The influence of Saturn on the fate of man. Influence of Saturn in our life. How to increase the positive influence of Saturn

The influence of Saturn on human life, what is it like? What you have today is the result of your thoughts and actions in the past. But it happens that a person strives with all his might to improve his life, does the “right” actions, and the result is not happy: a family is not created or collapses, there are no children, career slowdown, despondency, financial problems, depression piles up, health problems appear. And health is shaken by insomnia, pain in the joints and spine, problems with teeth, premature aging. It's all the influence of Saturn! By the way, 2015 is the year of Saturn!
Saturn- the formidable ruler of Fate. His day is Saturday, his number is 8, his color is black. His animal is a raven. Saturn is a harsh and serious, heavy and cold planet that compresses space. Areas of his influence: karma, fate, fatality, control, older people, the basis of all things, laws, norms and rules, the structure of things, rigidity, stability, pride, the spirit of leadership, career, time, subsoil, real estate, isolation, folk wisdom , power, order, ancestors, parents, construction.

To health Saturn gives problems with the spine - if there is tension, calluses on the arms and legs due to a soulless attitude to work, constipation, if a person is fenced off from people, joints creak, salt accumulates from poor communication with people, osteoporosis if a person whines, cries, complains , not self-confident, stoop, hump, if fate presses, knee problems from pride. The entire skeletal system and skin are also in the sphere of its influence.

Saturn the most formidable planet, only he is the Arbiter of Fates. In many cultures Saturn considered the most significant planet of the nine planets solar system. And it is in his power to make the poor a king, and the king a beggar. If a Saturn satisfied with you, then luck accompanies you all your life. In anger, he compresses, slows down, freezes and destroys everything. But it would be wrong to be afraid of this planet. Saturn needs to be understood. Lies, manipulations for selfish purposes, slander, laziness, disrespect for elders, parents, and ancestors still flourish in our society. Saturn does not like this and it is impossible to deceive him. For example, for this reason, in families where there is no respect for each other, there is an atmosphere of discontent, Saturn begins to destroy a man. This manifests itself in different ways: in some cases, the husband begins to go "to the left", in others - falls into drunkenness and becomes an alcoholic, as an option - becomes a workaholic, but income does not increase. And all because people have forgotten one law of the Universe, which our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers knew and observed well. This is the law of boundaries. According to ancient teachings, a man is a coast, freedom. Men are ruled by Saturn. A woman is a river, limitations. Without banks, the river will overflow and dry up. Children are the origin. What a river, such sources.

According to the law of boundaries, all people occupy a certain position in the family, society, at work: Elders: God, husband, parents, son, boss, teachers, mentors. Saturn their patron.
Equals: friends, colleagues.
Younger: subordinates, children, women, students, younger brothers.
This hierarchy allowed harmonious relationship in all spheres of life, but the propaganda of feminism broke all the foundations that Saturn controls and the tension in life has only been growing since then. Men have lost the habit of seeing women in women and perceive them as rivals. But as soon as each of us takes this law into account and begins to fulfill it, most of the personal problems will be removed, because Saturn will change anger to mercy. Therefore, it is not good for women's relations with Saturn when they are bosses in a male team. If among girlfriends one stands in the position of the eldest, then the friendship is over. It is more profitable for women to be in the junior position in all respects. Saturn favors such people.

Saturn is also responsible for fears: fear of death, fear of public speaking, fear of loss. In dissatisfaction with a person, he drives him into these fears, creates feelings of tension, attachment, dependence. Almost all of us are subject to these fears. How to deal with them? One must trust God, that He will protect and organize everything in the best possible way, avoid negative thoughts, switch them to positive and calm in time, because it has been proven that dark thoughts attract dark events, and bright thoughts give protection to Angels.
How to know right now if Saturn is favorable to you? This will help your own feelings and the Huns, according to which these feelings are classified. This is the hun of ignorance, the hun of passion, the hun of goodness. To blessed people Saturn merciful and supports them in all matters. The farther from the hun of goodness, the more aggression Saturn shows towards a person.

Is it possible to get the favor and support of Saturn? In any Soul Formula there is Saturn. For some it is in the center of the Formula, for others it is in orbits. In some it is retrograde, while in others it is direct. The picture can be spoiled by the Black Moon. But, regardless of the Formula of the Soul, there are rules, the observance of which will help improve these relationships. You will see results in your life.
The rules are:
1. Rest is obligatory on Saturday, no cleaning. If you are used to cleaning on this day, then go to your parents. Cleaning up there will do you good. And at home best time to clean up - Friday (Venus day), when money rituals will also be successful. You can hold any golden object in water for about 20 minutes, and then with this water (take out the jewelry first) clean your home. Such water on Friday works like a money magnet.
2. On Saturday, it is good to do meditation, cleansing the chakras, walking in nature, but not in the city, visiting places of power and holy places.
3. On Saturday, it is useful to arrange a fasting day, exclude meat (especially red) and wine, behave quietly, gently, limit yourself in everything.
4. On Saturday, show respect for elders, parents, help them, visit them.
5. Stars don't wear black every day. Alternatively, you can use Blue colour or purple. Black clothes are allowed on Saturdays.
6. On Saturday, the aromas of coniferous trees and incense are preferable.
7. If you want to enlist the support of your kind, ancestors, then visit their graves on Saturday. Mentally communicate with them. There is a ritual that is enough to do once a month. It is necessary to cook peas without salt and spices and feed them to the crows in the cemetery or in the place where they are found. During the cooking of peas (about 2 hours), while stirring, one must mentally or aloud read prayers and remember as many dead relatives as possible. Your ancestors will become protectors, guardian angels of you and your family. You will feel inner peace and confidence.
8. On Saturday, it is necessary to serve the poor, the homeless, the crippled, the poor, the elderly. But not all in a row. We must focus on the state of the Soul. If at the sight of such a person you reached into your pocket for a trifle, then do not be greedy. It is not necessary to give money, you can buy food, just feed. On Earth, these categories of people are representatives of Saturn, because in a past life they did not help anyone.
9. Learn to maintain a positive attitude in any situation, remove despondency from life, concentrate on victory, the motto, mantra, attitude in the spirit of “there are no barriers, I can, I want, I believe” will help you.
10. You can go to the bathhouse.)))

