Why do you dream of destroyed houses? Dream interpretation of a multi-storey building collapsing

Dreams, unfortunately, are not always good. Some of them leave a very unpleasant aftertaste and are remembered for a long time, and also have a not very positive interpretation. For example, the following picture will be annoying: you see a house collapsing. The dream book interprets such dreams in a not very positive way. In general, we can say that just as a building collapses, so do your plans, aspirations, and deeds. However, in order to find out exactly why such a dream is happening, you need to remember which structure was damaged: cottage or multi-story. It is also necessary to analyze other details of the incident that you witnessed in night vision.

Upcoming problems at work

So, let's open the dream book. Is collapsing multi-storey building- Prepare for problems at work. These can be a variety of troubles: not necessarily dismissal. The collapse of a project or event that you really counted on is possible. However, you should not despair - such a dream does not mean that your difficulties will last long. As a rule, these are quickly passing troubles, disagreements or unjustified hopes.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer us? The house is collapsing in parts, for example, you see the collapse of the walls or ceiling, roof - this indicates larger problems that will unsettle you for a short time. This dream does not always promise problems at work; sometimes it also means difficulties in other areas of life. But one thing is for sure: trouble will come from where it was never expected. However, people close to you will help you survive all the difficulties. The main thing is to remember them in time and seek help and support.

If you dreamed that the house had already been destroyed and there were fragments left of it, but you did not see the crash itself, this indicates some kind of failure in your career. You may be thinking about whether you chose the right profession and whether it brings in enough money. You may be going through a small creative or professional crisis. However, this will not last long - the unpleasant state will quickly pass, says the interpreter.

Imminent problems in the family

What else will the dream book tell you about this? The house is collapsing before your eyes, falling apart, like in horror films, and you will begin to feel uneasy. better times. You will quarrel with your significant other over all sorts of trifles. If you value this relationship, try to restrain yourself when you really want to lose your temper. If you dreamed that the cause of the destruction of your house was a plane crash, you will probably also have problems in your family. But they will not be caused by discord and quarrelsome characters - the main cause of future troubles will be some external circumstances. It is quite possible that problems with money or work will serve as the basis for troubles in your personal life.

If in a dream you saw a severe flood that flooded the house, or the building simply collapsed from the water, your family will experience serious problems. There is a high chance that you or your significant other will be thinking about whether this relationship is worth saving. Therefore, if you do not want to allow separation, try to correct all the problems that exist in the couple.

Serious changes are ahead!

In a dream, did you see that you were crying because your house was collapsing? The dream book warns: you need to prepare for the fact that you will soon live in a completely different place. This will happen so unexpectedly that you will be very shocked by what is happening. Does your house suddenly collapse in your dream? The dream book says: if you don’t live in it, but you know whose it is, this is a bad sign. There are difficult times ahead. Your mood cannot be called serene and cheerful. Try to succumb to the blues as little as possible. Look at emerging problems soberly and solve them.

Did you dream that a house was collapsing? The dream book says that in this case you will experience a radical change in the rhythm of life. For example, if you were a night owl, you will become a lark. Also, soon you will begin to completely new stage, and old contacts and connections will completely become obsolete.

But there is also a good meaning!

If in a dream you saw a thunderous earthquake in which all the huge skyscrapers or multi-storey buildings, and only your house remained undamaged, you can be congratulated! Yours family life so ideal that neither the machinations of envious people nor any external circumstances can interfere with her.

Why do you dream about a building falling - interpretation of the dream from dream books

Clarify the dream for interpretation

Vanga's Dream Book

a building falls in a dream

To notice how a home breaks down and becomes unusable means the death of your distant relative.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

a building falls in a dream

In a dream, did you see a building starting to fall? This is a sign of complete changes, favorable if the sleeper is safe and sound.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dreamed the building was falling

If you feel like own house begins to break, this means loss of material well-being due to rash actions.

Freud's Dream Book

dreamed the building was falling

Health problems, not excluding the sexual area, lie in the monitoring of the collapsing room.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

the building falls according to the dream book

The departure of a dear friend, various kinds of failures promise a collapsed home.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If a structure falls in your dream, then this is the threshold of the loss of a close friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a building falling?

A damaged building is characterized by misunderstandings with neighbors or the death of the owner.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

a building falls in a dream what is it for

A collapsing building means collapse and the end. This symbol is a sign of a broken foundation of existence, deprivation of purpose, or a split in the family. Directly for the sleeper, this dream reports a critical state of the body, since collapse in all situations is preceded by an explosion of destructive emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

dream interpretation of a building falling

A lack of material plane can be triggered by a destroyed building in a dream.

