Get married: the surest signs. Get married in a dream and not get out, not see the groom. Get married in a dream according to Miller

The first date with the man went well. It doesn't matter where it happened, the main thing is that the atmosphere is filled only positive emotions. When she returns home, all her thoughts will be filled with this man. Every moment will be remembered - to the smallest detail. But the woman will not think about something serious yet, because it's too early for this.

Two weeks have passed since the first date, and here it is. For a woman, this will be a surprise. It is this proposal that will make the girl think about how serious the intentions of her chosen one are.

What does he really want?

In a situation where a man calls for marriage after two weeks of dating, there may be several options for understanding his intentions. But one should not think that the logic of the opposite sex is simple: if you are married, then it is so, and does not imply any self-interest.

First, as you know, the duration of dates and meetings does not always negatively affect the quality of marriage. Some meet for a long time, but when they get married, they cannot live together for a year, they get divorced. For others, a short period of time is enough to understand that this is their soulmate, with whom they want to live their whole lives. Therefore, if a man offered to marry him, one should not give hasty answers.

Secondly, if after two weeks a man is ripe for an offer, but at the same time offers a woman to move in with him immediately, it is worth considering whether there is any catch in his decision. In such a situation, there are two options:

A man is really crazy about a woman and is ready to do crazy things for her;
- he has a vested interest, hiding behind a marriage proposal.

In the first case, a man tries in any way to prove to a woman that he has sincere love for her. In the second version, he uses various tricks to get the girl into bed.

It must be remembered that not every man will dare to propose to a woman after two weeks of dating. It would be appropriate for him to get to know each other better, to get to know the family of the chosen one. Some men, before getting married, decide to test their relationship with a woman in everyday life.

How to determine its severity?

A woman should try to find out if a man is in a difficult situation, such as a quarrel with a girl or a divorce. Men who have been married, as a rule, do not make rash decisions. Therefore, it will be useful for a woman to find out if he just wants to have fun in this way.

It is necessary to pay attention to whether he is interested in his chosen one as a person. If he talks more about himself, then the seriousness of his intentions should be called into question.

It is necessary to remember whether he kept his promises. If he said that he would call at five, and did it only after a few hours or days, making the girl worry, you should think about his intentions. Such irresponsibility can only be tolerated if he had a good reason not to keep his promise.

In a man with serious intentions, behavior is definite and predictable. Saying goodbye to a woman, he plans a new meeting, says that he will call in the evening (at lunchtime, in the morning).

If a man insists on intimacy, regardless of the desires of a woman, then he wants only this. A decent man will wait until a woman gives her consent to such a serious step in their relationship.

Before agreeing to a man's proposal to marry him, you need to understand whether the woman herself is ready for such a step. After that, you should pay attention to it. Only realizing that his intentions are serious, give his answer.


  • How to check the seriousness of a man's intentions

So the day has come when you clearly realized that you have found your soul mate and want to get married. Offering a hand and heart to a person you love with all your heart and soul is not an easy task. This is a step towards the transition to new level your relationship. The answer of the beloved girl will largely depend on how original, beautiful and romantic a man makes an offer. There is no specific scenario here. But you have to stick to certain rules, norms of behavior and try to do everything on highest level.

You will need

  • - self confidence;
  • - romantic atmosphere;
  • - flowers and a ring.


To get started, turn on your imagination, ingenuity, resourcefulness and diligence. Ask your best friends, relatives, relatives and acquaintances for help. They will not be able to refuse you and will try their best to help in this important matter.

Prepare the necessary speech in advance. Remember that everyone dreams of this wonderful moment in their lives and expects to hear something very tender and pleasant from a loved one. Here it does not hurt to learn a beautiful verse about love or a few lines from a song. Become a romantic, surprise your sweetheart.

Then decide on the place where you are going to say the most important and exciting words for you that will change your life. Think of your favorite romantic places where you loved to be together. Choose the best one. This place should be special and have for both great importance. Perhaps this will be the place of your acquaintance or first date.

Be creative. Try to do everything necessary to ensure that your proposal is remembered by your beloved on. Everything should be thought out so that your girlfriend with joy on her face tells about this significant event to all relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Don't forget about the huge bouquet of her favorite flowers. You should not invite to a jewelry salon for selection. By doing this, you will reveal all your plans, lose in romance and surprise at the most crucial moment. The marriage proposal itself should be an unexpected surprise, so until the very last day keep everything under wraps.

