Why does a woman dream of a white horse. Women's dream book What is the dream of a Horse in a dream book. Dream Interpretation Horse, why dream of a Horse in a dream to see

Dreams are often filled with unforgettable events and creatures that are difficult to see in reality. This will be the white horse, which many will be lucky enough to see only in a dream. This animal is distinguished by rare beauty and elegance. It will be useful for those who met her in the world of dreams to find out what the white horse is dreaming of.

Why does a woman dream of a white horse?

Many of the fair sex are interested in why a woman dreams of a white horse. Coming in a dream, a noble animal is most often a bright sign that brings positive changes in the future. A pure white horse indicates:

  • an upcoming important conversation with a beloved man;
  • quick joy;
  • success in various endeavors.

It is worth considering if the animal is dirty or rears up. Such a dream may mean betrayal by loved one or a spat. Stuffing a white horse with horseshoes is a symbol of obstacles that will be successfully overcome.

If a woman sees someone trying to harness a white horse that belongs to her, then in real life they want to take her soulmate away from her. The sign says that the lovebird has serious intentions, and everything must be done to save her family. A dead white horse suggests that the woman and child may be in danger.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a small white foal, this portends an easy, successful birth without complications. The dream also suggests that the baby is most likely to be male.

Why does a girl dream of a white horse?

Many dream books are unanimous as to what a girl dreams of a white horse. Basically, this indicates the upcoming positive changes in life.

If a young unmarried girl approaches a horse white color and feels sympathy for her - we should expect an early marriage proposal from a respectable man. The white color of the animal indicates the upcoming correct choice of a partner who can become a good support in life.

A herd of white horses in a pasture is a harbinger a large number worthy suitors, among whom there is sure to be an ideal half for a young beauty.

Falling from an animal is a threatening sign, a symbol of possible injuries and illnesses. After such a dream, it is necessary to avoid dangerous situations and not succumb to provocations. If the horse kicks, conflicts with relatives or close friends are likely.

Why does a white horse dream of a man?

There are many versions as to what a white horse dreams of a man. According to Sigmund Freud, such a dream portends the representatives of the stronger sex with a difficult choice of partner. A light-colored horse can also be dreamed of by men who have difficulty imagining the ideal female image, and who are actively searching. AT this case a beautiful animal personifies the future chosen one, her temperament and sexuality.

In some dream books, a white horse dreamed of by a man or a young guy speaks of imminent cheerful feasts in noisy friendly companies. According to Miller's dream book, if a horse or mare runs away and gets into a herd of wild horses, news about a sick relative will soon be received. If a person sees a dead white horse in a dream, he can easily avoid a dangerous injury.

Why dream of riding a white horse?

It is curious to know why different categories of people dream of riding a white horse. Most dream books interpret this sign as bright and promising:

  • if in a dream you saddled an artiodactyl single man- he may soon meet a beautiful girl who will become his faithful life partner;
  • a married person sees such a dream as a sign of upcoming prosperity and pleasure, a pleasant pastime with close friends;
  • if married woman I saw myself in my dreams as a proud rider - this indicates a serene happy future, harmonious family relationships;
  • a young, unmarried girl, riding in a dream speaks of imminent joys, and falling from the saddle - about the upcoming declaration of love, which she may reject.

If in a dream a rider is cruel with a white horse, drives it with spurs and a whip, this indicates the need to analyze one's behavior. If the horse does not obey, first of all, you need to reconsider your attitude towards loved ones and work partners. Most likely, the dreamer shows injustice towards them, and receives from them in return negative emotions. Such a dream indicates the need to become more fair and tolerant, due to which relations with others will improve.

If a white horse tries to run away from a person in a dream, this indicates a high probability of losing his luck in real life. In this case, you should be more careful in words and deeds, avoid conflicts with others.

What is the dream of a white pregnant horse?

Dream interpreters are unanimous about what a white pregnant horse dreams of. This sign is always extremely positive, promising great success and happiness to women or girls. A pregnant mare in a dream often portends a tangible cash profit from an unexpected source. Riding a pregnant horse is a symbol of the imminent emergence of new brilliant ideas leading to prosperity in all matters. To dream of a horse with a foal is to wait for the arrival of guests from afar.

The interpretation of such a dream for young unmarried men is somewhat different. A white pregnant horse often portends rumors and gossip to bachelors, which can greatly harm his personal life.

What is the dream of a trio of white horses?

Seeing several light-colored horses in a dream is an eloquent symbol that promises great success and achievement. The question may arise - why do three white horses dream? If a dreamer or dreamer rushes at high speed on a sleigh pulled by a trio of white horses, this speaks of:

  • the upcoming opportunity to fully reveal their potential, to show professional abilities and talents;
  • emergency business trip or travel;
  • success in future endeavors.

Watching from the outside the well-coordinated run of a trio of white horses - to pleasant changes at work, mutually beneficial cooperation with colleagues.

Why dream of stroking a white horse?

It is no less interesting to find out why one dreams of stroking a white horse. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees herself on a white horse and gently strokes at the same time promises a bright change in love. Such a sign symbolizes a meeting in the near future with a noble man, behind whom she will feel like behind a stone wall.

When a man strokes a white horse in a dream, this indicates a lack of attention in the family, especially from his half. In this case, you should strive to update family relations, greater mutual understanding. If the dreamer not only caresses the animal, but also feeds it with grain and hay, this indicates something else. He can confidently count on a good, understanding relationship with a loved one.

According to the dream book of the famous seer Vanga, stroking the deceased white horse - to a long journey.

What is the dream of a black and white horse?

Not in every dream book you can find the answer to the question - what is the dream of a black and white horse for? A dream in which such a color scheme is present most often portends to the dreamer simple life situations that require the right choice. A horse with dark and light spots can portend a small profit and the successful completion of the work begun.

A business person dreams of a black and white horse before the upcoming conclusion of a promising contract, a financially profitable deal. For a young unmarried girl, such a dream promises the appearance of a devoted but jealous admirer.

Knowing what a white horse is dreaming of, one can foresee various life situations - both positive and complex. It is important not to leave this significant sign unattended, to remain optimistic and confident in the future.

If you dreamed of a white horse, then be calm - luck is on your side. Best of all, if in a dream you manage to ride it, or at least take it by the bridle. Why else dream of this magnificent image, the dream book will tell.

Exceptionally positive sign

At night, a white horse guarantees general well-being and success in business. This is an unspoken symbol of nobility, wealth and honors. The image marks good thoughts, bright aspirations and an incredible positive, directed to the world.