Chinese dream book

dream interpretation of a building falling

All the troubles family happiness may be hiding in a collapsed building.

what does it mean if a building falls in a dream

Is your room starting to crack at the seams before your eyes? Omissions in the construction are possible, including failures and losses.

In a dream, a building falls, people also dreamed about it

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams All dates of the month can be found here.

Funny video about best friends person. or the best alarm clocks? =)

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

The house is collapsing, interpretation of the dream book

The dream book considers a dream about a house collapsing to be a rather unfavorable omen. As a rule, such a plot in a dream prophesies major financial troubles, lack of confidence, destruction of relationships in personal life, tricks against the sleeping person. Understanding what such a vision means in a dream, there is an opportunity to be prepared in order to face trials with dignity.

Business troubles

To see the destruction of a multi-story building in a dream means, according to the dream book, the collapse of planned projects that made a pleasant impression and were calculated in the best possible way.

Did you dream about a house being destroyed in small parts? You need to be prepared for great difficulties where you think everything is great. You will need the support of comrades and relatives who will help you cope and get out of a difficult situation.

If you saw broken parts of a multi-story building in a dream after the events that took place - the dream book prophesies misfortunes at work. The dreamer will probably be laid off or fired from a high official position.

Take care of your family hearth

Why do you dream about a house collapsing before your eyes? Domestic troubles and conflicts are expected soon. It is necessary to be more patient in order to smooth out misunderstandings and prevent quarrels - with the right tactics, you will be able to survive a dark streak in life.

See the plane crash into tall house, after which it collapsed? The dream indicates: the dreamer will have a misunderstanding with family members, which will be born in connection with some external reasons.

Did you dream about the destruction of residential premises as a result of a flood? Domestic troubles, swearing, major conflicts. Needed in urgently do something to prevent a break in communication with loved ones.

Significant changes await you

Why dream of crying while watching a house collapse as a result of its demolition? The dream book promises a move to a new place of residence.

To see in a dream: someone else’s housing has collapsed - you will be overcome by depression and an unfavorable mood. This may cause a great threat to the dreamer’s personal relationships. In addition, everything can lead to the fact that the sleeper will not be able to return the destroyed connection.

Did you dream about the destruction of your home? The dream book says: the way of life that has existed until now will be disrupted. Thus, all incidents and relationships associated with this house will become a thing of the past. Judging by the mood in the dream, you can assess how you will perceive all this. The vision prophesies the end of an old stage in life and the onset of a new one.

Favorable Omens

The explanation of the dream that a residential building is being destroyed is interpreted positively. Thus, a representative of the stronger sex dreamed of exchanging a luxurious mansion for a dilapidated, ruined house. According to the dream book, he will meet his chosen one, endowed with beauty, but not intelligence. She will remain faithful.

Why do you dream about how the beam that holds the roof is damaged? Such a plot indicates foresight, warning the dreamer from trouble. Although there will be problems, they will not cause much harm to personal relationships.

I dreamed about falling tall buildings due to earth tremors, but yours survived? The dream book gives a hint: your home well-being not threatened by the machinations of enemies.

Relationship difficulties

Did you dream that the walls of your home were cracked? In reality, enemies will put a spoke in your wheels. In addition, look at your neighbors, they will also cause problems and conflicts.

Why do you dream that they are collapsing? multi-story houses as a result of fire? The vision prophesies major losses, court proceedings, difficulties and loneliness. Your loved one will probably make you feel disappointed. Comrades can leave if problems arise.

To see in a dream that a neighbor's house is collapsing - squabbles between the sleeping person and his friend are soon expected. The dream book explains: friendships will probably end forever. Stop in time, otherwise you will never find a closer comrade.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday (2018-01-15)

I dreamed that I was driving a car to a new building, getting out of the car, and starting to walk around it. While walking around, I noticed that one wall was laid out of brick very unevenly, I went up to the foreman and told him about it. He said that now they will seal it with concrete, if it does not collapse, then good. They sealed the wall, I walk up to the car, and I see that this new building is being destroyed... and completely destroyed.

Dream Interpretation

The building is collapsing before our eyes

Dream Interpretation The building is collapsing before our eyes dreamed of why in a dream a building is collapsing before our eyes? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a building collapsing before your eyes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation of a building collapsing before our eyes

Dream interpretation falling house

The terrifying dream plot of a falling house will cause a storm negative emotions, will make you worry even after waking up. A strange vision is not without reason, and in order to find the possible meanings of the dream, you should turn to dream books for help.

By paying attention to details, such as the cause of the collapse, the mood, the attitude of the main character to the events taking place, it will be possible to direct thoughts about the signs of the subconscious on the right path. Why do you dream of a falling house?

Seeing in a dream how a team of construction workers undermines an old building to develop the land modern homes- a good sign indicating the beginning of a new stage in life.

