Business in growing vegetables: subtleties, difficulties and prospects. Business of growing vegetables in a greenhouse all year round

With the massive emergence of supermarkets, the only argument in favor of private producers of plants from garden beds is their eco-friendliness. This is the determining factor when choosing between a market and a store. Greens grown in garden beds do not cause fear in the buyer, but the same dill in the supermarket is less aromatic and fresh. For the village it is one of the most profitable destinations.

Beds with greenery will not take up the main part personal plot, the cultivation of dill, parsley, and green onions itself is not labor-intensive. A plus can be considered low specific gravity and the volume of the goods, that is, to transport it to the place of sale it is not necessary to have your own car. The business is seasonal, but during the year you can harvest more than one harvest.

Let's start with registration

Growing herbs for sale, even at home, requires registration. Most suitable option– and select OKVED code – A.01.12.2. This code is responsible for entrepreneurship in the field of agricultural production.

Taxation system - Unified Agricultural Tax. The single agricultural tax pays 6% of net profit.

To hire employees, you need to register with the Pension Fund of Russia ( Pension Fund) and FSS (social insurance fund) as an employer. Insurance premiums are paid for each worker.

Preparation of greenhouses and soil

The main factor in business is the arrangement of the greenhouse. What equipment is needed for greenhouses, read. To produce 10 tons of parsley within 6 months, you need a greenhouse with a total area of ​​1500 m2 or (15 acres). A metal structure is made with a polycarbonate coating and a side ventilation system. The area of ​​the opening film is less than 25% of the total area of ​​the greenhouse on the ground. You can do it yourself or order a turnkey installation.

Growing herbs and vegetables: video

The most popular methods of growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses:

  1. Natural soil. This option is budget. Special containers are filled with soil and fertilizers (for example, peat). Seeds are planted in the ground. You can also buy prepared soil with fertilizers. The main thing is that the time for growing greens increases by 2 times compared to the following method.
  2. Vegetables and herbs grown hydroponically. Hydroponics is growing without soil. The system consists of trays with water. When using the hydroponic method, the plant feeds on its roots not in the soil, but in water with various additives. Gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay, vermiculite and other materials are used. The main advantage is the rapid growth of greenery, intensive development of foliage (and not the root system). But there is also a minus - the device is expensive.

Most entrepreneurs grow vegetables and herbs hydroponically. Read this method in more detail. We have selected interesting magazine about hydroponics:

Vegetable growing technology:

To implement your business plan, we invite you to download methods and technologies for growing various greens:

Organizational and financial plan

A business plan for growing herbs and vegetables requires a competent approach. It describes organizational issues, number of personnel, sales and other issues.

Head of the enterprise – individual entrepreneur. He does his own bookkeeping and reporting. 1 assistant required. So where to start?

  1. We buy ready-made greenhouse for year-round cultivation of greenery. The cost of a greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate size 3x6 m - 30 thousand rubles. Two greenhouses – 60,000 rubles.
  2. Additional start-up costs(prices in rubles):
  • seeds – 5,000;
  • gardening tools + fertilizers – 4,000;
  • heating system - 12,000. You can run pipes with hot water on the ground. If you place greenhouses side by side, the pipes will heat both rooms;
  • propylene pipes - 50 meters for 240 rubles. per meter = 12,000.

To save heat, the greenhouses have a common entrance.

  1. Means for the functioning of the greenhouse:
  • Coal is the cheapest fuel. For a year of heating, Kamaz coal is needed - 10 thousand rubles;
  • water for irrigation - a well is made. Services are expensive - 2-3 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is better to do the work yourself;
  • electricity costs. Use fluorescent lamps. They consume less electricity. Equipment with fluorescent lighting lamps – 15,000.
  • mineral and organic fertilizers. At first, you don’t have to buy organics. Make an agreement with your fellow villagers: you will clean the territory for them, and they will give you a valuable product for free. The cost of mineral fertilizers is 3,000.
  1. Staff salaries(one assistant) – 120,000 rubles. in year.
  2. Rent of land– 100,000 rubles annually. We do not take this expense item into account. This business The plan is suitable for land owners.

Total – 240 thousand rubles.

Ways to sell goods

Think in advance where you will put the harvest. A business plan for growing vegetables and herbs involves the following consumption points:

  • Wholesale vegetable warehouses. The main advantage is the speed of implementation. But purchasing prices are low, and therefore profits are insignificant.
  • Wholesale warehouses who carry out self-pickup. They deliver products to stores. Purchase prices are higher compared to base prices.
  • Points retail . This is the most acceptable option from the standpoint of obtaining maximum profit. But to conclude contracts with stores, you need to hire a separate sales person.
  • Processing companies(restaurants, cafes, canneries and other enterprises). The features of interaction are practically no different from retail.