Seeing a snow-white horse in a dream means that you will be visited great idea, and your own imagination will surprise and delight.

Why does a woman dream of a white horse? The dream interpretation believes that soon she will meet a reliable person who will become a support for life.

Excellent results!

What does it mean to ride in a dream on horseback? If the white horse is unsaddled, but you confidently hold on without a saddle, then as a result of a difficult struggle you will gain a high position and comfort in life.

Did you have a chance to ride in a saddle in a dream? It is necessary to perform work related to literary creativity or art.

Miller's confirmation

The fact that the white horse is an extremely positive sign is also confirmed by Mr. Miller's dream book. It promises friendship with kindred spirits, strength of relationships and happy circumstances.

Do not worry!

Why dream - to ride a horse calmly? Dream Interpretation believes that your usual existence will be just as measured and pleasant.

In a dream, riding a horse means that with your deeds you will certainly earn the respect of others and without much difficulty you will achieve your goal.

A leisurely ride dreams of a girl to groundless worries about future fate. Her vision promises a worthy husband in the future and a bunch of fans in the present.

You will definitely get lucky!

In a dream, were you lucky enough to fly on a magic horse? The dream book is sure that the dream marks your finest hour, the time when everything will work out easily and successfully. It is also a reflection of inner strength and even paranormal abilities.

Did you dream of a carriage harnessed to a white horse? You are definitely lucky even in the smallest details.

Why dream that it happened to ride on it? The dream interpretation promises unusual circumstances in which you can demonstrate your talents and earn universal admiration.

Decryption of actions

Luck is a changeable and wayward lady, therefore in a dream a white horse can behave rather obstinately and non-trivially. It is from these actions, according to the dream book, that the final interpretation of sleep depends.

  • Tries to reset - you risk missing the chance.
  • Kicking - difficulties, mines of ill-wishers.
  • Kicks - health will deteriorate, a loved one can betray.
  • Bites - get a new position.
  • Taming a wild mustang is a business success.
  • To run away from him is a deceit, envy.
  • Running at you - freedom, ecstasy, movement.
  • Harness - reconsider your attitude to duties.

I dreamed that the white horse kicked wildly, but were you able to stay in the saddle? This means that in reality you will be able to control the situation and do not miss a single good opportunity.

Inspiration or loss?

What is the dream of a rider riding a snow-white horse? Dream Interpretation considers this a sign of recovery vital energy and creative inspiration.

The horse is a beautiful graceful animal that people most often associate with stature, speed and kindness. The white horse is striking in its beauty. The appearance of such an animal in a dream is most often perceived as a favorable sign.

General interpretation

A white horse dreams of pleasant and positive events that will bring the dreamer a lot of joy. Such a dream can speak of the imminent fulfillment of all desires, the horse in a dream acts as a mentor on right way. If you analyze the plot of the dream in detail and listen to the signs from above, then you can seriously change your life in better side.

Interpretation depending on the circumstances of sleep

For women:

  • Riding a white horse and meeting a rider on a black horse on the road means you will have to worry a lot about unfinished business. uneven surface says that changes in life will soon take place, the joy will change sadness, melancholy, or vice versa.
  • For unmarried girl who has a loved one, a dream involving a white horse, speaks of imminent marriage. A romantic relationship with a lover will end with a proposal on his part and a wedding, but do not rush things.

For men:

  • The appearance of a white horse in a dream portends men a fun pastime in the company of good friends and comrades. But do not get carried away with alcohol during feasts, otherwise unpleasant adventures will not keep you waiting.
  • If a man managed to saddle a snow-white horse, then in life he expects romantic date with the girl of his dreams.
  • Seeing yourself as a proud rider on a handsome white man - there is no doubt about the loyalty and devotion of your beloved. Every day you will have more and more confidence in your partner.

Sleep conditions:

  • Seeing yourself riding a white horse means that there are many faithful and devoted comrades around the dreamer who are ready to help at any moment.
  • Famously riding - a happy future is just around the corner, you just need to be patient and follow the intended path.
  • If during the ride the dreamer jumped out of the saddle, then in reality, due to his own indiscretion and negligence, he can lose many benefits: a high position at work, a reputation among friends or colleagues, the love of a soulmate. You need to watch your own words and actions in order to avoid such a situation.
  • To admire the beauty of a white graceful horse - in life, on the dreamer's path, such a person will appear who will help him rethink his whole life, look at himself from the other side and realize a lot.
  • Participation in races on a white horse symbolizes joyful events, pleasant meetings with friends, and a rich vacation. The sleeper in life will have some free time, which would not hurt to devote to relatives and friends.
  • Stroking a snow-white horse - all the things started will soon be completed successfully, and new ones will be successful from the very beginning. There is a positive trend in business affairs.
  • The animal chewed grass or drank water - a sleeping person is very strong in spirit and he knows how to find a way out even from the most hopeless situation.
  • White horse with foal good sign. Wake up will start very favorable period, which will affect all areas of the dreamer's life. Relations with family and friends will develop as never before, and everything will be smooth and easy at work.
  • To see a famously galloping snow-white horse - the sleeping one has a huge inner potential, he is overcome by ambitious ideas and plans, creative impulses are haunted. It's time to start creating, any business will end in success!

If the white horse in a dream was:

  • Calm, then there will be harmony and love in the dreamer's house. Pleasant surprises and dates with a loved one await the sleeper.
  • Dead, but the dreamer has nothing to do with her death - it’s worth taking a rest at least for a while. Perhaps in reality the sleeper tries to do everything and everywhere, does several things at the same time and is very tired both physically and mentally. You need to give rest to your own body, otherwise you can be at the doctor's office.
  • Harnessed by a sleigh - the dreamer should be firmer, more persistent and bring all the work started to the end, then his life will change for the better. For a young girl, such a dream speaks of her unhealthy dependence on her current relationship.
  • Wild - in reality, one who had a dream with the participation of such an animal will fall into the abyss of a seething romance that will leave a serious mark on his life. How an ardent relationship ends depends only on the sleeping person.
  • Circus - in reality the dreamer is too dependent on the opinions of other people. Uncertainty makes you think that the conclusions and judgments of others are much more important than your own. You need to reconsider your attitude to the opinions of others and listen first of all to your heart.
  • Wounded - such a dream does not bode well. Prepare to receive bad news. Some problems may be very difficult to solve.

