Yin yang Japan or China. The Yin and Yang symbol is a real help to a person

Everything in the world is in harmony, balance: good does not exist without evil, just as dark forces do not exist without the forces of heaven. At the same time, Yin-Yang are two opposite energies, which means that they also complement each other. These two concepts came to us from the ancient teachings of Taoist philosophy and to this day represent one of the most important teachings in.

What does the Yin-Yang sign mean?

The meaning of this symbol is not so easy to understand. Let's start in order: so, Yin symbolizes nothing more than the feminine principle, while Yang symbolizes the masculine. If we talk about Yin-Yang as a single whole, a symbol of unity, then we get Tao. The latter, in turn, is the energy that contributes to any creative process. In other words, Tao, according to the ancient Chinese treatise “I Ching,” is a mysterious force, and in some teachings, the mother of the cosmos, which controls absolutely everything on this planet: both living and nonliving processes. It is worth mentioning that the Yin-Yang symbol was discovered back in the 7th century BC, which means that Chinese philosophers were among the first who sought to understand the nature of the universe.

Yin-Yang, man and woman - what does this mean?

As with all life on earth, these two energies coexist in man. Regardless of gender, whether a girl or a guy, each of us has a masculine (Yang) and a feminine (Yin) principle. At the same time, among the fair sex, or more precisely among the majority of them, Yin predominates, the main properties of which are preserving, passive, and perceiving. It is important to note that a woman is the personification of Yin, because she is destined to be a guardian hearth and home, a person who gives life and raises children. Yang is a man, a breadwinner. These two energies not only interact with each other, but they are destined to harmonize, creating a full, versatile, creative life.

It was mentioned earlier that two Yin-Yang energies coexist in each personality. In addition, in order to always be in good shape, in harmony with his inner “I,” a person needs to work on the balance of these two opposites. Thus, masculine qualities should not predominate in a woman (although in the age of feminism this is difficult to believe), just as feminine qualities should not predominate in a man. In addition, excessive passivity can be as harmful as too much activity.

No less important is the fact that the predominance of male and female principles affects well-being and the condition of organs. Thus, any negative changes in the human body are of the nature of Yin changes. This also applies if any organ is suppressed or not functioning sufficiently. Yang energy is responsible for the hyperactivity of the body. Ancient Chinese medicine believes that the root of acute diseases is the influence of Yang energy, and chronic diseases - Yin.

What does the Yin-Yang amulet mean?

Yin-Yang in the form of a tattoo or a talisman symbol on a pendant means energy replenishment, which protects a person from everything bad and evil. Perhaps this is one of the most ancient and strong talismans. Here, however, there is a small nuance: the amulet must be attuned to the one who wears it. In other words, it is important for a person with a Yin-Yang tattoo to be aware of the existence of two opposing energies, their powerful impact on life, future fate. The most interesting thing is that the more harmonious, the more balanced the Yin-Yang are, the more successful this person is. The interaction of energies will last as long as they are in unity, represent a single whole, mutually transform into each other and have an inextricable connection.

The concepts of Yin-Yang came to us from China - that is, from the East. After all, both Western and eastern civilization from time immemorial they touched each other, complementing each other. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands what the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol means. And, moreover, many do not know how to use the teaching of symbols in their lives.

Energy “qi” and the determining parameters of its development

To understand what the yin yang sign can mean, you should turn to the famous “Book of Changes” - the ancient Chinese treatise “I Ching”. Cosmogonic meaning, that is, relating to the universe, underlies the signs of Yin and Yang. Understanding the meaning of this ancient symbol- this is an understanding of the main law of unity and struggle of opposite principles.

It was this law that was key to the basis of dialectical materialism, which Soviet students studied not so long ago! This means that it was not discovered in our time, but much earlier - somewhere in the 7th century BC by Chinese philosophers.

The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, as its opposite parts interacting with each other, transforming into each other, together constituting the common, strongest energy “qi”. This unbreakable bond parts determines the development of “qi” energy.

What does the famous Chinese symbol look like?

