Can a nursing mother eat fish? Can a nursing mother eat red fish? The benefits of fish dishes

After childbirth, the taste preferences of many women change, but the desire to snack on something delicious usually only intensifies.

Most often, all kinds of seafood become the most desirable food for young mothers, and therefore today we will figure out whether red fish can be eaten breastfeeding. Everyone knows how useful this fish is, but whether it poses any danger to the child and when it is worth trying it for the first time - we will find out in our article.

If we list the most beneficial foods for human health, then red fish will undoubtedly be one of the first. Its meat contains incredible amount nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help the entire body work correctly and as productively as possible.

It is precisely such products, as we know, that young mothers need, since after childbirth most of the internal reserves of vitamins and microelements in a woman’s body decrease. However, red fish also carries some danger, since it can cause severe allergies in infants and others side effects.

We will look at them in detail below, but now let's get acquainted with the beneficial properties of this wonderful fish.

  • A large amount of vitamins and minerals makes red fish a wonderful product for a nursing mother. This the product is rich in vitamins A, B, D, trace elements calcium, iron, phosphorus and selenium. This set of vital compounds helps the young mother’s body recover faster and function fully.
  • Also red fish holds the record for omega-3 fatty acid content. These substances help strengthen the cardiovascular system, making it resilient and strong. High level fatty acids also helps to improve the development of the circulatory system in babies.
  • Combination of Vitamin D and Selenium leads to the fact that metabolic processes in the body occur faster and better. Thanks to this, blood sugar levels are normalized and maintained at an optimal level. This property makes red fish an excellent product for those mothers who are predisposed to diabetes.
  • In addition to their beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, fatty acids also help improve nervous system and brain function. Regular consumption of red fish leads to improved brain activity and memory. Children whose mothers ate red fish during lactation show higher intellectual results and develop faster mentally.
  • Some women after childbirth are faced with the problem of vision deterioration, and sometimes this problem becomes very acute. A set of useful substances allows you to use red fish as a remedy to improve vision and restore eye health.
  • Red fish is rich in proteins, these substances are required in large quantities, both for the nursing mother and her baby, and therefore such fish becomes an excellent source of them.
  • Fish contains phosphorus and calcium- two elements that bones require for normal growth and strengthening. Since the child begins to grow especially rapidly after childbirth, his need for these two minerals is extremely high. Calcium and phosphorus will also be useful for mommy - they will help maintain the health of teeth, nails and other bone tissues.
  • According to the latest research, omega-3 fatty acids They also help prevent the development of cancer, and therefore red fish is an excellent preventative against this disease.

Possible harm from eating red fish by a mother while breastfeeding

As you can see, it is not for nothing that red fish is considered one of the most useful natural products in principle. However, despite this, pediatricians do not recommend introducing this delicacy into the menu of a nursing mother too early. What is the reason for this ban?

  • Red fish meat contains protein, which is a strong allergen. Even among adults, an allergic reaction to red varieties of fish is quite common. A negative reaction in infants to such fish is most often expressed in the appearance of red spots on the skin, rashes and breathing problems.
  • Also, red fish eaten by the mother can lead to an upset stomach in the baby, or, on the contrary, constipation. Some children suffer from colic and flatulence.
  • Salted red fish is additionally dangerous because it retains water in the body. High sodium content leads to increased blood pressure, as well as the appearance of edema.
  • The red fish that is grown on special farms is also dangerous. The meat of such fish contains a large amount of toxic substances, and sometimes antibiotics. Together with breast milk, some of these substances reach the baby, which can lead to significant negative consequences.

When can you try red fish for the first time during breastfeeding and in what quantity?

Such dangerous possible side effects make red fish not the best product for the first months after childbirth. Pediatricians recommend introducing such a product into your diet no earlier than the baby is 3-4 months old, and this should be done as carefully as possible.

When trying red fish for the first time, eat a very small piece, about half a teaspoon in size. If nothing happens to the child within a couple of days - he does not behave restlessly, spots do not appear on his skin, and there are no problems with digestion, then after a couple of days you can try to increase the portion.

It should be remembered that you should pamper yourself with seafood delicacies no more than 2-3 times a week.

If your baby nevertheless reacted poorly to a new product on your menu, then postpone the introduction of red fish for a month and a half. Perhaps after this time, the baby will get stronger and will normally accept new food.

Tips for choosing and preparing red fish during lactation

  • Buy a chilled product - this way you can evaluate the freshness of the fish and conduct several tests on it to determine its quality.

  • Pay attention to where the fish were caught. If the packaging indicates that it was grown on a specialized farm, then under no circumstances should we buy such a product.
  • The meat of red fish should be elastic and dense, quickly returning to its previous shape if you press on it.
  • The fish's eyes should be clean and unclouded. The meat itself should not emit an unpleasant putrefactive odor.
  • The color of the meat ranges from orange to slightly red. If you see an unnaturally red fish, then most likely it is a farm product that has suffered from nutritional deficiencies and is best avoided.
  • We do not buy smoked and salted fish - the first is devoid of almost all beneficial properties and, most likely, will lead to allergies in the baby, and the second will retain water in the body and will also do more harm than good.
  • We cook red fish only by steaming - boiling and frying will destroy all the nutritional compounds in the meat and make the fish tasty, but useless.
  • Traditionally, red fish is sprinkled with lemon juice, but here you need to remember that citrus fruits themselves are a strong allergen. Therefore, first, check if your baby is allergic to lemon, and only then combine products.

So, we figured out whether it is possible to eat red fish while breastfeeding and in what quantity it should be eaten. Undoubtedly, this product will be an excellent addition to the diet of almost every mother and will help her and her baby not only stay healthy, but also help improve their well-being and general condition.

To answer the question whether pink salmon can be breastfed, you should consider the beneficial properties of the product and possible contraindications to include this fish in the diet during lactation.

Recommended for nursing mothers, as it is a source of easily digestible protein and essential fatty acids for the body. But not all types of fish can be safely consumed while breastfeeding. In addition, you should be careful when choosing the product itself, since it must be of high quality.

Beneficial features

Red fish, which live in cold waters, contain a large number of useful substances, including:

  • B complex of vitamins, as well as vitamins A, E, D;
  • fatty acids, which are highly biologically active and have a beneficial effect on the female body recovering after childbirth;
  • valuable protein, necessary for both mother and baby;
  • a wide range of amino acids, including arginine, lysine, leucine, etc.;
  • extractive compounds, which improve the functioning of the child’s digestive system;
  • micro- and macroelements important for health internal organs and systems for the good condition of skin, teeth and hair.

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids protect the body from the effects of free radicals and reduce the risk of malignant tumors. Nicotinic acid is necessary for mother and baby to strengthen the nervous system.

Sodium and fluorine improve the functioning of the circulatory system and maintain optimal water metabolism. Iodine is required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is worth noting that red fish, to which pink salmon belongs, is a dietary product. It is well absorbed by the body and does not provoke the formation of fatty deposits.


Fish is a strong allergen due to its high protein content, and red varieties of fish are more dangerous in this regard than white ones. Doctors recommend introducing fish dishes into the diet gradually - two to three weeks after giving birth, a nursing mother can gradually begin to eat white fish.

If the baby on breastfeeding does not show an allergic reaction to white varieties of fish, when the child is three to four months old, the mother can add red varieties to the diet.

However, not all red fish are allowed during breastfeeding. During lactation, you should not eat salmon, trout and other species grown in specialized farms, since such a product contains:

  • antibiotics (they are used to avoid massive fish diseases in artificial reservoirs);
  • chemicals used to disinfect water;
  • dyes (with their help, the product is given a marketable appearance).

The permitted version of red fish is pink salmon, since it is caught in wildlife, and not artificially bred. But even if the child is not allergic to pink salmon, a nursing mother should not include it in her diet too often, since heavy metals accumulate in her tissues, of which there are many in sea ​​water, in areas contaminated with waste.