Dream Interpretation:

By Wangi's dream book:

  • A herd of white horses portends an early successful completion of a major undertaking.
  • To see how a white horse is shod - to a quiet, carefree old age.
  • An old, toothless white horse that tries to ride symbolizes hypocritical friends who pretend not to be who they really are. One should expect meanness and deceit from a person from one's environment.

By women's dream book.

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie.

As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness.

As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person.

As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow.

Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time.

Riding a white horse is happiness, and riding a bulan is weakness.

White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health.

A bay, black horse is a disease.

If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter.

Buying a horse is news, riding is family happiness.

A rearing horse is a quarrel.

Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger.

A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, strength.

A foal will dream - joy, independence.

Feed - welfare.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Interpretation of dreams from

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Horse dream in a dream:

Horse - Son to be born (pregnant), independence, to good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // severe illness, death, enemy, unexpected guest, wind will be, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family ), great work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why the Horse is dreaming:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: Horse Horse to see in a dream - A symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a horse mean

Horse - Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life. Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it. If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend. Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation. If the horse under you was injured, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend because of your frivolity and craving for gambling. If the horse saved you by taking the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment. Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter. If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you. see in dream of the dead horse - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will happen due to your indiscretion. If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend. If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with a very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Horse dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream a Horse - a Stone Horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may reappear in your life. The revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - you have illusions about your environment, which will lead to problems.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky Horse according to the dream book:

To dream of a Horse - a Black Horse - a warning about mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Horse:

Horse - Far travel

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Horse:

Horse - See for a speedy resolution of cases. To sit astride a reliable friend, help from friends. The herd will break free. The squadron will be drawn into politics or public intrigue. The colored color of a horse can be interpreted in two ways; The attention of those who are interested in the occult, he draws to the forces of nature. White water element. Pale air element. Red fire element. Black element of the earth. Other colors also speak of your inclusion in the subtle world. It's time to get acquainted with magic and consciously use it. For an ordinary person, the suit of a horse means the scope of interpreted events. Rotten public. Coral sphere of affection. Dappled gray business. White sphere of feelings. Piebald sphere of territorial movements. Heavy truck household.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Horse in a Dream

In a dream, why the Horse is dreaming - Success, victory

Bay horse - Hateful husband.

Seeing a horse in a dream

Black horse - Sadness - riding it is a risky venture

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Horse in the dream book:

Bay horse - A bay horse dreams of surprise in your life.

Summer dream book What does the Horse dream about in a dream book:

Bay horse - A bay horse dreams of moving.

Black horse - Sadness; riding it is a risky venture.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Horse, stallion - A sign of help, strength, energy, sexual urges. For a woman - love impulses; lover, marriage; fate. See R. Movement (to ride).

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Horse dreams:

Why do Horses dream -

Dream Interpretation White Horse

Why does the white Horse dream in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing a white horse in a dream is a good sign. Positive changes will begin in life. Also, the dream is very favorable before important events, promises their successful completion.

Important matters that are postponed for later, with your help, will be resolved promptly, with a high degree of efficiency.

Who dreamed of a white horse?

A woman dreamed of a white horse

A woman dreams of a white horse for marriage. If your lover does not want to marry, very soon you will find a way to make him change his mind. Be persistent in your desires.

The girl dreams of a white horse

I dreamed of a white horse - for a girl, a dream promises an early marriage. Your chosen one reciprocates feelings, marriage with him will bring a happy, strong relationship.

A horse in a dream portends a meeting with a noble person, the need to perform exhausting work. Seeing a man on a horse - a dream promises the successful completion of affairs, victory in current endeavors.

What color was the horse in your dream? What did you do in your sleep? What did the horse look like in your dream? What did the horse do in your dream? Who was in your dream besides the horse?

What color was the horse in your dream?

Brown horse Red horse Black horse White horse

What did you do in your sleep?

ride a horse ride a horse

Riding a horse in a dream

Riding a horse in a dream portends a long journey, unforeseen obligations. Watch your belongings - there is a danger of losing valuables on a trip. Sometimes a dream promises betrayal or deceit.

What did the horse look like in your dream?

black horse

Dreaming of a beautiful horse

The dream of a beautiful horse is a symbol of success on the love front and in creativity. A dream also promises a harmonious atmosphere in the family. It is possible that at work everything will also go like clockwork.

bay horse

What did the horse do in your dream?

I dreamed that the horse ran away

The horse ran away in a dream - in reality you will have to show a lot of effort. First of all, this will concern work - profitable projects will require significant investments, both material and physical.

Dreaming that a horse is attacking

I dreamed of a horse attack - you should be careful. Soon an ill-wisher will appear on your way. Show cunning and resourcefulness to defeat him.

Seeing a running horse in a dream

Dreaming of a running horse is a good sign. Soon you can expect the fulfillment of your innermost desire. It will surely bring joy, delight and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation of the White Horse dreamed of why the White Horse is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White Horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Running horses - to passion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Catching a white horse

Dream Interpretation Catch a white horse dreamed of why in a dream to catch a white horse? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Catching a white horse by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

in a dream, a horse or stallion is a symbol of glory and success in business. To ride a stallion with a white star on his forehead in a dream means to live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and harmony with others. To see a horse from afar is to receive good news soon. A person who in a dream saw that a horse had died in his house would soon die himself.

A person who sits on a horse and is not able to control it commits sins. And the worse he manages it, the more he commits them. The white stallion is a sign of victory over all enemies and deliverance from adversity, since the horses of the angels are snow-white. To saddle an unbroken horse means to get into an unpleasant situation.

Flying in a dream on a winged horse symbolizes honor for you in this and the next world.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles: such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Dappled horse: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or red horse: a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a hunch, obeying more feelings than the mind.

Silver horse: speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may appear in your life again. A revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - You harbor illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horse - Black horse - a warning of mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation - Catch

If in a dream you catch birds, no matter which ones - domestic or wild - this means that in reality you will waste your precious time on empty entertainment or pointless chatter. To catch any kind of animal - you will overcome any opposition and take a leading position in your field.

To catch fish in a dream - to engage in a hopeless and unprofitable business, if you fish with a bait; if the network is a disease of one of your family members; fishing in prohibited ways and methods, that is, simply poaching - in reality you won’t be in trouble.

The dream in which you catch a thief means your addiction to shopping. If you are caught in a dream, avoid punishment by proving your innocence.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horses grazing in the meadow - have many sexual partners.

Good luck in love, calm and stable state of life.

Running horses - to passion.

