What types of wood are suitable for artistic carving. Wood properties - oak. Contour carving technique

Systematic name (Latin) - Juglandaceae

The walnut genus belongs to the beech family and has about twenty species. They grow in the tropics and warm temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia, two types of walnuts grow naturally - Manchurian and walnuts.

The other five species are cultivated, of which one can especially distinguish gray and black walnuts, which were brought from North America. Nuts have valuable unique wood. The pattern of wood fibers is very rich, wavy and has wide, powerful stains. Walnut has a hard, moderately heavy wood that is easy to cut, does not crumble, has great flexibility and is easy to machine. After finishing, walnut wood acquires a pleasant deep brown color. Walnut has proven itself in fine, fine and highly artistic carving.

By using some of these scaffolding, you can easily design designs and projects in a completely unique and artisanal way. You will find that the tree is very simple and comfortable material, with which it works great and with which you will be able to capture your own skills by creating various accessories and decorative elements for use throughout your home. Pay attention to all of them and choose the one that best suits your creative project.

Some concepts about woodcarving

Before you start carving wood, it is important to know some of the concepts associated with this excellent material. First you need to know that living wood is very wet, but after cutting it dries up and loses all moisture. The drying process of the wood is very important as the wood does not crack and works great with it.

Walnut wood has been used for furniture for a long time, due to its strength and texture, and the fact that it is easy to bend and work. In Russia, the general's wife Popova and the district marshal of the nobility Vorobyaninov I.M. once there were walnut sets made by the hands of the master Gambs.

Walnut is also used for finishing molded products and rooms. In addition, it goes to the production of various kinds of handicrafts and weapon stocks. Sliced ​​walnut veneer is highly valued and most of all burls. Walnut veneer is used for facing carpentry and furniture products, as well as for obtaining plywood of the best grades.

If the drying of the wood is not uniform, it can become cracked and completely useless. Wood can be air-dried or oven-dried, and although it still has some moisture at the end of this process, if the wood is left inside the house there is no danger of it being torn and rendered useless.

Types of wood for carving and processing

In die cutting and working with this excellent material, you can find the classification of this material in the market based on conifers and deciduous forests. Within hardwoods there are many categories as you can find very light woods like poplar or willow, light woods like birch as well as light woods like oak, chestnut, cherry or walnut and the last class would be heavy woods. where oak is best. As we said, resinous forests are also worth it. In this type of wood, it is best to start carving - pine, cypress, spruce or cedar.

Oil, which is obtained from walnut seeds, has found application in painting, Food Industry and technology. From nutshell tannins are mined, which go to the production of brown and black paints and are themselves used for tanning.

Human thought, science is everything. Quite naturally, attention is paid to such "little things" as food.

The best woods to cut

Thus, the best scaffolds for cutting and working are as follows. The linden tree is considered the best tree for carving for beginners and experts, as its fine yet strong texture allows you to work without much difficulty. Yellow Pine: Among the pines, this is the most suitable for detail work, as it is the best pine forest. Fresno: This wood is hard and resilient, making it a good material for making tools in addition to decorative objects. Cherry tree: It is a hard but fine wood that can be carved well. Holly: the texture is also very good, but resistant, once it dries well, it is also good material to start carving. Birch: also because of its fineness in texture good wood but in this case you have to be careful to keep the veins straight as this is the best option that can work. Box: its characteristics make it ideal for carving small size, so it is mainly used by those who are fans of model making. We hope you have noticed very well all these types and classes of woods that we have just exposed, as they are the best to carve and work with.

Strange as it may seem now, but 120 years ago, the main suppliers of sugar were honey and fruits. Cane sugar was almost inaccessible, a rare delicacy, and the sugar beet culture, little known in those years, was only making its first steps. At the same time, the sunflower was also gaining heroic strength. About 200 years ago, a plant from distant Chile, the potato, began its victorious campaign across Europe. But now this is our second bread.