How to choose a product

You should only buy deep-frozen pink salmon. This fish is frozen immediately after catching, and if you come across “chilled” pink salmon on sale, most likely it is a thawed product. When re-frozen, the product loses most useful properties.

Frozen fish should have intact skin, a normal silver color, without yellowness, and an even pink color when cut.

Before cooking, make sure the product is fresh. Thawed pink salmon has good quality:

  • the elasticity of the meat is maintained;
  • the color of the pulp is pink, not gray or yellowish;
  • no rancid or rotten smell.

If the fish has been stored incorrectly or has been re-frozen, a lot of water leaks out of it and it becomes chalky to the touch.

Pink salmon dishes

At first, when breastfeeding, you should limit yourself to boiled or steamed pink salmon. After the baby turns six months old, the menu can include fish baked in the oven separately or with vegetables (in foil or sleeve). Closer to the child’s year, fried foods are allowed, but only in large quantities.

A nursing mother should avoid salted, smoked, dried fish, as well as canned pink salmon. Excess salt causes fluid retention in the body, which negatively affects lactation. Preservatives and other substances used in processing the product can cause serious harm to the health of the baby.

How to introduce pink salmon into your diet

A test portion of fish should be about 30 grams. You should eat it after finishing the baby’s morning feeding, and then monitor his body’s reaction for two days.

If the baby does not develop an allergy, then the portion of pink salmon is gradually increased to 200 g. Please note: during breastfeeding, fish dishes can be included in the menu no more than twice a week! The recommended amount of product is 400 g per week.

For nursing mother fish while breastfeeding- an irreplaceable source of energy and beneficial microelements. After childbirth, a woman not only can, but also needs to eat fish dishes several times a week so that the body recovers faster and the baby develops harmoniously. However, the choice of seafood and rivers must be approached very responsibly. After all, some of them can cause an allergic reaction in a newborn baby. It is important for a nursing mother to know which fish are ok to eat while breastfeeding and which are not. Let's talk in more detail about the benefits and harms of this unique product. Let's find out how white and red, salted and smoked, fried and oven-baked fish affect lactation. And finally, you will find video recipes on how to prepare the dish.

Nutritionists believe that fish should be included in the diet 1-2 times a week during breastfeeding (BF). Such dishes are nutritious, but at the same time low in calories. Fish protein is absorbed by the body twice as fast as meat protein, and the mineral composition of the product improves the quality of mother's milk and saturates the child with the elements necessary for development.

What the product contains:

  • B vitamins. They support the nervous system, the body’s protective functions, improve metabolism and high-quality hematopoiesis. Affect appearance: teeth, skin, hair, nails.
  • Vitamin D. Supports immune functions, nervous system health, muscle tissue. Promotes better absorption of calcium and strengthens bones.
  • Microelements. Iodine supports the functioning of the thyroid gland, protecting against bacteria. Calcium and phosphorus contribute to the formation of a strong skeleton and healthy teeth. Selenium necessary for nourishing skin, hair, nails.
  • Omega-3. Fatty acids normalize activity of cardio-vascular system, metabolic processes, synthesis of female hormones, improve skin condition and hair growth.
  • Protein. Prevents salt deposition, reduces the formation of uric acids, which have negative action on the kidneys.

Eating the right fish products several times a week will support the functioning of the internal organs of mother and baby. In addition, fish consumed by the mother during breastfeeding will reduce the child’s risks in the future.

Read also:

Possible harm to fish and seafood

Despite the obvious benefits of gifts from reservoirs, in some cases it is better to refuse them.

Reasons why a nursing mother should not fish:

  • The risk of allergic reactions in the baby. The tolerance of this product varies from person to person. Some varieties of fish, especially red and exotic ones, contain potential allergens.
  • Heavy metals in the product. The substances are toxic and inhibit the activity of the entire body. Toxic elements are contained in large marine varieties: shark, Norwegian salmon, swordfish. Be careful when consuming tuna that contains certain amounts of mercury.

The presence of heavy metals in meat is caused by unfavorable environmental conditions. Toxic substances are rarely found in river fish. However, any product when feeding a baby with breast milk must be eaten carefully, in small portions, and properly prepared.

For people prone to allergic reactions, fish and seafood are potential allergens. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

What seafood is prohibited when feeding

At 1 month of the baby’s life, the mother should give preference to white types of product. Red fish of certain varieties is acceptable when the child is 2–3 months old.

First of all, when breastfeeding, the mother needs to give up exotic seafood:

  • salmon;
  • mackerel;
  • swordfish;
  • shark;
  • crayfish;
  • anchovies
  • lobsters;
  • mussels;
  • oysters

When vacationing with a small child at a seaside resort, you need to carefully try lobsters or lobsters. They are also potential allergens.

Buy better product deep freezing - this reduces the risk of helminth infection. It is important to make sure that the fish is caught in a clean, safe body of water. In addition to choosing the variety, it is also important to cook the fish correctly.

  • Raw meat, which has not undergone heat treatment, including sushi and rolls.
  • Fried fish dishes. A fatty product cooked in oil is less digestible and can cause digestive disorders in an infant.
  • Canned semi-finished products. They contain a lot of salt, preservatives, and lead particles, so they are harmful to the baby’s health.
  • Dried and dried fish products. In addition to the high salt content, they often become a source of various infections.
  • Smoked fish when breastfeeding, due to the presence of carcinogens, it affects the taste and quality of milk. In addition, fatty varieties can cause increased flatulence or colic in the baby.
  • Salty fish It is also not advisable when breastfeeding. The product not only changes the taste of milk, but also negatively affects the kidneys and blood pressure. One should not discount the fact that lightly salted fish is a raw product that carries a potential danger during breastfeeding.

Black or red fish roe is considered a useful product for breastfeeding. It also contains proteins, minerals, vitamins. However, preference should be given to a pasteurized product. It is possible that unprocessed caviar contains helminths.

What kind of fish can a nursing mother eat?

During the first months after childbirth, a woman can eat dietary fish 2 times a week. This will replenish the body’s strength spent on childbirth and balance the composition of the milk.

Hypoallergenic types include:

  • River inhabitants: carp, carp, pike, pike perch.
  • White sea creatures: blue whiting, hake, cod, pollock, halibut.

Experts advise consuming red fish, as well as fatty varieties, when the child is 3 months old.

The group of moderately allergenic products includes:

  • flounder;
  • tilapia;
  • herring,
  • mackerel;
  • sole;
  • pink salmon;
  • salmon;
  • trout.

Before eating fish, a nursing mother should make sure that it is an environmentally friendly product. You need to eat fish in small portions, observing the baby’s reaction.

How many grams of fish should you eat per week? The norm is 350 g per 7 days.

How to properly cook fish during breastfeeding

Equally important when eating fish is the cooking technique. With proper heat treatment, sea or river products will retain useful material, and the risk of eating disorders and helminth infections will be reduced to zero.

  • Cooking. An ideal dish for feeding would be pike or pike perch soup.
  • Steaming. You can take steaks of hypoallergenic fish or twist catfish or cod meat and form cutlets.
  • Extinguishing. The most common dietary dish considered pollock stewed with onions and carrots. You can choose a different variety.
  • Baking. What could be tastier and healthier than fish baked in the oven? You can cook it whole, in steaks or in a sleeve.

In addition, it will be useful for every housewife to know how to reduce the potential danger from the consumed fish product through culinary manipulations.

What is needed for this:

  1. Give preference to frozen products over fresh ones.
  2. Before cooking, soak thawed carcasses in salted water.
  3. Heat treatment should last at least 20 minutes.
  4. Cook soups in secondary broth, that is, after boiling, the first one is drained.

In order for the fish broth to be clear and appetizing, egg white is added at the end of cooking. After this, the liquid is filtered. Thus, small elements are also eliminated: scales, bones.

