How to put icons in the house. Where icons should be in the apartment: the correct location

Christian icons These are not ordinary relics. Orthodox shrines now in every home. Someone buys them as a tribute to fashion, in some families they pass from one generation to another. Since ancient times, Christians have created an iconostasis, which has always been in a conspicuous place. The rich had more shrines than the poor. But everyone observed Christian traditions and treated them with great reverence.

Orthodox shrines are not amulets; they should not be installed for the sake of decoration. Many people acquire icons simply out of ordinary superstition, believing that they are automatically included in the protection of the house and its inhabitants. Believers are guided by other things when choosing the faces of saints.

Orthodox images are often hang on the walls, at the head of the bed, over front door , using them as a tool of protection from unkind people. The holy face fills the dwelling with light energy.

It is believed that the chosen image has a huge impact on those living in the house. The canopy of saints gives a special mood and tranquility.

Placement of house icons

Of course, there are no strict rules for placement. There are some recommendations of priests in this regard:

Hierarchy of icons placement

A prerequisite for an Orthodox home is to have faces Mother of God and Savior. They have always been in the lead. AT Orthodox icon painting there is a variety of options for the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, for prayer, the icon of the Lord Almighty is preferred. And among the many faces of the Mother of God, they choose Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Smolensk. Above these two icons, only one can be placed - the "Holy Trinity".

Some mistakenly believe that these shrines must be hung above others. It is not necessary to do this at all. They can be placed on the same level with the rest, the main thing is not lower, which is considered indecent according to the canons of Christianity.

Named ones are placed on the sides of the main icons. If there are none, then place the faces of saints who are respected in the family. Most often, this is an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the most revered saint in Russia. He is addressed on all domestic issues, he is considered the intercessor of all undeservedly offended.

Icon storage

To store icons, special lockers are purchased - icon cases that protect against damage, dust, temperature changes and humidity. It is a sin to carelessly handle relics. Do not varnish them, cover them with special solutions, rub them with anything. With such an inattentive attitude, the micropores through which the icons breathe can become clogged. And the composition that prevents air exchange poisons the Orthodox shrine.

If, nevertheless, a misfortune happened to the consecrated icon, and it cannot be restored, Throwing it away is strictly prohibited.. You can take the shrine to the church, where it will find its last refuge among the icons that have served.

An icon is a conversation with God

Independent selection of icons should be based on pure thoughts, the desire to pray. The appearance of each shrine in the house will be determined inner fears and faith that she will help and protect from harm. Luxurious antique icons, bought for the amusement of one's vanity and desire to impress others, will not help on a thorny path.

Don't rely on a large number of shrines. What matters is the person's attitude towards it. The revered face in the house can be one, to which the hearts of the household are drawn. An icon is a conversation with God. She helps to make prayers, giving a special enlightenment that cannot be achieved by simply choosing beautiful faces that you like. An unsystematic approach will never work.

What icons are hung over the front door

An icon is installed above the entrance to the dwelling, which helps protect against the penetration of evil. Therefore, they carefully approach its choice, paying attention to the value. There are several options for how to hang an image.

  1. The shrine is hung immediately above the doorway. This is done to charge positive energy and neutralize negative.
  2. Hanging the icon in front of the door, they pursue the goal of preventing negativity from entering the house from the outside.

But there are no hard and fast rules to follow blindly. Everything comes from the heart, sincerity in the heart.

"Seven-shooter" icon

On the popular icon called "Seven-shooter" or "Softening evil hearts» The Mother of God is depicted alone, without Jesus. She holds with her hands seven or six arrows (depending on the spelling) that pierced the chest. The Mother of God is grieving, her heart is torn from pain for us, and the arrows symbolize the sins that people are in no hurry to get rid of.

There are legends about the "Seven-strelnaya" that she heals the terminally ill. She has a very strong energy that allows her to cope with the most big problems. The second name is "Softener of Evil Hearts". The icon gives a positive charge, discharging a heavy homely atmosphere.

With discord within the family, anger at loved ones, you need to pray to the Mother of God with a request to soften negative emotions and appease the enemies. It saves people in a difficult emotional state from bad thoughts, helps from thieves and all unkind people. If important matters are coming, then they will certainly take it with them. But the main task is to protect against evil not only from the outside, but also from within. The Mother of God prays for the forgiveness of the sins of each of us.

