The best varieties of eggplant for the middle lane. The best eggplant varieties for open ground for different regions. Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

The middle zone of Russia is characterized by a short and rather cool summer. In this regard, eggplant varieties should be selected for cultivation, which are not too demanding on the light regime. Also, the best harvest can be obtained in the presence of a greenhouse or greenhouse, which will become a protection from wind and bad weather, keep warm at night. Planting eggplants in open ground is also possible, however, in this case, the planting method must be seedlings, and young plants must be protected with a film cover.

The most adapted, cold-resistant eggplant varieties for growth and fruiting in mid-latitude conditions include:

Purple Haze

Eggplant, which grows well both in open areas and in greenhouses, greenhouses. Belongs to the category of early ripening, as it ripens in 90-105 days after sowing the seeds. The bush is quite compact, not higher than 70 cm, in the care it requires regular top dressing, loosening. For relatively modest care, the plant will thank the owner with a decent harvest of up to 15 kg / m2.

The taste and appearance of the vegetable are excellent: the flesh is snow-white, does not contain bitterness, the peel is thin, light purple or bright purple. The shape of the vegetable is cylindrical, the length is small - up to 18 cm.

King of the North

One of the most cold hardy varieties. It was bred specifically for relatively cold climatic conditions, in which it grows well and bears fruit abundantly. The culture is early ripe, it takes no more than 100 days after sowing to give the first harvest. This variety has excellent fruit set, which allows you to achieve a yield of up to 15 kg / m2.

The plant has a modest size, up to 40 cm high, which makes it convenient for growing in greenhouses and outdoor areas protected by a polyethylene shelter.

In addition to excellent survival, the variety has an excellent taste, thin, delicate skin. The pulp of the fruit is snow-white, exceptionally tender and absolutely does not contain bitterness. The vegetable itself is quite long (up to 35 cm), cylindrical in shape.

Valentine F1

A very early ripe hybrid, ripening 90-95 days after sowing seeds. Grown mainly in open ground, resistant to low temperatures.

Eggplants of this variety have excellent taste and appearance. Its peel is thin, dark purple, or rather even black. The length of the vegetable reaches 26 cm, and the weight exceeds 200 g. The flesh is white, does not taste bitter and is perfect for creating all kinds of culinary delights. The only drawback of the variety is a relatively modest yield - up to 5 kg / m2.

long purple

An early maturing variety that matures in 95 days in a greenhouse. The plant is very compact, adapted to grow in sheltered and open conditions. The yield of the variety is low - up to 5 kg / m2, however, it can be increased with the help of artificial pollination during flowering.

The length of the fruit varies from 12 to 24 cm, respectively, and the weight of the vegetable can be at the level of 100-300g, depending on the growing conditions. Eggplant pulp is juicy, soft, white.

Siberian early 148

The brainchild of domestic selection, bred specifically for cultivation in central Russia. The variety has exceptional resistance to low temperatures and poor climatic conditions. An excellent harvest is guaranteed by breeders even in Siberian conditions already 105 days after sowing.

The culture is grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open areas. The bushes are low, compact, give a yield of up to 6 kg / m2. The average weight of a vegetable is 200g.

Similar agrotechnical characteristics and high adaptability to cool summer weather, a short light period is also characteristic of another hybrid of the West Siberian selection - the Siberian Argument F1.

Dwarf early 921

A popular variety among eggplant lovers. He received his fame not only because of the ability to bear fruit abundantly in conditions of middle climatic latitudes, but also because of the excellent taste, unpretentiousness in care. The fruit ripening period does not exceed 100 days from the date of sowing the seeds. The yield of the variety in a greenhouse reaches 10 kg / m2.

Eggplants are pear-shaped, with dark purple skin. The average weight of a vegetable is about 250 g.

Epic F1

Ultra-early hybrid: a little more than 64 days pass from seed germination to fruiting. Grown in open areas, bears fruit in the amount of up to 6 kg/m2.

Drop-shaped eggplants with black and purple skin. Their length reaches 21 cm, and the weight is 230 g. The taste of the vegetable is good.


One of the best varieties, which is included in the TOP-5 of the most popular eggplants. Its good yield (8-10 kg/m2), excellent taste and unpretentious care are the main advantages of the variety. It is perfectly adapted to the climate of central Russia.

The bush is low (up to 55 cm), adapted to open ground and greenhouses, greenhouses. Fruits in 110 days after sowing the seed. Eggplants are small (length up to 17 cm, weight up to 160g), but very tasty. Their flesh is dense, greenish, with a sweet aftertaste. The vegetable is ideal for creating culinary dishes and winter preparations.

Czech early

An early ripe eggplant variety suitable for growing in greenhouses, hotbeds and open areas. When planting seedlings in May, the first harvest can be tested in August. The plant is relatively short, up to 50 cm high. Unfortunately, the yield does not exceed 5 kg/m2.

Eggplants of this variety have an ovoid shape. Their weight reaches 600 g.

Northern Blues F1

An early maturing hybrid, excellent for growing even in the harsh conditions of Siberia. Planted exclusively in a greenhouse. The significant height of the bush (up to 170 cm) implies a mandatory garter.

Eggplants are lilac, oval in shape with a diameter of up to 18 cm. Unfortunately, the yield of this northern variety does not exceed 3 kg / m2.


The variety is unique not only in its adaptability to harsh climatic conditions, but also in the light green color of the peel, which is unusual for eggplant. The culture is early ripe, its fruits ripen 110 days after sowing. Adapted exclusively to greenhouse conditions.

Eggplant pulp is greenish, sweet, which allows you to eat the vegetable raw. Fruit length up to 15 cm, weight up to 320g, yield 8 kg/m2.


A bright representative of white varieties of eggplant. A small oval fruit with white flesh and a very pleasant taste. The average weight of an eggplant reaches 200 g.

The culture is grown only in greenhouses, perfectly adapted to the middle latitudes. 105 days after sowing the seeds, the active phase of fruiting begins. The plant is tall - up to 180 cm, requires a garter. Despite the fact that the fruits are relatively small, their mass allows you to achieve a yield of up to 5 kg / m2.


An excellent early maturing variety adapted to open ground conditions even when cultivated in mid-latitudes. You can enjoy the harvest already 100 days after sowing the seed of this variety. The yield is quite high (up to 8 kg / m2), which allows you to prepare a vegetable for the winter.

Dark purple eggplant, pear-shaped with white flesh, excellent taste, without bitterness. Its skin is thin and tender. The average fruit weight is 250 g.


One of the best varieties of domestic selection. Adapted to low temperatures and lack of light. The ripening period is minimal and is no more than 90-95 days. The plant is very compact, no more than 65 cm high. At the same time, the crop yield reaches 5 kg / m2.

Eggplants are small, up to 15 cm long, with a dark purple color. The pulp of the fruit is snow-white, juicy, dense.

In addition to the above varieties, the following varieties Matrosik, Lebediny, Nutcracker and some others are adapted to harsh climatic conditions. You can see some of them on the video:

Growing Rules

In the middle latitudes of Russia, eggplants are mainly grown in seedlings. Seeds are pre-grown in small cups at home. Eggplant has a long growing season and it takes about 2 weeks for the seed to germinate. The grown seedlings are hardened 2 weeks before picking into the ground, periodically taking them out into the street.

The soil in the greenhouse or in the garden must be prepared. To do this, it is heated with the help of special additives or mulch. Sand, ash, peat and other components that are present in a glass with seedlings are introduced into the soil. This will allow the plant to take root painlessly in the new conditions.