PS: In the Soviet Union, it was customary to register a marriage on Saturday. Young families received a blessing from Saturn: to live in restrictions, nothing more, hard and hard work. Do you want one like this family life? It is better to receive a blessing from Venus: love, harmony, beauty and prosperity to boot. Therefore, the best day to start a family is Friday. Those who disagree can do whatever they want.

Saturn in astrology corresponds to the seventh level of the personality structure, is associated with the seventh chakra.
The principles of Saturn correspond to the highest stage of personality development, mastering them allows you to rise to high levels in society.
The key words for understanding Saturn are foresight and wisdom. Saturn is the planet of strategic vision, miscalculation of the long-term consequences of one's own and others' actions. This foresight is largely based on experience, so Saturn begins to fully "work" after passing its full cycle, that is, at the age of about 30 years.
A strong, harmoniously located Saturn does not contribute to frivolity, it restrains momentary impulses in favor of a long-term strategy. Therefore, the Saturnians are considered responsible people. Responsibility, of course, contributes to the success of the native. One aspect of responsibility is discipline.
The undeveloped principles of Saturn keep the native in constant anxiety. He worries that something is about to happen. Anxiety is a companion of hyper-guardianship and hyper-control, such a person cannot let go of the situation and let it develop on its own, he constantly checks whether everything is in order. This state keeps the native in constant tension, thoughts about possible troubles lead away from reality, intuition turns off, the person "winds" himself.
Developed or initially strong harmonious Saturn works differently. Foresight and the ability to foresee the long-term results of one's own and others' actions help the native to choose the best solutions. That is, all precautions and ensuring the desired result are taken in advance, there is no need to worry in the process, a person acts calmly, confidently, in this state his intuition works well, prompting the points where you need to intervene in the process.
Saturn is the inner core of a person, his stability, patience. The presence of a good inner core creates self-confidence, stamina, allows you to withstand the pressure of circumstances, to cope with obstacles. A strong inner core corresponds to the state when a person has support within himself, does not need constant external "props". Such a person correctly understands cause and effect relationships.
An insufficiently strong inner core pushes us to look for support from the outside, and then you can see adults who form dependency relationships with parents or marriage partners. A person can also look for an external point of support in the organization where he works, then such a person cannot quit or is looking for organizations that are as predictable and stable as possible. The destruction of external stability can become critical for such people, it is difficult for them to move far from their parents, quit, get a divorce.
A weak inner core correlates with infantilism, lack of independence of the individual. Since the fulcrum of such a person is external, he is inclined to see responsibility for what is happening in his life in external circumstances, other people. From such people one can hear, for example, that they are capable of much if they are sure that there are reliable rears behind their backs. “I would open my own business if I was confident in my husband that he would support me, if he was stronger than me, and he is weaker.” Or another such phrase - "Give me a fulcrum, and I will turn the world upside down."
Hyper-responsibility and hyper-control are the other side of a weak inner core. At first glance, such a person seems very responsible, but this always hides his weakness. In such a state, when a person considers it his duty to control everything and everyone, the responsibility that he can take upon himself is very limited. If such a person becomes a leader, then usually his entire organization is “tied” to him personally, he is reluctant to delegate authority, considering everyone around him to be weak and incompetent. Thus, he limits the size of his organization to the ability of his personal control, the organization stops growing at some point. And since congestion contributes to fatigue, burnout, and apathy, an organization can begin to shrink simply because its leader is tired. After all, hyper-responsible people do not know how to relax at all.
Hyperresponsibility is associated with the transfer of control from the internal (intuition, experience, foresight) to the external - other people, their actions. Hyper-responsibility is often formed when, in childhood, a child is loaded with tasks that are too much for his age. The child is treated like an adult, but he does not yet have enough resources to match the adult role. Often we see a pronounced but afflicted Saturn in the older children in the family, also in children from single-parent families. Protect children from early growing up, do not burden them with responsibility beyond their years.
Saturnians are born leaders. A manager needs a sense not only of himself, but also of his team and its work, as well as external forces. Good leaders often surprise their subordinates by instantly seeing errors in reports, weaknesses in projects, feeling when and where to intervene. A good leader, of course, knows how to delegate authority, does not pull subordinates over trifles, gives them enough freedom to make decisions, while realizing that he is responsible for the entire enterprise and for all the actions of the team. Without real wisdom, this is impossible.
A strong Saturn contributes to the formation of trust in people. This is not the kind of trust that is associated with the Lunar principle. The moon is the child's trust in an adult, the transfer of responsibility for what is happening to a more knowledgeable person. Saturn is trust based on wisdom, a preliminary assessment of a person, circumstances, and tasks to be performed.
Working on Saturn.
The inner core is the acquisition in the process of growing up. At the beginning of the life path, while the individual does not have enough experience, it is appropriate to rely on the experience of elders. Saturn for the child is the parents and other older members of the family. How less baby, the more he needs insurance, support, external control.
For the correct formation of the principles of Saturn in the personality, it is necessary that the child knows that his parents support him, are always on his side, that he can rely on their experience and wisdom. It is strong external "rear" in childhood that form the inner core, give a person a good support. Support must be given verbally and tactilely. We verbally support the child with words that we believe in him, that he will cope, that we will help him when it is difficult for him on his own, that he can take steps forward, into territory unknown to him so far, and we are always behind him and in any Let's hasten to his rescue for a minute, if need be. It's good when a child is not forced to do something for which he is not yet ready, but also do not control those of his actions where he already has enough experience. Tactilely, we feel support when the supporter puts his hand on our back between the shoulder blades, holds our hand tightly, hugs our shoulders from behind.
Everyone grows up at a different speed, you should not equate different children in this. Look to your child's Saturn and act on its potential. Parents of children with a pronounced Saturn should not worry about the fact that in childhood it is not visible in a child, everything has its time.
The active inclusion of Saturn in youth can hinder progress. At the moments of making key decisions for later life, young Saturnians can overload themselves with the importance of this step. For example, a child needs to make a decision about which university to enter to study, he is visited by thoughts that his whole future life will depend on this step, and now he is responsible for foreseeing the consequences of such a decision. This is too big a burden of responsibility for a little man who takes only the first independent steps. Such a “heavy burden” can lead to the fact that a person does not take any steps at all, slows down, falls into a stupor. In such situations, you need to help the child by removing too much responsibility from him.
Often you can meet adults who did not have enough support from their parents and other members of the family. Meanwhile, support is one of the necessary resources for independence. Initially, this support is, of course, external - parents and other adults. Then gradually it goes inside, the person holds himself, his support - own experience, wisdom. However, in difficult life situations, adults also need to be able to seek support from their elders, partners, and friends.
The ability to take support from other people, not to close oneself in difficult life periods helps to unload the psyche, relieve depressive states, which Saturn is also known in astrology.
It is with support - the ability to take it, as well as "getting" support from parents and the Family, that the study of Saturn begins. This strengthens the unformed inner core, contributes to the maturation of the individual.
Strengthening the inner core contributes to a fresh look at one's life, helps to break off dependency relationships, significantly expand the zone of one's responsibility for oneself and narrow the zone of responsibility for other people. Having become an adult, the native begins to see others as adults and independent, stops interfering in their lives, constantly controlling them.
Then you need to work separately with hypercontrol. Perhaps there are episodes in the history of the individual in which the decision was made in favor of hypercontrol as the most effective way to overcome the situation.
Working with the hierarchy in the family system also contributes to the study of Saturn. Hyper-responsible people often violate the family hierarchy, begin to feel more mature, wiser than their parents, older brothers and sisters. Such "wise men" must be taught to take their place, assigned to them according to the laws of the hierarchy. Learning not to take on more than you can "pull" is a wise understanding of the principles of Saturn. This means that children cannot be responsible for their parents, make decisions for them and take on the responsibility of controlling their behavior.

