Public catering system. Catering

Industry Composition

Into the industry Catering includes:

This also includes specialized catering establishments different types that produce and sell culinary products that are homogeneous in their range, taking into account the specifics of service and organization of leisure for consumers. These include restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, canteens, beer halls, dumpling shops, snack bars, pie shops, donut shops, etc.

Private cafe.
Arranged in a room that was not originally suitable for eating; fenced off with bars typical of the post-Soviet period

Catering enterprises

Catering establishment- the general name of an organization that provides public catering services through: production of culinary products, their sale and organization of catering for various groups of the population.

Complex catering enterprises simultaneously carry out the functions of several specialized catering enterprises, for example: a restaurant, cafe, snack bar and culinary store.

Catering establishments can be located in public places accessible to all citizens (the so-called public network), and on the territory of institutions and enterprises, serving only persons working there (the so-called closed network). In the public network, in addition to individual enterprises of different owners, uniformly managed groups of technologically interconnected food enterprises and related enterprises are distinguished. These subnets - if they have a single owner - are also called "power networks" from an organizational point of view. The largest of them have branded (“Russian Bistro”, “McDonald’s”) or functional (“School Canteen Network”) names.

IN economic analysis and when designing public catering establishments, they are characterized by such indicators as capacity (number of seats in the dining room), productivity (number of dishes produced per shift)

Catering in the USSR

In 1923, in Moscow, on the basis of the Central Commission for Combating the Consequences of Famine under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee ("Posledgol") and with the support of the Central Union, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the People's Commissariat for Food, the People's Commissariat of Health and a number of other people's commissariats, the Narpit mutual partnership was organized - a public food service that later transformed in "Vsenarpit" - All-Union Society of People's Nutrition. State organization nutrition bore this name until 1930. Narpit branches existed throughout Russia.

In the USSR, the systematic organization of public catering began during the years of the first Five-Year Plan, during the era of industrialization. For this purpose, gigantic kitchen factories were designed and built in the largest cities (in Minsk, for example, 400 people worked), and smaller catering workshops, classic type procurement organization of catering. Their main products - ready-made meals for delivery to factory canteens and semi-finished products for delivery to culinary stores - contributed to significant time savings in household. Speaking in terms of that era, the development of factories, workshops and public catering establishments “contributed to the restructuring of the life of workers on a socialist basis and the liberation of the population, especially women, from home cooking. It enabled women to actively participate in the social and cultural life of society.” Catering at enterprises and especially in schools (pre-revolutionary schools did not have hot lunches) made it possible to provide adequate nutrition during the working day and study, and create a normal health regime.

see also



  • Interstate standard of public catering in Russia. GOST 30389-95 / GOST R 50762-95 changed to GOST R 50762-2007


Wikimedia Foundation.


    See what “Public catering” is in other dictionaries: catering - A set of enterprises with different organizational legal forms and citizen entrepreneurs involved in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products. [GOST 30602 97] Topics of services to the public ...

    Technical Translator's Guide CATERING - in accordance with Art. 10 of the Law of July 28, 2003 On trade, public catering (trade and production activities) is a type of trade, including production, processing, sale, organization of consumption of products... ... Legal dictionary

    Catering modern civil law - 1. public catering (food industry): An independent branch of the economy, consisting of enterprises ownership and organizational and management structure that organizes food for the population, as well as production and sales... ... Official terminology

    I Public catering is a branch of the national economy that produces, sells prepared food and serves consumers. In the USSR, the network of food service establishments includes: kitchen factories, procurement factories, canteens, home kitchens, restaurants, teahouses, cafes,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Catering- PUBLIC CATERING. During the war years, O.P. played an important role. At the O.P. farms, the population regularly received food according to low prices. In O. p., a more economical use of allocated products was guaranteed; food was prepared from supplements. products,... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    In the early years existence of Ekat. taverns appeared. Ekat owned them. Everyman Andrey Grek. In 1802-1803 there were 13 taverns and five taverns in the city. Food traditions in the 19th century. are represented very diversely: tavern establishments (restaurants,... ... Ekaterinburg (encyclopedia)