Most often, the "Seven-strelnaya" is hung opposite the entrance to the room, so that each guest meets her gaze. Moreover, the power of the Mother of God is so great that even an unconsecrated icon or an embroidered copy can be used in the home and work wonders.

"Unbreakable Wall"

Herself mosaic icon, on which the Mother of God raises her hands to heaven in prayer, is in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. This is the most revered relic in Christian Orthodoxy, ideal for entering the dwelling and opposite it.

It got its name due to the fact that it has remained intact for more than 800 years, despite the destruction of other parts of the cathedral.

The Mother of God stands as a wall between the one who prays and the evil coming at him. This is indeed an indestructible wall of protection for those who need it. The power of the face protects from curses enemies, evil intentions of opponents, black magic sorcerers.

A person with impure intentions will be able to enter the house, the entrance of which is guarded by the Mother of God, but he will feel very bad and will leave forever. Leaving their native monastery, they prayed to the icon so that it would protect them from troubles and patronize in every possible way in a foreign land.

Guardian Angel Icon

The most popular face is the image of the Guardian Angel, which is determined by the date of birth. True, there are other options. For example, you can identify an angel by name given at baptism. In addition, if there is a desire, then the keeper is chosen independently, depending on the goal that is being pursued. One tries to seek love in order to start a family, another prays for a speedy recovery of the body, the third cries out for an end to family quarrels. For each case, a patron is determined who helps the prayers.

The image of an Angel in the house does not mean that all problems with his appearance will go away forever. But a positive attitude and hope for the fulfillment of the request will favorably affect the inner spirit.

The main thing is faith

There are clergymen who say that the holy image does not correlate with the ritual of scaring away evil forces that came from the pagans. And they are negatively inclined towards those who treat icons only as amulets.

Summing up, I would like to say that the choice of shrines for the home is an individual decision. The grace of God is sent through the icon, which has nothing to do with their number. You need to listen to your heart, and not blindly rely on others.

Seeking protection is only with God. Hang Orthodox images due to fashion trends or some superstitions it is impossible. Not the icon itself heals and protects, it all depends on faith. If it is not there, no manipulations will help and strengthen the spirit. Regular prayer and faith is what brings balance. Looking inside yourself, you can get many answers. Help will always come to turning to God with repentance and hope.

How to properly arrange the faces of the saints in the dwelling and, in particular, is it possible to put icons in the bedroom? What images to choose for the house?

The home iconostasis is individual for each person. A believer himself chooses icons for the house, listening to the voice of his heart, because only he can decide to which Saint his daily prayers will be directed.

However, when choosing icons for the home, you need to ensure that they are all similar in terms of execution and style. Let's try to figure it out.

Images in the house

Church ministers recommend having icons of the Savior and the Mother of God in their homes. The iconographic tradition contains a lot of options for images of the Savior, but for prayer within the walls of the house, the image of the Lord Almighty is most often chosen ().

And the image of the Mother of God is most suitable for the following:

  1. Eleusa (Tenderness):
  • Zhirovitskaya;
  • Yaroslavskaya;
  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Pochaevskaya;
  1. Hodegetria (Guidebook):
  • Smolensk;
  • Tikhvinskaya;
  • Kazan.

In addition to these images, it is customary to place them in the bedroom and in the house. nominal icons its residents or images of those saints who are especially revered by family members.

The most popular icons are:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • George the Victorious;
  • healer Panteleimon.

The face of a saint in the bedroom

Many people think that it is impossible to place icons in the bedchamber, because this is the most intimate room in the house. But this is absolutely not true. Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, and therefore you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you need to know that the images should be exclusively at the head of the bed.

And when is the bedroom of a couple who is not married? Sin cannot be hidden from God without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent and he sees everything and always, and in no case through images. Therefore, feel free to place images of saints in your bedroom and pray!

In the children's bedroom, the icon must certainly be present.

The price of this image is small, and the result is the spiritual education of the baby.

Proper Placement of Scripture

Images of saints can be placed in different ways, where there is free place and where you can safely spend the evening and morning prayers to make you less worried.

