Dry forest. Edged lumber from deadwood. And what is drought? Dead wood cleaning services

Before choosing materials for construction, you need to familiarize yourself with the information about what types of lumber there are. Is it worth it buy lumber from deadwood or pay attention to fresh saw, buy pine wood or choose hardwood.
For construction purposes, lumber is often used. For example, for the installation of roofs, floors and much more. Lumber refers to non-construction and building materials made from wood.
The most commonly used types of lumber are:

Wood is often used to make lumber. softwood. This is due to the fact that coniferous trees usually very high, and therefore quite long products can be made from them. Pine ate better for the reason that knots are very often found in spruce products, and this significantly spoils the product.
Besides, softwood rich in resins, which protects it from many influences environment and prolongs its service life. It's lightweight and durable material, which is easier to process than other types of wood and therefore cheaper.
It should also be noted that lumber of coniferous origin is rarely deformable, and during normal use it does not change shape at all.
There is deadwood and fresh sawn. Dead wood is understood as a tree that has dried up, standing in the forest, and under a fresh saw - products from a freshly sawn living tree. The best way- this is a fresh saw, because when choosing a dead wood, it is impossible to say exactly when and how it was formed. At the same time, fresh saw is a fresh product. In our production, the correct methods of preserving lumber are used, so it has high quality and reliable in operation. fresh sawn material has more advantages than dead wood, much lower, as well as its quality. For example, board and timber from deadwood, withstands much less stress on fracture and rupture.

When the life cycle of a dry tree finally comes to an end, root system slowly begins to die off and the plant itself becomes dangerous, as a small squally wind or hurricane can easily topple or even uproot deadwood. The drying process that has begun with the help of external natural conditions makes wood look good resistance to mechanical damage, the influence of various biological factors and exceptional hardness. It is thanks to these characteristics that deadwood (pine, spruce, etc.) is so highly valued in industry.

To guarantee the quality of wood, specialists can monitor dead wood from the beginning of its formation to removal from the forest. After the object passes the control and is recognized as a quality specimen, the process of extracting the trunk from the ground along with the root system takes place in order to minimize damage to the most valuable part of the trunk - the base, as well as to a number of growing plants. Uprooted trunks are removed from the site with special care. There are known cases of attracting a helicopter for the correct and careful removal of the barrel, although this is done mainly in hard-to-reach places, in mountainous or swampy areas where it is difficult to reach other equipment. Before carrying out any work on extracting a tree, it is imperative to obtain permission to cut dead wood in the forest.

If in the future dry wood will be used to build a house, then the best specimens will be plants that have reached the age of 100 - 200 years. There are very few such specimens and they usually grow in northern latitudes, which significantly increases the price of housing from such material, but a house built from dead wood is striking in its beauty, quality and durability, it does not shrink and, oddly enough, is less prone to fires than a log house from ordinary wood. Therefore, the sale of dead wood is a rather profitable event.

Cleaning the forest from dead wood

Dry and diseased trees located in the forest area must be constantly monitored, as well as fixing the slightest changes. This is done in order to be able to intervene in time and turn the dangerous situation in a different direction. No need to immediately resort to drastic measures, sometimes it can be enough timely pruning damaged or dried branches. Wood affected by pests, rot or other diseases poses a dangerous threat to other plants in the forest. She needs not only to remove in time, but also to dispose of soon so as not to harm the rest of the green spaces and not cause a full-scale epidemic.

cut dead wood in whole or in part is sometimes very important. Such a useless, and sometimes dangerous tree only blocks the light of others. healthy plants, and if it falls on its own, it can cause mechanical damage other green spaces. Who knows, maybe they themselves can turn into deadwood from such a mutilation. In time take out the logging dry residues wood - no less important event. This is not only clearing the area for the full growth of other representatives of the forest, but also the prevention of fire hazards.

Measures aimed at preventing dangerous situations and preventing epidemics are called sanitary or health-improving and should be carried out only by competent specialists who decide whether it is necessary to cut dead wood and cut down a diseased plant or not.