I bow before Shanishvara, whose color is dark blue, before the born before the God of death, before the son of the Sun and Shadow. Vyasa

In the myths of the whole world, Saturn appears before us in the form of an ancient old man. He is the teacher, the keeper of wisdom, the champion of discipline, the lord of karma. In his hand is a box of seeds - these are our karmas. In a certain sense, Saturn is the teacher of maturity and wisdom. It symbolizes driving force development that leads us to fulfill the task of life or brings us closer to the highest goal of life. Under his harsh and wise guidance, we get the opportunity to deal with the past and let go of everything superfluous and unnecessary.

On the moral plane, Saturn is justice; he is the personification of Time itself, which sooner or later will lead each of us to perfection. There is no other principle that teaches us the basics of life so meticulously and meticulously as Saturn. The lessons of Saturn are not the easiest, he teaches us, bringing to life fears, obstacles and vulnerabilities. What is the lesson? To overcome these fears and obstacles with the help of inner work over himself and a certain style of behavior. The key here is consistency.

The influence of Saturn determines the time for everything. Saturn influences the timing and nature of the "harvest" that we will reap. For example, in order to cook rice, we need to do a number of actions: buy or grow rice, wash it, put it in a pan, pour water, etc. - all these functions are in the department of other planets. After everything is ready, we wait until the rice is cooked. This moment, the expectation of the result of any action, is the domain of Saturn. Thus, the process of waiting is Saturn's training. Saturn keeps some of your labors out of your control until harmony is achieved. He will not allow us to do certain things or get the desired result until we are ready.

We scold fate for the way we are today, but it's not really a cruel fate. On the this moment it is good for us to be what we are now and to mark what we have. When we master the next step, we will be given the next thing. We do not know why certain things are not given to us, why our desires are not fulfilled. We think these things are good and therefore ask for them, but when we do receive them, they can make life difficult for us. Few of us really understand what we need. In this way, Saturn teaches us gratitude, the ability to live in the present moment and enjoy what we have.

Delays, obstacles and disappointments come before the human mind due to the effects of Saturn, and if we are not patient we may lose our balance. This influence is especially noticeable during the period of planetary influence of the planet on human life, for example, during the period of "Sade-sati" or during the vimshotari dasha of Saturn, or during the period. If we start to get nervous and angry, more and more expectations fall on our lot, and the more we wait for the result, the more we are disappointed and suffer. The inevitable, once accepted, will be more in tune with us. And when we do not accept it, we are in opposition to it, and this leads to even more struggle and loss of energy. Please note that it is Saturn that teaches us the ability to wait and endure. Therefore, this strategy will only be relevant if you are experiencing a period of Sadu-sati, a period of Saturn, or if you are currently in a period of retro Saturn. If you have a period of Mars, you will need initiative, assertiveness, but patience will still be useful.

Pain and isolation are also related to Saturn. Pain is a healing process. Pain is nature's message that something needs to be fixed. Accept the message and try to correct the situation. Saturn thus teaches us the basics of life. How to eat, how to sleep, how to speak and work - all the "how" of our behavior. It carries the knowledge of how to transcend the shackles we have put on ourselves, and isolation and pain are its tools. Learn the lesson life teaches you through pain.

