Modern manipulations of mass consciousness. Ten ways to manipulate public consciousness with the help of the media

, decoherence of propositions, etc. . Manipulation is the oppression of the individual, while, since a person wants to believe in what he wants to acquire (knowledge, experience, material wealth, psychological comfort), oppression can be achieved through "a lie that they want to believe in."

In the 20th century, the range of phenomena to which the term “manipulation” began to apply with the political content of the original definition (in tech., medical: "treatment of objects with a special intention, a special purpose, as manual control"), expanded. “It began to be used in relation to the media and political events aimed at programming the opinions or aspirations of the masses, the mental state of the population, etc. The ultimate goal of such efforts is control over the population, its manageability and obedience”: 44,45.

Accordingly, the understanding of the term "manipulation" in psychological literature. In addition to the two before known values(the first is borrowed from technology and is used engineering psychology and labor psychology; the second is from ethology, where manipulation opposed locomotion), since the 1960s. psychologists are beginning to use it - in the framework of the analysis of interpersonal relations - and in the third sense, from the context of political science works.

Depending on the emotions that appear in the object of manipulation, it is possible to distinguish the forms of manipulation:

  • positive forms:
    • intercession,
    • reassurance,
    • compliment,
    • non-verbal flirting (hugging, winking),
    • good news message,
    • common interests…

Manipulator target

The goal of those who wish to manipulate consciousness is to give objects such signs so that, having built these signs into the context, they change the image of this context in their perception. They suggest such connections of their text or act with reality, impose such an interpretation of them so that the idea of ​​reality is distorted in the direction desired by the manipulator. This means that this will also affect the behavior, and the objects will be sure that they are acting in full accordance with own desires. The purpose of the manipulator is to gently bring the object to the selection. This choice is not free and unconscious.

Opposition to psychological manipulation

One of the forms of countering personality manipulation is a critical analysis of incoming information, the organization of obtaining information from various sources.

There are several ways to respond to manipulation (psychological self-defense):

  • External agreement (start with what you agree with, you can even make an argument in favor of the opponent's words). It consists in the fact that the addressee selects from the speech of the manipulator those provisions with which he can agree. The rest of the information passes "by the ears", or paraphrases it.
  • Paraphrasing "-" into "+", statement of facts. As a rule, it is used for manipulations of a negative form (causing a negative emotion in the object of manipulation).
  • Changing the topic of conversation, delaying the final answer (take the information into account and postpone the decision until tomorrow, “the morning is wiser than the evening”).
  • Ignoring a negative assessment or refusing to answer (for example: “I will not answer this remark, to answer it means to humiliate myself”; “I will pass over this question in silence ...”, etc.).

Manipulation methods

There are quite a few mind manipulation methods used in the media, but the following stand out most often:

  1. The use of suggestion.
  2. The transfer of a particular fact into the sphere of the general, into the system.
  3. The use of rumors, conjectures, interpretations in an unclear political or social situation.
  4. A method called "need corpses."
  5. The horror method.
  6. Hushing up some facts and sticking out others.
  7. fragmentation method.
  8. Multiple repetitions or "Goebbels method".
  9. Creation of false events, hoax.


see also

  • Manipulation (psychology)


  • Kara-Murza S. G., Smirnov S. V. Manipulation of consciousness-2. - M .: Eksmo, Algorithm, 2009. - 528 p. - (Political bestseller). - additional, shooting range, 5,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-34641-7
  • Solovyov V. R. Manipulation: Attack and defend! Moscow: Eksmo. 352 p. - shooting gallery 30100 copies - ISBN 978-5-699-43859-4


  • Kara-Murza S. G.“Mind manipulation. Tutorial ." - M.: Algorithm, 2004;
  • A selection of criticism of the works of S. G. Kara-Murza in this area
  • Satarov G. Undercooked noodles on spreading ears. manipulations-1 Daily magazine, 12/22/2010
  • Selchenok S. V. (ed.) Mind control and methods of personality suppression. Reader. - M .: "Publishing house "AST"", 2002. - 624 p. - (Library of Practical Psychology). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-17-007318-6
  • Danilova A. A. Word manipulation in media mass media. - M .: "Dobrosvet", "Publishing house" KDU "", 2009. - 234 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 9785982276131
  • Champagne P."Making an Opinion: The New Political Game"
  • Aronson E. , Pratkanis E. R. (English) Russian "The Age of Propaganda: Mechanisms of Persuasion, Everyday Use and Abuse" - St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2003. - (Project "Psychological Encyclopedia"). - ISBN 5-93878-046-2
  • Fedorov A.V.