Let's calculate revenue

Wholesale price of green onions – 100 rub./kg.

For example, you received and sold 5 tons of greens. Income – 500,000 rubles. Subtract the constants and variable costs for growing herbs and vegetables in a greenhouse. Net profit 500 – 240 = 260 thousand rubles.

According to statistics, the profitability of the business of growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses is more than 40% , payback – 5 months.

What other business is suitable for the village?

Cucumbers for sale

One of the most profitable directions for the village. Greenhouses need to be built in the winter so that the products can be sold in March. At the beginning of spring, cucumbers are most expensive. Technology, financial questions and ways to sell the goods are described in.

Strawberries in early spring

How to organize profitable business on strawberries? How much money is needed? When will the investment pay off? These and other important questions.

Growing roses

Food production is one of the most promising directions entrepreneurship. According to economists' forecasts, products in this category will only become more expensive. Considering this, growing vegetables as a business looks like a rather attractive line of activity, if, of course, you have a passion for tasty, natural and vitamin-rich products, the quality of which you are one hundred percent sure.

Features of the initial stage

An entrepreneur who wants to start a business growing vegetables initially faces three tasks.

After solving these problems, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of vegetable growing. Ignorance of the principles of agriculture and reluctance to learn new things has led to the widespread belief that agriculture is unprofitable. For example, being aware of the timing of ripening different cultures And temperature conditions region, you can grow individual vegetables in two harvests per season. And this, you see, will significantly increase the profitability of the business.

Vegetable growing is a fairly extensive industry, and mastering its basics can take a lot of time. But some approaches and rules need to be learned even when you decide where to start a vegetable business.

Ways to grow vegetables

There are two main ways to grow vegetables:

  • Open ground: beds, fields.
  • Indoor ground: greenhouse, .

To say exactly how it would be better to organize cultivation in relation to various indicators - profitability, simplicity, economy, etc. – is impossible, since here it is necessary to take into account the climate, the selected crop variety, production volumes, and many other criteria.

So, for example, growing vegetables all year round The easiest way to organize a business is with the help of a greenhouse, while the production of potatoes for wholesale sale will be optimal in open ground.

Vegetable growing technologies

A lot of technologies have been developed for growing vegetables that take into account the characteristics of not only crops, but also different varieties. The largest number of methods, for example, are proposed for potato agricultural technology.

Let us list the so-called universal technologies, the use of which is possible when growing any vegetables.

TechnologyShort description
HydroponicsVegetables are grown without soil.
According to MittliderProvides a special procedure for fertilizing the soil with minerals, dividing the plot, planting patterns for vegetables and watering them.
Combination of cropsSeveral crops are planted together. It is important to know the principles of compatibility of various vegetables with each other.
By John JevonsBiointensive method: based on treating vegetables planted in the ground with a special solution of microbes

Estimated Costs

Product quality is the main criterion, which in the vegetable growing industry is characterized by an upward trend: consumers are willing to pay even 25-30% more compared to the average market price if they are confident that they will buy high-quality vegetables that do not contain substances harmful to the body.

A business growing vegetables comes with costs for:

  • seed/planting material;
  • fertilizers;
  • plant protection products;
  • construction, rental of structures, arrangement, repairs;
  • purchase and maintenance of machinery and vehicles;
  • payment utilities and so on.

A separate expense item will be employee remuneration. Their number is usually determined at the rate of one worker per 200 square meters of land.

How to plan profitability

When determining the cost of production, the amount of costs for growing vegetables is correlated with the weight of the crop. Economic efficiency of vegetable growing depending on the chosen method of doing business - open or closed ground– calculated differently.

On average, full payback for a vegetable business is achieved after 10-12 months of stable operation of the business. The amount of revenue that can be obtained by growing vegetables for sale is determined by many different factors. But the most important thing in the vegetable business, as in any other business, will be a well-thought-out business plan.

Business plan and business registration

When drawing up, you will need to calculate as accurately as possible the amount of investment, the payback period of the idea and the level of expected profit. You should not lose sight of the competition in your niche by analyzing in detail the activities of each competing enterprise. It is important to clearly calculate and plan all opportunities and associated costs for each stage.

To run a vegetable business, two forms of material and legal activity are possible: entity or . Documentation You can do business yourself or entrust it to a specialized company. In the second case, you will have to pay about a hundred dollars for the services of a specialist, and these costs should also be included in the business plan.

Sales of products

You can sell vegetables in several ways at the same time:

In Russia today, an innovation is such a vegetable business as the production of products grown using “clean” technologies: on proven soils, without the use of artificial fertilizers and chemicals plant protection.

A peculiarity of the functioning of such a business is that vegetables are grown according to customers’ orders. Accordingly, the question of choosing an implementation method in this case loses relevance. The attractiveness of such activities is ensured by the increased cost of goods - 20-25% higher than the standard one. And, given the almost complete absence of competition, today anyone can become a successful pioneer in this area in their region.

