Dream interpretation black bird flew into the house. Dream interpretation big bird, white, blue. Freud's interpretation

Dreams are the appearance of images in the mind of a person. They often carry some kind of secret message related to the future of a person in reality. Feathers in a dream are a kind of symbol that contains several meanings.

Most often, this is a favorable sign; it will be possible to reveal the meaning of sleep more widely by determining what kind of species it is.

Birds are divided into several categories. Wild or domestic, small or big, it all has importance to interpret the dream.

Miller deciphers such a dream for a woman like a start love story or early marriage.

Freud in his dream book gives an explanation for such a dream as sexual desires and fantasies. Summarizing all the interpretations, a bird in a dream - to receive news, to something new and secret.

Dreamed of a bird in a dream what does it mean

If you dreamed of a bird, that is good sign. Especially for those who are in search of inspiration and their place in life. Very soon your imagination will find a worthy application.

If they dream in a cage, then most likely your creative nature is distorted by hard work, and it is difficult for you to correct the situation.

If you dream that you are flying like a bird, then this dream means that in the subconscious you are striving for freedom, both spiritual and physical.

What is the dream of a dead bird

If you dream of dead birds, you don't have to be afraid of it. Try to determine what kind of birds these are.

For example, predatory eagle serves as a sign that an ill-wisher will appear on your way, over which you will defeat.

But if you dreamed of poultry: chickens, roosters or parrots, then here you are already in danger, be careful in everything.

a dream in which many dead birds means that in your life now is a difficult period, but all problems will be resolved.

What is the dream of a bird in hands

  • A dream in which you hold a bird in your hands is positive. The dream interpretation interprets this as something new and interesting.
  • What is the dream of a bird in the hands of a woman? For a woman, this is a favorable sign that promises her to soon find love, harmony and good luck.
  • If they are in hand- this is a sign that you will take off in all areas of life. You will find happiness in your personal life. Also in your career, you will quickly begin to grow, and achieve the desired results, regardless of the current situation.

What is the dream of a bird flying into the house

  • If you dreamed of a bird flying through the window, then the dream book interprets this as a misfortune in the family.
  • Birds flying into the house symbolize the souls of deceased relatives. But do not take this sign literally.
  • Bird knocking on the window- this is a sign of unexpected news that will radically change your current life.
  • If the window breaks, the news is unlikely to be pleasant.
  • For women who desire but cannot have children, such a dream will be a prediction of an imminent pregnancy.

What does it mean to catch a bird in a dream

  • In a dream, catch a bird with your hands the dream book is interpreted as an opportunity for rapid career growth or the discovery of something new.
  • Grab a bird quickly without effort- This is a sign of unexpected gain or success.
  • Catch a bird is tantamount to catching luck in all endeavors, perhaps this is your sign to start life from scratch.
  • Pregnant girl to catch a bird in a dream means that she will have a girl.

If you dream of a white and black bird

Also in a dream, you can clearly distinguish color. For example, if you dreamed of white a bird in a dream, then this is a joyful sign.

  • If you saw a lot of white swans or other birds, then you are expected white stripe in life. It will be filled with pleasant surprises and moments.
  • See black birds the dream book explains how the onset of problems, negative emotions and losses.
  • If you dreamed black, then you have a chance to prepare and adequately meet all the problems. There is no need to be afraid of such dreams. Unfavorable dreams most often help us and protect us from danger.

What is the dream of a flock of birds

  • A flock of birds in a dream always to new ideas, guests in the house and news.
  • The flock is dreaming to the development of any events in your life.
  • If it's a flock of seagulls, then you should be wary, since the seagull carries an unfavorable sign.
  • Dream for girls, in which there are many beautiful birds - this is a harbinger of danger from female ill-wishers. They can spread rumors about you and intrigue you in every possible way.
  • see a big flock in a dream also to unexpected wealth.

Birds in a dream are a very meaningful image. They can symbolize the dreamer's thoughts, emotions, desires, and also indicate the approach of some events, receiving news, or the arrival of guests. Popular dream books will give an answer to what this or that vision is dreaming of.

The new family dream book answers

Dreamed of birds with marvelous plumage? Look forward to favorable times in all respects. For a lonely woman, the dream book prophesies a meeting with her betrothed and in the future a happy marriage.

Why dream of wounded birds? Children will cause a lot of problems, and this will plunge you into despondency. Flying birds are a sign of near prosperity. But hearing birdsong, but not seeing the birds themselves, is not very good. You are unlikely to cope with the assigned task. Even worse, if you dreamed that you were killing birds. This is a harbinger of troubles due to one's own stupidity.

Why do pet birds dream? Dream book advice: stop spending money thoughtlessly. In a dream, chasing poultry literally means wasting time and effort. If birds of prey appeared in the night, then be afraid of deception. But if you managed to kill them, then in reality you will overcome all obstacles on the way to your own happiness and success.

If a lady dreamed that she was protecting her own children from aggressively attacking birds, then the wildest expectations would come true, however, she would have to work hard. Seeing birds attack is bad. Dream Interpretation promises a threat from enemies and competitors. But if you drive away the birds, then in reality you will successfully cope.