An unstable structure in dreams, according to the general predictor, will hint that friends will not justify the dreamer’s trust by leaving him at the decisive moment.

General value

In a dream, a falling house carries certain symbolism; sometimes the vision has sacred meaning cleansing from past atrocities. For each individual plot, the interpreter will provide a meaning as close to the truth as possible.

Seeing a building collapse in a dream

  • All life spheres expects a long period of failure when the old house suddenly collapses.
  • Couldn't bear the weight concrete structure foundation? Beware of respiratory diseases.
  • Constant anxiety and nervous tension are characteristic of a person who often dreams of death during the collapse of a new building.
  • The threat of collapse is dreamed of by dreamers who have chosen dishonest, but effective methods fight against competitors.

If your neighbor’s home fell apart in parts in your dreams, problems will pass you by, and creaking beams and the skew of your own house hint at shaky family relationships between spouses.

Psychologists' opinion

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller associates all the meanings of dreams with personal relationships, the interaction of the sleeping person and society in real time.

Seeing glass fragments falling in a dream means disappointment in the honesty of cohabitants; the beloved will betray the one whose hand is crushed by a falling stone.

Are parts of the house scattered into neighboring areas? Conflict situations involving neighbors cannot be avoided.

Seeing a building collapse in a dream

As Miller insists, people who were present in the building during the collapse will find it difficult to deal with difficulties and unforeseen difficulties in reality.

The sexual subtext of such night dreams was seen by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. According to his assumptions, the destruction of a home is associated with a subconscious fear of violence and infringement of human rights.

Brief interpretations

Remembering the main part night dreams, where, according to the plot, a collapse of a roof, wall, balcony or other part of the living space occurred, you can safely use the short predictions of famous seers, sorcerers, and magicians.

  • Watching the collapse of a large building in a dream, according to the seer Vanga, means that the dreamer will be the culprit of troubles, failures and conflicts.
  • They will insult in reality the one who saw the collapsing house, says Tsvetkov’s dream book.
  • According to the Muslim dream book, a falling house predicts the loss of a large sum.
  • The predictor Nostradamus identifies a house falling apart into pieces with cardinal changes.
  • The family fortuneteller is convinced: listen to your intuition, fears are not groundless when the façade of the room begins to collapse behind you in a dream.

It is not destined, according to the Russian dream book, to realize creative potential, If dilapidated house ik was staggering due to the wind.

High-rise or private residence

They will carry a special semantic message external characteristics developments. Taking into account the height of the building and the area of ​​destruction, the dreamer will decipher secret signs, lift the veil of the future, and warn himself and loved ones from making mistakes.

  • If your home, where the dreamer had an apartment, falls, then in reality a financial crisis is coming.
  • Missing steps while climbing a staircase or an elevator falling into a shaft indicates fears that prevent you from moving up the career ladder.
  • Seeing the destruction of a high-rise building in a dream is a sign that you should not take advantage of your own high position, neglecting communication with employees.
  • A multi-storey building or an entire housing complex falling on you? Fear for your own life, an accident may occur.

A high-rise swaying building in the plot of a dream will tell you that you need to make sure of the honesty of those around you, check the license of the attending physician, consultant, or family lawyer.

Reason for the fall

I dreamed of a collapsing new building

In a dream, a falling new building predicts that haste in business will only complicate their implementation.

Not only the picture of the night dream itself will help tell about the upcoming changes, but also the reasons why the dream building collapsed.

For unmarried girl a castle falling from the persistent attack of enemies will tell you that soon her heart will be won by an enviable gentleman.

Shaking walls in dreams are a symbol of the steadfastness of the chosen position, but you should not impose your own worldview on other people.

The house collapsed right before our eyes, but the debris did not hit the sleeping person? Rational thinking will help you get rid of annoying scammers.

As he believes idiomatic dream book, a house that falls due to the dreamer’s fault says that in reality he will harm a loved one.

The architect failed

Errors in calculations lead to the collapse of hopes - this is how a spring forecaster interprets a sagging roof.

What are the meanings of dreams where the collapse of a residential building occurred due to the fault of the architect?

If during construction reinforced concrete structure could not bear the weight, then in reality you are destined to face insurmountable difficulties; in this situation, it would be wiser to change priorities and try to achieve results in other ways.

Seeing a building in a dream that has fallen due to the fault of the designer

A house that has fallen due to the fault of the designer will indicate that the dreamer’s calculations are not realistic, and a building swaying in the wind is identified with injuries, both physical and mental.

Natural disasters

Unforeseen circumstances, surprisingly, interfere not only in reality, but also in dreams. Unexpected disaster or an ordinary tree that has fallen on a house carries special symbolism. How to choose a suitable prediction and not make a mistake?

