What is rv in the time sheet. Alphabetic and numeric code in the report card. Basic designations. Controversy in the documents

Vacation in the report card - its designation is carried out using unified or company codes - can be reflected in different ways depending on its type and status of the employee. Let's study common examples of vacation codes in more detail.

Reflection of maternity and parental leave

Maternity leave granted in accordance with Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is reflected in the report card using the code P (14). Parental leave granted under Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is fixed using the coolant code (15).

A scenario is possible in which an employee who is on parental leave will work part-time. If so, then when taking into account her visits in the report card, the “double” code I (01) and OJ (15) will be used. These codes can be indicated in one cell of the time sheet using the “/” symbol (for example, I / OZh or 01/15), or an additional line can be added to the form of the time sheet.

Theoretically, there can be three codes in one cell. For example, if an employee agreed to go on a business trip and worked a day off there. In this case, the table will record: K / RV / OZH (06/03/15).

Find out what other symbols are used in the timesheet.


Leave in the time sheet can be recorded using a large number various codes, each of which is selected based on a specific type of vacation. In some cases, along with "vacation" codes, it is possible to simultaneously indicate others that characterize the current status of the employee in labor relations.

You can learn more about the use of time sheets in a company in the articles:

  • ;
  • .

In any organization, a time sheet is mandatory. The rules for formatting this document, its purpose and a ready-made example that can be used as a sample - all this is discussed below.

Main purpose

The planned duration of the shift and the total number of working days in the month will almost always differ from the hours and days that were actually worked. To record the fact, a time sheet is kept: it allows you to collect all the information about the working time that was actually worked out.

The purpose of this document is twofold:

  1. Get information about the entire worked period of time.
  2. Get data on absenteeism for the same period.

Such information is useful, first of all, to an accountant. Also, some inspectors will need information - a corresponding description is given in the table.

accountant calculation of all payments that need to be transferred to employees: salary, vacation pay, travel allowance, etc.
representative of the Federal Tax Service inspectors are interested in the correctness of the calculation of payments and taxes from them: often the company is checked to see if the tax base has been underestimated
FSS officer the hours worked are of interest to the fund in connection with the calculation social benefits(for example, childcare)
labor inspector inspectors are interested in whether the rights of workers have been violated
Rosstat representative employees of Rosstat collect statistical data - for example, according to the information from the report card, they draw up a single

Form: blank and sample

Each company has the right to use both its own sample and keep records of working hours using a special form. T-12. You can take as a basis exactly its form (it is given below) and adapt it to the needs of the company.

The document consists of 3 main parts:

  1. The title page provides one system codes that indicate, for example, additional days off (on account of overtime), illness on sick leave, downtime due to the fault of the employer, etc. Each circumstance has an alphabetic and numeric code.
  2. The second (tabular) part is the actual accounting of working hours. It is carried out on a daily basis (including days off and holidays).
  3. And the third part is also presented in the form of a table. It provides information on the payment of salaries (amounts, hours and days, rate).

This is what a blank form T-12 looks like.

Along with the T-12 form, there is also a T-13. It lacks the last (third) part - that is, this document is a simple time sheet for fixing working hours, without payroll calculations. Finished example document is shown below.

Order of conduct

The document is maintained by specially appointed employees: they fix the working time for each day. As a rule, the person responsible for the correct design is the director of the structural unit (for example, the sales department). Responsibility can be shared by his deputy. If the company is large enough, they introduce a special position of timekeeper, who records all the information.

In any case, responsible persons are always appointed by the head, which is indicated by the corresponding order (free sample) - for example, the document shown below.

NOTE. All responsible persons must familiarize themselves with the text of the order and put their signature and date.

In general, the order looks like this:

  1. The responsible person records the information for each day.
  2. After filling out (after a month), the document is transferred to the personnel department.
  3. After the personnel department, he enters the accounting department.
  4. The last signature remains with the head of the structural unit.

NOTE. When the document is filled out and signed by all responsible persons, it is filed and sent to the archive for storage. The minimum storage period is 5 years. But if the work at the enterprise is carried out in dangerous and harmful conditions, the storage time is significantly increased - at least 75 years.

How to fill out a time sheet: step by step instructions

When filling out, a single notation system is used. The time sheet records the time worked in accordance with the rule “one position is intended for one position”. Only employees who have labor contract, including internal part-timers- for them, in particular, it is necessary to register information twice.