Contour carving technique

Don't think about it anymore and choose the wood you like best so you can start carving and get what you have in mind. If you would like to read more articles like this, we encourage you to enter our category. At the foot of the Balkan Mountains, in the heart of Bulgaria, the town of Tryavna is located on two banks of a picturesque meandering mountain river. It is difficult to say in which season it is the most beautiful. The air is crystal clear, the forests often change the color of their fields, and the lush grass probably named the village.

But it turns out that the problem of the third bread, the "bread of the future" has yet to be solved.

Nuts?.. After all, there are dozens of them: water and earthen, black and gray, Manchurian and Kalmyk, coconut and almond, cedar and beech, Chekalkin and Siebold ... It’s even difficult to enumerate everything. This refers only to the Volosh nut, or walnut!

And it's hard to argue. Already at the first acquaintance with the Voloshsky nut, or walnut, you can soon be convinced that this plant is a real wealth. It lives up to a thousand years, and reaches the size of a huge tree, and bears fruit abundantly, and has no equal in terms of wood, and its leaves have valuable properties. And the fruits of this tree are beyond praise. No wonder they are jokingly called "small food processing plant". Everyone knows their taste well. And in terms of calorie content and digestibility by the human body, medicine testifies, they are not inferior to any products of animal origin. Even fatty pork can be argued: after all, they contain up to 75 percent of high-calorie oil and about 20 percent of protein.

Not only beautiful nature makes Tryavna so fascinating. The beginning has been lost far into the centuries, legends make us search, guess about our ancestors. Because they are not some, but people are sacrificed by a rich soul and talent. People built and decorated hundreds of churches, monasteries, schools, houses and bridges not only in the Bulgarian lands, but also far beyond their borders. Fuduli called them his neighbors in Gabrovo, but there is still no doubt about their pride - knowledge and skills. They were not rich in money, or their wealth was different.

One of the first schools, one of the first Hitalishte, one of the first bookstores in the National Revival belongs to them. Back in the 18th century. the poet Stoyan Krosnev writes "Tryavna Damaskin", a century later Pop Yuvcho created his "Chronicle and Genealogy", reflecting life in Tryavna against the backdrop of Bulgarian and world history.

Walnut trees, like oaks, are long-lived: they live at least 400-500 years, and sometimes there are 1000-2000-year-old elders. Almost every year they give a harvest of 200-300 or even 500 kilograms of nuts from one tree. Five such trees can produce as much oil as a whole hectare of sunflowers. And what oil! 20-25 nuts are enough to satisfy a person's daily need for fats and almost a sixth for proteins. It is estimated that one walnut tree can satisfy a person's need for calories for whole year. By the way, nuts also contain carbohydrates, tannins and minerals necessary for normal nutrition, essential oils. Finally, it is a treasure trove of vitamins. The amount of vitamin C in walnuts is 8 times higher than that of blackcurrant, widely known for its vitamins, and 50 times higher than fruits. citrus plants. One ton of nuts is enough to meet the daily requirement for vitamin C of 300 thousand people, that is, the population big city. The shell of one unripe nut contains a two-day norm of this vitamin for an adult. Besides, in walnut- a whole set of B vitamins, vitamin P, carotene, and phytoncides - they all accumulate both in the nut kernel and in the leaves.

One of the things most often associated with Tryavna's name is the first Renaissance art school that originated here. There are many reasons for this - the settlement is protected and there are no main roads, opportunities for Agriculture limited, there are no problems from the Turkish authorities, the richness of the varied woods and, above all, the deep soul and creativity of the rammers.

Visiting the village in the 70s of the 19th century. Felix Kanitz is still surprised by the intensity craft production and calls it "Bulgarian Nuremberg". Numerous activities are practiced here, but what makes Tryavna different are the artistic crafts. Researchers point to three main areas of the school: carving, icon painting and architecture. There is a very close connection between them, they develop in parallel, and it is quite difficult to see each other as independent. It is customary for craftsmen to practice two or even three of these crafts.