Before the very process of offering a hand and heart to your chosen one, once again carefully check everything and make sure that everything is ready for you.

Be calm and solemn. Collect your thoughts, kneel before your beloved and say a few introductory words. Then hold out the case to your beloved and say the key phrase that she has been waiting for from you for a very long time. The most important thing is that the proposal be made from the heart and with great love.

Now wait. Be prepared to hear both positive and negative. Remember that this is a very serious decision in everyone's life and she may ask you for time to think. Do not worry, if you did everything right, the girl will definitely give you only a positive answer.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of single women who have crossed the half-century milestone. Some of them have an unsuccessful marriage or early widowhood behind them, while others never managed to meet their fate. It may seem that you need to accept and live out your life alone. In fact, it's never too late to change your life.

Why do people get married after 50?

Although many single women after 50 want to get married, it is still not always clear whether they need it. At this age, there are several reasons for marriage. Of course, the most common among them is the desire to escape loneliness. In this case, the woman is looking for a decent, non-drinking man who will not cause her great love, but it can brighten up loneliness and protect from life's adversities. At the same time, it’s not bad if a woman has her own apartment, where she can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort for a man. It is also desirable to be able to cook well: the way to a man's heart is still through the stomach.

Sometimes fifty-year-old women want to find a wealthy husband in order to get rid of material problems. We must admit that this is not so easy to do. Even not too young rich men are a lure for girls in their 20s and 30s. To withstand the competition, you need to be slim, beautiful, well-groomed and very wise. Having entered into marriage, a woman will have to constantly look after herself, meet her husband invariably good mood and, perhaps, sometimes turn a blind eye to his fleeting hobbies. To find a rich man, you need to have certain funds, which will have to be invested both in their own appearance and in visiting expensive restaurants and private clubs that wealthy people like to visit.

Is love possible after 50?

Despite the fact that many believe that even after forty, and even more so 50 years, there is no time for romantic feelings, but even at this age you can marry for love. The problem is that 50-year-old ladies can no longer fall in love recklessly, as young girls do, not noticing the flaws of their lover. Nevertheless, at any age you can afford to fall in love. You just need to learn how to keep youth in your soul, enjoy every day and sincerely believe in the possibility of happiness. And age is not a hindrance here. It is even an advantage, making a woman wiser, more experienced and more patient.

There are chances to get married at any age, although, of course, they largely depend on the character and ability to look good. If a woman is sociable, friendly and smiling, takes care of herself and keeps her soul young, she will be able to happily marry even at 60 years old. After all, it’s not without reason that some young beauty is surprised at how many fans her pretty and youthful grandmother has.

A man can go to a bar every day. Or arrange daily home beer gatherings with friends. Or he can come home from work, turn on the TV, open chips and drink beer. If you want to stop a man from drinking beer, start with arguments.

The abuser usually does not notice his sins. Explain that he deprives the family of communication with him and vice versa. A man devotes a significant part of his free time to beer, and if he does, communication can no longer be complete. Tell us how important it is for you to be with him, share your impressions and problems. Emphasize how much you need your man. Don't push too hard, but try to objectively convey that you care about him and your relationship.

Suggest an alternative

If a man agrees with your arguments and is ready to improve, offer him an alternative. For example, agree that instead of drinking beer alone, you will do something enjoyable together. Get carried away with cycling, sign up for a tango club together, buy subscriptions to the pool.

Perhaps your man's beer drinking habit is just a need to keep his hands and mouth busy while watching TV, biting his nails or smoking. Try to offer him something long-lasting: seeds, nuts, dried fruits. Sometimes you can entrust a man with a simple mechanical task while watching TV: for example, picking out cherries for winter harvesting. This will allow him to focus, and, at the same time, to relax, to be distracted, if that is what he finds in beer.


Try to play the game. For example, suggest that a man save for three months everything that he could spend on beer and nuts. And with the money you save, you'll go to wine tour in Provence for the weekend. For each miss, postpone the trip for a week.

Maybe approach the meeting after work with a man creatively? It is not easy for many of them to switch after a heated work to a wife and a quiet creak of floorboards. Prepare beautiful dinners for your man. And better - wait for the man from work and cook them together to the music. It can be an ordinary chicken, but served in glass bowls, decorated with apple rings and small candles. Build more snacks in tiny saucers from everything that is in the refrigerator, turn on modern jazz, buy a bottle of the lightest wine and paste over it with playful drawings about your life together. Act like movie characters from an American movie. After a series of such dinners, it will not be so easy for a man to retreat.

