Why dream of a commemoration: the meanings of different plots of such a dream. Why dream of commemoration of the dead and the living: interpretation of dream books

The death of a loved one is always a great grief, and a commemoration is a special ritual during which we say goodbye to the deceased. This happens differently in different cultures. And sometimes this ritual appears to us in a dream.

But, waking up, do not panic: this dream does not always have negative energy. Its meaning can be positive and even joyful; it is worth considering many factors when interpreting. Let us turn to the interpretation of dreams about what the commemoration is dreaming of.

Important Details

Have you seen your own wake in a dream? Do not let anxiety, fear and horror take over you after waking up. In no case do you expect such an event in reality! Remember the emotions of the people sitting at the table. If it was joy, then your life begins new stage, you expect a big financial profit. Also, this dream can promise:

  • Large, important events such as a wedding.
  • Receiving a long-awaited gift.
  • Promotion.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

But the vision of one's own commemoration with a bitter tinge is a dream to warn of monetary losses. Also pay attention to the health of loved ones: there is a risk of exacerbation of diseases, but being warned, you can help them.

Seeing the wake of a living person in a dream means that you will live a long time, and life will be filled bright colors and happy events. As the dream book interprets, the same long and happy life awaits your friend, whose commemoration you saw in a dream. But to remember already - dreams of news from relatives.

I wonder why there is a commemoration in which the long-dead is located or his presence is felt in the form of a spirit? According to Miller's interpretations, this is a sign that what you have planned will not come true or will have negative consequences. You have a chance to rethink everything and change plans.

Miller's dream book also explains why a stranger's wake is dreamed of. The dream in which you happened to be at the wake of a stranger is a harbinger of possible problems and misunderstandings with the people around you. Be restrained in words and especially in actions, and also remain calm and do not succumb to provocations. This way you can avoid conflicts. But to observe in a dream the wake of a stranger, being surrounded by your relatives and friends, means to receive support and help from them at the right moment.

Location and weather

Also pay attention to the place where this action is dreaming. When you dreamed about the wake of a deceased person indoors, know that you have to do a lot of work and make every effort to get a raise in salary. A vision of a commemoration in a restaurant is a dream as a messenger of a prosperous, even rich life.

Perhaps you remember the weather that accompanied the event? Then let's turn to Miller's dream book to interpret this factor. Clear, sunny weather promises the same cloudless future in reality, there will be no obstacles in your way. But rainy, overcast weather speaks of minor troubles, but you can deal with them just as easily as you deal with raindrops with an umbrella.

Now, knowing what the commemoration is dreaming of, you can make sure that the main meaning of this vision is positive. But, even having a certain negative connotation, this dream does not bode anything tragic.

If during a dream a person visited a wake, it is not necessary to take the dream literally and succumb to a gloomy mood. The interpretation of sleep depends on the general atmosphere, on the behavior of people, on the personality of the deceased. Most often, seeing a commemoration in a dream means preparing for the upcoming changes in life. A dream is regarded as an important warning, an opportunity to predetermine one's actions in relation to a situation that excites the dreamer.

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      General value

      A dream in which the sleeper himself is commemorated prophesies amazing changes in his life. If the dream leaves behind a good mood, despite the gloominess of the event, then in reality the dreamer expects career advancement, the birth of a long-awaited child, or marriage.

      • Seeing people having fun during a wake is a symbol of stability and strength in a financial situation. The vision prophesies to a person life to a ripe old age, which will be full joyful events. The dream that calls negative emotions in a person, warns the dreamer of a significant loss, loss of a high position in society. Someone close to you becomes seriously ill. Grieving, sad guests prophesy the destruction of plans, unrealizable hopes, vain dreams.

        Whose were the memorials?

        If in a dream you saw someone else's commemoration, then you will be invited to a party. Or you have to participate in the celebration, be invited to a secular evening. And the worse you felt during the memorial service in a dream, the more fun the waking party will be. Being with friends at a stranger's wake means getting help from loved ones at a difficult time for you. A dreamed service for a living person in reality prophesies happy changes in the dreamer's life.

        To attend your own wake - your life will be long and happy, all wishes will come true. If you have conceived an important matter, then feel free to take on it after a dream. It will bring you pleasure and stable income. For a free person, a dream prophesies a mutual and strong love affair, which will end with a grandiose wedding ceremony.

        To visit a commemoration in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a person is on the verge of cardinal changes in his life. The dream encourages you to take a closer look at others, to rethink your plans for the future. You need to pre-determine your actions and think over possible options development of events.

        In the case when a living person is commemorated, then in reality pleasant changes, unexpected profits and good health. His career will rapidly go up, and his position in society will be significantly strengthened.

        If a sick person saw a dream, then he should seriously take up treatment. Since the vision of the commemoration prophesies an exacerbation of the disease.

        If the vision causes a person to feel the realism of what is happening, then he should be wary of ill-wishers who will try in every possible way to poison the dreamer's life. You need to follow every word spoken, think through every step, because even the slightest mistake can lead to big problems in the future.

        Seeing the wake of a long-dead person - a vision prophesies receiving bad news from relatives. But if you immediately tell someone a dream upon awakening, then you can neutralize the bad meaning of the dream. Wake of a deceased relative - you should visit the grave of the deceased in the near future or commemorate him in the family circle. Sleep warns that someone from your environment may become very ill. And if the disease is not treated, then death is likely.

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        Remember grandma and grandpa

        If your relative is still alive in reality, then perhaps she harbored a grudge against you. Be sure to visit her to be able to resolve the conflict situation. She may need your help with a long-term illness. In another case, a dream prophesies a change in the situation in the house. You will start a grand renovation and change your home beyond recognition.

        Memorial service for the deceased real life grandmother says that her memory should be honored in real life. A relative in this way reminds loved ones of herself. Visit her grave, put things in order there, or simply take flowers to the monument. You can gather for a family dinner and dedicate it to the memories of a relative who left you.

        To see a memorial service for grandfather - if he is alive, then his old age will be cloudless and calm. Remember the deceased grandfather - visit him at the cemetery. Let him know that you still remember him.

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        Memorial service at the cemetery

        Try to remember if it was cemetery to you acquaintances, how exactly the service was held, who was commemorated, where exactly the meal was held.

        If the cemetery is unfamiliar to you in a dream, then in reality you will have to look for a way out of a very delicate situation. Or you will have to do something that you have not even thought about before. The work you will be offered will move very slowly at first. But the result will exceed all your expectations. When a person dreams that he is in a cemetery known to him, but is unfamiliar with the deceased who is commemorated, then the dream prophesies a big profit in the near future. Moreover, the dreamer will receive income from an unexpected source. A meeting with a very old acquaintance is possible, whom at first you may not recognize at all.

        A memorial service in a familiar cemetery for a person you know suggests that you need to remember deceased loved ones. Find a day to visit their graves and light candles in the church for the repose of the soul. Pay attention to them, then sleep will not bring negative consequences.

        A commemoration at the grave notifies the dreamer that one of the deceased loved ones has departed to another world with an insult to him. To step on someone's grave during a commemoration - in reality, you need to ask for forgiveness from everyone to whom you have harmed and try to make amends as much as possible.

        Seeing a memorial ceremony in an old cemetery suggests that you will have to start your business from scratch. You will go through a tedious path before you get the first fruits. If you do not back down, then in the future the business will bring great profits. After sleep, a favorable period will come for a person for various kinds of investments.

        Sometimes a funeral ritual in a dream is a signal of impending trouble. If a revived dead person is present at the service, then in reality someone from your environment may become seriously ill or die. People who in a dream were closest to the dead man will have to extricate themselves from very difficult situations. They may fall victim to unfortunate circumstances. In this case, it will take a long time to restore your reputation.

        Miller's interpretation

        According to Miller's dream book, a memorial service for a stranger is a warning of upcoming business difficulties. Do not make responsible decisions now, postpone the signing of an important contract for a while. This way you can minimize your financial losses.

        Sad and tearful faces promise the dreamer great joy in real life. And if the people around you were having fun with might and main, then in reality you can get into a difficult situation. Solving problems will take you a lot of time and effort, but as a result, you will emerge victorious from the current situation.

        According to the interpretation of the sorceress, a dream in which a person watched how he was remembered prophesies a new stage in his life. This time will bring the dreamer a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. A commemoration for a living person symbolizes the successful completion of the transaction and the conclusion of a profitable contract. All members of the dreamer's family will be alive, healthy and happy. Medea advises listening to your own experiences in a dream.