Eggplants are especially demanding on the microclimate of the environment in which they grow. They love watering, but they do not tolerate excessively high humidity. Heat and ventilation are also necessary conditions for growth. A favorable microclimate for eggplants in a greenhouse can only be created with regular ventilation and watering. In the case of planting a plant on open ground, it is necessary to provide wind protection in the form of artificial screens, tall plants. Covering with plastic wrap is also a great option for outdoor areas, but this can only be done when choosing seeds for undersized eggplants.

During the period of active growth, it is necessary to pinch the bush, so that 6-8 ovaries remain on the plant, this will allow the fruits to form and ripen successfully in a timely manner. Top dressing is also a necessary condition for obtaining a rich harvest. Particular attention should be paid to nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Harvesting requires compliance with certain rules:

  • the fruits are removed when the characteristic skin color is achieved;
  • regular harvesting will allow young eggplants to ripen safely;
  • if you wish to prepare seeds of a certain variety, 1-2 fruits can be left until full biological maturation.

Characteristics and description of the hybrid

The hybrid eggplant King of the North was bred specifically for the northern regions of Russia, which are part of the zone of risky farming, but can also grow in the Middle lane. Equally successfully grows and bears fruit in greenhouses and on beds in open ground. Refers to early ripening, from mass seedlings to the 1st harvest, no more than 95-100 days pass.

According to the description of eggplant King of the North, these plants have:

  • bushes are medium-sized in the beds (55-70 cm) and tall in greenhouses (above 1 m);
  • stems of bright purple anthocyanin color;
  • the leaves are green, veined in the same bright purple color as the stems;
  • numerous flowers of light purple color;
  • spineless stalks;
  • fruits are long (25-30 cm) and thin (6-7 cm), elongated-cylindrical, slightly curved;
  • they have a glossy black-violet skin and tender white, not bitter, excellent-tasting flesh.

Eggplant yield King of the North - 12-15 kg / m2 plantings with an average weight of 1 fruit 300-350 g. Each bush ripens an average of 10 fruits.

This hybrid has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • phenomenal cold resistance;
  • early ripeness;
  • tolerance for temperature fluctuations;
  • resistance to fungal diseases (powdery mildew, late blight, various rots);
  • the absence of empty flowers;
  • long term fruiting;
  • stable and high yield.

Harvested eggplants are well transported and suitable for preparing a variety of dishes that include this vegetable. They can be fried, stewed, baked, canned, dried and frozen. If you put the fruits for storage in a dark, cool place with a humidity of 85-90%, they can lie there for about 1 month.

Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

Eggplant King of the North F1 can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and on warm beds in the open field. Sites should be well lit by the sun and protected from the effects of winds. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place, sowing with seeds does not justify itself, since the plants do not have time to grow and give the entire crop in a short summer season.

Distillation begins in early or mid-March. Fertile soil is prepared from a mixture of soil soil, humus, sand or sawdust, peat. The finished mixture is preliminarily disinfected, frozen, calcined or spilled with potassium permanganate. Many gardeners also purchase vegetable substrate from the store. For growing eggplant seedlings, individual pots, cups, shallow boxes, and cassettes are used.

Before sowing, eggplant seeds are heated and disinfected in solutions of fungicides or potassium permanganate. Optionally soak in growth stimulants or germinate. The prepared material is embedded in moist soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The container is covered with a film and left indoors at a temperature of 22-26 ° C. It is optimal for rapid germination. So the first sprouts usually appear on the 8-10th day, germinated seeds germinate on the 4-6th day.

After germination, the air temperature is reduced to 16-18 ° C during the day and 13-15 ° C at night. This allows the plants to develop a good root system and not stretch out in length. Then it is raised again. Water the plants only with warm water. In phase 2 of true leaves - dive. If eggplant seedlings are grown in individual containers, this procedure is skipped.

During cultivation, daylight hours are maintained at 12 hours. In the morning and evening hours, the plants are illuminated with lamps. Eggplants are fed several times with complex fertilizers, the first time 7-10 days after germination. Follow the instructions for the tool used. The event is combined with irrigation. Before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened off.

The eggplant hybrid King of the North is transplanted into the beds when the soil warms up to at least 15 ° C, around May, early June. In the greenhouse, this is done 2-3 weeks earlier. Planting scheme is used: 40 cm between eggplants in a row and 60-70 cm between rows. Seedlings are lowered into the ground with a whole clod of earth, without injuring the roots; for this, the soil in pots is well moistened.

Eggplant bushes growing in greenhouses King of the North need to be tied to supports. This allows the plants to withstand a large harvest and not break. Mulching is used to prevent fruit tip rot. When forming bushes, side shoots (stepchildren) are removed, as well as part of the lower leaves.

Further agricultural technology for growing crops includes standard processes: watering, loosening the soil, top dressing. Irrigation of plants is carried out in the evening hours and only with warm water. Young plants are watered 1 time in 5-7 days, with the beginning of flowering and fruiting - 2 times a week. However, such a schedule is not the only correct one, weather conditions may be different. For watering adult eggplants, the liquid rate is increased.

Fertilizers for crops are applied at least 3 times per season. If the soil has been well seasoned with nutrients since autumn, this is enough for eggplants. The first time the plants are fed 2 weeks after planting the seedlings (mainly with nitrogen compounds), the second - during the flowering period (complex preparations), the third - during fruiting (phosphorus-potassium). Alternate the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Good results are obtained by foliar feeding of bushes, especially with a lack of macro- and microelements. On poor soils, eggplant fertilize every 2 weeks throughout the growing season.

Reviews of vegetable growers

Gardeners, on the beds of which the King of the North eggplants have already grown, leave flattering reviews about them.

This eggplant is the best for our area. Early ripe, cold-resistant, but at the same time unpretentious and fruitful. In any weather, it is guaranteed to yield a crop that many heat-loving varieties cannot boast of. The taste is also excellent, the pulp is tender, not bitter. Matvey I decided to grow the King of the North hybrid because it attracted me with high yields and an unusual fruit shape. I can say that eggplant justified the hopes placed on them. There are always a lot of ovaries on the bushes, the fruits ripen quickly, the bushes bear fruit throughout the summer and early autumn, you can not be afraid that they will freeze. Olga Always grew eggplants with fruits of the usual form, but decided to try to plant this hybrid. It turned out very well: the bushes grow low, literally hung with fruits. I also liked the fact that it is convenient to cut long eggplants into rings for homemade preparations. Victoria

Expert opinion Maria Vlasova Gardener Ask an expert The King of the North hybrid can be a good alternative to capricious heat-loving eggplants, which are problematic to grow in the northern regions of Russia. Under any weather conditions, it is able to grow safely, bloom and bear fruit, so any gardener can plant it without fear on its site.

Varieties of eggplant with a small number of seeds

Modern eggplant varieties must meet the following requirements:

  • High yield;
  • Lack of bitterness in fruits;
  • Resistance to various kinds of diseases;
  • Good appearance and taste;
  • Small number of seeds.

The last point is a guarantee that the eggplant pulp will be tender and pleasant, without a hint of bitterness. Among these varieties, 2 groups can be distinguished, which are divided according to the principle of ripening. They will be discussed further.

Early ripe eggplant varieties


Plants of this variety are distinguished by their small height, which is about 50 cm. On such a short bush, glossy dark purple fruits grow up to 18 cm in size. The mass of a mature fruit is small - only 100 - 150 grams, but the snow-white pulp has a very unusual delicate taste.

Seeds of culture are sown for growing seedlings in late or early March. Ready and hardened seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in early May. If in the first month of summer the temperature is stable and there are no strong winds, then it is possible, having initially planted seedlings under a film on a regular garden bed, to remove the shelter. In August, with proper care, consisting of regular watering, fertilizing, loosening, you can harvest a pretty good harvest.

Important! In the southern regions, the variety is grown without a greenhouse.