Place a bet

If you have a flaw that annoys a man, offer a competition: who will get rid of his flaw faster. Make a bet in public, for example, in the presence of friends. If a man can go without beer for a couple of months, and you break out of a carbohydrate-free diet earlier, well, a week of fishing with friends is guaranteed to him.

Press for pity

Tell the man how tired you are of his lax look and fishy smell, how you constantly have a head, and thoughts about his behavior do not allow you to get enough sleep or concentrate on work. Ask him to drink less beer for you - to start every other day and gradually bring up to a couple of bottles at the weekend. Blossom and rejoice in proportion to the decrease in the amount of beer drunk by a man. Surprise him with new outfits, make-up and cheerful look. If you manage to leave one pub - drink together on Saturdays.

Maybe he's lonely?

Is your man looking for solace in beer and the opportunity to pour out his soul to friends? Do you talk enough together, go to concerts and movies? Do you live like neighbors?

Scare him. Lie.

Tell the man that colleagues are interested: they say, I married a man twice my age. Read to him a note by a well-known endocrinologist from the Cosmopolitan magazine about the possibility of male breast growth up to the second size when drinking beer. Take a tape measure, measure your man and make a spreadsheet in Excel. Make observations regularly and carefully.

Take a man a coupon for an appointment with a urologist, explaining that a little more - and it will be too late. Promise to take time off from work and go with him.

If your man goes to beer bars, declare that you have been infected by his example and ask for advice on which of the five new pairs of stilettos will suit latex shorts.

If all else fails, admit both that the man is alcoholic. Ask for help in specialized centers, or humble yourself and even then love him for who he is.

When you break up with your lover, no matter how long your relationship lasted, you experience pain and disappointment. It seems that the world has collapsed, and only failures and blunders await you ahead. It becomes doubly painful when your ex-partner after a certain period of time finds a replacement for you and looks happy. Doubts creep in: did she ever love you at all, or was it all a pretense and a good game? You can survive all this, and, most likely, you will even begin to forget your former beloved, but here again a new blow: from third parties you will find out that she is going to get married. And all this despite the fact that when you offered her marriage, she constantly refused you, referring to some external reasons.

say you will upset In that case, don't say anything. But still try to pull yourself together and calm down. Although at first it will not be easy to do this, you will be overcome by anger and rage, in the heat of the moment you will begin to insult her, remember all the most negative things from your communication. Perhaps alone with yourself, or maybe speaking out to a friend or acquaintance in a tête-à-tête conversation. After you loosen up a bit negative emotions, you will suddenly have a wild desire to take revenge on your ex. And one of the most better ways for this will be her upcoming wedding. Of course, this is a good way to spoil the mood, and perhaps even the life of your once loved one, but the game is not worth the candle. Think about what you personally will get good after this incident? Absolutely nothing. Be a little selfish, do not try for others, because the situation can turn into a completely different side, not the way you imagined it. For example:

Guests can vice versa have fun what you do, taking it for a pre-rehearsed production, because not everyone present will know you by sight and understand why you needed all this. Naturally, in more it all depends on what exactly you are going to do and how you plan to upset the wedding. But, nevertheless, in any of your actions, guests can find something funny, of course, unless it is connected with some kind of crime. If so, then another point follows.

- You can be taken to the police station. Everything is even very fair: after all, you are violating public order, posing a threat to society at the celebration. The shameful removal of you in handcuffs will be remembered for a long time by the guests, and by you too. But it is unlikely that later you will be proud of yourself to remember this day.

If you still decide come to this wedding without an invitation, this, first of all, will give out your unquenched feelings. Everyone will understand that you still love your ex-girlfriend and that is why you invaded this holiday today and are trying to prevent her from building a new relationship. And what could be more humiliating than unrequited love? You will simply be taken for a weakling who could not survive this pain and behaves like a true fool, trying to return ex love who had forgotten him a long time ago and is happy with another young man. Have self-respect - do not humiliate yourself like that in front of a girl and other people.

try find pluses in everything that happens, and they are here without a doubt.

- Remember All negative qualities his ex girlfriend. Does she not know how to cook? Amazing! Sympathize with her husband, who in the evening, having come with, will be forced to cook his own dinner. Is she unkempt, careless? Her future husband may not even know what he signed. But well, it's his choice.

- Remember all your quarrels, you will find a lot of negativity in them, which will help you get angry with her to such an extent that you want to spit on this relationship from a high bell tower, and thank life for taking you away from this person.