        If, despite the tragedy of the situation, you experience positive emotions, then the dream prophesies great luck. While a feeling of anxiety in a dream portends the appearance of temporary difficulties in a person's life. The dreamer will have to face problems at work, or to fight a blood enemy. Difficult times will end faster if you visit the grave of a person whose wake you saw in your dream.

        Modern dream book

        According to the dream book, a vision in which a person was at a commemoration arranged for him personally predicts a long, eventful life. In the case when you dream of a commemoration of a loved one, your relationship will be long and happy. Other meanings:

        • To see your father at a wake - advise the parent to be examined by a doctor. He is in danger of a serious illness.
        • sit behind memorial table- in reality you are tormented by groundless fear.
        • A funeral without a memorial service warns of a breakdown in plans. Think carefully about each step to avoid the negative consequences of a dream.
        • To see someone's death during a memorial service is to lose a large sum of money.
        • Dancing during the wake - you will have to return to your old activities. However, you can look at the situation with fresh eyes. As a result, it will turn out to squeeze the maximum benefit out of the business and increase your fortune.

        business person memorial meal promises auspicious events. Soon, potential partners will accept his offer, or he will be able to conclude a very profitable deal. He can completely trust his intuition. The unemployed will turn up good job. In general, a commemoration in a dream predicts profit and success in everything related to finances, valuable documents and important contracts.

Events associated with death, funerals or the deceased have always caused fear and excitement both in reality and in dreams, leaving behind a depressing and disturbing trace. It is all the more interesting to figure out why a commemoration is dreaming and what impact such visions can have on a person’s fate.

Interpretations of famous dream books

Various seers and esotericists give different interpretations of such dreams. Here are the most common descriptions:

  • Miller finds such visions rather favorable. He believes that everything depends on the atmosphere around, the behavior of those present and the personality of the deceased. Basically, being at a wake is a sign indicating imminent change. If the deceased is a stranger, then it is probably not easy for the dreamer to find mutual language with people. He should behave calmly and not react to provocations from the outside.
  • According to Freud, to observe one's own rite of remembrance is to be drawn into a series of love affairs. When such an event is held for a living person, a quiet family life awaits in reality. The psychoanalyst mentions that for a correct interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the attitude of the sleeper to what is happening. If a person feels calm at the same time, despite the tragedy, then good luck awaits him.
  • David Loff describes in his dream book the commemoration of a deceased person as a sign of hard and hard work ahead, bad trading or loss on the stock exchange.
  • Pythagoras believes that this vision predicts a serious mistake or a major loss in the future.
  • According to Morozova's book, such a dream as a commemoration at the table is a bad sign. To the sick, he predicts death, and to the healthy, his illness or the death of a loved one.

If you dream that a person is on strange wake or this ritual is associated with animals, then extraordinary situations will occur in reality. From friends, practical jokes are possible.

Where is the funeral

If the commemoration took place in the cemetery, then it matters who the dreamer is. For a healthy person, this is a promise of many years of life, for a sick person it promises a long-awaited recovery, and only for an elderly person under bad circumstances predicts a quick death.

Of particular note is the type of cemetery. What was it like? Old, abandoned or beautiful, modern and well maintained? What were the monuments and were the inscriptions readable? If yes, then what was written is important.

If the graveyard was unfamiliar, then in real life you will have to find a way out of a difficult situation. If the place is known, then profit from an unexpected source awaits.

Untidy graves indicate that one of the dead is offended by the dreamer and you should immediately go to church and light a candle for his repose.

Worst of all, if you see that the ceremony takes place in your own home. In this case, the interpretation of what the memorial table is dreaming of becomes negative. It is a harbinger of trouble, need and even death.

If everyone around is cheerful and jokes are heard, then this is a good sign of improving well-being, the end of trouble. Crying or sad people are a warning about unfulfilled plans and hopes.

Interpretation - why dream, if there is a commemoration, and everyone is drunk at the table - can be deciphered as imminent scandals and betrayals in the family.

Who is the memorial service for?

Visions where the sleeping person himself is commemorated are very favorable. They prophesy a long happy life and a prosperous old age. This may be a career advancement, marriage, the birth of a child. It is good if those gathered there are in a good mood, no one is crying or upset.

If you dreamed of a commemoration of a person who is actually alive, this portends a big event with a huge number of people. But if the one who was seen is sick, a dream means a deterioration in his well-being.

There are a lot of descriptions of why the wake of a deceased relative is dreamed of. Esotericists believe that in this way the deceased remind of themselves. You need to go to the grave of the deceased and put a candle in the church.

It is bad to commemorate the recently deceased in night visions. In real life, these are always big troubles and problems in all areas.

Throughout the day, people do a lot of things, after which they want to relax and unwind. Sleep is a physiological process that is aimed at resting the body and unloading the nervous system. Almost all people dream. Some see prophetic dreams, while others are ordinary. It depends on the individual characteristics person. Trying to find out what the future holds for us, what gifts fate is preparing, people tried to decipher their dreams. A correctly interpreted dream could give hope for the future, warn against misfortune, promise family happiness, someone's death. All these predictions have been accumulated and collected for centuries, a lot has been done psychological tests with the subconscious. All this was recorded in special dream books. In the world there are a lot of various dream books and interpreters of dreams. Each nation at different times explained dreams in different ways, but if you figure it out, everything converges to one essence. Nowadays, many dream books have been created, you can turn to the Internet and decipher what your dream prophesied. Miller's dream book, Vanga's regiments and others are especially popular. Let's see what the commemoration is for.

What are memorials for?

If you dreamed of a commemoration, you should not immediately get upset. In fact, the event is not fun, but on the contrary serious and responsible. If, after what you see, a pleasant mood does not leave you, then expect career growth or a wedding, or maybe even the birth of a baby. When, after sleep, a bad mood or anxiety awaits you, a possible loss awaits you. Crying people at the wake to disappointment in dreams and hopes. If you participated in the commemoration, then expect a long and happy old age. Correct interpretation such a dream will be true only when you remember the mood of the people present. This dream portends that changes will take place in your environment in the near future.

Why dream of a commemoration of a living person

A dream about the commemoration of a living and healthy person portends prosperity in business and career. Perhaps in the near future a pleasant event will happen in this person, climbing the career ladder. He will live happily ever after. If a person who was seen in a dream is sick, then such a dream does not bring good. The disease will develop. Hearing a ringing during a memorial ceremony - to the unpleasant news about the deterioration of health in distant relatives.

Why dream of a wake for a dead person

Such a dream speaks of unpleasant news, possibly from relatives. If this is your close relative or a friend go to the cemetery or put a candle in the temple. If you dreamed of a commemoration, which smoothly turned into an ordinary booze, you will find difficulties in communicating with a child, frequent absences of a husband or wife.

If in a dream you saw a wake of a complete stranger, you will be haunted by conflicts and difficult relationships with people. Get ready for possible illnesses, review your budget so that there are no problems. When you dream of a magnificent funeral, perhaps in real life financial success awaits you, and when the poor do not expect money in the near future. A revived dead man at a commemoration - to failure in your endeavors, put aside all your affairs for a while. If a dead person calls you to him, this is bad sign when you go after him you will get sick, problems await you, and if you don’t succumb to persuasion, everything will be fine.

Perhaps you remember the weather that was at the wake of a relative. Sunny warm weather means that everything will be fine in your life. Cloudy weather and rain - there will be many more small obstacles in your way.

If at the wake for a living person you cried a lot - wait small problems which will run out quickly. Surrounded by sad faces, it symbolizes an unexpected blow from enemies. Accept condolences - you will find a good mood, fun.

When you dreamed of a wake, where you sat at the table and ate food - expect bad news from relatives.

It happens that a cemetery is dreamed of, the graves seen often lead to shock, but do not be upset. Such dreams do not carry negative information, but on the contrary, positive moments await you. Such a dream can symbolize the end of old affairs or the beginning of new ones, a long and happy life.

When a widow or widower dreamed of a grave, perhaps in the near future you will meet a mate. Seeing fresh graves in a dream can deceive you. Standing on your grave - there will be big changes in life, which will be accompanied by minor troubles. To see a coffin with your name, you urgently need to change your habits, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, otherwise health problems await you.

Constant dreams about a dead loved one indicate a strong attachment to this person. You should live in the present, look ahead. Remember his soul and continue to live.

If you dreamed of a commemoration in a cemetery, try to remember the little things. What was the place like? Clean, tidy or abandoned, in the weeds. A clean cemetery symbolizes a good sign, portends good acquaintances, and an abandoned one warns of disappointment. The old cemetery symbolizes old problems.