Dietary fish is a must in the diet when breastfeeding. High-quality sea and river products have a beneficial effect on the health of a nursing woman and her child. The main thing is to prepare the dish correctly. Then the body will be saturated with useful microelements, and the mother will have energy for the most important task - raising the baby.

Fish is the most valuable food product for humans. And a nursing mother’s diet must include fish dishes. But is all fish allowed during breastfeeding? Let's consider what kind of fish can be consumed during breastfeeding, in what quantity, and whether there are contraindications for consuming this product.

The benefits of fish for a nursing mother

  • Vitamin D contained in fish allows calcium ingested in food to be completely absorbed in the baby’s body;
  • Fish is easier to digest than meat, and thanks to this it normalizes stool and has a beneficial effect on the intestines of a nursing mother;
  • Essential omega-3 acids, which fish is rich in, strengthen the cardiovascular system of both mother and child;
  • Fish protein is perfectly absorbed by the body, and it creates a barrier to the formation of salts of lactic acids and uric acids, which has a beneficial effect on the mother’s kidneys, which after childbirth rearrange their function into a “pre-pregnancy” mode of operation and need additional protection.

Contraindication to eating fish during breastfeeding There may be a maternal predisposition to food allergies. If she has previously had allergic reactions to any type of food, it is worth postponing the introduction of fish into food during breastfeeding. In this case, you should start eating fish six to eight months after birth, 20-30 grams per meal.

Now let’s look separately at the different types of fish that are most popular and most often on our table, and evaluate the benefits of each of them for a nursing mother.

Types of fish and features

1. Red fish (salmon, pink salmon, trout, salmon, etc.) is a champion in the content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Red fish is allowed for consumption during breastfeeding, but in moderation, because it is a fairly allergenic product.

2. Salted fish By definition, it contains a large amount of salt, which can lead to an imbalance in kidney function and the appearance of edema. Therefore, salted fish during breastfeeding Not recommended to mourning mothers.

4. Dried fish in most cases it is soaked in salt, which disinfects it, but is still unsuitable for food for a nursing mother. Eating too much salt can cause it to accumulate in the breast ducts and change the taste of the milk, which can lead to your baby refusing to breastfeed. Dried fish while breastfeeding is not best product, so take care of your baby’s health and stop using it during lactation.

5. River fish contains a lot of bones, but this does not deprive her useful qualities. If you steam such fish or make broth from it, this great dish for a nursing mother. River fish is healthy during breastfeeding, but only when it is cooked correctly and without the use of oil.

6. Fried fish contraindicated for use. Since frying takes more than 15 minutes, this time is enough for all the beneficial substances to be destroyed during high heat treatment in oil.

7. Dried fish in its own way nutritional value akin to dried. Of course, when prepared naturally - salting and drying, both omega-3 acids and protein are preserved, but increased content salt negates all the benefits for a nursing mother. That's why dried fish Breastfeeding is temporarily prohibited.

Fish is a product high in protein and a whole range of useful substances that are necessary for a nursing mother to restore strength. However, doctors advise consuming fish dishes with caution.

In order not to harm the baby and your body, when breastfeeding it is important:

  • carefully choose the type of fish;
  • check its quality and, if possible, storage conditions;
  • choose a cooking technology that is safe for health.

A nursing mother is not recommended to eat fried, smoked or dried fish, since such products contain substances that can pass into breast milk and have a negative impact on the growth and development of the baby. Let's figure out whether it's possible to add salted fish to the menu.

Table of contents

The benefits of fish dishes

Nutritionists say that when breastfeeding you need to eat fish and fish dishes in large quantities. This product can be considered as the main source of animal protein, especially white fish. The female body spends 6-7 hours digesting meat protein, but for protein that enters the digestive system from seafood, this time is reduced to 3-4 hours.

Easily digestible protein from fish dishes passes into breast milk, increasing its nutritional value, while the gastrointestinal tract of a nursing woman is not subject to great stress.

Seafood is a source of B vitamins. Lack of riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid negatively affects the state of the cellular structure of the skin, hair, teeth, nails, and the intensity of hematopoiesis. If you regularly eat fish while breastfeeding, you can speed up the body's recovery after childbirth.

Fish, primarily sea fish, is rich in microelements, which include iodine, selenium, phosphorus, and calcium. These substances ensure the strength of the bone tissue of a growing baby, promote proper development brain, help regulate hormonal processes in the baby’s body.

Fish can be considered as a source of unsaturated fatty acids - with their help, it is easier for a nursing mother to regulate metabolism and balance the production of hormones during lactation.

Choosing a product

The above factors force us to limit the consumption of fish dishes. When purchasing or defrosting a product before cooking, it is important for a nursing mother to ensure its freshness and quality in order to avoid food poisoning.

Halibut, cod and other varieties with white meat can be included in the menu when breastfeeding 2-3 times a week; red fish can be consumed much less frequently - once every 15-20 days, since it is characterized by allergic activity.

Why is salted fish dangerous?

Excess salt is a contraindication for including the product in the diet of a nursing woman, because:

  • an additional burden is placed on the kidneys and urinary system; if they cannot cope, swelling appears on the body due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues;
  • the cardiovascular system is overloaded and blood pressure rises;
  • salt can accumulate in breast milk and change its taste, causing the baby to refuse feeding.

If excess salt causes stagnation of milk in the ducts, an inflammatory process may develop.

Lightly salted fish

In order for a nursing mother to avoid problems associated with excess salt, you can eat lightly salted fish in small quantities once or twice a month or a little more often if the child is not allergic to the product.

A nursing mother should give preference to coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, and pink salmon caught in the wild. These varieties of red fish, unlike artificially bred trout and salmon, are not as rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but are safer for health because they do not contain antibiotics.

You can pickle chum salmon or pink salmon yourself at home by choosing the appropriate recipe. Since lightly salted fish cannot be processed at high temperatures, use a deep-blast product that has not been re-frozen. This storage technology kills pathogenic microflora.

If a pregnant woman does not refuse fish dishes, the risk of an allergic reaction in the child is lower. But in any case, lightly salted fish should be introduced into the diet carefully, starting with microscopic portions. Monitor your baby’s well-being for two days after the first attempt to eat fish.

Before you begin to gradually increase the portion, make sure that the baby is not allergic to the product. To learn how to identify symptoms and treat food allergies, read the article here.

A small sandwich with a piece of lightly salted sockeye salmon or coho salmon, or a salad with such a product will please a nursing mother and add nutrients to the baby’s body. The dish can be included in the menu after the child reaches three months of age.

Fish is the most valuable food product for humans. And a nursing mother’s diet must include fish dishes. But is all fish allowed during breastfeeding? Let's consider what kind of fish can be consumed during breastfeeding, in what quantity, and whether there are contraindications for consuming this product.

Useful article: What you can eat while breastfeeding

The benefits of fish for a nursing mother

  • Vitamin D contained in fish allows calcium ingested in food to be completely absorbed in the baby’s body;
  • Fish is easier to digest than meat, and thanks to this it normalizes stool and has a beneficial effect on the intestines of a nursing mother;
  • Essential omega-3 acids, which fish is rich in, strengthen the cardiovascular system of both mother and child;
  • Fish protein is perfectly absorbed by the body, and it creates a barrier to the formation of salts of lactic acids and uric acids, which has a beneficial effect on the mother’s kidneys, which after childbirth rearrange their function into a “pre-pregnancy” mode of operation and need additional protection.

A contraindication to eating fish during breastfeeding may be the mother's predisposition to food allergies. If she has previously had allergic reactions to any type of food, it is worth postponing the introduction of fish into food during breastfeeding. In this case, you should start eating fish six to eight months after birth, 20-30 grams per meal.

Now let’s look separately at the different types of fish that are most popular and most often on our table, and evaluate the benefits of each of them for a nursing mother.