Growing vegetables in modern greenhouses: Video

In addition, the state provides support to this area for the development of agriculture. Starting a business itself does not take much time, since it is necessary to build greenhouses and decide organizational matters you can literally do it in a couple of months. Therefore, having certain knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to turn the greenhouse sector into a source of income.

What to grow?

Before choosing the type of greenhouse, purchase Technical equipment and solve other issues related to organizing a business, you need to decide what products you are going to specialize in. Conventionally, the greenhouse business can be divided into three categories based on what you grow:

Flowers. Flower trade is the most profitable branch of the greenhouse business, since these products are in constant demand. However, this will require start-up capital that is approximately 4 times higher than the initial investment in other industries, since growing flowers requires larger areas than, for example, growing vegetables.

Greens (onion, parsley, dill, lettuce, celery, basil, etc.). This direction is ideal for beginners. Greens are unpretentious and, with minimal amenities, grow well in almost any climatic conditions. To organize sales of products, it is enough to find retail buyers.

Vegetables. The most common and in demand greenhouse crops are tomatoes and cucumbers - an ideal option if an entrepreneur decides to increase the profitability of his business and rely on wholesale sales. If you have an agreement with buyers from the restaurant industry, or at least with cafe owners, then it makes sense to start growing less common and more demanding vegetable crops. Of course, their cost will be higher than the cost of the same cucumbers, but the profit will be greater.

Exotic crops. Although this direction is promisingly profitable, it is categorically not recommended for beginners, since it requires serious knowledge and expensive technical equipment. In addition, due to the whimsical nature of crops that are not typical for the Russian climate, an entrepreneur is likely to risk losing the invested funds.

When making a final decision about the crops to be planted, you should conduct a marketing study of the regional market in order to assess the feasibility, see which crops are most in demand, and build a pricing policy. In addition, take into account the climatic features of your location, as well as the remoteness of the growing site from potential buyers, because the heavier the product and the more demanding it is in terms of storage conditions, the more difficult it will be to organize delivery.

Technical equipment

The most important element of the technical equipment of your site is, of course, a greenhouse (or greenhouses). The choice of type here depends primarily on what business format you prefer - seasonal or year-round. Seasonal cultivation is more economical, and greenhouses suitable for this format can be divided into two types:

Film. Most economical option, which Russian summer residents usually build “for the summer.” The film has an extremely low cost and is easy to replace if damaged. The main disadvantages are the fragility of polyethylene and low throughput - that is, the plants in the greenhouse will not receive enough light for photosynthesis, so it will be necessary to periodically open the greenhouse door (when the weather allows it).

Glass. For a long time they were most popular with small farmers because they allowed for higher productivity than their polyethylene counterparts. Glass greenhouses can be used from early spring to late autumn (and with certain technical equipment - even in winter time), they better maintain the required temperature and transmit up to 90% of the sun's color. However, glass is also fragile and does not always withstand extremely low temperatures, and replacing cracked fragments will cost much more.

As for year-round cultivation, only the use of polycarbonate greenhouses is acceptable here. Having come into wide use relatively recently, this material, the heat capacity of which is several times higher than the heat capacity of glass and polyethylene, immediately became popular among both summer residents and farmers. Polycarbonate is 8 times lighter than glass and 250 times stronger, which increases the service life of the greenhouse significantly. In addition, polycarbonate greenhouses do not require mandatory construction foundation, unlike glass counterparts (however, if you want to increase the productivity of your business, then you still shouldn’t give up the flooring). The construction of an industrial-type polycarbonate greenhouse 6 meters wide, 6 meters long and 3.3 meters high will cost approximately 140,000 rubles. Each increase in length by 2 meters will cost about 30,000 rubles.

In addition to greenhouses, you will also need:

Irrigation system. The price depends on the complexity, the simplest option is drip (with a hose 20 meters long it will cost about 1,000 rubles).

Heating equipment and lighting systems. Practice has shown that the most convenient option heating is air heating- that is, the supply of warm air using a heat generator through the holes of the air duct, which is installed around the perimeter of the greenhouse. It should be borne in mind that paying the costs associated with lighting and heating greenhouses will account for up to 90% of production costs.

Agricultural implements.

How to grow?

The most common method of growing greenhouse produce is the hydroponic system. It is distinguished by high productivity rates - one cultivation cycle takes 2-3 weeks, and the yield is 2-3 tons of products per hectare. These figures are 5-10 times higher than the figures that can be achieved using the traditional method of cultivation, that is, fertilizers - at the same time, hydroponics is less expensive and can be used both in small farms and in industrial greenhouses. However, it is worth remembering that vegetables grown using hydroponics significantly lose their taste, which reduces the demand for the product.