The following employees are not taken into account:

  • workers unofficially;
  • external partners;
  • working on the basis of a civil contract.

The order of filling provides for the correct design title page and the actual tabular part.

Title page

The following information is recorded here:

  1. Company name (optional) short version, for example, Alpha LLC).
  2. Codes for OKUD and OKPO.
  3. Number - the company chooses the numbering system independently. For example, a variant of sequential assignment of numbers during the calendar year is common.
  4. Reporting period - i.e. month with start and end dates for maintaining the document.
  5. Compilation date refers to the last day after which it must be signed by all responsible employees. The document is then transferred to archival storage.

tabular part

Here you need to fill in all the columns:

Payroll information

If the T-12 form is maintained, then this section is also filled out. Here, information is recorded mainly about 2 forms of payment:

  1. The salary itself (indicated by the 4-digit code 2000).
  2. Payments for vacation days (indicated by the code 2012).

All amounts are debited from the so-called offset account - it will be the same, regardless of the type of payment.

As usual, working hours are fixed taking into account the total number of days and hours.

At the end of the document, all authorized employees sign:

  • person holding the document (if any)
  • representative of the personnel department;
  • department head.

Video instruction for registration

Video commentary on filling:

Additional sheet

There are several cases when the time sheet itself is not enough, since accounting involves fixing additional information. Then you should issue another sheet:

  1. If an employee quits in the middle of the month or at the beginning. In this case, all the days and hours actually worked are recorded on an additional sheet. And in the form they make the entry “Fired” exactly on the date when the dismissal took place. Then the document is submitted along with an additional sheet.
  2. It will also be needed when the employee was not working, but at the same time he did not get in touch and did not notify the reasons for his absence. If he did not appear (or did not take documents confirming the validity of the reason), and the time has come to hand over the document, code 30 is put (letter designation "НН").

In such cases, it is better to make all marks with a pencil. If it later turns out that the employee, for example, received sick leave, you should put a mark on code 19 (letter "B").

Summary accounting: calculation features

If the normal number of hours (8 hours per day and 40 hours per week) cannot be observed, then the total length of time actually worked is determined as simple sum. This procedure exists in enterprises that:

  • work around the clock, in shifts;
  • use a flexible schedule;
  • organize shift work.

Then the accounting period becomes the main concept. – calendar month, 1 quarter or the whole year. The specific interval is selected depending on the characteristics of the enterprise. For example, if work is expected in hazardous and harmful conditions, then a period of 1 quarter is taken as the basis.

If during any time the employee did not perform work on good reasons, then this time is not taken into account (i.e., it is excluded completely).

Non-standard situations: what to do

In most cases, it is quite simple to draw up a document, since accounting is based on a uniform, equal distribution of working time for each employee. However, this procedure is often violated due to certain circumstances, for example:

  1. If a colleague asks for time off, and the manager does not mind, then only the hours actually worked (integer) are recorded. Absence is indicated by the mark "I" or two numbers "01".
  2. If he is ill, then they put "B", and leave the bottom of the field empty. Of course, having sick leave mandatory requirement for such a note.
  3. If it was planned, and the employee took it as agreed, in accordance with the current procedure, they put the designation "NV" (in the digital version, the code "28"). There are times when the true reasons for the absence are temporarily unknown. Then you can put "НН", but in case of clarification of the situation, the appropriate designation is selected, and "НН" is crossed out.
  4. If a colleague went on a business trip, mark "K". When he officially returns and begins his usual duties, they put the letter "I".

How to make changes

Accounting for working time involves fixing information that may change during the day or week, therefore, the timesheet also provides for the possibility of making changes. Adjustments must be made to reflect the actual situation, the truth of which is documented.

There are 2 ways to make corrections:

  1. Inaccuracies are allowed, but the document is supplemented by the so-called corrective form. Both papers are submitted for verification together.
  2. The original document is corrected, and an additional form is not drawn up. Then you need to carefully cross out all the incorrect data. This is done with a horizontal bar. If erroneous information is contained in adjacent fields, a single line is crossed out.

In this case, an appropriate entry must be made that explains the situation in detail, for example:

It can be done on the nearest free field.

Liability for mismanagement

Proper document management is a direct responsibility of the company. Otherwise, quite tangible penalties may follow.