Smiling white horse

Dream Interpretation of a Smiling White Horse had a dream about what the Smiling white horse dreams of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Smiling white horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

in a dream, a horse or stallion is a symbol of glory and success in business. To ride a stallion with a white star on his forehead in a dream means to live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and harmony with others. To see a horse from afar is to receive good news soon. A person who in a dream saw that a horse had died in his house would soon die himself.

A person who sits on a horse and is not able to control it commits sins. And the worse he manages it, the more he commits them. The white stallion is a sign of victory over all enemies and deliverance from adversity, since the horses of the angels are snow-white. To saddle an unbroken horse means to get into an unpleasant situation.

Flying in a dream on a winged horse symbolizes honor for you in this and the next world.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles: such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Dappled horse: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or red horse: a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a whim, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse: speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may appear in your life again. A revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - You harbor illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horse - Black horse - a warning of mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horses grazing in the meadow - have many sexual partners.

Good luck in love, calm and stable state of life.

Running horses - to passion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

see a white horse

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of shame, shame and need. Such a dream can also portend you losing your job or demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy. Seeing in a dream your underwear or the underwear of a loved one dirty, greasy, burnt is a very bad omen that portends you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from a loved one or divorce. Putting on clean underwear in a dream - to receive good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on each other's sincerity and support, as well as on the fact that their desire to marry is mutual. The rest of the dream predicts good luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothing.

A dream in which you will see yourself dressed in underwear surrounded by strangers, means that many trials, shame and hardship await you. However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one would see you naked, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame. If in a dream you see that you are getting into an elevator in your underwear in the presence of a large number of people and the elevator suddenly starts moving up, then, contrary to your expectation, you will have great success, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and big chores. See interpretation: elevator.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover's underwear, then you will have a lot of worries and troubles due to your frivolous behavior, which will become known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval in your address. A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to an unworthy and vile person. However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries because of your lover, who will have many problems and troubles in the family. Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all the troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long quarrel. Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to equip your home or build relationships with a loved one. Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your linen is a harbinger of physical ailment, surgery and stress that will affect your entire future life. See interpretation: blood.

In a dream, a woman wearing beautiful underwear in front of a mirror is a sign of deceived hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends you separation from your loved one and the collapse of plans. If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing such underwear that he has never worn before, then many disappointments await you. Such a dream portends you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, mistrust and betrayal. Marks on your underwear - to receive an inheritance and marry a very responsible and hardworking person. Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation. Folding clothes in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

(See interpretation: horse, foal) A black horse is a sign of risk.

Dream Interpretation - White

White color in general means positive changes in life. White grapes are a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment, a wild life. White bread - wealth and profit. White shirt - to the good news, wearing it - to experience pleasant sensations. Have white teeth good health, hair - good luck. Seeing a white kitten is to avoid trouble, a cat is uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love. White Swanwonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. White horse or horse - alternation of failures and successes with a predominance of the latter. White donkey - a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

To whitewash something - to participate in the celebration. To whiten yourself - to receive an unexpected gift. White to see or hold in your hands - to joy. Negative consequences can cause visions that are really fantastic, for example: a white bat as a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but blues and illness. However, in any case, due diligence, presence of mind and the support of friends can help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The dream portends an early resolution of problems.

Imagine that you are taking care of a horse - washing it, combing it, stroking it, feeding it with treats.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a complete success and victory in all areas of life, pleasure and satisfaction in one's life path.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The figure of a horse is often associated with fate, which is interpreted depending on its suit.

If you harness a stallion - this is your victory.

Get off the horse - loss of position to sit on horseback - the realization of hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a long journey.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

In a very short time, all your difficulties will disappear and problems will be resolved.

Imagine a beautiful thoroughbred horse grazing freely in a green meadow. You approach him, pet him, comb his mane, feed him some tasty fruits. Then get on horseback and rush through the fields and meadows against the wind at full speed, with the feeling that you are omnipotent, free, and everything in life is within your reach.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Seeing a castrated horse is a secret harm.

Dream Interpretation - Horse Horse

Expanded sense of self.

Freedom, movement.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

White horse

Dream Interpretation White Horse Lashchitsa had a dream about why the White horse is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

in a dream, a horse or stallion is a symbol of glory and success in business. To ride a stallion with a white star on his forehead in a dream means to live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and harmony with others. To see a horse from afar is to receive good news soon. A person who in a dream saw that a horse had died in his house would soon die himself.

A person who sits on a horse and is not able to control it commits sins. And the worse he manages it, the more he commits them. The white stallion is a sign of victory over all enemies and deliverance from adversity, since the horses of the angels are snow-white. To saddle an unbroken horse means to get into an unpleasant situation.

Flying in a dream on a winged horse symbolizes honor for you in this and the next world.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles: such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Dappled horse: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or red horse: a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a whim, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse: speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may appear in your life again. A revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - You harbor illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horse - Black horse - a warning of mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horses grazing in the meadow - have many sexual partners.

Good luck in love, calm and stable state of life.

Running horses - to passion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is chasing me

Dream Interpretation Horse is chasing me had a dream, why is the Horse chasing me in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Horse chasing me in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Horses are the wind. They say how horses dream, it will be some kind of lie. As a man dreams of a horse, it is good, but as a woman, it is a weakness. As you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness on this person. As horses dream, then the disease, you are under the horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, then lies will quickly pass, and bad horses - you will fiddle with those lies for a long time. To ride the tops on a white horse is happiness, and on a bulan one is weakness. White horses - death, thin - illness, fat - health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare - death or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding on top is family happiness. A rearing horse is a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. A stallion will dream - you will feel courage, a foal will dream of strength - joy, independence; feed - welfare.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse caused by your subconscious mind in a dream suggests that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been an assistant, a warrior, protection for people, they composed songs about it, composed poems. Folk expressions have come down to us in which this magnificent noble animal is briefly and accurately characterized: “A horse has wings for a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat”.

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane, then such a dream portends an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting in a dream on a horse is evidence that in real life you need to show all your discretion and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you can lose your best friend due to your frivolity and craving for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you at a difficult moment.

Saddle a horse in a dream - a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will have a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream portends an unpleasant event that will occur due to your indiscretion.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive bad news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you an advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Horse, stallion

in a dream, a horse or stallion is a symbol of glory and success in business. To ride a stallion with a white star on his forehead in a dream means to live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and harmony with others. To see a horse from afar is to receive good news soon. A person who in a dream saw that a horse had died in his house would soon die himself.

A person who sits on a horse and is not able to control it commits sins. And the worse he manages it, the more he commits them. The white stallion is a sign of victory over all enemies and deliverance from adversity, since the horses of the angels are snow-white. To saddle an unbroken horse means to get into an unpleasant situation.