Cutting down unnecessary, dry and or diseased plants can be carried out in 2 ways:

  • 1st way. Solid sanitary felling. It is carried out when dry trees prevail in the selected area of ​​the forest. Such felling takes place when the affected plants make up 40% or more of the forest stand of one location. These zones are subject to the fastest complete renewal of green spaces.
  • 2nd way. Selective sanitary felling. It is carried out for the partial localization of certain objects among other trees of the forest. This work is considered more painstaking and sometimes it may take much more time and effort to neutralize one dry tree than with clear sanitary felling, when plants are cut all in a row. The complexity of the work lies not so much in the neat sawing of a dry branch or the entire tree, but in ensuring the safety of the remaining green spaces.

In any case, before starting any work, i.e. immediately prior to the decision to remove, the plant should be examined by a specialist who assesses the degree of risk to other trees. Experts will offer the most suitable way felling based on the current situation and terrain. After that, a logging ticket for dead wood must be issued, and only then a team of contractors is selected who will carry out these works.

Accurate and qualified extraction of dry forest stands will allow clearing the forest, which will create an opportunity for planting young stands and updating the green fund.

Cleaning up dead wood in the city

Cutting down dry trees in the city This is a difficult and dangerous undertaking. It can be carried out quickly and without loss of quality only by experienced climbers and employees of companies that remove green spaces. parks, recreation areas, botanical gardens, public gardens can be held not only sanitary felling dry and damaged plants, but also pruning, when only the crown or branch of the dead wood is removed, and the rest remains untouched. Such an event is designed to preserve the aesthetic appearance of recreation areas for citizens. In addition, the complete removal of the entire tree is a more costly process, both in terms of time and money. In most cases, a simple trimming or trimming of a part of the plant is enough to solve the problem. In addition, sawing or felling the entire object will require further uprooting of the stump in order to get rid of the tree completely.

Many people think that there is nothing dangerous in removing dead wood, but buying a chainsaw is not enough for this. Any work on dry trees, wherever carried out, must be carried out in accordance with the current regulations and legal regulations. Each organization or company that will carry out the cutting or sawing process must have all permits, and employees - a certificate for the relevant work.

The elimination of dead wood can occur as entirely, and parts. If the space under the tree allows, then you can choose a simple way to fell the whole tree, in the direction of the natural inclination of the trunk or in the opposite direction, using a quickdraw.

Most often, cutting down deadwood in urban areas takes place in parts. An unreliable trunk gives very little chance for a climber or arborist to climb on it, so there is a need for special equipment: aerial platform and crane. In this case, the load capacity of the machine must be at least 200 kg. If there is no free platform under the tree for dumping the sawn fragments, then the method of hanging the saw cut fragments on neighboring trees or using a truck crane is used. You will need to spend a lot of time to remove such dead wood, while the price will be much higher than for the usual saw cut of the whole plant.

Uprooting dry trees can be done in only two stages: at the first, the trunk itself is cut down, at the second, the remaining stump is removed along with the roots.

Dead wood cleaning services

"Treemaker" can qualitatively solve all issues related to the removal of dead wood and the disposal of all logging waste and wood debris. The site after us will look very attractive, and most importantly, there will be no dangerous dry plants on it. Trust our experience and professionalism and you won’t have to puzzle over the question: “What fine will you have to pay for cutting dead wood near your house?” Our experienced specialists will thoroughly explain to you every step of the way, provide all the necessary paperwork and good mood will start work. The company understands everything possible risks such a difficult process deadwood removal and responsibly approaches this problem.

"Treemaker" in addition to the timely and speedy disposal of logging residues, he can buy from you good, but unnecessary firewood various breeds wood and remove them from your territory immediately.

Deadwood video

Deadwood is an extinct forest, a forest infected with a bark beetle, a burnt forest, a forest affected by natural disasters.

What is the difference between a board, a beam according to GOST 8486-86 from a dead wood and how to distinguish a healthy fresh forest from a bad low-quality one, I will tell in this article

AT recent times in the markets of the capital one can very often find a board, a beam at a very attractive price from 4,600 rubles / m3 to 5,000 rubles / m3. In 90% of cases, at such a price, they offer you deadwood and assure you that this is a first-class board produced in accordance with GOST. Such material is not suitable for residential construction; in most cases, it is infested with barbel beetles and bark beetles, which in turn contributes to mortal danger for a tree.