If you wandered around the cemetery in search of a grave, then you need to urgently complete the work you have begun.

Why dream of a commemoration from a dream book

All dream books interpret dreams about funerals, commemorations in different ways. You will not be able to find two absolutely identical explanations, but the main meaning comes down to a positive one (a dream book of the future, Miller's dream book, a small Veles dream book), in rare cases, a negative one (Pinn's dream book, a dream interpreter). Try to remember even the smallest details. The more information there is, the more accurate the interpretation will be. If you often have dreams, put a sheet and a pen near the bed so that you can write everything down at once and not miss important details. Try to think about everything and choose the main thing.

Never be upset by what you see. No one can tell you exactly what this or that dream is about. Perhaps the nervous system simply removes negative emotions, or maybe your state of mind affected your sleep. But it’s also not worth ignoring dreams completely, very often they warn us against troubles. A person must decide for himself what to believe.

If in a dream you attended a commemoration, this is a sign that changes will soon come in your life.

Which ones depends on the personality of the person you commemorated, the mood of others, your feelings and other details.

Now we will consider what the commemoration is dreaming of, taking into account these nuances.

Who is the dead man?

If you commemorated a familiar person who is actually alive, then you will have a long life filled with bright events in abundance. And if in reality this person has already died, then wait for news from relatives.

A memorial dinner on the occasion of the death of a stranger dreams of disagreements with others. And to commemorate your own child is to maintain peace and mutual understanding in your own family for many years.

  • Remembering the old man - to a wise, deliberate act.
  • A young girl - for a romantic date.
  • Guy - to an independent way out of a difficult situation.

According to the dream book, the wake of the famous actor dreams of fame and prosperity. And if it was a famous politician, then soon you will find a job to your liking.

To attend memorial events for your own death means to begin a new life stage. And to see the commemoration of an animal means having fun with children or best friends.

What happened around?

The dream, in which the wake was very fun, says that you will soon receive financial assistance. And if everyone present was sad and cried, remembering the deceased, then your plans are in jeopardy.

Seeing a lot of drunk people is having difficulty communicating with children. And to be among strangers means to be distinguished by originality of thinking, to be in the center of attention.

  • Seeing a deceased person at a wake - be careful in new endeavors.
  • Do not eat anything at a memorial dinner - to restore physical health.
  • Drop a spoon on the floor - to the arrival of pleasant guests in your house.
  • Dreaming of a fight at a wake - to reconciliation with an old friend or girlfriend.
  • To leave the memorial dinner last - to live long without getting sick.

If you dream that you remember a stranger in the company of your relatives, then in the future you can count on their help. And if you saw your best friend there, it means that your friendship is not afraid of any trials.

Memorial events in the restaurant - to a rich life. And to commemorate the deceased in an apartment means to work hard to get a decent salary.

Having figured out what the commemoration is actually dreaming of, you will not associate them with unpleasant events in life.


Interpretation of strange dreams: why dream of a commemoration?

What are the commemorations for? it interest Ask but a little scary. But this feeling is mostly due to our associations. Of course, the first thoughts that the memory of the commemoration evokes cannot be called positive. And the next ones too. Well, in order to fully understand the question of what the commemoration is dreaming of, one should tell in more detail about various interpretations that give dream books.

Personal interpretation

So, the first thing to do is to talk about what the commemoration is dreaming of ... oneself. A terrible sight, after which you wake up in a cold sweat. What can this mean? Nothing really bad, oddly enough. A modern book of interpretations assures that such a vision carries a positive attitude and portends excellent changes in life. Perhaps it will be career growth, marriage, personal life, the birth of a long-awaited child, or something else.

Seeing people having fun at their wake is also good. This means that the material condition of a person will improve significantly in the near future. Perhaps a person will increase the salary or write out a bonus. By the way, at old dream book on this score a slightly different meaning. If people at the dreamer's wake rejoice, dance and have fun, this means that he will live a very long and happy life. But if a person experienced bad emotions at the same time, then the dream portends the loss of one of the dear and beloved people, or it speaks of the loss of one's status, position.

Miller's dream book

There are still a lot of interpretations that explain why the commemoration is dreamed of. For example, if a person has visited them, then you should not take the picture as something literal and instantly succumb to a bad mood. The interpretation of this vision first of all depends on the general atmosphere, and also on the personality of the deceased. The behavior of people is also important. In the general sense, to be present at such a not very pleasant event means that a person will soon have to prepare for the coming changes. It is possible that these changes will affect the near future. That is why it is very important to pay attention to such a dream, regarding it as a warning, as well as the ability to pre-determine your actions.

It is also interesting to know why the wake of a stranger is dreamed of. This is to unexpected difficulties in understanding with other people, to quarrels, scandals and conflicts. It is worth being more restrained during this period in order to avoid trouble.

English dream book

When a person sees the commemoration of someone who is actually alive in reality, then this is a pleasant event or good decisions problems that have been around for a long time. Perhaps an increase in position in society or rapid career growth.

And why dream of a commemoration of a deceased person? Here is a bad sign. Usually he portends the receipt of unpleasant, perhaps even very bad news from afar (most often from relatives). People who specialize in the field of dreams advise to go to church after what they see and put a candle in memory of the dreamed deceased and modestly commemorate him. So it will turn out to neutralize the negative influence of this vision.

Freud's interpretation

What interesting things can this book of interpretations tell? If a person sees his own commemoration, then this is the end of some stage in his life and the beginning of a new, very exciting one.

To see how in a dream they commemorate someone who is still alive - to an excellent situation and the course of affairs. All family members will be happy and healthy, and the work promises to be promising. In order to give a more complete interpretation of a dream, you must also listen to your own emotions. If they are positive, despite the current tragedy of the situation, then this is good luck. But the anxious and bad mood of the vision promises certain difficulties in life. The good news is that they will be short-lived - within a few days everything should be resolved.


Why dream of Wake, dream book of Wake to see in a dream what does it mean?

Worldly dream book

Wake - If you had a wake, then such a dream should be interpreted only in accordance with other factors - who was remembered, what mood people had during the wake, whether the person whom you remembered in a dream is alive and well and much more.

Usually, seeing a commemoration in a dream is a sign that warns of changes in your life that will occur in the near future, and therefore it is very important to correctly interpret the dream in order to mentally and physically prepare for the upcoming changes.

So, if you dreamed of a commemoration of a person who is alive and feels good in reality, then in real life you can soon expect a successful period.

If in a dream the commemoration resonates with events in your real life, then you should be extremely careful in the immediate period after this dream - your enemies are not asleep and are quite successfully plotting against you, and any of your careless words or deeds can lead to sad consequences.

If in a dream we are talking about your commemoration, then in reality you are entering a new life period, which is strikingly different from the one that has just passed - an event awaits you that will affect your entire future life. It can be a promotion, a wedding, the birth of a child, an injury, the death of a loved one, and so on.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Why dream Wake according to the dream book:

Wake - attending a wake is a bad sign. For a patient, such a dream means death, and for a healthy person, the death of someone close. Another meaning is the dreamer's return to some of his old occupation or project.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

If you dream of a commemoration, what is it for:

Wake - A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a commemoration, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and then went with him, foreshadows you receiving bad news about relatives.


Wake of the deceased

Dream interpretation Wake of the deceased dreamed of why in a dream the commemoration of the deceased? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the wake of the deceased in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wake

A dream in which you take part in the commemoration of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this portends him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own commemoration - this is a breakdown in plans, if the audience is sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, then you will soon receive financial assistance. A commemoration in a dream, which resulted in an ordinary booze, portends difficulties in raising children and frequent absences of her husband.

A commemoration, at which either a revived dead person or his spirit is present, is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A commemoration for a dead cat or dog means in reality that friends or children will play fun with you.

Dream Interpretation - Wake

A commemoration - a commemoration will be dreamed of - a happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Wake

A commemoration dream portends sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans, or the separation of lovers. The dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream portends you receiving bad news about relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a dead person he knows, he will gain from him necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life and if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. the dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If the deceased in a dream is naked, then in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Qur'an says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Have you not renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out of there, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. a deceased person longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he afterlife not very good. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. AT popular belief"to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special methods only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Wake and the number nine

To be in a dream at a wake means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Do not be discouraged - in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Dream Interpretation - Wake

To celebrate a commemoration in a dream - to a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Wake

To celebrate a wake for the deceased in a dream - to grief.

Dream Interpretation - Wake

Happy old age.

To be at a wake - return to your old activities and habits.


Why dream of a funeral, commemoration?