Behemoth F1

It is not for nothing that this variety was so named, since an adult culture reaches a height of 2 meters, so it can only be grown in greenhouses that are suitable in height, where there is space for growth.

Fruits reach 20 cm and weigh 350 grams. Their shape is pear-shaped. Inside the eggplant is white with an admixture of green. The variety is highly valued for its excellent yield qualities and pleasant pulp with almost no seeds.

Valentine F1

A medium-sized plant with a stem that is slightly pubescent, has bright green leaves with characteristic cuts along the edges. Fruits of black-violet color up to 25 cm grow in the shape of a slightly elongated pear. The pulp is distinguished by a soft beige color and the absence of bitterness. The main advantage of this variety can be considered the ability to tie flowers even under adverse conditions.

Advice! Eggplant seedlings are not dived for early harvest.


The plant grows in a bush about 40 - 60 cm in height with small leaves throughout the height. The fruits on such a small crop are also small - weighing about 100 grams and 11 - 14 cm long. The most interesting thing about this variety is that the fruits are distinguished by an uncharacteristic for eggplant color without gloss, which is shown in the photo. They are yellowish-purple in the shape of a pear.

The quartet is widely used due to its resistance to arid climate and various rots.

Maksik F1

Plant height is approximately 1 meter. The fruits of this variety ripen on the 100th day after the appearance of sprouts. Eggplant Maxik has a pleasant glossy dark purple color, their length is 25 cm. The pulp of the fruit is greenish-white without bitterness.

The culture tolerates temperature changes especially well and resists tobacco and cucumber-type mosaic viruses.

Nancy F1

The plant is low with small green leaves of a pale shade. The fruits are also small, weighing up to 80 grams and ovoid in shape. The color of eggplant is brilliant purple. The flesh of the fruit is not bitter and has a white color. This variety resists the attacks of spider mites.

Advice! Nancy F1 is great for preservation in its entirety.

Purple Haze

The stem of the plant has a strong pubescence and reaches 60 cm. The leaves of the culture are ideally shaped, smooth and without jagged edges. The fruits ripen 100 - 105 days after sowing and have an oval shape, a lilac skin tone. The pulp inside the fruit without bitterness, white.

Gardeners fell in love with this variety because of the elegant coloring shown in the photo and resistance to bacterial-type rot. This variety is universal and can be grown throughout Russia, in regions with any climate.

Purple Wonder F1

Plant of small height, about 60 cm. Stem with some pubescence, leaves slightly incised along the edges are located on the stem. Ripe fruits are cylindrical in shape and painted in a purple glossy shade. Eggplant pulp is not bitter and has a greenish tint.

Presentation and good taste are not the only advantages of this variety. It is also resistant to spider mites and verticella wilt.

Bibo F1

The hybrid begins to bear fruit on the 55th day after the appearance of the first shoots. The height of the plant is 85 cm, which obliges to tie it to a support. The fruits grow white, oval-conical, up to 18 cm long. Under the milky-white skin, tender white flesh is hidden without bitterness. Eggplants have very valuable taste and dietary properties, which allows them to be used in various dishes.

white egg

Compact shrub up to 70 cm tall. Japanese variety. The fruits are white and ovoid, weighing up to 200 grams and 10 cm long. This variety is distinguished by its high yield and unusually tasty and tender pulp, which is practically devoid of seeds. You can more clearly see these unusual eggplants in the photo:

Mid-season varieties of eggplant


Growing this variety in the southern regions is possible in open soil, but in the middle lane or in the northern territories - only in greenhouses. The fruits ripen on the 130th day. The height of this plant is approximately 60 cm, and the fruits are grouped in the lower part of the culture. Since there are no spikes on the calyx, harvesting is much faster and easier. Ripe eggplants have a small mass - about 120 grams and are distinguished by a deep purple hue with a glossy sheen. The pulp of the fruit is snow-white with a greenish tinge, quite dense and without bitterness.

This culture is resistant to mosaic and stolbur, however, it is practically resistant to diseases that cause wilting.


The culture grows about 75 cm long, the stem is covered with small dark green leaves. Fruits in a state of ripeness resemble a cylinder in shape and have a dark purple color, about 22 cm long and 6 cm in diameter. The pulp is distinguished by its density and the absence of bitterness.

This variety is not affected by late blight and anthracosis.


A plant of a semi-spreading type with a height of about 75 cm. The fruits at the stage of maturity are distinguished by an unusual color, as in the photo: white stripes alternate with purple. The fruit itself is shaped like an oval, sometimes a pear about 17 cm long. The flesh is snow-white in color, without pronounced bitterness.

Important! On the stalks of this variety there are prickly thorns, so you need to harvest only with gloves.


The plant is stunted, reaches only about 65 cm. The fruits ripen are elongated pear-shaped, white. The mass of a ripe vegetable is about 250 grams. The pulp of the fruit is of a snow-white shade, without bitterness, with a delicate taste of mushrooms.

The main values ​​of this variety are heat resistance, the ability to endure sudden changes in temperature, stable fruit ripening, and taste.

Pelican F1

The height of the bush is average, about 110 cm. Ripening occurs on the 116th day after germination. The fruits are white and saber-shaped, elongated, weighing 250 grams each and varying in length from 15 to 18 cm. The flesh is light, without a bitter aftertaste. Eggplants are used for harvesting and cooking various dishes.

Ping Pong F1

A bush of average height of about 70 cm gives a crop for 110 days after germination. The plant itself is similar in shape and small size to an ornamental plant with small leaves. Ripe eggplants are shaped like a ball. They are white. No wonder this variety got such a name. Inside the vegetable is light salad pulp without bitterness. The special value of the hybrid is that the fruits are easy to transport and do not deteriorate for a long time.

Important! Such eggplants should be grown only in heated greenhouses.


The height of the bush is about 1.5 m, the branches are sprawling. The ripened fruit resembles a purple cylinder about 20 cm long and weighing 300 grams. Eggplant pulp is light green in color, has no bitterness and voids inside. Cultivation can be done in unheated and heated greenhouses.

Important! The branches of the culture of the Surprise variety must be tied up and additionally shaped.


A small bush, about 45 - 60 cm in size, bears fruit perfectly on the 115th day of planting. This crop grows oval white fruits about 20 cm long and weighing approximately 200 grams. The pulp is distinguished by juiciness and high taste. The fact that the pulp does not have voids helps to harvest these eggplants. Can be grown in unheated and heated greenhouses.

The variety is valued for regular fruiting, resistance to transportation, heat resistance and resistance to many viruses that infect eggplant.

For more information about eggplant varieties, see the video:

Such a variety of eggplant varieties is associated with the ever-growing demands of gardeners and breeders. If earlier housewives could only dream of making preparations and adding eggplants with a small number of seeds to food, today you can choose the variety that you like and not worry about having to send most of the pulp to the bin . A smaller number of seeds are found in light-colored fruits, so it is best to choose them for such dishes where seeds are superfluous.

Eggplant Bibo f1 is a hybrid variety that appeared on the seed counters not so long ago. First of all, this vegetable differs from others in its color scheme. Unusual eggplant has a snow-white color. But Bibo is valuable not only for its external characteristics, many consumers love it for its excellent taste.

Description of eggplant

Variety Bibo f1 refers to early ripening plants. The vegetative period is 50–55 days. The species grows well in any extreme conditions. Disease resistant.

Vegetable culture of open type. The internodes are short, which allows the appearance of many ovaries. The bush is medium-sized, powerful, reaches a height of 80–90 cm. It grows quickly. The stems are slightly lowered, light purple in color. The leaves are small, wide, with a rough surface. The color is deep green. A slight wave can be seen along the edge. The calyxes of the fruit have sharp spines.