Interestingly, in Labor Code there is no article as such that establishes responsibility for the absence of a time sheet. However, it is in the Code of Administrative Offenses - this is Article 5.27. It is regulated that the absence of a document will lead to penalties:

  1. For responsible persons from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  2. For a company like legal entity from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In the event of a report card with errors, other measures are applied. They are set depending on whether the malicious intent that caused these errors is detected. For example, a company credits an employee with days not actually worked in order to “reduce” their profits and thereby pay less tax. Sanctions will be applied in accordance with the specific circumstances of the violation (to a large extent they will depend on the amount).

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Time sheet - designations 2017-2018 years, most companies continue to take from a unified form, although it now has only a recommendatory character. According to what principle the time sheet keeps track of working time and what designations are used for this, will be described in the article below.

Why do you need a time sheet, what form is most often used?

The need for a time sheet (hereinafter referred to as the time sheet) is due to:

  1. The requirements of Art. 13 of the Law "On Accounting" No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, according to which all business entities are required to record every fact of their economic life.
  2. Ease of use for payroll.

Since the time sheet refers to primary documents, then with the entry into force separate provisions of the Law "On Accounting" from January 1, 2013, it is not necessary to use the unified forms T-12 and T-13, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of January 5, 2004, for its maintenance. That is, organizations have the right to develop and use their own forms.

However, forms T-12 (for manual filling) and T-13 (can be filled out automatically) have managed to establish themselves on the positive side as the most convenient to use. In this regard, most companies continue to use them, sometimes making separate adjustments.

What are the rules for placing letters on the time sheet?

In addition to the approved unified forms, the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 also contains explanations for filling them out, which can be used if problems arise with the execution of a particular form. According to these clarifications, the time sheet indicates the time actually worked / not worked by each employee of the organization. To do this, in front of the name of each employee, certain letter designations for each day of the month (including weekends and holidays), under which the number of hours is put (if it is possible or necessary to count the time spent by the employee at work).

In this case, the employer, at its discretion, can choose any of the methods of putting marks in the report card:

  • or by the continuous registration method, when attendance / absence and all other deviations are noted;
  • or by registering only deviations (absences, lateness, overtime, business trips, etc.).

The marks put down in the report card are not enough to calculate the salary if there are deviations from the turnout in it. For example, the departure of an employee on vacation is carried out on the basis of the relevant order, and in this case, the time sheet indicates exactly those days that are indicated in the order. The same is true with business trips, sick days and absenteeism. In the accounting department, they look through additional documents justifying the marks in the report card, and only if the data in them match, do the corresponding payroll.

Deciphering commonly used symbols

In the unified form of the T-12 sheet, the symbols used both in it and in the T-13 form are given. Here is some of them:

  • "I" - the employee's exit to work in daytime according to the working hours established in the organization;
  • "N" - the employee's going to work at night (according to the norms of Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is considered to be going to work from 22:00 to 6:00);
  • "RV" - work on weekends and holidays (officially, weekends and holidays are established by the norms of Articles 111-112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • "C" - overtime work, to which, according to Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is attracted at the initiative of the employer and with the consent of the employee (the basis for putting this mark is additional document, from which it follows that the employee gave his consent);
  • "FROM" and "OD" - annual basic and additional paid holidays, respectively (the basis for putting such a mark is the order to grant a vacation);
  • "K" - a business trip to which the employee is sent on the basis of the relevant order;
  • "B" - temporary disability, to confirm which the employee must submit a sick leave issued in accordance with all the rules;
  • "PR" - absenteeism, which is considered according to the norms of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as absence from the workplace without good reason;
  • “B” - days off - this is how the days are marked when the employee did not go (and should not have gone) to work (since all dates are indicated in the time sheet, weekends are also marked in order not to get confused later in the calculations).

Deciphering the meanings of letters associated with emergency situations (HH, OZ, HB, OV, OZH)

The frequently used designations listed in the previous paragraph are well known to personnel and accounting workers. However, in the organization there are also emergency situations related to the exit / absenteeism of employees to their workplaces - and they also need to be marked in the report card in order to avoid confusion.