Saturn allows us to evolve through the laws of nature. When we don't follow these laws... it activates such hydraulic brakes that we can't move. Whether we like it or not, we have to stop and look around - maybe there is something wrong in our way of acting? If there is no progress, it most likely means that we made a mistake. If we do not correct this error, further progress will be suspended. So Saturn says, "Your intentions are good, but I won't let you be until you work through certain things."

The physical body of Saturn, the planet itself, which we can see through a telescope, has many rings. These rings are a symbol of limitation and protection. Saturn is the planet that disciplines us so that we get the necessary experience. He draws the limits of what is permitted and stops us from expanding too much and complicating life. The rings act as a protection until we have a correct understanding, when such an understanding is reached they are opened and wider limits are set for our protection. So, Saturn brings us the knowledge of how to overcome the fetters that we have imposed on ourselves.

Quotes about Saturn from K. Parvati Kumar's book "Saturn - the path to systematic growth."


If the previous topic set the reader in a lyrical, romantic mood, then today's topic will surely set you in a more serious, philosophical approach to life. And no wonder, because last time we considered the all-good Venus - the Goddess of love. And now we will consider the most formidable planet, which is identified with Yamaraja - the God of death, the king of the hellish planets - Saturn. Its action is karmic, i.e. a person can hardly fix anything in those matters that Saturn violates. Saturn has been recognized as the most important of the nine planets not only in India but also in other cultures. The Chaldeans, when divining, turned to him for advice more often than to other planets. Babylonian and Assyrian astrologers, who revered Saturn as the God Ninib, the lord of the south, also called him Shamash - the "Sun Star", for for them he was the "Sun of the Night", the main planet of the night sky.
Saturn was known to the Greeks as Kronos - "the one who bestows measures" - that is, the parent of time. And in Italy and Greece, it was considered a symbol of longevity. And according to some beliefs, even the sacred stone of the Kaaba in Mecca was originally the incarnation of God Hubal (Saturn). In the Western tradition, Saturn is called "Satan" or "Satur" - this name means the devil, pride, misfortune, loss. Indian philosophy explains the indisputable superiority of Saturn by its function as the Arbiter of destinies. It is he who measures the length of life and its well-being. He can make a king a beggar and a beggar a king. If he is pleased, then luck will accompany him all his life, but in anger he destroys everything. He controls the fate of all living things. No planet, except Saturn, can bestow long life and fill this life with abundance. Vedic Astrology gives Saturn the most honorable place, because only in his power to change destinies. And everyone who wants to live peacefully and happily should know what Saturn has prepared for him and adapt his life to his plans.
In Astrology, Saturn has long been the significator of death, disease, poverty, separation, ugliness and all sorts of perversions. From a spiritual point of view, he embodies such qualities as discipline, asceticism and loneliness. It brings restrictions and obstacles into our lives, making it difficult for self-expression and all manifestations of our "I", oppressing us and sending us misfortunes and troubles. If Jupiter represents the processes of creativity and expansion, then Saturn symbolizes contraction and destruction. Jupiter is the God of joy, an optimist, and Saturn is the God of sorrow, a pessimist. Jupiter is a kind mentor of the human soul, Saturn is a stern and sometimes cruel teacher, who is the lord of illness, old age and death, these great enemies of human life, before which everything that is subject to time bows.
But we should not forget about the positive side of his energy. Destruction is the eternal companion of creation, while decay and death are the necessary conditions for new life and growth. Our material existence must have limits. Everything material is temporary and must eventually disintegrate into the elements that make it up. The wisdom of Saturn was reflected in the four noble truths of the Buddha and in the Buddhist teachings about the impermanence, temporality, futility of all things and that this world is full of suffering.
The more attachments we have in this world, the more fear we have of Saturn. Saturn shows us the limitations and painfulness of the realm of matter, and in order to discover the path to infinity, eternity, we must learn the painful lessons of this planet. Not always the cause of present suffering is that in past lives a person committed atrocities and renounced love. Some souls, especially more advanced souls, may deliberately seek such challenges in order to accelerate their spiritual growth. Everyone can give thanks to God in days of prosperity, but who will do it in days of great misfortune? Only a great soul. Saturn is the suffering that contributes to the development and growth of our soul.
But in the outer world, the influence of Saturn, on the contrary, gives rise to delays, delays and barriers. As the slowest of the planets, it slows down all processes and holds back movement. His Sanskrit name Shani means "slow". In people with retarded thinking and slow speech, Saturn is usually heavily affected. A afflicted Saturn can also cause deafness and blindness, stuttering and various deformities. Saturn is the significator of old age, the God of time, who is subject to the destructive processes of aging, the withering of human strength and abilities. With poor location in natal chart it can cause premature aging. It sucks strength, both on the physical and on intellectual level. It gives rise to depression and melancholy, awakens self-pity in a person, inspires anxiety and anxiety.
At a lower level, Saturn is the planet of selfishness. It points to the deepest and most stable egoistic impulses of a person. Saturn is our survival instinct, our need to continue our individual existence. This instinct is even deeper and stronger than the need to procreate. Almost all of our materialistic desires - such as the desire for wealth - is actually a disguised survival instinct, because they grow out of fear of the restrictions and poverty that Saturn threatens. But the same Saturn that raised them eventually destroys them. Saturn is the planet of fear, which underlies the deep selfishness subject to the same Saturn. Saturn darkens the mind and blinds it with fear. It makes us feel powerless, makes us doubt ourselves, and makes us prey to baseless fears, fantasies, and phobias.
Saturn symbolizes the dark corners of the mind and the low sides of life. His sphere of influence includes criminal inclinations, perversion and paranoia. Saturn is the underworld, the lower worlds astral plane. The energy of Saturn manifests itself through ugliness, horror and fear, through violence, degradation and disintegration of the personality. This planet can not only separate us from our loved ones, but also give rise to sexual perversions. It makes people yearn for gross pleasures and find pleasure in the pain of others.
A heavily afflicted Saturn is often found in the horoscopes of criminals and insensitive, indifferent people. Especially brightly its negative qualities are shown with Mars - one more rigid planet. At the lowest level, Saturn indicates the coarseness of the physical appearance and the primitiveness of emotions. Such a person is dominated by base elemental forces. Saturn is the gravitational force that draws us in and binds us to the lower plane of existence. Sooner or later, he will throw a person who has fallen under his negative influence into a bottomless abyss. And anyone who finds himself in the power of his base hypostasis, in the end, will face an inglorious death. However, it should not be forgotten that Saturn is not only the lowest of the planets, but also in another respect - the highest. His lesson is the most difficult, but also the most useful. Saturn is the spirit of the ancestors and the great legislator, our progenitor, showing us the way. It symbolizes those constructive influences of the past that bring order and stability to our Life. Saturn is darkness, death and sorrow, passing through which we gain revelations of true light. Saturn is the guardian of the mysteries into which one becomes conscious of the truth, but access to these mysteries is open only to those who are able to work with the greatest concentration and self-denial. He can give a person absolute independence and freedom from attachments: this is a loner who has surpassed all the restrictions to which the crowd is subject. Saturn shows us the path to transcendence, and although this path is not easy, the one who has passed it gets rid of all the fetters, for he returns to his true and unrestricted "I".
Saturn is the planet of life itself. In the horoscope, he is the significator of fate and life expectancy. Strong Saturn protects the person. All elderly people should appeal to his patronage. In addition, by the location of Saturn in the horoscope, you can determine which mode a person needs for a full life and longevity. Saturn reminds us that if we deviate from this routine, we risk getting old and dying prematurely.