    GOST 30524-97: Public catering. Requirements for service personnel- Terminology GOST 30524 97: Public catering. Requirements for service personnel original document: 3.3 method of serving consumers: Method of selling public catering products to consumers (GOST 30602/GOST R 50647). Definitions... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    NUTRITION- NUTRITION. Contents: I. Nutrition as a social hygiene problem. About P.'s yama in the light of historical development human society....... . . 38 The problem of food in a capitalist society 42 Production of food products in tsarist Russia and the USSR ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    NUTRITION, nutrition, many. no, cf. (book). 1. Action under Ch. power in 1 and 4 digits. Artificial nutrition of the patient. Boiler water supply. || Absorption by the body of substances necessary for its maintenance (physiol., med.). The patient has poor nutrition. 2.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Catering. Accounting and costing. Textbook, A. M. Petrov. The book allows you to study the rules for organizing and maintaining accounting of property, sources of its financing, income, expenses and financial results in public catering for the purpose of...

Public catering (See what “Public catering” is in other dictionaries:) is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and semi-finished products. Such enterprises include: restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen, pizzeria, coffee shop, culinary and confectionery shops, dumpling shop, pancake shop, as well as different kinds"Fast Food". All catering enterprises are divided into: public and private. The above establishments are more typical for establishments in the private sector. The public sector includes catering establishments for children, schoolchildren, military personnel, elderly people, persons undergoing treatment in hospital and other similar establishments.

Term "public catering» more used in Soviet times, and today in most countries of the world the concepts of “restaurants”, “restaurant business”, “restaurant business” are used to designate this industry. But in any case, these are enterprises that provide food services to the population through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

All restaurant establishments, depending on trade and production activities, the range of products, and the forms of customer service used, are divided into the following main types: procurement, pre-production, and having a complete production cycle.

To blanks establishments include enterprises that process raw materials and produce various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products from them to supply pre-training institutions with them. These enterprises have at their disposal large warehouses, refrigeration and freezers, specialized vehicles, both refrigerated and non-cooled, high-performance technological equipment. Such production equipment is necessary for the uninterrupted production, storage, transportation and sale of semi-finished products and finished products, which ensures high productivity and quality of products. Such enterprises include various culinary, confectionery, flour shops, as well as specialized workshops.

TO pre-production establishments include enterprises in which the majority of dishes and culinary products are produced from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises and organize customer service. These include snack bars, cafes, bars, and individual restaurants.

To establishments with completed production cycle, include enterprises that have conditions for processing raw materials, producing semi-finished products, lunch, culinary and confectionery products and selling them to the population. These include enterprises that have both industrial premises, and serving trading floors (dining and banquet halls). These are large restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.

A distinctive feature of restaurant business establishments is that they produce and sell products, as well as organize their consumption in dining rooms, combining them with cultural recreation and entertainment for consumers. This significantly complicates the work of restaurant business establishments and increases the responsibility for service of both management and all service personnel.

Type of catering establishment- type of enterprise with characteristic features services, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. In accordance with the classification of restaurant enterprises, depending on the form of service, the interior of the dining and banquet hall, location, comfort, type and range of products, all restaurant business establishments are divided into the following types: restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, canteens.

Also, when determining the type of restaurant establishment, the following indicators are taken into account: – the range of finished products sold, its diversity and complexity of preparation, – production and technical equipment, architecture, interior design and layout, material resources, – quality of service and service, – level of qualifications of service personnel , – methods and forms of service, – provision of related consumer services, – contingent of the serving population, – location of the establishment.

Restaurant– catering establishment with wide range complexly prepared dishes, including custom and branded ones, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service combined with stylish and original design and the interior of the premises, as well as the organization of cultural recreation and entertainment for restaurant visitors. The following restaurants are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold: from national cuisine, with cuisine from around the world (Italian, French, Japanese), as well as a beer restaurant, fish restaurant, etc. - according to location: restaurant at a hotel, at a recreation area, at a station, a dining car, at a sea vessel, etc. .d.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment, with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom and signature dishes. A custom dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and presentation after receiving an order from the consumer.