What, after all, does the Yin-Yang sign mean? Everyone, considering this symbol, identifies its main features and characteristic features:

  1. The components of the symbol, Yin and Yang, are contained in vicious circle, which means the infinity of all things on Earth.
  2. The equal division of the circle into two halves, painted in opposite colors (white and black), emphasizes the equivalence of Yin and Yang, their opposite.
  3. Dividing the circle not with a straight line, but with a wavy one, creates, as it were, the penetration of one opposite into another, their mutual influence of one sign on another. After all, if you increase one sign, the other will undoubtedly be decreased.
  4. The influence of one sign on another is also emphasized by the symmetrical arrangement of points - “eyes” - of the opposite color, that is, the color of the “enemy”. This means that the Yin sign “looks at the world through the eyes” of the Yang sign, and the Yang sign perceives life through the “eyes” of the Yin sign.

That is, the world is created from opposites, which when combined can form a single whole. Whether these principles are found in unity, friendship and harmony, or whether they find consensus in struggle - only their inextricable interaction brings development.

History of the symbol

It is assumed that the original meaning of the symbol with the image of Yang and Yin goes back to the imitation of a mountain: one side is illuminated and the other is shaded. But this cannot go on forever: after some period the sides will exchange illumination.

For example, there are such “decodings”:

  • earth - sky,
  • top bottom,
  • warm - cold,
  • male - female,
  • good - evil,
  • good - bad,
  • harmful - useful,
  • light - dark,
  • active - passive

Some of these interpretations make a certain sense. But most scientists do not recommend giving the symbol ethical significance. After all, the symbol refers to cosmogonic natural opposites, but not moral ones. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the struggle and unity of the good, kind and useful on the one hand and the bad, evil and harmful on the other.

Amulet with the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol

Charms and amulets help people by energizing them and protecting them from all evil. One of the strongest amulets is considered to be one that contains the Yin-Yang symbol. But an important condition the help of any amulet is the following fact: the guardian (in in this case amulet, talisman or amulet) must be “tuned” to the one who uses it. Otherwise, such a talisman may pose a threat equal to the strength of the expected help.

Sign Chinese character Yin-Yang carries within itself universal forces that continuously and eternally transform into each other. It also means active principles, in which the Yang sign corresponds to wood and fire, and the Yin sign corresponds to metal and water. The earth is neutral in this teaching.

In addition, it should be taken into account that yang sign carries the meaning of light, active, masculine, dominant. A yin sign contains the meaning of dark, secret, feminine, calm. However, remembering the unity of opposites, even one specific person cannot be classified into one category or another. Each of us contains both Yin and Yang forces. And the more balanced these forces are, the more successful the person is.

It is the amulet with the Yin-Yang symbol that helps balance two opposing energies, suppressing the dominant one and strengthening the weak one.

The amulet gives the wearer energy balance, helps to find a soul mate, achieve success and harmony. After all, the Yin-Yang symbol carries the meaning not only of struggle and unity, continuous movement and active energy, but also of harmony and beauty.

The forces of Yin and Yang in everyday life

By and large, the struggle and unity of Yin and Yang is present everywhere. Anyone who is not clear what this statement means should think about it. Here's our food. It consists of warm and cold food, sweet and bitter, protein and vegetable. And any diets that limit a person, for example, to only raw foods or only vegetarian dishes, upset the balance and close the path for the development of “Qi” energy.

Speaking about Yin and Yang, it is noted that the meaning of the symbol is smooth transition one sign to another. Therefore, in a person’s home, both directions should smoothly transition into one another. Otherwise, the individual’s mental state is subjected to severe stress, which does not at all contribute to achieving one’s goals and success in life, or improving one’s health. The exception is institutions - the principle of Yin or Yang in its pure form dominates there. In a home that should help you gain energy, relax, have fun and enjoy harmony, the presence of both principles is necessary.

yin and yang; Yin Yang; da ji

In ancient Chinese mythology and natural philosophy, the dark principle (yin) and the opposite light principle (yang), practically always appearing in a paired combination.

Initially, yin apparently meant the shadow (northern) slope of the mountain, and yang meant the light (southern) slope. Subsequently, with the spread of the binary classification, yin became a symbol of the feminine principle, north, darkness, death, earth, moon, even numbers, etc. Yang, accordingly, began to symbolize the masculine principle, south, light, life, sky, sun, odd numbers, etc. . P.

The oldest of these paired symbols, according to the Swedish sinologist B. Karlgren, include cowrie shells (feminine) and jade (masculine). It is believed that this symbolism is based on archaic ideas about fertility, reproduction and the phallic cult. This ancient symbolism, emphasizing the dualism of the male and female principles, received iconographic expression on ancient bronze vessels in the form of phallus-shaped protrusions and vulva-shaped ovals.

