How to combine different types of wallpaper with flowers? Simple and clear ways. Top line of wallpaper. Practical advice on gluing, types and classification, step-by-step instructions for beginners How to understand where the top of wallpaper is

When renovating an apartment, the last step in decorating the walls is wallpapering. Today's industry offers a wide selection of paper, vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, self-adhesive or ordinary. Plain paintable wallpaper has a convex texture. Wallpaper is strong enough to support its own weight when unrolled, lays smoothly on the wall and can be easily removed, but most often only serves as a base for a new layer of wallpaper. It is usually not difficult to calculate the area of ​​the wall to be pasted and purchase how many rolls you need.

In general, the dimensions of wallpaper are indicated on the label of each roll - this is a legal requirement.

Practice shows that the most optimal are two wallpaper widths:

  • 53 centimeters;
  • 106 centimeters.

The length of the roll is 10 meters plus some allowance of 5-10 centimeters, perhaps for sealing some small pieces of space such as holes for wiring or lamps.

These sizes are optimal for gluing wallpaper alone; it has been established that a person can hold a 1-meter piece of wallpaper in his hands without strain, and a 53-centimeter piece is perfectly glued and smoothed so as to expel air bubbles. Wide meter wallpaper usually made with a non-woven lining, which gives rigidity to such a sheet and allows it to be glued to the wall without air bubbles. On the other hand, such a wide sheet is somewhat awkward to hold, depending on how much strength a person has and the length of his arms and back. 1-meter wallpaper allows you to cover a room faster with fewer seams than 53-centimeter wallpaper.

The 10-meter length was chosen so that the roll was not too thick and heavy, and so that it would make 3 pieces for gluing walls to a height of just over 3 meters. There are professional rolls of wallpaper several tens of meters long, but you will no longer have to unwind them manually, but using a special mechanism.

How to choose wallpaper (video)

How to find out how many m2 is in a roll of wallpaper

The wallpaper sheet is rectangular, so the area of ​​the surface to be covered is obtained by simply multiplying the length by the width:

  • A 10.05 meter roll of wallpaper with a width of 0.53 m area is 0.53 m 2;
  • 15-meter roll 0.53 m wide – 7.95 m 2;
  • A 25-meter roll with a width of 1 meter will give approximately 25 m2 of covered area.

Of course, you need to measure the room with a tape measure, calculate the area of ​​the walls covered with wallpaper (you can ignore the areas that are planned to be covered furniture wall). It is not difficult to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you need. It is recommended to take them with some reserve in order to seal a piece of wall with a damaged coating (you never know what might happen in the future).

Here the law is the same as in clothing - longitudinal stripes of a suit are contraindicated for excessively long and skinny people, and transverse stripes for fat people. The eye glides along the stripes, especially if there are many of them, they are bright and contrasting.

To long room didn’t seem too dark, you need to lighten it with light-colored wallpaper and a glossy surface.

If you do not plan to hang panels or paintings on the walls, you need to take striped wallpaper with a small neutral pattern, since a large ornament attracts the eye, and a person sees all the disproportion of the room. In addition, you can “lower” the ceiling using a checkered pattern, and expand the walls using a rhombic pattern.

Wallpaper calculator (video)

What do the symbols on a roll of wallpaper mean: learning to identify

Each roll of wallpaper is marked with special icons that carry information about consumer properties.

Designations on wallpaper rolls:

  • Wave means that the wallpaper is washable (that's almost all modern wallpaper). Two waves - that the wallpaper should be washed only with water, and three waves - even with soap or detergents.
  • Wave with a brush image– wallpaper can withstand not only washing, but also vigorous brushing.
  • Sun– resistance to sunlight. Wallpaper does not fade, does not dry out, does not crumble and does not come off the walls.
  • Arrow– direction of wallpapering. As a rule, from bottom to top. Double-sided arrow - each layer of wallpaper is glued in the opposite direction.

There are also icons indicating that the glue has already been applied to the wallpaper, that the pattern does or does not need to be leveled, that the glue can be applied directly to the wall, that the wallpaper can be easily peeled off the walls, peeling or not peeling, etc. All of them are easy to understand and well received.

Designations on wall wallpaper (video)

What is the weight of a roll of wallpaper 1 meter wide

In principle, paper with non-woven fabric weighs little, and the cost of delivery is affected not by the weight, but by the size of the rolls.

