How to make your own company logo. Let's try to understand such services. Online services and logo generators

Master class "Creating emblems for teams in PowerPoint 2010"

Author Rostova Natalya Sergeevna, teacher of the 1st category, MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 155, Nizhny Novgorod.
The master class is intended for educators, teachers and parents.
Target: use the power of PowerPoint2010 to create logos.
- learn how to create emblems;
- improve pedagogical competence;
- expand the possibilities of using ICT technologies in work.
To create emblems you need:
- the presence of a PC;
- pictures and backgrounds for emblems of a certain subject;
- Computer skills and PowerPoint 2010.
Emblem creation technology is easy to master using the capabilities of Microsoft Office Power Point 2010.

Creation progress:
Open PowerPoint2010 and create a blank slide.
The emblem will be round, so on the tab Paste choose Shapes - Oval.

Holding down the button ctrl, stretch the oval perfect circle. The size is adjustable according to required dimensions.

The inscription in the emblem should be located in a circle, so select the Insert-Inscription tab. Then click on the shape and select the tab Drawing Tools - Text Effects - Transform - Motion Path - Arc Up.

Enter text. I have the name of the kindergarten.
We choose a motto. I have "Fly (m) to victory!". The motto is also placed in a circle, but in its lower part.
Select the tab again Drawing Tools - Text Effects - Transform - Motion Path - Arc Down.

Using tab Home - Font, choose a color, font and font size for the labels. Now we need to replace the circle fill:
Drawing Tools tab - Fill - No fill. You can skip this step and choose Shading - Drawing

Select the desired drawing. I have a starry sky.
Now let's insert a picture suitable for the team name. Our team is called "Rocket", so I have a picture of a rocket found on the Internet and modified by me. tab Paste - Drawing and select it from the desired folder.

We adjust the size of the image according to the size of the emblem, reducing its size. My rocket does not have fire, so I select the desired picture and add the missing element. Pay attention, we put the picture of fire in the background. Tab: Drawing Tools - Back.

The emblem is almost ready. Let's move on to its final design. We work with the contour of the circle, choose its color and thickness. Drawing Tools - Shape Outline - Theme Color - Thickness - Other Lines - Line Type - Width I choose 10.

On the created emblem we again impose a circle.

We adjust its size. The second circle should be larger than the first. On the Drawing Tools tab - Shape Fill - No fill. The figure will become transparent.

Now again we work with the contour of the second circle, its color and thickness. The thickness of the outline of this circle is 12.

Adjust the size of the second circle in relation to the first.
Please note that created on this moment The emblem consists of two figures, drawings and inscriptions.

Apply grouping.

The emblem after this action has become a single whole and moves entirely to any place on the slide.
The emblem can be saved as a picture. We click on the emblem, press the right mouse button, select save as picture and select the save location.

The emblem is ready. By analogy, we create any other emblems on any subject.
I got these:

Dear colleagues, to create emblems, you need to select images on a transparent background. If the necessary picture is superimposed on the background, then any program for Photoshop or the command will help us out. Working with pictures - Remove background. Thank you. I want creative ideas!

If the face is the mirror of the soul, then the logo is a reflection of the whole essence of your company. You may not even guess, but sometimes logos say much more about a company than its description.
Any company, any business or startup is faced with such a moment when you need to clearly define the logo. This is a very important, difficult and time-consuming task, which can take more than one month. Logical questions arise: how to create a logo, what should be the logo, what color and what is responsible for in various logos. Believe me, there will be many questions, and each of them needs a detailed and reasonable answer.

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Almost any detail of the logo - its color, shape, font, small parts- carries hidden information for the client, and on the subconscious can influence certain desires, decisions and preferences. For the development of your company, it is very important that all the details of the future logo are meaningful, have a certain meaning, and meet all the specified criteria and topics.
Therefore, if you wondered how to create a logo, or have been looking for a long time useful information regarding the color of the logo and its influence on the subconscious of buyers, then in this article you will find answers to all your questions.
I would like to answer that the article was written not just on the basis of theoretical facts, but is based on own experience creating logos for several large companies, as well as on the experience of good friends who have a PR and design studio.