Why do dead birds dream? In a dream, they are a messenger of good luck and victory. Sometimes the interpretation of sleep is reversed if harmless birds happened to be seen dead. Did you have to shoot birds in a dream? Excessive activity will not lead to good.

Miller's dream book tells

Birds, especially with bright plumage, in a dream good sign. If they appeared to a girl, then in the near future she is waiting for mutual love and a successful marriage. But if the wounded birds dreamed, then the soul would be tormented by longing and hopelessness.

Why do flying birds dream? Dream Interpretation considers them a symbol of prosperity and well-being. To catch a bird literally means to catch luck. But if the birds are chirping, but you can’t see them, then try to show maximum concentration in your work.

Had a dream that you killed birds? A natural disaster, crop failure or other large-scale catastrophe is approaching. Poultry in the night reflects excessive extravagance and frivolity. A girl chasing poultry wastes precious time on empty pleasures and entertainments.

Interprets the noble dream book of N. Grishina

Why dream of many different birds that sit on trees, roofs or just on the ground? The dream interpretation considers them a symbol of spiritual secrets and mysteries that overcame the dreamer. White birds signify joy, good news, the dreamer's good intentions, positive influence on his life around.

If black birds dreamed, then they reflect the bad intentions of others and the negative influence of the past. A flock of black birds also symbolizes one's own bad thoughts and bad character traits. Did you happen to see that black birds fly away? You are in the grip of fears and doubts. If they circle over something, then an event is coming that will turn out to be fatal for you.

Why do talking birds dream? In a dream, they are identified with intuition and forebodings. Trust yourself and don't listen to anyone! Dreamed of blue birds or blue color? The dream interpretation promises respect and good business reputation, and in esoteric interpretation promises rebirth and hope.

Did birds appear in a dream of colorful, iridescent and exotic colors? The dream book believes that romantic dreams and fantasies are transmitted in this way. They are also a symbol of deception and illusions. Good to see many different birds. This is a sign of the awakening of clairvoyance. But do not forget: a similar image usually comes in the most difficult periods.

Deciphers the Wanderer's dream book

Why do talking birds dream? The dream interpretation is sure: in a dream you can get a real prophecy for the future from them. This is also a sign of one's own clairvoyant abilities. Large flocks of birds are collective energies, their influence on the dreamer's life, or some life processes.

Did you dream of black, predatory or night birds? Expect bad news and troubles. They also represent evil person from the immediate environment and hint at the negative influence of others on the dreamer. White birds always bring good news and increase energy.

The dream book reminds: birds in a dream are a symbol of the dreamer's soul, his emotional state, urgent desires, creative aspirations, as well as future achievements. By the appearance and behavior of birds, you can make predictions about family and business life. The birds themselves can be associated with specific individuals. For women, it is birds in a dream that predict a proposal for marriage.

Why do birds dream in the sky, fly

Large birds soaring in the sky are successful ambitions. A randomly flying flock of birds indicates a lack of focus and integrity in achieving the goal, which leads to defeat. If the birds fly nearby or circle overhead, then you will soon be fantastically lucky. Did you dream that birds were flying in the sky? Get news from far away places.

In a dream, birds in their hands, in a cage

Why do birds dream in their hands? Big luck will visit you in reality. Catching birds in a dream means you will be lucky in a game or lottery. To catch a bird literally on the fly - to receive a letter, if the bird climbed into the bosom, then you will be happy. For a woman to catch a bird - for a quick marriage. But if the birds fly away, then get ready for losses.

Dreamed of birds in a cage? You feel the limitations of your freedom. The same image indicates good friends and profit. In addition, the birds in the cage seem to hint: by showing cunning and dexterity, you can achieve more.

What does it mean if the birds flew into the house, window

If birds appeared in the apartment, then soon start implementing an important business or project. A bird in the house for a woman - to pregnancy, for everyone else - to unexpected news and events.

Did you dream that wonderful birds flew in through the window? You have a chance to influence your own destiny. Why dream if the birds not only flew into the house, but also sat on their shoulder or head? Completely unexpectedly will come to you real love. The interpretation of sleep is relevant if the birds landed on you in another place. Most likely, this is an indication of the territory where the acquaintance will take place.

Birds in a dream - specific interpretations

Below is a list of the most common interpretations of specific dream plots and the meaning of the birds themselves.

  • kill birds - hard times, bad events, losses
  • shoot - severe trials, troubles
  • hurt - the destruction of happiness, good luck
  • cut - getting rid of the hassle, annoying people
  • pluck - unpleasant worries
  • feed - friendly meeting, guests
  • grab - win, rare luck
  • to buy - the growth of well-being
  • talking to them - fun, prediction, clairvoyance
  • white birds - peace, the embodiment of plans, harmony, joy
  • black (except crows) - cunning, deceit
  • pink - dream, illusion, joy, hope
  • predatory (except owls) - strength, imagination, adequacy
  • small - vanity, chores
  • big - significant events
  • loons - risk will bring profit
  • capercaillie - suspicion, accusation
  • pigeons (except white) - illness, loss
  • white - spiritual revelation, peace
  • thrushes - new friends, happy changes
  • swallows - guests, news from afar
  • orioles - difficulties will be solved by themselves
  • bustards - lies, gossip, duplicity
  • finches - carefree life
  • roosters - irritation, a symbol of time
  • chickens - money chores
  • sparrows - haste, vanity
  • owls - wisdom, experience
  • crows - trouble, trouble
  • swans - fidelity, mutual love
  • without wings - loss of hope, suffering
  • clip your wings - destroy your own happiness
  • dead - accident
  • bird feather - letter
  • sing - happiness
  • chirping - news
  • shouting loudly - gossip
  • sitting - sadness, longing
  • fly away - losses
  • fly overhead - news
  • peck - prosperity, well-being
  • sit on top - good change, news
  • fight - quarrel of women