Such material as dead wood can be purchased for the following purposes:

Formwork erection;

Construction of scaffolding;

Construction of temporary facilities;

Construction of a temporary fence;

For other construction purposes (Except for residential construction);

If you are offered a board, a beam according to a comparative cheap price then think about whether it is worth spending your money on such a purchase. After all, the purchase of such material for residential construction is fraught with consequences. The price of dead wood is from 4,600 rubles/m3 to 5,000 rubles/m3. The price for a normal fresh wood is from 5,700 rubles/m3 to 6,700 rubles/m3, depending on the type of GOST or TU.

When buying online, pay attention to the reputation of the store, whether everything is indicated on the site, pay attention to where the production is located. Basically, dead wood is produced in the Moscow region and nearby areas (due to large number fires and droughts in these areas). For example, a board, a bar from dead wood that we sell is produced in the Tver region.

When ordering edged lumber, always check with the manager whether they will bring you deadwood (or better to warn that if the machine is with low-quality wood, you will refuse it)

If your house is being built by a construction company or a private team of craftsmen whom you do not know well. Then trusting them with the purchase of lumber is not entirely good idea(repeatedly there were cases when builders bought obviously bad material for profit).

How to distinguish a green forest from a dead wood?

Below are photos of low-quality edged lumber, all these facts point to dead wood

Holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm are visible on the board, which indicates that the board is infected with bark beetle! Also pay attention to the fact that in places where there should be a wane there is blackness (most likely the forest suffered from a fire)

There are also holes from the larvae of bark beetle and longhorn beetle. but the color of the wood is natural (the forest suffered from drought or was damaged by pests)

This photo shows that the board has partially turned into dust, and has a characteristic red color or dark blue patches. (this suggests that over time all these areas will turn into dust, and it is simply dangerous to use this material for residential construction)

Another difference between dead wood and normal forest is the presence of cracks in almost the entire board length, even a through crack is possible at the ends! (on an edged board from a normal forest there are also cracks, but they are mostly small and shallow)

I hope the article was informative for you and you understood the danger of buying deadwood lumber for residential construction.

You can buy deadwood for rough work on our website at a price of 4,900 rubles/m3 in the section

deadwood- withered, ceased vital activity, but standing on the root trees.

Today, two types of dead wood can be distinguished: single trees and entire groups that have ceased their vital activity under the influence of various negative factors.

Cause of shrinkage trees are: age limit of plants (natural old age), drought, lowering ground water, waterlogging, frost, frost, sunburn, soil compaction due to improper grazing of livestock in the forest, forest fires, mass spread of harmful insects and fungal diseases.

Wood dries naturally and therefore extremely slowly. Very often, such trees stand in swampy areas where you can’t get through. large equipment, which is reflected in the cost of the workpiece.

Construction dead wood should be harvested in the northern latitudes of the Arctic (Karelia). Dead wood from other regions of Russia, for example, the Vologda, Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod regions, is softer and unsuitable for the construction of log cabins good quality . In % terms, among the forest, dead wood is estimated from 0.1 to 3% in deaf impenetrable places.

The harsh climate of the Arctic makes the wood of Karelia as strong as stone. It is known that under the influence of low temperatures (and real winter lasts at least six months a year in these latitudes), trees grow extremely slowly. This causes high density wood, its strength and endurance.

The most interesting thing is that until recently, modern builders did not use dead wood, considering such a tree unsuitable. However, the experience of foreign colleagues has shown that it is deadwood that is the best suited for construction. wooden houses.

The service life of houses made of dead wood is incalculable. Japanese scientists made a calculation of the service life of a dead tree, which would be the entire period on damp earth, calculation indications - 300 years

What is the main advantage of such a building material?
And the answer to this question lies in the very name of dead wood - that is, a dry tree. Such wood is devoid of moisture, which means that it does not shrink during the construction of wooden houses. In addition, dead wood is an almost eternal tree that does not warp and is environmentally friendly and beautiful.

By the way, you might think that dead wood is most exposed to fire and has low fire resistance. But this is not so, because the dead wood is carefully processed with special chemical solutions that protect the tree from fire.

However, dryness also has a downside. Belonging to the class of elite building materials, dead wood costs a lot of money, which means that only high-income customers can afford to build a house from dead wood.