It is well known that B vitamins destroy pyruvic acid in the human body, which causes fatigue. That is why Georgian churchkhelas - sausages (boiled in grape juice walnut kernels). This product, well-preserved and not bulky, perfectly restores vigor, multiplies strength. No wonder it has always been an indispensable attribute in the equipment of soldiers, and now it is included in the diets of astronauts and outstanding athletes. "Bread of the Future" appears now in the best cakes, various candies, halva, ice cream, nut cream and many other delicious and very nutritious products.

This is one of the characteristics of Tryavna's art school. Hiring a church, they build it from the foundation to the roof, decorate it with carvings and icons, and prepare it. The handover of craft secrets from father to son, grandson is typical. It is for this reason that several large creative families should be created in the village. This is mainly for icon painters, but because of the craftsmanship of craftsmanship, carvers are also inevitably involved.

It is difficult to determine exactly when the Tryavna school appears. Perhaps because it is a process, not an act. Perhaps we should agree with the most serious researchers Asen Vasiliev and Dimitar Drumev that wood carving has existed in Bulgaria since the founding of the Bulgarian state. Despite a period of stagnation in the first centuries of slavery, it has its own traditions, which, of course, are revived in the Renaissance. According to Nikola Mavrodinov, the oldest village school in Bulgaria is Tryavna.

However, as they say, "man does not live by bread alone": walnut butter, pleasant to the taste, highly nutritious, allows us to still admire the immortal paintings of Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian and other great artists of the past. Outstanding paintings are well preserved for centuries thanks to valuable property oil, which gives them extraordinary transparency, clarity and depth and protects the paint from destruction for centuries.

Various legends come to us, unfortunately, are not supported by documentary sources. In most cases, Athos is where the beginning is sought, the proximity of the old Bulgarian capital Ternovo to the surrounding monasteries is also taken into account. The fact is that in the middle of the 18th century, some grasshopper icons are decorated carved frames. In addition to practicing crafts, escort members also create fountains and make public useful work. These are people with self-respect and authority, whose word weighs in acceptance different solutions in the village.


It is clear that in order to achieve the achievements of the masters at that time and their association, it would take many years to develop the ship earlier. The simplest type of thread with only a pocket knife is the shepherd. Taking the sheep out to pasture, shepherds decorate hooks, spindles, spoons, spoons and other small items that they give to their mothers, wives, sisters, loved ones. Carved small, ornaments are mostly geometric - straight, curved cuts, arcs, crosses, dots and more. There are also very naive sculptures of animals and people.

The wonderful walnut, or Voloshsky, nut, as it is now established, is essentially neither Voloshsky nor walnut: its true homeland is the mountains of Central and Asia Minor, from where it spread to other regions of the earth. According to chronicle data, it was brought to Rus' about 100 years ago from Greece by the ancient trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks." That's where its name came from. And in its ancient homeland, especially in the mountains of southern Kyrgyzstan, huge walnut forests have been preserved on an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 50 thousand hectares. There you can find trees that give fruits of the most diverse forms, build up on their trunks very valuable and large (weighing up to 5 centners) growths from dormant buds - caps.

Although they are not lumberjacks, the authors of this type of jewelry always respect the form and purpose of the object. Gradually, with this type of carving, some elements of the house begin to decorate. Woodcarving is one of those subtle aesthetic threads that turn a building into a home. This is a continuation of Shepherd, but it is located on more high level and is carried out not only by lovers, but also by the masters of marangos. There are times when carved decoration produced by the builders who built the building. Masters take into account the architectural and functional features individual rooms and the building as a whole to make it unique and unique.

The extraordinary tricuspid nut enjoys special honor among the people (as opposed to ordinary bivalves). In ancient times, it was considered a talisman of wealth and fertility. But in fairness, an ordinary two-winged one has the right to claim such an honor: after all, as we have seen, it is fabulously rich! It is quite possible that just about him, as about the "bread of the future", the outstanding gardener spoke.

Decorated doors, cabinets, sockets, lights. Doors usually had an arcade upper sill, consisting of a frame containing simpler or more complex profile trays. They were simply decorated - usually with single row or double rosettes or stylized sunsets. Typical for domestic wood carving is that it, like the shepherd, is small, often consisting of geometric and floral motifs. Such are also the wall docks that complement their functionality in addition to their functionality.