Saturn and health

In our body, Saturn is responsible for: teeth, bones, spleen, sense of hearing, feet, knees, hair, nails, bone marrow. On the physical level, the signs of Saturn's weakness are weak and abnormal development of the bones, weak nerves and general disadvantage viability that threatens early death. Constipation, accumulation of toxins in the body are characteristic, purulent processes and necrosis of body tissues are possible, the accumulation of toxic substances in the body - this happens, since this planet is a sign of decomposition. Such a person recovers slowly, and his resistance to infections is low. In particular severe cases epilepsy, paralysis, asthma, or cancer are possible.
As a planet associated with nervous activity, Saturn can cause nervous disorders. Under its influence, dumbness and paralysis occur, as well as progressive nervous diseases. The inhibitory and overwhelming effect of this planet on the human mind can lead to neurosis and serious mental illness. It is Saturn that generates most diseases, primarily chronic and progressive.
The main symptoms of Saturn weakness are restlessness, nervous trembling, inability to cope with stress, insomnia. A person easily sees a threat to himself in other people and in a wide variety of situations. He is not practical enough, his perception of reality is distorted, it is difficult for him to earn money, he is not consistent enough in his actions, he does not have endurance and is not able to cope with difficulties courageously. He easily gives up and retreats. His urges are quickly fading away, and he cannot fulfill long-term plans. There may be irritability, a tendency to express dissatisfaction, complaints, susceptibility to blind anger, unreliability in friendship.
In turn, if Saturn is strong and favorably disposed, then the health problems described above will either not appear at all, or they will manifest themselves in a weak form. And outwardly, such a person will be distinguished by seriousness, the ability to concentrate and immerse himself in silence and meditation, isolation, modesty, caution, fidelity, reliability, truthfulness, excellent organizational and executive abilities. Such people are sensitive, but hide their feelings behind a mask. As a rule, such people are thin and have deep-set eyes.