Funeral Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of the good health of your loved ones; a happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it is raining and the weather is gloomy, then soon expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business. If you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know, then unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. Your child's funeral portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

A commemoration will be dreamed of - a happy old age.

Personal Account Deleted

A dead person will live long! And if you dream of a dead man, then you rarely remember!


successful outcome; to the wedding; they bury you - long life; dead man alive - wedding invitation.
strangers, luxurious - you will achieve wealth
strangers, miserable - a hard struggle for life
own - long life, health
family happiness.


To depression due to hangover syndrome.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Father

The main information of this dream is that you really forgave everything to your father: his rudeness during his lifetime and his departure. And this act can be considered your great spiritual achievement. The meeting took place in absentia, that is, being now on different planes of being, you and your father fulfilled the mutual desire for purification, which will most favorably affect your future family life (sleep with the Moon in Cancer). /and not only family/. Talking with him, jealousy, smoking - as a reflection of the desire for care and participation on his part. About smoking: Do you "fight" with latent anxiety in this way, "calm your nerves"? (stealing from children)

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

Elena! You are publishing not the first dream that scares you with the ghost of death! To be afraid of something is to invite it into your life!!! This is the most important thing to understand and work on. This is your terrible fear! You will be fine in sleep (grandmother said the same). And in a dream you were able to calm down. And she didn't take her daughter. The dead dream of a change in the weather, for example. Or calling to remember them. Everything is fine!

In those dreams in which the deceased is cheerful, there is nothing dangerous and scary for you, and in the last dream she warned you about some kind of trouble, but ... Find in a dream pectoral cross- a good sign that says that your life will certainly get better, unless you yourself cross the dangerous line.

Dream Interpretation - The deceased stepmother. Boots. Telephone

You cannot understand why your problems are repeated (again twenty-five). It is not possible to get to the bottom (to get through). Therefore, you begin to express, out loud or to yourself, dissatisfaction with fate (father). Fate is a field of activity: you can complain about the abundance of stones on it and not uprooted stumps. And you can start choosing stones and roots. Remembering that it is quite likely that in past lives on the site of today's field there was a white-stone palace with a garden of Eden growing near it.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Relative

It seems that something is returning to you from the past - not necessarily literally a person - and it is both familiar (has a familiar appearance - "aunt") and not familiar ("she only looks like her"). Probably, this is a repetition of some situation from the past, but in a new context. It may also be that you will discover new facets in some seemingly familiar person. Perhaps even in itself. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Relative

Good afternoon, Tatyana! “I dreamed that my recently deceased relative, Aunt Masha, came to me. She died this year on July 24.” - the ancestors warn you about something or want to help. "She came to my apartment with a bag in her hands and was dressed all in black, like a nun." - apparently this was the nun. "When I saw her, I immediately recognized and even got a little scared, because I was literally 2 weeks ago at her funeral. And she, noticing my fright, said:" I'm not Aunt Masha. I just look like her. "- various inorganic beings, both demons and angels, very often take the form of relatives in a dream. So as not to scare and inspire confidence when establishing contact. “At that moment, my father appeared next to me (he died 12 years ago) and I asked him: “Who is she?”, And he replied: “I don’t know.” Although during their lifetime they were in good relations. "- and now the father really came to warn you of the imminent danger. This is one hundred percent. It means that the situation is that a messenger was sent to you with this information, and this information itself, even if you did not understand it with your mind, caused fear. Then the late father was sent to you so that any interpreter could confirm to you that serious problems await you. or at least turn them for good, both good and negative events life is experience and learning, and any knowledge is a treasure. And what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Relatives

Hello, a dream may indicate a gloomy feeling of life. You may have lost the joy of life. Daughter can mean spontaneity, as well as emotionality and instinctiveness. Perhaps you are taking things too seriously? See life in black? Maybe you need to relax a little so that it stops being gloomy? What are you afraid to let out and show to other people? What are your qualities? Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Relative

It is possible that they wanted to tell you that you should not ask to dream. If necessary, he will dream himself. Do not tease anyone who has already left here. I don't think this is a bad prediction. Just don't worry. Everything is fine. My opinion is this. If you really want to know that he is doing well there, ask him to give you a sign about this. Or in a dream, or in reality. So that you see this sign and be sure to understand that this sign is from him. You can ask for this. I am sure you will receive this badge. He won't scare you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Relative

Perhaps we are talking about the fact that the dreamer is trying to imagine what cancer and death from cancer are. This is if dad died of cancer.

Dream Interpretation - A dead friend demands the return of the dolls

The DREAM says that the dreamer broke up with the old period of her life (the deceased friend Masha), but she could not part with the values ​​inherent in this period (the deceased friend returned and demands her dolls be returned to her - nostalgia for childhood, carelessness). I can only assume that the dreamer in a recent relationship was only akin to a puppet (doll), and life dictates its own rules and it is very difficult to survive in it, being just a puppet. DREAM hints to the dreamer to reconsider her position in life, otherwise no one will help her in this (the dreamer really asks for help from her friend Misha). Sincerely, LIVIA.


Commemoration of a long dead person

Do you really think that in a dream you are communicating with him or with his soul?!.. If so, then perhaps my interpretation will not suit you, because I tend to think that dreams about the dead reflect their own projections and attitudes towards them. The way the deceased behaves and feels in dreams - in fact, you feel yourself in relation to him. In particular, in the first dream, his indifference and preoccupation with another girl reflects the actual distance between you recently and the preoccupation of each of you with your life and your affairs. According to the second dream, his resentment towards you reflects your own resentment and annoyance at yourself, at circumstances, and possibly at him also for the fact that you did not communicate much, and your real relationship did not give an expression of your emotional attachment to him and significance in your life, but therefore now, after his death, you are annoyed by the feeling of missing out, irretrievably lost opportunities ...

Dream Interpretation - The deceased person is unhappy

Not excluding psychological interpretations (I consider any methods of building a picture of the worlds complementary) ladies esoteric interpretation. The dead usually do not dream. If you had a dream - then, according to the situation - either this is a reflection of your experiences, memories, desires .. And only. Or, as in this case, there may be other interpretations. Indifference is usually the "mood" of a departed person, assuming that you can return in dreams - this is done for the sake of the one who sees the dream, and not at all out of feelings of longing, for example - it does not exist as such, there is only a reflection of your desires in That person ( this is somewhat similar to possible psychological interpretations). Your recent dream, where he is dissatisfied ... - You can remember him, even talk to him if it makes it easier, but you apparently called him, also thinking "you forgot me." His displeasure is understandable. You need to be able to let go (this does not mean forgetting). Just don't wait for an answer, no reaction

Dream Interpretation - Dead person

For the future, you, such advice, pass on to your mother, if God forbid you have such a dream again, or something like that, you cannot tell such a dream to anyone. It is necessary to do the following, the one who saw this dream comes to the washbasin in the morning, opens the tap, and in a whisper when no one sees, tells this dream (to water), and then such dreams do not carry any danger. In your case, you need to do the following: give alms to three beggars, mother should distribute as she saw this dream, and when she gives alms, she will say the kingdom of heaven to herself and call his name. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT AND VERY IMPORTANT IN NO EVENT SHOULD THIS DREAM BE TOLD IN CONFESSION, DO NOT PUT HIM WITH A RECEPTION, AND DO NOT TELL THE PRIEST.

Dream Interpretation - Dead person

Don't worry! Your dream lies in the field of psychology, and warm memories, in terms of symbols of sleep, there is nothing in it that will come true in real life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead person

Perhaps your brother lacks attention. Give him due attention and, I believe, he will not bother you. Your friend will not die.

We got on the trains and that’s fine, so you don’t need to go there yet, where grandfather is.

Dream Interpretation - A dead person dreamed alive

A dream where Grandmother is alive, and Grandfather is deceased, but revived, means that the Dreamer is internally preparing for upcoming, but unpredictable changes in the emotional sphere (Revived Grandfather does not say goodbye and says in surprise that he will still see his granddaughter, who is getting off the Train). And in order to foresee everything that will happen in your personal life, you just need to know that Grandma and Grandpa on the Train are a symbol of strong, faithful Love and the continuation of the Family (the power and strength of the Family, the continuity of Generations). So, Grandma and Grandpa really hope that the Dreamer will become their Worthy Continuation. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Murder of an already deceased person

You will be reminded of a long-forgotten episode in which you did justice, but suffered material losses. The manifestation of fear in this case is not the best option. Just do not twist your soul, but there, be as it will be.

Dream Interpretation - A Gift from a Dead Person

It is possible to transfer some knowledge.