If this is important, then wallpaper comes in three grades of different densities:

  • The simplest and cheapest wallpaper on simple, easily torn paper - 40 grams per square meter, so that a 10-meter roll weighs less than half a kilo;
  • Wallpaper on durable paper or vinyl based, which can easily withstand their own weight - 80 grams per square meter, so that a 10-meter roll weighs about a kilogram;
  • Multi-layer vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, such that it cannot be torn even by force - 120 grams per square meter, so that a 10-meter roll weighs about one and a half kilograms;

How to determine the top of a wallpaper roll: count correctly

IN in this case the top edge is located at the end of the roll, and the bottom edge is located inside. In this case, a person standing on a stool holds the top edge of the wallpaper with his hands the right level, and the bottom one unwinds and cuts. In general, for plain wallpaper or with a faintly expressed pattern does not have of great importance how to glue them - “top” or “bottom”.

Why do you need large size wallpaper: purpose

Large rooms such as exhibition or concert halls, or the inside of a barracks at a pioneer or military camp can also be finished with plaster and covered with wallpaper. The length of a roll of such wallpaper is 25 meters or more. Unrolling and gluing such wallpaper requires several people at the same time, so such wallpaper is unlikely to be suitable for ordinary room– their thickness and weight are significantly greater than that of ordinary indoor wallpaper, and a rough and durable surface is inappropriate in a living room, where it will be clearly visible. The selection of such wallpapers is small, and you most likely will not be able to find them in the store. In addition, photo wallpapers can be more than 2 meters thick, since a complex image on them cannot be composed of several fragments, so that the joint is not visible.

Gluing meter-long wallpaper (video)

Modern wallpaper comes in a myriad of colors, shades, patterns and textures. They are durable, can be washed and painted repeatedly, and can decorate your room for many years without needing to be refinished. Polymer wallpaper is safe for humans and can be easily applied even by one person. As a rule, the width of a roll of wallpaper is 53 or 106 centimeters; for imported wallpaper it is 70-75 centimeters. The roll length is standard and is a little more than 10 meters, in rare cases 25 meters. It will not be difficult to calculate how much wallpaper and glue will be needed to cover a room. All wallpapers are marked with special icons indicating the conditions of their use and gluing. Wide "professional" wallpaper is used for covering large rooms, and is usually not as widely available as regular wallpaper.

Preparation for wallpapering begins with choosing wallpaper and taking into account the shape of the room. It is these two factors that determine how much effort will have to be spent. It is also necessary to consider whether the person who will be gluing the wallpaper has experience, because if there is no experience, the work of combining the pattern when gluing wallpaper or simply gluing wallpaper without a ready-made adhesive layer can turn out to be hellish work for him.

Therefore, it is better for a novice master to choose wallpaper without matching or with a random pattern. Then you can completely devote your attention to wallpapering itself.

How to determine the direction of the wallpaper pattern and the top of the roll?

Manufacturers usually indicate at the end of the roll: “TOP”.

Having found this indication, we note the direction of the pattern. To be on the safe side, when preparing to hang wallpaper, you should check by number to see if the rolls purchased for work belong to the same batch - then you can hope that the wallpaper in them will have a single color.

So, let's prepare for wallpapering:

Prepare the glue - collect required quantity water, slowly, with constant stirring, pour dry glue into it, let it sit for the required time until it thickens - now it can be used for a whole week;

To the measured height of the wall, add 100 mm for adjustment at each end, unroll the wallpaper roll, mark the panels, fold the wallpaper along the marks and mark the top on the back of the panel, and then cut along the fold line;

We place the wallpaper panel on the table so that it protrudes beyond its edges, apply glue to the center and spread it with a brush to the end and edges of the wallpaper;

Move the panel evenly and lubricate it with glue new land(in this way we ensure that the edges of the panel are covered with glue evenly, but without staining the table and the front side of the other panel);

We fold the wallpaper panel with glue inward, move it along the table and treat it with glue next section, as stated in the two previous paragraphs, and then fold the second end;

Having thrown the panel over your hand, we take it to the wall that needs to be pasted over and put it aside if the wallpaper is made of thick paper and the glue needs to be absorbed, and at this time we process the next panel of wallpaper.

