letter should have one specific goal. If you touch on several issues in it, they should be closely related. If you need to contact the same organization on several different topics, it is better to write a separate letter for each of them.

Writing language

The style of business correspondence is “lightweight” official business. It is possible and necessary to standardize phrases, use some clichés and clichés, but it is not recommended to bring all this to dry bureaucracy. "Live" language is always perceived easily and favorably. Of course, business written speech must comply with the norms of etiquette (which will be discussed below), but the essence of the issue should be stated clearly and concisely.

A few practical tips:

  • use simple words: “smart” terms are perceived poorly and often cause irritation in a person who is forced to read and decipher them;
  • use verbs more often and adjectives less often;
  • do not spread your thoughts along the tree - only specifics and only within the framework of a given topic, without many details and insignificant details;
  • avoid long statements, if possible, do not use participles and participles;
  • write specifically: various “about this”, “they/he/she” are unacceptable;
  • avoid logical inconsistencies and abrupt transitions from one semantic block to another;
  • check everything written by ear: speech errors found in almost every unedited text.

One of the main rules for writing business letters says: the message must be literate and stylistically verified.

Features of addressing the addressee

As a rule, the addressee is addressed once, at the beginning of the letter. This can be done in three ways.

  1. If you are addressing a person for the first time (or if a purely official relationship has been established between you and the addressee), you should use an address that indicates a certain distance. Example: "Dear Mr. Ivanov!".
  2. If you are addressing a person with whom you have long established a trusting business relationship, it is better to call him by his first name and patronymic. Example: "dear Ekaterina Leonidovna!".
  3. When addressing collectively, use the standard phrase "Dear Sirs!".

In the final part, you need to use the so-called closing phrase. There are more options here:

  • "Respectfully," "Sincerely yours";
  • "Best wishes";
  • “With the hope of continuing cooperation”;
  • “We are always happy to serve you”;
  • etc.

In a word, the choice of the last phrase is a matter of taste.

business writing ethics

Even the veiled disdain in a business letter does not go unnoticed. Of course, in this case, you will no longer be able to count on a positive or at least even attitude towards yourself. The conclusion is obvious: do not give in to emotions and keep yourself within even if the addressee really infuriates you. Always pay attention to the tone of the message.

Particular attention should be paid to the letter containing the refusal. It is extremely unwise to start such a message with a categorical "no" in one form or another - this will create the feeling in the person that he was simply sent. Try to provide convincing (not contrived) explanations first. Having briefly outlined the reasons for the refusal, one should smoothly move on to stating it. In this case, the following expressions can be used:

  • “Unfortunately, we do not see an opportunity to grant your request”;
  • “Your request cannot be granted for the following reasons…”;
  • "Deeply sorry, but we have to decline your offer."

Ideally, even before justifying the refusal - at the very beginning of the letter - you should briefly repeat the request of the addressee. He will understand that you have carefully read his request or proposal, and will certainly appreciate it. Perhaps in the future you will work together again - why immediately broadcast the negative and scare the person away with excessive harshness?

Never go to the other extreme. Flattery and numerous assurances of a sincere disposition are obvious signs of insincerity. Insincerity always causes rejection.

Composing emails

Messages on paper are already becoming obsolete. Of course, "paper" correspondence will never completely disappear, but in a few years letters written on classic forms will become a rarity. Negotiations are increasingly being conducted electronically. The modern entrepreneur now sends many more letters by email than by regular mail.

Business letters sent by e-mail follow the same general rules. Requirements for language, style and tone, adherence to etiquette - all these mandatory elements do not change. However, electronic messages have their own specific features.

  1. Make sure that your login looks solid or at least adequate. [email protected]- Good, [email protected]- poorly.
  2. It is very important to always fill in the "Subject" field. It depends on this line whether a person will open the incoming message. If you are writing to a person you do not know, you should try and come up with an interesting headline. But do not overdo it - topics in the spirit of "Urgent!!! Special offer open right now!” cause only the desire to quickly click on the basket icon at the top. The title should consist of 3-5 words and reflect the content of the message.
  3. If you are not familiar with the addressee, briefly describe who you are, how you learned about him. Without it necessary entry The message may be mistaken for spam and immediately deleted.
  4. Do not disable quoting in the settings - let the previous correspondence be displayed below, under the cut.
  5. Reading from the screen is a dubious pleasure. A paper letter can be picked up, and for this reason alone it is taken more seriously on an unconscious level than an electronic one. Consider this.
  6. The shorter the email message, the faster it will be answered.
  7. Use only standard fonts.
  8. Do not overuse text selection - to the most important points"bold" can be used, but different colors are not allowed.
  9. No "caps". Never. Even in the subtitles. The same applies to duplicate punctuation marks.
  10. Separate text into paragraphs with spacing between them (just leave a blank line).
  11. You can attach images or text files to an email. Additional materials and explanations, comments, detailed detailed descriptions- all this should be in the attached files, but not in the body of the letter.
  12. AT business correspondence with the people with whom you have established trusting relationship(we are talking about proven partners, reliable counterparties) you can occasionally use emoticons. This will “revive” communication - smileys on the screen (even in a business message) are perceived quite positively. Of course, they cannot be used in "paper" letters.
  13. Be sure to sign. AT emails it usually consists of 3-6 lines and includes the name and surname of the sender, his position, company name, website address and contact phone number.

Signature example:


Ivan Ivanov

[email protected]


Here is a sample business letter for you.

Summing up

Although it is quite simple, examples of well-written business letters are not so numerous. Entrepreneurs regularly get confused in the design, use not quite correct addresses and forget about important nuances.

We list the main features inherent in good business messages:

  • objectivity;
  • brevity (it is desirable that the letter takes no more than one page);
  • neutral tone of presentation;
  • lack of reasoning, narrative, excessive detail;
  • lack of emotional evaluations;
  • a clear logical relationship between parts of the text and individual phrases.

This is a kind of checklist that you can check at first. After hundreds of written and sent business messages, the need for it will disappear. Do not ignore the above rules and remember: the “pumped” skill of business correspondence significantly increases your reputation and, accordingly, the image of the company.
