Printable road signs. Road signs

The baby grows and strives to learn the world around us, becomes more inquisitive. Let's use this natural curiosity to teach a child how to behave safely on the street, and especially on the road. Of course, you need to start with yourself and review your behavior on the road. Very often we, parents, ignore road signs and basic self-preservation instincts and run across the road, thereby setting a bad example for our child. It would seem that there is a traffic light or a road sign prohibiting crossing in this place, but no one cares... Despite the fact that the state is implementing various programs aimed at improving road safety in the country, tens of thousands of Russians die under the wheels of cars. The statistics on road accidents involving children are simply terrifying. And parents are largely to blame for this situation because they did not show their children traffic signs in time and did not teach them to follow road safety rules.

The website Your Child has prepared this material for parents and teachers, in which we will tell you about the most important road signs so that you can convey this, as it turns out, vitally important information, to your children.

In general, road signs are divided into several categories, with a total of several hundred of them, which, you see, is too many even for a child’s inquisitive mind. Therefore, from each category we will select only those signs that are found most often in any locality.

The first sign that occurs very often is pedestrian crossing sign. This sign indicates an unregulated pedestrian crossing, that is, one where there is neither a traffic light nor a traffic controller. It seems very important to tell the child that you need to cross the road only in the place where there is this road sign.
Second sign- underground pedestrian crossing sign, informs about the presence of this convenient way cross the road. There is another sign indicating a land crossing, in which a person is going up. It is worth explaining to the child that an underground (or overground) pedestrian crossing is in a safe way cross the road and you need to use it.
The third sign is called "Bus or trolleybus stop", it indicates the place where the stop is organized public transport. The child should be reminded that playing within the coverage area of ​​this road sign, much less running onto the roadway, is strictly prohibited!
The fourth sign is found most often in courtyards, it is called "Residential area", and also in the picture there is another sign “End of residential area”. In the area covered by the “Residential Zone” sign, drivers are required to give way to pedestrians. But despite this formal requirement of traffic rules, accidents with children occur in courtyards. There are several reasons for this - the driver’s inexperience, his fatigue, but the children themselves can also be to blame. Teach your child not to run out onto the road located in the yard, to be more careful and circumspect.
The fifth character is called "Pedestrian zone". It means that the movement of all vehicles is prohibited. It is safe for a child to play in this area, but nevertheless it is worth remembering about reckless drivers in cars for whom the rules of the road are simply not written. Teach your children to correctly assess the situation and be prepared for the unexpected.
The sixth sign does not directly affect the safety of a child on the road, but it occurs very often, especially at intersections. This sign is called "Driving directions by lane". The purpose of this sign is to indicate the number of lanes before the intersection and indicate the direction of movement along each of the lanes.

Let's move on to the second category of road signs, which is called "Warning Signs". It seems that these signs are only needed by drivers, but pedestrians also need them. Let's see what signs are in this category. Not all signs will be described below, but only those that are more common and will be of interest to our children.

The first sign is called "Railway crossing with a barrier", it is designed to inform drivers about an upcoming railway crossing. Children should be explained that being near a railway crossing, much less playing on it, is very dangerous.
There is a variation of the above sign called " Railway crossing without barrier". Everything said above directly applies to this sign.
The next sign is called "Artificial hump". Why is it needed? It is needed just to create safe conditions for pedestrian traffic. Drivers, seeing this sign, know that there will be a bump on the road, they are forced to slow down.

The next group of signs is service signs. They do not directly affect the child’s safety on the road, but inquisitive children ask a lot of questions when they see them on the road.

Let's start getting acquainted with this group of road signs with "Gas station" sign. This sign indicates that a gas station is located nearby, and how far it is located is indicated by the numbers under the sign. In the example given, the gas station is located at a distance of 800 meters.
Next sign - "Car maintenance". It tells the driver how far away the service center is and where a technical problem with the car can be repaired. The number on the sign indicates the distance to the service in meters.
The third sign of this category, which raises many questions among the younger generation, is car wash sign. Designates a place where car owners can wash their dirty car.

Here's a review of traffic signs we did. Of course, we didn’t look at all the signs, because there are several hundred of them, but we tried to describe those signs that are of the greatest interest to children and, most importantly, have a direct impact on their safety on the roads.

