Baby girl in a dream. What was the baby girl doing? The female half dreams about the baby

A favorable sign if in a dream a newborn girl is healthy and beautiful. Usually such a vision promises positive changes or pleasant surprises. A dream about the birth of a baby is generally deciphered as a symbol of the onset of happy changes and good luck, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. But there are other interpretations - let's find out why a newborn girl dreams. The answer to this question will be given by the dream book.

  • First of all, the dream symbolizes a positive ending to an unpleasant matter, success in work and other matters.
  • In a dream, being present at the birth of a baby means expect happiness and joy.
  • For a young girl, such a dream means fun, parties, dancing, or her mother’s worries about her. Try to limit yourself in your wishes.
  • Seeing a newborn girl and holding her in your arms, soothing or rocking her means that in real life you will need strength for some important matter. As a rule, this is a matter that was postponed “until tomorrow” for a very long time and was subsequently completely forgotten. But there is a possibility that the strength may not be enough.
  • Feeding a newborn baby in a dream - expect troubles, but rest assured, because they will end positively for you.
  • Bathing a girl means what you find The best decision specific problem. And if the girl who is born is also healthy, this is a very good sign.
  • Walking with a newborn in a dream means an unexpected surprise or meeting that is somehow connected with the road awaits you.
  • If in your dream you managed to lose your newborn, look forward to searching for the meaning of your life in reality.
  • When in a dream you see someone else’s child in your arms, it means that someone is using you, taking advantage of your gullibility, and for the most selfish purposes.
  • If you dropped a baby in a dream, expect failure in your affairs.
  • For a married woman, such a dream foreshadows the birth of a daughter, or a possible illness for herself or a member of her family.
  • If an expectant mother dreams of a newborn girl, she needs to prepare for premature birth. IN in this case It would be a good idea to seek help from a qualified doctor who can quickly resolve the problem. After all, with the help of sleep, the subconscious is trying to tell you that something is wrong in the body and at the level of some super-subtle matters, in a dream, a person feels a lot.
  • Babysitting a newborn girl - expect deception from the person you love most.
  • Seeing the birth of an ugly girl in a dream means beware of misfortune.
  • A bad sign is to see yourself in a dream, taking a sick child in your arms. This dream promises sadness, suffering and anxiety.
  • If a newborn baby cries in a dream, your efforts in the name of something will end in vain.

Dream Interpretation: newborn girl, what to prepare for?

A dream in which a newborn baby cries is a dream of deterioration, regret, and also disappointment.

If in a dream a newborn girl was in diapers and sucking a woman’s breast, in reality you are in danger of illness.

If the newborn girl was dirty, family scandals and showdowns await you.

A baby in a dream is often a sign of the future, impermanence, anxiety and anxiety.

A dream in which you receive news of the birth of a girl can be favorable. It promises a “mega” profitable transaction or successful completion specific case.

For an unmarried girl, such a dream can be considered a prophecy of future prosperity, as well as the possible creation of a family.

Other interpretations

What do popular dream books say about this?

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a baby in a dream means hoping for something. If a girl cries, the dream promises anxiety, maybe this is due to your loved ones.

A baby in a dream does not promise anything bad in life, but on the contrary, it is considered a sign of pleasant worries, joy or success in business. A girl in a dream will bring positive changes in your real life; consider them a kind of gift of fate.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book explains this vision as the appearance of small problems.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, if a woman saw a girl in a dream, then she does not have enough sincerity and tenderness in her relationships with the male sex, and perhaps these feelings are completely absent.

If a man dreams of a little baby, Freud explains this dream as an uncontrollable desire to try the forbidden fruit. The dream speaks of an insufficient number of vivid sensations and emotions in real intimate life.

On a note

A newborn baby appearing in a dream may indicate the need to show attention or care for someone. For many women, such a dream often becomes a harbinger own pregnancy. But for a representative of the stronger sex, a dream about a newborn child can indicate extreme anxiety, fear, or, on the contrary, a great desire to become a father.

The dream may be associated with an unexpected trip or journey. If a newborn girl cries in her sleep, expect trouble, very annoying interference. A newborn baby in a dream, if she is extremely healthy and beautiful, is worth the joy; a dirty girl or a sick girl - you should expect unexpected worries, all sorts of legal proceedings, etc.

Most dream books claim that seeing a baby in a dream means prosperity and joyful events. In order for the explanation of the dream to be accurate, it is necessary to pay attention to details, such as the gender of the baby, his appearance, who dreamed about him and when.

Why do you dream about a baby girl?

Sleeping with a little one baby girl portends a good time spent with family and friends. If the baby cries all the time or behaves restlessly, then this means that in real life there is a lack of rest. For a person who works a lot, such a dream means a desire to escape responsibility and problems.

In Miller's dream book, a baby girl symbolizes the emotional and sensual side of a person. Also, a newborn girl in a dream means that you will soon receive unexpected news.

If a man dreams of a baby girl, then depending on the details, dream books offer several interpretation options:

  • if a man holds a girl in his arms, this is a bad sign. Usually foreshadows quarrels with your significant other or bad news;
  • in a dream, a man plays with a baby girl, which means that new acquaintances are expected ahead, which will lead to good events;
  • if a man walks with a baby girl in a dream, this means choosing the right path leading to success.

If a woman or girl dreamed of a baby girl, then The following options are possible:

  • just a baby girl means avoiding difficulties, fear of choice and escape from pressing problems;
  • if you dream about the process of giving birth to a girl, then depending on its severity there are two interpretations. If the birth is easy, it means that the near future will be bright, if it is difficult, life’s obstacles are expected;
  • seeing someone else's girl in your arms in a dream means that in real life you will need to give your attention to someone close to you.

Why do you dream about a baby boy?

Seeing a baby boy in a dream in most dream books means successful events and prosperity.