"through the media.

1. Distraction

The main element of society management is diverting people's attention from important problems and decisions made by the political and economic ruling circles, by constantly saturating the information space with insignificant messages. The distraction technique is essential to prevent citizens from gaining important knowledge in the fields of science, economics, psychology, neuroscience, and cybernetics.
"Constantly divert the attention of citizens from real social problems, switching it to topics of no real importance. Ensure that citizens are constantly busy with something and have no time to think; from the field to the corral, like everyone else animals (quote from the book "Quiet Weapons for Quiet Wars").

2. Create problems and then offer solutions

This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution". A problem is being created, a kind of "situation" calculated to cause a certain reaction among the population so that it itself demands the adoption of measures that are necessary for the ruling circles. For example, allowing violence to spiral in cities or organizing bloody terrorist attacks in order for citizens to demand laws to increase security measures and implement policies that infringe on civil liberties.
Or: to cause an economic crisis in order to force the acceptance as a necessary evil of the violation of social rights and curtailment of city services.

3. Method of gradual application

To achieve the adoption of any unpopular measure, it is enough to introduce it gradually, day after day, year after year. It was in this way that fundamentally new socio-economic conditions (neoliberalism) were imposed in the 80s and 90s of the last century.
Minimizing the functions of the state, privatization, uncertainty, instability, mass unemployment, wage which no longer provides a decent life. If all this happened at the same time, it would certainly lead to a revolution.

4. Postponement

Another way to push an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" and this moment citizens' consent to its implementation in the future. It is much easier to accept any sacrifices in the future than in the present.

First, because it won't happen immediately. Secondly, because the people as a whole are always inclined to cherish naive hopes that "tomorrow everything will change for the better" and that the sacrifices that are demanded of them will be avoided. This gives citizens more time to get used to the idea of ​​change and humbly embrace it when the time comes.

5. Treat people like little children

Most propaganda speeches intended for the general public use arguments, characters, words and intonation as if they were talking about school-age children with developmental delays or mentally handicapped individuals.
The harder someone tries to mislead the listener, the more more he tries to use infantile speech turns. Why? "If someone addresses a person as if they were 12 years old or younger, then due to suggestibility, in response or reaction of this person, with a certain degree of probability, there will also be a lack of critical evaluation, which is typical for children aged 12 or less years.

6. Focus on emotions much more than thinking

The impact on emotions is a classic technique aimed at blocking people's ability to rational analysis, and, as a result, to the ability to critically comprehend what is happening. On the other hand, the use of the emotional factor allows you to open the door to the subconscious in order to introduce thoughts, desires, fears, fears, coercions or stable patterns of behavior ...

7. Keep people ignorant by cultivating mediocrity

To ensure that people become unable to understand the techniques and methods used to control and subordinate them to their will. “The quality of education given to the lower social classes should be as meager and mediocre as possible, so that the ignorance that separates the lower social classes from the higher ones remains at a level that the lower classes cannot overcome.

8. Encourage citizens to admire mediocrity

To introduce into the population the idea that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and ill-mannered...

9. Increase your guilt

To make a person believe that he alone is to blame for his own misfortunes, which occur due to a lack of his mental abilities, abilities or effort. As a result, instead of rebelling against the economic system, a person begins to engage in self-abasement, blaming himself for everything, which causes a depressed state, leading, among other things, to inaction. And without action, there can be no talk of any revolution!

10. Know more about people than they know about themselves.

Over the past 50 years, advances in science have created an ever widening gap between knowledge ordinary people and information possessed and used by the ruling classes.
Thanks to biology, neuroscience and applied psychology, the "system" has at its disposal advanced knowledge about a person, both in the field of physiology and the psyche. The system was able to learn about ordinary person more than he knows about himself. This means that in most cases the system has more power and control over people than they do themselves.

Noam Chomsky - American linguist, philosopher, public figure, author of books and political analyst. Distinguished Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and one of the outstanding scientists of the 20th century. His fundamental works in the field of the theory of linguistics and the science of cognition received well-deserved recognition in the scientific and teaching community.

Manipulation of mass consciousness

Definition 1

Manipulation of mass consciousness is called one of the ways psychological impact on society by programming their behavior and revealing their hidden desires and needs that do not coincide with their actual desires.

