What letter will my husband's name start with? When is it better to guess in the name of the betrothed? Divination by phone

Any girl who is in search of her other half is interested in the question of what her chosen one will be. There are many methods to see your future. Young girls often guess on cards, on coffee grounds, on mirrors .. In this article, we will dwell on the topic of how you can find out the name of your future gentleman by your date of birth. Calculations are carried out quickly enough, they do not take much time, and the result is sometimes striking in its accuracy. Carefully read the text of the article, prepare a blank piece of paper, a pen and a calculator.

Numerology will help you find out the name of your future husband by the date of your birth using simple calculations.

Numerology will tell you a name suitable for your future spouse, but the choice is up to you.

Would you like to know what the future holds for you? family life, what will be your loved one, then get ready to make small calculations. It is done quite simply. Write your date of birth on a piece of paper, after which you need to get a simple one by adding all the numbers. It looks something like this:

3+1+0+1+2+0+0+6= 12; 12= 1+2= 3.

That's all, our calculation is ready. The number three in our case will be necessary, and it is worth focusing on it. Below you can see the presented characteristics of the numbers that fall out in the calculations.

Deciphering the values

Of course, by the number three you will not be able to find out what kind of activity a person is engaged in, what kind of character he has and what abilities he has. Science can only help you determine the name of your husband by date of birth, and no more. But do not get carried away only with numerology and horoscopes - not the main thing in a relationship. Pay attention to how you feel around the person and how they treat you.


This number can be correlated with the vowels A, I and the consonant letter C. Therefore, your future chosen one must have a name that can begin with these letters or they will be present in it. Pay attention to the following male names: Ivan, Ilya, Alexander, Sergey, Anton, Artem.


The number two includes the letters B, Y, T. this case such names are suitable: Bogdan, Boris, Timur, Timofey.


The following set of letters belongs to the three: U, K, V, therefore, they must be present in the name of your partner. You are suitable for such names as: Cyril, Konstantin, Vladislav, Valery, Vasily, Ulyan, Valentin.


The following series of letters can be attributed to the number four: E, G, F, K, therefore, these letters will occur in the name of the future spouse. The names suit you: Edward, George, Grigory, Cyril, Konstantin, Philip.


The five include such a set as W, R, I, Z. Pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex whose names contain such letters. Suitable for you: Roman, Zakhar, Ilya.


Number six includes the following row: I, E, N, C. It is worth taking a closer look at the young people who have them in their names. Yaroslav, Jan, Yaropolk, Egor, Nikolai, Evgeny are ideal for you


The unique number seven attracts the following letters: H, O, K. Look at the men with these letters in their names. Ideal for you: Cyril, Konstantin, Oleg.


The number eight attracts the following row: W, L, P, F. You should pay attention to these details when choosing a life partner. The names are most suitable for you: Leonid, Pavel, Peter, Georges, Shamil.


This number includes the letters D, Yu, M, X. If you choose a spouse with such letters in the name, then the marriage will be strong. The names suit you: Yuri, Matvey, Mikhail, Danil, Dmitry.

We determine the name of the future spouse on the cards

While in their teens, many girls resort to card fortune telling. Sometimes they do not fully understand what this action really is. If you guess wrong, then the result will be the same. For fortune-telling, you need to purchase a deck of cards that no one has played yet. There is a belief that you need to put it under your pillow at night, and start the procedure the next day. Thanks to the card layout, you can also determine the name of the future husband by date of birth online.

We will offer you several options for fortune telling on cards that even a child can handle. They are quite interesting and unusual, and the result may surprise you very much.

Method 1 - On the king and queen

In addition to numerology, there are other ways to find out the name of your future husband online.

This fortune-telling should be addressed when you met a young man, he shows signs of attention to you. Relationships are just being born, there is a candy-bouquet period. Everything seems to be fine, as another man appears who is not averse to hitting on you. Are you at a crossroads? Exactly this way help make right choice in this situation, so as not to regret later.