  • Problems associated with the financial state of affairs are provided to those whose home was destroyed due to a strong earthquake.
  • Pastor Loff's interpreter says: it's time to cut back on unnecessary things if the house is shaking due to seismic activity.
  • Dreamers who, on the eve of signing a lucrative contract, saw in their dreams how a building collapses from strong gusts of wind, tornadoes, or hurricanes should be careful when investing money.
  • Seeing a tsunami in a dream that hides a residential area is a symbol of defeat, removal from business.
  • The future news of highly moral people will be shocking after a dream about lightning striking a house.

It is necessary to postpone plans when in dreams a fallen tree left a dent on the roof, and a plane landing on a house hints at dramatic changes in the boring course of life.


Seeing a meteorite in a dream

Did you dream that a house fell unexpectedly and for an unknown reason? The long-awaited changes will bring a lot positive emotions which will improve your mood and relieve depression.

A building suddenly collapsing in a dream foreshadows a serious conflict for no known reason.

A falling ceiling or wall in dreams is associated with depressing thoughts and experiences. Dreams also indicate pressure experienced from a respected, authoritative person.

A falling meteorite will a joyful symbol, indicating that the sleeping person will be able to catch luck by the tail, make a dream come true, and realize creative ideas.

A sparkling explosion of a gas cylinder will be a sign of sad news that will knock the ground out from under your feet.

Collapse of part of the building

It happens that a collapse occurs in a specific part of the building. How various organs and parts of the body perform a certain function, so the roof, ceiling or floor carry a certain semantic message.

Seeing part of a building collapse in a dream

  • Falling from a balcony is a dream that predicts a love affair on the side.
  • The fall of part of the house is identified with some kind of loss, be it a dishonest comrade or an object of material value.
  • A destroyed wall will predict that relations with relatives will improve and all corners will be smoothed out.
  • The absence of gender symbolizes uncertainty, the fear of being ridiculed.

When the house has no ceiling, in reality you should immediately pull yourself together and take all possible measures so as not to be left with nothing.

Possible values

Seeing a terrorist blowing up a building in a dream means that the dreamer is overcome by the desire to prove his own importance. Dreams of this kind are dreamed by people who cannot express themselves for some reason.

A dream where a building falls from the mere power of thought will tell you that aggression has accumulated and is looking for a way out.

The collapsed top floor of a business center will hint that your work will finally be appreciated.

People who feel a threat looming over their lives may dream of a crashing plane, but the interpreter assures that their fears are groundless.

Why did you dream about the House (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

A house is a person’s abode, his protection from danger, a sacred space with a hearth, a temple of family and tribal values. It is impossible to live without it either in this or in the other world, which is why the coffin was also called the house of eternity, “domovina.” The house is identified with the female womb and the mother's womb.

The house is a miniature picture of the universal order, the axis of the world, the cosmic rhythm. He is also the embodiment human body: a house has eyes, a heart, a head, a soul, memories. It is alive as long as people live in it. Seeing a home is the most important symbol. To correctly interpret his image, remember the details of the dream, your feelings, external and internal decoration.

Why did you dream about Houses (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Dream interpretation - a house from childhood - good news. To see his comfort, the dreamer will experience prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of an abandoned house - it is a harbinger of grief.
  • Looking for your home in a dream means you are losing trust in people.
  • If you dream that you don’t have a home at all, it means losses, a bad undertaking.
  • Why did you dream that you were moving from one house to another? The dreamer awaits quick news and urgent trips.
  • The residential building personifies the dreamer’s own “I”.
  • You dream of home renovation work when you are waiting for an intimate date. When you carry out repairs without pleasure, the love for your partner has faded.
  • For women, climbing the walls of a house is a harbinger that she will experience unrequited feelings.
  • Why do you dream of a house in a field - the dreamer’s desire for a calm and simple life.

Why do you dream about House (Romantic dream book)

  • Building a house in a dream means the dreamer will build strong relationships in the family and will be happy himself, as well as all members of his family.
  • Living in a dilapidated house means the couple will soon break up if you don’t make an effort to improve the relationship.
  • According to the dream book, if you see an empty house with bare walls, no furniture, but your mood is positive in a dream? Your couple will emerge from difficulties with honor and become even stronger.
  • A small house - for joyful events in a couple or family.
  • Did you dream of meeting dead relatives in the house? Be careful: problems or health problems will arise loved one there is danger.
  • Why did you dream about whitewashing the walls of a house? married woman? She is an exemplary wife, but it’s worth giving yourself and your husband a little adventure.