Land question.

Greenhouse farming requires land. If you already own the land, then no additional difficulties are foreseen; if not, then you need to purchase it or rent it. In some regions, municipalities provide subsidies for these purposes as part of supporting agricultural entrepreneurship. If we talk about specific rental prices, the range is very wide and depends on the specific region - from 10,000 rubles per hundred square meters to 90,000 per hectare. As for size, to start a small-scale business it may be enough small area 3-4 hundred square meters.

Documents and certificates

If the land on which you are going to build greenhouses is already your property, and you do not intend to hire assistant workers and sell the grown products through stores and supply them to public catering establishments, then the only document you will need is evidence of that you are the owner of the land. In other cases, you should register as a business entity, and here there are two options: traditional individual entrepreneurship (IP) and peasant farming (peasant farm). When registering an individual entrepreneur, an application of the established form, the applicant’s passport and TIN and a receipt for payment of the state fee of 800 rubles are provided. When registering a peasant farm, you need an application, an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm, a passport of the head of the peasant farm and documents confirming the relationship or relationship of the head and other members of the farm and a receipt for payment of the state duty of 800 rubles. The main difference between individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms is that with the latter option, the business entity has the right to count on some benefits from the state.

In addition to a certificate of registration as a business entity, an entrepreneur who decides to focus on growing vegetables should also obtain an environmental certificate of conformity for his products. Obtaining this certificate will cost from 55,000 rubles and will take quite a lot for a long time, however, it will significantly increase the competitiveness of products - now consumers are very picky about what they eat and make sure that certain products do not contain foreign substances that stimulate growth, enhance taste or increase shelf life. To get into the trend of “eco-friendly products”, you need to go through several stages of environmental certification:

Assemble the package necessary documents(entrepreneur registration certificate, application to free form, Specifications for certified products, GOST R certificate of conformity (if any), a complete package of technical documentation) and submit them to the registration center. This list may vary depending on what type of product undergoes the certification procedure:

Wait until the certification center makes a decision on the application (for this, specialists need to conduct a thorough analysis of the provided documentation).

In case of prior consent, specialists of the registration center conduct an audit of the production process, take samples and carry out laboratory tests, on the basis of which a decision is made to issue an environmental certificate of conformity or refuse to issue one.


The average profitability of a greenhouse business can reach from 15% to 25%. However, this indicator is extremely average, since it depends on a combination of many factors, in particular on the climatic conditions of the region, on the length of the off-season period and, of course, on the type of products grown. Thus, growing greens turns out to be four times more profitable than growing vegetables. The payback period for the initial investment is on average 1-2 years.

Modern city dwellers prefer to relax at their dachas: only a few of them are ready to spend the whole summer in their gardens in order to enjoy the fall fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Indeed, it is easier for a working person to buy vegetables, fruits or herbs at the nearest supermarket. However, it should be noted that the fashion for healthy eating becomes relevant again, and with it the demand for environmentally friendly domestic products returns.

Any entrepreneur familiar with agriculture can make money from people’s food needs on a regular basis: to do this, he just needs to draw up and implement a business plan for a greenhouse for growing vegetables all year round. Such products will definitely have an advantage over imported analogues: the fact is that foreign suppliers, in order to simplify transportation, collect fruits in an unripe state and then process them special compounds to ensure safety and increase shelf life.

Business Features

Implementing the idea of ​​a greenhouse business first of all requires clarifying market needs and searching for types of vegetables that are underrepresented in the region or are in high demand. For example, in the southern regions, the same cucumbers or tomatoes grow excellently without greenhouses, and therefore their price most year remains quite low: in such conditions, the prospect of returning significant investments in the enterprise becomes doubtful. On the other hand, the cold northern climate also makes the process of growing many types of heat-loving crops unprofitable, since the cost of heating a greenhouse complex significantly exceeds the cost of delivering similar products from other regions.

To take these features into account and turn industrial vegetable growing into profitable business, the entrepreneur needs to do some preparatory work:

  • Study the range of competitors. It is hardly advisable to sell products that are in abundance on the market at dumping prices;
  • Develop detailed project. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the parameters that affect profit - from electricity consumption for lighting to the cost of delivering products to customers;
  • Build a quality greenhouse. The annual costs associated with replacing damaged covering material or painting the frame can be quite significant;
  • Choose the right culture. When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, it is necessary to select varieties taking into account local climatic conditions and the growing season of plants in closed ground;
  • Find suppliers and choose type planting material. Seeds are much cheaper than seedlings, but their use complicates the production process and leads to a significant increase in the growing season;
  • Select cultivation technology. Growing in beds is accompanied by the need to install soil heating systems, and the taste of vegetables obtained using hydroponics is not always liked by consumers. For some crops, a compromise may be to use multi-tiered racks;
  • Control the composition of the soil. In greenhouses for growing vegetables all year round, the soil is depleted very quickly, and therefore upper layer must be completely replaced at the beginning of each cycle.