Take four kings from a deck of cards, separate them from the rest of the cards, for each of them guess the name of a representative of the opposite sex. Take out the lady of the tambourine from the remaining cards, she will symbolize you. Next, return all the kings to the cards, shuffle them well.

It is better to carry out fortune-telling on a clean table, because you need a lot of space. Start the spread by laying out three cards in a row until your card, the queen of diamonds, appears. If the deck is over, but the card does not fall on any king, then you need to repeat all the steps from the beginning. If a king of a certain suit fell next to you, it is he who should be considered as a potential husband.

Method 2 - In the name of the guy

Also, with the help of cards, you can find out the name of your future spouse or see what letters are present in his name. This is done as follows: all cards are shuffled and laid out in rows so that there are nine positions in each of the rows.

  • Six worms, bubi - the letter “a”, the letter “i” will be responsible;
  • Six crosses, peaks - these include the letter "e", the letter "o";
  • Seven worms, bubi - these include the letter "u", the letter "c";
  • Seven crosses, spades - the letter "b", the letter "e";
  • Eight worms, bubi - the letter "r", the letter "g";
  • Eight crosses, spades - the letter "c", the letter "z";
  • Nine diamonds, worms - the letter "k", the letter "g";
  • Nine peaks, crosses - the letter "d", the letter "l";
  • Ten worms, bubi - the letter "m", the letter "r";
  • Jack of hearts, diamonds - the letter "s", the letter "n";
  • Jack of the cross, spades - the letter "x", the letter "t";
  • Lady of worms, bubi - the letter "h", the letter "I";
  • Lady of spades, cross - the letter "y", the letter "p";
  • King of Hearts, Bubi - the letter "y", the letter "t";
  • King of spades, crosses - the letter "a", the letter "w";
  • Ace of diamonds, hearts - the letter "e", the letter "c";
  • Ace of spades, crosses - the letter "o", the letter "d".


If you carefully look first at the cards, and then at the letters with which they are associated, you can presumably find out the name of the future lover. Of course, we cannot know this with accuracy, but we can see which letters in a person's name should be present. Some are skeptical about this. But these methods help a lot. Take a closer look at the person before letting them get close to you, so that you won’t regret what you did in the future.

Our age-old desire to lift the veil of secrecy over events that will take place in a year or two or even decades has given rise to many various ways know your future. Numerology and astrology, palmistry and divination on tarot cards, folk beliefs and rites. The roots of all these sciences go back to the mists of time.

At all times there were skeptics who said that all predictions are nonsense, that one cannot believe in them. But also more people argued the opposite. This dispute has not been resolved to this day. Fortune tellers still guess, astrologers make up their horoscopes, and the Internet is full of ads like: I guess the future online, How to find out the name of a future husband for free or I will make personal horoscope by date of birth. And the situation is unlikely to change dramatically in the near future. As long as there is demand, there is supply.

Divination has always been the most popular among young people. unmarried girls. It is not surprising. Youth is a golden age. Ahead - long road full of discoveries and accomplishments. Lively curiosity, romantic nature, a thirst for adventure and a premonition of magic. And so you want to find out with whom hand in hand you are destined to walk this path, drink the cup of happiness and joy, overcome adversity and bad weather. Therefore, there are many ways to find out the name of the future husband, his occupation and well-being. Let's look at the most popular of them. Let's not go deep into the unknown. This is the lot of professionals. Let's start with the simplest.

How to find out the name of the future husband

On the skin on the hand

Probably, everyone in childhood tried to make the so-called “nettle” to their friends. For fortune-telling, you will need to attach a girlfriend who should take your hand in the forearm area with both of her hands and scroll the skin on her hand in different directions as if she were squeezing underwear. The distance between her hands should be at least 10 cm. While a friend holds your hand in this position, you look at the skin on inside forearm. There should be folds or stains. Do they remind you of something? If a letter, then the name of your future husband will begin with it.

By the name of a passerby

On New Year's Eve, go outside and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This is the name of your future spouse.