Flying in a dream on a winged horse symbolizes honor for you in this and the next world.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or stumbles: such a dream warns against unnecessary risk that threatens to turn into big trouble.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honors or wealth.

Dappled horse: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or red horse: a sign of irrepressible, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live on a whim, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse: speaks of your daydreaming and rich imagination.

Riding it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly using your nobility, or you yourself have overburdened someone with your requests or prodding.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A son will be born (pregnant), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // a serious illness, death, an enemy, an unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deceit (your horse - from your own, in the family), great work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - a disease; thick - health; black - not good, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deceit; white - wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, lead // death; yellow - illness, weakness; red - good; red - friend, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; ride on black - to death, illness; on bulan - a disease; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; on gray - happiness will be, good; to look for a lost horse - grief after the death of her husband; neighs strongly - the guy achieves the girl; bites you - a disease; beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - a quarrel; to keep a bridle is a danger.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to beat you with their hooves, beware of an accident. Do not travel in the coming days. But if you have such a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, you will be promoted or have a long profitable business trip. The dream in which you watch the races or take part in them is to defeat your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you will be able to put into practice already half-forgotten plans. If a revived horse attacks you, beware, an enemy that you have long forgotten about may appear in your life again. A revived stone horse reaches out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - You harbor illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horse - Black horse - a warning of mortal danger; a falling horse is bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate the sex of a preoccupied man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Horses grazing in the meadow - have many sexual partners.

Good luck in love, calm and stable state of life.

Running horses - to passion.

Dream Interpretation - Horse



I had a dream where I was in my father's house. And outside the window I see a beautiful black horse that rears up. Then he is on the other side of the house in the distance, runs up and I see how he runs straight to the window. He breaks it, but does not fly into the house.


Good afternoon! Please tell me what the dream was about, from Monday to Tuesday. I dream that some person (I didn’t remember him), someone like a guide, shows some village, conducts an excursion, from which I vividly remember only one thing: in the meadows there are heroes on heroic horses, they seem to have something then gathering-training. The horses were hefty and strong, the heroes even looked small in relation to them, although there were heroes, three heroes could fit on each such horse - I had such an impression from this spectacle, I looked and watched them, and woke up from the alarm clock …


i dreamed that I was stroking a horse and a foal, they smiled at me. At first I was afraid of them and then I stopped.


the horse walks beside guarding




Hello, I dreamed that I was standing at a parade and a horse escaped from a herd of royal horses. They couldn’t catch him, I called him and he rode right to me, began to caress, he was without a saddle and without a bridle. I saddled him and boldly rode him without a saddle and held on to his mane. But in the end I had to give this horse to the owners, who thanked me


dreamed of the tramp of horses


Hello! In a dream, I ran away from a black, beautiful, strong and very scary horse, I felt such fear that I was already shaking, in a dream I felt sick, I could hardly move from weakness and illness, I hid from him in some hospitals and incomprehensible buildings and as soon as I was on the street, he reappeared and tried to catch up with me.


i dreamed of a light beige horse that hugged me and I was buried in his luxurious mane!


run away from a light red horse


Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was preparing some kind of surprise for his current girlfriend. I volunteered to help him. I stood with a thin candle on top, he walked with a burning scepter at the foot, stopped near the steps, the scepter began to go out. I started to go down and the candle began to go out, I ran down the stairs. Having reached it, the candle had already gone out, I brought it to the scepter and blew on it - the candle lit up and the scepter began to light up from the candle, but when it caught fire, it turned out that the scepter was a white horse and we set fire to his tail. He ran up with a burning tail. And then the guy had to propose to his girlfriend.


At first I saw horses scurrying. Then the horses ran along the village street, and a lion rode on the last horse. The dream had a dream from Friday to Saturday. The horse was dark but not black.


On Saturday morning I dreamed that a black horse was running and I was following him: we were running, who was faster. Then I meet a black horse (or horse), which has a white stripe (black suit) on its muzzle, and I run with it for the race. In a dream, she felt some danger from these animals, but since she didn’t get very close, she understood that the threat was minimal. I'm just a little afraid of horses in life because of their unpredictability, but I admire beauty. By the way, in ana they ran through the green forest and the mane developed on the horse, and the skin shone and shimmered in the sun.


a horse came into my kitchen - it’s cramped for him, he can’t turn around, he doesn’t know how to get out. I feed him pieces of bread to help him get out and turn around, he turns, reaches for the bread and goes out


I rode at high speed on a bay horse, without a saddle, bending down and hugging his neck. There was no fear, and it was a pleasure, and we were at the same time with this horse, as if friends, and it did not accidentally rush, but I deliberately rode it somewhere for some reason.


In a dream, I stood on some kind of pier or something like a gazebo on the river with a friend whom I have not communicated in reality for a long time. And we see a small herd of horses with her. Several of them are white. They either bathe or graze next to the river. One white horse there is hers. And she kind of gave it to me. We are talking and suddenly we notice that her horse is gone. We swim to the herd, the water in the river is not very clean. We swim and do not find it. Then I notice a horse underwater. He drowned. We're trying to get him out...


She was riding a black horse. I felt his thick warm silky mane. Not in the saddle, but sat very confidently. He listened to every word. I wasn't afraid.


a dream from Saturday to Sunday. A rider on a dark horse with a big evil soak rushed at me at night, which rushed at me and tried to bite, but did not bite, and I fought off her with a large flashlight.


On a small lawn stands a beautiful, well-fed young horse Brown color. Opposite the horse, I stand and draw it on a sheet of white paper with a simple pencil. Then the horse came up to me and I stroked his muzzle. The horse moved back to its original place and I continued to draw it. Didn't have time to paint. Two hind legs did not work out. I erased and redrawn. Then she fell asleep. Sleep from Sunday to Monday.


I had a dream on Sunday night, 04/14/2014
And such a dream...
I'm walking down the street of some town, passing buildings. They are made of stone. Looks like stone pavement...
And my attention is drawn to the houses on the hill. A stone road also leads to them ... I decide to go up, take a closer look at the houses.
I rise. As I progress, I understand that I have never been here and it is beautiful here ...
I turn the corner, look into the courtyard and see ... a golden horse (it is made of gold, it radiates from it and, it seems, instead of a mane, a flame. So even, calm). And next to her is either a foal or a smaller horse. I stand and admire the horse. And she flaunts. Turned sideways towards me...
Then I was afraid that I saw something unlawful. Wanted to run away...
And ... it seems that she woke up ...
If you tell me what this dream is for, I will be very grateful ...