Types of fish and features

1. Red fish (salmon, pink salmon, trout, salmon, etc.) are champions in the content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Red fish is allowed for consumption during breastfeeding, but in moderation, because it is a fairly allergenic product.

2. Salted fish, by definition, contains a large amount of salt, which can lead to an imbalance in kidney function and the appearance of edema. Therefore, salted fish during breastfeeding is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

4. Dried fish in most cases is soaked in salt, which disinfects it, but is still unsuitable for food for a nursing mother. Eating too much salt can cause it to accumulate in the breast ducts and change the taste of the milk, which can lead to your baby refusing to breastfeed. Dried fish is not the best product for breastfeeding, so take care of your baby’s health and avoid using it during lactation.

5. River fish contains a lot of bones, but this does not deprive it of its beneficial qualities. If you steam this fish or make broth from it, this is an excellent dish for a nursing mother. River fish is healthy during breastfeeding, but only when it is cooked correctly and without the use of oil.

6. Fried fish is contraindicated for consumption. Since frying takes more than 15 minutes, this time is enough for all the beneficial substances to be destroyed during high heat treatment in oil.

7. Dried fish is similar in nutritional value to dried fish. Of course, when prepared naturally - salting and drying, both omega-3 acids and protein are preserved, but the increased salt content negates all the benefits for a nursing mother. Therefore, dried fish is temporarily prohibited during breastfeeding.

Remember that the greatest value is fresh fish and chilled, but frozen already loses half of its beneficial qualities.

The health of you and your baby depends on the organization of your diet during breastfeeding. Include boiled or stewed fish in your diet once or twice a week within 50 grams. This will be enough to provide the body with everything useful that is found in fish.

On the topic of breastfeeding:

  • nutrition for nursing mother
  • walnuts during breastfeeding
  • seeds for breastfeeding
  • teas for breastfeeding

Video about nutrition during breastfeeding - what is possible and what is not

Fish meat is an essential food product that should be included in every person’s diet. But many young mothers doubt whether fish is safe while breastfeeding.


Is this product suitable for nursing mothers?

Fish is undoubtedly very beneficial for mothers during breastfeeding.

  1. Its nutritional value is not inferior to meat, and is also a source of easily digestible protein.
  2. In addition, fish meat contains a large amount of microelements necessary for a woman during lactation.
  3. The benefits of this product are also due to high content fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, which are extremely important for the functioning of some internal organs, improve the body's metabolic processes, and normalize blood pressure.

A woman can certainly eat fish while breastfeeding if she ate it during pregnancy. Otherwise, you should give it up for a while.

When answering the question of what kind of fish you should eat, it should be noted that the most preferable product is the one caught in your region. It is more valuable than frozen, which loses half of its beneficial properties. Women who are wondering whether it is possible to eat red fish when feeding their baby should be aware of the possible allergy of the newborn to this product.


Also find out whether boiled beets are good for breastfeeding and the whole truth about pumpkin seeds for breastfeeding.

When should you refuse?

Fish is completely contraindicated during lactation only if the mother has a food allergy. Then you can introduce it into the diet no earlier than 8 months after birth, in very small portions.

Nutritionists do not advise a nursing mother to eat the meat of long-lived marine inhabitants, as it can accumulate toxic substances. This applies to sharks and mackerel.

What dishes are healthy for a nursing mother?

Now let's try to figure out what kind of fish a woman can eat while breastfeeding.

  1. Boiled, steamed. It is recommended to eat it in the first months of a child’s life, when the danger of allergies is highest.
  2. Baked. It should be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the baby’s reaction to changes in the composition of milk.
  3. Stewed. It also retains all the beneficial substances, so it is acceptable from the first months of breastfeeding.

A fairly popular way of preparing fish meat is frying, but it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to fry fish while breastfeeding. During such processing, meat loses almost all of its properties and becomes, if not harmful, then completely useless.

Healthy lunch during lactation

What can be dangerous about dishes made from this product?

Red salted fish is one of the most delicious foods for women during lactation; it is not surprising that many women do not want to give it up completely. This delicacy is quite allergenic, so you can only eat it a few months after giving birth in very small quantities.

Benefits of a seafood product
Variety Benefit Harm
Salmon (trout, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon) Contains a record amount of healthy fatty acids that a woman needs during lactation, reduces the risk of blood clots. Red fish is useful only in small quantities, as it is quite allergenic.
Cod (hake, cod, burbot) Cod meat is the most dietary and contains a huge amount essential vitamins, microelements. Strengthens bones, teeth, improves immunity. Cod contains a lot of vitamin A, which, if consumed in moderation, can lead to hypervitaminosis.
Perch (perch, pike perch) Perch meat is considered dietary, has a beneficial effect on the digestive and nervous system, and removes toxins from the body. Perch can accumulate heavy metal compounds, so you can eat it in small quantities.
Carp (carp, crucian carp) The meat is very rich in protein, filling and tasty. Contains amino acids, antioxidants, and is easily absorbed by the body. Carp bred in captivity may contain growth accelerators that are not advisable to consume during lactation.
How to cook?

Women often wonder which fish dishes are safest for a nursing mother and at the same time differ good taste, as well as ease of preparation.

When caring for a newborn, it is not always possible to spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, but this is not a reason to deny yourself delicious food. We can recommend the following recipes to young mothers.

Healthy seafood product

Mashed potatoes with pollock in sour cream sauce.

  1. Place the peeled pollock along with the onion in a deep frying pan.
  2. Pour in hot water.
  3. Simmer the dish for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Next mix 100 gr. sour cream with 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, add to the dish.
  5. Simmer covered for another 15 minutes.
  6. While the fish is stewing, boil the potatoes until soft.
  7. Add a little butter, cream and puree it using a blender.
  8. Pour over the puree sour cream sauce, place pollock on top and serve.

Fish soup for a nursing mother.

  1. Pour 300 g of fresh carp into 2 liters of water and cook until tender.
  2. Remove fish meat from the broth and add a pea of ​​allspice, Bay leaf and chopped potatoes.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. When the potatoes are ready, add 4 tablespoons of your favorite cereal (barley, rice, millet) to the dish and boil until done.
  5. Finally, add the sauteed carrots and celery and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, after 2-3 minutes the soup will be ready.

Find out whether you can eat prunes while breastfeeding and when your milk comes in after childbirth.

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So, the answer to the question of whether you can eat fish while breastfeeding has been found. It is not only possible, but also necessary to eat fish; the main thing is to choose safe types of this product and take a responsible approach to the cooking method.

Quite often, especially on holidays, young mothers are faced with gastronomic temptations in the form of dishes and snacks on the table.

Almost no feast is complete without seafood, and therefore today we will talk about whether salted fish can be eaten while breastfeeding. This cold snack is invariably popular, and therefore every nursing woman should know about its benefits and harms.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat lightly salted fish and what are its benefits?

First, let's define what is meant by the name “salted fish”. If we are talking about carcasses that have been deeply salted and even dried, then such a product is definitely not recommended for nursing mothers. The fact is that the abundance of salt simply negates all the benefits of fish meat.

In addition, salt itself has a detrimental effect on the beneficial substances contained in the fish. That is why by salted fish we mean a lightly salted product.

Almost every mother can eat such a snack, but only in small quantities and if neither she nor the baby has any contraindications.

We'll talk about them in more detail below, but now let's look at the beneficial properties of the fish product.