If night birds appeared in a dream, including the bats, then something bad is coming, besides, there has been a stop in business. Birds of prey (falcon, hawk, eagle and others) in a dream predict total poverty for poor dreamers, and even greater enrichment for the rich. Dreamed of a phoenix bird? Be sure: you will survive in any life conditions.

If in real life the bird personifies good luck and prosperity, then the dream in a dream is interpreted as an unfavorable sign. If you dream that a bird has flown into the house, what this can lead to, you need to deal with this in order to determine what to expect. In general, if a bird flew into the house, both trouble and good luck await the person.

If in reality the bird is a symbol of joy, tenderness, good luck and prosperity, then sleeping with a bird is an unfavorable sign for a person. According to the interpretation of some dream books, if a bird flies into the house, then it is a harbinger of adverse events expected soon. It is believed that a bird that flew into the house reflects the real emotions of a person in relation to his family members, relatives and relatives. So, a bird in the house can signal a serious illness or even the death of close relatives or friends. Therefore, it is recommended to show some vigilance in relation to others, in particular, relatives.

However, such a dream acquires a negative character if it is dreamed of by married male representatives. According to another interpretation presented in dream books, if a man has a dream with a bird flying into his house, in reality he will be able to make his dreams come true. This, in more, concerns his career growth, the opportunity to make a trip, change his life in a radical way, as a rule, for the better.

It is believed that a dream with a flown bird acquires a negative character if a chicken is seen in a dream. At the same time, a wounded or sick chicken is a warning sign and signals that in the near future one of the relatives will get sick.

If you adhere to the opinions of some astrologers, for women a bird that has flown into a house in a dream is a favorable sign. It is possible that soon she will finally be able to get pregnant. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, she will have an easy and successful birth.

If a man sees in a dream that he is catching a bird that has flown into the house, profit and success await him. For unmarried men, this is also a favorable sign, as new acquaintances with a girl await him, which will turn into a serious relationship and marriage for him.

If in a dream you hear the singing of a bird flying into the house, in reality, joyful and cheerful days await a person, a pleasant pastime with friends, good news.

If a whole flock of birds flew into the house, randomly flying and knocking each other down, such a dream is not considered by astrologers as auspicious sign, as a person will have to face bad news, great difficulties. He will need both strength, and time, and patience to overcome them. Help and support from relatives and friends of him is not ruled out.

For young girls who have not yet settled their personal lives, a dream with a bird flying into the house is also favorable. So, the dream book interprets a dream in which a girl feeds a bird as a quick acquaintance with a young man who will turn into serious relationship and later in marriage. For married woman such a dream is characterized as a fun pastime with friends, people close to her in spirit.

As for business people engaged in business and professional activities, a dream in which they dreamed that they were feeding a flown bird from their hands portends a quick advancement in business, as well as career growth, a rapid advancement up the career ladder.

What portends a dream in which birds that have flown into the house attack a person? Such a dream does not bode well, most likely, gossip, squabbles, possible and unpleasant disagreements, conflict situations with enemies or business rivals await a person. Whether the outcome of such a situation will be favorable or not can be predicted from some details of sleep. So, if the birds flew off on their own or managed to drive them away, then conflict situations with friends or work competitors will end in favor of the owner of the dream.

So, a dream in which a bird flew into the house can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the elements of sleep. For some, such a dream can characterize the state of health of loved ones and relatives, for others - marital status, career growth, financial profit.


Dream Interpretation Birds, why do Birds dream in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do Birds dream in a dream?

To see Birds in the house, birds in the window of the house - if some kind of poultry such as a duck, chicken flew into the house, through the window of the house - a negative sign, such a dream prophesies the death of someone close.

Birds are knocking in the window - news will come to you that will turn your world upside down.

Why do birds dream in the house, birds in the window - for those women who want to have a baby - this auspicious sleep, because it means you will get pregnant.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why Birds Dream:

Women's dream book A dream about Birds is often a dream for a woman.

What does it mean to see Birds in a dream in a dream - A dream is favorable in which birds with beautiful plumage appear. For a woman, he portends a quick and happy marriage or new love. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity and good luck, the dissolution of all negative circumstances in the stream of impending prosperity. Catching a bird is also a good sign. Hearing birds call to each other is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. A wounded, lined bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of his own child. To kill a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.