Dream Interpretation - Red wedding dress, the deceased person smoked

The dreamer quarreled with her boyfriend in a dream and did not talk for a long time - it shows hurt desires and hidden emotions due to existing disagreements with the guy in reality, casting serious doubts on the Dreamer about the correctness of her emotional choice (partner). red and lush Wedding Dress and beige high-heeled shoes - symbolizes the Dreamer's desire to change and brighten up her social Appearance, which is based on the Dreamer's conscious needs. The late Neighbor, sitting and smoking, the emotional detachment of the Dreamer Guy from what is happening - symbolizes the lack of conscious aspirations young man in the social field, in connection with which the Dreamer saw this dream.


Commemoration of a long dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead friend and black fog

Dreams do not affect reality, unless, of course, you program yourself to fulfill what you saw in a dream. But reality is reflected in dreams, and the subconscious, through the images of this reflection, tells us something. Your dream reflected your need for strength (kissing). You are faced with the need to solve some problems and therefore you are confused (fog). You have the necessary power (the sun), you just need to concentrate it (coins) on the solution and understand the problem holistically (black color). A deceased friend had a dream mainly in order to better remember the dream. Success.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Relatives

If you often dream about the dead, you need to go to church and commemorate them. You just yearn for them, and it upsets them. They are trying to tell you that everything is fine with them and there is no need to worry.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Relatives

Go to church. And watch your health - you can get sick (catch a cold).

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents, train and all nonsense

The first part of your dream says that your parents need your attention. In addition, living relatives are very worried about you. The second dream says that you will become a witness or even take part in someone's case that will fail. A woman who asks you for advice, most likely, will also ask for help in reality. The window you are pointing at is the obstacle symbol. I dare to assume that your advice to this woman will be correct. Regarding your run with your husband ... Obviously, there will be a situation when uncertainty arises in your fate associated with some prospects or proposals. How and what will be - it is not known - darkness. The outcome will depend on you.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Mother

You need to show intelligence (eyes), get rid of the feeling of abandonment (teeth and words of your mother), your current attitude towards the death of your mother deprives you of strength (crying).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Sleep warns you of danger from an unfamiliar person. This applies to matrimonial matters. Be careful with new contacts.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Joy does not fit in with the prediction of the bad. The possibility of change (dead man, door) exists, but the very changes in your life are delayed by a strong desire to have a rest (sofa) and under the strong influence of public opinion (TV). Good choice and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

Perhaps the dream has a double meaning. Firstly, a year and a half is a short period after the death of a loved one, and therefore he can often dream. The dream indicates that your grandmother was to some extent an authority for you, perhaps in terms of building relationships in the family. The second meaning is distance intimate relationships with your husband (grandmother pulls you onto your bed with your husband), which you have not yet fully realized and pretend that everything is fine.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

The deceased grandmother in a dream appears before significant changes. Unlike the deceased parents, she comes to us as if from a farther distance and marks the onset of non-ordinary events. Talking with your grandmother in a dream is a difficulty, but what she told you is advice on how to overcome these difficulties. At the same time, the grandmother warns of personal problems and troubles due to relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

Your dream tells you that your grandmother from the next world is worried about you, it seems to her that in the next world you will be better off. You understand that you still have to live and live, and it’s too early for you to go to the next world. See what is troubling you and take action to solve the problems that have arisen. You are determined and decisiveness will help you overcome difficulties. Go to church, light a candle for the repose of your grandmother's soul, ask her not to worry about you and not to call you to the next world.


Commemoration of a long dead person

Your mother loves you very much and you have a good connection with her and naturally you miss her and the fact that you dream about her is normal. If you don’t want her to dream, mentally ask for it or tune in to such a dream that you would like to see, let’s say a trip by sea or through the forest. Fall asleep with a feeling of sweet pleasure. Your mother is in rather high layers and therefore she can really help and protect you. She also misses and enjoys watching you. This is normal, because everything in the world is interconnected, so we should also pray for both the living and the dead. Be calm and joyful, everything goes on as usual according to the law of the universe.

Dream Interpretation - A mother who died from cancer more than a year ago comes in a dream

You have not yet recovered from the loss of a loved one. It is generally difficult to come to terms with this and it is difficult to continue to live. Your mother comes to reassure you, to make it clear that she, being in another world, loves you, remembers you and is always there. You have the opportunity to ask your mom for advice. Perhaps you forget about it, but in real life there are some unresolved situations.

Sleep is not dangerous! And there can be no talk of any anxiety! Forget about anxiety! A dream in which the dead are dreamed alive means that the case will "resurrect", for the success in solving which you have lost hope. It is checked up on itself not one ten times. Therefore, it is even in some sense a good dream. But it’s hard to say what business will move forward, only you know about it!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased husband and mother-in-law

The first part of the dream - (suing) - expresses your deepest sense of guilt, possibly imposed by someone, or that you feel in relation to someone. And in response to it, you defend yourself, realizing that nothing is your fault. To confirm this, you ask a question ex-husband. He reassures you, confirming that he was happy with you more than once. You woke up in peace, this was the purpose of his appearance in your dream - there is no need to doubt anything, you have nothing to reproach yourself with - this is what he tried to convey. It is possible also to remind about that other son.

Dream Interpretation - Dead relatives and repairs in the apartment

Deceased relatives often just don’t act, there are good reasons for this. Remember if they asked you to do something for them, for example, bring their clothes, food, etc. if they asked you to. Do it, if you didn’t ask, then they must be remembered, but in no case in the church, give alms to the poor, go to their cemetery (if possible), and you will be obliged. Bake an unleavened cake and distribute it to three neighbors, let them be remembered.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

I don’t know about the name that you shouted out, but the grandmother’s words “He will be tall and you will leave in 7 years” should be taken with all seriousness ..

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

No, you don’t need to believe it, and you shouldn’t wait for this either. Get married when you are destined.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

The dead in dreams, loved ones are our helpers, guides, and of course you should listen to what they say. Although it is not necessary to take the information literally. High may not mean growth at all, but suppose social status.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

Your dream tells you that your late grandmother is worried about you, warns against rash steps and deeds. You are worried about your future and rush things. The number 7 tells you that your thoughts are busy creating a family, but with whom no one will tell you except your heart. And your grandmother smiled, knowing that soon you, without even suspecting, would meet your beloved. Maybe even a few years older than you and whom you don’t take seriously yet.

Dream Interpretation - My boyfriend's dead mother

As for pregnancy, the dream is to delay the solution of the issue with him, the relationship will drag on, without certainty. For several months. As for death, this means parting with him for a while, perhaps he will go somewhere. I don't see symbols for parting


Commemoration of a long dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead Father

If dad died more than 2 years ago, you must definitely remember him, and go to his cemetery, and also at home, envy a conversation about him, among relatives, tell us what he did good during his lifetime, etc. You don’t need to go to church .

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

If you were going to get married with him, then you should seriously think about the words of your grandmother, if you weren’t going to, then this is a projection of your memories of him, then the dream is of little importance to you.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

I understand my grandmother's answer. Your loved one loves and remembers you. Your love will always be in his heart. Chances are no one loved him the way you do. Over time, he will understand this and will probably carry. But you are with him differently treat the word "love" itself. He tends to simplify relationships, and you want the unity of souls. You are too different. Therefore, each of you will have your own life, without each other. But in the heart of each there will be a piece of the other.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandmother

Hello! It is you who pity and torment yourself. The subconscious (grandmother) tells you already in plain text that you, with your perception of your relationship ( ring finger) deprive yourself of Strength (the ring is not on your hand). The right choice.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandpa

A single dream about a dead person is very positive. Meaning. Namely, get news that will make you happy.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Son

Dear Galina, your dream is evidence of moral discomfort stemming from internal strife, other people's influence, and sometimes from the inability to find a way out and get rid of obsessive thoughts (in a dream, this is an image of washing clothes.) Conflicting aspirations tear apart your personality and soul, and it gets used in the end After all, there is no perfection in the world. Your consciousness is occupied with the search for the cause of the death of your son - (who or what is to blame, what caused it, etc.), you yourself through this dream, through the language of the image, receive information, a signal - revealing a secret for you. Your son was seriously ill (- You didn’t know about this?), His death was the result of many reasons, for a long time and on the rise .., of course, this is not a sudden case) You also experience the bitterness of loss in a waking dream.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Grandpa

Understanding (2) in the broad sense of the word, intelligence (grandfather) will open opportunities (doors) for you to acquire stability (4) in life, which is confirmed by another number 4 (2011=2+0+1+1=4). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - The deceased grandmother. Bull. white tent

From any destructive force (bull) there is salvation (door), but it is not in illusions (window), but in new understandings, new outlooks on life (on the roof) and in wisdom (grandmother,). Also, do not suppress your feminine (a girl in a tent), you need this for a holistic perception ( White color). Good luck..