Why does a woman dream about House (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

  • Are you visiting your an old house- Expect good news in reality.
  • A cozy and joyful home is a sign of long-term prosperity.
  • An abandoned house means sad events.
  • To dream that you cannot find your home means to completely lose faith in people.
  • If you find yourself homeless, failure awaits you in all your endeavors.
  • Moving in a dream foreshadows urgent news and hasty trips.
  • Why does a woman dream about a house, she left home, it means that she will be surrounded by treacherous individuals.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream about a house? It symbolizes the degree of your self-confidence.
  • If you dream of a tall house, with strong walls, it means you feel confident in own strength and security.
  • If you dream of a small house, wooden or stone, it means that you would like to be less in the spotlight. You need to hide, withdraw into yourself, you don’t have enough determination to act.
  • If you had a dream about a hut or a reed hut, this means that you feel defenseless before the forces of your fate. Despite this, you feel happiness and hope that better times will come.

House according to Maly Velesov's dream book

  • A big house appears in a dream - suffering;
  • To see something new, tall, beautiful - wealth;
  • According to the interpretation of the dream book, building a house means a wedding, a successful change of housing, profit, joy // death (for the patient), troubles, illness, hard work;
  • Renting a house - for a wedding, change;
  • I had a dream about how a house was being whitewashed - good //death;
  • Coating a house with clay means death;
  • A burning house - profit, joy // illness, loss, news, theft;
  • Swapping houses with someone is a change;
  • Laying the foundation of a house means you will start a very profitable business;
  • Walking around an unfamiliar house so that it is difficult to leave is not good, you will be sad; and if you go out, you will avoid trouble;
  • Dreamed about it old house– contempt;
  • Buying it is good // end of life; to see someone in a new house is bad luck. This is the interpretation of what the dream means;
  • To move to new house- death;
  • Falling, falling - a quarrel with neighbors, the owner will die;
  • To see your house cramped, to enter it is a loss;
  • Cleaning your home is joy, profit;
  • Decorating a house means the birth of a son, profit;
  • Dreamed of watering your house with water - pity;
  • If you dream of a house without windows and doors - death;
  • There is dancing and playing in the house for the deceased;
  • Sweep the house - guests, beware of enemies.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Houses (allegory of the writer Aesop)

House - According to the dream book, this symbol has always personified the stability of the position in society and confidence in the future, a calm, prosperous life. The house has a lot different meanings: it is unfamiliar, new, large and very tiny, it can be striking in sophistication and unusual shapes, and it can look like thousands of other shacks or concrete high-rise buildings. Since the times of the feudal lords, the British have considered it not only a symbol of wealth, but also of protection, which is why they still call it a fortress to this day. The Slavs have many versions of “correct” houses: brownies should live in it, each should have a cat in which the brownie lives or with whom the brownie communicates. It was believed that the home in which suicide occurred was forever cursed and life in it would not be happy. Everything that is warm, dear and dear to the heart is associated with home.

  • You might dream of a house whose walls are made of sand and gradually, with every gust of wind, crumble and become thinner - don’t be sad, soon everything will be forgotten; what is offered to you is short-lived, so don’t expect it to become your life’s work.
  • See yourself in good mood among the bare walls in your own home means facing troubles in which only your family will help.
  • Seeing yourself in endless chores that don’t even allow you to sit down to rest is a sign of an addition to the family or the arrival of guests.
  • I dreamed of a richly furnished mansion with good repair– an old dream haunts you, don’t miss the chance to make it come true.
  • Seeing yourself as the owner in an old house, where people come and praise him, means the loss of old connections, a quarrel with good friends.
  • Why dream of a house from which demonic laughter can be heard - you have to deal with a superstitious person, communication with whom will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Seeing in a dream how the property from your home is sold under the hammer is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, a major purchase, the acquisition of something you have long dreamed of.
  • Seeing a lot of different products and things in duplicate means your premonitions and worries may materialize, so stop stressing yourself out.
  • To see renovations in your house in which all relatives and neighbors are taking part - you will not be able to find the correct answer to the question of interest, because you yourself do not know what you would like, and you are tossing between the opinions of others on this matter.

I had a dream about a Destroyed building (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

In a dream, seeing a house in which it is warm and cozy foreshadows the appearance in the near future of news that will significantly affect the development of your relationship with your loved one. If it is abandoned, dilapidated, you will suffer the bitterness of disappointment in the very dear person. You will lose support from him, which you will immediately feel and appreciate, but it will not be easy to restore the previous relationship.