Symbolic dream book Dream Interpretation: Birds if you dream

  • Dream Interpretation Birds - With all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, a bird in a dream usually acts as a message (in ancient times, pigeon or falcon mail worked). Or the bird symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by a dreamer.
  • Unusual, original, exotic birds can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings:
  • "rare foreign bird" - a foreign guest or an original, unusual message or from afar, from abroad.
  • "parrot" - mockery, deceit, disappointment; "turkey", "peacock" - importance, pride, arrogance;
  • "phoenix", "firebird", "blue bird" are well-known symbols of happiness, resurrection, spiritual rebirth.
  • In addition, some other birds too clearly emphasize this or that feature, the peculiarity of the ongoing event or the character of the sleeper himself, the familiar sleeper:
  • "rooster" - irritability, time;
  • "swallow" - good news;
  • "Sparrow" - insignificance, to be in time everywhere;
  • "white dove" - ​​peace, spiritual revelation;
  • "stork" - the birth of a child, family happiness,
  • "Crow" - trouble; swan - fidelity, etc.
  • However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey, may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or serious illness (if they still take them away and peck).

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing Birds in a Dream

  • Why do Birds dream in a dream - Birds sing in the void. - portends the death of his wife.
  • A flying bird climbs into your bosom. - portends happiness.
  • Catch a bird in flight. - portends a letter from afar.
  • A swallow is flying. - A guest will come from afar.
  • The bird is chasing the snake. - Get a recommendation from someone.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why do Birds dream:

  • Birds - Imagination: flights of fancy or thoughts, ideas.
  • Birds in a cage. Imagination distorted by circumstance, hard work.
  • Clipped wings. Restraint, humility, perhaps wild and bizarre, but outdated concepts and assessments. Aspiration, a spirit that aspires to heaven, a spiritual person.
  • Winged Birds/Fledglings (birds without wings). Spiritual aspirations/material statements. In alchemy, a monster, an earthly dragon (meaning primordial matter), which transforms into an eagle or a rooster.
  • Birdies. Women.
  • A bird in a man's dreams. Sex. Anima.
  • A bird in a woman's dreams. Sex. Self.
  • White/Black Birds. The two aspects of the Anima or Self, where black bird denotes the dark or dark side, Anima, Self. Freedom: free as a bird.
  • Favorite bird. General idea, modified by statements and emotions. Fantasies in childhood.
  • Plumage. Social environment or person, appearance.
  • Golden-winged bird (firebird). May have the same meaning as a fire.
  • Birds soaring high, or birds,. living on the top floors of the building. Rise to the heights through the conscious. Cognition of the unconscious aspect of the Super Self.
  • Chicken. A bird incapable of flight, and therefore an imagination with a utilitarian function. If the chicken is kept for egg production, then one can then hope for potential growth, unlike the case when it is kept for meat.
  • Black chicken. Guide to the deep unconscious.
  • Someone who turns into a chicken. The assurances of the unconscious that someone, perhaps the individual himself, is a coward.
  • Rooster. Lust, acting like a rooster.
  • Crow (raven). Priest as he wears black clothes and takes part in the funeral, and thus death.
  • Pigeon. Anima.
  • Pigeons playing and kissing. Children. Combination of Anima and Animus.
  • Eagle. Perception and attention, eagle eye. Consciousness. High flight of mind and spirit. Male spirit of enthusiasm. Dominance. Identification with an eagle, similar to an eagle. desire to dominate. In the case when this dream is combined with fear, then this dominance can become threatening for someone. A man who looks like an eagle poses a threat. Someone will dominate the individual.
  • Owl. The soul of the deceased separated from the body, represented by the ghostly appearance of a bird and a terrible scream. Also wisdom or anima.
  • Owl. Premonition of death, depression. Symbolism of madness.
  • Peacock. Expanded implementation of integrity due to the appearance of all colors in the form of a circle, fanned out by a tail. Also rebirth. In alchemy, it has a similar meaning to the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Plays an important role in Gnosticism. male beauty. Some handsome man. In connection with the contrast between the beauty of the peacock and its unpleasant cry - false truths or insincerity.
  • Phoenix. Renaissance.
  • Crow. Shaman. The devil, who is also black and winged. Father image. Shadow.
  • Wild goose. Able to move on land, water and air. Self.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Birds according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Birds what they dream of - Birds symbolize creativity, a flight of fancy. Sometimes a warning that the dreamer is too out of touch with reality. To see a bird in a cage is to have a limitation in feelings. Birds fly - success in love, creativity. Feed the birds - new happy opportunities will open up for you.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why do Birds dream in a dream:

  • Birds - An auspicious dream if you see birds with beautiful plumage.
  • If a woman sees this dream, she should expect a quick and happy marriage or a new love.
  • Seeing a wounded bird is a deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring.
  • Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity for the one who sees this dream. All undesirable circumstances will disappear in the stream of the good to come.
  • Catching a bird is a good dream.
  • Hearing the birds “talking” is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception.
  • To kill a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.

Assyrian dream book Why do Birds dream about a dream book:

Birds - If a person sees a bird in a dream, what he once lost will return to him.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why do Birds dream from a dream book?