Dream Interpretation - Dead relatives

Dreams about a wedding symbolize scandals, quarrels, troubles with loved ones, most often these are relatives. If there were no scandals at home after the mother-in-law's sleep, then such dreams portend additional unforeseen expenses, they will be necessary.

Dream Interpretation - Dead relatives

Just don't be afraid. Your dream reflected a change in your awareness of relationships with relatives and nothing more. The mother unconsciously feels this, which is reflected in her dream. Good luck. P.S. Old dream books intimidate and confuse people in every possible way, distorting the meaning of symbols. For example a wedding. How can it symbolize something bad. Of course, sometimes they get drunk at a wedding and fight ... But what does the wedding have to do with it? A wedding is not a booze. These are different things and the symbols are also different.




Hello, please decipher my dream for me. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, from August 22 to 23 ... I was in some public house, in the public soul .. I was hiding ... my split occurred ... I was the second to leave the house ... I was the first to remain in the soul ... I look, a man with a gun comes up to the window, looks out the window and shoots, kills me in the shower. I am the second, in horror I run into the house, hide from the killer ... and I, the first, have already been killed .. Then I dream of my commemoration in the same shower, we are sitting at the table - me, my daughter, and a couple of women ... And on the contrary, I see my the corpse is dressed, sitting on a chair, and I see how it slowly falls from the chair, rolls down ... and on this I wake up ... Naturally, this worries me all day, but I try to set myself up for positive! ... ... ... Thank you!


hello, I had a dream that we, with all my colleagues from the organization where I work, are at the commemoration of our leader in some good restaurant ... nothing directly testified to the commemoration in a dream, for example, there were no wreaths, black and red flowers, sorrow and tears, but I knew that this was a commemoration ...
I had a dream from Friday October 12, 2013 to Saturday

mammoth valentine:

it was necessary to hold a commemoration, but I don’t have time for anything, people began to gather, but at my empty table I didn't cook anything


Good afternoon! I dreamed of a wake for my ex-husband, who in real life is alive and well. Moreover, the only emotions that I experienced were the joy of meeting the people who were there. However, I was worried that there was a person at the wake who is no longer alive. He was clean, handsome and cheerful.


I was looking for a hall for rent for the conduct of a commemoration, the man to whom I turned with a request looked strangely and, when I approached him, moved away.


I dreamed of a friend’s wake (in fact, she is alive), there were a lot of people and her husband (he died 12 years ago) accused me that I upset her (my friend) with something and generally treated her badly. I, in turn, accused her husband (who died) that he walked and cheated on his wife, although in reality this was not the case. In general, we swore, there was a heavy sediment.




Hello! I dreamed that my grandmother had died. I just heard that her heart gave out. Her photograph is on the table in a frame, there were few guests and there was almost nothing on the table from food ... a glass with a piece of bread and a photo. I didn’t sit at the table, I just stood next to it. I don't remember anything else. Tell me, is it worth worrying about this dream?

oksana 35 years old:

from the beginning I’m at the cemetery in 2020, then I’m going to the wake of sweets, buns, unfamiliar youth, I go to them, 2031, I go to the cemetery, sit down on the sand, it comes dead grandmother and says that in 2131, it will be an expensive divorce, I replied that when I am 91 g, I don’t care how much the divorce will be, I get divorced when I am 51


My boyfriend and I went to my brother's wedding, when we came, the words "well, let's remember" were heard and the clink of glasses was heard. Also there was the late father of a brother


I dreamed of a commemoration for my mother who had died a long time ago, and in a dream this caused surprise. It was also surprising that dad drank cognac at the wake. Unfamiliar or complete strangers were present. During this event, dad offered to bury new dishes in mom's grave and even prepared boxes. I was horrified and returned all the dishes to their place.


I and 2 other women set the tables, remembered someone, but I didn’t know this person. The menu included soup, meat with a side dish, pies and wine.


hello! I see in a dream that I accidentally get to someone else's commemoration. when I ask whose, it turns out to be a famous writer who died in the Stalinist camps in 1937. there are a lot of people, everyone is sitting at the table. I also want to sit down, but they don’t let me, they say that only men commemorate today, and women will gather tomorrow at my friend’s house, who has nothing to do with the deceased, but really wants to arrange memorial dinner.


hello. I am 18. Since childhood, I often have dreams that always come true. I have never had a dream just like that. always on to something. so today in a dream I was at a concert in which some serious person was commemorated. in parallel, I saw his family next to the grave. but somehow the dream was not frightening. warm environment, warm people. This is the first time I've dreamed about this. To be honest, I'm a little confused as to what it was.


The commemoration is being dreamed of (a year after the husband of his sister, he hanged himself (in real life)) we all go to commemorate him in a cafe relatives and friends, but once at the table I notice that only relatives have gathered. I give a speech, but my father starts yelling at me so that I don’t talk a lot about him (about my sister’s husband), cry and leave. I saw Yura's friends (deceased) but in another room. Then this plot is interrupted and my sister and I are in an unknown room with her little daughter, who, like a gymnast, shows us the elements, and on her back she has a triangle from the pigment spots from the shoulders to the coccyx .... what could that mean....?


I had a reason that we were collecting a commemoration, and plus some kind of letter came to all this, it was very strange to me ... at the commemoration everyone was talking about something ...


I saw the capture of an ex-boyfriend, but he is alive, and we have not seen each other for many years. Went there with carnations. During the Poimak, his father gave me a gold chain with a gold cross.


Good afternoon!
I dreamed that I was at the wake of a woman with whom I used to work. She lives in reality. There were her relatives, whom I personally know. Children and husband, nephew. The room was not big, white.


Summer, nature, the sun is bright, all in white a wooden table stands right on the street and the people at this table are all in white and I, too, somehow can’t say that it’s sad, but in a dream I know that I’m at someone’s wake.


My best friend died in real life. 40 days have not passed yet, I have a lot of dreams related to him. Today I dreamed that I was late. But I came to the egg wake (for 40 days) ..


I had a dream that my family and a friend, on the occasion of the death of my friend, a deaf-mute girl, were going to a wake. There were still a bunch of gypsies, and I even talked to one of them. At the wake, I cleaned the tables and dishes. There I learned the story of my friend's death - she saw something on the journey that others did not see - something red (a ship with scarlet sails?) And she died like drowning


I dreamed of a commemoration that I was a guest at them, and another woman, my housemate, organized them. She called the guests into the house, but she did not call me. I stayed on the street.
The whole dream was in black tones.


i dreamed that I was doing a commemoration for my mother, but my mother died and then she is alive at her commemoration crying that she will die, I calm her down, she listens to me and calms down


Hello! I dreamed of a wake in ordinary apartment for a girl who is alive and well in life, people I did not know were present at the commemoration, but there was no memorial table. The “dead” woman herself was there, she smiled and had fun, she did not know that she had died, everyone knew that she was dead and grieved and did not know how tell her that she is dead. and immediately dreamed of feces with worms in parallel


My mother's sister was celebrating her wake. Well, I was on them too. Here's something strange - ALL of us who came to my aunt's wake were not allowed to look at her ... although in a dream I understood that even at the table, my aunt was sitting alive. Weird!


there was a commemoration in my corridor, an icon hung on the wall, which I had not seen before. the one who led the commemoration several times asked angrily to serve cabbage soup to the table, and for a long time I could not find them, but they were at home. I haven't been able to submit them.


I dreamed about the house of the deceased grandmother, there are a lot of people there, as if my grandmother had a funeral and after that a commemoration. I didn't see my grandmother. All the people were unknown, they spoke as if they were my relatives. Then everyone lined up in two rows and I was among them. Then everything got mixed up, already familiar people appeared, with whom I communicate in everyday life.


hello. I saw women in a dream who were celebrating a wake at the table when they left, I wanted to give them food from the table and they refused, and after that I decided to throw the funeral dinner into a bucket


i dreamed of my mother’s mention, I remember exactly that it was 40 days, but she also attended them and knew that these were her mentions. At the end she just said goodbye to me. even the mentions in the dream were not in the place where they actually were.


About twenty years ago we lived in that house from the window of which I heard a noise and climbed out through the window to look, there were a lot of people, they were screaming, and someone had to fall out of the window. Then someone else's apartment, many rooms, people came to the wake of a guy who killed someone and then killed himself., This apartment is not mine, but I seemed to know everything in it, what I was doing there is not clear, a lot of relatives of the deceased were non-Russian.