By the way, wallpaper adhesive should be selected based on whether you are going to glue waterproof (washable or vinyl) wallpaper. Then you need to use glue with fungicides to prevent mold from growing.

Wallpaper with a pattern gives the room a very attractive look. Now there are a lot of them on sale and everyone can choose a design to suit their taste. But in addition to external beauty, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the wallpaper. The main wallpaper that is pasted on the wall is:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl.

Paper wallpapers are the most economical option for changing walls; non-woven ones are usually used for painting; vinyl ones have very interesting color solutions and a variety of patterns and textures.

Calculation of the number of rolls

Before purchasing wallpaper, in order to correctly calculate the number of rolls, you need to know the height of the walls in the room and the perimeter of the room.

The perimeter is the length of all sides of the room. The length of the walls is determined using a tape measure or laser rangefinder.

Important! The laser rangefinder allows you to determine the distance both along and up. You don't need the help of another person. The rangefinder is placed near the wall and the laser beam is aimed at the opposite wall. The laser tape measure will measure the time it takes for the beam to travel to the wall and back to the reflector sensor and display exact result to the display. There are also ultrasonic rangefinders that operate on the same principle.

  1. Knowing the perimeter of the room, you can calculate how many solid strips of wallpaper will be needed. To do this, divide the perimeter by the width of the web in the roll. It can be from 50 cm to one meter.
  2. Now we calculate the height of the ceiling using the same tool. It is equal to the length of the strip plus a small margin, taking into account that the height may vary slightly. That is, if we divide the length of the roll by the size of the ceiling height, we will find out the number of solid pieces in one roll.
  3. By dividing the total number of solid pieces by the number of pieces in a roll, we get the number of rolls required for pasting the room.
  4. But there are still door and window openings. To correctly calculate how much more wallpaper will be needed, you need to measure the height of the walls above and below the openings, and using the example above, calculate the additional length of the wallpaper. The resulting figure is added to the number of rolls obtained for solid pieces.

Do not forget! In order not to find yourself in a situation where a meter or a half is not enough to completely cover the wall, you should not buy wallpaper back to back. It's better to buy an extra roll just in case. Moreover, when wallpaper with a pattern it is necessary to allow an allowance of about half the pattern, sometimes even more.

If counting is difficult or takes a long time, you can use the table below. The calculations in it are not as accurate as those carried out for specific premises, but also correct. We must remember that wallpaper with a pattern requires more careful calculations of consumption, which will avoid large waste in the material.


When you have purchased glue and wallpaper, you should also take care of the availability of tools for gluing.

You will need:

  1. Plastic film or cardboard - in order to protect the floor covering.
  2. Knife or scissors for cutting wallpaper.
  3. A rag or rags for wiping off any glue that has come out.
  4. Bucket for mixing glue.
  5. Brushes: wide for the middle and thin for brushing the edges.
  6. A fur roller with medium pile instead of a wide brush for applying glue to the wrong side.
  7. Wide spatula and construction knife to trim off excess pieces.
  8. Use a plastic spatula or foam roller to smooth out the wallpaper and remove any remaining air bubbles.
  9. A narrow plastic roller for pressing the joints of two canvases.


Wallpaper comes in different varieties, and the label of the roll must indicate what kind of glue is needed and how it is applied: directly to the wallpaper or to the wall. It is better to choose glue with a color indicator - this will help you avoid making mistakes when spreading.

Wallpapering with a pattern

Wallpapering with a pattern, like any other wallpaper, starts from the corner of the room. It will be correct to first decide where the top and where the bottom of the drawing is. There is a label on the roll of wallpaper that will greatly help you decide when gluing it. There are four most common designations:

Procedure for gluing wallpaper

  1. The procedure for gluing wallpaper with a pattern.

Using a plumb line, draw a vertical line. It must be applied carefully with strokes using chalk or a pencil.

In the case where the wallpaper has a large pattern, you will have to try a little to make it match on the adjacent canvases.

Having cut off one, place the second next to it and move it until the pattern matches. Do not forget to look at the label, which indicates how to join them. When cutting with an offset, cut off the excess and glue the first piece. Then we adjust the drawing to the second canvas and so on.