"Pedestrian crossing"- This is an informational sign.

It indicates the location of the ground crossing of the roadway. This sign is installed near special markings for pedestrians - zebra crossings.

Please pay attention to the child that there is another similar sign, but triangular. It is a warning (triangular) sign, also called a "Pedestrian Crossing". It does not indicate the crossing point for pedestrians, but warns the driver when approaching the crossing.

"Underground pedestrian crossing"- This is an informational sign. This sign indicates the location of the underground passage of the roadway. Installed near the entrance to the passage.

If you have an underground passage on the way to kindergarten or school, be sure to show it to your child.

"Tram stop"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that public transport stops at this location.

Parents should explain to the child that this road sign, like the previous one, is important for both pedestrians and drivers.

The pedestrian will find his way around where the stop is, and the driver will be careful, because there may be people (and especially children) at the stops.

When telling about this sign, be sure to repeat to your child how kids should behave at a stop (you can’t run or jump out onto the roadway).

"Bus Stop Location"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that a bus stops at this place.
This sign is installed close to the landing area - the waiting area for passengers.

"Bike Lane"- this is a prescriptive sign. Allows movement only on bicycles and mopeds. Other types of transport are not allowed to enter it. Pedestrians can also use the bike path if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path.

If your child already knows how to ride a bicycle, then you should explain to him that he can only ride his bicycle horse in the courtyard of the house. And the one where there is such a sign.

Bike paths are designed specifically for cyclists. Perhaps your city has such areas for cycling.

"Pedestrian path"- a prescriptive sign. Sometimes there is a special path on the streets intended only for pedestrians.

On this path you must follow general rules behavior for pedestrians: adhere to right side; do not disturb other pedestrians.

Children should be explained that it is forbidden to play games on footpath, sledding. Riding a bicycle on the pedestrian path is also prohibited.

"No entry"- this is a prohibition sign. All prohibition signs are red.

This sign prohibits the entry of any vehicles, including bicycles, onto the section of road in front of which it is installed.

Its effect does not apply only to public transport, the routes of which pass through this section. The cyclist, upon seeing this sign, must get off the bicycle and drive it along the sidewalk, observing the rules for pedestrian traffic.

Remind your child that if he is carrying his bike rather than riding it, he is considered a pedestrian.

"Bicycles are prohibited"- another prohibitory sign.
This sign prohibits the use of bicycles and mopeds. It is installed in places where riding a bicycle can be dangerous.

Typically this sign is placed on streets with heavy traffic.

It should be remembered that cycling is prohibited on highways, even if there is no prohibiting sign.

I believe that every child should know this sign and the rules associated with cycling, because children love to ride and, if possible, will want to ride on the road.

"Children"- warning sign.

This sign warns the driver about the possible appearance of children on the road. It is installed close child care facility, for example, schools, health camps, playgrounds.

But parents should warn the child that this sign does not indicate a place for children to cross the road! Therefore, a child pedestrian must cross the street in a place where pedestrian crossing is permitted and there is an appropriate sign.

"No Pedestrians"- prohibition sign.

This sign prohibits the movement of pedestrians. It is installed in places where walking can be dangerous.

This sign is often used to temporarily restrict pedestrian traffic, for example, during road works or renovation of house facades.

It should be remembered that pedestrian traffic is always prohibited on highways and roadways, even if a prohibitory sign is not installed.

The birth of a child begins with a stage in life when everything around becomes interesting. As soon as children grow up, they begin to walk and increasingly leave the territory of the playground, where road signs can certainly be seen. Therefore it is advisable to early years teach your child not only responsibility, but also caution, as well as promote his development and teach him how to draw traffic signs in order to be able to distinguish them.

The basis of child safety on the roads: applying knowledge in practice

As a rule, teaching everything to young children is quite difficult. One might even say that it is impossible to do this. Due to their age, children cannot understand much. But you can still teach them the basics. Road signs in pictures drawn with your own hand is an effective way. Thanks to the drawing, the child remembers faster, since several memory zones work simultaneously. Thus, at the moment of drawing, the child considers how to draw a road sign.