Here are some cases:

  1. "NN" - absenteeism for unknown reasons. It is put down in the report card if the employer does not know the reasons why the employee did not go to work. This designation suggests that after finding out the reasons, it can be corrected. For example, an employee did not go to work for a week, did not answer phone calls, and it was not possible to contact him in other ways. In the report card at this time, "NN" is affixed. If a week later the employee appeared and brought a sick leave, then "HN" can be corrected for "B" (temporary disability with the appointment of benefits).
  2. "OZ" - leave without pay, provided for by law. For example, according to Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, citizens, at their request, are required to provide up to 5 working days in connection with the registration of marriage or the death of close relatives. If we are talking about leave without pay, provided by the decision of the employer, “OD” (paid additional leave) is affixed.
  3. "NV" - additional days off without pay. It is understood that the day off in this case is provided to the employee by decision of the employer in excess of the days off, which are enshrined in labor legislation (in other words, this is a day off). If a salary is also saved for such an additional day off, then “OB” (paid additional day off) is affixed.
  4. "OJ" - leave to care for a child up to 3 years. Throughout the entire period of the decree, the employee retains workplace- it means that his last name is put down in the report card, and the corresponding mark is put opposite.

So, various letter designations, with the help of which the cases of attendance / absence of an employee at the workplace and their features are displayed, are used in the timesheet for the convenience of recording working time. To put down a number of designations, the person leading the time sheet needs a document confirming the words of the employee. The list of designations used in this case in most companies, as well as the form of the time sheet itself, is taken from the resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1.

Working time and its accounting are important components of any organization, allowing you to control the activities of the company and discipline employees. In order to simplify this procedure, a special form was developed - a time sheet. It exists in both paper and electronic versions. And each type has its own nuances in filling.

Who completes the sheet

Each organization appoints a person responsible for maintaining the time sheet, focusing on the specifics of the activity and the number of staff. If the organization is small and all the work is done in the office, then the personnel inspector, accountant or other authorized person will report the employees.

In the event that an enterprise has several facilities, it is much easier to schedule employees directly at their places of work. In this case, this obligation is assigned to the foreman or head of the unit by a separate order or is prescribed in the employment contract.

Algorithm for working with a time sheet

First of all, you need to know that every enterprise must have a regular (that is, in paper version) time sheet. The form can either be printed on your own or ordered from a print shop.

There are two approved forms: T-12 and T-13. Their difference is that the first not only takes into account working time, but also has columns for calculating the monthly. They are filled in according to the same scheme, namely, every month on the first day they open a new time sheet. It is necessary to fill in the columns:

  • Company name (by serial number and date of completion.
  • The period for which the timesheet is opened.
  • Ordinal numbers of personnel and their data from personal cards.

The rest of the data is entered within a month, and filling in the part that relates to wages remains with the accounting worker.

For faster and more convenient filling of the time sheet, a notation system was developed and approved. They also reflect other nuances. 36 designations are provided. But sometimes this number is not enough to accurately display all the information about the employee.

Symbols in the time sheet
NameLetter designationNumerical designation
1 Daytime and evening hoursI01
2 Night workH02
3 Work on weekends and holidaysRP03
4 Overtime workWith05
5 Business tripTo10
6 Basic vacationfrom14
7 Additional leaveone15
8 study leaveAt16
9 Reduced work time for studentsHC17
10 Additional study leave without payUD18
11 and childbirthR19
12 Parental leave (partially paid)och20
13 Parental leave (unpaid)oh21
14 Unpaid leavebefore22
15 Unpaid leave for reasons established by law OZ24
16 sick leaveB25
17 Unpaid disabilityt26
18 Hours of work reductionlc27
19 Downtime (for reasons not related to the employee)vp28
20 Absence for reasons established by law (with the preservation of wages)G29
21 Walking without good reasonETC31
22 Hours not worked (if the employer has set a part-time job)NS32
23 Weekendin33
24 strikesZB34
25 Absences for unknown reasonsHH35

The table discusses the most commonly used symbols in the time sheet. More detailed description and a complete list is usually located on the first page of the form. This makes it easier to navigate the symbols and determine in what situation what to put in the cell.

Normal form filling

Filling out the time sheet is painstaking work that requires attention. It can be performed using, for example, the method of continuous attendance and absence.

In this case, data is entered in each column. Symbols indicate both the presence of employees on and their absence, indicating the reasons. The number of hours spent at the place of work is also indicated.