Hello, I had a dream that I was at the wedding of my second cousins ​​​​twins, in this dream they both arrived on 2 beautiful white horses, what could this mean?




hello! I dreamed of a black horse, big and beautiful. he came up to me, I began to stroke him, and he, like a kitten, lay down on the ground and I began to stroke his stomach. some kind of horse turned out to be very affectionate ... (I love this animal very much since childhood) thank you!


A black young beautiful horse jumps into the house through the window, breaking it. My son and I are afraid that he will cripple us, we run to another room, covering the door, but he sticks his head in and we quickly run away - the son goes to another room and I go to the veranda. Holding the door. The horse nevertheless penetrates the veranda, looks at me, and in his eyes I seem to hear a voice: I won’t harm you and I won’t break anything. Well, a very young beautiful horse. I didn't see the mane or tail.


Hello!. I saw a lot in a dream, but it was imprinted that they tell me to do a ritual for a talisman, they give me flour, rye, a few twigs from a broom and a ribbon. a wolf, two horses (one white, the other black) with riders and, and a bear nearby and a wolf passing by tells me not to be afraid to go. Passing this path, I passed in the summer and fell into the winter where there were snowdrifts, but I was not cold.


Hello! I had a dream that several dark cinnamon horses (about 5) were walking in my yard, and I live in an apartment building. Why did I look at them for so long in a dream and was surprised, and I remembered this dream, I had never had such a dream before. It was 06/12/2014 (Thursday night) in a dream it was summer in the evening., it was warm.
email address: [email protected]


I dreamed that I walked along the street and hit two horses, as if they were fighting, so there were horns in them; I pumped and started ticking at them, and one pumped and started to nazdogayat me, I hit him with a stick and fell and I flowed ...


Hello, the dream was from Monday to Tuesday. In the clear sky I saw a beautiful translucent horse, it seemed to show off in front of me and fly. I really wanted to touch him, stroke him. I myself took off and found that there were a lot of horses in the sky, just as translucent and beautiful. I caught my horse and he turned into a guy (bald for some reason). Then I thought that he might fall and kept him in the air, and he hugged me.


I saw drowning animals i.e. cows, but I pulled out a black stallion that was drowning please help what does this mean


I dreamed that in a green field I saw a horse looking at me, the feeling was as if he ran away, or he was lost. The color of the horse was light brown, even beige and very beautiful, huge. , and I was running away from someone, hiding.


I rode a horse, and if I punished you to stumble on my knees and roll over on my back, easily throwing me onto the grass.


I saw in the mountains two beautiful huge horses with a long mane and very beautiful one was with a rider one without!


Hello. On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, I had such a dream (in general, I rarely dream): I see a beautiful brown horse tied up - in a dream this is my horse.
Suddenly, I am already driving in a car with my mother (she lives in a different place), I already arrive alone at the place where the horse was, but he is no longer there - he ran away, as if for some reason he tore off the dog leash.
Then she went to look for him. I was looking for him already with the late father of my daughter, but I never found ...

I will be grateful for your answer.


i dreamed of a horse that entered the house where my grandmother lives, he was black and I started hugging him


Good afternoon.
I dreamed that a black horse, a white horse and a red foal were walking in the courtyard of a private house. Both have white flowers woven into their manes. I wanted to stroke them, but I was afraid. Then suddenly the horse chased after me and drove around the yard. And then I woke up.


I saw a brown horse lying on the ground, and I knew that he was thirsty, in a dream I was going to give him two buckets of water to drink, and then the horse got up from the ground and I saw that he was staggering, I realized that he was sick. The dream disturbed me


I stand in the forest and see a lot of (strong) brown horses with a black lush mane, then someone comes up to them, I don’t see who and they start kicking with their hind hooves. I'm afraid to approach them, but still I approach and they start kicking and I start to run away from them and one horse starts to run after me. I stop near a tree and look the horse in the eye and that's it


I am in a cozy place, like a house in a rock, I look out the window, below the raging ocean and a swimming horse with a luxurious mane - handsome, suddenly a huge (not real sizes) the vulture and tries to bite him, while I think: well, why does he want to poison - some kind of nonsense, a horse, if he still doesn’t lift him into the air, he’s very heavy, it happened, the horse spun in front of my eyes the abyss, after which the vulture flew towards me, I was scared, but not very much, because I was confident in my safety


Hello). I dreamed that my friend and I were leading horses (holding them by the reins), my friend had a black horse, and I have a bay (red) one and I know that and that. I sometimes hedgehog on them. so we walked with her on the side of the road passing cars. suddenly the horses were frightened of something and ran along the roadway and ran like a crow in front, and mine followed him and mine caught on the mirror of the car and he was hit by a car. died on his knees. in real life, this is my favorite horse. so I'm worried about what this dream would be for?


In the background, the palace, all in lights, there was some kind of holiday, I returned from there. Suddenly, dry grass flared up in a flat path in front of the palace itself, then an explosion and everything was on fire. I am at home (this is not the house in which I really live, it’s just that in a dream I know that this is my house), I hear a knock, I go out into another room and see that a black horse is knocking on the window, and behind it everything is on fire. Everyone woke up.


Hello, Tatyana. In a dream, I left the store and saw a show - a performance. Dancing horse with Cossacks. He danced so beautifully, as if he were playing with a trainer. I looked a little and decided to leave, and for some reason I made my way through some kind of bush. I checked the dress to see if I had torn it. It turned out that it didn't break. Then I got on the bus and went home.


i dreamed that I was walking among the horses, and I was leading one horse by the bridle, I was afraid of the horses around me and I tried to pass quickly, some horses are angry, I see their teeth, some rear up, but the horse I am leading seems to protect me


I rode a horse, in my opinion it was a competition, but then I realized that the horse was feeling bad - he began to behave badly, I realized that someone had poisoned him, I held him and drove off to the side, then he died, I was upset, I was crying and hugging him. I don’t know if this is important, but I know how to ride horses and at one time I went in for equestrian sports for myself, that is. the fact that I was on horseback did not seem unnatural. I don’t remember the color of the horse, but it’s not white .. I think it’s brown or brown with black ..