Unlikely your the girl was the most ideal of those who could potentially meet you on the way. All her flaws in appearance that did not suit you should give you an impetus to engage in a detailed search for a more perfect soulmate. If, nevertheless, it was the girl of your dreams, do not be discouraged, there are probably at least a couple more of these in the world, moreover, tastes change over time, and it’s not a fact that in a year you will still consider her your ideal.

Nowadays, more and more girls get married by the age of 25-30. I myself met my betrothed at the age of 24. I remember how hard it was to wait for your fate. What if it doesn't come true? Suddenly big and real love won't happen. It's scary to be alone. Anxiety greatly overshadows life, makes a girl nervous, spoils her character, leads to the appearance of various kinds of diseases. And this reduces the chances of attracting a worthy person. It turns out a vicious circle. I will write about the signs that say that the meeting with the future spouse is close. All stories are absolutely real: either happened to me and my friends, or taken from thematic forums.

1. Find flowers.

If you suddenly get flowers in your hands, perhaps this is more than a pleasant surprise. There is such a sign that finding flowers is for marriage. Here is one great story:

“Last year, lilacs bloomed in our yard, it was, in my opinion, the end of May. Such beautiful tree I stood there, walking with the dog, I always admired it, but it was somehow embarrassing to tear off a branch, it seemed like a common property of the yard. And once again, Senya and I came closer, I think, at least I can smell the lilacs. And what do you think, right under the tree there were 3 evenly broken, fresh, fluffy branches, of course, I picked them up, wondering how great my wish came true, and went home, all happy. I bring lilacs, and my mother says: “Well, you will get married soon.” Allegedly, on TV they talked about such a sign that finding flowers is for marriage. I was not much seduced, as the old maid is under forty years old, with two loans. What kind of lilac will help here! Not a single man was in sight. Well, here is the result, after those twigs everything started spinning and spinning in my personal life, a man appeared and on February 16, 2013 I got married. So find flowers - for marriage! Maybe soon there will be three of us, like those branches.

2. A plucked branch will bloom for Christmas (old fortune-telling)

This is an old fortune teller. On a certain day (December 6, on the eve of the feast of St. Catherine, or on Epiphany), the girls went to someone else's garden, where they secretly broke off a cherry branch. She had to be brought home and put into the water. And then we watched what would happen. It was believed that the girl would get married within a year if the leaves appeared on the branch by Christmas. If the leaves appear later (after Christmas), this means that you will have to wait, but the groom will definitely come. If flowers appear in addition to leaves, this means that the girl will not only get married this year, but will also have time to become a mother. If there are no leaves at all, marriage is not expected in the near future. If the leaves do not have time to appear, but are "on the way", the wedding is likely by the end of the year.

I'm sure you can bring home any branch of the tree you like and see what happens. One should not take such divinations too seriously, although they can be surprisingly accurate. On the day of my wedding, my mother, when we stopped at the house of the father-in-law on the way, broke off a small process of the one they liked houseplant. She remembered about him 3 days later, when he was already quite wilted. And yet I decided to plant it. “If it takes root, the daughter’s marriage will work out,” she thought, and was frightened by such thoughts. As a result, the stunted leaf grew into such a lush half-meter bush that it had to be planted outside. There was little room for him on the windowsill. We have been together for 15 years, we have 3 wonderful children.

“Fortune-telling about cherries is correct, verified on myself. Only it needs to be broken out (cut off with scissors) at Epiphany, January 19th. We pour water from the tap and put it in a vase and wait. Blooms - to marry within a year. I had so much fun for 10 years - it doesn’t bloom even burst. Maximum kidneys swell and all. And then she blossomed with flowers, but not one. I think that's it, yeah, now. Already December has come, where to wait further, and then a chance meeting, called up from the summer, though ... Since December, together. Civil marriage. She's shocked how it happened. In January, it broke again and the flowers bloomed again. In March, they gave me a ring. I won’t guess this year, so everything is clear.”

3. Dreams with dead ancestors.

The meeting with the betrothed and the wedding determine what our future life and destiny, the life and destiny of our children will be like. Important turning points often seem to cast a shadow. We can foresee imminent change. Sometimes premonitions hidden from our awareness manifest themselves in the form prophetic dreams. On one of the forums I read this story:

“A year before I met my husband, I dreamed about my grandfather. In a dream, he came to visit me with his mother, whom I only know from photographs. They whispered about something, then my grandfather twisted and turned me in all directions, examined me appraisingly, and he and my great-grandmother began to comb my hair and weave braids. And in parting they gave a comb and a belt. When I told my mother, she immediately said: “To the wedding!” And it did come true."