In the report card itself, it will look like this: on a weekend, put the letter "B", under it 0, on a working day, respectively, "I" and the number of hours, for example 8. Similarly, weekends are marked various reasons absences from work, ranging from business trips to absences for unclear reasons.

The calculation of the time sheet in this case is a little easier to carry out, because all the necessary numbers and symbols are in front of your eyes. This is especially true for specialists with little work experience - so they will be less likely to get confused and make a mistake.

Fill out the time sheet with the mind

There is also a method for registering deviations. It is applied when the working day has the same duration throughout the period. In this case, only non-standard situations, that is, absences, business trips, etc. When using this method, much less time is spent, and the final result is the same in both cases.

On the sheet, it looks like this: in the top line, information about the absence of the employee at the workplace is entered - V, K, FROM, HH, PR, B and others. The bottom line is left blank. Indeed, in the final calculation of hours worked, zeros do not matter, and with the same length of the working day, it remains only to perform the simplest actions: count the number of empty cells in the top line (these are turnouts) and multiply by the number of hours.

This method is more convenient for experienced personnel officers and accountants. It is also well suited for small organizations where the number of employees is small. If your management doesn't know about a simpler time tracking system, then it's time to suggest it to them.

Maintaining a time sheet on a computer

In addition to the paper version, there are also several electronic ones. As mentioned above, the timesheets must be duplicated without fail. This is necessary so that data on the work of employees is not lost and their reliability is confirmed (after all, it is not possible to use a computer everywhere).

One of the more available options is a time sheet created in office programs. Excel is perfect for this purpose. Spreadsheets allow you to create any type and size of a document. Also, thanks to the ability to set formulas, summing up and calculating intermediate data is much easier.

Using special software

With insufficient skills in working with spreadsheets, another similar program may be selected by the employee or management. The time sheet in this case will look similar to the paper version. This will help reduce the time of working with the document.

It should also be borne in mind that each program involves the use licensed versions. At different suppliers, they, of course, have their own cost. For example, the program "Timesheet" will cost users from 1000 rubles. and above - depending on the number of employees.

Another advantage of such utilities is that you can not fill out a paper timesheet. The form with all the marks is easy to print in any necessary moment. This function is for sure in every similar program.

About document storage

What is the table used for? This is the basis for accounting for one amount or another, as well as the main evidence that the employee was at the place of work and performed his duties. Without a doubt, this document is very important for every organization.

Then how long is this form kept? The time sheet must be kept for a year. It is established by law, and such rules must be observed.

If you lose an already closed time sheet, you should not panic. It can always be restored using other documents. For this, explanatory, sick leave, information about business trips, vacation schedules, etc. are used. Everything that confirms and explains the absence of a person at his workplace can be used to restore data.

Who might need a timesheet?

This document is often required for various checks. For example, tax service checks its presence in the organization and the correctness of filling.

The absence of a time sheet, even in the smallest company, can be a reason for a rather large fine. The same thing happens when making mistakes in filling out the forms. This applies to both calculations and misuse. symbols.

The presence of tables is mandatory. They are needed both for the company itself (accounting, disciplining employees), and for inspection organizations. And most importantly - correctly apply the symbols in the time sheet. Then you can avoid a number of problems with employees and regulatory authorities.

The employer is obliged to keep a record of the arrivals and departures of employees, in addition, he must put notes on the reasons for their absence. Each of them has its own symbol, which allows you to abbreviate information in the corresponding cells.

A completed timesheet is the basis for the calculation of salary or other payments, therefore its maintenance must be correct and comply with established standards.

Accounting for working time is mandatory, this rule is spelled out in article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The responsibility for keeping records rests with the employer. Working hours are calculated in order to determine whether the employee has worked out the norm. In case of processing, he must receive monetary compensation or time off, and in case of underworking, he will not be able to count on receiving the established wages in full.

Working hours are counted in several main ways:

  1. By the day.
  2. weekly.
  3. Summarized.

Daily accounting is carried out if the employee has a strictly fixed schedule, works full-time and goes to work at the specified hours, while having the same shift duration. A week is considered time in the event that a person works on a part-time basis and has a rotating work schedule. The condition for this calculation is the same number of working hours per week. Summed counting allows you to apply one and the other method at the same time, depending on the need, and take into account hours worked out of sync.