Of course, a child will not be able to learn all the rules, but together with the drawing, the actions of drawing will be imprinted in the child’s memory and will help to understand the meaning of a particular symbol and its application. This means that through action, children will quickly remember and understand how to behave on the road when they see a familiar sign. But how to draw a road sign without outside help? This is another problem that should not be put on the back burner.

Required accessories

Before drawing road signs step by step, first of all you need to properly organize workplace. To do this you need to prepare:

  • paper;
  • colored pencils;
  • paints;
  • eraser;
  • ruler.

Supplies must be prepared in advance and during drawing, try to get the child to independently try to depict a road sign.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing road signs

You need a blank sheet of paper to draw. This could be a piece of notebook paper. For small children, it is better to use checkered paper sheets. The presence of cells on the sheet will simplify drawing a road sign. If such paper is not found, then a regular landscape sheet is quite suitable for drawing. True, draw on album sheet more difficult than on a checkered sheet, so it would be a good idea to take care of a ruler in advance.

Theoretically, in order to draw a road sign and not make noise in the classroom looking for a pencil, eraser or ruler, you need to make sure they are available in advance at the drawing lesson. You need to start drawing from the very simple techniques images of road signs.

Let's take a pedestrian crossing as an example. The technique of drawing it is considered the simplest:

  • To do this, you need to draw a square with a simple pencil on a blank sheet of paper using a ruler, a square slightly smaller than the size of the entire sheet.
  • Then using the same a simple pencil you need to place it in the drawn square on the sheet isosceles triangle. The drawing technique is simple. You need to find the middle on one of the sides, put a point, and then use a ruler to connect it to the two corners of the square, drawing straight lines.
  • As a result, an equilateral triangle will appear in the square. The remaining free space between the square and the triangle must be painted blue.
  • The next step is to work on the triangle. Inside it you need to draw a zebra and a man in in the right direction, left to right and right to left. This means that the drawing can be drawn in two copies, where in one drawing in a triangle the pedestrian moves from left to right, and in the second drawing in the triangle, accordingly, the pedestrian’s movement is in the direction from right to left.

The little secret of creating a drawing depicting road signs of two meanings

It is necessary to duplicate the drawing in the case when colored pencils are used to draw a traffic sign. But there is one little secret, using which, children, remembering the action, remember the meaning of the sign. But how can you draw a road sign once and get two drawings, two directions, two signs?

To do this, you need to use a little secret that you can demonstrate to the kids. Only for this you need paints. And a simple pencil. It is with this that the shape, the outline of a person, the zebra itself is drawn, then all the lines are decorated with paint. After applying the paint, we begin copying the drawing with the road sign.

The secret that will allow you to create two from one drawing is quite simple. Immediately after applying the paint, you need to carefully take another similar sheet of paper and carefully attach it to the sheet with the painted road sign. Having attached a clean Whatman paper to the drawing, you need to press both sheets tightly against each other, and then carefully separate them. The result will be one road sign in two drawings with different directions of travel.

If the outlines are poorly visible, they can be painted with paints of the same color, that is, create a blue background for the square, cover the lines of the sides of the triangle with red, in which, on a white background, depict a zebra and a pedestrian moving in the right direction using black paints. The drawn picture gradually turns into a real road sign.

Making a road sign at home

You can make a road sign only if you have required material and related equipment. At the first stage, you need to find a suitable support on which the sign will be attached: a pipe, wooden beam. Then you should take a piece of galvanized steel and cut out the shape of the sign the right size. For accuracy and stability, it is recommended to do two layers. Be sure to make a fastening on the reverse side. Otherwise, this will have to be done already in ready-made version, which may cause damage to the product. As you can see, little tricks on how to draw traffic signs are one of the ways to interest your children.

Let's move on. The next step in solving the problem of how to draw road signs for children is the most difficult stage. The child cannot cope with this on his own. The drawn drawing of the sign should turn into a mock-up of the sign, that is, visually become similar to the real one. To do this you will need a reflective film. You can buy it in the store.