4. Strangles brownie

People say that the brownie drives out of the house. This is how very unpleasant experiences are explained when a girl experiences sensations while half asleep:

“At night, I lie on my back and, as it were, in some kind of half-asleep, but I do not sleep. I feel that some kind of heaviness is leaning on my chest and as if a stream is blowing on me warm air. I try to get up, but I can’t, my arms and legs don’t move either, like I’m paralyzed. I hear that my mother is snoring behind the wall, and I try to call her, but I can’t. I scream inside, but no sound comes out of my mouth. And most importantly, I'm not scared too much. No, it's scary, of course, but not so terrifying. And then the first thing that came to my mind was to say: “Lord, help me!” All. Everything was released immediately. I open my eyes, no one.

“It was January 19 at the Baptism of Christ in 1999. That's when I was SO SCARY. I sleep, my sister and dad sleep in their rooms at home. Our corridor is letter G, at the end is my room. Suddenly I wake up, it’s dark, I opened my eyes, I was lying straight on my back, suddenly I hear from the very beginning of the corridor, approaching my room, someone sweeps with a broom. My first thought: “Has Grandma come to help Mom again? Did you go crazy sweeping at night? And then I understand: this cannot be, and in general the grandmother is at home !!! And the noise is getting closer. I want to scream “Grandma”, but like a fish I open my mouth, but there is no voice. I yell with all my strength, but there is no voice. Then someone jumped on me and crushed me. There was a feeling of numbness. I can't make any movement. This lasted for 15-20 seconds, let go. I turn my head towards the door, and there is like an aura or a soul. An oval, as white as a mist, as tall as a man. I watched this for a second, then I jumped up, turned on the light, ran to my dad and for some reason said: “The brownie came to me.” And my mother’s friend said: “Your daughter was swept out of the house, she will get married, leave you.” Surprisingly, it all worked out that way. Soon I met my future husband, and we began to live separately.

Personally, more than once I heard the stories of my friends about such incomprehensible and frightening nightly incidents. One of them was already under 30, home-work, as usual. There were no signs of change in fate. Here, apparently, the kind Grandfather decided to help, he scared a little. A friend somehow immediately realized that water does not flow under a lying stone, you need to start looking for a husband. Posted ads on a dating site. The betrothed was immediately found. She got married after 3 months: a happy marriage, wonderful children, they are already growing up.

“At the age of 20, I no longer ruled out the possibility that I would not have a family and children. I dated men, but I didn't attach as much importance to it as most of my girlfriends. They set a goal to get married and achieved it. And I was looking for myself and, frankly, had little interest in people around. Now, of course, I understand who I am, but I don’t see a person nearby who is suitable for marriage or at least a serious relationship.

2. You must be smart

If you live alone, you should be able to plan life and communication. My friends who are married, and especially those who have children, prefer to meet with the same. And already I have to think about how to meet them, sometimes reducing friendship to dinners on weekdays. I sometimes worry about what will happen if I get fired, but I am sure that it is much worse to depend on someone not only financially, but also morally. If you are alone, you will not be abandoned.

3. Sometimes sad

I do not want to show that being alone is an eternal holiday. Sometimes it is very difficult and there is no one to complain to except the dog. These weddings, with glamorous brides and contented grooms half my age, are a reminder that my life hasn't taken the usual path.

4. You are free

Last weekend I went to the 2nd birthday of my friends son, saw many classmates with families, had a good time. When the children began to rage, she returned to her cozy apartment, made coffee and watched a movie.


5. The future is uncertain

I wonder if I'll meet my love? Is friendship enough for me to be content with my life? I have a family: mother, brothers and their families. I have enough friends in different cities. But uncertainty remains.

6. Sexual life - yes!

Do you want to talk about it? Now it's easier than ever to find a partner just for sex, without emotional involvement. Do I practice open sex? No, but I have someone to call to get what I want.

7. My situation is not unique.

I live in big city and I see quite a few single men and women over forty. The reasons are different, but it cannot be denied that there are not so few such people.

8. Feel great

I won’t lie: ten years ago I was very worried that life was turning out that way. But the more candles there were on the birthday cake, the less I worried about it. And now I am completely satisfied with my life.”