The Bibo variety is intended for planting in open and closed ground. It all depends on the characteristics of the climatic zones of growth.

Description of fruits

Bibo eggplant f1 fruits are cylindrical in shape with a white glossy surface. The variety is characterized by single-caliber fruits. The mass of the vegetable is 300–400 g. There are specimens up to 500 g. An average of 15 eggplants is formed on one bush. The size of the vegetable is 15–18 cm in length. Diameter - 7 cm.

The skin is thin. The pulp is dense, tender, white with a greenish tinge. The fruits do not contain solanine, so the bitterness is completely absent, which makes the vegetables even tastier.

Variety characteristics

Gardeners leave good reviews about Bibo f1 eggplant fruits. For planting in open beds, blue and white varieties are used. It must be remembered that plants fully grow and bear fruit with a lack of moisture, thanks to a powerful developed root system. However, the lack of heat can adversely affect the fruiting of the Bibo eggplant.

Yield and fruiting

The period of technical maturity of white eggplant begins 55–65 days after planting seedlings or 75–90 days after the first shoots appear. Harvesting is carried out in August - September. Only ripe fruits of medium size with a characteristic color are subject to collection. At this point, the seeds are small, the pulp has a delicate texture. If the vegetable is overexposed on the bush, then the flesh begins to taste bitter, and the seeds become coarse. The crop is harvested at intervals of 8-10 days, which contributes to the faster development of new ovaries.

Advice! It is not necessary to tear off a strong eggplant stalk - it is cut off with a pruner 4–5 cm from the base of the fruit.

Fruiting eggplant Bibo f1 is 4.8–5 kg / sq. m. This is considered a good indicator for hybrid varieties. However, planting density can affect the yield of Bibo eggplant. Lack of space leads to a decrease in size, deformation of the fruit, or even a complete absence of a crop.

Planting scheme for eggplant varieties Bibo f1:

  • maintain a distance of 65 cm between rows;
  • between plants in a row - 35 cm;
  • on one sq. m should fit from 4 to 6 eggplant.

Scope of fruits

Eggplant fruits contain a large amount of potassium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which makes them indispensable sources of healthy nutrition. Excellent palatability with the possibility of fresh use contribute to the high demand in the market. Bibo eggplants are no less in demand in home cooking, for cooking vegetables on the grill or in the oven, in the form of casseroles, side dishes, snacks, and preparations for the winter.

Disease and pest resistance

Still young, immature Bibo eggplant seedlings are sensitive to infections, harmful insects, and adverse weather conditions.

  1. The black leg disease in the Bibo f1 variety appears from an excess of moisture. As a result, the trunk darkens and the plant dies. You can prevent such an ailment by observing the correct irrigation regime.
  2. Fungal disease late blight. Develops in a humid environment. Solutions of Bordeaux liquid, copper sulphate help to eliminate the disease.
  3. Colorado beetles show an active interest in eggplant. Insects eat the leaves of nightshade crops. You can remove pests with your own hands or with the help of insecticide preparations. It is better to choose products that quickly decompose in the ground.
  4. In greenhouses, slugs can harm Bibo f1 eggplants. They are collected by hand, and after the beds are sprinkled with ashes or tobacco dust.

To make the hybrid less attractive to pests, the seedlings are sprayed with a solution of the Prestige preparation. Processing is carried out even before landing on a permanent place of growth. The dosage is the same as for potatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The popularity of the Bibo f1 eggplant variety among gardeners is due to numerous positive aspects:

  • extra early variety;
  • universal use of fruits;
  • lack of bitterness in the pulp;
  • unusual color of fruits;
  • endures cold and heat - in these conditions it develops well;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • resistance to tobacco mosaic and fusarium;
  • the possibility of growing in greenhouse conditions and in open ground;
  • gives a friendly harvest;
  • transportability;
  • long-term storage.

The disadvantages of this variety include:

  • the need for tying;
  • the presence of spikes on eggplant cups;
  • there is no way to collect seeds while maintaining their varietal qualities.

Features of planting and care

In mid-February, Bibo f1 eggplant seeds are sown. Having previously specified whether the seeds are treated or not. This information is always indicated on the packaging. If there are no marks, then the seeds should be pickled with a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil is desirable to choose light, loose, fertile. Before the emergence of seedlings, it is not necessary to water the ground, but only irrigate with water from a spray bottle. The optimum temperature for seed germination is +22–24 °С. When 1-2 leaves appear, young plants begin to dive.

Attention! Bibo f1 hybrid eggplant seeds are sown in open ground only in the southern regions. However, for better rooting and growth, it is desirable to grow seedlings.

Young shoots are planted when the weather is warm outside with a temperature of +20 ° C and daylight hours at 12 o'clock. Roughly this is the first decade of May. By this time, the plants already have 5-6 leaves. The transplant procedure is performed carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system of young shoots. Eggplant beds should be prepared and fertilized in the fall.

Bibo white eggplant is a light-loving plant. If you plant it in a shaded area or under tall crops, then you can not expect a good harvest. The dense and oxygen-deprived land is also not suitable for the full fruiting of eggplant. The place must be chosen well lit.

At a high ambient air temperature of more than +28 °C, there is a massive shedding of flowers and ovaries in eggplants of the Bibo variety.

Throughout the growing season, you should follow the basic rules of care:

  • during the period of flowering and the formation of ovaries, the plant needs abundant watering, even a short-term drought should not be allowed;
  • after moistening the soil, regularly loosen;
  • weeding weeds between rows;
  • timely carry out top dressing - about 3 times per season;
  • to spray the bushes with preparations from pests.

Attention! When loosening the soil, care must be taken not to touch the roots. At the slightest violation of the integrity of the root system, the Bibo eggplant may die.

Eggplant Bibo f1 will not only become a decoration in the beds, but will also bring a considerable harvest. Fruit dishes have a spicy taste, similar to mushrooms. To achieve a positive result, it is important to follow the recommendations for planting, growing seedlings and further caring for plants.

After the introduction of a blockade on most products from European countries, the inhabitants of our state began to pay more attention to their own cultivation of vegetables. Eggplants have become very popular. They are rich in trace elements, fiber and vitamins.

Besides low-calorie product, and therefore it is included in the diet of all who lead an active lifestyle. There are many varieties of culture known in the world, and the best eggplant varieties for open ground are collected in one list, replenished with new species.

This plant is a perennial, but since seeds are always on sale, there is no need to grow them for breeding planting material.

Features of care

A vegetable of the nightshade family varies in shape, color and taste. In cooking it used for cooking second courses and preparations for the winter.

Sowing term

If there is a heated greenhouse, everything is clear, but otherwise it is required to calculate in advance the time when the weather will be without frost. The most optimal age of seedlings is considered 60-70 days. Thus, when planting in open ground, for example, from June 10, it is necessary to sow seeds in the second half of March.

seed processing

Last year's seeds are considered the best. They should be warmed up. at a temperature of + 250 C for about four hours, and then not 40 minutes, the temperature rises to +400 C. Next, the planting material is treated with a manganese solution, washed with water and sent to a solution of stimulants (aloe mummy or special products).

In order to activate the seeds before sowing, they should be laid out on gauze moistened with water and left for a couple of days. Determining the timing of sowing depends on the variety.

The soil

Eggplant - very demanding culture. The soil must be nutritious and breathable. Mineral fertilizers (potash, superforsate, saltpeter), manure and compost should be added to it. On poor soil, the plant will develop very slowly. It must be remembered that this culture is too sensitive to the “black leg” disease, and therefore, before sowing, the earth is watered with boiling water, disinfected or calcined on a baking sheet.