This influence is used to change the true motives and goals of people in the right direction for certain people.

The goal of manipulators is to give society such signs that in their minds these signs turn into a context, change the image of the context in their own perception. They connect their message with reality in such a way in order to impose such an interpretation so that reality in the mind of the object of manipulation is distorted in the direction necessary for the manipulator. Manipulation will affect the behavior of a person, as a result of which he will act as the manipulator needs, while believing that he is acting in accordance with his desires. So the manipulator unobtrusively affects the choice of an object that is not free and conscious.

Symptoms of covert manipulation of mass consciousness can be: emotions and feelings, sensationalism and urgency, removal from context, cover by authority, various existing stereotypes, etc.

Remark 1

Most often, the manipulation becomes successful, since the vast majority of people will not spend time and their own efforts in order to doubt the veracity of the information interpreted by the media. Any manipulation of the mass consciousness is an interaction that is not violence, but a temptation.

The object of manipulation can only be the person who acts as its co-author.

The forms of manipulation depend on the emotions that appear in the object of manipulation. There are positive and negative forms of manipulation.

Positive forms are: intercession, showing help, compliment, non-verbal flirting (hugs, winks), good news, etc.

Negative forms: criticism (ridicule, criticism of personality and actions), statement (negative facts of the biography, hints and references to past mistakes), advice (recommendations for changing position, behavior, peremptory commands and instructions)

Signs of Manipulation of Mass Consciousness

In psychology, there are the following signs manipulations:

  • Spiritual impact, when the manipulator affects the human psyche.
  • Hidden effect, when the object should not notice the fact of manipulation.

Professor of the University of California G. Schiller notes: “To achieve success, manipulation must remain invisible. The success of manipulation is guaranteed when the manipulated believes that everything that happens is natural and inevitable, and the very fact of manipulation is not reflected in the memory of the subject. In short, manipulation requires a false reality in which its presence will not be felt. Sometimes this method is used in the media. This happens when the media influences people by presenting some authoritative opinions and propagating them, as a result of which a person takes such an opinion as his own.

The manipulation used by "professionals" requires skill and skill in this area. Since the manipulation of mass consciousness is already a technology, began to appear professional workers who own it.

Manipulation methods

There is enough a large number of methods of manipulation of mass consciousness, which are used by the media, but the most popular are:

  1. suggestion
  2. rumors, conjectures, interpretations in an incomprehensible social situation
  3. scare method
  4. silence about some factors and protrusion of others
  5. fragmentation method
  6. repeated repetitions or "Goebbels method"
  7. false events.

Manipulation of people's minds through the media

The modern world is oversaturated large quantity information. People receive information through various means mass media, as a result of which they are influenced by their own consciousness. Through the media, people learn what to wear, what to eat and not to eat, how to behave and not to behave, who to vote for, and much more.

The most important way of manipulation with the help of the media is the imposition of stereotypes. Usually people understand stereotypes as knowledge, but they have absolutely incomplete description any fact of reality. This understanding, as a rule, forms an extremely emotional attitude towards something.

There are three types of manipulation:

  • marketing - these are manipulations that are aimed at PR of various goods and services
  • ideological - these are manipulations with the help of which patriotic feelings are revealed
  • destructive manipulation. They exist to form a way of thinking that is directed towards self-destruction. Such manipulations over a long period of time with the help of cinema formed an opinion about Russians as a drinking nation.

Manipulation of mass consciousness can be divided into 4 types. It; manipulation of information flows; manipulation by influencing emotions; manipulation through the formation and distribution of various images; manipulation through the use of authoritative opinions.

Remark 2

A person who is the object of manipulation is depreciated as a person, regardless of the type of manipulation used, method and goals.

Among the manipulation techniques used by the media, a number of the most popular can be distinguished. These include: concealment of facts, the use of opinions of different authorities, sensationalism, repetition, the use of stereotypes, the use of contrast, speech emotionality, montage, expressions taken out of context. The most common techniques used on television are the fabrication of facts, the use of speech emotionality, the placement of news in the news block and the use of authoritative opinions.

Manipulation of mass consciousness. Deception of mankind.

5 (100%) 1 vote

Deception #1. Science is making progress.

AT modern world science has become the foundation of the worldview of most people. The “same worldview” is being widely introduced. This has led to the fact that science is similar to the analogue of religions and ideologies, having an even more global scope. Under its influence are all the peoples of our planet. Already at school, children are taught dogmas that are not true.