  • Most often, red fish, such as salmon, are lightly salted. These species are known for the fact that their meat contains huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Our body needs these substances to maintain cardiovascular health. In addition, fatty acids help the baby’s blood system develop more actively and strengthen.
  • Fish contains potassium, a substance involved in processes that maintain water-salt balance in the body. In addition, this element increases the capacity of blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
  • The flesh of many fish contains selenium and vitamin C - some of the most powerful antioxidants. Such compounds help the cells of our body recover faster, fight free radicals and remove toxic substances from the body. In addition, they maintain the elasticity and health of the skin, which is important for nursing women.
  • Fish contains iron, which is known to be necessary for the body for oxidative processes. All this has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, which means it helps to enhance lactation, since breast milk is produced from the blood.
  • Recent studies have found that regular consumption of fish successfully helps fight stress and depression. After childbirth, as you know, every woman begins a rather difficult period, which often leads to postpartum depression. In this regard, fish will be an excellent helper in the fight against bad mood and stress.
  • All the same omega-3 acids also have a beneficial effect on eye health. They improve vision and slow down eye wear.
  • Fish is rich in vitamin D, which is one of the most important components necessary for the construction of new bone tissue. As you know, in the first year of life, infants grow very rapidly, and therefore the need for this vitamin in children is especially high.
  • Fish is a high-protein food. It is proteins that our body needs to actively develop, renew and recover. For this reason, fish products will be useful both for the young mother after childbirth and for her baby, to whom they will pass through breast milk.
  • Consumption of fish improves metabolic processes occurring in the body. A set of useful substances and microelements allows you to speed up all reactions in the body, thanks to which the young mother and baby feel good, sleep normally, etc.
  • B vitamins, in addition to benefiting the circulatory system, help the development of the baby’s brain and also strengthen its nervous system. Thanks to this, the child’s mental development occurs faster.
  • Lightly salted fish is not subjected to strong heat treatment, which destroys most of the beneficial substances. This feature allows you to get the maximum benefit from each serving of the product.

Possible harm from eating lightly salted fish while breastfeeding

In addition to a host of beneficial properties, lightly salted fish also has several harmful properties. It is because of them that this snack cannot become a product for daily consumption, especially if we are talking about the lactation period.

You can try a lightly salted snack for the first time 3 months after giving birth.

A very tiny piece is enough to determine if your baby is allergic to such fish. If within 2 days you have not noticed negative changes in the baby’s behavior and he feels well, then you can increase the portion.

You are allowed to eat no more than 50 grams of the product per day - this is due to the large amount of salt, and the number of such meals per week should be limited to a maximum of two, and it is better to eat the recommended amount only once a week.

In cases where the baby has an allergic reaction or if eating lightly salted fish has led to digestive problems in the baby, the product is excluded from the diet. You can try eating salted fish again after a month or two; perhaps by this time the little one’s digestive system will adapt to the new product.

Now that we have figured out whether it is possible to eat salted fish while breastfeeding, you can enjoy this without fear. cold snack sitting at festive table. Of course, this should only be done if the baby does not have allergies or other negative reactions, and if you are confident in the freshness and quality of the product.

Can a nursing mother eat red fish?

After childbirth, the taste preferences of many women change, but the desire to snack on something delicious usually only intensifies.

Most often, all kinds of seafood become the most desirable food for young mothers, and therefore today we will figure out whether red fish is ok while breastfeeding. Everyone knows how useful this fish is, but whether it poses any danger to the child and when it is worth trying it for the first time - we will find out in our article.

Can a nursing mother of a newborn eat red fish and what are its benefits?

If we list the most beneficial foods for human health, then red fish will undoubtedly be one of the first. Its meat contains an incredible amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help the entire body work correctly and as productively as possible.

It is precisely such products, as we know, that young mothers need, since after childbirth most of the internal reserves of vitamins and microelements in a woman’s body decrease. However, red fish also carries some danger, as it can cause severe allergies in infants and other side effects.

We will look at them in detail below, but now let's get acquainted with the beneficial properties of this wonderful fish.

  • A large amount of vitamins and minerals makes red fish a wonderful product for a nursing mother. This product is rich in vitamins A, B, D, trace elements calcium, iron, phosphorus and selenium. This set of vital compounds helps the young mother’s body recover faster and function fully.
  • Red fish also holds the record for the content of omega-3 fatty acids. These substances help strengthen the cardiovascular system, making it resilient and strong. High levels of fatty acids also help improve the development of the circulatory system in the baby.
  • The combination of vitamin D and selenium leads to faster and better metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to this, blood sugar levels are normalized and maintained at an optimal level. This property makes red fish an excellent product for those mothers who are predisposed to diabetes.
  • In addition to their cardiovascular benefits, fatty acids also help improve nervous system and brain function. Regular consumption of red fish leads to improved brain activity and memory. Children whose mothers ate red fish during lactation show higher intellectual results and develop faster mentally.
  • Some women after childbirth are faced with the problem of vision deterioration, and sometimes this problem becomes very acute. A set of useful substances allows you to use red fish as a means to improve vision and restore eye health.
  • Red fish is rich in proteins; these substances are required in large quantities by both the nursing mother and her baby, and therefore such fish becomes an excellent source of them.
  • Fish contains phosphorus and calcium - two elements that bones require for normal growth and strengthening. Since the child begins to grow especially rapidly after childbirth, his need for these two minerals is extremely high. Calcium and phosphorus will also be useful for mommy - they will help maintain the health of teeth, nails and other bone tissues.
  • According to recent studies, omega-3 fatty acids also help prevent the development of cancer, and therefore red fish is an excellent preventative against this disease.

Possible harm from eating red fish by a mother while breastfeeding

As you can see, it is not for nothing that red fish is considered one of the most useful natural products in principle. However, despite this, pediatricians do not recommend introducing this delicacy into the menu of a nursing mother too early. What is the reason for this ban?

  • Red fish meat contains protein, which is a strong allergen. Even among adults, an allergic reaction to red varieties of fish is quite common. A negative reaction in infants to such fish is most often expressed in the appearance of red spots on the skin, rashes and breathing problems.
  • Also, red fish eaten by the mother can lead to an upset stomach in the baby, or, on the contrary, constipation. Some children suffer from colic and flatulence.
  • Salted red fish is additionally dangerous because it retains water in the body. High sodium content leads to increased blood pressure, as well as the appearance of edema.
  • The red fish that is grown on special farms is also dangerous. The meat of such fish contains a large amount of toxic substances, and sometimes antibiotics. Together with breast milk, some of these substances reach the baby, which can lead to significant negative consequences.

When can you try red fish for the first time during breastfeeding and in what quantity?

Such dangerous possible side effects make red fish not the best product for the first months after childbirth. Pediatricians recommend introducing such a product into your diet no earlier than the baby is 3-4 months old, and this should be done as carefully as possible.

When trying red fish for the first time, eat a very small piece, about half a teaspoon in size. If nothing happens to the child within a couple of days - he does not behave restlessly, spots do not appear on his skin, and there are no problems with digestion, then after a couple of days you can try to increase the portion.

It should be remembered that you should pamper yourself with seafood delicacies no more than 2-3 times a week.

If your baby nevertheless reacted poorly to a new product on your menu, then postpone the introduction of red fish for a month and a half. Perhaps after this time, the baby will get stronger and will normally accept new food.

Tips for choosing and preparing red fish during lactation

  • Buy a chilled product - this way you can evaluate the freshness of the fish and conduct several tests on it to determine its quality.

  • Pay attention to where the fish were caught. If the packaging indicates that it was grown on a specialized farm, then under no circumstances should we buy such a product.
  • The meat of red fish should be elastic and dense, quickly returning to its previous shape if you press on it.
  • The fish's eyes should be clean and unclouded. The meat itself should not emit an unpleasant putrefactive odor.
  • The color of the meat ranges from orange to slightly red. If you see an unnaturally red fish, then most likely it is a farm product that has suffered from nutritional deficiencies and is best avoided.
  • We do not buy smoked and salted fish - the first is devoid of almost all beneficial properties and, most likely, will lead to allergies in the baby, and the second will retain water in the body and will also do more harm than good.
  • We cook red fish only by steaming - boiling and frying will destroy all the nutritional compounds in the meat and make the fish tasty, but useless.
  • Traditionally, red fish is sprinkled with lemon juice, but here you need to remember that citrus fruits themselves are a strong allergen. Therefore, first, check if your baby is allergic to lemon, and only then combine products.