Psychological analysis of a dream where an occupied room was dreamed of (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

  • In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, destroyed by elements or war, it can be overrun by invaders, etc. As a rule, he dreams of serious changes, instability, or significant growth.
  • Why dream of a house teeming with something or occupied by someone - the dream indicates your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state constantly, then seeing yours inhabited by any people or ANIMALS is a signal of CONCERN.
  • A destroyed house dreams of moving, financial troubles, DEATH or DIVORCE. In such dreams, it falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter for a person. Having seen a dream, think about what circumstances are oppressing and pressing you and how this is reflected in your real life.
  • Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you will dream of a promotion at work or an improvement financial condition, opening additional features. In the relationship with the person you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded; marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about construction always have a positive connotation.
  • Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, this raises the following questions: are you (or your partner) pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel a significant need to enter into a serious, committed relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or are you too conservative in nature?

House - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • See in the house new renovation in a dream - to quick happiness.
  • If you dream that houses are collapsing one after another, this means danger; be prudent.
  • A fire in a house in a dream means losses.
  • I dreamed of abandoned houses - troubles and misunderstanding of others.
  • I dreamed of building houses - external circumstances will not allow me to carry out my plans.
  • Inheriting a house in a dream means meeting a partner or companion.
  • Living in an unfinished house in a dream means the danger of losing your fortune or property.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

  • Renovated house - uncertain relationships will be clarified.
  • Covering a house with a roof means losses await you.
  • Buying a house means prosperity.
  • A destroyed house is a disease.
  • I dreamed of a burning house - failure in business.
  • Building a house is happiness in love.
  • An empty house means your hopes will not be fulfilled.
  • Make changes in the house - expect a visit.
  • Buying a house means making friends.
  • Dreaming of a madhouse means getting into big trouble.

House in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • Entering someone else's home - you will enter someone else's life. Upon invitation, you will be asked for help. Secretly become involved with someone on your own initiative.
  • I dreamed of a multi-storey building - pay attention to the floor. Little new acquaintance.
  • A very old house attracts old connections, especially if there are a lot of old things inside.
  • A large, new house outside - new things are coming, but you have a choice: you can take part or not take part in them. If you are included, your participation will have a positive effect.
  • If you occupy a free room or apartment, your activity will bring material benefits.
  • Hut ( wooden house) – Seeing conversations and discussions in a dream that should not disturb you. If you don't pay attention to them, they won't do any harm.

The meaning of a dream about the Structure (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

  • I dreamed about the main building - Wealth.
  • You go out into the garden - Happiness.
  • Why do you dream of an old house, the building is collapsing - Unhappiness in the family.
  • IN big hall there is a coffin - portends joy and peace.
  • A small door into the room opens - portends a love affair.
  • You fall into a hole in main room- Portends misfortune in the family.
  • If you build a roof on your house, it portends longevity.
  • You are rebuilding and updating your home - to great happiness.
  • The walls begin to move from gusts of wind - portends a move.
  • You move to a new house owned by another person - Fortunately.
  • I dream that the family is leaving home - Happy event for the wife.
  • Moving into a ruined building - portends a beautiful wife.
  • If you rent out yours to any person, you will get a place in the service.
  • You sweep, splashing water - A person will come from afar.
  • You rent country house– Portends the loss of a job.
  • Empty without people - portends death.
  • Standing under the roof, getting dressed - Speaks of uncertainty, some kind of mystery.
  • You are suing your wife for housing - portends happiness.
  • The main one suddenly breaks down, roof-bearing, beam - portends great misfortune.
  • A building falls into a hole - portends death.
  • The military enters inside - portends great happiness.
  • Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror - There will be a quarrel with your wife.
  • I dreamed of a live horse - There will be a letter from my son.
  • Grass grows in the rooms - the home will soon be empty.
  • A cypress or pine tree grows in the courtyard - portends a long life.
  • Renovating a village house - There will be great joy.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the House according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • New, beautiful - meeting someone special.
  • Renovated - an uncertain relationship will soon become clear.
  • Cover with a roof - losses await you.
  • Buying means well-being.
  • Destroying - illness, need.
  • Flaming - failure in business.
  • Building is happiness in love.
  • Empty - Your hopes will not be fulfilled.
  • Making changes in it means waiting for a visit.
  • If you dreamed of a house destined for demolition - frivolity threatens you with misfortune.
  • Devastated - profit.
  • To destroy is a dispute about what has been done.
  • Arrest is an unclear situation in life.
  • Own inhabited - obtained well-being.
  • Buy - arrange for friends.
  • A madhouse means getting in big trouble.
  • Gilded - you will get into trouble

Why do you dream of a House in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • If you dreamed of looking for your home, you will lose faith in the honesty of people.
  • You see in a dream that you do not have a home - failure in all endeavors, financial losses.
  • Seeing the roof of a house in a dream means urgent news and hasty trips.
  • I dreamed of a young woman leaving home - there were treacherous slanderers around her.
  • An abandoned house in a dream foreshadows sad events.