Once my daughter and I were returning home after numerous purchases. And everything that they bought, of course, they carried on themselves. Once again, stopping to rest, I said:

- That's it, I can't do it anymore... I decided to marry the first person I met!
- Will you marry only to have heavy bags carried to you? - asked the daughter, - are you not ashamed?

I thought about it - I felt ashamed. And I thought, why do people, in the sense of a woman, get married at all?

I remember two of my former colleagues, one of which had an unequivocal answer to this question. She, Lenka, was remarried to an amazing - tall, broad-shouldered, gray-eyed blond. When I first saw him, I could hardly nod in response to Lenkin's remark: "Tell me handsome! In the eyes of the handsome man it was clearly read: "Yes, I am like this!"
My second colleague, Tamara, has never been married, despite the fact that her years have passed the thirty-year milestone.

-Tamara, why aren't you getting married? - Lenka asked expressively.
- What for? she answered languidly, resting her chin on her fist.
- What do you mean why? - Lenka started up. - For social status. Here, for example, I am. The second time she got married and it was for social status.

Tommy just chuckled in response. She and I strongly suspected that our Elena got married because of a large hand-embroidered cambric handkerchief to wipe her nose ex-husband. And the unearthly beauty of the chosen one also did its job. But since he says that for social status, it means for social status, all the more handsome Lenkin was career-successful, oddly enough.

Since then, years have passed ... eleven, and not so long ago I met on the street, first one, and then the second.

Elena looked simply amazing, as if ... eleven years had not passed!

The first thing she told me after greetings and gasps was:

- I am a brilliant teacher!

Something strange... Is Lenka a brilliant teacher? Anything but this! During the times of joint labor activity, pedagogy was of little interest to her. All conversations with Lenka came down to the topics of raising her son (she planned to write a saga about this), cooking, mother-in-law and, to all the same, the unearthly beauty of her husband.

And now Elena declares herself a brilliant teacher!

-Ha! I have earned myself such a sweet life with private lessons for new Russians! Guess what, the results are great!
- And how is your husband?
- I broke up. And guess what, I don't regret it at all! Are you married?
Yes, I broke up...
- Well done! Did the right thing! And don't be sorry!

And Lenka also said that our Tomka got married after all. (Her chosen one immediately received the most flattering characteristics from Elena - a positive, wealthy widower.)

A few months later I met Tamara. She slowly walked down the street, in her eyes - dragging and awareness of her own perfection, in her gait - grace, in posture - to herself and forgiveness for everything

If you delve deeply into any woman, despite public statements, such as: “I’m already feeling good!”, “And who should I marry?”, “I don’t have time for a family”- the desire to get married is still there.

But why? This is where the trouble starts...

I deliberately do not consider him as a father. This is the rule of life - first, when we grow up, we leave our parents in our life, and then ours leave us, growing up, so spouses must be selected for ourselves and for ourselves. And I bypass the problem of security, because, on this moment, the statement "male earner" has become very, very controversial. In addition, an independent, wealthy woman still wants to get married.

No matter how deeply I tried to get into my, for starters, soul, I could not answer this question in any way - why should I get married? Well, it seems that you want to be loved, taken care of, worried about you.…

What is meant by the phrase " to be loved, worried, cared for"? I personally dream of a man who easily bears weight, who brings the right pill when I'm sick, who respects my work and who heroically, selflessly and gently saves me from the darkness at night.

And what happens? It turns out that at the heart of my desire to be loved is selfishness?

Having brought this issue to the discussion of a spontaneous meeting of the grandmother committee, I came to the conclusion that I am not the only such egoist. One of us then said: "It was God who decided that a woman should be next to a man."

In the end, it is also not bad - to shift the responsibility on the Almighty!

But on the other hand, a pill can bring and carry weights - a professional loader, and even better than a boss, no one understands my work! It turns out that there is no need to get married? But you want...

Fortunately, the spontaneous grandmother remembered that on one of the levels of the female soul lies the desire to trace the results of one's own on someone's bristly face, the phrase: "This shirt doesn't match this suit" I’m ready to break my tongue at any moment and, it turns out, listen to a story full of dramatic details and annoying inconsistencies: “... pull-pull, pull-pull, and she went under a snag, imagine! The fishing line broke, I fell, and the water is cold ..." almost all of us want.

I want to get married so that in the eyes - a drag, in a gait - grace, in a posture - love for oneself, like Tomka's. And it would be nice to add to this genius and success, like Lenka.

All this is far from superfluous, even in any scenario and salary of her husband!