How to increase the favorable influence of Saturn

I would like to say right away that the methods of amplifying Saturn are the most time-consuming and require more practice than theory. Saturn calls for self-discipline, self-denial, humility and detachment. Self-discipline means to constantly adhere to the most suitable diet, sleep, etc. for the body and soul. The ability to make vows and keep them. The ability to accept everything that is favorable for the soul and body and reject everything that is unfavorable, etc. Self-renunciation and detachment means inner non-attachment to anything in this world (money, fame, principles, etc.). The ability to live by two logics - Divine and human, that is, inside we must have a Divine view of the world: everything in this world is temporary, nothing happens by chance, even a blade of grass does not move without the will of God, there are no enemies and friends, just someone is playing these roles are according to our karma. At any moment we can lose everything - money, health, name, loved ones, body, but God, love, soul - these are eternal categories, etc. On the external level, we must always fulfill our duties with enthusiasm and without laziness - family , professional, public, etc. For example, we, working in a certain firm, make every effort to be a good employee. But, having suddenly received a dismissal letter, we accept it as the Higher Will, without pretensions, resentment and fear. And if the situation requires it, we, also maintaining inner peace and love, try to defend our rights.
Humility is the ability to see everyone on the same level, not to be reborn if we do something better than others and not to envy or get depressed if someone surpasses us in something. And most importantly, understand that the last word always for God. And be ready to always accept any life situation calmly, without despondency and claims to yourself, others and God. A lifestyle that enhances the favorable influence of Saturn necessarily includes the development of peace of mind, composure, self-control and impartiality. One should strictly adhere to a certain routine in life and follow any authority or tradition. It is recommended, as far as possible, to refrain from anything that may unnecessarily stimulate the nerves and senses. It is advisable to avoid strong emotional outbursts, stressful and tense situations. You need to spend more time in nature and in solitude. It will be useful to slow down the pace of life, calm down and relax. And this should be done regularly, at least once a week. There is a special day for this - Saturday - the day of Saturn (Saturdau). As the Indian and Tibetan sages claimed (and still claim) "rest on Saturday prolongs life" and this day was specially created by the Creator for rest, disconnection from the normal course of life, for devoting more time to spiritual practices than usual, etc.
In Judaism, as you know, similar views. And by the way, many esoteric-astrological schools believe that Judaism is very big influence Saturn. That is why there are so many rules and regulations, the preference for black and dark blue colors (the colors of Saturn). And anyone, even a little adhering to Jewish traditions, in addition to the general great good, strengthens Saturn strongly.
Herbal remedies that strengthen Saturn are myrrh, frankincense, comfrey root. All these remedies strengthen the vitality of the body and contribute to recovery. Also very beneficial are natural remedies and plants that remove toxins and waste from the body, deep cleansing of all tissues, such as the Ayurvedic mixture Triphala.
Aromas of Saturn - sandalwood, frankincense, cedar, juniper, which have a healing effect similar to the effect of the listed herbs. Fasting also strengthens Saturn. Good for Saturn The calming Vedic mantra OM SHANTI, SHANTI, SHANTI, or Saturn's mantra OM SHANAE NAMAH, should be said first on Saturdays.
In conclusion, I would like to say that Saturn requires such qualities as self-discipline, composure, strict and regular adherence to certain rules and authorities, etc. But the goal is not to make a robot out of a person, but to purify the heart as much as possible, teach fearlessness and complete non-attachment to anything in this world, in order to raise a person to the Divine level and revive Divine love. But if the rules of irregulation become the goal and not the means, then the heart hardens and becomes like a stone very quickly. And a person is seized by a sense of pride and superiority over other people. In the charts of religious fanatical leaders, fascists, militant communists, Saturn is usually very strong, but this creates big problems surrounding, and the personality itself practically guarantees a series of complete suffering of reincarnations. It is important to remember that the spiritual level of a person is determined by the amount of love in the soul, and not by how strictly this person can follow the rules and regulations (through training, animals can be taught to do anything). And if you approach the strengthening of Saturn with the right understanding, then in a few years you can go the path of many lives, improving your fate and health for yourself, your descendants and ancestors. And bring great benefits to others.
Right outlook, non-attachment! Love and happiness to you!

  • Saturn's symbol is the sickle, the scythe of time.
  • Properties of Saturn - severity, time, fate, retribution.
  • Energy of Saturn: YIN, feminine.
  • Key meanings of the symbol: reduction, limitation, collapse, cold, problem, ladder (including social), time, everything long-term, individualism, constancy, perseverance, patience, goal, strategy, conservatism, duty, service.

Symbolic Correspondences of Saturn

  • Saturn color: grey, green.
  • Stones and minerals of Saturn: onyx, agate, green garnet, jade, malachite.
  • Plants of Saturn: coniferous trees- cedar, fir, pine, larch. Vegetables: kohlrabi, radish, daikon, cabbage.
  • Landscape: mountains, rocks.
  • Cityscape: hospitals, prison, deployment of state security agencies, cemeteries, monuments, museums.

Saturn in a person's horoscope stands for individualism and personal development. Pays no attention to public opinion. It is associated with ethics and internal culture. The world he evaluates through his internal system values. Saturn interferes with flexibility and does not like compromise.

One who has a strong Saturn at birth has a gloomy nature. He always has his own opinion and is not inclined to follow the public. AT good option through its harmonious, strongly manifested position, Saturn gives his ward an amazing trait to figure everything out on his own and not go on about anyone, and if he feels injustice, he is resolutely ready to go against public opinion, for example, lend a helping hand to an outcast hunted by society.

He is devoted to his ideals, dreams, goals, ideas, deeds and, by the way, friends to the end. He always has his own opinion on everything, which is also difficult to break. But if the position is not so harmonious, then the independent view of things bestowed by Saturn results in distrust of everything, in self-will, stupid stubbornness and limitation to one's own little world. The owners of a strong Saturn in the birth horoscope have a heavy psyche: they do not know how to forgive insults, are closed and self-willed, and many of them yearn to rebuild the whole world according to their own worldview: one way or another to impose their will on others, their rules and orders. Melancholic and difficult to converge with people. They have a stern disposition.

Saturn in the birth horoscope is Rock and Fate. In a person's life, it causes troubles and misfortunes through cold, loss and illness caused by cold, poverty and deprivation, loneliness and various restrictions, including freedom. However, the main task of Saturn is morality! More precisely, its development.

Saturn has two types of influence, which depend on the house of the horoscope in which it is determined. The first is characteristic of a strongly manifested Saturn, and it directly means a difficult and difficult life path. Troubles and misfortunes here sometimes haunt a person literally from birth, a lot of suffering falls to his lot (which ones, depends on the house where Saturn is located). But the goal of Saturn is not to crush a person, but to switch his attention to the spiritual development plan, strengthen the spirit and mind, and become a spiritually strong personality. Here Saturn professes the principle: an enlightened soul lives in a suffering body. Suffering hardens the soul of a person; sincere compassion for other unfortunate people wakes up in him. With age, his spirit becomes strong, difficulties go away, and a happy old age sets in.

The second type of influence is characteristic of Saturn, which is weak in its manifestation. In this case Saturn for a long time may not be known at all. Fate does not put pressure on a person and does not throw trials into his life. Moreover, all bad deeds (his meanness, deceptions, betrayals, intrigues and criminal acts) go unpunished. This can be expressed in different ways: for a long time he manages to keep his guilt secret or he turns out to be inaccessible to the offended. But at the same time, the circumstances themselves develop favorably around him, helping to avoid trouble.