What does it mean to dream with a House (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream about visiting your old home - expect good news in reality. A cozy and joyful home - dreams of long-term prosperity. Abandoned - to sad events.
  • If in the summer you dreamed of building a white stone house in a dream, it means wealth.
  • In the fall, why see a white stone house or engage in the construction of such a house - in reality you will never live in it. Butt - To longing for one’s father’s home.
  • In winter, why do you dream about a house? If you cannot find your home, it means that you have completely lost faith in people.

Why do you dream that a house collapsed? As a rule, the dream book calls a house a symbol of the hearth, or something personal and intimate that specifically belongs to the sleeping person himself. In this regard, to see in a dream how it is collapsing predicts long-term conflict situations that interfere with marital happiness. The dream explains: for a long time it was necessary to do something in order to improve the current situation. In addition, the plot prophesies problems in other areas.

Business failures

Did you dream of a multi-storey building in ruins? The case that you prepared according to the developed scheme will not yield results. Did a house of great height collapse in a dream? The vision warns about the futility of your efforts at work. Whatever you do, the current picture will destroy all your plans. There will definitely be something that can accommodate the implementation of your plans.

The dream book explains: when a multi-story building collapsed in a dream, and you saw it with your own eyes, you need to be careful in implementing your own plans. At best, postpone all planned plans for your future life.

What exactly was destroyed?

Did you dream that not everything in the room fell apart, but only some of the parts? If this:

  • wall - expect troubles in the future;
  • ceiling - according to the dream book, an illness is foreseen;
  • roof - a long dangerous disease;
  • balcony - destruction of hopes for the implementation of one’s own affairs;
  • furniture - the financial well-being of the family will worsen.

Why dream of independently destroying the walls and roof of your own home, without having certain reasons for such actions? The dreamer will not receive help from his relatives, and will also lose in his enterprises.

To destroy the wall of your house without anyone’s help - if the dreamer wants to bring fundamental changes to his personal life, he will lose the passionate object of his desires.

Prepare for trouble at work

Seeing a collapsed room in a dream means problems in your work activities. You should probably expect a demotion or trouble due to your mistake. The dream notifies you of the need to be vigilant in the words spoken and when performing any actions.

A fallen building, according to the dream book, can additionally demonstrate major rivalry in business. At the same time, negatively minded competitors are capable of taking the most drastic measures in order to harm the dreamer.

Pay attention to health and lifestyle

Why do you dream of a collapsed dilapidated house? The dream book refers to it as a signal of depression, decreased immunity and impending diseases. There is a possibility that the sleeping person is weakened by prolonged depression and troubles; he needs to spend more time on his health, breathe out, and restore strength.

Did you dream about an ancient house collapsing? Some circumstances have worn themselves out so badly that it is simply impossible to return everything to its previous state and improve the situation. But such a dream gives a chance that after the end of the old stage in life, a new one will begin.

In some cases, the dream book provides the following explanation of the dream about when the house collapsed: the dreamer faces lack of money due to lack of work, bankruptcy, or an unexpected financial situation.

Miller's Dream Book: Divorce is Possible

Did you dream that a house collapsed? Perhaps relations between the faithful have deteriorated for a long time, to this moment divorce is expected. But not in all cases everything should be taken literally. If you want to maintain family relationships, you need to invest a lot of effort.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 02/28/2019

Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday have great importance. There is a high probability that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem...

Dreams, unfortunately, are not always good. Some of them leave a very unpleasant aftertaste and are remembered for a long time, and also have a not very positive interpretation. For example, the following picture will be annoying: you see how it collapses and interprets such dreams in a not very positive way. In general, we can say that just as a building collapses, so do your plans, aspirations, and deeds. However, in order to find out exactly why such a dream is happening, you need to remember which structure was damaged: a one-story building or a multi-story one. It is also necessary to analyze other details of the incident that you witnessed in night vision.

Upcoming problems at work

So, let's open the dream book. A multi-storey building collapses - get ready for problems at work. These can be a variety of troubles: not necessarily dismissal. The collapse of a project or event that you really counted on is possible. However, you should not despair - such a dream does not mean that your difficulties will last long. As a rule, these are quickly passing troubles, disagreements or unjustified hopes.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer us? The house is collapsing in parts, for example, you see the collapse of the walls or ceiling, roof - this indicates larger problems that will unsettle you for a short time. This dream does not always promise problems at work; sometimes it also means difficulties in other areas of life. But one thing is for sure: trouble will come from where it was never expected. However, people close to you will help you survive all the difficulties. The main thing is to remember them in time and seek help and support.

If you dreamed that the house had already been destroyed and there were fragments left of it, but you did not see the crash itself, this indicates some kind of failure in your career. You may be thinking about whether you chose the right profession and whether it brings in enough money. You may be going through a small creative or professional crisis. However, this will not last long - the unpleasant state will quickly pass, says the interpreter.