The place with images is called:

  • red corner;
  • front corner;
  • holy corner;
  • icon case;
  • goddess;
  • kivot.

Icons can be found in any room in the house, and the bedroom is no exception. In the nursery, it is desirable to place a measured icon (measured - a nominal custom-made holy scripture, the height of which corresponds to the growth of the child at birth), personal, the image of the Guardian Angel or Savior.

How to choose a seat

  1. Icons must be placed on the east side of the room: in a corner or on a wall, because it is customary when you pray to face east (even Orthodox church is built with the altar to the east).
  2. Also, the faces of the saints can be placed opposite the entrance to the room on the right.
  3. If this is a children's bedroom, then the icons will be appropriate in front of the eyes of a waking up or falling asleep child in front of the bed. This will be a call or a reminder to pray, to turn to the depicted prototype, to give thanks.
  4. In the corridor, if you decide to hang the image, then you need to do this from the front door to the right or above it.

Images will be relevant there:

  • Cover (with a cover);
  • Seven-shooter (with seven arrows);
  • Oranta (with raised hands or it is also called the Unbreakable Wall).

Errors when posting images of saints

  1. It is necessary to avoid the neighborhood in general, or at least the close proximity of icons to a tape recorder, TV and other home appliances.
  2. You can not mix the icon with some kind of decor item:
  • figurines;
  • panel;
  • figurines;
  • pictures, etc.
  1. Holy Scripture should not be allowed to be placed on a bookshelf where books are stored that contradict Christianity and have nothing to do with Orthodox truths. There is no place for images in a bookcase with secular literature, and even more so on the shelves with cosmetics.
  2. It is forbidden to place photographs near the icons, especially dead people.
  3. The neighborhood of images with a wall calendar, a poster of some stars or another idol is unacceptable. There should not be paintings or their reproductions between the images of saints.
  4. Images are best placed on a shelf than hung (in order to avoid associations with gallows).

Placement of holy scriptures

  1. When you have decided on a place, you need to put a shelf-kiot there (you can buy one in a church store). A kiot is a special locker or a glazed shelf, which is designed to protect icons from mechanical damage, dirt and dust. The kiot contributes to the fact that the face of the saint is kept in more gentle conditions, is less susceptible to negative consequences fluctuations in air temperature and humidity.
  2. It is better to place the shelf slightly above eye level or at the level.
  3. Images of saints can be placed on a shelf or hung on a wall if there are a lot of them.
  4. The bottom of the shelf can be covered with embroidery or a beautiful white linen (shroud).
  5. Icon Mother of God should be on the left, and the image of the Savior on the right (this is provided for by the classical iconostasis).
  6. This option is possible: above the rest in the center, place the image of the Savior. On the left side, place the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker or John the Baptist, on the right - the face of the Mother of God. And you can combine all these icons in one - it is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  1. Only the icon of the Holy Trinity or the Crucifixion can be installed above the composition of images.
  2. Next to the face of John the Baptist is the icon of the Archangel Gabriel. Next to the image of the Mother of God is the image of the Archangel Michael.
  3. There may be other saints in the iconostasis:
  • Panteleimon;
  • Peter Pavel;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc.

But one must always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint can be placed higher than the image of the Mother of God, the Savior, the Holy Trinity and the apostles.

  1. Further on the sides and a little lower, you can place images that relate to nominal, family, hereditary.
  2. Desirable home iconostasis crowned with a cross.
  3. Before prayer, you can light a candle or lamp and place it in front of the faces of the saints or hang it. A burning candle is a symbol of your burning towards God, your prayer.
  4. It is customary to embellish the holy corner with embroideries or fresh flowers. You can make embroidery for decoration with your own hands.


Note! The number of images in the bedroom or in the house plays absolutely no role. The icon can be quite one. When simply beautiful images of saints are randomly chosen, this can negatively affect the spiritual state of the family.

The most important thing is that the faces of the saints should be revered relics of all residents of the house. After all, images are not a simple amulet that can protect against all life's adversities and troubles.

Therefore, the most correct place to place the holy image will be the place where it will be convenient for you to perform your daily prayers. This should be the place of your home altar, the place where you will commune with God.

The video in this article will help you find more detailed information on this topic.