10/13/2014. I dreamed of three white horses in the field, and the fourth black stallion came up to me and was affectionate and clung to me and I hugged him. Why this dream?


the horse hit the wheel of someone else's car with its foot and the leg was torn off at the knee, it hurts, she pulls it, I go up and cut off the leg in the place where it was torn off, and put that part of the leg that I cut off into my car


At home, the floor becomes a swamp. A cow and a horse fall into the swamp. The cow with the help of the horse is selected. The horse is lost in the swamp. The whole family is saved. People appear to help. Among them is the deceased grandfather. It's a pity to leave the house. But it's dangerous to stay there.


My family and I stayed in the house, visiting a man who I don’t remember. He had a horse in his house. The first time I saw a horse in the bedroom, he was lying, I found with a horse mutual language and tried to saddle up. The horse at first tried to throw me off, but I held on tight, and eventually saddled him.


The statue of a rider on a horse made of pure gold came to life and moved. the rider rode to the podium and began to swear. and then he mounted his horse and galloped off. sweeping everything along the way


I rode on a white horse with gray spots, in my opinion it was a stallion without a saddle. beautiful slender fast frisky horse


Hello, I usually don't pay attention to my dreams. But today I dreamed weird dream. Here's what he's talking about: I went out to my uncle's yard, and a horse stopped near me, when I looked at him, I saw death on him, and looked into her face, it was dark there, then I looked in the other direction, and saw that that figure "death" is standing and looking into the distance. What does it mean?


I dreamed of a dark-colored horse, and I saw beautiful green grass, the sky was clear, blue, but the horse constantly rushed down the mountain and I constantly stopped and held it, and carried it off in my arms ..


I saw a couple or maybe more horses harnessed with a cart of firewood, saw how the fire was burning and then the fire spread to the cart and the horses got scared and galloped along with the cart of burning firewood!


I dreamed of a dark-colored horse in an apple. he stood in front of me and as if he had a goiter full of food, like chickens. I had the impression that he stocked up on food. The horse was beautiful


two large gray horses ran menacingly at me, I closed myself in a building where I was not alone. I watched with fear as they looked into the windows. then I went up to the 2nd floor and there I was calm that if they got into the building on the 2nd floor they would not be able to go up. and didn’t get up and it seems they didn’t enter the building


in a dream I was offered to try to ride a horse. But in his eyes I saw that he would not allow it. but I still sat on him and he immediately reared up and I fell off him. but she didn’t hurt anything and got up right away so that he wouldn’t step on me.


it was in the yard of my house I wanted to buy this horse. the horse was a big black but brown in color. I saddled him without saddle and bridle and rode down my street. I live in a private house in a small town.


I walked along the road through the fields, the horse was in the field, I began to run away from him, he ran after me, I hid near the pipe, but he ran up and tried to hit me with his hind legs, but he didn’t succeed because I threw stones at him and at that time a wolf appeared, he too hatel to bite me but I also threw stones at him


I dreamed that I was already an adult, I had a private house, which I bought, I have a bay stallion, after which I bought another gray stallion, because I thought that if you buy a mare, then there will be foals, because they will stand in the same pen, after which a guy comes to me, really I didn’t understand who he was to me, but he stayed to watch my horses, and then the dream ends abruptly.


We were traveling with the guys in a bus through an unfamiliar area. We saw a funny black goat lying upside down. They started taking pictures of him. Behind the fence stood a brown horse, which began to snort and scream loudly, kicking. They began to quickly leave, but the horse escaped, and at that time I fell out of the bus. She lay down and saw a horse rushing towards her.
P.. Since before that, ehev on the bus, I was talking to my ex-boyfriend I remember the feeling that the conversation was not pleasant. Although nothing connects us for 7 years now. I am married and have a family


winter. I went into some kind of fence, saw a working tractor, and then a horse harnessed to a sleigh attacked me. he tried to bite me. or suck my cheek into yourself. then he threw me and ran in a circle and again attacked me. at the same time, he pressed me against the wall of the barn or barn. then some peasant took him by the bridle and led the horse away. this guy seems to know my father

Elena Petrova:

I dreamed that I was riding a dappled gray horse. The horse does not seem to be mine, because it is poorly cleaned. I'm driving through a dull area, but in the summer. Suddenly the horse stopped and began to push, I thought that now he would pile up a pile of manure. The horse hunched over, I got off it. But the horse foaled, a strong, healthy gray foal. Ran right away. The horse foaled very easily. I was about to take her to the stable so that she could rest, but suddenly I see that my eldest daughter, very beautiful, cheerful, is sitting on this horse, the horse has already been cleaned to a shine, the daughter makes her prancing, then raised it to a candle. (I have a very bad relationship with my daughter now). I yelled at my daughter that the horse needs to rest immediately after giving birth, she can get sick if she is forced to work. And made my daughter cry. I took the horse to the stable, the foal ran beside me. The stable is also not mine, because it is not tidy, it is dark there. But there was hay in the stall. And some guys seem to work there. Some lethargic, indifferent, as if it was none of their business, did not react to my appearance with a horse and foal. That's all.


I look out the window from the fifth floor from the roof a horse harnessed to a sleigh in a sleigh two unknown men the horse died people got up and went


In a dream, I saw how a young man was riding a bay horse together. The guy was in front, I was in the back. On the way we stopped near a tree, on which there was a black and white cat tied with a thread. We let him go


There was a war and my family had a black horse, I called him lightning, because he was very fast. We lived on the street and it was winter - he always helped me and he was special - he understood every human word. He dragged buckets of water for me, if I asked him, logs for a fire and warmed me on a cold night - he put himself in a ring and covered his head with his muzzle and so I was warm. He was ready to give his life for me - we were both together since childhood. And then we had to get to our village, which was captured by the enemies. we approached the slope of the mountain from which it was visible - but soldiers were standing there and saw us. They shouted at us one more step and we will kill you and your horse. The horse understood everything and began to kick - the soldier shot at him, but the horse was so fast that the bullet slipped nearby and Lightning inadvertently gave in and flew off the mountain 4-5 meters below, the lake was covered with ice, but Lightning did not break through it - I jumped to save him, running he was alive. I picked it up and began to drag it by the mane to the other first village, remembering that there used to be trains where you could wait out the night - there were people who were kicked out of the village or homeless people - you could unhook one wagon and take it with you. a wagon about 2 by 2 meters in front and behind trailers. I took and took the horse there, closed the door and began to drag this wagon along the rails wherever my eyes looked, just to cure the horse - but the horse seemed to tell me through the window to let me out - I’d better finish this trailer myself if only you were alive - I’m ready to give my life for you - and I said no, you're lying, you need to be cured as soon as possible and dragged it, but it's very cold outside - all the same, I pulled up to the village and woke up


going up the stairs, a brown horse with a black mane rushed towards me, I got scared and sat down. He jumped over me and galloped on.


i dreamed of an unfamiliar man nearby, sort of like my lover, but I don’t know him then I swim next to him then I run because I saw his wife but I’m happy then I ride a beautiful horse and in the rows a playful big dog. and all the time a man and I’m happy.


a trio of white horses, dressed up like in a fairy tale, I stroke them, they caress as if they are talking ... I'm riding a horse, I'm riding slowly, he seems to be walking smoothly ..