So, we figured out whether it is possible to eat red fish while breastfeeding and in what quantity it should be eaten. Undoubtedly, this product will be an excellent addition to the diet of almost every mother and will help her and her baby not only stay healthy, but also help improve their well-being and general condition.

Choosing the right fish

While a mother is breastfeeding, her body is the resource provider for milk production. Among the products there are many that are poorly compatible with breastfeeding and can cause unwanted reactions in the baby’s body. A nursing mother can eat fish. But with reservations.

What are the benefits of fish for breastfeeding?

Pediatricians and breastfeeding specialists agree: fish is good for breastfeeding. This is explained by the high content of valuable substances with easy digestibility of protein.

When breastfeeding, it is important for a woman to eat properly so that she has enough to produce milk. An infant has nowhere to get minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fats for growth except from the mother.

Therefore the composition breast milk more or less constant and depends on the mother’s nutrition only in certain parameters. For example, in terms of the composition and amount of vitamins. Everything useful that the nurse did not eat will still end up in the milk, but from her body: the bones will “share” calcium and phosphorus, the muscles will share protein, etc. Therefore, nursing mothers need to make their diet rich and thoughtful. Then no one will be left out.

What is fish rich in, why should nursing mothers not exclude it from their diet:

  • Mineral salts. Calcium, fluorine and phosphorus are useful for bone growth, magnesium and sulfur are useful for building nervous tissue, iron, iodine, etc. help proper hematopoiesis.
  • Vitamins. Particularly rich in vitamins A, D and K, PP. But in the first place are B vitamins. They help gastrointestinal tract mother and child work correctly, and the newborn especially needs this.
  • Fish oil during breastfeeding is a rich source of fatty acids that control lipid metabolism, synthesize vitamin F, are responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels and protect against cancer. It can be taken both in natural form and in the form of dietary supplements in capsules.
  • It is rich in enzymes that help digest food. And its protein contains all the essential amino acids, and it is absorbed by the body almost completely.

Precautionary measures

Although fish is useful for a young mother, during breastfeeding it is worth adhering to a number of rules to protect yourself and the child:

What kind of fish can a nursing mother eat?

When breastfeeding, you have to weigh the pros and cons when choosing foods.

Permitted and prohibited varieties

You can and should eat while breastfeeding different varieties fish, but some of them come with reservations.

Red fish quite often ends up in markets and stores from farms. It has been proven that in terms of the content of useful substances, artificially grown individuals cannot compete with those caught in the open sea. If the product is not commercial, bypass it for now.

The river fish is quite suitable for a nursing mother, the same noble pike perch. But there are limitations here too. For example, bottom-dwelling catfish feed on carrion, everything that is on the bottom. Therefore, it is better to refrain from purchasing catfish during lactation.

Commercial salmon, chum salmon and other types of noble red fish (provided the child does not have an allergic reaction) are very useful to add to the diet. Especially if it was fished in cold waters: the content of healthy fats is an order of magnitude higher. You can detect artificial colors in farmed fish: they slightly color the water or oil in which the fish is cooked.

River trout with white tender meat is quite suitable for a nursing mother's menu. True, this freshwater species is readily bred by fish farms.

Varieties with low fat content - hake, pollock, cod - are suppliers of protein, and it is less likely to cause reactions in the baby and is digested by the body much easier and faster than animal meat. The baby grows very quickly and doubles its weight by six months, which means that there must be more protein in the mother’s diet than usual, otherwise the body will take it from the woman’s muscles. The low calorie content of these types of fish will help mom quickly return to her previous shape.

The champion in protein content is tuna. But hold off on it for now: it accumulates toxic mercury. The larger the individual, the more harm it causes. This also applies to tuna's relative, mackerel, although its fat is good for the heart and blood vessels.


Eating herring is good for you, everyone knows that. Due to the lack of heat treatment, valuable fats and fat-soluble vitamins are preserved as much as possible. It would seem that with such benefits, doctors should specifically prescribe herring during breastfeeding. But is this so clear during the Civil War?

Excess salt retains water in tissues. Although nursing mothers should drink more, fluid turnover is important in this process, not its retention in the cells. With excess salt, all liquids, including milk, become saltier. Not only that infant This level of salt is harmful; it can also stagnate in the ducts.


When choosing fish while breastfeeding, you should avoid those that have gone through the smoking apparatus. At first smoked fish salted and then treated with smoke for a long time. It does not undergo heat treatment. Smoke contains combustion products that are far from healthy, some are carcinogenic. The carcass, like a sponge, absorbs them, so nutritionists do not recommend smoked meats to anyone, not just young mothers.


Canned fish made according to Soviet technological requirements should not contain any preservatives, except for a small amount of salt. Long-term storage is ensured by the very high processing temperature of the jars and strict compliance with the requirements for the preparation of raw materials. Nursing mothers can eat such fish without expecting a catch. This is if there is no doubt about the quality of specific products modern production. True, canned food no longer contains as many vitamins, but fish is still rich in mineral salts and protein.


Fried fish is tasty, aromatic and very appetizing. True, the benefits are less than steamed or boiled. Fatty acids are destroyed at very high temperatures, and carcinogens are formed in the crust.

But if you don’t get carried away with the crust being too golden and alternate various ways preparations, then why not.


How to cook fish for a nursing mother

Pediatricians advise to refrain from including fish in the menu of a nursing mother in the first month. This is a period when a woman carefully tries new foods for her baby, gradually expanding her diet. But with potential allergens (and fish is one of them), it is better to wait 1-2 months.

In the future, it is important to choose gentle cooking methods. For the first six months, avoid frying; this can undermine the normal functioning of your stomach and will bring minimal benefits. It is healthier to bake, steam or boil fish. By the way, broth made from bones, heads and fins contains more minerals than broth cooked from fish meat. Of course, not everyone is ready to eat boiled fish because of its specific smell. But baked and properly seasoned, the fish will not only retain its vitamin and mineral wealth to the maximum, but will also surprise you with a pleasant taste and wonderful aroma.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion:

The main goal of all advice is to make the life of a nursing mother comfortable. Whatever you ate before pregnancy and childbirth, eat after. There are only two “buts” about fish. First, hold off on seafood to begin with, as these are strong allergens. In long-lived large fish like tuna and swordfish, mercury accumulates. You don't need this!

Can a nursing mother eat red fish?

One way or another, a diet during lactation poses many questions to a woman about which foods should be abandoned and what can be gradually returned to the menu. Women often have to think about whether it is possible to eat red fish while breastfeeding? This is very useful product, rich in microelements and vitamins important for the body. Pediatricians recommend consuming red fish in moderation, the main thing is not earlier than the baby is 3 months old. In order to protect both herself and the child as much as possible from possible negative consequences, a woman should take into account some of the nuances of its preparation and use.

Types of fish

A woman who is breastfeeding can benefit from any sea or ocean products. The main thing is to know the rate of use and method of preparation. Fish can be of any variety, as long as it is low-fat. Pike perch, hake, sea bass, and pollock are considered useful. Red fish is held in special esteem because it is rich in substances that are difficult to find in large quantities in other products. The most recommended during lactation are trout, salmon, salmon. Properly prepared fish saturates the body of mother and child with a huge amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which helps strengthen blood vessels, the muscular system, and improve blood composition. Do not forget that these products are quite strong allergens, so if you are breastfeeding, they should not be consumed immediately after the baby is born.