By apple peel

Peel the apple so that its peel resembles a spiral. Throw that spiral right hand over the left shoulder and see if the peel that fell to the floor looks like some letter. If you see the letter, know that the name of your future husband will begin with it.

How to find out the name of the future husband from scraps of paper

  1. Take a blank sheet of A-4 paper and tear it randomly into a large number of shreds. On each write male name, put all the scraps under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, just wake up, take out one piece of paper from under the pillow and read how your betrothed will be called.
  2. You can also lay out scraps of paper with male names on the table. Take Golden ring(or a regular needle) and thread a 15 cm long silk thread into it. Holding it large and index fingers this thread, bring the ring to each piece and freeze for a while. If over one of the scraps the ring spontaneously begins to swing like a pendulum, or make circular movements, remember the name that is written on this scrap. After all, this is the name of your future husband.
  3. For the next divination, you will need a basin of water, nutshell, a candle end, matches, plasticine and, of course, scraps of paper with male names written on them. To the inner sides of the pelvis, with the help of small pieces of plasticine, attach pieces of paper along the entire diameter at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Put the candle end into the shell and light it. Lower this peculiar boat into the center of the pelvis and wait to which shore it will moor. The name of your betrothed will coincide with what is written on the leaf to which your "boat" sailed.

On cherry pits

This delicious vitamin divination will help you find out the occupation and well-being of your potential chosen one. Grab a handful of cherries and start eating them with gusto. Spitting out every bone, say: “Doctor, lawyer, soldier, builder, programmer, bandit, teacher” or “Rich man, poor man, trickster, simpleton, beggar, handsome, cheerful, arrogant, smart, sick, kind or evil.” On which word you run out of cherries, this will be your future spouse.

As you can see, there is no black magic, no witchcraft in the divination offered to you. But experienced fortune-tellers, after all, do not advise them to get involved. There is such a hypothesis that during fortune-telling you, as it were, program your destiny and cease to be its master. So it’s up to you to decide whether to satisfy momentary curiosity with the help of fortune-telling, or, nevertheless, it’s better “on your own, year after year ...”, without interfering in higher matters, to find out everything in due time. If you, nevertheless, decided to slightly open the forbidden door, please unsubscribe in the comments what you got out of it.

The betrothed-mummer is the person that every girl dreams of from a young age, this is the hero of her dreams and the future wonderful chosen one. In other words, the betrothed is the one who will be a life partner, and this question has long worried the minds of the fair sex. How to recognize your betrothed, and is it possible to lift the veil of secrecy - these are the questions that make a girl's heart beat faster.

You need to know that divination for a betrothed is one of the most ancient rites that has come to us from time immemorial. Thanks to this fortune-telling, a girl will be able to find out a description of the external data of her future husband, his name, and in some rituals you can see him with your own eyes and even talk in a dream!

No matter how even the most ardent opponent of marriage resists and refuses, it will be very interesting for her, like any girl, to look at least for a moment at the person who was chosen by her fate as a life partner. After all, the personal future is the biggest mystery, the answer to which we are trying to find out all our lives!

It is worth noting that, according to well-known data, at the present time there are more than 40 thousand various rituals and divination for the future husband. Since ancient times, girls have resorted to various rituals: from burning a candle and searching for certain symbols to putting things under the pillow. How to guess at a betrothed at home and without harm to yourself and others, which is important, you can find out by reading this article.

To begin with, it is worth determining which particular rite to call the groom you want to conduct, you must also take into account that for beginners and unprepared experts recommend not to aim at complex rituals, because during fortune-telling you can make a number of mistakes, which will subsequently have negative impact to your personal life. In the simplest and most working versions of fortune-telling, provided that you screw up, nothing tragic will happen, just the results of the rite will be inaccurate.

And another important aspect of preparing for the ritual is determining the exact day, time of day and year. You should not lose sight of the phase of the moon during which fortune-telling will be carried out, because there is a special list of rituals for the betrothed that can be performed only at a certain time, for example, Christmas fortune-telling or Christmas rituals. And at other times of the year, their veracity will be close to zero.