Each deadwood tree structure is unique. Raw walls breathe better, so the house is always preserved optimal level humidity and oxygen balance. Due to the rough surface of dry wood, the air is cleaned of dust. Deadwood houses are the most environmentally friendly among wooden ones: firstly, the tree has grown hundreds of years in environmentally friendly times, secondly, there is a pleasant natural smell of wood inside the house, humidity and oxygen balance are always maintained at the optimum level, and thirdly, it is excellent the texture of the material of the walls is visible.

there's something wrong here...
a relatively small amount of building dead wood (as a percentage of conventional timber), as well as significant labor intensity in the harvesting and processing of such wood, determines the high final cost of products made from it.

The cost of deadwood houses abroad starts from $ 1,500 per sq.m. basic configuration. On our market, Finnish manufacturers sell log cabins from deadwood at $1000-1200 per sq.m.

In your case, most likely, the forest is of a more southern origin and is only suitable for firewood

For reference: the drill pine from the northern regions of the European part of Russia (Arkhangelsk region and Karelia) has dense, fine-grained wood with a narrow sapwood. The number of annual layers in 1 cm is 10-14 pieces. The density of wood is average (from 540 kg/m3 for wood of natural humidity).


There is a prejudice that, with proper selection, the trunks of already dead withered trees will have a number of important benefits. But the practice of using such lumber debunks this myth completely.

The term "dead wood" is applied to trees that have not yet fallen and are standing on the vine, but they are already dead. This definition may apply not only to individual trunks, but also to entire forest areas. Deadwood is also called lumber cut from dead round timber. Separately allocate dead wood. These are dead dry trees that lie on the ground. They can fall, for example, after strong winds, snowfalls and the like.

A tree dies (dries up) not always from old age. This can happen for other reasons, namely:

Critical rise in groundwater, accompanied by severe waterlogging of the soil;
Critical decrease in groundwater, accompanied by drought;
Prolonged cold with abnormal frosts;
Harmful industrial impacts;
Strong soil compaction;
Forest fires;
Damage by fungi or insects;
Various mechanical damage...

The intensity and speed of such processes depends on various factors. Sometimes destruction occurs in a matter of days (15-20 days) - while a layer of blue 1.5-2 centimeters thick appears very quickly throughout the entire array of wood.

Inspection of trunks in dry areas where trees died long ago (a year and a half ago) allows us to draw important conclusions. Only 2 percent of all available trunks can be used to produce lumber that is relatively suitable for construction. 70 percent of this forest will be used only as firewood. The rest can be considered waste containing a huge amount of pests and pathogens.

A pattern can be traced - the longer the period from the death of a tree to the moment of its harvesting, the more useless and dangerous the deadwood will be. Deadwood is damaged and destroyed even faster than dead wood, since the area of ​​contact between the trunk and the soil is much larger.

In some cases, there are only a few months to pick an undamaged sawlog from the deadwood.

Infection can occur in a warehouse and even in ready-made structures that have not undergone strict antiseptic treatment. In addition, products from dead wood can act as a source of infection, being in the vicinity of normal wood.

In addition to being damaged by fungi and insects, dead wood and deadwood are characterized by the loss of important building materials. physical and mechanical properties. The wood of a dead tree dries without control, unevenly - at the same time, rather deep cracks form not only along, but also across the fibers. For timber or edged board GOST from the green forest is completely uncharacteristic.

Uneven stresses, in addition to significant cracking in different directions, can lead to product deformations after sawing the log - warping various types, which is simply impossible to fix during installation, because lumber just breaks.

The presence of fungal infections and damage by harmful insects is not allowed by GOST standards, not only for aesthetic reasons. These pests feed on wood, after their vital activity, voids and loose areas remain in the trunk, which leads to such negative phenomena:

Lumber becomes less hard, more capricious during installation and processing;
products lose bearing capacity;
structures are more thermally conductive and sound-permeable;
loose tree in more absorbs water.

Most unpleasant is the fact that it can be very difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize dead wood against the background of lumber from a healthy forest. And far from every seller honestly indicates the origin of his goods, which gives him the opportunity to make extra profit (dead logs and sawn timber from dead wood, for example, edged board