However, in this case, Saturn does not cancel its main task, just a weak Saturn does not interfere in life every day, but waits for a person to come to his senses himself and, without severe blows of fate, take the path of spiritual growth and development. The essence of Saturn is one way or another retribution, and there will always come a time when you have to pay the bills. This moment is determined by the destructive directions or progressions of Saturn in the dynamic unfolding of the birth chart in time. It is then that Saturn decides fate, evaluating the spiritual potential of a person, and finding it low, swings its sickle at the Fate of a person, overnight depriving him of all his former blessings, forcing him to lose everything.

In practice, this happens when a businessman is too keen on making a profit, becoming greedy and cruel - then, turning on, Saturn breaks his unreliable material world, ruining the business or leading the businessman himself to breaking the law and, as a result, imprisonment or undermining his health - but one way or another, taking away from him the opportunity to continue to extort money. From a presumptuous official and careerist, he takes away a high post, overthrowing him to the very bottom of the social ladder. And only an honest and decent person, strong in spirit, can avoid the destructive influence of Saturn during such periods. The task of Saturn is NOT the destruction of man, but an incentive for his moral development.

Moreover, Saturn ensures the achievement of all life goals: after all, it is he who endows a person with patience, endurance, endurance, constancy and purposefulness. Saturn teaches “not enough stars from the sky”, not to wait for gifts and other things, but to persistently and methodically move towards the goal, gathering all the will into a fist to continue to fight difficulties and overcome obstacles when, it would seem, the struggle is already hopeless. As a result, this is success and achievement of goals, moreover, obtained exclusively by one's own labor. Saturn allows a person not to be afraid of difficulties, but to overcome them in cold blood.

Saturn in the signs of the zodiac

The sign of the zodiac in which Saturn is located sets tasks for a person that should be paid the closest attention to. Solving the problems of the essential nature of a given zodiac sign is the way to spiritual development. In all matters and situations of the essential nature of the sign of its location, Saturn requires to exclude any excess, but to show perseverance and dedication. Spiritual, personal, and often even career growth of a person occurs under the influence of the nature of the sign of the position of Saturn.

Saturn in Aries demands to be an honest and noble person, to get rid of meanness and deceit in oneself, to become bold and decisive, to punctually and methodically implement all ideas, not to retreat or give up, to faithfully serve one's ideals.

Saturn in Taurus poses the need to find harmony with the material world: learn how to earn, as well as invest money, save property, but at the same time not become acquisitive and greedy, but remain kind and spend the money earned on charity and helping good and talented people.

In Gemini, it encourages you to study science and makes you rethink the system of existing social values, learn to be noble and faithful to the ideals of spiritual brotherhood.

In Cancer, it requires to put the family with its values ​​and concerns in the first place, to devote life to close people (or even to the whole people); here you need to develop kindness and responsiveness in yourself, learn to forgive and care: the task is to feed your neighbor.

Saturn in Leo makes us get rid of pride and arrogance, arrogance and single-handedness, become more simple and accessible to people.

In Virgo, it implies devoted and disinterested service to something (science or medicine, profession, people), increases interest in the sciences, one should be wary of pettiness.

In Libra, he demands to become a spiritual core and support for his loved ones, as well as to fight for justice, to show nobility and generosity; here Saturn organizes the search for balance and harmony, often helps fame, but at the same time obliges to bring culture to the masses, requires assistance, primarily psychological to others, to learn the secrets of the Universe and explain them to others in an accessible way, enlightening them and raising the cultural and spiritual level, it is necessary deal with ostentatiousness; its best place for scientific activity.

In Scorpio, he predicts to go through a lot of terrible trials, troubles and hardships, through grief and loss - and survive at the same time, and not break.

In Sagittarius, it requires, first of all, to learn to listen and hear others, to play in a team, but at the same time remain a person - to find a balance between yourself and society, to give the world a new humane philosophy; it is necessary to develop sympathy for people, especially those who are not like yourself, to learn to appreciate and respect them.

In Capricorn, as nowhere else, it forces you to work on yourself, here you need to become useful to society or at least to people around you, and also learn to understand loved ones, becoming a spiritual support for them, you should get rid of hostility and intolerance to other points of view, a different way of life, in this way, to break the boundaries limiting spiritual growth in oneself.

In Aquarius, he puts on the path of altruism and disinterestedness, philanthropy and progressive ideas, makes him give up unnecessary material wealth, promotes great deeds in the name of humanity, often sets the task of solving important universal tasks and problems alone and obscurity (search for treatment, etc.) .

In Pisces, you need to be attentive to religious problems, avoid sects and find the true faith, it requires you to show kindness, disinterestedness and mercy, give up material wealth, sincerely and sincerely serve other people.

Saturn in retrograde openly indicates the need to fight with your negative traits character and disposition, corresponding to the sign of finding Saturn.

Saturn in the houses of the horoscope

Saturn is always associated with limitation and diminution. Usually collapse and limitations are inherent in that side of life that corresponds to the house in which it is determined. The house of determination of Saturn suggests where to expect troubles and misfortunes, as well as what the “punishment” of Saturn can result in.

The hardest thing is for those who have Saturn determined in the first house (I): here it portends either poor health, physical limitations, or a difficult fate, full of trials in their youth, which sharply affects the character: instilling pessimism and gloom, envy and harmfulness, leading to problems in communication and loneliness, or it gives cunning and deceit, deceit and intrigue, which, after exposure, leads to collapse. Possible restriction of freedom.

In the second (II) house, poverty and deprivation, monetary losses, and generally a difficult financial situation are threatened, which can only be avoided through spiritual growth and self-improvement. However, a very harmonious Saturn in this house gives even a small, but very stable wealth.