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1. Consider the scope of business

The shape and details of the logo largely depend on the scope of your company. Not even from the field of activity itself, but from customers, their preferences and vision of this sphere. If you are in a serious business, such as supply industrial equipment, then the logo should be made in strict colors, with clear forms. Looking at such a logo, the client must immediately understand three factors: seriousness, responsibility, solidity. Nothing superfluous should be present on such logos.
Conversely, if you are selling clothes for young people, then the logo should be bright, with rounded shapes, various curls and whimsical images. Focus on what your target audience is interested in.
Of course, there are also “anti-logos” that work successfully although they do not meet any standard. I do not deny that it is possible to follow this path and create something unusual, creative, shocking. But, as a rule, choosing such a logo is a risk. Perhaps clients will understand and appreciate your idea, then there will be a super effect, but, most likely, such a logo will not be successful.

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2. Be clear about what you want

When the question of creating a logo comes up, then, as a rule, the customer does not know what he wants. The dialogue between the customer and the designers is usually like this: “We don’t know what the logo should be, but we should like it and surprise everyone.” Unfortunately, 99.99% of designers do not have the ability to foresee and do not use the services of psychics in their work. Therefore, if you want to get a good logo, then you need to clearly understand what you want and express your idea to the designer as accurately as possible.
How to do it? Before ordering a logo design, you should search the Internet for images of other companies. Collect 10-20 pieces of those that you like the most. In each, find especially successful details, and tell the designer about it. The logos you choose do not have to be from the same industry as your company. The main thing is to decide what you like the most.
Also, along with “I like it”, pick up the logos of companies that you think are terrible. Point out what you definitely shouldn't have. If this is done, then the designer will have an initial idea of ​​​​how the logo should look like, which elements to include and which to avoid. However, here it is important not to fall into outright plagiarism. Especially if you are going to register the resulting masterpiece as a trademark. If it looks too much like a logo famous brands you may be denied registration.

3. Use no more than 2 colors

There are certain companies and business areas where God himself ordered to use many colors in the logo. For example, innovative companies that bring something new to the world and want to emphasize this with their logo. As a rule, these are large companies with huge investments and prospects. Among the most famous are Google, Microsoft, Apple. Also, multi-colored logos are used by entertainment companies (remember at least the logo of the NBC channel). Well, do not forget about printing companies, on whose logos it would be a sin not to place the entire palette of colors, thereby emphasizing their field of activity.
But there are not so many companies that can afford to use all the colors of the rainbow in one logo. As a rule, there are no more than 5% of them, and the remaining 95 should adhere to a strict rule - no more than two colors. This will give the logo a rigor and allow you to focus on those shades that you consider the most successful in your field.
Use two colors optimal choice not only on the basis of aesthetic convictions, but also practical ones. It often happens that the logo needs to be printed on a black and white printer, and any color logo will look ugly and sloppy. We should not forget that multi-color logos have a number of problems when used in various printed products. They look optimal only on a white background, and if there is any other, then the effect is instantly lost.

Logo color plays a very important role

4. Remember Colors Have Semantics

The top three colors used in company logos are blue (33%), red (29%) and black or gray (28%). Another 13% of companies use yellow. The remaining colors are in demand by an insignificant share of firms - green, purple, pink account for no more than 5%. The explanation here is quite simple: the leading colors are the most visible and conspicuous. At the same time, each of them carries its own hidden message to the consumer. Red is energetic and aggressive: it is a frequent color of the logo of car brands (Toyota, Jaguar, Audi). He is loved by brands that emphasize modernity, promote an energetic lifestyle (Canon, Coca Cola, MTV, Red Bull, from Russian - MTS). At the same time, red is often perceived as a youthful color (even more youthful is the combination of red and yellow): it is not suitable for companies whose business wants to emphasize "moderation and accuracy." Here better fit blue - it calms and adjusts to the pleasant. it best color for technology companies (Intel, IBM, Samsung, Siemens): it casts metal and glass. Among car companies, he is loved by those who emphasize not vigor, but simplicity and reliability (Ford, BMW, Volvo). For the same qualities, banks (Deutsche Bank, VTB), payment systems (Visa, PayPal, Webmoney) and postal services (remember the blue eagle on the Russian Post logo) love it. Blue sets you up for positive communication, no wonder it is the leader among the logos of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Vkontakte). Black is a minimalistic and precise color: it must be used with great care, as it can easily add a hint of gloom. It emphasizes quality and representativeness (Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Nike). However, in most cases, black is not used as the main color - it serves mainly to highlight the inscriptions (Renault, Lego). Yellow is perfect color for companies in the food industry (McDonalds, Burger King, Subway) and the entertainment industry.