When developing a project for an agricultural enterprise, an entrepreneur must first familiarize himself with the main advantages and disadvantages of a greenhouse business in order to make correct conclusions about the prospects for this type of activity.

The main advantages include the following factors:

  • As a business, growing vegetables does not require large plots of land - for the construction of an industrial greenhouse, an area of ​​6–10 acres is sufficient;
  • Pouring the foundation and erecting the frame takes only a few days - in fact, within two weeks you can plant the first seedlings in the beds;
  • Despite the high price, a greenhouse for growing vegetables pays for itself in just one and a half to two years;
  • This type of business directly relates to agriculture, thereby simplifying the procedure for obtaining grants from the state;
  • Vegetable crops can be planted in a greenhouse in almost any climate without fear of frost, rain and other weather disasters.

However, this type of business has not only positive aspects. When growing vegetables in winter, one cannot help but notice that:

  • Heating a greenhouse requires a huge amount of energy;
  • The profitability of the enterprise is affected by seasonal fluctuations in market prices;
  • An entrepreneur must always have some reserve working capital for the purchase of soil, seedlings, fertilizers, fuel;
  • There are significant fluctuations in the level of demand on the market - if tomatoes sold well last year, this does not mean that they will be sold out just as quickly this season;
  • There is always a risk of crop loss due to some mistake by the farmer or a combination of unforeseen circumstances.

What can you grow?

In Russia, growing vegetables, whenever possible, should involve the use early varieties and hybrids of domestic selection, adapted to local climatic conditions. These types of plants are characterized by high productivity, short period vegetation and the ability to self-pollinate.

In addition, novice farmers should remember that simultaneous cultivation of various vegetables in the same room is not only impractical, but also technically impossible due to large differences in optimal temperature conditions and light levels. Therefore, for each crop it is necessary to allocate its own greenhouse.

What can be planted in the garden beds:

  • Zucchini. This type of vegetable is rarely found indoors, but farmers who grow zucchini in greenhouses note increased productivity and a special delicate taste of the fruit. With a growing season of 40–60 days per year, you can harvest up to five harvests, receiving an average of 12 kg per year. square meter;
  • Eggplant. Extremely demanding temperature conditions and quality of crop fertilizers. However, when growing eggplants in a greenhouse, the plants reach two meters in height and bear fruit much more intensively. The growing season is up to 120 days: in a year you can harvest three crops of 10–16 kg per square meter each;
  • Tomatoes. Growing tomatoes is a classic type of greenhouse business. In closed ground, plants begin to bear fruit two weeks earlier and produce 2.5 times more tomatoes than in a regular garden bed. With a growing season of 120 days, three crops are harvested per year in the amount of 16–20 kg per square meter;
  • Cucumbers. Greenhouse structures make it possible to grow cucumbers even in cold regions, including Siberia. Thanks to the high average cost fruits, the possibility of obtaining three harvests per year and a productivity of 18–22 kg/m², the crop is considered one of the most promising for farmers;
  • Bell pepper. A fairly heat-loving type of vegetable - when growing bell peppers indoors, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25–26°C. Due to the growing season of 120 days, 15–18 kg of fruits per square meter of bed are collected three times per year;
  • Cauliflower. Although this type vegetables are cold-resistant, long-term exposure low temperatures may destroy seedlings. Therefore, greenhouse owners practice growing cauliflower from seedlings and then transplanting them into open ground. The growing season of 110 days allows for three harvests per year, but the productivity of the crop is low - no more than 5–6 kg/m²;
  • Pumpkin. The crop is also not a greenhouse crop, also due to its low planting density, therefore, when growing pumpkin indoors, only young shoots are planted, which are subsequently transferred to the beds. Productivity is within 10–12 kg/m², growing season is about 120 days.

Business registration

When starting the industrial cultivation of vegetables in a greenhouse all year round, the business must be registered, since corporate clients prefer to cooperate with legal SOPs. In addition, having official status somewhat simplifies the procedure for obtaining various quality certificates and other accompanying documents.