A woman who dreams of giving birth to a boy will have the opportunity to start her life over and change everything for the better. It is important not to miss this opportunity. Also, seeing such a dream promises a solution to everyday problems and an improvement in the quality of life. If before the wedding ceremony a girl dreams of giving birth to a boy, then perhaps among her close friends there is an envious woman who spreads rumors behind her back. If an unmarried girl dreams of a baby boy, then she should be careful, as his reputation may be at risk.

For a man to see a baby boy means the need to show more of his masculine qualities in real life.

Baby dreamed in various circumstances

If you dream about how small child rocked in a stroller, then in the present a surge of energy is expected, and strength will be found to solve problems that were insoluble long time. After such a dream, relief from burdensome circumstances is sure to await. The stroller is a symbol denoting the internal reserves of a person.

Seeing a talking baby in a dream is a big surprise, a great mood and pleasant events. If in real life there were difficulties in making a decision, then after such a dream the right path will definitely be chosen.

If you dream of a baby who has crap himself, then you can soon expect financial well-being. It is possible to solve a money problem, open a new source of income, or resolve an unpleasant situation. Dreams in which a baby wets itself, on the contrary, is not a very good sign. It is advisable to avoid new beginnings due to the risk of failure, the dream book warns. However, if you dreamed about a baby urinating on the dreamer, it means that in the near future one of your close relatives or friends will get married.

Watching a sleeping baby in a dream according to a dream book foreshadows the onset of a smooth period in life, peace in the house. See in dead person's sleep an infant to the destruction of plans and hopes, says the dream book. A baby boy, distinguished by his health, dreams of love and prosperity.

Why you dream of a baby in your arms depends on the condition of the baby, but in any case this is not a very good sign. If the baby is healthy, holding him in your arms means that events will happen that will be difficult to experience. Holding a dead baby in your arms means the destruction of your plans. A little boy in the arms of the father promises help from an unexpected source.

If a woman who does not have children dreams of a baby, this means that the time has come to think about the birth of her child. According to the dream book, in many cases seeing this is a sign of pregnancy.

Seeing in a dream how adult children became infants again means rethinking your behavior. It is necessary to realize that in real life the child has become an adult and needs freedom. Dream Interpretation advises relaxing child custody.

If a girl sees in a dream how she becomes a child, then the dream book requires her to think about the correctness of her behavior. Excessive frivolity in actions is possible. For a man, according to the dream book, to see such a plot in a dream means a change in life path.

The dream book interprets a dream about a baby's baby teeth falling out as receiving gifts and all sorts of benefits in reality. If at the same time you see that he is in your arms, it means unexpected surprises.

If you have your own children, seeing a small child is a sign of joy, says the dream book.

Dreams have always caused genuine awe in some and complete indifference other's. It is worth remembering that at night the brain continues to work, processing the data received during the day and correlating it with information from the universe. Therefore, every moment, every little thing has meaning and plays an important role in understanding what is seen.

Basically, meetings with children in the kingdom of dreams bring only joyful and life-affirming news. At the same time, the health of the characters, their emotions and personal attitude towards little guests are important.

According to one version, the baby comes to report a solemn phenomenon that will happen either to relatives or to the person himself.

Researcher Tsvetkov is sure that such a meeting promises happiness. Moreover, if the child is naked or in torn clothes, dirty and bruised, worries and shocks lie ahead. The mother's care shown in a dream promises health to the family.

Carefree play in the water foreshadows cheerful moments soon, and tears and frustration warn that someone is offended and is ready to show the dreamer in a bad light.

Holding a child in your arms means getting ready for challenges on the path to victory in business and successful implementation of tasks. A smiling doll hints at a successful solution to these troubles.

Blood is sick - expect a dark streak: quarrels, resentments, bitterness, unrest. It could also be prophetic dream warning of an approaching illness.

The Maya people believed that such images had ambiguous symbolism. This may foreshadow further development, fateful meetings and career growth, but at the same time hint at the presence of rivals or competitors who are ready to substitute at any moment. You should be prepared if the baby was stressed or sad.

A crying baby, according to the French, speaks of hidden diseases and advises an urgent examination, which will be easier to cope with at an early stage.

A peaceful facial expression – readiness for bickering, denunciations and slander; disheveled appearance - it will not be possible to achieve the goal due to difficulties encountered.

According to Miller, a crying child prophesies frustration, loss of strength, malaise and illness. Mischievous - a reward awaits for loyalty and dedication, new good acquaintances. Sick - marks bad news and events.

What a dream “promises” to different people

The girl saw a little girl - soon there will be a new addition to the family or relatives. For a guy - meeting people with whom he stopped communicating a long time ago. For a man, this is not a serious loss.

Taking care of the baby - help will be found in real life, support will be provided by those from whom you least expect. Sloppy - all your loved ones will abandon you, you will be left alone with the problem. It is better to analyze relationships with those who are dear to you and prevent discord.

In the morning, you can talk in detail about the meeting with the newborns - women can be calm about the birth, and men can expect a gift. Pregnant women can thus find out the gender of their unborn child, and those who have not given birth can learn about their readiness to become a mother. Breastfeeding - there are upcoming events that will bring joy.

A friend or acquaintances will expect grief if the baby in your arms roars and does not calm down.

If someone else's child laughs and plays, then fate will present the betrothed; if upset, a colleague or partner will shock you with sad news.

Why do you dream about a baby?

To a woman

  • Daughter - to happiness in the family and prosperity in life;
  • son - to bustle and anxiety in everyday life.

To a man

  • Girl - unforeseen circumstances and strangers will help you achieve your goals;
  • boy - excitement on the eve of childbirth;


Directly related to the physical condition, if fear or apprehension is present even after waking up, immediately check your health and get tested.

Positive pictures will have a positive effect on life; the more bliss that remains in the morning, the more of it there will be in reality. Dirt and holes in clothes dream of serious conflicts and failures in the professional field; they will occur through the fault of the dreamer himself.