The folk calendar establishes certain time periods that are most suitable for fortune-telling for a betrothed-mummer or for a bride.

The most popular time of the year is the Christmas period., namely, the time between holidays such as Christmas and Epiphany. According to modern chronology, this period falls on the night of January 7 and lasts until the night of January 19. The most favorable night for this kind of rituals is Christmas Eve, Epiphany Eve and the night of the Old New Year! All fortune-telling that falls on this time period is called "Christmas", and the information that you receive at this particular time will be almost 100% correct and truthful.

Also favorable dates for finding out your future boyfriend are the following numbers:

There is still a huge number of different fortune-telling that can be carried out on other days, however, experts recommend choosing full moon periods to obtain the most accurate and correct information about your soulmate. Please note that fortune telling on days such as Friday and Saturday will not be the best idea.

The answer to the question of how you can guess at your betrothed is very simple. There are many rituals: with a mirror, and on cards, and even with sleep. Now let's look at them in more detail.

Dream on a betrothed-mummer

In order to see your future boyfriend or husband in a dream, you need to put a hair comb under the pillow and read the following words:

My betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream and comb my head.

You can also guess about a dream with a betrothed-mummer with the help of a thimble with salt and a thimble with water, you need to mix them and drink immediately before going to bed, saying:

Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will give me water to drink.

Another option for a sleep ritual is to put 4 card cards with kings under the pillow before going to bed, while you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will dream in a dream.

  • If you dream of the King of Spades, then your fiancé will be aged or very jealous;
  • If the King of Hearts visits your dream, then the husband will be young and financially secure;
  • If in a dream you see the Cross King, then the groom in the future can be either a military man or a businessman;
  • The King of Diamonds is the most desirable option, which means that you will connect with a person whom you will love more than life, and he will fully reciprocate.

How can I find out the name of the future husband

We will need several sheets of clean paper and some kind of container, then we need to write a male name on each of the sheets, put the names in a container and shake it well. After that, the fortuneteller must pull out 1 sheet, and the name that will be written on the sheet will be the name of your future groom.

It is interesting that fortune-telling for love does not lose its relevance in our century, although someone stubbornly considers them superstitions.

Ritual with rice grains

This divination will help you find the answer to a question that concerns your loved one. For the ritual you need to put a jar of rice grains directly in front of you and hold left hand palm down on top of the bowl of rice.

In order to get an answer, you must definitely formulate your question precisely, then take a handful of grains from a jar with your left hand and pour it onto a towel or spread out napkin. final stage the ritual will be counting the rice grains that you took out of the jar. The answer to the question asked will be positive if the number of grains is even, if it is odd, then the answer, unfortunately, will be negative.

Onion divination for the future groom

This fortune-telling will help the girls determine which of the contenders for your hand and heart will propose before the rest. For fortune-telling us need a few onion heads, on each of them you will need to write the name of the groom, after that we plant our bulbs in glasses filled with water and wait. Bulb with a name that will sprout faster than all the others, and will tell you the name of your future husband.

For married women, who have every reason to doubt the fidelity of their soul mates, the following fortune-telling will do. You need to fill a glass with water and write the name of a possible rival and the name of your man on a previously prepared sheet.

Also prepare a spoonful of salt in advance and light a candle. After that, you need to reproduce the following actions: pour salt into a glass of water and set fire to a sheet with names, while the sheet continues to burn, quickly stir the water with salt and pronounce the following words:

If the salt melts quickly, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper will burn out, and their love will burn out.

If after these words the salt in the glass quickly dissolves, then everything will work out for you and your husband will return, but if, on the contrary, the paper turns into ashes before the salt has time to dissolve, then nothing will keep your man next to you, your roads are early or disperse late.

The most magical time of the year is considered to be New Year, and every girl is simply obliged to tell fortunes, because there is no better time to find!