Signature dishes include dishes that are prepared based on a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food item. They must be different original design, successfully combine products according to their taste properties. Service in restaurants is provided by highly qualified waiters and cooks. The owner of a restaurant business is called a restaurateur; both words come from the French verb restaurer(restore, strengthen, feed).

Restaurateur- this is the person on whom the success and future of the restaurant depends, this is the manager who controls any event taking place in the restaurant, and is also in charge of all the affairs of the restaurant such as:

Organization, planning and coordination of restaurant activities.

Provides high level production efficiency, implementation new technology and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

Exercises control over rational use material, financial and labor resources, assessment of production results and quality of customer service.

Studies consumer demand for restaurant products.

Makes decisions on personnel issues for positions held by restaurant workers;

Applies incentive measures for distinguished employees, controls production and labor discipline and much more.

Bar is a drinking establishment with a bar counter and a limited range of products, selling mixed, strong, low-alcohol and soft drinks, immediate consumption, snacks, desserts, baked goods and purchased goods. Based on the range of products sold, bars are divided into: dairy bar, beer bar, wine bar, coffee bar, cocktail bar, grill bar, juice bar, etc.; according to the specifics of service: - video bar, variety show bar, karaoke bar, etc.; by operating time - day and night. Some bars may be part of a restaurant or hotel.

Term "bar" comes from the name of a specialized counter where alcohol is poured. Most often, behind the bar counter, out of reach of the client, there are decorative shelves filled with glasses and bottles of alcohol. Sitting directly at the bar, you can order various dishes from the menu, even if the bar is part of the restaurant and the main order is made in another area of ​​the establishment.

In Switzerland, for example, there may be bars such as:

A sports bar frequented by sports fans who come to watch sport games and meet other fans.

A cop bar frequented by police officers while on duty.

Vega bar for yogis, no alcoholic drinks.

Biker bar frequented by bikers,

Cafe– an enterprise providing catering and recreation for visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. Sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into enterprises general type and specialized.

General cafe is a catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery products, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, and fermented milk products.

Specialty cafes are created depending on: the range of products sold: ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe, coffee shop (hot drinks, mainly coffee), quick service bistro; by contingent - youth, children's, internet cafes, etc.
Cafes are also distinguished by the method of service: self-service, individual service by waiters.

Dining room - a public catering establishment or serving a specific contingent, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week. Based on the range of dishes sold, canteens are divided into general types and dietary ones. According to the servicing contingent of consumers - school, student, work, etc. By location – publicly available, by place of study or work.

Snack bar- a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation, from a certain type of raw material and intended for quick service to visitors. Based on the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general type enterprises and specialized ones: dumplings, sausage, pancake, pie, donut, cheburek, kebab, tea, etc.; by type of implementation - snack bar, bistro, cafeteria, etc.

There are also the following types of food establishments:

Comprehensive catering enterprise: - unification in a single complex various types food establishments, for example: restaurant, cafe, snack bar and culinary store; - food establishments intended to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called “Closed Network”).

Public catering establishments - mass catering establishments accessible to all groups of the population, in contrast to catering establishments intended to serve specific operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called “closed network”).

Network of catering establishments– a single-managed group of organizationally and technologically interconnected food enterprises with the necessary related enterprises (“McDonald’s”).

Today, the public catering system operates in the premium categories “luxury”, “highest”, “first”, “second” and “third”. Public catering establishments belong to the first three categories. Catering facilities of the third category include canteens educational institutions and production organizations.

The first and second markup categories are assigned by the commission of the main department of the consumer market.

Currently, priority development has been given to enterprises of the second markup category - these are public catering facilities that have a markup on their products own production does not exceed 70%.

Catering establishment class- totality distinctive features enterprises certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service. According to the level and methods of service, the range of services provided, technical equipment, the range of products sold and the qualifications of staff, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: luxury, highest, first.