5. Picture or text - which is more important?

41% of companies use only text in their logo. You also have to decide what is more important for you - a beautiful graphic picture, or a well-written text. On the one hand, the text increases brand awareness, the name will always be heard, it will be easy to read. But on the other hand, the absence of a picture minimizes the hidden message to potential customers.
Small companies, in our opinion, should choose the text version of the logo also because they very rarely have a good designer, able to successfully draw a picture and correctly position the text. Professional designers who specialize in creating logos charge more than one thousand dollars for their work. Sometimes these costs are not necessary for small companies.

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The vast majority of small companies choose text. Although if you look at companies with a worldwide reputation, then here you can find similar logos. For example, YouTube, Skype, Yandex, Yahoo!, Google - they all went down this path.
“For small companies, the situation is not so terrible. You can act like one of my acquaintances, who drew an incomprehensible “karlyuchka” in Photoshop and from below beautiful font wrote the name of the company,” says the head of the design company. An example is the Nike logo, which was designed by an amateur designer, but became famous all over the world. And few people know that the Disney logo is just a beautiful painting by Walt Disney, which was taken as a basis.

6. Using the company name is highly recommended but not required.

About 10% of companies do not use their name when developing a logo. This is very strange, because recognition is deteriorating at times, but the fact remains. by the most famous brand, which only use the picture, is Apple's apple. Back in 1978, a rainbow logo appeared that seemed to shout to the whole world: “We are a new, but rather unusual company. You can expect a lot from us, and you will see it.”
The image exclusively of the picture on the logo dates back to the Middle Ages, when opposite the craft shops there was a tin plate with a pushed back product produced in this shop. But then there was a monopoly on manufacturing, and if the buyer saw the shoe in front of the store, he knew that it was here that he would buy the shoe, and nowhere else. Nowadays, the competition is huge, and the image of a boot is unlikely to help you tell about yourself in full.
If you still decide to limit yourself to a picture, then follow the path of Apple and take a bright, memorable image. Although our advice will be rational: do not take risks, because Apple is a unique company, and it will be very difficult to repeat their success. Choose a logo option that combines a picture and an image.

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7. Correct font

If you chose the text version of the logo, then the font is an important component. Of course, it is much easier to choose it than a color or the right picture, but even here there are some peculiarities. The font is also easy to tie to the direction of your business, as well as rectangular shapes and curls about which we spoke above.
Try not to use standard fonts that are already known to everyone. If you write the name in regular Times New Roman or Arial, then many will consider you a lazy person who did not really care about the appearance of the logo.
Although there are exceptions. Just look at the logo social network"In contact with". And when Pavel Durov was asked how long they had been creating the logo, the answer was immediate: "Seconds 30. I just typed the name in a standard font and I liked it."
But then again, Vkontakte is the exception rather than the rule, and you should not be equal to them in the field of creating logos. Choose unusual fonts which are little known. Yes, you can do something interesting yourself if you slightly modify the little recognizable types of writing.

Related article:

8. You need to choose the original picture

Choosing the right and successful picture for your logo is a whole task. Let's say right away that the task will be extremely difficult, and do not despair if you don’t find anything sensible the first time. How many of you know what the Apple logo looks like? I am sure that everyone now imagines a bitten apple. Now remember what the very first logo of this company looked like? Do you know? It was a conglomeration of all kinds of elements: a landscape, a tree were depicted on the canvas, Isaac Newton was sitting under the tree biting an apple. To be honest, the logo was very lousy. As a result, it was simplified to a minimum and only an apple was left.
Believe me, in the process of work, your company logo will also change and evolve, acquire new features and characteristics. This is a normal and integral process of development of any company.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

In the previous article, we talked about, but how to make a logo yourself?