What does it mean to see in a dream Why do Birds dream in a dream - If you have ever watched the Alfred Hitchcock film Birds, you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted by man in different ways. Since time immemorial, birds have developed a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble. At one time, the peoples of the Middle East even considered a bad sign if a bird bites a person,

  • Ravens and vultures have been infamous since ancient times, but the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of an aura of majesty around birds as a species (and some subspecies, in particular). Here it is worth citing as an example popular expression soar like an eagle, which for 25 centuries has been a metaphor for hope and self-confidence.
  • The vigilance of birds (remember at least the well-known expression of a hawk's eye) is another example of their positive perception.
  • Ravens and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech in general distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world. Some people in your dreams may look like birds.
  • If you are talking to them in your sleep, this may indicate communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you.
  • As with other ANIMALS, it is important to consider what kind of bird it is and what it means to you when interpreting a dream.
  • People whom you subconsciously endow with properties similar to some feathered ones (for example, wise, like an owl, predatory, like a hawk, or keen-sighted, like an eagle), can appear to you in dreams in the form of these very birds, and not necessarily in the form of a bird with a face or the head of a particular person, but as a metaphorical image.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Birds in a dream

Why dream of a Bird's Nest in a dream - With testicles or chicks - a great joy; ruining a nest is an alarm in the house; empty - quickly build your house.

Birds - In a cage - outwit others; in beautiful plumage - you will be energetic; to kill is a loss; feed - invite cheerful friends; sitting - sadness; flying - get news; carried away into the air - losses; cut their wings - destroy happiness; grab - win.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Why do Birds dream about a dream book:

  • Birds - A symbol of swiftness, prophecy, inconstancy.
  • If you dreamed of a very large bird, this means that in the future the earth is threatened by a very large meteorite, as a result of which several cities will be wiped off the face of the earth.
  • If in a dream a large bird approaches the dreamer, then the city in which this person lives will suffer from a meteorite.
  • Seeing a small bird in a dream is a sign that peace and tranquility will come to earth; there will be no wars, hunger and poverty. All people will be happy. Such a dream prophesies happiness to the dreamer.
  • To see a bird without wings in a dream - a dream portends a real threat to the population of Australia, because it is on the coat of arms of this country that the emu bird, which has no wings, is depicted.
  • If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a "wild" voice, then in the future a country would be threatened by an invasion of barbarians. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies hard work in the submission of a cruel boss.
  • The black double-headed eagle is a symbol of the power of Russia.
  • Seeing a black double-headed eagle fighting any beast is a threat of war and external conflicts.
  • To see a headless bird in a dream - to the sad events in Russia.
  • If you dreamed of voiceless birds, then in the future there will be a very severe drought on earth, as a result of which many states of the planet will suffer.
  • Seeing an iron bird in a dream is a sign that a unique aircraft will be invented very soon.
  • If the iron bird sits on the ground, then this is an omen of a major air crash.
  • To dream of the rare beauty of birds is a sign that you live and are only interested in your past.
  • If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your strength on the present, and not look back to the past or look to the future. Only in this way can you avoid the impending disaster.
  • To dream of an eagle soaring in the sky is to strive for divinity and mercy. Dignity will not allow you to make a false choice in the future.
  • An eagle in a cage - the desire for power and might. To see a rooster in a dream - to a quarrel and conflicts.
  • A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to draw you into a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable.
  • If in a dream you watch cockfights - in reality you will become a witness to an emergency.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Birds:

Birds - Thoughts. Highly flying thoughts about the high, but one should not leave the earth for a long time. Sick, ugly, wounded, you are a pessimist, and this spoils life. Waterfowl think too much about life's problems. In a cage, the flight of your thoughts is limited by generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. They kiss, a couple in your thoughts the theme prevails love relationship, you can miss everything else. Dreams about birds show that you are too carried away in your thoughts.

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: To see birds in a dream

Why do birds dream - A dream in which birds fly is unhappy. It means that circumstances will throw you back in some actions. However, for poor people, this may be a harbinger of improvement. financial condition especially if the birds sing in their sleep.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why do White Birds dream in a dream - Good news and good energy influences.

What does it mean when you dream Birds are black, nocturnal, predatory - Bad news; misfortunes, negative, demonic influences on fate from other people; cunning, treacherous person from the sleeping environment.

Why do Birds talking in a dream dream - Revelation about the future in a dream, an element of clairvoyance: it is very important what kind of birds they are, in what plot and what they say.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Birds in a Dream

  • Why do Birds dream in a dream - Joy
  • birds in a cage - outsmart others
  • birds in red plumage - you will be energetic
  • kill birds - loss
  • feed the birds - invite cheerful friends
  • birds sitting - sadness
  • birds flying - get the news
  • birds flying in the air - losses
  • birds - clip their wings - destroy happiness
  • grab a bird - win
  • Bird's nest - With eggs - great joy
  • destroy the nest - alarm in the house
  • empty - quickly build your house

An old dream book Why do Birds dream about a dream book:

Songbirds - To see a lot of different songbirds in a dream - and vague clairvoyance awakens to you; this dream is most often seen in difficult moments of life.


bird in the house

A bird in a dream symbolizes freedom, the ability to rise above your problems and look at everything in a new way. But the dream in which the bird flies into the house is extremely unfavorable. Such a dream may portend the imminent death of one of the household members. But if it's multi-storey, apartment house- then the prediction applies to everyone living in this house, and not just in the apartment. If the bird knocks, beats on the window, then in reality you will receive some kind of news that will turn your life upside down. If the bird manages to break the window, then the news will be bad, it will bring grief.