Lux- sophistication of the interior, high level of comfort, wide selection of services, assortment of original gourmet custom and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and signature drinks, cocktails for bars.

Higher- originality of the interior, comfort, choice of services, a varied assortment of original gourmet custom and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and signature drinks, cocktails for bars.

First- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a varied assortment of specialties, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, including custom and branded drinks, for bars. Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

In order to consider the issues of organizing accounting and tax accounting in organizations providing public catering services, it is necessary to clearly understand what is meant by such concepts as “public catering enterprise” and “public catering service” in Russian legislation. For these purposes, it is necessary to refer to regulatory documents, in particular to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) OK 029-2001, which came into force on January 1, 2003.

By Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated November 6, 2001 No. 454-st “On the adoption and implementation of OKVED”, public catering facilities are included in section H “Hotels and restaurants”, class 55 and subclasses: 55.3 “Restaurant activities”, 55.4 “Activities bars”, 55.5 “Activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions and supply of public catering products” (group 55.51 “Activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions”). In addition to the above document, there are a number of state standards that allow public catering establishments to be divided into appropriate types.

According to GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and definitions”, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of February 21, 1994 No. 35 and put into effect on July 1, 1994 (hereinafter GOST R 50647-94), catering establishment- this is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption.

At the same time, culinary products are understood as a set of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products.

Culinary products must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps in compliance with sanitary rules for public catering establishments.

It should be noted that today a huge number of organizations and individual entrepreneurs are engaged in the provision of public catering services, as one of the types of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, public catering establishments designed to satisfy the need for nutrition and leisure activities differ in type, size, and also in the types of services provided.

The type of public catering establishment is a type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers.

In accordance with GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises”, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of April 5, 1995 No. 198 (hereinafter GOST R 50762-95), the following classification of types of public catering establishments is established:

- restaurant- a catering establishment with a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, including custom and branded ones; wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service in combination with recreation;

- bar- a catering establishment with a bar counter, selling mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, pastry and bakery products, purchased goods;

- cafe- an enterprise that provides catering and recreation services to consumers, providing a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. Sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks;

- dining room- a public catering establishment that serves a specific group of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week;

- snack bar- a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers with intermediate meals.

In addition, GOST R 50647-94 additionally identifies the following public catering facilities:

- dietary canteen- a canteen specializing in the preparation and sale of dietary dishes;

canteen - distribution room- a canteen that sells finished products received from other catering organizations;

buffet- a structural unit of an organization intended for the sale of flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods and a limited range of dishes of simple preparation.

That is, as can be seen from the list above, the classification of public catering establishments depends on factors such as:

The range of products sold and the complexity of its preparation;

Technical equipment of the catering establishment;

Personnel qualifications;

Quality and service methods;

Types of services provided.

It should be noted that such types of catering establishments as restaurants and bars are also divided into classes.

The class of a public catering establishment is a set of distinctive features of a certain type, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Bars and restaurants differ in the level of service and types of services provided to visitors as follows:

luxury class;

top class;

first grade.

The luxury class is characterized by sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services provided to visitors, as well as a range of original, exquisite custom and signature dishes, products for restaurants, and for bars - a wide selection of branded and custom drinks and cocktails.

The highest class is distinguished by the originality of the interior, the choice of services, a varied assortment of original, gourmet, custom and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, and a wide selection of branded and custom drinks and cocktails for bars.

The first class corresponds to harmony, comfort and choice of services, a wide range of signature dishes and products, as well as complexly prepared drinks for restaurants, and a selection of drinks and simple cocktails for bars.

Confirmation of the compliance of a public catering establishment with the selected type and class is carried out by certification bodies accredited by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification in the prescribed manner.


The class is assigned only to restaurants and bars; other types of catering establishments are not divided into classes.

However, in addition to the types and class, public catering establishments may differ in such characteristics as the range of products sold, location and number of visitors.

So, for example, cafes, based on the range of products sold, are divided into ice cream parlors, confectionery cafes, and based on the contingent of consumers they can be presented as a cafe for young people or a children's cafe.