I was at the wake of an unfamiliar woman, there were candles around her photo, I accidentally extinguished them, and after that they themselves lit up after 10 15 seconds, in a dream I still worked in some kind of store, I don’t remember anymore.


i dreamed that I was at my ex-boyfriend’s house, and everyone was preparing food for the wake, and they also asked me to help, I didn’t refuse and started helping, and after that his dad gave me 500 and 150 tenge. and sent me for food. and in a dream we ate cookies from one raisin and some nuts.


I found out about the death of my still living mother. It was very hard, I didn’t know where to put myself. I couldn’t cry. I came to work, sat in a corner, my mother’s daughter-in-law sat down next to me. then I hear a noise in the hallway (I’m surprised that the door is not closed) the granddaughter of my mother’s brother, who is my own by blood (daughter-in-law’s husband), comes into the kitchen, only she is dressed from above and naked from below and her back is bare, animated. they are not related to me by blood) with hot pots and everyone sits down at the table. I am very surprised that they came to commemorate with their products and I feel uncomfortable and not comfortable with them, and I don’t understand why the granddaughter is not embarrassed by her nudity - they look at her as if fool.


I had a black and white dream closer to five in the morning that I was attending the wake of a person who seemed to be familiar to me, but I don’t know exactly who it is. I do not see the faces of people sitting at the table, but I know that they are. I don't see who is serving food in plates on the table, I only hear the voice of a person who is arranging food in plates and serving cold appetizers. I don't want to eat, but they force me to. I pretend to eat. There were different foods on my plate and I remember for sure that there were a lot of cookies. It felt like I was present in a familiar society of people with whom I worked.

And I:

Hello. Today I dreamed that I came to the church (beautiful, bright) and brought a remembrance (bun, muffins), which I left in the church. Tell me what to expect after such a dream from Thursday to Friday?


Hello!! My mother died two years ago, but today I dreamed that she had a year ... and I traveled for years with a child with friends, preparing for my daughter's birthday and realized that we did not have time to remember because we urgently need to leave like my dad ( it was very sunny outside


I bought fresh meat for the wake of my late father (he died in 2008). I bought veal pulp for goulash, and I wanted to buy bones for borscht. I didn’t pay, that is, I didn’t see money in a dream .. In in a dream, I knew that I needed to cook dinner for a commemoration. I also wanted to buy fresh fish or capelin or crucian carp (if I’m not mistaken), but one of my relatives dissuaded me, I don’t remember who. They told me that so I bought a lot of things for this events .... In reality, the father will have a death date of 06/26/2008.


i dreamed of my deceased grandmother on my mother’s side, she loved me very much as a mother, it was as if she came to someone’s wake, she was so beautifully dressed in a golden dress in good mood rejuvenated, even it seemed to me that I saw her, began to hug and kiss, but she didn’t say anything to me, she just smiled


my classmates and I are celebrating something at the table, and I propose to commemorate our dead classmates. We raise our glasses without clinking glasses....


hello, Natasha, I dreamed of the wake of the long-dead father-in-law, as if he had just died, various strangers came to the wake and all with beautiful garden flowers, the mother-in-law was also at the wake, she also died a long time ago, but in a dream she was alive, and I also conjured in a dream, sat down at a large table and looked like in a movie I set a beautiful table for a wake, and then went to the store and woke up, there were friends from the past in the house


I dreamed of a village. I came there with my dad. Somewhere in the afternoon, dad said that we had to go to the cemetery, to my grandmother’s grave. We got together and went. There was a large tent in the middle of the cemetery. ate. I realized that every person who was there came to remember their relative. When I asked where my grandmother’s grave was, my aunt answered that it was behind the tent. I decided to go out and go there. When I went out, I saw a lot of people, spirits, near the graves. I got scared and went back. I started telling everyone what I saw there. Then we started collecting food and I woke up


Upon returning to my native village, I saw the neighbors preparing for the wake, tables were laid, dishes were arranged, but I left, in a hurry to get home


In a dream, the commemoration of a neighbor is dreaming, but she is reaping, there are long tables, but they are empty, only bread and then they break it with their hands and vodka in glasses. A lot of people, why is this?


the granddaughter saw the deceased grandmother in a dream and she asked to make her a good commemoration soon 6 months since the grandmother was gone


i dreamed of my own wedding, we were sitting in a restaurant, and behind us in the same restaurant there was someone's wake


Hello! I dreamed that I was at the wake of a person I did not know, and people were mostly unfamiliar around. It was not even a commemoration, but I simply helped set the table, bring and take away dishes. And most importantly, I had this dream on the eve parent's day.
Please help me interpret your dream. I think that on the eve of parental day, such a dream carries very important information ...


i dreamed that I, my husband, mother-in-law and my friend with whom we haven’t communicated for a long time are at the wake of my husband’s grandmother, besides us, the father-in-law who died two years ago is at the wake, we are sitting at a large table, I don’t remember exactly what is on the table, but the table everything is filled with food, my mother-in-law sits next to her father-in-law and talks about a trip to the cemetery to her grandmother’s grave, she also remembered that it was about bread, and my friend is going to the store for bread in order to buy bread and give it to her mother-in-law.


Hello! I dreamed of a wake, but quite funny and there were a lot of people!
Thank you!


I am in church. I light some candles. I can’t light the last candle and I see a small hair clip in my hand and not a candle. A church minister stands nearby, very tall and healthy, and begins to sing very beautiful song. After that, long tables are laid on the other half of the church and everyone sits down to eat, unfamiliar women sit nearby. The food is varied. I felt full, I ate.


I work in a restaurant and serve people who have gathered for the wake of their biker friend, the wake was non-alcoholic!


I dreamed that it was as if my daughter had died, but I didn’t see her, but I just know and didn’t see the funeral either, and whose child also died and they arrange a commemoration and I want to make a commemoration and I’m starting to find out how it’s done on what day, etc. .d But I didn’t see my own commemoration, but I only know what needs to be done in time.


Hello! I dreamed of a remembrance, but more like a funeral. In a dream I saw those whom I did not personally know. in total there were 5 people in a dream. I didn’t see the coffin. I saw a table with a white tablecloth, sparsely stocked with food. I was also very fussy about the event. I saw my godmother nearby, she is my father's aunt.


I attended the commemoration, some woman arranged them, I don’t know for whom ... Everyone was already seated, some kind of grandmother came all crooked and began to eat borscht from another woman’s plate. I said that now I will pour it into another plate. She began to help clear the tables. And that grandmother left and everyone dispersed. And I saw a portion mashed potatoes and I thought that I didn’t eat it ... and I thought that I’d take it home, but the woman who arranged the commemoration took it for herself.


We went with a friend and my mother to a bus stop, met our classmate with her mother, many grandmothers in Russian clothes followed them folk costumes, spoke with a classmate, hugged, asked where they were, in response they heard on a memorial day to their grandmother and that she had been gone for 15 years


I dreamed that I was in the institution where I work, serving the wake of my father-in-law, but he was alive. There my husband did not perceive that his father was dead (that is, in madness) And


I dreamed that people came to my apartment to commemorate some man, I don’t know anyone, as well as the deceased, I also clearly saw the wife of the deceased, this is young beautiful girl with dark long hair she took my arm and sobbed very loudly, I still remember that I was preparing dinner for my relatives and these people just came and I was worried that there would not be enough food for everyone and in general they were very indignant why they came to me, that's all


I dreamed that I was at the wake of a person whom I know but had not seen for a long time. And I distribute money for them and some other different things to everyone who came. Money different denominations and different foreign currencies. At what two banknotes 5000 r. I hide in my trousers ... .. Some kind of nonsense I am.)


Hello! I dreamed of a dead friend and her deceased daughter. My husband wanted to take a walk with her and her daughter, but I didn’t allow it, but they persuaded me all the currents and I agreed that they take a walk, but only near the house. Then my husband and I were at their wake, had lunch, and when we left, we took more buns with us.


Grandmother died 25 years ago and today is the day of her death. And today I dreamed that it was in her house, many dead people came to celebrate her wake,


I was walking home. mother opened the door. my mother began to swear and I hit her. then went to a neighbor for a wake. I didn’t have time to drink there, I woke up.