No later than the Zhou era, the Chinese began to view the sky as the embodiment of yang, and the earth as yin. The entire process of creation and existence was considered by the Chinese as a result of interaction, but not confrontation, of yin and yang, which strive for each other, and the culmination of this is considered to be the complete fusion of heaven and earth. The Yin and Yang system was the basis of the ancient and medieval Chinese worldview, and was widely used by Taoists and in folk religion to classify spirits, for fortune telling, omens, etc.

In the system of digrams I Ching, tri- and hexagrams, yang is depicted as a continuous line, and yin as a broken line. Together they symbolize all the complementary opposites of the dualistic universe in the powers and qualities of human, animal and plant life.

Yin must always come before yang, for it symbolizes the primordial Darkness before the appearance of the Light of creation - yang. It is also the primordial waters, passive, feminine, instinctive and intuitive in nature; soul, depth, narrowing, negative, soft and compliant.

Fairytale animals (dragon, phoenix and qilin) ​​are capable of embodying both principles, and mean the perfect interaction of these two principles in their unity. The same applies to the lotus.

personifies the perfect balance of the two great forces of the universe, each of which has within itself the embryo of the opposite principle. This suggests that in the universe there is not only a male or only a female principle, but that each of them contains the spores of the other, and that continuous changes occur. Both principles are included in the circle of universal cyclical circulation and change.

These two forces hold each other in opposition, but not in an antagonistic way, but as interdependent partners. One of the principles is the essence, but only two find expression in the manifestations of the principles in the material world.

Kadlyuntl yin-yang (tai chi) are depicted enclosed in a circle. Their figurative and symbolic image is based on a circle, a picture of the first one, from which the yin/yang polarity came - a philosophical concept presented by the philosopher Zhu Xi (1130-1200). The separation of both poles is caused by the S-shaped bisection of the surface of the circle, with the yin half assigned to the dark part and the yang half to the light part of the circle. Only from this polarity does the creation of the five elements occur, from the interaction of which flows all the richness and diversity of the world (“ten thousand things”). It is also important that, as an expression of interdependence, there should be a dark center in the yang part of the divided circle, and a light center in the yin part (also depicted in the form of circles). This seems to emphasize that we are not talking about mutual struggle and hostility between light and darkness due to the desire to achieve dominance of one of the two principles, but rather about the desire to complement one with the other.

In ancient cave sanctuaries, yang and yin stones were used, and the first should be dry, and the second should be wet. When falling out heavy rains with the help of a whip they awakened the powers of the yang stone, and in drought and heat - the yin stone in order to achieve harmonious balance.

Yin symbolizes everything that is dark and earthly:

  • femininity,
  • north,
  • cold,
  • shadow,
  • Earth,
  • passivity,
  • humidity
  • black color,
  • valley,
  • trees,
  • nocturnal, aquatic and swamp animals,
  • most colors.
  • even numbers;

Yang symbolizes everything light, dry and high:

  • masculinity,
  • light,
  • activity,
  • dryness,
  • emperor;
  • active principle,
  • rationality,
  • height,
  • extension,
  • positive,
  • hard and unyielding.
  • mountain,
  • sky, heavens,
  • solar animals and birds;
  • odd numbers;

Basic values:

  • Cosmic Egg, primordial androgyne,
  • perfection of balance and harmony, the union of two principles
  • incompleteness, part of the original whole, passage through history, the suffering of separation, the search for completeness of the “I” - divided.

In China, this symbol is called Tai Ji, or “great limit.” Graphically, it is depicted as a circle in which two embryos are inscribed, similar to large commas of black and white. Black represents yin, and white represents yang. There is a black dot in the center of the white comma, and a white dot in the center of the black one. This image is a symbol of the unity of all living things. Until now, there is no clear definition of what yin (or yang) is. Even the ancient Chinese philosophers did not make such attempts; they only compiled long lists of opposites.

Yin and yang - two space force, which are opposite to each other, which are constantly transformed into one another and together form a harmonious whole. They constantly interact, creating all that exists, having arisen when the invisible life force for the first time divided into two. Yin and Yang are unthinkable without each other.

Yin is darkness, night, silence, stillness, smooth lines, dampness, cold and soft, night, moon, usually acts as the feminine principle. It is always directed north. Every house has elements belonging to yin ( cushioned furniture, carpets, built-in wardrobes, bad smell, musty air). With an excess of Yin, people become too quiet, calm, and slow. They are not eager to do something, run somewhere, strive for something. It is difficult for such a person to gain authority in the eyes of others and to defend his rights.