Quite a painstaking task, but if you manage to come up with something ingenious, then believe me, it's worth it.

Initially, the logo was invented in order to highlight your company / website in the market. If you want to achieve this, then you must definitely read this article.

The logo is the face of your company/website. If there is no original logo, and your site does not attract attention at all, then it is unlikely that it will stand out from the huge number of similar sites.

If you want as many users as possible to visit your Internet resource, then you just need to create something that really attracts attention.

First, let's figure out what logos are.

Types of logos


Displaying the logo in the form of pictures, signs, symbols, icons. This type popular with huge modern companies or sites. An image can be meaningful, it all depends on what meaning you put into it. Popular companies with this type: Apple, Nike


This type is quite simple, but just as popular as the symbolic one. It represents ordinary letters that are displayed in different shells. Examples with this type: M-motorola, ACER, Nokia.


This type of logo consists of the previous two. It includes various images objects, animals, plants and the text itself. Examples: Adobe, Adidas, Microsoft.
What type will you choose? The choice is yours alone.

Creating a logo for the site

There are many programs (services) on the Internet for creating logos for websites online. Some of the most popular programs:

  • LogotypeGenerator
  • Flamingtext
  • hipsterlogo generator

The program is simple to use, all actions are performed step by step. Believe me, a logo can be created very quickly, and you need to have at least a little skill. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always trust a professional.

Below is an instruction for creating logos using the flamingtext service as an example:

Notes! It will be free to download only with a watermark.

Website favicons

To draw the attention of the masses to the site, many people use Favicon.

A favicon is a specially formatted icon that appears in front of a page's URL in the address bar, next to a bookmark.

Favicon and logo usually look the same. Only the favicon is much smaller and has a different format (.ico)

In order for it to carry a semantic load, certain requirements must be met:

  • Create a Favicon in the same style as the site is being developed. Use the same design elements, color palette.
  • Keep your Favicon simple and easy to understand.
  • Don't use complex images.

To create a Favicon, there is such a resource X-Icon Editor . The program has the functionality of import, export, as well as a preview of the Favicon on the browser tab.

Photoshop and Paint

I would like to note that the most wonderful logos can be created in Photoshop, because you completely invent them yourself. Photoshop has rich functionality, a wide palette of colors.

Do not be afraid if you have never had to work in such a program. There are many on the web detailed instructions, video tutorials on working with the program are collected. But if there is no time to study, then find a pro on one of the freelance exchanges. Here are the most popular:


There is also a well-known standard program "Paint". This is a very simple program. She, of course, is very inferior to Photoshop, since it contains only the most simple tools. But even with these tools, you can create a masterpiece

In conclusion, I would like to note that everyone can do everything, it is worth setting goals correctly and loving what you do.

If this article was informative for you, subscribe to blog updates, recommend reading the article to your friends on social networks.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

To create a logo for your site on your own and for free, and even online - is it a solvable task? Fortunately, yes! Now in Runet and the bourgeois Internet, many services have appeared that allow you to create a beautiful logo online for your blog, and for free. In this article, we will analyze what a logo is, what it is for, how to make it, how to choose the right logo, how to install it on a wordpress blog, etc.

Logo, logo, logo is essential element for any site, and especially a blog! If you do not have your own logo, create it soon, otherwise your Internet project will hardly be taken seriously. If you want your blog to remain in the memory of visitors, then carefully read the article!

7. Adding a logo to your blog

Once you have created the logo, it will need to be added to the blog. Depending on which theme you are using, the course of events can be as follows:

  • The theme supports replacing the base logo with a new one;
  • The theme does not support replacement, but has its own logo logo.jpg;
  • The theme does not support replacement and does not have its own logo.

In the first case you will only need to go to the admin panel, select the "theme settings" item and replace the standard logo with your own.

In the second case you need to open your theme folder and find the logo file. To do this, open the folder with images of your theme:

Here you need to find the base logo. Most often, this is a file named logo.jpg or logo.png. We copy the base logo to the computer and create a logo of the same size (in pixels) and with the same name - logo.png (logo.jpg).