According to other interpretations, a bird flying through the window can symbolize a new person in your environment, who will firmly enter your life and accompany you along your path. But for women who want to get pregnant, a dream where a bird hits the window is one of the happiest, as it speaks of a successful conception and a long-awaited, successful pregnancy without complications, and healthy child in future.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the house mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a house in a dream in online dream book Miller.


Dream interpretation bird flew

Why dream of a Bird flying in a dream from a dream book?

A dream in which a bird bursts into you through a window is a reflection of your current experiences related to family well-being or the deeds of someone very dear to you.


In a dream, a bird flew through the window



To bad news

Ushakova Tatiana

This is a dream and this is news.


This is unexpected news .... good .... don't worry ... there is such a sign of Eesli that it really happens in life, and not in a dream ...


in my opinion, this is generally a dream for flying, that is, not for death, but for birth ... And I myself always dream of some kind of funny nonsense, only a few times I had very nasty dreams in which there were devils and the dead, but somehow I don’t attach importance to them, and I advise you to be calmer about this

Ksenia Sopova

To dream of birds in bright plumage is an auspicious dream. For a woman, he promises a rich groom. Seeing a wounded bird in a dream means that your children will bring you grief. Hearing the singing and chirping of birds means that you will have difficulty doing something that requires accuracy and concentration. Killing birds with a gun natural disasters and crop failure. If you dream of flying birds, expect a change for the better.

A dream about windows is an unfavorable omen. He foreshadows the collapse of hopes. If you dream closed windows, then this is a sign of abandonment. If the windows are broken, then you will suffer from unfounded suspicions of infidelity. The dream in which you are sitting on the window portends that you are at risk of becoming a victim of your own envy. If for any reason you enter a house through a window and not through a door, then you will most certainly be accused of using dishonest means to achieve goals that you consider noble. If in a dream you are forced to run away through a window, then beware of being cornered. Looking into other people's windows and seeing strange figures means that you made a mistake when choosing a profession.

What bird did you dream about? And what was the window like? And so the bird flew into the window to the news. And according to the above description, decide for yourself what kind of news: good or bad.


The bird symbolizes news if she knocked on the window not in a dream, but in reality. A dream about birds means freedom. And if she flew into the window and could not fly out, something obliges you to someone

Elena the beautiful

depending on what kind of bird? ... it’s bad if you dream of a dove, a raven .... but if a small bird (titmouse, sparrow ... etc. ...) - then this is news, pleasant and not very .. well, definitely not to death ... checked !!!

Sleep birds flew into the house

I dreamed that a dove flew into the house. I tried to drive the pigeon out, opened the window, but the pigeon rushed around the apartment. Then a cat began chasing a pigeon, and another turkey and a sparrow appeared in the apartment from nowhere. I was afraid that the cat would cripple them. I screamed. There was such a commotion! The cat still grabbed the dove. I vaguely remember the ending of the dream, but in my opinion the cat fell out of the window along with the dove (or I threw them away).


bird in the window

Dream Interpretation - Radiance over your head

To big positive changes in life, I would even say fateful.

Dream Interpretation - Radiance over your head

I will add to what Valerio said. You need to pay attention to the type of creativity that gives you joy (3 rays) and then peace and harmony are provided to you (white light). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

The meaning of the dream suggests that some kind of obstacle will arise when you want to spend money on something, however, what you want to acquire indicates the frivolity of your undertaking, perhaps you need to think over your affairs and plans again?

Dream Interpretation - Layers and eggs

A dream that before you "get into someone's well-being" (chickens, eggs), be careful, because your lack of due care in something, taking some risky steps on your part, your intemperance ( broken eggs) can harm you personally.

Dream Interpretation - Layers and eggs

The first part of the dream is your home, family, the course of your life, where everything is calm, you are surrounded by relatives and friends (parents, a dog), as well as household things familiar to you (symbolically, this is a cat), and where you can still be in some like being a child, (a piglet can express carelessness). You get out of the car .. From this moment everything makes you believe that you are expecting (rather you are expecting) some event associated with gaining greater independence from your parents (moving?), or with the commission of some appropriate act in which you you will have to make your own decision: -admission to educational institution, - choice new work, - just a trip somewhere without people you know - or maybe a desire for independence but lack of self-confidence nstitu responsibility. Eggs from which chickens hatch quickly are your fear that as soon as you start performing the desired action, deed, you will immediately begin to lose control over circumstances. Chickens are also partridges - you are afraid that everything will completely get out of control, and you will not have time to foresee how. You want to return and lay eggs back - you think about whether to cancel your intention of independence and regret the haste of the decision. The eggs are crushed - your completely pessimistic conclusion about your abilities (you managed to take a couple of eggs and crushed them). Advice - to believe more in your own strength! If you decide to leave the "train" - then there was a reason, do not leave halfway.