Yang is light, hot and hard, loud sound, movement, straight lines, dryness, pleasant aroma, acts as the masculine principle. Yang in the house includes tall, easily movable furniture and bright lighting. An excess of Yang manifests itself through hypertrophied activity, constant busyness and fussiness.

The character of each person can also be dominated by the qualities of yin (isolation, composure) or yang (sociability, thirst for activity). To feel comfortable, calm and safe in your apartment or anywhere, you need to maintain a balance of yin and yang in it. To do this, it is not necessary to rebuild the house or redesign the apartment - Feng Shui has many recipes that will help you do this with a minimum of effort and money.

The human body, its internal organs are also under the influence of yin or yang, so the lack of one or another element in the diet, environment, will inevitably lead to physical illness and the development of diseases. For this reason, the Chinese carefully monitor the balance of yin and yang in the places where a person is long time(kitchen, dining room, bedroom, study).

In ancient Chinese books, a symbolic image of yin and yang is often found not in the form of black and white commas inscribed in a circle, but in the form of a white (or red) tiger and a fighting or copulating green dragon. The tiger symbolizes yin, the West, the feminine principle, and the dragon symbolizes yang, the East, the masculine principle. The ancients believed that it was necessary to build in the place where the union of these animals occurred, since this gave birth to the life-giving energy of qi.

Tai Chi "Great Limit" Diagram

Yang Yang

———— == == ==

Sky Earth

Sun moon

Summer, spring Winter, autumn

Day (from 24 hours to 12 hours) Night (from 12 hours to 24 12 hours)

Warm Cold

Father mother

Energy (qi) Mass

Movement Peace

Man Woman

External Spirit (something Internal (material

intangible) substance)

High body temperature Low temperature body

Foods rich in sodium Foods rich in potassium

Animal food Vegetable food

Origin of origin

Fast development Slow development

Left Right

Rear Front

East West

Dragon Tiger

Trigram Trigram

Qian Kun

The Yin-Yang symbol is known to almost everyone. You can see its image anywhere: it is applied to clothes, used in decoration, the Yin-Yang amulet is worn as decoration and a talisman, and a Yin-Yang amulet is given as a gift for two lovers. The meaning of this ancient Chinese symbol may not even be known to the owners of these things and jewelry. Let's find out today what the Yin-Yang amulet means and what its significance is as a talisman.

A little history

Translated from Chinese, Yin-Yang means Light and Darkness. Perhaps this is why it is believed that these words originally symbolized two slopes of the mountain - illuminated and in the shadow, light and darkness. After all differently the illuminated sides still remain a single whole - the mountain. Since the process of illumination is not static, but changes depending on the position of the Earth, then these opposites - light and darkness - interact and transform into one another.

The Chinese “Book of Changes” interpreted Yin and Yang as a symbol of unity and the struggle of opposites. This is a symbol of a single whole, in which opposite parts interact with each other, as if exchanging their energies to ultimately create the most powerful energy “Qi”.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol

The circle in which the components of this symbol are enclosed means the infinity of everything that exists on Earth. This circle is divided by a wavy line into two absolutely equal parts. A wavy rather than straight line creates the effect of one half penetrating into the other. Both parts influence each other, because if one part were increased, the second would have to be decreased. At the same time, in each half there is a small fraction of the opposite color - a dot. To summarize, we can say that Yin-Yang is a symbol of the entire World, opposites that, in combination and interaction, create a single whole.

Over time and with the development of various philosophical movements, people endowed this symbol with everything big amount values. Thus, it is believed that Yin-Yang is the masculine and feminine principles, heaven and earth, good and evil. But their meaning remains the same - it is duality, opposites.

Yin-Yang as a talisman

Such a talisman can serve not only as decoration, but also as a wonderful assistant for the person who will wear it. The Yin-Yang talisman will help restore lost harmony and balance, help balance the opposite sides of character and lead to their balance.

If you have such an amulet or talisman, do not rush to put it on right away. You want it to work for full power? Then first cleanse your talisman of someone else’s energy by holding it in salt or under running water.

After that, charge it with your element. So, water signs(Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) need to dip the talisman in water seven times, fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) need to carry their amulet seven times through the flame of a candle, air signs (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) need to light incense and fumigate the amulet . Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) should sprinkle the talisman with earth and leave it there for a few minutes.

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