Talking to a little stranger leads to new friendships. The enmity that arose in the kingdom of Morpheus predicts that this connection will not bring good.

  • Several girls are dreaming - there are worries ahead that will turn out to be pleasant: meeting with distant relatives, change of residence, new place of work.
  • A loud group of little naughty girls - you will have to endure noisy communication and uncomfortable people.
  • Twins - you should expect trouble from all sides at the same time. Twins - gifts from different people.

The baby is swimming - take immediate action and take risks; there will never be a better moment for decisive action.

Kicking out minor guests from the house - behavior will force loved ones to abandon the person, and communication with colleagues will become a serious test, since their hatred can become a reason for terrible revenge.

A sick girl means gossip. Treating it means victory over your enemies. Death means annoying reproaches and inconvenience.

See a crying baby

Despite the negative associations, the dream is not always interpreted as bad.

Robinson is convinced that life path New goals and opportunities will arise, which will not be easy to achieve. It would not be a bad idea to go to a medical facility - this is how the body lets you know that you are not feeling well.

A child in tears is a sign of troubles that will bring discord into the usual way of life. To calm down - someone will ask for help, which will have to be provided. If you can’t calm down, then a dark streak will come.

Watching the “button” during a night’s rest predicts a radical change in the real state of affairs: receiving a lucrative offer, financial well-being, career growth, family idyll. Look into her eyes - there are many kind and devoted comrades around, ready to rush together into battle for justice.

The baby is roaring - the ensured regularity can be ruined by one’s own actions and complex character. If you manage to pacify him, then you will be able to overcome adversity in any case.

Successful completion of childbirth in a dream symbolizes inner growth, harmony, unexpected feelings and anxieties. The fulfillment of cherished desires, the emergence of a new hobby, and an increase in the budget looms ahead. Giving a child to a stranger means successful transactions, profitable investments or games on the stock exchange. If you trust this citizen, take a risk; if you have doubts, there is a chance to lose your investment.

Becoming foster parents will help you pay off all your debts, pay off your bills and replenish your wallet.

Feed, rock, care for the baby

  • Hugging a stranger in a vision means a whole series of conflicts and disagreements with loved ones.
  • A child is reaching out to hug - a friend will seriously set him up.
  • Hugging a stranger - the dreamer missed his destiny, a new appointment or a lucrative contract that a competitor would take for himself.
  • Embracing a harmful baby in your arms will make the environment seem childish, but you will have to come to terms with it.

See your own, someone else's baby

A comfortable and carefree future for the main characters is promised by a meeting in a dream with their own daughter or the youth of a close relative.

The baby outside seems like it belongs to you - this is a sign of favorable news.

Alien - you should be careful when choosing your path and course of action.

Angry or sad

A balanced or gloomy baby speaks of the need to rest, gain strength and energy, be alone and think about mortal things. It is children's carelessness and lack of thoughts about the future that will help relieve nervous tension.

A sad facial expression is a sign of bitterness. Attempts to cheer her up are successful - the sadness will pass in reality.

A teenager sheds tears - they struck a blow to someone’s pride, offended someone and did not realize it.

Happy and smiling girl

A cheerful, mischievous girl foreshadows the same emotions and events.

If she smiles, despite the fact that trouble is happening around, look for flatterers who want to stab you in the back and cause harm. Happiness ends in tears - grief will soon occur.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary issues, 1913
  • Fromm E. Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about a newborn girl” from professionals for people.

Many who saw a baby in a dream claimed that this dream was very good. They even woke up with a presentiment of joy. And how can a little, just born girl promise trouble? Of course not. This is a good omen.

When a woman sees the moment of her birth in a dream, it means that she must turn to God, repent of her sins and thus be reborn to a new, pure and happy life. It happens that people really want children and wait for them like angels. In this case, the dream of a newborn girl foretells pregnancy and joy from such an event. It is impossible to immediately predict who will be born, but the birth of a new life is happiness in itself.

A man’s dream of a baby foreshadows a completely new direction in business that will be profitable to develop. Even if some obstacles arise at first, then everything will work out, and new project will bring good profit. We must keep in mind what will happen the right decision involve a close friend in your business. In this case, the partners will complement each other, and things will go even more successfully.

A strange child in your arms or in a crib is alarming.

In this case, astrologers find it difficult to say why a newborn girl dreams. But it is possible that they will try to drag the dreamer into unrighteous deeds, and the dream warns him against rash actions.

It is considered a good omen if the dreamer sits next to the crib of a newborn girl. This means that in reality pleasant worries and deeds await him for the benefit of his family. When a child cries, there is no way to calm him down; this is a warning about problems that, upon closer examination, will turn out to be surmountable and not at all scary. Bathing a baby in a dream means correcting an unpleasant situation with the help of a loved one.

Very good omen– to see a laughing female child in a dream. Such a dream foreshadows participation in some fun event. Maybe it will be a city holiday or a New Year's masquerade. In any case, it will be a lot of fun, and then pleasant fatigue will set in, and the dreamer will spend the rest of the day with close and reliable friends. A romantic acquaintance is possible and, as a continuation, mutual love.

What can a newborn girl in a dream portend? To each his own. For a woman - quiet family happiness, long-awaited pregnancy. Taking care of home and family. For a man - new ideas in the business he is involved in. Success in all endeavors. There is practically no dream about a child that would predict trouble. If only minor problems that can be easily overcome with the help of loyal and reliable friends.

Sometimes dream interpreters say that such a dream foreshadows some amazing event. Something completely incredible and inexplicable. However, this incident will not be dangerous or unpleasant. On the contrary, it will put you in a cheerful and playful mood.

And such a dream can also mean a meeting with old people. good friends and perhaps a little friendly drinking. In some cases, astrologers advise to change behavior somewhat, to achieve your goals not by force, but by cunning.