Dream Interpretation - Layers and eggs

My grandmother said - I dream of eggs - someone will appear)))))))) Indeed - I often dreamed of eggs in front of unexpected, but also welcome guests))))))))

Dream Interpretation - Terrible dream

If your grandmother was buried according to all the rites of your religion, in your case Christian. Then in the next month you should refuse all trips, no matter how important they were (by bus, car, etc.)

Dream Interpretation - Werewolf

Maybe you have a strong fear of the dishonesty of other people? Do not tolerate deception and are categorical in connection with it?

Dream Interpretation - Airplane

Such a dream may pay attention to your well-developed intuition, or it may be something you are thinking about.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a dog

Such a dream may indicate that you have some kind of strange problem that you have to solve.

This is very interesting dream predicting both good and bad news and turns of events. The bird in the house in ancient times was considered a symbol of death and the soul of the deceased, which visited the family.

It is believed that after this incident, someone will die in the house or, if there has already been a funeral, then the soul is restless. It is possible that this person simply needs to be commemorated several times in the temple, at the liturgy, or to give alms for him.

However, the dream book, if a bird flew into the house, interprets such an incident as an event, the birth of a child or the appearance of a new person in the house.

Pay attention to who exactly flew in through the window, in what weather, in order to understand such a sign will happen soon. That's what birds dream about in the house in various situations.

News, gossip and rumors

Usually birds, except for jackdaws, birds of prey, crows and pigeons, dream of gossip, events, news. In a dream, a bird means a person who will soon come to visit, news, rumor and gossip, conversation. To understand what it means, pay attention to the plumage and breed. It will become a hint of an event that will happen very soon and will occupy your imagination.

A finch or bullfinch flying into your window in a dream means news, news that can be bright or make you blush. Ordinary sparrows often show children, small people who will be next to you or a guest (usually a man) with simple manners, a worker, a peasant and any other person. It means an empty conversation, minor accidents, troubles and breakdowns of devices that will be easy to repair.

If a cat ate a sparrow in a dream, then such a dream may dream of resentment, scandal, or the fact that some beautiful woman will control the man.

Perhaps the husband in the family will make a mistake, for which he will receive from his wife in full. The sparrow also warns you against excessive talkativeness or some kind of conflict in the house.

What is the dream of a beautiful bird that flew into the house, called a bullfinch? This is a good sign that promises joy, an unexpected gift. A girl can have such a dream for a good groom, good news, but in some cases the bullfinch predicts an event or grief, because of which you will simply be ashamed. In some cases, the dream book writes that such birds in the house dream of fire, trouble and danger. Sometimes bullfinches portend you a cold-like illness with a high temperature.

A pet parrot in a dream often predicts news and amazing events. Sometimes the dream book writes that such birds, if they fly into the house, dream of a noisy party and the appearance of a dude and dandy guest, a theatrical and noisy person who makes a show out of everything. In some cases, the dream book writes that amazing news awaits you soon, but you should not believe it, as it will be greatly exaggerated and embellished.

Swallow and swift usually dream of lovers, guests, friendly support. A seagull predicts a sea voyage, but a magpie dreams of the appearance of a guest, a woman who is very theatrical, bright and even a little vulgar, prone to posturing and demonstrativeness.

If there is a rooster or a chicken in the room, then the guest will be a home couple with a calm and balanced woman, homely and calm, and an absurd and swaggering spouse. The dream interpretation writes that a rooster in a house generally means a quarrel or a fight. Often his appearance is a dream of conflict, especially if you are planning some kind of event, holiday and celebration.

In a dream, a canary predicts the appearance of a flirtatious young girl, very bright and beautiful, as well as news from afar. The dream book writes that the same means the appearance of a kiwi bird and another exotic individual. For girls and women, such a dream predicts the appearance of a gift, a girlfriend or a pleasant surprise from a loved one.

For young men, the dream book writes that such a bird means love adventures, a passion for a bright and young person, however, if she flew and disappeared, then modern books write that falling in love will be short-lived and your heart will break about female frivolity and windiness. In other situations, this plot means inspiration, creative strength, short-term success.

However, there are also birds associated with the mystical world. They predict terrible and frightening events for you, various troubles, quarrels, conflicts and insults, as well as a fatal combination of circumstances.

Here's what you need to know if you see them in your dreams.

Dove, owl, crow and others

Usually the most innocent of them all is the dove. It brings good news of love, reconciliation between the couple, lovers, pleasant communication and guests with sensitive and spiritual qualities. However, this bird can also mean the soul of a deceased person, an innocent victim, who can die not by his own death. White dove often means good news, a marriage proposal, pure feelings and love. But a bird of dark tones can talk about mourning in the house, news about a fire, and also predict trouble for you.

A negative prediction carries a crow. Usually the dream book writes that she does not bring good and predicts trouble. Why does a crow dream in a dream? Trouble is knocking at your house. Modern books indicate that a crow in a house almost always predicts mourning, robbery, the appearance of an evil person, an enemy who is going to take revenge on you and do a lot of bad things.