Cardboard or metal - the essence of the blank for making a road sign with your own hands

After all these steps, the drawing must be pasted onto a clean, thick, dry surface of cardboard. If you use a metal plate as a base, then in this case you first need to carry out processing metal surface alcohol. They should degrease the surface, wait until the alcohol evaporates, and only after that stick the finished design, leaving the mock-up of the road sign while the glue dries completely.

The next step is gluing the reflective film. It can be applied both to an uneven rough surface and to a perfectly flat base with a pattern. Reflective film will turn the mock-up of a road sign into a semblance of a real one, which can be installed on a playground, where a road with intersections and pedestrian crossings is being built as a visual aid.

Modern children need a lot of knowledge about modern world. However, this knowledge must be instilled in the child from childhood, without forgetting about the concepts of safety. Visual memory, action and practice are the basis of children's safety. Examples of drawing and making a road sign, as well as its installation, will allow children to learn a good lesson in learning the rules of behavior on the road. And every inquisitive child can answer the question of how to draw road signs with a pencil.

All parents want to protect their kids from danger, and one of the most dangerous places for modern man is the road. Therefore, the ability to navigate in an area of ​​active traffic is one of the most important skills not only for drivers, but also for children. Of course, a child cannot learn all the rules of the road, but he does not have to. Traffic signs for children with pictures will help them remember the basics and better understand what is happening on the road.

Teach children the most simple rules road traffic is necessary from the moment when they begin to cross the road, holding your hand. Draw the child’s attention to the zebra crossing and the traffic light, and tell him that only where there are road crossing markings can he cross the road.

When you go on a trip by bus, explain to him what a stop is and how to behave at it. He must also gradually learn the most important rules of the road, their operation and application in practice. At first, just point to the road signs you meet along the way and explain what they mean. And then, little by little, teach the child the basic necessary traffic rules, looking at pictures with explanations. You can do this using poems, pictures, coloring pages, and game cards.

It is hardly possible to learn all the road signs with children. It’s easier to draw children’s attention to their classification by type, because there are only eight groups and they are decorated in the same style and same colors. Coloring books will help you pay attention to their color. When a child knows, for example, that all warning signs are triangular and prohibition signs are round, it will be easier for him to guess what the sign he encounters means.

According to the traffic regulations, which came into force in February 2016, depending on the tasks being solved and the general meaning, the entire variety of signs is divided into 8 groups. Some of them are quite close, and knowing them is more important for the driver than for the child. Therefore, we will consider six main types of road signs - warning, priority, service, prohibiting, permitting, informational.

Let's look at the warning signs. According to the traffic regulations, which are valid in 2016, their task is to warn the driver about dangerous places on this section of the road. The traffic rules clearly stipulate that all of them are made in the form of a red triangle with a white background. Against this background, a symbol is drawn indicating danger awaiting the driver or pedestrian. The sign warns of the danger in advance so that the road user has time to take action.

For example, if in the warning triangle we see the figure of a child or animal, it means that there is a forest or a school ahead, from where playing children or children can run out onto the road. Therefore, the driver must slow down in advance. If a figure with a shovel is depicted in the triangle of a warning sign, it means that there is fire ahead. renovation work. And if the markings are with a pedestrian, then there is a crossing ahead. Knowing this will not hurt the child either.

Children find it interesting to look at pictures with signs, trying to guess what they mean. If he takes coloring books with warning signs, then he only needs to take 3 pencils - red, blue and black.

Priority signs

According to traffic rules, which are valid in 2016, they come in different shapes - triangles, diamonds, and circles. Their use is addressed to drivers. Therefore, it is best for children to memorize priority signs during the game, when they play the role of drivers.

A map of the roads along which they suggest a route will help to better understand the effect of these symbols and their application in practice. Thus, through action, they are more likely to remember and understand that the yellow diamond represents the main road, and the symbols in the red triangle, which look like a wide trunk with thin branches, show the driver that this is where the main road meets the secondary road.

To color a picture depicting all the symbols of this group, yellow will be added to the 3 named colors.

Priority signs SDA 2016 Road signs


It is more important for children to know prohibiting road signs. As their name implies, they warn road users that they are prohibited from doing anything. All are decorated the same. According to traffic regulations, which are valid in 2016, they are in the shape of a circle, almost all with a red border.