I dreamed that my common-law wife was being taken away by a man who was also riding a dark-colored horse, both of them in capes blue, with hoods, and this man riding a horse is leading my common-law wife, she is with her head down, which is covered with a hood. And they both leave for some kind of darkness for a couple. After my wife cheated on me in real life, but is this dream a complete separation of both of us, through the fault of an outsider. Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/sonnik/


a herd of cattle was grazed by several riders on horseback, I was on foot, after driving the herd, one dark red horse danced beautifully 2-3 meters from me with a rider on my back, at that moment I was joyful, pieces of rubble with earth flew from under the hooves, as if the horse danced for me


i dreamed that I almost killed a man because of her, gave everything, a car, a horse, everything, but she still left with another


There is a stallion of some dark (but not black) color, on it is a long rope. I sense some kind of danger. In order to avoid any danger to others, I take the rope, take it to safe distance and let go


I don’t remember it well: I remember that there were also other people there whom I don’t know. But in a dream I talked with them as with friends, in the same place in a dream there was my horse Karka (a few years ago they bought horses, and my parents sold it) and I rode, or rather rode on it.


Hello, I dreamed of 2 horses, small and large) small black and adult brown. they put the big one in a taxi and mom disappeared! Tell me more, I read that if a pregnant woman has such a dream, then a son will be born, is this true?


Hello! I dreamed of a beautiful white horse with a large thick beautiful mane. Budto she stood tied near the tree under my window and I stared at her and she became a beautiful face with good big eyes to look at me and knock on my window, then she got rid of and ran away


i dreamed of a red horse with a white mane, he ran, the children played in the sandbox, and I was sitting on a bench when I saw him, I covered the children with myself, and he jumped over us and bent down on our car all of it crushed and he hurt himself, there was a lot of blood and died, it was mine moms and not at my house


I dreamed of a small black mad horse, he was galloping all over the yard, he wanted to intimidate me and I was really dumb, he didn’t just jump, I jumped very quickly and far, jumped where I stood and looked at me, but I didn’t kill, but looked at him and I was dumb because he was black mad and somehow wrong, I waited until he calmed down. Please tell me what this dream wanted to tell me


I dreamed of a small black mad horse, he was galloping all over the yard, he wanted to intimidate me and I was really dumb, he didn’t just jump, I jumped very quickly and far, jumped where I stood and looked at me, but I didn’t kill, but looked at him but I had a calm look, I was dumb because he was mad black and somehow wrong, I waited until he calmed down. Please tell me what this dream wanted to tell me


I rode naked on a bay horse, very fast. at some point, she turned over on the move with her back to the horse’s head. They galloped very quickly, but there was no landscape, there was nothing around, and there was no shame


I dreamed of several horses in the sky, a large barrel was flying, and the horses were accompanying it next to it, beautiful, bright, translucent. And yesterday I dreamed of a black horse, it intimidates the dog, drives it. And I saved this dog.


I was walking along the seashore and suddenly I saw a very large beautiful horse in the water, its mane developed beautifully. It was dark blue and had stars on it. Then I turned around and saw elephants coming out of the water, but they didn’t touch the stones with their feet and walked through the air, they followed each other in height, that is, they were smaller and so on up to 7-8 elephants. They passed by and disappeared. I don't remember anything else.


Hello! I ran away with my little granddaughter in my arms from the persecution of a bay stallion. I hid behind a bush, but the stallion stood near the bush and did not let go. At the same time, my son was next to me, but the stallion did not pay attention to him, and the son went to open the door to the house so that I could quickly slip through. And I woke up


a black horse ran around the house, bill hooves the windows and the door tried to climb into the house. And when the forest ran through, everyone who was in the house.


I seemed to be waiting for something ... I look around and see a black horse on its hind legs, it stands up and comes to meet me, and next to it is my late father, a black horse with a beautiful shiny mane and his father is dressed in black.


everything took place in semi-darkness, reminiscent of some kind of stable. there was a girl in a cowboy outfit holding him. I sat on some kind of wooden platform and watched the horse. the horse was dark dark brown. slim. at first he just jumped, and then at some point he reared up and not exactly stepped on me, but simply touched me with his hoof. all this time I was fettered by fear at the sight of this zealous horse


That black horse was supposed to save my younger sister, there were also cannibals who wanted to eat my sister, but they were waiting for my answer if they could eat her, at the end of the dream she rode on a horse.


bareback horse dark smooth beautiful young stallion .. beat with hooves .. kicked off .. didn’t remember .. behaved very violently .. in a separate room .. then lay down .. I felt his harness near his ears at the withers .. groped .. couldn’t to curb .. then, with fear, she went to her relatives in another room and a former man who was in love with me came .. like a reason to see him ..
after him calm him down and pick up your horse.. help me calm down.. I said.. quietly.. don’t disturb him for now.. he calmed down


The granddaughter had a dream and she was very frightened and cried in her sleep. She sees that she is walking around with her girlfriend, they are 8 years old, in the garden, and suddenly a huge brown horse came from somewhere, runs after them. They ran into the yard, and there her godfather, the granddaughter told him, he took and set fire to the grass, closed the gate and they got into the car and left. yes, the truth scored to write the yard and the garden belonged to her late great-grandmother, no one lives there at this hour


I dreamed of a black stallion, like a thick long mane developed at night, he was so well-groomed, he was clean, he was running, and I was scared of him and hid


I went down the high stairs. A pleasant young man helped me down. When I went further to the house, two small horses caught up with me - one is dark red, the other is gray-white. maybe they were foals. They were friendly and wanted to touch me. I was not afraid of them, I was calm and cheerful.


I dreamed that a beautiful black horse with blue eyes ran up to me and wanted me to ride


A very beautiful horse came up to me, I stroked him, he was black, and next to him was a brown horse with white spots


The horse was at my house, on the second floor, and I told my sister to give him a drink, because he had sad eyes. She gave him a drink, and then poured this water on the floor.

Seeing beautiful white teeth in a dream Seeing white bread in a dream Why dream White dove girl