Growing seedlings

Eggplants can be sown in special pots. This will avoid injury to the root system during transplantation. After the emergence of seedlings, the strongest shoot is left, and the rest are removed. When planning to carry out a pick, you can sow first in a common box, and then distribute the seedlings in other containers.

Transplantation in open ground

In the garden should find a site on a hill which is well lit. Even in excellent soil, sand with humus is first introduced in order to saturate the soil with nutrients and lighten it. 2 hours before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, and then they are placed vertically in the furrow and sprinkled with earth. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm. They need to be watered with warm water so that the culture takes root better.

Early varieties of eggplant

Residents of central Russia for planting in open ground it is worth choosing a culture of early ripe varieties, frost-resistant and immune to diseases of the nightshade family.

Mid-season varieties of eggplant

This type of culture the first harvest gives 130 - 150 days after sowing. Mid-season eggplants, the description of which we will present below, ripen longer, however, they are more resistant to heat and untimely watering.

Good variety of colorful eggplants

Recently white eggplant, photos of which he eats on the Internet, were considered exotic for us. Gradually, they became popular among gardeners due to their delicate texture and amazing taste. The white variety is not bitter, but tastes like chicken meat or mushrooms, which earned it rave reviews.

The following albino eggplants received the most common species in Russia: Iceberg, Swan, Ping-Pong, White Egg, Pelican, Bibo.

Green varieties

Small round fruits of bright green color are quite popular in Southeast Asia. Domestic breeders too brought out good green views. For example, "Green" eggplant produces pear-shaped fruits weighing up to 300g. In such fruits, the pulp is not bitter and is white with a slightly green tint.

"Emerald" - early ripe variety, cultivated both under the film and in the garden. Large bushes are unpretentious and resistant to cold. Fruits of a cylindrical elongated shape can weigh up to 400 g, and their pulp is of medium density, creamy white in color. Eggplants delight with high yields.

Yellow, orange and red

These varieties of eggplant in our gardens are almost impossible to meet.

Interesting view of the "Golden Eggs"- an amazing variety with oval-shaped fruits bred by breeders from Holland. The pulp is enriched with carotene, and other characteristics of the culture are similar to other species.

miniature turkish eggplant differ in that their orange striped color appears during maturation. The young fruit is green and is characterized by a rich aroma, however, as they set in color, they begin to taste bitter. The fruits of this eggplant variety contain lycopene, which is used in the fight against cancer.

Red varieties reminiscent of tomatoes or small pumpkins. Mostly these eggplants are grown for ornamental purposes, as the plant forms a large sprawling shrub. The foliage and trunk are covered with thorns and painted purple or burgundy. The eggplant fruit is edible, but in adulthood, most varieties begin to taste bitter.

The main nuances important for eggplant

  • The soil is constantly loosened to prevent compaction.
  • Watering should be plentiful, and the water for this is preheated in the sun.
  • During the season, eggplant bushes are fed three times. To do this, it is better to use slurry and manure or chicken manure.
  • Weeds are always weeded and made sure that there are no diseases on the plant.
  • Bushes should be spudded and tied up.
  • Above the bed, it is worth making a film arc in order to stretch the film over the plants at night. This will prevent hypothermia.

Opinions of gardeners

I have been gardening for a long time, but I could not decide to plant eggplant. Finally, I chose the early ripe variety "King of the North", studied its characteristics and set to work. You will not believe, but after a long and careful care, I was able to harvest an unprecedented harvest! My husband and I ate plenty of fresh fruits, and we were able to preserve them!

Andrey Petrovich

Olga Ivanovna

I have long heard that there are multi-colored eggplants, and now I decided to try to breed them in my area. It turned out that it is not difficult if you follow all the care requirements and fulfill them on time. I purchased three different colors, and therefore my garden turned out to be fun and unusual when all the fruits are ripe. The taste of these fruits is no different from ordinary ones, and the yield is high.

Residents of the southern regions of Russia have long been accustomed to growing such crops as eggplant in large quantities. "Diamond", reviews of which are always only good, has become a real classic among gardeners. But this is far from the only variety: the counters today are full of an abundance of offers. Which one to choose? First of all, pay attention to the climatic features of the region in which you live. The variety must be adapted to them. In the Primorsky Territory, any species will readily bear fruit, but in Siberia, not every plant will be accepted. The growing conditions also matter. Seedlings can be adapted for open ground or greenhouse, as well as for growing on a balcony. But most often, the choice of Russians becomes eggplant "diamond". Reviews of summer residents guarantee a good result even in the absence of special skills in growing this crop.

Culture features

It is not for nothing that the culture we are considering received the greatest popularity in warm regions - in the Caucasus and Ukraine. These are very heat-loving and capricious plants that do not develop well in a cool climate and refuse to bear fruit. Despite this, the diamond eggplant won almost universal love. The reviews emphasize that the plant itself is very compact, so a small greenhouse or even is suitable for growing. In addition, the bush does not need to be pinched, it itself is not inclined to let out extra shoots.

But that is not all. Novice gardeners and gardeners should be aware of how difficult it can be. It is extremely demanding on temperature conditions and lighting, and is also very afraid of drafts. It is necessary to create almost greenhouse conditions in order to grow strong bushes ready to bear fruit. Many people prefer to buy ready-made seedlings from nurseries rather than grow them themselves. In fact, this is also not always a good option. Greenhouse plants are often infested with aphids and other diseases. They are poorly adapted to open ground conditions, since seedlings were not hardened.

Another downside is the transfer itself. Eggplant tolerates it very hard, but here the plant is dug up, taken to the point of sale, where it is waiting for a buyer. Yes, and you will need time to bring it to their summer cottage. As a result, the plants get sick for a long time and enter the fruiting season late. If you do not live in the southern regions, then you will need the earliest ripening variety so that it has time to get sick, adapt, take root and bear fruit. In a cool climate, already in early August, the "blue ones" stop fruiting: there is not enough heat. A good choice in this case is eggplant "diamond". Reviews of gardeners confirm that, with fairly good adaptability, it is also very early.

Eggplant for open ground

For good fruiting, three conditions are necessary: ​​a lot of heat, light and moisture. The homeland of this plant is southwestern Asia, which explains its exactingness. We will list the main ones for open ground, but it is necessary to correctly assess the capabilities of your region. The mild climate of central Russia makes it possible to grow these plants in open ground only when using seedlings; sowing seeds directly into the ground is possible only in the homeland of this crop.

When choosing seeds for open ground, first of all, pay attention to the ripening time. It is best if it is 90-110 days. This ensures that before the nights get cooler, the eggplant has time to bear fruit. At the same time, it is very good if the bush is formed low: in this case, the plants are easier to cover if the days are cool.

When choosing for open ground, you need to remember one more feature. This is a short day plant. What does it mean? It blooms when the daylight hours are less than 12 hours. If we plant plants in the ground in May, when the daylight hours increase over and over again, this can stimulate the rapid growth of the bush itself and the lack of flowering. At the same time, the summer resident will be surprised to notice an abundance of flowers at the end of July, when the day begins to wane. That's just the time for ripening in fruits in open ground is no longer there. This problem is solved through the use of hybrids that are adapted to the conditions of the region and do not depend on the length of daylight hours.

We continue to choose eggplant. Varieties for the Moscow region involve growing seedlings in the open field, which means that they must comply with the characteristics stated above. Many gardeners prefer not to take risks and choose a proven "diamond". Seeds in this case are sown in pots in mid-February, two months before planting in the ground. You should not rush, otherwise the plants may stretch out. With the onset of warm, stable weather, it is required to transplant seedlings into the ground. Choose a place that is very sunny and well warmed up. It is better if each seed is initially planted in an individual pot, because otherwise the plants get very sick during transplantation and may die. Everyone grows eggplants in the same way. You can choose varieties for the Moscow region from the following, focusing on the timing of fruit ripening. It is important that they coincide with the length of the warmest, summer period.