In the third house (III) problems with documents await: errors in them and their damage, bureaucratic obstacles, loss of computer files, theft of information. You need to learn how to handle media carefully. You should also set up a good relationship with relatives and neighbors to avoid gossip and intrigue.

In the fourth (IV) house, difficult and tense relationships with parents are expected. Violence or psychological pressure on their part. Sometimes there is dependence on parents, to the extent that they control Fate. Suffering will be brought by the native land: difficult living conditions, rejection of the person's personality by society. For a full life, you need to move to another region. You also need to forgive your parents.

Saturn in the fifth house (V) interferes with any sexual contact. With conjunction, quadrature, opposition, semi- or one and a half square with Mars or Uranus, defects in the genital organs are observed that prevent orgasm. And with conjunction, quadrature, opposition, semi- or one and a half square with the Sun, Moon, Venus or Neptune, physiological or psychological inability to have sexual intercourse (impotence); with Mercury - enjoyment exclusively from perverted forms of sex. Being in it means infertility or childlessness, or difficulties in relationships with children. Dislike for holidays and entertainment.

Saturn in the sixth house (VI) causes health problems, especially through diseases caused by exposure to cold. Diseases are chronic. Hard and low-paid work, exhausting work, hazardous production are possible.

In the seventh house (VII) leads to celibacy and loneliness. It provokes problems in personal life. Causes public condemnation, judicial losses.

In the eighth house (VIII), Saturn, with all its might and fury, brings down a sea of ​​​​trouble, misfortune and suffering on the individual, causing extreme situations in his life, danger to life and even premature death. Here he undermines his health, brings him to poverty and debt. Shows the underside of life. And when in an unfavorable position dooms a person to dependence on other people.

Sautrn in the ninth house (IX) of the horoscope indicates that all the problems of a person will come to him through his orthodox worldview; through obsession and the desire to wrap everyone around “in their faith”, which causes a natural and legitimate protest on their part. His hostility and intolerance to other views, to a different way of life repel people from him. And in this case, others can simply turn away from him, and then he is threatened with loneliness, up to complete, total loneliness, which will take him into his cold ring unexpectedly and categorically, during periods of projections of directions or progressions with the participation of Saturn. Ideas should be avoided religious fanaticism be more tolerant of those close to you. There will be difficulties in obtaining higher education, problems are expected abroad, it is advisable to refuse foreign trips.

In the tenth house (X) Saturn creates a test " copper pipes". At the beginning of life's journey, good opportunities for career and social growth, moving up to a high position. But at the same time, Saturn requires increased responsibility: one wrong step can bring a career to naught. It is very important to serve your cause honestly and responsibly, to try to be a competent and wise leader, to refuse material excesses that come with the growth of social status. This is the only way to avoid a complete overthrow from office during the destructive direction of Saturn.

In the eleventh house (XI), Saturn requires that you carefully consider the choice of friends, try to discern honest and devoted, faithful and reliable among acquaintances and friends, so as not to offend them by any chance, but rather make every effort to build with them sincere and strong friendships. Otherwise, the risk of being left without friends is inevitable. Moreover, one should ruthlessly suppress in oneself the desire to communicate with flattering and unprincipled people without an inner core, with the dregs of society, allowing, at first glance, to stand out from their background, to feel the best. This communication will not lead to anything good: sooner or later such friends will deceive and betray, and then they will calmly leave the individual, but this is only at best, and at worst they will expose him to the law, push him to crime, bring him to prison and poverty.

In the twelfth house (XII) Saturn turns on all his destructive influence at full power. Forcing the individual to go through such trials as long-term restrictions on freedom, through hospital isolation or imprisonment, either dooming him to the position of an outcast, or bringing down on him a bunch of misfortunes and misfortunes. Saturn's destructive configurations make these tests inevitable. It is a symbol of suffering.

Aspects of Saturn in the horoscope

The limiting role of Saturn, its tendency to collapse, to decrease, is nowhere more evident than in its configurations. The most destructive for Saturn are configurations with Venus, especially in destructive ones: conjunction, quadrature, opposition semi- or one and a half square. Venus symbolizes love and feelings, and Saturn limits them. Such a limitation of love (usually for guys) is expressed in the fact that they completely lose the ability to love, become cold and selfish. And the level of testosterone production decreases in the body.

The conjunction, quadrature, opposition of half or one and a half squares of Saturn with the Moon also prevents girls from realizing their feminine nature, sometimes foreshadowing infertility and gynecological problems. The best configuration for Saturn is with Mars, allowing you to direct energy in the right direction and giving strength to overcome difficulties and problems, determining the opportunity to achieve the goal.

Strong and weak Saturn in the horoscope

Strong Harmonious Saturn: Nature, constant in its principles, calm and balanced, stubborn and purposeful, prone to conservatism in everything. This is a very responsible, patient and obligatory person.

Weak harmonious Saturn: A nature that does not like to bother itself with mental digging and assessing the morality of its actions. Will and patience are weak. It is not always responsible and obligatory: in difficult situations, he likes to withdraw himself, leaving partners to the mercy of Fate. Tries to find easy ways to solve problems. If he does not embark on the path of spiritual growth, then at the moments when Saturn is turned on, he is subject to retribution.

Strong destructive Saturn: Individualized, to the point of oneness in everything. From him egoism and greed, cunning and deceit, self-will and self-will emanates. Usually a difficult fate instills pessimism and gloom in the character. The risk of loneliness.

Weak destructive Saturn: extremely difficult situation. The type is extremely cunning, treacherous and unprincipled. Capable of any dirty trick and crime. He is very mercenary and a big egoist, he tries to use those around him for his own purposes as much as possible. If other planets do not contribute to love for one's neighbor, complete loneliness is inevitable. Plus, he will have to experience the full power of the blows of Fate.