Beneficial features

Red fish, like other types of seafood, has a huge number of beneficial properties. The beneficial substances that these products contain have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. The difference between red fish and other varieties is its saturation with omega-3 fatty acids. This necessary element to maintain the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, it helps improve the quality of blood and the entire circulatory system. In addition, the beneficial properties of this seafood include:

  • Strengthening bones, muscles, hair, teeth in both the baby and the mother, due to the huge amount of phosphorus and calcium, as well as vitamin D, which helps absorb these elements;
  • Regulation of metabolic processes in the body, normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • Beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, improving memory, concentration;
  • Improving the visual functions of the body;
  • It is a preventative against cancer;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, is quickly absorbed;
  • The protein content in large quantities has a beneficial effect on a woman’s kidneys, protects them and prevents the formation of salts and stones.

Why are fish dishes dangerous?

During lactation, a woman should consume red fish with extreme caution. This product is a strong allergen and it is important to follow all recommendations regarding the type of seafood, method of preparation, and time of consumption. In addition to the fact that smoked, fried, salted fish can be an undesirable product for the baby’s health, they also pose no less danger. canned fish. Poor quality ingredients, which include preservatives, spices, and salts, can harm the child and cause severe allergic reactions.

Those mothers who have previously encountered food allergies should be wary, since red fish has a huge number of allergenic properties. This can lead to a specific allergic type reaction in the newborn.

Artificially grown red fish may contain various drugs and antibiotics that farmers use for the rapid growth of livestock. These chemical additives pass through breast milk to the baby; frequent use of such a product by a nursing mother can lead to negative consequences for the health of the baby.

Seafood requires careful processing when preparing

Is it possible to eat red fish during lactation?

The benefits of eating red fish allow women to eat it while breastfeeding. The main thing is not to start using it in the first month of the baby’s life. This is due to the fact that before the age of 3 months, the baby’s digestive system is not yet fully mature and is not ready to become familiar with such products.

Is it possible to eat salmon?

If anyone is wondering whether it is possible to eat salmon while breastfeeding, then there is no need to doubt it. This type has a composition that improves the quality of the circulatory system, brain activity, and memory. If you consume salmon in moderation, it will not cause any negative consequences on the part of mother and baby. The main thing is to cook it exclusively steamed, in the oven or boiled. This is a fairly high-calorie product, but at the same time it is easily digestible.

Trout has similar properties, but with a slightly lower calorie content. Salmon and trout are essential sources of omega-3 fatty acids for a nursing woman and for a newborn baby.

Is it possible to have salted and smoked fish?

No matter how beneficial red fish is for a nursing woman, its properties are lost if cooked incorrectly. Namely, smoked, dried, salted, dried foods contain too much salt, which can cause swelling, water retention in the body, and increase blood pressure. Salted fish is not recommended for breastfeeding, even despite the maximum preservation of all nutrients in it. Smoked fish, unlike salted fish, loses all its beneficial substances during processing and in addition is saturated with carcinogens and other additives. Therefore, a nursing mother should absolutely not consume smoked fish.

Rules for eating red fish during breastfeeding

It is advisable to start eating fish while breastfeeding in the morning with a small piece of 30-50 g. Then you need to monitor the baby’s reaction throughout the day. It is advisable not to try a woman 2 new products at once, so that it is easier to find out what could cause the reaction. If negative consequences were detected in the child (allergic reaction, constipation, diarrhea, colic, bad dream), then you should remove this product from your diet. It is advisable to continue introducing the newborn to this ingredient no earlier than 1 month.

When can it be introduced into the diet and in what quantity?

It is advisable to introduce red fish into the diet when breastfeeding no earlier than the baby is 3 months old. For the first time, 50 g per day is enough, then you can increase the portion of the fish dish to 100 g per day. It is enough to eat fish twice a week.

To protect both herself and the baby from negative consequences, a woman should be able to choose quality products.

Tips for choosing red fish when breastfeeding:

  • It is not recommended to buy artificially grown fish (the place of cultivation must be indicated on the label);
  • It should be chilled, not frozen;
  • When pressed, the meat should be elastic;
  • Too rich red color of meat indicates artificial cultivation and adding chemicals;
  • The fish must be whole, clean, with transparent, not cloudy eyes, without an unpleasant odor.

Red fish recipes for nursing mothers

Only a properly prepared dish can benefit the mother and child’s body. Fish dishes for a nursing mother should be dietary, with a small amount of ingredients.

Fish soup


  • Red fish – 300 g
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Rice – 4 tbsp.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Celery – 1 piece
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp.

Method of preparation: Boil seafood in salted water with the addition of bay leaf. Separate meat from bones. Add diced potatoes and rice cereal to the fish broth. After 15 minutes, add carrots and celery sauteed in tomato paste, as well as boiled fish meat. Boil for another 4-5 minutes, add herbs. The soup is ready.

Steamed fish cutlets


  • Red fish fillet – 300 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 slice
  • Greenery.

Method of preparation: Grind seafood meat in a meat grinder, add chopped onion, oat bran, egg, finely chopped herbs. Mix the resulting mixture well, add salt, pepper to taste and lemon juice. Let the fish mixture sit for 15 minutes in a cool place. Next, you need to form small cutlets and steam them for a few minutes until cooked.

A nursing mother should return to her usual menu gradually, taking into account all the recommendations of pediatricians. Red fish on a woman’s table during breastfeeding should be exclusively High Quality and cooked with maximum benefit for the body. Fatty varieties of fish, as well as improperly prepared fish dishes, will not bring any benefit, but will only worsen the health of mother and baby. An irreplaceable source of omega-3 fatty acids not only helps a woman cope with postpartum weakness of the body, but also improves the functioning of many organs and systems of a young child’s body.

During breastfeeding, new mothers have many questions about their diet, including what kind of fish can breastfeeding mothers eat? There is an opinion among the common people that it is undesirable to eat any representative of the sea or river during this period. Nutritionists say that a small portion of steamed or boiled fish of low-fat varieties is recommended for nursing mothers. Let's look at this issue.

5 reasons why fish is recommended for a nursing mother

A properly prepared product has many benefits, and nutritionists have identified 5 main reasons why it should be consumed while breastfeeding (hereinafter referred to as breastfeeding):

  1. Increased content of beneficial Omega-3 acids in sea fish. They are able to have a beneficial effect on the heart vessels, increase the body’s protective properties, and reduce allergic reactions.
  2. B vitamins. The main purpose of these valuable vitamins is to active participation in cellular metabolism.
  3. A natural source of light protein. The steamed river water inhabitant is perfectly digested and absorbed by the body. This protein is necessary for the baby; he gets it from mother’s milk. Protein helps regulate the functioning of the mother's kidneys, which are being rebuilt after pregnancy.
  4. Important vitamin D, without which high-quality absorption of calcium is impossible. Calcium is necessary for the baby to strengthen the skeleton and grow teeth.
  5. Improved bowel function. Regular consumption helps normalize intestinal activity in a nursing mother and her child.

What kind of fish is recommended for breastfeeding: sea or river? According to the recommendations of nutritionists, at the beginning of feeding it is advised to consume exclusively river inhabitants, since they rarely cause food allergies. Also, river species are excellent for making broths. Life hack: to get a cleaner broth, you can drain the initial composition, which will result in a light fish soup.

Some women, concerned about their own nutrition, wonder whether it is possible to cook trout while breastfeeding? This type of fish is very popular, prices in stores are lower than salmon or salmon, and the taste is excellent. To answer this question, the Association of Nutritionists has identified a list of water inhabitants that are the safest and most beneficial for lactation.

6 types of river fish allowed during breastfeeding

River trout baked in parchment can be pampered not only by your mother, but also by all family members

  1. perch – valued due to its small number of seeds and low number of calories;
  2. bream - its meat contains a sufficient amount of chlorine and potassium, which play an important role in many chemical processes;
  3. river trout – rich in various microelements, regular consumption has a beneficial effect on the baby’s growing body;
  4. burbot – consumption of this species is extremely useful for pregnant and lactating women, increases the baby’s visual acuity and promotes brain maturation;
  5. pike – regular consumption of this species helps strengthen the nervous system and increase the body’s protective properties.
  6. pike perch is a dietary product with minimal fat content, rich in compounds that have a positive effect on the nervous system;

The inhabitants of the sea are less bony, with larger loins. Ideal for baking and stewing at the correct temperature.