Based on the range of products sold, bars can be of the following types: milk bar, coffee bar, beer bar, cocktail bar, and so on.

The dining rooms also have certain differences. By assortment, they can be of a general type or dietary; by location - public or closed, for example, a canteen on the territory of a plant, intended to provide meals only for its employees. In addition, canteens can be divided into canteens that manufacture and sell their own products and canteens that sell finished products received from other catering establishments.

The answer to the question of what is meant by public catering services is given by the “All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population” OK 002-93 (OKUN), approved by the Gosstandart Resolution Russian Federation dated June 28, 1993, ode No. 163. According to this regulatory document, catering services include services with code 122000 - 122706.

Services provided to consumers by catering organizations can be divided into:

food services;

services for the production of culinary products and confectionery products;

services for organizing consumption and maintenance;

services for sales of products;

leisure services;

information and consulting services;

other services.

Thus, food services should be understood as services for the production of public catering products and the creation of conditions for their sale in accordance with the type and class of public catering organization. Based on this, food services are divided into:

restaurant catering services;

bar food services;

cafe food services;

canteen food services;

snack bar food services.

Services for the production of culinary products and confectionery products include the following types of services:

production of culinary products and confectionery products according to consumer orders;

production of products from customer’s raw materials in catering organizations;

production of culinary products and confectionery products at home.

Services for organizing consumption and maintenance are represented by a fairly wide range of services, which include the following types:

organization and servicing of celebrations and ritual events;

organization and maintenance of cultural events;

delivery of products and service to consumers at workplaces and at home;

waiter services at home;

delivery of culinary products and confectionery to hotel rooms;

organization of complex catering and others.

Services for selling products in public catering include:

sales of products and kitchen products through grocery stores and buffets;

vacation lunches at home.

Leisure services include:

organization of music services;

holding concerts and other similar events;

provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Catering enterprises can provide consumers with expert advice on the preparation and presentation of dishes, as well as teach serving rules. Such services are classified as information and consulting services.

In addition, to attract customers, public catering establishments often provide such types of services as parking vehicles, calling a taxi at the request of the client, minor repairs and clothing cleaning, storage services and so on.

That is, as we see, the number of types of services that can be provided by a catering establishment is quite large and their range can be expanded depending on the type and class of the latter.

1. Classification of catering establishments

Currently, the network of public catering establishments is developing faster and faster - from the simplest ones, where you can almost “on the run” have a snack with a pie with tea poured into a disposable cup, to the most sophisticated top-class restaurants, which will satisfy the whim of any gourmet. IN in this case The principle “demand creates supply” applies. That is, all of the above public catering establishments are undoubtedly in demand among consumers. After all, visitors to these establishments are also consumers, and they are also subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. But if, when buying a product, almost every buyer understands that he is a consumer and, at least approximately, knows that he has certain rights, then when visiting cafes, restaurants and other public catering establishments, visitors know much less about their rights, and seek their protection much less often. This is due, first of all, to the specifics of the industry itself. Indeed, it is much more difficult to prove that you were served a stale salad yesterday than to prove that you were sold a low-quality iron yesterday. In addition, general consumer protection advocacy is usually directed only at goods, not services. Despite certain features and associated difficulties, you should still know, use and protect your rights when visiting public catering establishments.

However, before you insist that the employees of a public catering establishment comply with any of your rights, it is necessary to take into account that depending on the type of public catering enterprise, the range of services that you will have the right to count on when visiting this or that establishment will vary. For a uniform definition of such rights and obligations, public catering establishments are usually classified.

In accordance with clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of public catering services,” as amended on May 21, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as the RF Government Decree “On approval of the Rules for the provision of public catering services” ) catering services are provided in restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, snack bars and other public catering establishments, the types of which, and for restaurants and bars also their classes (luxury, highest, first) are determined by the contractor in accordance with the state standard.