An aspiring entrepreneur in the process of creating a greenhouse business can use one of the following forms of ownership:

  • Personal subsidiary farming. Formally, for this option there is no limit on the number of greenhouses, but the total area of ​​the site should not exceed 2.5 hectares. In addition, the owner of private household plots does not have the right to use the labor of hired workers, which turns growing vegetables at home into a family enterprise. The legislation does not provide for any official registration, except for the need to obtain a certificate from the administration stating that the farmer owns the corresponding land plot;
  • Peasant farming. For peasant farms there are no restrictions on the area of ​​the plot, the number of hired workers and the annual turnover of the enterprise. An enterprise is a collective form of ownership of citizens united by family ties - spouses, their parents and children, brothers and sisters. Head of the household, designated for general meeting, must obtain an entrepreneur’s TIN and register with tax authorities, and in the process of work regularly transfer contributions to the appropriate funds;
  • Individual entrepreneurship. By analogy with peasant farms, there are no restrictions for individual entrepreneurs, which makes it ideal for a large greenhouse enterprise with big amount hired workers. If there are several owners, it is more advisable to choose an LLC and form an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles.

In the process of registering a peasant farm, individual entrepreneur or LLC, the entrepreneur must choose the Unified Agricultural Tax system with the payment of 6% of profit, and also indicate in the application the corresponding OKVED code for growing vegetables in protected soil (01.13.12).

Site search and preparation

The correct choice of location for greenhouses determines the efficiency of organizing production processes and the amount of costs associated with ensuring the successful functioning of the enterprise. Therefore on initial stage for the construction of a greenhouse complex, in the absence of its own premises, the entrepreneur must rent or purchase a land plot that meets several basic requirements:

  1. It is advisable to initially verify the possibility of expanding the business in the future by installing additional greenhouses;
  2. There must be a paved road in the immediate vicinity of the site - otherwise the process of delivering raw materials and finished products may become significantly more complicated;
  3. To grow vegetables with your own hands, you need electricity and gas (except for greenhouses heated with coal and wood), so it is desirable to have power lines and gas pipelines nearby;
  4. It is necessary to decide on the method of water supply, and then connect the complex to the central water supply or install your own well;
  5. The location of greenhouses at any time of the year should exclude their shading by trees, other buildings or folds of the relief;
  6. Allowable slope construction site- no more than 3–5%;
  7. The greenhouse should not be located on windy hilltops or in lowlands, where frosty air lasts longer;
  8. It is advisable to choose an area protected from prevailing winds by folds of terrain or a forest belt, while avoiding shading of the greenhouse;
  9. Groundwater should not be close to the surface - otherwise, flooding, subsidence and rotting of plant roots are possible.

Greenhouse design

Beginning entrepreneurs can build a greenhouse themselves or assemble it from ready-made structural elements offered by suppliers. The frame is most often mounted from metal profiles of different sections, and the following is used as covering material:

  • Polyethylene. Main advantages polyethylene film- the most low price and light weight. At the same time, the disadvantages include unsatisfactory transparency (especially in the presence of reinforcement), short service life and high vulnerability to mechanical damage. When constructing greenhouses, the material is laid in two layers (outside and inside the frame) to create a air gap and thereby reduce the overall heat loss of the structure;
  • Glass. Due to its high light transmission, this material is ideal for the construction of large greenhouse complexes, allowing the entrepreneur to save on costs. artificial lighting. To increase strength in agriculture they use tempered glass 6 mm thick, which is characterized by quite significant weight. In addition, the high thermal conductivity of the material in winter causes an increase in the cost of heating the greenhouse;
  • Polycarbonate. Cellular polymer material successfully combines such advantages as high light transmission, good strength and low weight. In addition, growing vegetables in a polycarbonate greenhouse in winter becomes more profitable due to the low thermal conductivity of plastic. The main disadvantage of this coating is considered to be high temperature deformation - up to 5 mm/m in the temperature range from -30°C to +40°C.

Comparative characteristics of various covering materials are given in the following table. The calculation of the glazing area and the amount of heat loss was carried out for a modular arched greenhouse with dimensions of 29.4x7.5x3.8 m:

Comparative characteristics of covering materials

Greenhouse equipment

Construction and installation work does not end with the construction of the greenhouse. On next stage the entrepreneur must install inside various units necessary to create the required microclimatic conditions and automate some production processes. As part of a business plan for growing vegetables, you need to pay attention to the design of systems such as:

  • Beds. Rack shelves are suitable for cultivating low-growing plants with root systems small sizes. Tall cucumber and tomato bushes should be planted in heated beds and tied to trellises as they grow. It should be noted that in a structure with dimensions of 29.4x7.5 m, the total area of ​​the beds minus passages and vestibules is 140–150 m²;
  • Ventilation. To ventilate large greenhouses, an open window or door is not enough. Therefore, in such structures, ventilation hatches with automatic control or install powerful exhaust fans. In addition, in winter, cold outside air must be heated by passing it through heat exchangers with hot water;
  • Heating. To grow vegetables all year round, greenhouses must be well heated. The most convenient energy carrier is natural gas, but laying a separate pipeline usually involves significant costs. Therefore, many farmers heat greenhouses with coal or wood, burning them in hot water boilers: in this case, the power of the equipment must correspond to the heat loss of the structure, determined for the lowest winter temperature.