Eggplant varieties by maturity

The best varieties of eggplant, according to gardeners, are usually early-ripening hybrids that bear fruit with good pulp without bitterness. At the same time, species may differ in better fruiting, but require the creation of special conditions, which is not always possible. Hybrids are more versatile in this regard, and even an inexperienced summer resident gives a good harvest.

Early maturing varieties. The maturation period (from germination to technical maturity) is 90-110 days. These are very good indicators, an average of three months. That is, plants planted in mid-February in June may already begin to produce a crop. If climatic conditions allow you to take two crops, then you can prepare the second generation of seedlings. We list the most interesting varieties that are worth paying attention to:

  • Eggplant "Diamond". A brief description of it is on each package with seeds. It belongs to mid-early varieties, although the ripening period also fits the description of early ripe ones. This usually depends on the conditions in which the eggplant grows. The cooler it is, the longer the fruit ripening time. The norm is considered to be up to 150 days before harvest. The bush is compact, 45-55 cm high, the fruits are located mainly in the lower part. What summer residents love him for is the friendly maturation of blue. Cylindrical, purple beauties reach 14-18 cm in length with a diameter of 4-6 cm. The mass is relatively small - about 150 g. The flesh is greenish, dense, without bitterness, and has excellent taste. The fruits perfectly tolerate transportation, are used in home cooking for conservation and processing. The best choice for a novice gardener is the Almaz eggplant. The description allows you to judge its qualities with which you will be satisfied.
  • The early varieties also include "albatross", "banana", "hippopotamus", "black beauty" and hybrids "bourgeois F1", "avan F1", "almalik F1", "bagheera F1".

Eggplant: varieties for Siberia

In harsh climatic conditions, with a long spring and a short summer, it is quite difficult to grow heat-loving crops. These include eggplant. Varieties for Siberia are primarily early-ripening plants intended for open ground. Not every site has greenhouses, because their equipment is quite expensive. The Siberian gardener, first of all, prefers the variety "Early Ripening" of the Siberian selection. Its long, purple fruits are guaranteed to ripen. Unusual white eggplants "Easter Egg" also proved themselves well in Siberia. The yield is small - about 400 g per bush, but the fruits ripen very early.

Large-fruited varieties please with productivity, but their ripening time is somewhat late. Despite this, some of them can be grown outdoors. This is an eggplant variety "diamond", "Donskoy 14", "spherical", "Ilya Muromets". In the conditions of Siberia, a bush can produce only one or two fruits, but each of them reaches a mass of 500 and even 700 g. All of the listed varieties can be grown in open ground, but film cover will only improve productivity. It can only be used during a period when the air temperature has dropped slightly, during rainy seasons or in August to stimulate fruit ripening.

Growing in greenhouses

If you do not live in the warmest regions and do not want to risk the future harvest, then it is better to choose eggplants for the greenhouse. There are varieties for every taste, while they will surely please you with a harvest, because the greenhouse eliminates a sharp temperature drop. If you have small greenhouses built on your site or you use a film shelter on a frame, then a short and early "Robin Hood" would be a good choice. It is distinguished by good productivity and unpretentiousness. Fruits weighing 200-300 g. Bush no more than 100 cm high.

The best varieties of eggplant for unheated film greenhouses are "Joker", "Romantic", "Bumbo", "Vakula". Excellent yields were shown by the blue sperm whale, pink flamingo, namesake and torpedo. All these varieties are distinguished by medium-sized bushes, up to 170 cm high.

For heated greenhouses, you can choose vigorous, very productive crops that will bear fruit even in a fairly cool autumn period. In such conditions, you can shoot several crops per season. These plants grow well in unheated greenhouses, but when weather conditions change (autumn cooling), fruit development will stop. These are varieties "dolphin", "airship", "don quixote", "F1 bard", "F1 goliath", "F1 policeman". The height of the bush reaches 3 meters, the weight of the fruit is up to a kilogram. These blue ones require bush shaping, tying and pinching. With proper care, each bush produces a good amount of fruit.

Sowing dates

Now let's talk a little more about when to sow eggplant. If there is a heated greenhouse or hotbeds, everything is clear, otherwise you need to calculate in advance when steadily warm weather without frost sets in in your region. The optimal age of seedlings is 60-70 days, that is, if you plant it in the ground on June 10, then the seeds should be sown in the second half of March. Longer time spent in pots. fraught with disease and poor transplant tolerance.

seed processing

It is better to use the seeds of the last year of assembly. They should be heated for 4 hours at a temperature of +25 degrees. After that, it is good to raise the temperature to +50 for 40 minutes. Now the seeds should be soaked in potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, and then rinsed with water and put in a solution of biological stimulants. It can be special preparations, aloe or mummy. The busiest vegetable growers are advised to follow at least one rule. Seeds must be activated before sowing. To do this, they are laid out on gauze, which is moistened with water, and left for 2-3 days. Another point: you can decide on the question "when to sow eggplants" after familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the variety. The most late-ripening can be sown as early as February.

The soil

Eggplant seeds, like the plants themselves, are demanding on the composition of the soil. It should be light, breathable and quite nutritious. It is necessary to add compost and manure, as well as mineral fertilizers: superphosphate, potash fertilizers, ammonium nitrate. In poor soil, plants will develop very slowly. Eggplant is very susceptible to a disease called blackleg. Before sowing, the land must be disinfected, ignited on a baking sheet or poured with boiling water.

Growing seedlings

Eggplant seeds should be sown in individual pots. Since plants do not tolerate transplanting well, this is a good way to avoid injury to the root system. Experts recommend laying 3 seeds in each pot, and after germination, choose the strongest shoot. The rest should be removed. If you plan to make a pick, then you can initially sow the seeds in a common box, and then distribute them into separate containers. These can be ordinary plastic cups or special pots with a retractable bottom.

Transplant to the ground

In the country, you should find the most elevated and sunny area, it is desirable that solanaceous grow on it before. Even if the land is very good, sand and humus must be added to it so that it is lighter and more nutritious. In two hours, the seedlings need to be well watered, and then vertically placed in the prepared furrow and covered with earth. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm. Use heated water for irrigation. In this case, the landing itself is best done in the evening. This will allow the plants to take root normally. For a few days it is better to provide protection from direct sunlight.

Following these recommendations will allow you to get a high yield from grown seedlings. Carefully consider the choice of variety, because each of them has unique characteristics, only taking into account which you can get a good result.

This page contains eggplant varieties and hybrids for greenhouses and open ground, tall and short, early and mid-season, of various colors, shapes and sizes. The selection is based on gardeners' reviews of the best varieties at the end of 2018.

Eggplant Diamond

Mid-season eggplant variety for outdoor cultivation. The period from full shoots to harvest is 110 - 150 days (depending on the region of cultivation). In the middle lane, seedlings are recommended to be planted in greenhouses and film shelters. The variety is resistant to drought and other adverse weather conditions. Suitable for mechanized harvesting.

The Almaz eggplant variety was included in the State Register and approved for use in the Urals, Far East, Middle Volga, Lower Volga, Central Black Earth, West Siberian and North Caucasus regions.

The bush is compact, 50–55 cm high. The leaves are green, medium in size, broadly oval in shape. The corolla is light purple. The calyx is greenish-purple, without thorns, which makes it easier to harvest.

The fruits are glossy, cylindrical, 14.5-17.5 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide. In biological maturity, eggplants have a brown-brown color. The average weight of the fruit is 100-165 g. The pulp is greenish, dense in texture, not bitter.

yield eggplant Diamond: up to 7.5 kg/sq. meters of landings (subject to agricultural technology).