The main document establishing the classification of public catering establishments is GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises”, approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 1995 No. 198, which came into force on July 1, 1995. Despite the fact that, according to Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, from July 1, 2003, pending the entry into force of the relevant technical regulations, the requirements established by the current national standards are subject to mandatory execution only insofar as it ensures the achievement of the goals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, this standard still remains the most frequently used when it is necessary to classify public catering establishments, including in judicial practice.

This standard establishes the classification of public catering establishments and general requirements for public catering establishments of various types and classes. The provisions of this standard apply to public catering establishments of various organizational and legal forms.

The above standard uses the following terms with corresponding definitions:

Public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption (GOST R 50647).

The type of public catering establishment is a type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers.

The class of a public catering establishment is a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Restaurant – a catering establishment with a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, including custom and signature dishes; wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service combined with recreation.

A bar is a catering establishment with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, pastry and bakery products, and purchased goods.

A cafe is an enterprise that organizes food and recreation for consumers, providing a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. Sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.

A canteen is a public catering establishment that is open to the public or serves a specific group of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

A snack bar is a catering establishment with a limited range of uncomplicated dishes made from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers.

In accordance with this standard, the following types of public catering establishments are provided: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar.

When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

The range of products sold, their diversity and complexity of production;

Technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.);

Maintenance methods;

Personnel qualifications;

Quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, etc.);

The range of services provided to consumers.

Based on the level of service and range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes - luxury, highest and first, which must meet the following requirements:

“luxury” – sophistication of the interior, high level of comfort, wide selection of services, assortment of original, exquisite custom and signature dishes, products for restaurants, wide selection of custom and signature drinks, cocktails – for bars;

“highest” – originality of the interior, choice of services, comfort, a varied assortment of original, gourmet, custom and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom drinks and cocktails for bars;

“first” – harmony, comfort and choice of services, a varied assortment of signature dishes and complexly prepared products and drinks for restaurants, a selection of drinks, easily prepared cocktails, including custom and signature ones – for bars.

Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Restaurants distinguish:

According to the range of products sold - fish, beer; with national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries;

By location - a restaurant at a hotel, train station, recreation area, dining car, etc.

Bars distinguish:

According to the range of products sold and method of preparation - dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bar, grill bar;

According to the specifics of customer service - video bar, variety show bar, etc.

Cafes are distinguished:

According to the range of products sold - ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe;

By consumer group – cafes for youth, children’s, etc.

Canteens are distinguished:

According to the range of products sold – general type and dietary;

For servicing a contingent of consumers - school, student, etc.;

By location – publicly available, by place of study or work.

Snack bars share:

According to the range of products sold - general type and specialized (sausage, dumpling, pancake, pie, donut, kebab, tea, pizzeria, hamburger, etc.).

Restaurants, cafes and bars combine the production, sale and organization of consumption of products with the organization of recreation and entertainment for consumers.

Despite the fact that public catering establishments differ in types, classes and other characteristics, there are General requirements, which apply to such enterprises specifically as catering establishments. And, therefore, the consumer, visiting any public catering establishment of the above types and classes, has the right to expect (and, therefore, demand) that the following general requirements be met in accordance with Section 5 of GOST. 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises".

At public catering establishments of any type and class, the safety of life and health of consumers and the safety of their property must be ensured, subject to compliance with the “Rules for the production and sale of public catering products”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 13, 1993 No. 332, sanitary and technological norms and regulations, as well as fire and electrical safety requirements.

Public catering establishments must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents on the safety of services:

Sanitary and hygienic technological requirements, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products;

Requirements for the safety of food raw materials and products;

Environmental safety;

Fire safety;

Electrical safety.

Catering establishments of any type must have convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, as well as the necessary reference and information signs. The area adjacent to the enterprise must have artificial lighting in the evening.

On the territory adjacent to the enterprise and accessible to consumers, it is not allowed:

Carrying out loading and unloading operations;

Warehousing of containers;

Placement of containers with garbage;

Burning of garbage, empty containers, waste.

Areas with waste bins must be at least 20 m away from the windows and doors of the enterprise premises.

The architectural and planning solution and structural elements of the building, the technical equipment used must comply with sanitary standards and regulations.