Time sheet

To systematize accounting in organizations, special time sheets are maintained. They are intended to reflect the actual situation of the presence or absence of employees. The time sheet is an empty form in which information is entered daily on hours worked, days off, holidays, vacations, sick leave and other moments, for each employee individually.

In Russia, the Labor Code establishes that a person must work 40 hours a week, provided that he works five days a week or 36 hours with a six-day period. These norms must be strictly observed, although employers do not always have the opportunity to fulfill the norm on a weekly basis, but in aggregate for a month or a quarter right amount hours.

The table allows you to solve a number of questions:

  1. Control labor discipline.
  2. Set the length of the work week.
  3. Calculate the total duration of overtime work and timely, and most importantly, fully compensate for them.
  4. Account for weekends and holidays.

Each of the financial indicators is calculated according to separate formulas and schemes, and therefore requires different marks in the form.

The main purpose of the document

The time sheet is a multifunctional document, despite the simplicity of the form itself and the way it is maintained.

The main purpose of the paper is to ensure that the established number of hours according to the law and the schedule is worked out by the employee. However, in addition to this important purpose, the document performs other functions.

The table has the following additional purpose:

  1. Allows you to receive and process data on how many hours an individual employee has worked.
  2. It makes it possible to calculate how much actual time was spent on work, days off, downtime, disability, vacation periods, and more.
  3. Allows you to monitor compliance with established labor regimes.
  4. Allows registration of absenteeism for no reason and through the fault of the employer.
  5. Provides an opportunity to conveniently calculate the remuneration due for hours worked.

In addition to all the above functions, this document makes it possible not only to immediately assess the labor situation, but also to compile statistical reports on labor.

General rules of conduct

The completed time sheet, at first glance, does not raise any questions, however, when entering information into it for the first time, the filler may have problems. The document requires consideration of many nuances.

Let's start with the fact that each employee should be assigned personnel numbers without fail. This number is assigned not only to the person himself, but also to the workplace that he occupies. That is, if an employee works at the main place of work and simultaneously combines another position, then he must be registered as a part-time worker and receive another personnel number. This will allow him to be counted twice in the form and pay him a salary for two positions, and not for one.

Absence marks are initially put solely on the basis of available information, but then the indicated data must be documented. If there is no confirmation document, then the data is corrected for the actual data.

Upon dismissal, the employee is excluded from the number taken into account for the month following the termination of the contract. When hiring a new person, he must be included in the form in the month in which he actually began to perform his labor functions.

Uniform forms

The State Statistics Committee has developed unified forms that allow you to easily and quickly enter information about hours worked. There are only two such forms:

  1. T-12.
  2. T-13.

They have different purposes, although they are identical in terms of informativeness. The unified form T-12 allows you to fill out the form itself manually. To do this, the document is simply printed or purchased, and then filled out on a monthly basis. Form t-13 was developed and implemented for special electronic accounting. It implies the presence of automated checkpoints that read information about incoming and outgoing and put down the time and date of such visits. Additionally, information about the absence is entered into the program.

The presented unified forms are not suitable for all employers. They allow you to take into account working hours in those organizations that have time payment labor. If there is a piecework system for accruing earnings, then you should develop your own forms. When developing them, you can focus on existing samples, which are supplemented, if necessary, with other columns and cells.

Filling rules

Filling out the document is subject to special rules. The form is always kept in one copy, and the data is entered actually date on date.

Consider the phased entry of information into the form:

  1. Name of the organization.
  2. Structural unit, if the company maintains more than one form at the same time.
  3. Document Number. Numbering starts at the beginning of the calendar year and resets to zero at the end of it.
  4. Compilation date is the last day of the reporting period.
  5. Accounting month.
  6. Ordinal number of the line.
  7. Full name of the employee.
  8. Personnel Number.
  9. In columns 4, 5, 6, and 7, actual appearances and absences should be noted.
  10. The 8th column contains the number of days worked.
  11. Next comes the breakdown by hours - how much is worked out, of which night, overtime, weekends and holidays.
  12. The 14th column indicates the total number of no-shows for the reporting period.

The time sheet is signed first by the responsible person who compiled it, then by the head of the structural unit, the final signature is the signature of the head of the personnel department.

Designations in the report card

The greatest number of errors in the maintenance of the time sheet is recorded when filling out the column on hours worked.