The dream interpretation writes that a crow means trouble, trouble. And her appearance in a dream is highly undesirable. But to kick her out, throw her away, kill or tear her apart, as a cat or a cat does, is a good sign. You will not let her into the house and you will be able to protect your loved ones. Black Crow predicts you unpleasant news, mourning and various manifestations of evil, white - a surprise and a strange turn of events. It seems that you accuse a certain person in vain of your sins and he suffers about this.

Mystical and terrible events, fear and horror can be predicted by an owl, an owl and an eagle owl. These nocturnal predators can predict thieves, enemies, aggressors, bandits for you. The dream interpretation writes that such a dream is often a dream of various disasters, troubles, troubles and quarrels. Sometimes an owl means news or a person who will scare you terribly.

To drive away the owl means that you will take the blow. The dream interpretation writes that after such a dream, trouble will soon happen in your house or one of the guests and neighbors will tell an unpleasant story. Try to get rid of this bird in a dream.

Hawks and other predators in a dream predict horrors, robberies, fears and various troubles. The dream interpretation writes that such a dream is a dream for unkind guests, thieves and enemies who started evil.

Actions and States

If a bird flew into the house and scared you, then such a dream predicts news and guests. In the case when a crow or a vulture, or a bird with claws sits on the head of a member of your family, danger hangs over him and trouble can happen. It would be extremely difficult to prevent such an event.

If a cat or a cat drove out a bird or killed it, tore it to pieces, you will repulse evil. However, for girls to see that this animal tortured a dove, a sparrow and a parrot, dreams that you may soon suffer from your frivolity. A canary, a parrot and a sparrow warn you against excessive talkativeness, frivolous acts for which you can get in big trouble, but a dove and a swallow mean obstacles in love. Perhaps a girlfriend, the mother of the bride or groom, as well as just envious people will break the couple. Try to keep yourself out of trouble.

Often, animals appear in a person’s visions, as well as a variety of birds, symbolizing major changes in life. If in a dream a bird flew out the window, it is necessary to interpret the vision immediately, since it may also have a negative meaning.

What if dreaming of a bird flying out the window?

If in a dream a bird flew out the window, you need to pay attention to the numerous details of what you saw. So, for example, if the bird turned out to be wild, then the vision most likely portends imminent unpleasant news. If a black bird appears on the windowsill, then the sign can only be interpreted as purely negative. Usually it portends a serious crisis in his personal life or the death of one of his relatives.

A positive interpretation has a vision in which a small bird or chick flies through the window to a woman. Usually such a vision means that a woman can expect an imminent addition to the family. If several small, friendly birds fly into the window at once, then most likely, the long-awaited peace and tranquility will come in a person’s personal life. Sometimes such a vision portends several news that are about to reach the dreamer.

If a bird with a broken wing is on the windowsill, then in real life a threat may hang over the dreamer's career ambitions. He will have a hard time on the way to his dream, but the result of all these efforts will not disappoint the ambitious dreamer.

A purely negative interpretation has a vision in which a poultry flies through the window, for example, a chicken or a duck. Usually such a vision means the imminent death of one of the close relatives, and a person simply cannot prevent the tragedy.

When interpreting your vision, you should pay attention to numerous details, for example, to the plumage of an animal that has flown through the window. If the bird has very few feathers, they climb out before our eyes, and the animal itself looks bad, then most likely the person will have to face the disease. This sudden attack will dramatically affect his well-being, and in fact can turn into a fatal outcome if treatment is not started in time.

Seeing in a dream a beautiful bird with bright plumage - for a quick change of scenery. Perhaps the owner of the vision will travel, and on the way he will meet amazing people capable of changing his life.

If a bird behaves aggressively in a dream, bites and beats its wings, you should not expect anything good from the future. It is possible that the owner of the vision will encounter problems that they simply cannot overcome on their own. He will have to turn to relatives and friends for help, but their support may turn out to be unreliable, turning into a whole bunch of new problems. Such a vision can also mean the appearance in the dreamer's life of a serious enemy, ready to do anything for the sake of personal victories.

What portends?

A vision has a good interpretation in which a person feeds a bird that has flown through the window from his hands. In a literal sense, this means hand-feeding your own luck. In the coming weeks, no problem will be able to warp a person, and luck will smile on him again and again.

If in a dream the dreamer tries to kill the animal or catch it, then in real life the owner of the vision will face the sudden hatred of others. Friends and acquaintances will renounce the dreamer, and he will have to cope with problems on his own.

Seeing a beautiful bird that beats out the window and cannot enter the house is a failure in the career field. Most likely, a person misses a lot of opportunities that could turn into an improvement in financial well-being. Such behavior can lead to serious problems at work, up to and including dismissal.

If in a dream a bird breaks a window or damages some furniture, it means that in real life a person let into his heart not the most decent person. Because of the intrigues of this person, the dreamer will suffer a lot, moreover, being disappointed in other friends. Such a vision could also mean an approaching financial crisis.

Interpreting a vision about a bird flying through a window is not the easiest thing, because often such a dream has several meanings at once. That is why a person should remember more details so that his analysis turns out to be balanced and fully consistent with the real situation.