Particularly diverse are the domestic iconostases that are present in every Bulgarian home, which have witnessed joyful and sad events in the family, its everyday life and holidays. carved ceilings, working with trampolines not only at the end, but also in nearby and distant places - Tarnovo, Preslav, Ruse and in other places - are unique. The first Bulgarian art competition is related to the decoration of pots.

These will be: apple tree, pear, cherry, cherry, mountain ash, walnut.

The apple tree (Fig. 1) is widely represented both in the cultivated and wild state in all regions. The rock is sound, the sapwood is much lighter, yellow-pink in color, the heartwood is red-brown. The wood of the apple tree is strong, hard, dense, viscous. annual rings and core rays faintly visible. The tree is well cut, can be processed and finished, sharpened on a lathe.

The main master was Dimitar Oshanetsa and his first assistant, the calf Ivan Bochukovets. They did it with love and skill, so to this day she is amazed. Gathered small and large to see it - there has not been such a house since then in Tryavna. Everyone else admired, everyone praised the masters. Only its owner seemed unhappy. Being a wealthy merchant, he traveled to distant lands, seeing richly decorated houses, and he saw him poor from decoration. He felt the reproach in the words of the horbajiya, the old teacher Dimitar struggled, got up and said that in two of his own they would make such ceilings that there would be no other like them anywhere.

Rice. 1 apple tree

It is used for the manufacture of commercial and joinery products (blocks, carpentry tools, drawing rulers, parts of musical instruments), the production of expensive furniture, knife plywood, canes. The outgrowths on the trunks of the apple tree (caps and nodules) are used to make boxes and writing instruments.

He also jumped from the calf of Ivan Bochukovets and said that he could make ceilings and they would not be worse than his master. It was an inexcusable courage of the time - a student to challenge the skill of his teacher. That's why some of the old people assumed that this rebellious calf would be punished, but others, the wiser ones, decided between them to wager and work to prove who was more talented. The supply of fingers by the master and the calf begins, and the next day. They worked and no one knew what the other was doing, no one left the room.

The pear (Fig. 2) grows in the middle and southern strip of the European part of Russia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, both in the wild and in the cultivated state. The breed is ripe woody. The wood is pinkish-brown or reddish-brown in color, homogeneous in structure, strong, hard, heavy, processed and cut in all directions, easily finished, takes paint well, especially when imitating under ebony. The pear warps a little; drawing accessories and frames for optical instruments are made from it. It is also used for the production of high-quality furniture, musical instruments, and sliced ​​veneer.

Rice. 2 pear

Sweet cherry, cherry (Fig. 3) grow in the south and in middle lane Russia.

Rice. 3 Cherry, cherry

The breed is sound. The color of the wood is yellow-brown with a grayish tinge. In a radial cut, the banding characteristic of wood is well revealed. The tree is strong, hard, well processed, cut and finished. From cherries and cherries they make small souvenirs, all kinds of crafts.

Rowan (Fig. 4) grows almost everywhere in the form of shrubs and small trees. The rock is sound with a wide reddish-white sapwood. The core is darker, reddish-brown. The wood is dense, hard, durable, heavy, fire resistant, and has good impact resistance. The handles of percussion instruments, turning and carved products, teeth, blocks and other parts that require great strength are made from mountain ash. Young branches are used to produce black paint.

Rice. 4 Rowan

Walnut (Fig. 5). Two varieties grow in Russia: walnut - in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Manchurian walnut in Far East. The breed is sound, the wood is most often brown and gray in a wide variety of shades. The heartwood is gray-brown, the sapwood is wide, grayish. The tree is different beautiful texture and is highly valued in furniture and plywood production. The pattern of wood fibers is very rich, wavy, with wide, powerful stains. The wood is hard and moderately heavy, well machined, easy to cut, very flexible, does not crumble when carving small elements; sharpened and trimmed. When finished, it acquires a deep brown hue with a pleasant, noble pattern. Turning and carving products are made from walnut.