This is due to the fact that many are confused about which code to put in a particular case, although the form itself contains information about the most common abbreviations. In addition to the generally accepted values, it is allowed to enter your own personal symbols, the main thing is to apply them systematically and, as a result, not to get confused with the account.

Actual hours worked are displayed in the timesheet as follows (letter code/numeric code):

  1. Daytime - I/01.
  2. Night shifts - H / 02.
  3. On calendar days off and official holidays - RP/03.
  4. Overtime hours worked - С/04.
  5. Watch - VM / 05.
  6. Business trip days - K/06.

The given tables of conventions give two values ​​for each case, numeric and alphabetic. Which one to use is up to the employer.


The designation of a vacation in the report card involves the use of special codes that change depending on the type of holiday issued.

Here's how vacation is written in the report card:

  1. Annually provided regular rest - OT / 09.
  2. Additional vacation periods - OD / 10.
  3. Allowance allocated for training with the preservation of the average salary - U / 11.
  4. Additional days for study unpaid - UD / 13.
  5. Maternity leave - Р/14.
  6. Maternity for newborn care - OJ / 15.
  7. Administrative rest in agreement with the employer - DO / 16.
  8. Days without pay, provided by law - OZ / 17.
  9. Annual allowance, which is issued without payment - DB / 18.

A variety of vacation periods should be correctly indicated on the form, because each of them is paid differently.


You can’t skip work, such an action entails Negative consequences in the form of a reprimand or even dismissal. However, this does not negate the very possibility of such a phenomenon. Absenteeism in the report card should be noted as follows - PR / 24.

But there are other absences, which, although they are not weekends or holidays, nevertheless do not mean unauthorized absence. They should be specified like this:

  1. Forced absenteeism due to recognition of dismissal or transfer to another workplace as illegal - PV / 22.
  2. Absence from work due to the performance of public duties - G / 23.
  3. Suspension from work with the payment of benefits - NO / 34.
  4. Not allowed to work without pay - NB / 35.
  5. Suspension of the performance of their duties due to salary delays - NZ / 36.
  6. Strike - ZB/29.

Truancy can be put on the time sheet only if there is evidence of this fact, usually this is done after the commission act is signed or an explanatory note is given by the truant. And until the circumstances are clarified, you should take your time and put down HH or 30, which means an unidentified reason for the absence.

sick leave

The sick leave in the report card is put down first in advance. Usually, when an employee falls ill, he notifies the employer about this, although such a rule is not established by law, but is practiced in the prevailing number of cases. The employer, knowing that the employee is sick, puts the letter B or the number 19. Such a code means that the time of disability is a confirmed ballot and will be paid. You can certify this fact only after the transfer of the disability certificate to the accounting department. It is possible to provide sick leave only after it is closed, therefore, no matter how sick a person is, all these days B or 19 is put.

When a person leaves the hospital, he submits a ballot and after it is verified for authenticity, the cipher is either confirmed or a different code is affixed. If the ballot was false, then absenteeism is put. But it may also be that the form is real, but not subject to payment. This happens if the patient had violations of the hospital regime and received the appropriate marks. In this case, T or 20 is set, and payment is not charged.

Who is responsible for record keeping

Responsibility for timesheets can be assigned to different employees, it all depends on the number of employees working in the organization. On the large enterprises The following structures of responsibility are observed:

  1. Each division has its own designated specialist who keeps records during the reporting period.
  2. All time sheets flock to one responsible person who checks the information and correctness of filling. It can be a personnel officer, an economist, an accounting engineer.
  3. The verified data is transferred to the accounting department for payroll.

In small format organizations, timesheets are carried out immediately by a personnel officer, secretary or even an accountant.

Responsibility for the lack of accounting

Responsibilities for maintaining specialized timesheets are imposed officially with their registration in job description or even in an employment contract.

Responsible for the incorrect introduction of information or even their complete absence will be a responsible employee. Legislation provides for administrative penalties.

When classifying the identified offense as a violation of the law on labor and labor protection, the Code of Administrative Offenses in Article 5.27 provides for a fine:

  1. From one to five thousand rubles to guilty officials.
  2. The same amount of a fine or suspension of activities for up to 90 days for individual entrepreneurs.
  3. From thirty to fifty thousand legal entities.

Initially identified violation can only result in a warning, but the second one already threatens with the indicated fines.

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