Imminent problems in the family

What else will the dream book tell you about this? The house is collapsing before your eyes, falling apart, like in horror films - you will have hard times. You will quarrel with your significant other over all sorts of trifles. If you value this relationship, try to restrain yourself when you really want to lose your temper. If you dreamed that the cause of the destruction of your house was a plane crash, you will probably also have problems in your family. But they will not be caused by discord and quarrelsome characters - the main cause of future troubles will be some external circumstances. It is quite possible that problems with money or work will serve as the basis for troubles in your personal life.

If in a dream you saw a severe flood that flooded the house, or the building simply collapsed from the water, serious problems will arise in your family. There is a high chance that you or your significant other will be thinking about whether this relationship is worth saving. Therefore, if you do not want to allow separation, try to correct all the problems that exist in the couple.

Serious changes are ahead!

In a dream, did you see that you were crying because your house was collapsing? The dream book warns: you need to prepare for the fact that you will soon live in a completely different place. This will happen so unexpectedly that you will be very shocked by what is happening. Does your house suddenly collapse in your dream? The dream book says: if you don’t live in it, but you know whose it is, this is a bad sign. There are difficult times ahead. Your mood cannot be called serene and cheerful. Try to succumb to the blues as little as possible. Look at emerging problems soberly and solve them.

Did you dream that a house was collapsing? The dream book says that in this case you will experience a radical change in the rhythm of life. For example, if you were a night owl, you will become a lark. Also, soon you will begin a completely new stage, and old contacts and connections will completely become obsolete.

But there is also a good meaning!

If in a dream you saw a thunderous earthquake in which all the huge skyscrapers or multi-story buildings collapsed, and only your house remained undamaged, you can be congratulated! Your family life is so ideal that neither the machinations of envious people nor any external circumstances can interfere with it.

Seeing a house in a dream mainly promises prosperity. However, if in a dream a person saw that a house was collapsing, then, alas, such a dream is a clear warning that a black streak will soon come. A person intuitively understands that a dream about a destroyed house is not good and it is worth preparing for bad changes in life.

What if you dream that the house is collapsing?

It is very good if a person is trying to figure out why he dreams that the house is collapsing. Having recognized the enemy, you can find a means of fighting him. That is, having understood what the dream warns about, you can prepare for what will happen soon. When you wake up, it would be good to remember all the details of the dream, since it depends on them exact interpretation sleep. Whether it was a new house or an old, dilapidated one, whether it collapsed due to a natural disaster or whether someone deliberately destroyed it.

All these details are very important. A destroyed house in a dream can mean both financial problems and family problems. And you can figure out where to expect an unfavorable wind of change from only by remembering the dream in detail and analyzing it. Then you can prepare for and even prevent some disasters.

Don’t worry too much if you see a destroyed house in a dream. It promises more than just trouble. If you dreamed that from beautiful home moved into a destroyed house, then, oddly enough, such a dream is a prerequisite that a person will soon meet his soulmate who will be faithful to him.

If you dreamed of a destroyed house, then it is worth remembering the events of recent days. Perhaps there was something that left an unpleasant mark on my soul or made me worry. It is likely that such a dream is just a reflection of worries about last days. In this case, there is no need to worry that the dream of a destroyed house indicates impending troubles.

It is better to understand what has already happened recently and try to solve the problems that have arisen. However, if life was calm and there was nothing to worry about, then you should think about what this dream is about and what it could mean. Having realized that a destroyed house in a dream predicts, a person gets the opportunity to prepare for what awaits him.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a person saw a destroyed building, then in the near future he will face financial problems, including bankruptcy. If there are cracks in the walls of the house, then you should be wary of your neighbors or be prepared for intrigues from your immediate environment. The wreckage of a house in a dream means major problems at work. A fallen house indicates that strong quarrels in the family will soon begin.

If someone outsider deliberately breaks a house in a dream, then this means a quick change of place. A dream of a completely destroyed house, if a person is standing in front of it, warns of a dark streak in life, where there may be serious illnesses, a breakdown in relationships and huge financial losses. If there is another person in the house, and there is mold everywhere in the house, then the relationship with this person will be tested by gossip.

It is important to be prepared for this. to overcome all the adversities that such a dream warns about. You should not give up and wait for trouble. Quarrels in the family can be avoided by becoming a little more attentive. You may not feel financial problems if you prepare a “safety cushion”.

A destroyed house in a dream promises not only troubles, but also significant changes in life. Perhaps at first they will be accompanied by troubles. however, they will then become favorable. The black stripe always gives way to a white one and this must be remembered.