Comment! You need to ensure that the pattern matches on the wall as well. This is best done when working with an assistant. He can step aside and evaluate whether they are already glued correctly or not. But it’s quite possible to cope alone. You just need to first lightly press the wallpaper against the wall so that, if necessary, you can easily remove it and apply it again in the desired position.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven and non-woven wallpaper ( upper layer can be vinyl with a pattern and a textured surface) are glued a little differently, because in this case the glue is applied directly to the wall with a wide fur roller with a medium pile slightly larger than the width of the canvas. In corners, both vertical and horizontal, the surface is carefully coated with a narrow brush.

Just as always, a vertical line is drawn near the corner using a level, and gluing begins from there.

You don’t have to cut the wallpaper right away, but put the roll on the floor, pull it up to the desired length, then press it and smooth it out. Cut off the excess using a wide metal spatula and a construction knife.

The second one is also unwound upward and glued end-to-end. This is where you need to carefully monitor the matching of the pattern. The manufacturer indicates how to adjust the pattern on a specific wallpaper on the roll label.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern can be seen in the following video:

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Designations on the wallpaper: what do these letters and symbols mean?

I always paid attention to the markings on the wallpaper. But these icons seemed to me like Chinese writing that could not be studied. I was wrong. You just need to turn on your imagination, and then they become intuitive. Knowing how to understand them makes the choice much easier. Especially if not only the color and design are important, but the method of gluing and performance characteristics.

To help you feel confident among the hundreds of colorful samples in the store, I will tell you what the icons mean. For example, I no longer feel disappointed when I bring a purchase home.

Letter designations

Sometimes wallpaper manufacturers indicate their entire composition on the packaging, without using “encryption”. For example, the label in the picture above simply says: non-woven wallpaper on a non-woven backing.

But instead of such a long inscription, you can often see just letters or an abbreviation, which are very easy to decipher:

  • A - acrylic;
  • B - paper;
  • BB - foamed vinyl;

  • RV - relief vinyl;
  • PV - flat vinyl;
  • STL - glass wallpaper;
  • STR - structural for painting;

  • TKS – textile.

What are they needed for? In order to understand whether the selected materials are suitable for finishing a particular room. For example, it is not recommended to wallpaper the kitchen paper wallpaper- they won't last long. But for the children's it's perfect choice, since the material is natural, breathable, environmentally friendly.

Graphic symbols

When planning a renovation involving wallpapering yourself, you need to immediately decide on the requirements for it. Namely:

  • Will the drawing need to be customized?
  • Will it be enough to apply glue only to the walls or will it be necessary to impregnate the cut canvases as well?
  • Will the finished coating be washable?
  • How resistant will it be to fading?
  • Will it be easy to remove them from the surface during the next repair, etc.

You can get answers to all these questions in the store if you understand the labeling.

Designation of moisture resistance

The degree of moisture resistance is important if the walls are to be washed. But you can wash it in different ways. Here's what the wavy line icons on the wallpaper mean:

  • One wave- moisture resistance is average, the material can only withstand the removal of traces of fresh glue with a damp sponge during installation.
  • Two waves- moisture resistance is high, you can wipe off dust with a damp sponge.

  • Three waves- washable wallpaper, resistant wet cleaning using a wet sponge and detergents.
  • Wave and brush- wear-resistant wallpaper that can be cleaned with a brush and cleaning agents.

Light fastness designation

Are the windows in the room facing south? This means that there is a risk of the wallpaper on the walls fading. And you need to look for ones that can withstand the effects of sunlight.

The following icons will help you do this:

  • half sun- insufficient light fastness, will not fade only in a shaded room or when the windows are oriented to the north.
  • Half sun with a plus- light fastness is average, gradually fades when exposed to sunlight.
  • Sun- high light fastness, resistance to direct sunlight.

  • Sun plus- very high light resistance, do not fade even with prolonged exposure to light.

Installation method

The signs in this series indicate the method of applying adhesive during installation.

  • Water and sponge- glue has already been applied to the canvas; before installation, its reverse side only needs to be moistened.
  • Brush and wall- glue is applied only to the wall.
  • Brush and canvas- glue is applied both to the wall and to the wallpaper.

Notations for adjusting the pattern

Knowing how adjacent canvases fit together, you can more accurately calculate the required number of rolls. Wallpaper that does not require adjustment of the pattern is used most economically. It’s easier to glue them yourself.