In order to perform the ceremony, we need a bunch of firewood that needs to be brought into the house and carefully counted. You will get married or get engaged in the coming year if the amount of firewood in the armful is even, and if there is an odd number of logs, then you should not expect changes in your personal life in the coming year.

Divination by the window

In order to tell fortunes about your husband, you need to sit by the window, but before that, wait for the moment when everyone in the house falls asleep, turn off the light and say the following words in a whisper:

Narrowed-mummers, drive past the window.

After you say these words, you need to wait a couple of minutes. If a noisy and cheerful crowd passes by your windows, which will shout, laugh and whistle, then this means that your future husband will be rich, but if no one appears or only a couple of people pass, it will be quiet, then your betrothed will be poor.

Divination with a ring

One of the most popular divination is a ritual with a simple glass.. For him, we need an ordinary transparent glass cup, without drawings and edges, the bottom must also be absolutely flat. Fill the glass one third with water and lower the ring to the bottom, the wedding ring is best. Please note that the ring must be clean.

And now it remains only to peer through the water into the middle of the ring, the face of your future boyfriend should appear there. It is necessary to look long and persistently, you should not expect an instant result. Only girls with rich imagination and developed imagination will be able to find the answer to their question.

Christmas divination for the future spouse

The greatest effect of this type of divination is celebrated precisely at Christmas or Christmas time. Before midnight, you need to prepare one mirror and several branches of the Christmas tree. Before going to bed, write the name of a loved one or cherished dream on the prepared mirror, as soon as you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror.

If what you wrote in the evening disappears without a trace from the surface of the mirror, then your dream will surely come true, or you are guaranteed to be with the one whose name was written. If the inscription on the glass has remained unchanged, then everything will remain in its place. It is worth noting that this fortune-telling will not be in vain for the one whose name you put on the surface of the mirror, so experts recommend thinking very carefully before writing a specific name, it is better to formulate your desire more abstractly, without indicating a specific person.

one more popular view divination is divination by means of candles, best time for the ritual there will be a Veil, namely - October 14, since the strength of the marriage union will have supreme power. It is for this reason that young girls from ancient times hurried to church early in the morning in order to light a candle by which one could determine their further fate. There is a belief that the very first girl who puts a candle before everyone else will find her mutual love before others.

There is nothing complicated in the process of divination by a candle, just light it in the morning and look at the flame, asking a specific question in your head.

  • A quiet and even flame is the same even and quiet life that will save you from crashes and failures;
  • The bright and intense flame of a candle indicates that your life will be eventful and stormy, you will meet many adventures and adventures along the way, you definitely will not be bored;
  • If the candle crackles, then your life will be cheerful and carefree;
  • A quiet and dim flame warns the fortuneteller that life will be sad and dreary;
  • The scarlet color of the flame is grief;
  • Yellow color - happiness and joy;
  • If the candle begins to smoke, then misfortune awaits you soon.

Attention, only TODAY!

Every young girl wonders what her husband's name will be. To find out this information, young ladies are sometimes ready to spend a lot of money on the services of fortune-tellers, psychics, and clairvoyants.

In fact, you can find out the name of your spouse on your own and completely free of charge. To do this, there are several truthful ways. The most popular esoteric methods are the following: by date of birth, by hand, on cards.

By date of birth

This is a very simple way to find out the name of the future husband. Numbers need to be taken into account. own date birth. All of them are added until a specific single-digit number is obtained as a result. To make it clearer, it is worth considering the way to specific example. If the girl was born on May 21, 1992, then the calculation will be as follows: 2+1+5+1+9 +9+2=29. Further: 2+9=11. And finally: 1+1=2. This means that the resulting number 2 is personal. numerological code women. You should not expect that the clarified figure will tell the whole story. detailed information about the girl's future wife.

It will not be possible to find out either the exact name, or patronymic, or surname, or features of appearance or meeting with the chosen one. But numerology tells the fair sex the direction in which you need to move in order to open the veil over your future. The discussed method of determining the name by date of birth will orient which letter the name of the life partner will begin with and what sounds will appear in it.