Every person has detractors. They threaten peace of mind, peace, self-confidence. An argument with an ill-wisher often leads to anger, and sometimes to despondency - sinful feelings that need to be expelled from the soul. Therefore, it is important to have a shrine that can protect you, loved ones from ill-wishers. Such a shrine is the icon of the Seven Arrows. This is one of the images that is in the home of every Christian.

The seven-shooter icon (another name is “softening of evil hearts”) is the image of the Mother of God, from whom you can ask for protection from evil people, softening own soul recovery from serious illnesses. They say that the Mother of God will protect the home from thieves, scammers, soften the thoughts of everyone who comes with evil intentions.

What does image mean

Number seven for Orthodox faith- a symbol of abundance, wealth, fullness. The swords piercing the Mother of God symbolize her pain and suffering from the persecution of Christ and his crucifixion. The icon shows the all-encompassing suffering and sorrow that the Mother of God endured during her lifetime. We can say that she, like her son, suffered for all of humanity.

Some believe that the meaning of the seven swords is the seven sins that threaten every soul: gluttony, adultery, pride, envy, anger, despondency, greed. The image is able to discern them in every heart, contribute to getting rid of vices, push a person on the true path.

The origin of the icon and the first miracles

No one knows the exact date or even the century when the image was written. It is believed that it was created about 500 years ago. The miraculous acquisition of the icon dates back to the 17th-18th centuries. Exact date unknown.

Inhabitant of Kadnikovsky district (modern outskirts of Vologda) for a long time suffered from various ailments. Lameness bothered him especially. The disease created a huge number of problems: it was difficult to properly cultivate the land, take care of the household, ride a horse or a wagon. Once in a dream, a holy face came to him, which promised cures for all diseases. The man had to visit the local temple, find the most old icon Mother of God and pray to her. He searched for an image for a long time, asked the servants of the temple, but not a single shrine fit the description. The man wanted to search the whole temple, but there are places in it that ordinary people not allowed, for example, the bell tower. Several times he came and asked to be allowed to fulfill his obligation to the holy face. The clergy took pity on him and let him into the bell tower.

The icon turned out to be one of the steps leading up. No one noticed her, as the image was covered with dust and dirt. Having found Semistrelnaya, the man prayed to her and was immediately cured of his illness.

The icon performed the second miracle for the entire urban population. In the first half of the 19th century, a plague epidemic broke out in the Vologda Oblast. Salvation from it could only be the burning of entire neighborhoods, the isolation of all who had contact with the infected. During the rampage of the disease, the church organized procession, which was headed by Semistrelnaya, around the region. Upon its completion, the plague instantly receded.

Most famous lists

In the Moscow region there are two myrrh-streaming Seven-shooters. One is located in the capital itself, in the temple of the Archangel Michael. The second is located in the region - the village of Bachurino. This shrine is printed, it was created especially for Margarita Vorobyeva. After receiving the image, the owner hung it up, but soon noticed that the face was streaming myrrh. She immediately gave it to the church. The icon was recognized as miraculous and more than once was taken to different cities of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Modern theologians and priests do not attach much importance to myrrh-streaming. Most miraculous images no such sign appeared, but that did not make them any less valuable to the church.

There is another seven-shot icon in Vologda, in the church of St. Lazarus. She was brought here in 1945. The shrine was found miraculously. Twice a year, pilgrimages of believers take place to her.

"Softener of Evil Hearts" - the central icon of one of the chapels in Venice. It was found by Italian soldiers in 1942. During a small skirmish near the Don, they went into a house destroyed by a bomb, from where they miraculously took the surviving list. The shrine was handed over to the priest Policarpo. Soon the Italian troops were defeated. The priest escaped and, once in Venice, built a chapel for the icon.

Where can you place

The house or apartment should have a corner where you need to hang all the icons. The place should be treated with respect and cleaned frequently. It is better to highlight the corner in the eastern part of the dwelling. There are two more places above the entrance doors or opposite the entrance where you can hang the Seven-shot icon. Priests recommend complementing the image with a towel.


  • place next to the shrine talismans related to another faith - stones, bracelets, masks, etc .;
  • can't bet household appliances next to the shrine, under it;
  • around the image there should not be paintings, photographs, mirrors and other interior elements.