Prohibition signs are also primarily addressed to drivers, but there are also those whose use is important for all road users, or only pedestrians. Let's look at the most common ones.

  • "No entry"

It catches the eye the most and is therefore easier to remember. It looks like a red circle with a white rectangle in the center. Warns drivers that entry here is prohibited for any vehicle. “Stop, stop!” - says the sign.

  • "Movement Prohibition"

The red circle with an empty white background indicates the same. The effect of this sign determines the prohibition of the movement of any vehicles in this place.

  • When a specific type of transport is drawn in a red circle on a white background, it means that the ban applies only to it. Boys will be especially interested in coloring pages with these symbols. Here children need to remember the “No Bicycles” sign. A bicycle placed on a white field with a red border warns that it is prohibited to ride mopeds and bicycles here. There is a stop here for cyclists. Then he will have to walk. As you can see, traffic rules are also used for children. After all, sometimes they are drivers too. vehicle, albeit on two wheels.
  • A sign that is mandatory for teaching children is “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.” A pedestrian figure crossed out with a red stripe warns that pedestrians, strollers or bicycles are not allowed to walk here.

Road signs for children! Prohibition signs!

Prescriptive or permissive

If there are prohibitory signs, then there are also permitting ones, which show road users that, according to traffic regulations, some action here is permitted or even desirable. According to the traffic rules that are in force in 2016, mandatory or permitting signs, like prohibitory ones, are mostly round, but their color is blue. A red bar indicates that the permit ends here. Coloring pages will help you consolidate this knowledge.

It is important for children to know the following warning signs:

  1. "Pedestrian path." A white man in a blue circle speaks of the beginning of a path where people can only walk. This does not mean that people play or ride scooters, rollerblades or sleds here. Here the child must follow the rules for pedestrians: do not push, walk on the right, do not disturb anyone. Poems will help you learn the rules of behavior on the sidewalk and road.
  2. "Bike Lane". You will recognize it by the drawing of a white bicycle in a blue circle. It means that cars are not allowed on this path, and people can walk along it when there is no sidewalk nearby.
  3. "Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation." This mandatory sign is placed on a path where there are horizontal markings or other constructive separation of areas intended for the separate movement of cyclists and pedestrians.


The next group of signs are informational. According to the traffic rules, which came into force in 2016, they provide additional useful information. They are rectangular or square. When a child takes coloring books with pictures of these signs, he learns that they are mainly done in blue and white colors, with green or yellow occasionally used. Among them, it is important for children to remember the symbols indicating how and where to cross the road. It is useful to learn poems about this with children so that they remember the rules better.

  1. "Pedestrian crossing". It's very easy to recognize him. There is a triangle on the blue square white, inside of which there is a crossing marking and a pedestrian walking along it. This is exactly how a child needs to act – cross the road where there are markings.
  2. Draw your child's attention to the fact that it is similar to another warning sign, “Pedestrian Crossing.” It features the same symbol, but placed in a red triangle on a white background. It is intended for drivers to slow down in advance and know that there are zebra crossings ahead. Why is it important to bring this to the attention of children? Because the information sign is located where the crossing markings are. And the warning one is at a distance from the crossing. There are no markings there, you cannot cross.
  3. “Overground pedestrian crossing” and “Underground pedestrian crossing”. They look similar. On the blue square there is a white staircase with a little man walking along it. Only at the overground passage the man steps up, and at the underground passage - down. They are placed before the corresponding transition. Children need to remember that in places where there are no special markings, they cannot cross the road.

It is also useful for the children to remember the signs indicating that there is a public transport stop here. They look the same. The blue rectangle contains a white square on which the corresponding mode of transport is drawn.

  • Bus and/or trolleybus stop. I saw a bus symbol in a white square. So his stop is nearby.
  • Where the tram stops Remind children that the tram stop may be on a roadway and requires special attention.
  • Taxi parking area A taxi stop is not so important for a child, but it is easy to remember.

Hopefully, children will not need to use knowledge of the Emergency Exit and Emergency Exit symbols to indicate the direction, distance or location of an emergency exit in a tunnel. But it still doesn’t hurt to know what the white man running towards the white rectangle on a green background means.