When contacting an astrologer, you need to remember not only the main subject of the dream, but also the circumstances that happened to it. In this case, the newborn girl was laughing or crying. Was she her own child or a stranger, never seen before.

A dream about a newborn girl is a very good omen for people of any gender and age. It foretells pleasant family chores, the birth of a child or successful business. A person who has such dreams has nothing to fear in life. He has a friendly family and reliable friends who will come to the rescue in trouble.‏>

Why do you dream about a newborn girl?

A dream in which a person saw a newborn girl usually foreshadows pleasant surprises in reality. If a woman had such a dream, and she acted as a mother, then this plot is somehow connected with her family. If in a dream a mother passed off a completely alien baby as her child, then in this case you need to be wary.

From such a dream it can be assumed that someone will try to use the dreamer’s decency and kindness for their own selfish purposes. Moreover, this person may be a very close friend or girlfriend. Therefore, in order to find out why a newborn girl is dreaming, you need to know what is happening in the dream and compare the facts that actually happen. This will help make a more accurate forecast.

If the baby was born to the mother, while the latter is in the process of expecting a child early stages, then this can serve as a prediction of the gender of the unborn child. That is, if a girl was born in a dream, then in reality it will be a boy; if a boy is born in a dream, it means that a little princess will soon be born. It happens that a man also sees a newborn girl in a dream, where she smiles sweetly at him. If there are no harbingers of the birth of a child, then such children are usually dreamed of with great surprise, joy and success in business.

If the man who dreamed about the girl turned out to be single, then such a dream will be a harbinger of meeting a woman with whom he will have a very good relationship in the future. a good relationship. The conversation may also turn to the upcoming wedding.

A dream about a newborn girl symbolizes success in creative endeavors and directly gives a signal about this. It often happened that the baby foreshadowed new feelings that flared up, which were sudden and very pleasing to the young couple.

If in a dream you had a chance to play and nurse a newborn, then in the future a new addition to the family is possible. If this is not planned in the near future, then the dreamed baby revives new idea or a project in which this person will be directly involved. As a rule, children dream about something specific and good. If a little girl is taken by her parents from the maternity hospital and at the same time they experience great excitement, then the newborn dream is a sign of a great wonder and a joyful event that should happen very soon. This dream may also foreshadow an unexpected celebration.

All good things will mean under one condition, if the dreamed newborn girl was cheerful, healthy and radiant. If, on the contrary, the girl was sick or experiencing some difficulties, then this dream should be interpreted differently. In this case, the image seen symbolizes problems, sadness, sadness and possible troubles that will occur on the way of the sleeper. If you see yourself in the guise of a newborn girl, then this happens because the person is actually looking for a way out of the current difficult situation. Not finding this way out in reality, he tries to somehow hide and take refuge from the troubles that have befallen him. Having seen such a dream, it is best to find yourself again and take steps forward, rather than retreat back. Such a dream indicates that the person is too “stuck” in the memories of past years.

As you know, problems will not decrease if they are not solved. On the contrary, there will be more and more of them. Based on the above, it can be assumed that if the dream is interpreted correctly, the dreaming of a newborn girl can tell about something good, and also prevent future troubles.

Therefore, when drawing any definite conclusions about what you saw in a dream, you need to listen to your heart and mind. According to many dream books, a girl portends a miracle and wonder, but no one knows what it will be.‏>

Dream Interpretation Baby girl

Why do you dream about a baby girl in a dream according to the dream book?

A baby girl dreams of joyful moments in the life of the sleeper. Everything that will happen in the next period of time promises to have favorable consequences and bring you pleasant emotions. Perhaps you are about to meet a person with whom you will feel happy.

Who dreamed of a baby girl? What were you doing with the baby girl? Where was the baby girl? What was the baby girl doing? What kind of girls' babies did you dream about?

Who dreamed of a baby girl?

If a pregnant woman sees a baby girl in a dream

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she saw a baby girl increases the likelihood of giving birth to a girl in reality. In addition, such a dream promises good health and an easy birth for expectant mother. Don't worry about the baby's fate - you can take good care of him.

What were you doing with the baby girl?

What does it mean to dream about feeding a baby girl with breast milk?

Felomena's dream book says that if you saw yourself feeding breast milk a baby girl - this means that your worries about the current situation that haunts you are absolutely groundless. All fears are far-fetched and have no obvious basis for existence. All your efforts will be a waste of energy and nerves, and the problem will resolve itself after the required time has passed.

Where was the baby girl?

Why do you dream of a baby girl in your arms?

Holding a baby girl in your arms in a dream means that in real life you will have a long and grueling struggle for your happiness. Someone will try their best to upset your plans and prevent you from carrying out your plans. There is no need to despair, victory will be yours, but you will have to try for this.

What was the baby girl doing?

Why see a baby girl in your arms smiling in a dream?

If you dream that a baby girl is smiling in your arms, this portends that fate will be favorable to you and will give you many chances to realize your plans. You just need to recognize these opportunities and take advantage of them in time.

What kind of girls' babies did you dream about?

If you dreamed about babies, girls crap themselves

A dream in which the girl's babies were crap predicts that soon there will be a great opportunity get big profits. Of course, this money will not come for nothing; you will have to work hard to earn it. But the result will exceed all expectations.

If the baby was naked, it means you are suffering from loneliness. There is no person in life with whom you can share the warmth of your soul and an unrealized feeling of love. This dream hints that in the near future such a person will appear on your path in life; the main thing is to be able to see him in the crowd and not miss him.

Twin girls who appeared in a vision warn of a possible loss of friendly or love feelings. You risk losing the trust of your partner or friend and breaking the connection that exists between you.