It is necessary to understand the interpretation of each number:

  1. 1. One corresponds to three letters-sounds at once. These are A, C and I. The name of the future husband of the girl, whose numerological code has become 1, will either begin with the letters listed, or they will simply be often used in it. FROM special attention in this case, it is worth considering the boyfriends Alexei, Artem, Igor, Svyatoslav, Sergey.
  2. 2. Two - letters B, T, Y. Boris, Bogdan, Tikhon, Timofey, Tamerlane can become a girl's husband.
  3. 3. Three - letters B, K, U. It is more often worth communicating with Vitaly, Valery, Vasily, Konstantin, Cyril, Usman.
  4. 4. Four - the letters G, F, E. You need to take a closer look at Gregory, George, Fedor, Emmanuel.
  5. 5. Five - the letters Z, R, Sh. Pay attention to Ruslanov, Romanov, Zakharov, Zabirov.
  6. 6. Six - the letters E, N, C, Y. These are the names of Jan, Yaroslav, Eugene, Elisha, Nikita, Nikolai.
  7. 7. Seven - the letters K, O, Ch. The list of male names includes Oleg, Konstantin, Kupriyan.
  8. 8. Eight - letters P, L, Zh, Sh. These are Shamil, Zhora, Leonid, Leopold, Peter, Pahom, Pavel.
  9. 9. Nine - letters M, D, X, Yu. Corresponds with the names Matvey, Yuri, Danila, Dmitry.

The list of names is indicative. It can be greatly expanded.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

By hand

Palmistry will help a woman clarify the name of her future betrothed. This special divination system makes it possible to read the past, present and / or future of a person by some features of the structure of the palm. Irregularities, lines, tubercles of the hand are taken into account. People who are well versed in the science under discussion usually note that it will not be possible to determine exactly how the girl’s husband will be called by the hand. But you can try to determine what letter his name will begin with.

This will require an assistant:

  • The second person squeezes the woman's hand in a special way. It is necessary to cover her palm in two places with your hands at a distance of about 10–12 cm and begin to twist the skin in different directions. This should not be done too actively and intensively, otherwise the girl will feel pain.
  • During twisting, you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the hand. Wrinkles will form on it.
  • Among the “wrinkles” that have appeared, you need to try to find symbols that resemble letters in outline.

The found letter is considered the first in the name of the future husband. If there are several, then you need to pay attention to the clearest.

By cards

To find out the name of the betrothed, you can also refer to the cards. Correctly guessing at them if desired, any girl will succeed.

You need to use a new deck of cards. If only the old one was at hand, then she needs to spend three times around door handle.

Divination for 4 kings

For this method, you need to take four Kings and think of a certain man for each of them. The method is suitable for cases when a girl cannot decide between several admirers and is trying to find out which one's name is written in her book of fate.

The Lady of Diamonds should be called by her name. She will symbolize the fortune-telling young lady herself.

The kings are returned to the deck, which must be thoroughly shuffled. After that, the cards are laid out on paper. white color three. Fortune telling is worth continuing until any King is next to the Lady's card. If this did not happen before the end of the deck, you need to shuffle the deck and continue the process.

Determination of the name of the betrothed

If you plan to find out the name of a stranger from the cards, then you should turn to another method of fortune telling. To do this, the mixed cards are laid out in rows of 9 pieces. After that, you need to count how many letters are in the woman's name and extract the same number of arcana from the layout. They are chosen randomly. Further, the cards are laid out in front of the girl and deciphered. Arcana correspond to letters. 6 tambourines and hearts - A, I. 6 clubs and spades - E, O. Ladies of black suit - Y, P. There are special tables with similar transcripts.

Of course, this ritual with cards will not allow you to accurately determine full name men. But on the other hand, it will be possible to understand which letters will be in it the most. The whole process of finding out information will definitely give a lot of pleasant emotions and amuse the participants.

It should be noted that in Islam it is forbidden to try to find out in advance the name of your future spouse. This information should remain a secret for the girl.