If alignment according to the pattern is necessary, deciphering the symbols on the wallpaper will help you do it correctly and without unnecessary fittings.

  • Arrow and zero- no adjustment of the pattern is required.
  • Arrows on the same level- direct joining, when identical elements of the pattern are placed at the same height.

  • Displaced arrows- stepped joining with a shift of the canvas by half a repeat (R). Above the arrows there are often numbers indicating the height of the rapport in centimeters.

  • Opposite arrows- reverse gluing, when adjacent panels are glued in different directions. Every second panel is turned over 180 degrees.

Just remember that all those arrows are brief instructions on gluing canvases, taking into account the need to match the pattern.

Dismantling symbols

Sooner or later you will want to change your wallpaper. And then the icons in this category will tell you how best to do it.

  • The first pictogram indicates that to dismantle the canvas you need to wet it.
  • The second indicates removal from the walls in a dry state. In this case, the canvas is completely removed.
  • The third picture represents peelable wallpaper, in which only the top decorative layer is removed, while the bottom one remains on the wall. You can glue fresh panels onto it.

Other designations

Decoding is next symbols on wallpaper that cannot be classified into any of the categories listed above.

From left to right:

  • Double-layer embossed wallpaper.
  • To ensure unnoticeable joining, when gluing, the canvases are placed on top of each other with an overlap of 5-6 cm, after which they are cut along a ruler with a knife.

  • Particularly durable, impact-resistant coating.
  • Flammable material with special coating.

What else to pay attention to

In addition to the indicated designations on the roll, you need to find data such as article number and batch number.

They must match on all rolls, otherwise you may encounter discrepancies. In other words, the color of different rolls will be slightly different. This may not be noticed in the store when artificial lighting, but in daylight the difference will be noticeable.

If the price of wallpaper is high, and you cannot exchange rolls because the required batch has already been sold out, you can lose a significant amount.


If you're worried about environmental safety When purchasing finishing materials, look for one of the following signs on the packaging:

  • 1 - EcoMaterial - Russia, produced by EcoStandart based at Moscow State University;
  • 2 - Leaf of Life - Russia, St. Petersburg Ecological Union;
  • 3 - Northern swan - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland;
  • 4 - EU Flower - European Union countries;
  • 5 - Blue Angel - Germany;
  • 6 - Eco-label - Japan;
  • 7 - Green sign - USA;
  • 8 - Ecological choice - Canada.


As you can see, understanding the notation is not at all difficult. The marking is quite simple and memorable. And the icons are clear - you can guess their meaning intuitively, having received a lot useful information about the properties and method of wallpaper gluing.

You will learn more about all this from the video in this article. Leave comments and we’ll discuss if anything is unclear!

The most important news from the luxury wallpaper store OboiHouse.


When purchasing wallpaper, already at the beginning of its installation on the wall, the question may arise: how to determine the top and bottom of a roll of wallpaper? After all, from the right choice may depend the same correct location drawing or pattern on the wall. Sometimes this is quite simple to do and the beginning of the roll itself is the top. Either the drawing of flowers or images itself suggests how it should be positioned - figures of animals or people, fairy-tale heroes or wallpaper with large roses should hardly be turned upside down on the wall.
With abstract patterns and fine knitting of the ornament, it is worth making sure that the choice is correct using the marking icons.

What markings on the roll show where the top is and where the bottom is?

Before starting work on pasting, we recommend that you study the markings indicated on them. She will tell you how light-resistant, water-resistant, fire-resistant they are, whether they can withstand wet cleaning, wet cleaning with a brush, whether the glue is applied to the canvas or just to the wall. Also, the top and bottom in them will indicate:

  • Arrows located towards each other, which indicate the direct location of the pattern;
  • Offset arrows indicating offset images;
  • One arrow pointing to a circle for any type of overlay;
  • One arrow indicates that they are pasted over from top to bottom;
  • Opposite arrows indicate that the wallpaper is pasted in the opposite direction - from bottom to top.

All these marking icons give more full information about purchased products and do work with finishing material simpler, and the repair itself is of high quality.

For our customers, we offer only certified products from well-known companies that produce paper and vinyl wallpapers . The product catalog that ours has collected for you includes only high-quality canvases at reasonable prices. Do you need product delivery? Include this service when placing your order and we will deliver them to your home in the shortest possible time.