If, according to the plot of the dream, the baby girl was dead, there will be serious disappointment and disappointment. It will become clear that the ideas that you intended to implement and made grandiose plans about this are not destined to come true. This can unsettle you for a while and cause you to experience severe mental anguish. Remember that life does not end here, try to start over - someday everything will work out, it simply cannot be any other way.‏>

Dream interpretation baby girl

Why do you dream of a baby girl in a dream?

Most dream books interpret the plot in which a baby appears very favorably. Just as the appearance of a baby in your life brings with it troubles, problems, and great joy, so a child seen in a dream is a signal that the path to happiness will not be easy, but you can overcome it.

Moreover, joy can be expected even if the baby cries. This meaning is especially enhanced when the dreamed baby is a girl. Her presence in a dream predicts imminent favorable changes, a journey, a surprise of fate, or a new acquaintance that will be quite unexpected.‏>

Dream Interpretation Newborn baby

Newborn baby, Newborn girl, Newborn boy, Babysitting

If you saw a Newborn in a dream or you happened to nurse a child in a dream, Dream Interpretations assure that this is not a forecast yet, that this is exactly what you will have to do in reality. Often the Newborn symbolizes only a new idea, a Grandiose project that will require your direct participation. You can find out exactly what we are talking about by looking at the Dream Books. So, a Newborn boy is more “down to earth”, more of a money project, and a Newborn girl symbolizes a creative endeavor or new bright feelings.

Seeing a strong, healthy newborn in a dreamauspicious sign, Success in all endeavors.

Seeing a newborn boy in a dream- to money.

Seeing a newborn girl in a dream- to new relationships.

A newborn seen in a dream is always a favorable prognosis, but provided that you saw the child as healthy, clean and beautiful. Sick children dream of sorrows and difficulties on your way. For both women and men, a newborn, depending on gender, symbolizes a new project. The boy he saw says that in this moment you will succeed in any financial questions and projects that promise great material benefits for you. A newborn girl on the contrary symbolizes a creative endeavor or gives a signal that some new and interesting person. Feelings will flare up that will surprise and delight you.

Seeing a newborn (girl or boy) in a dream for a pregnant woman- to the birth of a child of this gender.

Sometimes the subconscious of the expectant mother lets her know what gender she is carrying. Such visions will be reliably confirmed over time, but already now your body is giving a signal - the birth of whom exactly (a boy or a girl) you should expect.

Seeing yourself as a newborn child in a dream– degradation, regression, leaving the past, removal of responsibility from oneself.

Probably, Reality scares you so much that you are trying in every possible way to reject it, to escape to a well-protected place, Where no one will ever touch you - to your early childhood. The same dream symbolizes personal regression, when you are not trying to grow and mature morally, but on the contrary, you are taking steps in reverse direction. In all cases, this is an extremely negative dream. You should definitely think about what you saw. You are an adult. It's better for you to do active actions, Take decisive steps forward, and not hide from reality.

Nursing a child in a dream- troubles, worries; otherwise, you will have to make great efforts. Then what you have planned will come true.

Abstracting from the image of the Child, the Dream suggests that some kind of creative endeavor (project) will take place in your life, for the implementation of which you will need maximum strength, concentration and patience. In any case, this is a good forecast that needs to be taken into account.

Nursing a child in a dream (for men)– desire or fear of fatherhood.

For women, nursing a child is a desire to have children.

A dream in which you nursed someone else’s or your own child is a signal from your subconscious that you really want (moreover, are already ready) to have children in real life. However, before taking specific actions, remember all the details of your dream - did you worry about the child, did this happen against your will? The answer to these questions will help you understand whether the desire to have children really comes from your heart, or whether it is imposed by social norms (a kind of obligation to have children).‏>

Baby girl newborn

Dream Interpretation Child girl newborn dreamed of why in a dream a child is a newborn girl? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a newborn baby girl in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Girl

Being in the company of young people beautiful girls- you really have to be in good company at an interesting event.

Dressed in white girls- to the upcoming turn of life in better side, success and prosperity await you.

As a little girl, seeing yourself in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage.

An unfamiliar girl comes into your house - to uninvited guests.

Kicking out an unfamiliar girl means minor troubles.

Talking for a very long time with a girl in a dream means wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, she will be healthy in reality. If a young woman sees in a dream beautiful girl- this means pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

A newborn son or daughter portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

If the girl is in the water, then this dream means the appearance of something new in your life, and at the same time it offers you to try yourself in something - change your job or find a new hobby. This is very favorable period, and to get the maximum benefit, find several flat stones, place them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles; while they are burning, you should be in the water.

If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent this from happening, go to the cemetery as quickly as possible and bury a few potatoes near an unmarked grave.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on Earth a large number of vampires, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

See in a dream pregnant man- a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Because of environment is very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream - lucky sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Child - dream: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkosh) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

Girl – you need to be alone at least for a while.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

If you see a very beautiful girl who looks like a doll in a dream, this is a miracle.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

TEENAGER- unknown girl means year. And if someone sees that she is beautiful, gives him something, or if he sees that he hugs her or has intimate relations with her, without signs of excretion, he will acquire the benefits of this year depending on her beauty. If he sees that his daughter has been born, he will gain joy. If he sees that he has a son, he will experience worry and care.

Dream Interpretation – Girl

Amazing and happy event related to children or people much younger than you.

Imagine that you are treating a girl to something tasty. Give her a gift.‏>

A favorable sign if in a dream a newborn girl is healthy and beautiful. Usually such a vision promises positive changes or pleasant surprises. A dream about the birth of a baby is generally deciphered as a symbol of the onset of happy changes and good luck, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. But there are other interpretations - let's find out why a newborn girl dreams. The answer to this question will be given by the dream book.

Why do you dream about a newborn girl?