Comparative characteristics of energy carriers

  • Heating the soil. In winter, even in greenhouses with effective system heating, the soil in the beds quickly cools to low temperatures, which leads to damage to plant roots. The soil is heated using electric mats or water heating circuits buried in the ground, connected to the same hot water boiler;
  • Lighting. During the cold season, the length of the day decreases, as a result of which the plants do not have enough light. Therefore, additional lamps are installed in greenhouses to maintain required level illumination for 12–14 hours. Conventional incandescent lamps are not suitable for these purposes: it is recommended to use sodium, gas-discharge or LED lamps instead.

Comparative characteristics of lamps

Index Sodium Gas discharge LED
Power consumption, W 150 150 72
Unit price, rub. 890 1320 4050
Luminous flux, lm 17500 14500 12000
Service life, hours 16000 15000 50000
Cost of equipment, rub. 53400 79200 303000
Greenhouse energy consumption, W 9000 9000 4320
Monthly fee, rub. 6480 6480 3110
  • Watering. Beds in small greenhouses can be watered using a watering can. However, in a large farm, it is better to automate such processes. For these purposes, a large-capacity tank is installed on a hill, and then a system of pipes and capillaries is connected to it, supplying water and fertilizers directly to the roots of the plants.
  • Additional equipment necessary for the operation of the greenhouse complex is various tools (shovels, scoops, wheelbarrows), instruments for measuring temperature and humidity, as well as refrigeration chambers large volumes designed for storing vegetables awaiting sale.

Greenhouse equipment

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Greenhouse design
Greenhouse frame 29.4x7.5x3.8 m 226300 1 226300
Polycarbonate 10 mm, sheet 12x2.1 m 7100 16 113600
Strip foundation 74 m 74000 1 74000
Greenhouse assembly 10000 1 10000
Heating system
Solid fuel boiler 100 kW 161800 1 161800
Polypropylene pipe 65 250 m 16250
Steel radiator 3 kW 6100 25 152500
Soil heating pipe 65 150 m 9750
Forced circulation pump 4000 2 8000
Shut-off valves 5000
Lighting system
Lamp DNat150 890 60 53400
Reflector with E40 socket 600 60 36000
Electric cable 3x4 mm² 50 250 m 12500
Automatic switch 210 5 1050
Ventilation system
Greenhouse fan 1500 m³/h 3700 4 14800
Air filter 900 8 7200
Water heat exchanger 25 kW 4500 4 18000
Drip irrigation
Plastic water tank 2 m³ 32000 1 32000
Polypropylene irrigation pipe 65 150 m 9750
Tank pump 2500 1 2500
Shut-off valves 80 10 800
Drip irrigation system 1800 5 9000
Optional equipment
Refrigerator compartment 4.4 m³ 57400 1 57400
garden tools 6000
Trellis 4m 10 500 5000
Thermohygrometer 900 2 1800
Vegetable drawer 30 50 1500
Total: 1045900

Sales market

Simultaneously with setting up a greenhouse for growing vegetables, the business plan must include the organization of uninterrupted and reliable distribution channels: almost all vegetables have a short shelf life, making it very difficult to avoid damage to the goods due to any delays in sales. In addition to independent sales to retail customers, which owners of large greenhouse complexes usually do not practice, there are four ways to solve this problem:

  • Sales to wholesalers. Cooperation with wholesalers allows you to save the time needed to sell the goods, but at the same time the farmer is forced to reduce prices and independently deliver the goods to customers;
  • Sales to resellers. Some entrepreneurs are engaged in purchasing vegetables and other agricultural products from farmers for subsequent resale. Such clients most often have their own transport, which allows them to purchase products on a pickup basis;
  • Working with retail. A method that allows the farmer to get maximum profit. However, negotiating with store owners, concluding contracts and organizing logistics are labor-intensive processes that require hiring at least a sales manager and a freight forwarder with a car;
  • Sales to processors. Canneries and other processing plants also need regular supplies of raw materials. The farmer can sell quite large quantities of goods to such clients at adequate wholesale prices.


As a business, growing vegetables all year round requires significant investment in preparing the production base. The entrepreneur also needs to register his enterprise, clear the site for construction, connect the greenhouse to engineering networks, ensure the company’s presence on the Internet and purchase various consumables. It is advisable to have an additional financial reserve to compensate for current costs, since the business owner will be able to make a profit only after the sale of the first harvest.


At the beginning of each production cycle, the farmer must prepare or purchase greenhouse soil, grow or order seedlings from suppliers, and purchase fertilizers. In addition, while working, he will have to regularly replenish fuel supplies, pay for electricity and services transport companies, as well as bear the costs associated with issuing certificates for vegetables.