The enterprise must have emergency exits, stairs, and instructions on what to do in emergency situation, warning system and fire protection equipment.

Enterprises of all types and classes must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including: hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, radio and telephone communications.

The entrance to the enterprise must ensure the simultaneous movement of two counter flows of consumers to the entrance and exit. In enterprises with more than 50 seats in halls, separate entrances and staircases must be provided for consumers and staff.

The enterprise must have a sign indicating its type, class, forms of organization of its activities, corporate name, legal entity (location of the owner), information about the operating hours, and the services provided.

In enterprises under construction and reconstruction to serve the disabled, inclined ramps at the entrance doors for the passage of wheelchairs, elevators, platforms for turning wheelchairs in the hall, and specially equipped toilets should be provided.

The placement of production premises and equipment in them must ensure the consistency of the technological process of production and sale of products, as well as compliance with technological, sanitary standards and rules.

In addition to compliance with the above requirements, the consumer of a public catering establishment, depending on its type and class, has the right to count on compliance with the following requirements for public catering establishments of various types and classes, which, in accordance with GOST 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises” are divided into the following areas, given in tables 1–4 (the “+” sign means “provided for”; the “-” sign means not provided).

Table 1. Requirements for architectural and planning solutions and design of public catering establishments of various types and classes

Table 2. Requirements for furniture, tableware, cutlery, linen

*(1) Can be used in certain types of snack bars.

*(2) Allowed in certain types cafe.

*(3) In themed restaurants and restaurants with national cuisine of luxury, high class and luxury bars, the use of utensils made of ceramics, wood, etc. is allowed.

*(4) It is allowed to use disposable utensils made of aluminum foil, cardboard, etc.

*(5) In specialized restaurants and bars of the highest, first class, if there are tables with polyester covering or artistically decorated covers, it is allowed to replace tablecloths with individual fabric napkins.

*(6) It is allowed to replace individual napkins with paper ones when dispensing packed breakfasts and lunches.

Table 3. Requirements for the design of menus and price lists, assortment of culinary products for enterprises of various types and classes

*(1) When serving foreign citizens, the menu and price list are also printed in at least one foreign language.

*(2) Allowed in certain types of eateries.

*(3) For cafes and eateries specializing in preparing dishes from a certain type of raw material, it is mandatory to sell several types of these dishes.

Table 4. Requirements for methods of customer service, branded clothing, shoes, music services for enterprises of various types and classes

* Only bartenders are allowed to serve in the bar.

** Self-service is allowed in restaurants at hotels, airports, large department stores, as well as in cafes.

*** Uniforms without the company logo are allowed in first class restaurants and bars.

In addition, in addition to the specified classification of public catering establishments, Letter No. 21–54 of the Department for Regulation and Coordination of Internal Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 1997 was issued, which clarifies that buffet is a structural division of the enterprise. However, it is indicated that a cafeteria is not a type of public catering establishment and its services are considered as the provision of retail trade services.

In addition to the above classification, catering establishments can also be classified on other grounds.

Depending on the nature of their activities, they are divided into the following types:

Enterprises organizing the production of public catering products (factories of semi-finished products and culinary products, specialized workshops);

Enterprises organizing the production and sale of public catering products with on-site consumption (restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, fast food establishments);

Enterprises that organize the sale (sale and consumption) of public catering products (cooking stores, small retail chains);

Complex enterprises that unite several enterprises of various types with complete or partial centralization of production and storage of products. These enterprises provide the consumer with the opportunity to choose several types of services in one place.

Taking into account the specifics of serving the population, enterprises are divided into:

Public – intended to serve any population segment;

Enterprises serving a certain permanent population - at manufacturing enterprises, in educational institutions.

However, despite the above-mentioned features, in any case, a visitor to any of the above-mentioned enterprises, when receiving public catering services, is a consumer and has the right to protect his rights in accordance with consumer protection legislation.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    The power of fact. Catering.