Variety advantages: high and stable yield, unpretentiousness, good taste of fruits, excellent transportability.

disadvantages: a large number of seeds in eggplant, the lower fruits are in contact with the soil.

Eggplant King of the North, characteristic

Early maturing hybrid, stable with stable yield and excellent fruit set. The period from full germination to the first harvest (technical maturity) is 95–100 days. This hybrid was bred specifically for the harsh climatic conditions of the northern regions of our country, which is why it got its name.

This variety is recommended for outdoor cultivation. Even in the conditions of Siberia, it is possible to get good yields in the open field. When grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, the plant is too hot, and there is also a possibility of damage by a spider mite.

Bush over 1 meter high. Stems are bright purple. The fruits are oblong-cylindrical, glossy, black-violet in color, 25-30 cm long (sometimes 40 cm). The pulp is white, excellent taste, without bitterness. The stem has no spines.

This is a long term hybrid. Each plant bears up to 10 fruits.

Eggplant yield King of the North: 12 – 15 kg/sq. m.

Landing pattern: 60 x 40 cm.

Advantages Eggplant King of the North: cold resistance, unpretentious care, lack of empty flowers, resistance to fungal diseases and temperature changes.

disadvantages: due to their large size, eggplants touch the ground, so it is advisable to mulch the soil under them with sawdust or straw.

Your feedback on the eggplant King of the North will help many gardeners evaluate it objectively and decide whether to plant this hybrid or not.

Eggplant Marzipan

Mid-season average term of maturing from firm Russian kitchen garden. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 120-125 days. This variety tolerates the heat and drought of the south well, but is also excellent for growing in northern regions.

For a bush of this variety, support is required, since under the weight of the fruit it can fall to the ground.

The fruits are very fleshy, without bitterness and practically without seeds, have a sweetish aftertaste. The peel is glossy, dark purple. The average fruit weight is 300-400 grams, length - up to 15 cm.

Advantages Marzipan varieties: great fruit taste, resistance to adverse growing conditions.

yield eggplant Marzipan: 1.5-2.5 kg from 1 plant.

Epic Eggplant

An early ripe classic Dutch eggplant hybrid. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2008. Recommended for cultivation in the southern regions. The period from planting seedlings in the ground to technical maturity is 65 days.

The bush is powerful, tall (90–100 cm), erect, semi-spreading, with high growth vigor. The stem is medium pubescent, with low to medium intensity anthocyanin coloration. Leaves green, medium size.

The fruits are glossy, cylindrical, even in shape and size (average length - 22 cm, diameter - 10 cm), dark purple in color, weighing 220 - 230 grams. Eggplant pulp is dense, white, without bitterness and practically without seeds. The calyx is covered with sparsely spaced spines.

yield Epic eggplant: up to 5.8 kg per sq.m.

Advantages: high yield, resistance to temperature difference and tobacco mosaic virus, excellent fruit taste.

Eggplant Black handsome

Mid-season variety of eggplant for open ground and greenhouses. The period from germination to harvest is 110 - 145 days. The originator of the variety is the Poisk company. The variety is included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth and North Caucasian regions of the Russian Federation.

The bush is semi-spreading, 60-80 cm high, with short internodes. Stems pubescent, with anthocyanin coloration. The leaves are green, medium in size, slightly serrated, with thorns.

Fruits are elongated pear-shaped, glossy, smooth, weighing 110–200 g, 18–20 cm long, purple-black at full maturity. The pulp is yellowish, tender, without bitterness, practically without seeds. The skin is thin.

Eggplant yield Black handsome: up to 6.5 kg from 1 sq. m.

Variety advantages: high yield, disease resistance, unpretentiousness, friendly ripening and high palatability of fruits.

Eggplant Clorinda

Mid-early, super-yielding Dutch eggplant hybrid of high commercial quality for fresh consumption and processing. It can be grown in open ground, under film shelters, in a greenhouse.

The bush is erect with short internodes, 90-100 cm high. The leaves are medium in size, green.

The fruits are oval, up to 25 cm long and up to 12 cm wide, at maturity they are brilliant black, glossy, with dense whitish flesh and almost no seeds. No bitterness. The weight of an eggplant can reach 1.5 kg.

It is recommended to sow eggplant seeds for seedlings in mid-February, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Hybrid eggplant seeds germinate from 7 to 14 days, depending on temperature, humidity, and seed freshness. When planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is desirable to observe a distance in a row of 25-30 cm and between rows of 50-60 cm.

yield Eggplant Clorinda F1 high.

Eggplant Bourgeois

Early ripe (period from germination to ripening 105-110 days), high-yielding, large-fruited eggplant hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

The bush is powerful, semi-spreading, of medium height. The leaves are medium in size, green, with notched edges.

The fruits are spherical, smooth, shiny, black-purple in color, weighing 400-500 g, high taste. Eggplant flesh is greenish-white, tender. These eggplants are recommended for all types of culinary processing.

This eggplant is sown for seedlings at the end of February, then to be planted in open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed. Landing pattern into the ground: 40 x 60 cm.

The value of the hybrid: a combination of early ripeness and large-fruitedness, the absence of bitterness in fruits, a long period of fruiting.

The yield of eggplant Bourgeois 1.5-2 kg from 1 plant.

Video about eggplant Marzipan

India is considered to be the birthplace of eggplants, from where they came to Russia only in the 18th century. Thanks to its high palatability, abundance of cooking options and usefulness of eating, eggplant quickly gained popularity along with other vegetables. However, for most summer residents and gardeners, eggplant remains a “dark horse” and it is not always clear which variety is better to choose for your region and climate.


An early maturing eggplant variety, great for regions with short summers. Resistant to light frost and most diseases. It has fruits of a classical cylindrical shape, dark purple in color, weighing an average of about 170 grams. The flesh is white, without a taste of bitterness and hard veins. Taste qualities are rated as high.


High-yielding mid-season eggplant variety. Due to its compact size, it is excellent for planting in greenhouses. Glossy cylindrical fruits are considered fully ripe after acquiring a brown-brown color. This variety is also valued for its excellent taste, abundance of vitamins and minerals. Great for conservation.


A mid-season variety with good frost resistance, which makes it possible to plant eggplant seedlings immediately in open ground. The bushes are compact, no more than 60 cm high. The variety also features rather large fruits, up to half a kilogram, oblate pear-shaped. That is why this variety has a special position in cooking.


One of the fastest growing eggplant varieties. However, due to the low resistance to frost in open ground, seedlings should not be planted until the beginning of June. The bush of the plant is quite sprawling, but not more than 55 cm high. The fruit has a slightly curved cylindrical shape, up to 30 cm long and 3 cm in diameter. The flesh is pale white, without bitterness, great for preservation and frying.


A mid-season eggplant variety, with proper care, shows record yields for this vegetable. He likes a mild warm climate, suitable for planting in open ground in Ukraine and southern Russia. The bush of the plant is quite compact, up to 70 cm high. When ripe, the fruit has a shiny black color and an average weight of 200 grams. In cooking, this variety of eggplant is separately recommended as the most suitable for caviar.


A mid-season variety, with good resistance to frost and many diseases, is suitable for planting immediately in open ground, which is why it is quite popular in the Moscow region. Separately, it is worth noting the high yield of the variety. The fruit itself is pear-shaped and dark purple in color. Flesh with a slightly greenish tint, soft in texture, with excellent taste.


An early eggplant variety that yields already at the end of the third month after full emergence. It has an average resistance to frost, therefore it is more reliable to plant seedlings in protected ground. The eggplant fruit is cylindrical in shape, when ripe it acquires a color from dark purple to black. The skin of the fruit is smooth, without cracks. The flesh is slightly greenish-white, firm, without bitterness.