Celebration Days of the Softening of Evil Hearts

The icons of the Seven Arrows, Softening of Evil Hearts and Simeon's Prophecy belong to the same iconographic type. They are often identified. These shrines are celebrated on the same days:

  • Sunday of All Saints - the ninth Sunday after Easter.
  • First Sunday of the Holy Trinity.
  • 13 and 26 August.

What will the image protect your home from?

Nowadays, the shrine is considered by many to be the most important. The icon protects against:

  • Outbursts of irritation, anger, gluttony, despondency, envy - sins that threaten every heart.
  • Enemy swords. The image of the Holy Mother can be asked for the protection of warriors from enemies with whom they fight for the sake of the Fatherland and God.
  • Ill-wishers who seek to do meanness to you, your loved ones.
  • Fraudsters and thieves attacking the house.

Before the icon, they often pray for the return of faith, the true spiritual path. miraculous shrines, which are in the temples of Russia, are able to get rid of bodily ailments. It is important to pray correctly and from a pure heart. Then the Mother of God will hear you and convey all petitions to God.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 6 minutes


As every believer knows, an icon is not Nice picture and a tribute to fashion, but the Image of God, saints or the Mother of God. Icons are images without authorship, through which we pray, but not decorative elements. Accordingly, the free use of icons is a disrespect, both for Christian traditions and for oneself.

What icons should be in your home, and how exactly should they be placed according to church canons?

What icons do you need to have at home for protection, well-being and family happiness?

First of all, it should be remembered that the icon is not a talisman for happiness, not a horseshoe over the door, and not a bearskin with butterflies, hung according to Feng Shui. That is, she is not a talisman in his direct sense. An icon is an image through which we turn to God. And only with sincere prayer does the Lord or the saint to whom the prayer is offered help us in family well-being and gives protection.

Which icons to put at home is up to you. As the priests say, even one is enough for prayer. If your soul does not have enough images in the house, or you want to create your own home iconostasis, then you can seek advice from your confessor or just a minister in the temple - they will prompt.

Usually in houses they put following icons (the list is not a list of icons that you should definitely buy and hang at home, but only the most revered images through which prayers for well-being in the family are raised):

  • The two main images in the apartment - Savior (as a rule, they choose the Lord Almighty) and, of course, mother of God (for example, Tenderness or Hodegetria). It is impossible to imagine the home of Orthodox Christians without these icons.
  • Saint John the Baptist .
  • Images of saints , whose names (by baptism) are members of your family.
  • Your local revered saints (when creating the iconostasis).
  • Great Martyr George the Victorious .
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker . The image of this saint, endowed with special grace (protection of travelers, protection from want and poverty), the Orthodox put at home most often.
  • Great Martyr Panteleimon (most often it is to him that they turn for healing).
  • Apostles Peter and Paul .
  • Archangels Gabriel and Michael .
  • Kazan Mother of God - the intercessor of the Russian people, as well as an assistant in work and everyday needs.
  • The Holy Trinity , symbolizing wisdom, intelligence and love. One of the key confessional icons in the house.
  • Iberian Mother of God - intercessor of women and your guardian hearth. Before this image, they pray for healing or comfort in trouble.
  • Seven-strelnaya . One of the most strong icons in protecting the house - from envy and anger, from the evil eye, etc. This icon brings harmony, reconciles the warring, often they take it with them to important events.
  • healer . Protects from grief and troubles, helps in childbirth. Before her, prayers are offered for the healing of the soul and body.
  • Inexhaustible Chalice . Healing from addictions, drunkenness and drug addiction, prosperity in the house, help and comfort to all who ask in faith.
  • unexpected joy . Before this image, prayers are offered for the health of children, for the well-being of marriage, for healing.
  • . Prayers are offered to this saint for healing.

  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow . They turn to her with prayers for healing, for family well-being.
  • Peter and Fevronia . Saints known as patrons of marital fidelity. By the way, our "Valentine's Day" is July 8, the day of remembrance of these saints.
  • And other icons that will help you find peace in your soul and in your family.

For the kitchen, the icon of the Savior is most suitable, and for the baby’s room - the Guardian Angel or the Saint - the patron saint of the child.