To determine which girl was sent by fate, how soon you will meet her and what your future life will be like, fortune-telling in the name of your future wife will help. Such simple rituals will help dispel all doubts about the future companion.

Divination in the name of the future wife

Not only girls want to know what the name of their future partner will be, but men also want to open the veil of secrets and determine who was sent to them by fate. Such fortune-telling will give you the opportunity to find out what your soulmate will be called, or at least what letter her name will begin with.

For example, a very simple ritual has come down to our days from the Middle Ages. To do this, it was necessary to prepare a large vat of water. The main magical attribute could be an apple peel, sticks, spruce twigs.

In the Middle Ages, the peel of an apple was used to find out the name of the future wife.

Next, it was necessary to throw the prepared attributes into a container of water. After that, with a large stick, it was necessary to thoroughly mix the entire contents of the vat. When the water calmed down, magical attributes formed some letter of the alphabet. It was believed that it was she who would be the first in the name of your future wife.

Like girls, guys could find out the name of their soulmate using. For example, one should go out into the yard late at night and listen. The first name you hear will be your spouse's name. There is a slightly different version of this divination. It said that it was necessary to wait for a passerby, and then ask him for any female name.

Among the most simple divination there is another one in the name of the wife. However, to carry it out, you will need the help of your comrades. On different pieces of paper you need to write female names. Now they are mixed in a bag, hat or some kind of vessel. Next, each participant in the ceremony must pull out one note blindfolded. The name you got will be your wife's name.

Many sorcerers are convinced that people actually know everything that awaits them in life. However, such knowledge is securely hidden in the subconscious. However, they can be obtained from there. Sleep is used for most of the various rituals.

By using it, you can really get answers to many questions. So, to find out the name of your wife, on the full moon, at exactly 12 o'clock at night, light a candle on the window and say:

My betrothed, come to me, show yourself.

Most important condition this fortune-telling: under no circumstances should you imagine a girl who will come to you in a dream. In this case, it will be unreliable information, and the brain will show you the image that you already imagined. It is better to go to sleep immediately and drive away any thoughts. In a dream, you will see the image of a woman and you can ask her name.

This method was previously used only in Norway. It is believed that it makes it possible not only to determine what the future spouse will be called, but also what your future life will be like. The ceremony is held only on Christmas Eve. It is best to conduct the ritual in the company of comrades.

Norwegian method to find out the name of a blindfolded wife

Place the main participant in the manipulation at the table blindfolded, and put three identical glasses in front of him. Milk should be poured into one, beer in the other, water in the third. The guy has to say:

Betrothed-mummer, come to me.

All outsiders must leave the room where the ritual is being performed. In just a few seconds, you will feel how everything around starts to shake. This suggests that the girl goes to her betrothed. As soon as everything calms down, the participant in the ritual needs to remove the bandage from his eyes.

Before him will be a spirit in the form of a girl who will become his wife. The spirit will immediately take a glass and begin to drink. While he is doing this, you can ask the first letter of the name of the future spouse. The spirit cannot refuse you. Also see what the guest chose.

  • If this water, then you will have to live in poverty, it will be hard to make ends meet.
  • If a milk, then you will live averagely, your wife will be hard-working, but you will not make wealth.
  • If the choice fell on beer, then you will live in abundance, money will flow like from a cornucopia, there will always be harmony, harmony and comfort in the family.

This method of divination came to us from distant ancestors. It is believed that it can only be held on Christmas Eve, as this is a guarantee exact result. Nevertheless, this does not prevent young people from guessing at other times of the year.

You will need to buy several bulbs. Their number should be equal to the number of girls who are contenders for your attention. On each bulb it is necessary to write one female name.

Now place all the magical attributes in cups of water. Exactly 7 days later, measure the length of the seedlings. It is believed that I will “call” my wife in the same way as the bulb with the longest feathers.

Such rituals will make it possible to determine what the future spouse will be called, what she will be. But do not regard such rituals as an axiom, because you yourself are able to change your fate and, perhaps, you will be happy with another girl.