Video: How to make money growing vegetables in greenhouses

Annual expenses

Profit and profitability

The most important stage in drawing up a business plan for a greenhouse for growing vegetables is calculating the profit received from the sale of various types of products. To predict the amount of income, you need to take into account the crop yield, the number of cycles per year and the range of seasonal fluctuations in wholesale prices.

Greenhouse income (before taxes)

Culture average price, rub./kg Annual harvest, kg Profit, rub. Profitability, %
Zucchini 80 9000 338520 88,7
Eggplant 65 7200 86520 22,6
Tomatoes 70 9000 248520 65,1
cucumbers 95 9900 473520 124,1
bell pepper 110 8100 509520 133,5
Cauliflower 70 2700 -192480 0
Pumpkin 45 5400 -138480 0

Obviously, cultivating cauliflower and pumpkin indoors in winter is not profitable, since overhead costs in this case significantly exceed the possible income. Therefore, it is better to plant zucchini, tomatoes, bell pepper and cucumbers. You can also deal with fresh herbs: for example, when growing spinach, an entrepreneur will receive a harvest every two months and will earn at least 700 thousand rubles at the end of the year.

Many people want to start their own vegetable growing business, but are unsure of the best option to choose. There are several factors by which a person determines for himself the activity he wants to engage in, and the most important are the following:

  • Own priorities and personal predisposition;
  • Material capabilities, start-up capital;
  • The ability to be able to competently assess the state of a particular market, as well as the prospects for business development.

Business is additional income, or the main type of activity.

If you want to start running your own business so that it becomes the main source of finance, then in this case you should pay attention to agriculture and, of course, draw up a business plan for growing vegetables in a greenhouse or in a garden bed. The prospects here are great. On modern markets There is a shortage of natural, organic products, so many people are starting to grow vegetables and fruits in order to establish themselves as a supplier of good natural food. Indeed, demand and prices for high-quality agricultural products are rising. So you should think about this.

Where to begin

So, before you start implementing a business plan for growing vegetables at home, you need to determine the advantages of this area of ​​activity:

  • Excellent business turnover;
  • Small amount of starting capital;
  • Demand coming from buyers.

But in order for a business plan for growing vegetables to be truly profitable, you need to develop a business plan that calculates both expenses and income. In general, certain work will need to be done. The first thing you need to think about is the site. This is the basis. It should be noted that finding an inexpensive appropriate plot of land is quite easy, given the specifics of our country and the fact that rural residents are now moving to cities.

In general, the site selection process is divided into the following stages:

  • Selection of a fertile area where you can grow vegetables;
  • Determining those crops that can realistically be grown in the selected area;
  • Selection of vegetable crops for cultivation.

How to influence crop growth

Once the vegetable crops for cultivation have been identified, it will be necessary to increase the yield of the site. This will have a positive impact on income levels. So, calculations are the best way to find a solution. Let's say radishes will be grown on one plot (they ripen in about 40 days). Then, when the radishes are harvested, tomatoes, peppers or eggplants should be planted in the same place. If you choose the most suitable period for planting certain crops, you can increase the profitability of your business, as well as farming. You might even think that it would be nice to automate the process. Let's say we install a drip irrigation device.


To commercial enterprise was successful, it is necessary to find a way to sell the product. So, you can independently sell vegetables in markets (both retail and wholesale). This direction requires costs for transporting grown vegetables to the point of sale. But the income from it is higher. You can also sell your crops to wholesale intermediaries, but the price for them will be lower according to all wholesale laws. Many sell their harvest to large retail outlets, cafes and restaurants. Very profitable solution when comparing income and costs. But here you need to establish yourself well, and subsequently live up to your image, so as not to lose customers. Trust disappears quickly; once you bring slightly bloomed eggplants, the restaurant owners are unlikely to want to deal with their supplier.


The products that a person supplies to his customer must be confirmed relevant certificates. Customer trust will be higher and the likelihood of expanding your base will also increase. Of course, to obtain such a document, you will have to try, but it is worth it.


How many people will be involved in production process, depends on the desire of the entrepreneur and how much he plans to grow. Some even do this on their own. If, say, this is growing vegetables in a greenhouse, then you will need to hire at least one worker. If crops are distributed over an area of ​​one hectare, then more people will be required.


When drawing up a business plan for growing vegetables, this aspect is taken into account first.

It may seem that implementing a business plan for growing vegetables is very expensive. But in fact, this type of business is very profitable - the return on costs sometimes reaches 300 percent. This is relevant for potato growing, for example. Moreover, the profit will come ten months after the vegetable business project is launched.

Thus, we can say that people’s need for agricultural products is an excellent incentive to start producing them. Natural products have always been popular, and they do not lose their relevance today. As you know, demand creates supply, and in this case this statement is very suitable. The main thing is to earn some initial capital, draw up an action plan for yourself, carry out necessary calculations and start creating a profitable business.