Orthodox houses since the time Ancient Russia were filled with icons. Unfortunately, today for many it is a tribute to fashion, but for an Orthodox and truly believing Christian, an icon is a revered thing, and the appeal to it is appropriate - not secular, but coming from faith.

How to properly place holy images in the house?

  • When choosing a party, they are guided by its special significance in Orthodoxy - it is on the eastern wall of the room that images are always placed. In the absence of such an opportunity, the reference point is a place in which the worshiper will not be cramped.
  • Categorically avoid the neighborhood of the icon with secular objects - you should not put statuettes and cosmetics, equipment and other items of momentary, earthly, decorative value next to the images.
  • Also, you should not hang / put next to non-icon images - panels and paintings (even with religious significance), calendars, secular books, posters, etc. And even lifetime images of saints (photographs) are not recommended - only canonical icons.
  • Items that can coexist with images are lamps and candles, Orthodox literature, incense, holy water, willow twigs, which are usually stored until the next Palm Sunday. Icons and the house itself are also traditionally decorated with birch branches (for Pentecost).
  • Icons are usually placed, and not hung on carnations - in specially designated places (red corner, iconostasis, just a special shelf or icon case). Images are not hung on the walls like paintings randomly - this does not evoke the necessary sense of calm and contentment that is necessary during prayer.
  • Don't forget about hierarchy. 2 main icons - the Mother of God (placed to the left of the Savior) and the Savior (these icons are always "center"). You can not place images of saints above these images, as well as above the Holy Trinity. They (saints) are placed below the apostles.
  • A variety of writing styles is also not recommended. Choose icons in a single style of execution. Remember that the icons in the house are placed after their consecration or already bought in the temple, consecrated.
  • The main corner (red) is the farthest corner in the room (usually the right one), located diagonally from the door with a reference point to the rising sun.

  • Don't go overboard with icons. For the rest of the rooms (if there is a red corner / iconostasis), one image is enough.
  • In the nursery, the image of the saint is placed in such a way that it can be seen by the baby from the crib.
  • You should absolutely not put an icon on your TV - it's just blasphemous.
  • If you have icons in the room, you should remove all obscene posters, posters, reproductions, paintings, calendars and other walls. Such a neighborhood is unacceptable and inappropriate. Praying to the Savior, in front of which a poster hangs, for example, a rock band or a picture with a “nudity” is simply pointless.
  • In the bedroom, the image is placed at the head of your bed. There is a myth that icons are not placed in the bedroom, so that "God does not see the closeness of the spouses." It is worth noting that intimacy in marriage is not a sin, and it is impossible to hide from God, even if you hide all the icons in a bedside table at night.
  • The corner in which the images stand should be the most illuminated, and the images themselves should be located above eye level. There should be no barriers between the icon and the gaze (as well as barriers in the form of tables or chests of drawers between you).

But the most important thing, of course, is to remember that ...

The number of icons and the beauty of the iconostasis will not make the life of the Orthodox more pious - sincere prayers before these images make it so.
An icon is not a pagan amulet and not a “accumulator of grace” that can be approached and scooped up if necessary, but an image through which a prayer is sent to the Lord and Grace to those who believe in him.

How to properly position the home iconostasis

As mentioned above, the number of icons does not matter, and you should not put images randomly (covering holes in the wallpaper, for example). Icons should have their own bright and important place.

Thoughtless empty collecting will give your iconostasis absolutely nothing. A few icons and a prayer from the heart is always stronger than a rich iconostasis with expensive icons in gold settings “for display”.