An early maturing eggplant variety, suitable for planting under a film and in open ground. Has a high yield. The bush is compact, can reach a meter in height, which is why it often needs to be tied up. The fruit has the shape of a slightly stretched pear and a bright purple color, weighing up to 200 grams. The flesh of the vegetable is pure white, without voids. Great for frying.


An early variety of eggplant for planting in open ground. Resistant to night temperature changes, keep a good yield in bad weather conditions. With a good harvest, the tall stem of the plant needs to be tied up. The fruit is of classical shape, medium size, weighing up to 220 grams. In cooking, which does not have bitterness and voids, the pulp is most often used for preservation.


Early maturing variety, suitable for regions with short, cool summers. Resistant to many diseases. Planting seedlings is best done in protected ground. The plant is semi-spreading, up to a meter high. The shape of the fruit resembles a pear, with ripeness it acquires a dark purple color. It has the highest taste qualities, therefore it is widely used in the preparation of many dishes.


An early ripe variety of eggplant. It is distinguished by good resistance to frost and the possibility of planting immediately in open ground, which ensured this hybrid's high popularity in Siberia. Proper care guarantees long fruiting and high yields. A feature of this variety is the possibility of long-term storage of fruits while maintaining excellent taste.


Early maturing variety. Planting eggplant seedlings is best done in well-warmed, protected ground. The bush of the plant is compact and undersized. The yield is low. The main feature of the variety are elliptical fruits with a green glossy color. The flesh of the vegetable is white, without bitterness and voids. Taste qualities are rated as good.


Mid-early eggplant variety with very good yields. This hybrid was bred specifically for growing in regions with a difficult climate, it tolerates frost well and is resistant to most diseases. The bush is medium-sized, needs to be tied up. Fruits are oval in shape, with a beautiful black-brilliant sheen, up to 22 cm in length. Pulp without bitterness, with excellent taste.

King of the North

Ultra-early variety of eggplant. Fast ripening of fruits, good resistance to frost and disease, make this hybrid ideal for growing in harsh climates and fleeting cold summers. The fruits reach a length of up to 30 cm. The eggplant pulp is white in color and does not taste bitter. Widely used in canning and cooking.

Long Pop

An early eggplant variety bred by German breeders. It is planted in protected ground, does not tolerate frost well, and is resistant to diseases. It has a good yield. Fruits are oblong in shape with a glossy black color. The pulp is white, firm, with a slight aftertaste of bitterness. Harvest can be stored for a long time without damage to the fruit and loss of taste.


An early ripe variety of eggplant. Planting seedlings is carried out both in protected and open ground, but only if there are no large frosts. Drought and disease resistant. Eggplant fruits have a dark purple glossy color, up to 15 cm long and weighing about 300 grams. The flesh is white, tender and without bitterness. In cooking, it is most often used for frying and stuffing.


An early ripe variety of eggplant. Suitable for planting in protected and open ground, but not earlier than early June. Resistant to disease, drought and light frost. The bush is sprawling and undersized, which is why the lower fruits often touch the ground and deteriorate. The fruit is oval, glossy, purple in color. The flesh is white, firm texture, almost without bitterness.


An ultra-early eggplant variety that, with proper care, can produce a crop at the end of the second month after planting seedlings. The bush is compact and undersized, great for low greenhouses. The fruit is cylindrical in shape, with a smooth matte dark purple skin, weighing up to 200 grams. The pulp itself is creamy white, dense, without bitterness, the taste is very high.


An early ripe variety of eggplant, produced by domestic breeders. It tolerates frost and drought well, resistant to most diseases. In areas with a mild climate, seedlings can be planted immediately in open ground. The fruit has a slightly oval-cylindrical shape, very large, up to half a kilogram. The pulp is pure white, has no aftertaste of bitterness. The taste qualities are excellent.


Mid-season grade of eggplants of average productivity. Does not tolerate frost, planted only in well-warmed protected ground. The bushes of the plant are semi-spreading, up to 60 cm high. The fruits have the shape of a ball of glossy light purple color, weighing up to 330 grams. The flesh is white, very tender, without bitterness. It has high taste qualities. The variety is excellent for frying and stewing.

Robin the Hood

An early variety of eggplant. It tolerates frost well, is resistant to bad weather conditions and many diseases. Very high yielding. Plants are sprawling, reach a height of up to a meter, with a good harvest they need to be tied up. The fruits are pear-shaped, medium in size, weighing up to 300 grams. The pulp of the fruit is white, firm, without bitterness. Does not lose taste even with a long freeze.


A mid-season hybrid eggplant variety specially bred for areas with a harsh climate and cold summers. Resistant to frost, gives a good harvest even with minimal care. Eggplant fruits have an elongated cylindrical shape, the peel is smooth, without cracks, weight up to 300 grams. Flesh with a slightly greenish tint, without bitterness. In cooking, it is used for cooking caviar and baking.


Mid-season eggplant variety, hybrid. The main difference of the variety is the carpal ovary of fruits, from three to six pieces in the brush. Suitable for growing under film and in open ground. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, dark purple glossy color, peel with small cracks. The average fruit weight is about 200 grams. The flesh is dark white, firm, but tender, with a slight bitterness.


Mid-season variety of eggplant. The variety has a good yield, but is very demanding on growing conditions. Does not tolerate frost, needs abundant watering and a long daylight hours. The bush is medium spreading, medium height. The fruits are pear-shaped, when ripe they acquire a glossy dark purple color. The pulp is white, not bitter. Fruits can be stored for a long time without damage and loss of taste.

station wagon

Mid-season variety of eggplant. Weakly resistant to frost, has good immunity to most diseases. Bushes of plants are compact, up to 90 cm high, they need to be tied up. The fruits are miniature in size, when ripe they become dark purple, weighing up to 170 grams. The pulp is cream-colored, soft and friable, not bitter. It has excellent taste.

Black handsome

Mid-season variety of eggplant, high-yielding. Seedlings should be planted only in protected ground, securely stored from frost. Plants are compact, low, with an ovary at the bottom of the stem, which is why the fruits often end up on the ground. The eggplant fruit is cylindrical, medium in size, when ripe, the peel becomes black with a purple tint. The pulp is firm, without taste of bitterness.

Black Prince

An early ripe variety of eggplant. It tolerates frost well, suitable for planting in unprotected ground. Resistant to adverse weather conditions, has immunity to diseases, high yield. The plant is medium spreading, up to 70 cm high, does not need to be tied up. The fruit is cylindrical in shape, the color of the peel of the ripened vegetable is bright purple. The pulp is white, not bitter.


A super-early eggplant hybrid, from planting seedlings to the ripening of the first fruits, it takes about 45 days. Weakly resistant to frost, planting seedlings is only in protected ground. Unpretentious in care, disease resistant. The bush is compact, of medium height. Fruits of a classical form and color, weighing up to 300 grams. Harvest can be stored for a long time without spoiling the product and losing taste.


An early eggplant hybrid, bred by breeders specifically for growing in the difficult climate of Russia. It tolerates frosts well, is unpretentious in care, resistant to drought and diseases. The plant is compact, low. The fruit has a stretched teardrop shape, the peel is smooth, with a purple-black color, weighing up to 300 grams. Taste qualities are rated as very high.

Japanese dwarf

An early maturing eggplant variety with a high yield. Moderately resistant to frost, suitable for planting under a film and in open ground not earlier than the beginning of summer. The bushes are undersized, about 40 cm high. But with abundant fruiting, they may need to be tied up. The fruits have the shape of a slightly flattened pear, the peel is thin, with a bright purple tint. The pulp is white, slightly friable, without bitterness.