The commemoration of my best friend, I dream that I run to her funeral, I run to see my family at the dinner table, I don’t see the dead man! Currently, I have not been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 5 months)


I walked through the snow in open rubles and felt the snow melt. My friend was with me, we were going to someone's funeral. And when I came there (alone), it turned out that this was a wake for this friend


my relatives gathered for protection but whose I didn’t see, at home, and then in the dining room I see a funeral dinner and food, the day before I saw my father lying on the bed, but he died 20 years ago, recently buried my aunt


film a wake of some guy. and this commemoration is held by my ex-young man. supposedly it is his good friend. but why am I there? we broke up 3 years ago. and dreaming is not the first time!


my foreman made a wreath in front of my eyes and, shouting at me, gave me this wreath so that I could make the same time for the same wreaths.


dreamed as if the reminders of an actually healthy sibling, who, as it were, drowned in the ocean / sea, there were people - the reminders are quite noisy. at the end of the dream I saw a beautiful storm


We held a stepfather's commemoration in reality on Monday, and on Tuesday I have a dream that after the commemoration I drop clean white plates and they beat


A commemoration and a coffin with a long-dead person, but he comes to life in a coffin. I'm collecting food from the memorial table.


hello. dreamed as if the wake of the father. father really died yet and 40 days gone. and then I hear everyone saying that my aunt and uncle divorced (although they live together and well, but my aunt is sick). and then their daughter comes in tears and says that they are really divorced. why this dream?


I dreamed of the wake of my grandfather, who died almost 10 years ago, for all this time he never dreamed, but then I dreamed and the most interesting thing is that he was there too and was also preparing for his wake, there was also a grandmother, she died 2 years ago


I dreamed that I was present at the memorial table for to a stranger. There were a lot of people and food. I ate, someone put food on my plate. I could even smell the food. Subsequently, it seemed to me that the commemoration turned into fun. People talked a lot and loudly, it even seemed that they sang. The dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday. What would that mean. Thanks for the help.


I dreamed that I ask you to remember my dead mother and cry woke up all in tears


I had a dream of commemorating my son. Who is not with us for more than two months. Memorials on the street. Lots of tables with a variety of food. Many people. But people are smiling. On the ground the grass is green and the sun shines brightly. My husband and I meet the hostess and seat them.


Hello! I dreamed that a lot of people gathered for the wake of a long-dead uncle. When it came time to put noodles in the soup, it turned out that his drunken wife had replaced the noodles with spilled dough. All the people left the commemoration, not remembering the pkoinik. What would that mean? THANKS


i dream of a wake in my classmate’s house, that I pass by her house, and there is a wake, but I don’t know whose ... I’m walking the road, and her mother goes to meet her and calls to the table, but I refused.


I dreamed of someone's wake in a very expensive restaurant, where everything is trimmed with wood and crystal. I was at this wake, all my relatives and friends. Everyone was alive, healthy and happy. Sleep sensations were light. I am 9 months pregnant now in my life. Throughout pregnancy, bad premonitions from the first day. In a dream, I was not pregnant and the child was nowhere to be found.


there was darkness, like in a horror movie, terrible music was playing, there were 3 women like witches at the neighboring tables, the wake was grandmothers. Buried not long ago


I dreamed of my grandmother’s wake (she died in 2008) in the apartment, I went in, there were a lot of people at the tables, went to the bed on which my grandmother was lying and began to stroke her head. She came to life and got up, I began to loudly tell people that she was alive! we began to hug, cry and kiss, I promised to come to her more often. My own brother was still in the room - my grandmother told him that he was doing everything wrong.
what could the dream mean?


I dreamed of a commemoration of a person I didn’t know, music played on them, everyone had fun, I was in a suit and tie, familiar people were present, and a cat was sitting on the fence ashy color and played! I drank a glass of vodka and had a bite, and after that the dream was gone!


Hello, I dreamed of my friend's wake, where everything was like at a regular wake, but we saw him as a ghost and asked him all sorts of questions. One of my questions was that I asked how long I had left to live (I asked 1 year he was silent 2 he was silent when I asked 3 he nodded his head which meant yes !!! a friend really died and I didn’t smoke at 40 days of wake a week later such a strange dream why can you help?????


I was sitting at the table remembering the man. His wife was sitting opposite me. Her face was clearly visible. There were a lot of people.


I dreamed of a commemoration, as if there were not enough plates for them, everything was somehow not organized, and I also dreamed of a big wave at sea, but I managed to jump back. I also see in a dream the old apartment where they lived as a child, it is sold, I see it all the time as if we live there, and now the owner will come, sometimes he comes.


A well-known, living person was turned into a withered mummy. People and the priest gathered in my kitchen. And I read a speech in memory of this man. The speech was very beautiful and touching. Everyone was crying. But in general the situation was positive.


I set tables for the commemoration of a deceased woman / many people


I dreamed of my friend's deceased grandmother, as if she came to me to talk about something, and gave me three candies, and says that she has some kind of event


The son's mother invited her to the memorial service of the deceased neighbor, where her still living husband and mother's living brother were present. They gave me a drink of vodka, and the taste of mineral water. He went out, but his grandmother didn’t let him go back, too, already smart


Large, bright room. Not many people, 20 people. Free space on the left side of the center of the table, I squat. An elderly man came in, I give up my seat, I stand against the wall. They offer to sit down, I refuse. Unobtrusive music plays. , tells what she did to me during her lifetime, and then I understand that this is my funeral or commemoration.


The dream was as if I was helping some woman to pull a stroller with two twin boys up the stairs, and when they went upstairs, it was as if I went into a cafe or a dining room, I go in, and there the tables were shifted as if for a wake, well, that is For some reason, I decided that this was a commemoration, there were no people there.


It's like I'm driving with my girlfriends. I'm driving, although I don't have a car in my life, I don't drive. We are going either on vacation or in night club but the mood is good cheerful. we see a building there fun we thought that this is a nightclub or a restaurant decided to go. We go inside and there is like a restaurant and no fun. In one of the halls there is a group of men about 10 people. All the men are not simple, you can see status, not sad, but simply tense, as if they are solving business issues. My friends and I decided that now we will cheer them up. Let's go to this room... a strong strong man comes up to us and says: girls, why don’t you see the wake here. and politely sees us out like that. we walk through the building and decide before we continue to go to the toilet. further confusion ... change of picture .... I am standing in my hand with a bundle, I don’t know what is in it one of the men says what do you have there? I say this: I unfold and there are 5 fish, large fish, such 5 pieces ... I wrap it up and decide what I need to take with me .. the man has gone somewhere, I don’t know, and then someone was chasing us. I woke up with a feeling of anxiety. What does it mean??


I just remember the table, people familiar to me were sitting at it and commemorated my own grandmother and there were cookies on the table


In a dream, I go looking for someone or something, I see private houses, I go into one and there is a wake, but I don’t ask whose, and I don’t sit down to remember, but I just see serious looks on me and I understand that I’m not welcome here, and some guy’s taunts at me. I answer him something, also with a grin, and leave. she tells me that if she exchanges for a smaller one, then her husband will be very angry. For some reason I’m looking for shoes for myself, but in a dream I can’t understand whether I’m wearing shoes or not. I see this girl’s shoes, there are several pairs in the bag, I want to try on one couple, the city hall and we go towards the house, we are on the way. I wake up


commemoration of a brother. where my husband (a person who is not my husband at the moment) drank vodka very heavily


In a room with no electricity turned on, the mother (deceased) covered the table with a black tablecloth and treated the women. I didn’t see food on the table, but my mother’s plate had liquid and she ate with a spoon.


the day before the anniversary of my brother’s death, I had a dream, I don’t remember the details clearly, but it was deposited in my memory that someone brought carnations ... a very bright moment from a dream. I couldn’t make out what kind of flowers, they were alive and fresh, Then, realizing, I told the one who had drunk ... that it’s customary to bring carnations to the wake. I remember this moment and replay it in my head all the time. What could it be?




We have come home. We have a bus in our yard (a yard for two families). People gathered at the neighbors - someone died, someone is going to be buried. I ask: - who died? answer: - The neighbor's sister, who does not live here, died. We are on bad terms with our neighbors.


I was in a dream at the wake of a friend who had recently died in reality. Sitting at the table with former friend and with an unfamiliar cripple


I sent my husband on a long journey, and he says that we must not forget to remember his father. and I was very worried in a dream about how I would drive the car to the house after my husband left. In fact, my husband and I are not going anywhere and his father died in the winter a few years ago. and in the dream it happens in the warm season.


My mother recently died, and today I dreamed of her wake, I remember that there were a lot of people, we were sitting at the table, there was a lot of food, everyone was crying, there was nothing special in my dream, I just don’t understand why I dreamed about that particular day when my mother was buried