  • The iconostasis is created in the likeness of the church. Certainly with a hierarchical arrangement of images: in the center - the Savior with the Mother of God (the Savior to her right!), The Holy Trinity can be located in the same row (or above all images). If there is no Trinity, a crucifix is ​​placed at the top of the iconostasis. All other images are subject to these key icons: to the right of the Savior they put the image of John the Baptist. This triptych is the Deesis. This is followed by saints, saints and other icons (for example, local saints or nominal ones), which the Orthodox chooses according to own will. Saints are not put above the Deesis, the apostles, the Trinity.
  • On the shelf of the iconostasis, a lamp is placed, which is lit on the eve and on the days of the holidays themselves, on Sundays or during prayer.
  • Sometimes the images are decorated (as in the old days) with a god. This is a narrow and long canvas towel with embroidery at the ends. Such gods covered the images from the sides and from above, leaving only the faces.
  • The kiot is most suitable for the iconostasis - the images are better preserved in it, and the red corner stands out.
  • It does not matter whether the icon was painted by the artist who received the blessing for that, by hand, it was bought as a reproduction image or carved from Orthodox calendar and glued to a solid base. The main thing is to consecrate the icon. While certainly a hand-painted image, a linseed one will always outperform a printed reproduction.
  • The choice of image style is a matter of taste. It can be Byzantine or Old Russian style - it doesn't matter. If only not secular (academic is also not welcome). Now it has become fashionable to paint icons as one likes, without proper blessing, with a mass of elements “from oneself”, etc. Such icons have a place anywhere - just not in the iconostasis. Don't mix styles either.

And finally: never confuse the prototype and the image itself. We offer prayer not to the icon, but to the archetype.

The temple is a house of prayer and a place for performing the sacraments. The house is a family hearth, but prayer should sound in the house of a believer, because the house Orthodox Christian is a small church. We pray in front of icons, since this is a means of communication between a person and God or saints, but at the same time we must remember that we are praying to God, the saint who is depicted on the icon, but not the icon itself. Icons in the house must be mandatory. Previously, in every family, in every house or apartment, there was a shelf with family icons, and it was located in the most prominent and bright place - the front (red, holy) corner, the goddess, icon case or icon case.

Where should the icons be? How to arrange them?

All houses before, like temples, were very strictly oriented to the terrain to the cardinal points. The goddess was installed in the far corner of the house, on the east side, between the side and facade walls, and diagonally from the oven. The two walls that formed this corner were with windows. That is why the red corner was the most consecrated. Icons were placed in an icon case (an open cabinet or a shelf with a lamp).

Nowadays, builders do not think about the fact that someone wants to put a holy corner in the apartment, so it is not always possible to fulfill all the rules. modern church not too demanding on the installation of the goddess. But we must try to comply with at least the smallest number of rules when installing a home iconostasis.

Rules for the location of icons in the iconostasis and the iconostasis itself in the house:

1) try to choose the eastern wall, but if it doesn’t work, then choose the most available space in a house where no one will interfere with prayer;

2) in an Orthodox family there must be two icons - the Savior and the Mother of God;

3) the icon of the Savior should be central, the rest of the icons should be smaller than it;

4) locally venerated icons should not be above the icons of the Trinity, the Mother of God, the Savior;

5) if you look at the iconostasis, then the icon of the Savior should be to the right of the beholder, and the Mother of God to the left;

6) to the left of the icon of the Savior is the icon of the Mother of God with the Child;

7) above the main icons, you can place the icon of the Crucifixion or the Trinity;

8) icons of saints are not placed above the images of the Savior and the Virgin;

9) most Orthodox families there are icons of St. Nicholas and Bishop Mir of Lycia (Nikola the Pleasant);

10) their Russian saints are very often seen on the family iconostasis St. Sergius Radonezhsky and Seraphim of Sarov;

11) more common icons of martyrs - the icons of George the Victorious and the healer Panteleimon;

12) it is desirable to have in the house icons of those saints whose names are named family members;

13) for the completeness of the iconostasis, it would be good to have images of the holy Evangelists, St. John the Baptist, the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and icons of holidays;

14) the iconostasis must be crowned with a cross;

15) for the time of prayer, they light a lamp, during the holidays and on holidays you can leave it burning all day;

16) in the room in which the family has dinner, one must have an icon of the Savior in order to pray before and after dinner;

17) icons should be tried to be placed away from the TV, tape recorder and other household appliances;

18) if a person works at home, then the icon can be placed next to the computer.

Remember, that:

1) the icon of John the Wonderworker of Sochava for prayer for assistance in trade and business);

2) the icon of John the Warrior will save you from theft;

3) the icon "Burning Bush" will save from fire;

4) the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is intended for a request for preservation on the road;

5) the icon of Cyprian and Justinia - from envy and the actions of competitors.

How can you decorate the iconostasis at home?

Flowers, calm landscapes. But not with posters, figurines, aggressive or simply secular paintings, etc.