  • First of all, the dream symbolizes a positive ending to an unpleasant matter, success in work and other matters.
  • In a dream, being present at the birth of a baby means expect happiness and joy.
  • For a young girl, such a dream means fun, parties, dancing, or her mother’s worries about her. Try to limit yourself in your wishes.
  • Seeing a newborn girl and holding her in your arms, calming her down or cradling her means that in real life you will need strength for some important matter. As a rule, this is a matter that was postponed “until tomorrow” for a very long time and was subsequently completely forgotten. But there is a possibility that the strength may not be enough.
  • Feeding a newborn baby in a dream - expect troubles, but rest assured, because they will end positively for you.
  • Bathing a girl means that you will find the best solution to a specific problem. And if the girl who is born is also healthy, this is a very good sign.
  • Walking with a newborn in a dream means an unexpected surprise or meeting that is somehow connected with the road awaits you.
  • If in your dream you managed to lose your newborn, expect to search for the meaning of your life in reality.
  • When in a dream you see someone else’s child in your arms, it means that someone is using you, taking advantage of your gullibility, and for the most selfish purposes.
  • If you dropped a baby in a dream - expect failure in your affairs.
  • For a married woman, such a dream foreshadows the birth of a daughter, or a possible illness for herself or a member of her family.
  • If an expectant mother dreams of a newborn girl, she needs to prepare for premature birth. In this case, it would be a good idea to seek help from a qualified doctor who can quickly resolve the problem. After all, with the help of sleep, the subconscious is trying to tell you that something is wrong in the body and at the level of some super-subtle matters, in a dream, a person feels a lot.
  • Babysitting a newborn girl - expect deception from the dearest person.
  • Seeing the birth of an ugly girl in a dream - beware of misfortune.
  • A bad sign is to see yourself in a dream, taking a sick baby in your arms. This dream promises sadness, suffering and anxiety.
  • If a newborn baby cries in a dream, your efforts in the name of something will end in vain.

Dream Interpretation: newborn girl, what to prepare for?

A dream in which a newborn baby cries is a dream of deterioration, regret, and also disappointment.

If in a dream a newborn girl was in diapers and sucking a woman’s breast, in reality you are in danger of illness.

If the newborn girl was dirty, family scandals and showdowns await you.

A baby in a dream is often a sign of the future, impermanence, anxiety and anxiety.

A dream in which you receive news of the birth of a girl can be favorable. It promises a “mega” profitable transaction or the successful completion of a specific case.

For an unmarried girl, such a dream can be considered a prophecy of future prosperity, as well as the possible creation of a family.

Other interpretations

What do popular dream books say about this?

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a baby in a dream means hoping for something. If a girl cries, the dream promises anxiety, maybe this is due to your loved ones.

A baby in a dream does not promise anything bad in life, but on the contrary, it is considered a sign of pleasant worries, joy or success in business. A girl in a dream will bring positive changes in your real life; consider them a kind of gift of fate.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book explains this vision as the appearance of small problems.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, if a woman saw a girl in a dream, then she does not have enough sincerity and tenderness in her relationships with the male sex, and perhaps these feelings are completely absent.

If a man dreams of a little baby, Freud explains this dream as an uncontrollable desire to try the forbidden fruit. The dream speaks of an insufficient number of vivid sensations and emotions in real intimate life.

On a note

A newborn baby appearing in a dream may indicate the need to show attention or care for someone. For many women, such a dream often becomes a harbinger of their own pregnancy. But for a representative of the stronger sex, a dream about a newborn child can indicate extreme anxiety, fear, or, on the contrary, a great desire to become a father.

The dream may be associated with an unexpected trip or journey. If a newborn girl cries in her sleep, expect trouble, very annoying interference. A newborn baby in a dream, if she is extremely healthy and beautiful, is worth the joy; a dirty girl or a sick girl - you should expect unexpected worries, all sorts of legal proceedings, etc.

Popular dream books answer the question of why one dreams of the birth of a girl in different ways. Accurate interpretation depends on who is having the dream and what emotions this dream evokes, but most opinions are that the birth of a girl in a dream foreshadows a joyful and happy future in real life.

Giving birth to a girl in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

According to Vanga, a dream in which the dreamer gives birth to a girl promises him some troubles, but they will be pleasant and joyful. It is quite possible that you can become pregnant with your daughter in real life. If you dreamed that the birth was difficult and lasted a long time, in reality you will face difficulties at work, but they will be resolved in the near future, and very successfully.

If childbirth in a dream happened quickly, another person will take on some of your problems. Adult woman, already the mother of several children, a dream in which a girl is born foreshadows an outburst of feelings for her husband or loved one.

Why do you dream about the birth of a girl according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Tsvetkova’s dream book states that a woman dreams of the birth of a daughter if in reality she dreams about it or is already pregnant and expecting a new addition to the family. But the explanation of what dreams of pregnancy and the birth of a girl mean changes depending on who the dreamer is.

Why does a married woman dream about the birth of a girl? Such a dream promises joyful and positive emotions from some news. But why dream of giving birth to a girl? unmarried girl? This means that perhaps her reputation will be tarnished, and through her own fault.

Tsvetkov’s dream book also answers the question of why a pregnant woman dreams of the birth of a girl. Such a dream is good sign, promising quick birth without special effort and birth healthy child. According to the dream book, giving birth to a stillborn girl means that in real life you may get sick or suffer from loneliness.

Give birth to a girl according to Magini's dream book

According to the dream book, giving birth to a girl in a dream is a good, positive sign. As a rule, this is an omen of unexpected but pleasant events or news. When asked why one dreams of giving birth to twin girls, the dream book answers that it is receiving the same news, but only from different people. According to the dream book, giving birth to a girl and a twin boy means rejoicing at some unexpected news that you have been waiting for a long time.

The explanation of why you dream of giving birth to twin girls in Magini’s dream book is as follows: these are two pieces of news that will greatly please you. If you dreamed that you were in labor when you were born dead girl, which means that some hopes will not come true. According to the dream book, giving birth to a red-haired girl means hearing news that will greatly surprise you.