    Public catering technician - fuel and energy complex and OOO "Obschepit"


Industry Composition

The food service industry includes:

This also includes specialized catering enterprises of various types that produce and sell culinary products of a homogeneous assortment, taking into account the specifics of servicing and organizing consumer leisure. These include restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, canteens, beer halls, dumpling shops, snack bars, pie shops, donut shops, etc.

Catering enterprises

Catering establishment- the general name of an organization that provides public catering services through: production of culinary products, their sale and organization of catering for various groups of the population.

  • Restaurant- a catering establishment with a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, including custom and signature dishes. It is distinguished by an increased level of service in combination with the organization of recreation for visitors. Based on the range of products sold, restaurants can specialize as: fish, beer, national cuisine, etc.
  • Bar- has a limited range of products: alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, pastry and bakery products. The work areas of bars do not provide for cooking or washing greasy dishes. The method of implementation is through the bar counter. Based on their assortment, bars are divided into: dairy bars, beer bars, wine bars, cocktail bars, grill bars, etc. Based on the specifics of the additional service - video bar, variety show bar, strip bar, etc. Based on operating hours, day and night bars are also distinguished .
  • Cafe- an enterprise for organizing catering and recreation for visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. According to the range of products sold, they are divided into: ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe; by category - for youth, children, etc.
  • Dining room- a catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a specific contingent, producing and selling culinary products. Based on the range of dishes sold, canteens are divided into general types and dietary ones. The dietary canteen specializes in the preparation and sale of dietary dishes.
  • Canteen-distributing- a catering establishment that sells imported finished culinary products.
  • Snack bar- a catering establishment with a limited range of uncomplicated dishes, designed to quickly serve visitors. Based on the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausage, pancake, pie, donut, cheburek, shashlik, tea, glass, pyshetka, etc.; by type of implementation - snack bar, bistro, cafeteria, etc.
  • Pizzeria- variety modern enterprise food, which can combine both the format of a cafe and a restaurant. Pizzerias in the restaurant format are often called trattorias, for their expanded menu and higher trading margins compared to pizzerias operating in a cafe format. In any case, the menu of both formats should have a wide selection of pizza.
  • Cookery store- a catering enterprise that has its own culinary production and sells to consumers culinary products, semi-finished products, bakery and confectionery products and purchased food products. It is allowed to organize a cafeteria in the sales area of ​​a culinary store.
  • Kiosk (selling kebabs, shawarma, hot dogs, etc.)

Complex catering enterprises simultaneously carry out the functions of several specialized catering enterprises, for example: a restaurant, cafe, snack bar and culinary store.

Catering establishments can be located in public places accessible to all citizens (the so-called public network), and on the territory of institutions and enterprises, serving only persons working there (the so-called closed network). In the public network, in addition to individual enterprises of different owners, uniformly managed groups of technologically interconnected food enterprises and related enterprises are distinguished. These subnets - if they have a single owner - are also called "power networks" from an organizational point of view. The largest of them have branded (“Russian Bistro”, “McDonald’s”) or functional (“School Canteen Network”) names.

In economic analysis and design, public catering establishments are characterized by such indicators as capacity (number of seats in the dining room), productivity (number of dishes produced per shift).

Catering in the USSR

In 1923 in Moscow, on the basis of the Central Commission for Combating the Consequences of Famine under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (“Posledgol”) and with the support

In the USSR, the systematic organization of public catering began during the years of the first Five-Year Plan, during the era of industrialization. For this purpose, gigantic kitchen factories were designed and built in the largest cities (in Minsk, for example, 400 people worked), and in smaller ones - public catering workshops, a classic type of prepared catering organization. Their main products - ready-made meals for delivery to factory canteens and semi-finished products for delivery to culinary stores - contributed to significant time savings in the household. Speaking in terms of that era, the development of factories, workshops and public catering establishments “contributed to the restructuring of the life of workers on a socialist basis and the liberation of the population, especially women, from home cooking. It enabled women to actively participate in the social and cultural life of society.” Catering at enterprises and especially in schools (pre-revolutionary schools did not have hot lunches) made it possible to provide adequate nutrition during the working day and study, and create a normal health regime.