Third case the most difficult. If the theme does not support the logo, then you will have to teach it to perceive logo images. To do this, you will have to edit the Header file (header.php), you can also add style.css styles for the new logo.

First, decide on the size of the logo so that it fits into the design as much as possible. Next, upload the logo with the name logo.jpg to the directory

/wp-content/themes/name of your theme/images/

Open the theme editor, look for the header.php file (Header) and add the following code in the right place:

/images/logo.jpg" alt="">

You can also add styles for the new logo. We go into the theme editor, look for the style.css file and add to it (you can add it at the very end of the file) the logo orientation and indents:

#header #logo( float:left; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; )

If everything is done correctly, then the logo will appear.

Simple instructions on how to create a logo yourself without help. The price for implementation and execution now varies from 300 to 5000 rubles. For 300 get stock, downloaded and corrected. Let's figure out what logos and emblems are.

Step-by-step instruction

Logo impact

I’ll tell you how logos affect and why any company needs them.

  1. The brand of the company will be recognized and remembered, most people have visual memory.
  2. Marketing component, by the logo people know about the quality. The person himself may not know the name Mercedes, but when he sees three rays in a circle, they know about the quality of the goods.
  3. The corporate logo makes it possible to come forward (of course this is indirectly). Without it, it will be difficult to create your own style.
  4. Increasing loyalty. I am a fan of the Renault brand, seeing Logan on the street, there are positive thoughts. At next choice auto, I will lean towards this brand.
  5. Branding or ownership. Any product you produce can easily be patented.

Step 1. Choose a type.

There are many types, but there are five main types.

Understood and decided on the concept.

Step 2. Elements and shapes of logos and how they are perceived

Any bend will help the person himself create an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou. The figure below shows examples of elements and what they mean in the subconscious.

We know which type to choose, and approximate form. You can already draw a rough sketch, on paper or in one of the programs, for example, Photoshop. Next, we move on to theory.

With skills in Photoshop, you can make an emblem on highest level by all rules.

Step 3. How to create a logo yourself and what should include

The answer is how to create a logo yourself - just order and don't worry. But there may be no semantic load. Below are the basic principles of creation.

The remaining points are secondary, a consequence of the above.

Step 4. We analyze for free

Before you create and draw, you need to analyze.


The field of activity determines the use of the logo. Let's return to the example with cars, they do not use text, but only simple symbols, or emblems on the rear and front bumpers.

Analysis of your case

It is necessary to bring out the main points yourself, and what you provide to the market. A table about shapes and lines will help. Write down the main provisions, just do not sculpt everything.

Look at competitors

No need for plagiarism. Remember, or look on the Internet for the main competitors. Look at the logos, write down the ones you like. This method will help you draw approximate picture.

Step 4. If the text format and fonts are online

If you have chosen a text format, then you need to look for fonts. There are many types, cursive, serif, sans-serif, typewritten, plain and the like. Search the Internet for sites online services images are distributed free of charge in Russian.


I repeat once again, simplicity and recognizability will help create uniqueness and recognizability, do not take complex and hard to read fonts.

Step 5. Pictures for the company and firm

Two options for the path, you can create your own picture for the company and firm, or download from the Internet. For uniqueness, it is better to draw, but if there are no funds, then there are free collections. I advise you to use (this is a collection of icons, they are also suitable for logos):

The above services in Russian are discussed in detail in. You can order manually on any freelance exchange, there are enough specialists now, or on your own.

But be careful there are enough hacks as well as scammers. Never agree to pay in full before the work is completed, and set deadlines strictly.

Step 6. Need it urgently

Do not forget past operations and the analysis made will help in creating. There are two ways:

  • Online services. The best I have analyzed in the article about creating logos online.
  • Programs, all known introduced .

In each of the ways there is a huge database of fonts and pictures, choose for yourself.

We analyzed all aspects and answered the question of how to create a logo yourself. The preparation is very long and takes more time, and the technical part will go faster. All success.

P.S. Found good video completely free mini-course.