It will be interesting for children to learn about the existence of signs telling the name of the street or river that they see while walking, what is the distance to another city, and in what direction it is if you walk along this road. He will find application of this knowledge already at school.

Service marks

The traffic rules in force in 2016 define another type - service signs. They look the same as information ones. This is natural, because they solve the same problem - inform about services useful to people. Seeing them, everyone will understand that there is a hospital, hotel, telephone or canteen nearby. It is also important for the child to know about these signs. If he gets lost, he can find any sign by the sign. service department where they can help him.

Sign coloring pages

This is how many signs a baby needs to know. Giving him explanations in words and showing him the signs themselves is not enough for strong memorization. Poems, pictures, games about traffic rules will help. Coloring pages and poems are easy to find and print. You will find use for them both at home and in class. kindergarten or school. But it is known that what a person does himself is best remembered. A child, of course, cannot make a road sign, but he is quite capable of coloring it. This is how, through the action of coloring, he will remember their features and color meaning.

You can download and print coloring pages explaining the meaning of road signs from the Internet. After the coloring books acquire color in the hands of the young artist, they can be used as cards for the game.

Olga Piskovskaya

Road Safety Center in the group.

The children of my group are future first-graders who will soon have to cross the street on their own. In order for the knowledge acquired in OD, in play activities, to be durable and correctly applied by future schoolchildren, colorful visual material must be developed for children. In senior preschool age children learn a lot about road traffic that is so necessary for a little person in life safety. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such a complex and large topic as “Road Signs”. And at our road safety center we have the game “Road Signs”.

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish road signs; increase knowledge about traffic rules; expand in children vocabulary on road vocabulary; develop a holistic perception of the environment.

Material: 9 cubes with glued road signs (number of pictures 54); samples of posted signs (6 groups: prohibitory, warning; indicative, service signs, prescriptive, priority signs.)

Progress of the game:

1 option;

from 1 to 9 children participate.

Exercise; place the cubes in different options using visual material. (6 options).

Option 2;

If there are 2 sets of material, then you can conduct a game exercise “Who can complete the task faster.”

Option 3;

The leader invites children to the table one by one and asks them to find a sign of a certain group and tell what it means.

Option 4;

The presenter asks riddles about road signs, children take turns

They are looking for a cube with this sign. (both individually and as a group).

Option 5;

the task is given to build a house where the specified group of characters will live (the task varies).

Game options may vary. Good luck to everyone!

Service marks:

Drinking water;

First aid station;

Recreation Park;

Service station;

Car wash;


Food station;

Gas station;


Mandatory signs:

Movement of passenger cars;

Movement to the left;

Driving straight or left;

Roundabout Circulation;

Bike Lane;

Pedestrian path;

Maximum speed limit;

Movement to the right;

Go straight ahead.

Priority signs:

Stop sign;

Advantage of oncoming traffic;

Junction of secondary road on the right;

Junction of secondary road on the left;

Advantage over oncoming traffic;

End of the main road;

Main road;

Intersection with a secondary road.

Prohibition signs:

Turning right is prohibited;

Bicycles are prohibited;

Movement Prohibition;

Overtaking by truck prohibited;

No Pedestrians;

No entry;

Overtaking is prohibited;

No entry;

Movement Prohibition;

Turning right is prohibited.

Warning signs:

Wild animals;

Moving with a barrier;

Moving without a barrier;

Pedestrian crossing;

Slippery road;

Rough road;

Intersection with a bicycle path;

Dangerous bend.

Directional signs:


Bus parking area;



Pedestrian crossing;

Tram parking area;

Residential Zone.

“Traffic Light” manual and exhibition creative works children together with their parents on the topic:

"Transport on the road."

A wall panel and a model of our village in the road safety center.

Thank you for your attention!

Our Kolobok group is implementing a long-term project on traffic rules “We know the rules - we follow them.” I made a didactic game “Roads.

Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Develop skills independently.

Didactic game"Travel Clock". 1. Description of the game. The didactic game “Traffic Clock” is a dial on which it is located.

Dear colleagues! I present to your attention the “Road Signs” lotto. This game will introduce children to road signs in a quick and fun way.