Why see a child in a shirt in a dream? This means that in real life you will have a pleasant surprise in the near future. According to the interpretation of the dream book, give birth to a girl with blue eyes- a sign of help and support from an unexpected person.

The birth of a daughter with black hair in a dream warns of betrayal from an unexpected direction. Why, according to the dream book, give birth to a girl with brown eyes? This means becoming a victim of deception in reality. Magini's dream book interprets the meaning of the dream “give birth to a girl, feed her” as a twist of fate - you will start a business that in the future can become very successful.

I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl: interpretation from the dream book of Nostradamus

Giving birth to a big girl in a dream, according to Nastradamus, means excessive shyness. Why dream of giving birth to a disabled girl? The dream foretells help to a person who will greatly need it. The dream book answers the question of why you dream of giving birth to a red-haired girl - this is unexpected news.

What does it mean to give birth to a girl in a dream according to the Big Dream Book

If you dream of your own birth and a girl is born, in real life you will have a chance to forget everything old and start living from scratch. The dream book explains why one dreams of having a second child, a girl, as an unexpected and great joy. If you dreamed that an unplanned daughter was born, then your efforts will be rewarded. Why do you dream of giving birth to a fat girl? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign of minor troubles.

The birth of a girl according to Miller's dream book

Miller interprets a dream in which married woman a girl is born as a solution to all problems, troubles and disputes. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, she should think about her behavior, about how she behaves in public.

Give birth to a girl in a dream ex-husband means that the girl should behave more modestly. Giving birth to a girl without pain in a dream is a warning that complex problems will soon be resolved. If the child was born with severe pain, you may have an enemy or ill-wisher. A girl was born - a copy of her mother? In real life, you will take on something you have never done before. If you dreamed that a child had long hair, then in real life he will have excellent health.

If in a dream a girl was born to a man, it means that in reality he has too much work. This is a sign that you should unload yourself a little, because you cannot take on an unbearable burden.

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What can dreams tell you? What people see in a dream can say a lot, and this is confirmed not only by numerous dream books, but also by centuries-old observations. In order to decipher as accurately as possible what a baby girl is dreaming of, it is recommended to remember in great detail all the details of the dream, and only then look for its interpretation.

Almost all popular dream books classify dreams about children as positive, foreshadowing some pleasant surprises, joy, and other positive moments. However, we are only talking about healthy and beautiful children, plus, all your actions are very important, on which the semantics of interpretation of each picture and event that visited you at night will also depend. Therefore, remember all the details.

Dream books about dreams about baby girls

According to esoteric dream book, seeing a baby girl in a dream foreshadows some joyful event. It can concern both the dreamer himself and his loved ones. Whether this will be connected with material wealth - the collection of interpretations does not talk about this.

Tsvetkov’s dream book associates such a vision with the well-being awaiting the person who saw it, but if the baby is dirty or naked, then this foreshadows worries, and even troubles that will appear in the near future.

In the same interpreter one can also find an explanation for the dream in which a mother takes care of a newborn baby; it is deciphered as a dream that portends health for both her and the child.

Baby girl having fun playing clean water- a promise of quick joys, but if she is sad or crying, and you saw this, and do not know why this is a dream, then the collection warns that they are holding a grudge against you. Take a closer look at your own surroundings.

Those who hold a baby girl in their arms should prepare for problems; they will hinder the achievement of their intended goals, but if the child laughs or smiles, the dream book assures that the dreamer will cope with them.

But a sick child in your arms is a slightly more negative dream, indicating that worries, grief or sadness will await you. Eastern dream book even warns of the possibility of illness.

But the Mayan dream book interprets visions of a baby girl in two ways, considering them both good and bad, and their details are quite important. One interpretation of a dream about a baby girl suggests that the dreamer can expect some new prospects and events, but one should not rush and turn the page, because one must be prepared for the betrayal of the people who surround the dreamer, especially if the child was sad.

The French dream book warns that if you see a crying baby, you should be examined by doctors; it is likely that a disease has “settled” in the body, and the sooner you start fighting it, the more successful the result is guaranteed.

Why do you dream of a baby whose face expresses complete pleasure? This promises anticipation of some kind of controversy and intrigue, but an “untidy” and disheveled little creature in your dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles and the collapse of plans.

If you were visited by a vision in which a baby girl was crying, Miller’s dream book deciphers this as disappointment or impending health problems. But a cheerful baby is a reward for your love for your neighbors, and a promise of a large number of friends. A sick child coming to you in a dream is a bad omen.

What a dream “promises” to different people

If a young woman sees a baby girl in a dream, this promises her worries about her own children, or good news from loved ones. The same dream, but for a guy, can be a harbinger of a meeting with long-forgotten relatives or friends.

Why does a man dream about this? If a male dreamer saw a girl in a baby’s dream, then this, according to the dream book, promises him some kind of loss, however insignificant, especially if he brought the baby into the house.

A baby girl who is taken care of promises a helper in real life; an unkempt girl, on the contrary, foretells that the dreamer will find himself alone, abandoned even by close people. Think about it and reconsider your relationship with them.

If you clearly remember two babies, a boy and a girl, then, according to the dream book, such a vision may mean some kind of surprise for the man, and for the expectant mother an easy and quick birth. A pregnant woman can even see the gender of her baby!

Sometimes, a dream about a little girl, a baby, can mean imminent pregnancy the girl who saw him. If a young lady was breastfeeding a baby girl, or rocking her in a dream, then she should prepare for some news and meetings, they will become joyful.

But it also happens that the baby girl you are rocking in your arms may portend the deception of a person very close to you, or trouble.

Why do you dream about someone else’s baby? If a child is happy and having fun, this means the appearance of a lover or beloved in the life. Crying - unpleasant news from a business partner or relatives.