A very common question that can be heard at an appointment with a nutritionist or pediatrician about the harms and benefits of red fish during breastfeeding is whether it can be safely prepared and consumed.

A group of water inhabitants collectively called “red fish” during breastfeeding are species that mothers should introduce with extreme caution into their diet, as they can provoke an allergic reaction. At the same time, she should carefully monitor the baby’s further reaction and stop taking this product if there is the slightest negative change.

  1. salmon is the king among marine inhabitants in terms of selenium, iodine and protein content; its benefits for breastfeeding are beyond doubt;
  2. sea ​​bass - has a low fat content; vitamin B12 contained in its meat has a beneficial effect on brain function;
  3. hake – highly digestible and contains minimum number calories;
  4. sardine – its benefits are aimed at improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, optimizing blood pressure levels.

From the proposed varieties, you can combine your diet taking into account calorie content and personal taste preferences. It is important not only to use the specified varieties, but also to be able to choose correctly so that the product is of high quality and brings maximum benefit.

How to choose a quality product

The scales should be shiny and not bristly; eyes – not cloudy; gills – bright red (pink) color; when you press on the carcass with your finger, the dent should be restored

When choosing a particular species of pond inhabitant, you need to pay attention to those familiar to your region. Choose low-fat marine representatives or river fish. Suitable fish for a nursing mother in the first month - pollock, herring, carp.

It is important not only what fish products the nursing mother chooses, but also how they will be prepared. Fish can be fried in a quarter of an hour, but this time is also enough to destroy many beneficial microelements. It’s better to cook a low-calorie steamed dish while preserving all useful elements, spending the same amount of time.

What fish should a nursing woman not eat?

It is advised to start introducing white varieties into the diet, but pay attention to the fact that you cannot eat it in the first months of lactation.

Can a nursing mother have fried fish? Many mothers in the family are accustomed to cooking this way, but during lactation it is not recommended to eat it fried; even light fish becomes difficult to digest after frying. Regular consumption of fried foods by a nursing mother can cause constipation in the baby. The fried crust allows dangerous foods to enter the body. heat treatment, contributing to the development of cancer.

Any fish that has not undergone heat treatment is prohibited: be it dried, smoked or dried. When people ask me whether a nursing mother can have smoked fish or not, it is necessary to explain to them the degree of risk to which they are exposing their body and baby. Inhabitants of river reservoirs are often infected with helminth eggs, so dishes must undergo complete heat treatment,

Smoked fish is especially dangerous when breastfeeding, since the smoke with which it is processed contains carcinogens, which enter the mother’s body through breast milk and are very harmful to the baby.

Is it possible to eat salted fish (herring, sprat, mackerel, etc.) while breastfeeding? It is undesirable to consume salty foods (and not just fish) during lactation, since the increased salt content helps retain excess water in the body. Another point why salted fish is contraindicated during breastfeeding is that it can create additional stress on the rebuilding kidneys of the mother and child.

It is also undesirable to use it because strong feeling thirst, excess liquid dilutes the milk, making it less fatty and healthy. As a result, the baby will not have enough milk and will latch on to the breast more often. You can find out if your baby is getting enough breast milk from this article.

That's why on actual question, whether a nursing mother can have salted fish, there is a completely logical answer: “No, feeding is not the time for experiments.”

Red fish is quite dangerous to eat while breastfeeding, as it is a strong allergen. If a woman has experienced negative reaction, then even steamed salmon is contraindicated for breastfeeding, since the baby could become susceptible to an allergy to this product.

How to introduce it into the diet

Fish must be introduced into the diet of nursing mothers, but at the first tests, monitor the baby’s condition to see if he has an allergic reaction to this product. If this happens, then it is excluded (the same applies to other potentially dangerous food products)

If a woman ate fish dishes during pregnancy, then after giving birth you can continue to eat such dishes. With the condition that she did not have any food allergies to representatives of the sea. But even if the mother did not consume it during pregnancy, you can eat it, carefully introducing it into the diet in small portions, carefully monitoring the baby’s well-being. Only an observing doctor can prescribe a complete cessation of use if allergic reactions are present in the child.

The specialist will recommend varieties of fish, acceptable methods of heat treatment: steaming, stewing, etc. You should also take into account that during lactation, the nursing woman’s energy consumption increases by 700 kcal per day. Therefore, you need to correctly structure your diet to cover the energy needs of the body.

It is recommended that nursing mothers take an additional 300 mg of Omega-3 daily. Regular consumption of boiled, steamed or stewed fish products 1-2 times a week completely replaces this need.

It is important to remember that it is the red varieties that most often cause allergies. It is them that should be abandoned for a short period of feeding. If the mother did not eat fish dishes while expecting the baby, then the baby’s fragile body may show a negative reaction.

When preparing fish products, you should not overuse a huge amount of spices, since the child’s body may not accept spicy food with a strong aroma. Also, you should not fry the product in a frying pan with added oil; it is better to purchase equipment with non-stick coating. Better yet, give preference to a double boiler.

Steamed fish


  • 2 pcs. large pollock;
  • 1 PC. medium bulb;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

First you need to gut the fish carcass and cut into medium pieces. It can be cooked in a double boiler, or you can also put it in a saucepan, fill it halfway with water and add onions. The product should be cooked for 20 minutes. Salt and decorate the finished dish as desired.

Baked fish

  • 1 PC. large carp;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 5 pieces. potatoes;
  • butter;
  • salt to taste.

Vegetables in this form form a single pillow; cleaned fish must be placed on them. Lubricate the surface butter. The cooking time in the oven is 40 minutes, provided that cooking began in an oven preheated to 200 ºC.

Fragrant fish solyanka

  • 500 g of any fresh fish fillet of marine varieties;
  • 5 pieces. pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • dried bay leaf, salt.

Cut the fish fillet. Cook the broth from the remaining bones and fish head. Chop the onion, saute it with oil until tender, simmer the tomatoes and onions for another 5 minutes. Next, add the fillet, pour in the prepared aromatic broth and cook for another 15 minutes. Add diced cucumber, salt, and bay leaf to the finished mixture.

Mashed potatoes with fish in a soft sour cream sauce

  • 2 pcs. hake;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 ml low-fat cream;
  • 1 cup 10% sour cream;
  • Butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • salt to taste.

Stew the cleaned, gutted fish in a frying pan, add onion, chopped into half rings. Add purified water until it completely covers the food. Simmer for 10 minutes. Mix sour cream with flour and salt. Add the mixture to the water and simmer for another 15 minutes until thickened. Boil the potatoes, add warm cream and butter, and puree using a blender. Pour fish sauce over the puree.

Fish fillet stewed with apples

  • 500 g of any sea fish fillet;
  • 2-3 apples;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt to taste;
  • 200 g sour cream.

Fry the peeled and finely chopped onion a little in oil. Place the prepared fish pieces there, pour a small amount of water over everything, and cover with apple rings. Pour in a mixture of sour cream and salt. Close the pan tightly with a lid, then place in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 ºC. Use puree or porridge as a side dish.


After everything you’ve read, let’s summarize what kind of fish breastfeeding mothers can eat:

  • low-fat sea varieties - pollock, pike perch, hake, sea bass, herring;
  • river inhabitants - perch, carp, pike, burbot, trout.

It is important not only what kind of fish to eat during lactation, but also how it is prepared. Preference should be given to steamed, stewed and boiled dishes.

The answer to the question “Can a nursing mother fish?” turned out to be very simple - yes! But it is important to remember that when breastfeeding at first River fish priority over maritime.