What can dreams tell you? What people see in a dream can say a lot, and this is confirmed not only by numerous dream books, but also by centuries-old observations. In order to decipher as accurately as possible what a baby girl is dreaming of, it is recommended to remember in great detail all the details of the dream, and only then look for its interpretation.

Almost all popular dream books classify dreams about children as positive, foreshadowing some pleasant surprises, joy, and other positive moments. However, we are only talking about healthy and beautiful children, plus, all your actions are very important, on which the semantics of interpretation of each picture and event that visited you at night will also depend. Therefore, remember all the details.

Dream books about dreams about baby girls

According to the esoteric dream book, seeing a baby girl in a dream foreshadows some joyful event. It can concern both the dreamer himself and his loved ones. Whether this will be connected with material wealth - the collection of interpretations does not talk about this.

Tsvetkov’s dream book associates such a vision with the well-being awaiting the person who saw it, but if the baby is dirty or naked, then this foreshadows worries, and even troubles that will appear in the near future.

In the same interpreter one can also find an explanation for the dream in which a mother takes care of a newborn baby; it is deciphered as a dream that portends health for both her and the child.

A baby girl playing merrily in clear water is a promise of quick joys, but if she is sad or crying, and you saw this and don’t know why you are dreaming, then the collection warns that they are holding a grudge against you. Take a closer look at your own surroundings.

Those who hold a baby girl in their arms should prepare for problems; they will hinder the achievement of their intended goals, but if the child laughs or smiles, the dream book assures that the dreamer will cope with them.

But a sick child in your arms is a slightly more negative dream, indicating that worries, grief or sadness will await you. The Eastern dream book even warns about the possibility of illness.

But the Mayan dream book interprets visions of a baby girl in two ways, considering them both good and bad, and their details are quite important. One interpretation of a dream about a baby girl suggests that the dreamer can expect some new prospects and events, but one should not rush and turn the page, because one must be prepared for the betrayal of the people who surround the dreamer, especially if the child was sad.

The French dream book warns that if you see a crying baby, you should be examined by doctors; it is likely that a disease has “settled” in the body, and the sooner you start fighting it, the more successful the result is guaranteed.

Why do you dream of a baby whose face expresses complete pleasure? This promises anticipation of some kind of controversy and intrigue, but an “untidy” and disheveled little creature in your dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles and the collapse of plans.

If you were visited by a vision in which a baby girl was crying, Miller’s dream book deciphers this as disappointment or impending health problems. But a cheerful baby is a reward for your love for your neighbors, and a promise of a large number of friends. A sick child coming to you in a dream is a bad omen.

What a dream “promises” to different people

If a young woman sees a baby girl in a dream, this promises her worries about her own children, or good news from loved ones. The same dream, but for a guy, can be a harbinger of a meeting with long-forgotten relatives or friends.

Why does a man dream about this? If a male dreamer saw a girl in a baby’s dream, then this, according to the dream book, promises him some kind of loss, however insignificant, especially if he brought the baby into the house.

A baby girl who is taken care of promises a helper in real life; an unkempt girl, on the contrary, foretells that the dreamer will find himself alone, abandoned even by close people. Think about it and reconsider your relationship with them.

If you clearly remember two babies, a boy and a girl, then, according to the dream book, such a vision may mean some kind of surprise for the man, and for the expectant mother an easy and quick birth. A pregnant woman can even see the gender of her baby!

Sometimes, a dream about a little girl, a baby, can mean an imminent pregnancy for the girl who saw him. If a young lady was breastfeeding a baby girl, or rocking her in a dream, then she should prepare for some news and meetings, they will become joyful.

But it also happens that the baby girl you are rocking in your arms may portend the deception of a person very close to you, or trouble.

Why do you dream about someone else’s baby? If a child is happy and having fun, this means the appearance of a lover or beloved in the life. Crying - unpleasant news from a business partner or relatives.

comment 21

  • Hello, I dreamed of a little girl about 8 months old, she was very cheerful, I held her in my arms, and I knew for sure that this was my daughter. I woke up all happy and full of joyful emotions. I am 15 years old, in a dream I felt that I was older, but not much, about 17 years old.

  • I dreamed that I was holding a little girl about four months old in my arms, she was smiling, she wrapped her palm around my finger and was also smiling, contented. I took her home, showed her to my husband and told her that she would live with us now, since I couldn’t get pregnant yet. I recently lost a child. And the dream was like reality!!! Why do you dream about this?

  • I dreamed that I was crossing some shallow pond with a baby in my arms. Moreover, completely naked (and the girl too). She slept in my arms and for some reason I felt completely calm, even though it was night and I didn’t know where to go. But we reached a house. I’m only 16 years old, this isn’t the first time I’ve had this dream, what could it mean?

  • Anastasia:

    Please tell me what the dream means. I dreamed of a 5 month old baby girl, I was holding her in my arms and I knew for sure that this was my daughter, although I don’t have children, I’m 20 and I never wanted a girl. In a dream, my baby was taken away by a woman; in her arms, the child began to cry, and when she let me hold it again, the baby became a kitten and jumped out of my arms.

  • I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl, I clearly saw her face, she was a beautiful baby, expressive eyes, in a white envelope, and in the dream I also saw that my son was also holding her in his arms, he was 7 years old and trying to hide her in some locker, but Despite all this, the child was calm and even smiled at times. What could this mean?

  • I dreamed that I had a boyfriend and I loved him very much, but I cheated on him with another boy and gave birth to this boy. This girl was so beautiful, she smiled at me so much, but I had an abortion a year ago and the fetus froze a month ago. Please tell me what this dream is for?

  • Anastasia:

    Today I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was feeding a little baby on a high chair, it was definitely a girl and I knew in the dream that it was my daughter, I picked her up and she burped. But she was so pretty, I cooed with her, and she laughed and smiled. But my husband and I don’t have children yet, but he really wants to, what’s the point? For an early pregnancy?