For manipulation, it is important that the imposed worldview be the same absolutely for everyone. Whether it's false or true doesn't matter. The main thing is to achieve the goals of management by any means.

Therefore, we are constantly being told that science is progressing, and we are enjoying the fruits of this "progress": computers, mobile phones, gps navigators…

And for some reason we are not told that everything is the result of technological breakthroughs,under which new theories are very quickly adjusted. And the true physical picture of the world has nothing to do with it. Only a part of such breakthroughs has a technological chronicle, while in other cases it is absent (example: microelectronics).

The researchers argue that this indicates the existence of such technologies before their discovery. i.e. someone already owned them and handed them over to people.

We all understand the vital threat to our planet posed by current technologies. One can give an example of nuclear power plants, which are considered to be a boon alternative energy. Global catastrophes on them, which shook the world, can cause the destruction of all life on earth. One such “smoldering bomb” (as experts call them) under certain circumstances is capable of blowing up the entire planet.

The consequences of explosions at such power plants cannot remain indifferent: terrible tragedies and their insurmountable consequences (tons of radioactive earth, thousands of tons of radioactive water, radiation leaks into the ocean, etc.).

Deception #2: Medicine is making headway

Modern medicine has made strides in emergency traumatology. But it is aimed at making money, and this despite its purpose - the treatment of people. And the main goal is to increase the number of patients. Many people become crippled before birth. Many children in the mother's womb are killed, such cruelty is not even in the animal world. Modern medicine considers it normal to produce raw materials from them, which are used in expensive cosmetics. Very often, using the wrong medical techniques, children are maimed at birth.

The next stage is bullying by vaccinations. This is followed by treatment with poisons, bearing the harmless, hopeful name of "medicine". Now it has become a world practice that diseases (viruses) are removed artificially. Such viruses can be used as a weapon and as a way to make money on the sale of drugs (pre-designed for this).

In order to multiply sick people, they are subjected to the most severe criticism and ridiculed all other means of treatment that contradict the universal medical goal of our time, namely, to poke out the pockets of patients.

A person is not considered holistically, but exclusively as a body, a biological carrier. And there is not even a hint of our "spirituality". So how can you be cured with such a limited outlook?

Deception number 3. The modern economy is a natural stage in the development of society

The governments of countries are just an analogue of firms - invisible and perform the function of covering real administrative objects - centers, the instrument of control of which has become a printing press and loan interest.

Deception number 4. The planet is threatened by overpopulation, depletion of resources and famine

Masterfully hides the real state of affairs. The fact that religious fanatics who live according to the philosophy of world domination, usurers who consider themselves the masters of money, politicians and financiers who cultivate in their minds the primacy of power and money and others like them cause destruction and harm.

It has been scientifically proven that if you develop and use natural technologies correctly and harmoniously, you will not experience hunger yet. more people than lives now on our planet.

some facts:

- 41% of the food produced in the country is taken to landfills in the United States. This amount of food can feed more than half of the inhabitants of Africa.

- US farmers receive subsidies for not exceeding production limits.

A third of the world's food is wasted. Something that was produced but not used. This is UN data..

Such seeds of gmo - lines cannot exist without pesticides, the sale of the latter helps to fill the pocket tighter. The “earnings” of this direction also include the receipt of patent payments.

Other plants growing nearby also become infected with GMOs (pollination). And litigation by the owners of GMO plants, who discovered their patented mutant in a neighboring garden, is not ruled out. Even if you want to get rid of genetically modified crops on your site, you need to wait more than three years, for more short period the soil is not cleared.

Now Russia is a potential world leader in organic farming. Our country has the opportunity to become a monopolist in the production of natural food products. We have endless hectares of land that is not affected by chemistry and most of it does not know GMOs. Supply can be arranged natural products to European countries, China.

This is the possibility of creating an inexhaustible source of foreign exchange earnings compared to depleted oil and gas reserves.

Deception number 5. Traditional history. Manipulation of mass consciousness.

Our recent history perfectly illustrates the level of existence of human civilization before its infection; and how, through global cataclysms and the most cruel methods, this incredible grandeur and splendor was destroyed. Hiding such information has become an effective way to control the masses.

In our time, anyone who wishes through communications can receive data in such areas as high tech, planetary cataclysms, ancient civilizations, which refutes the official history, which is "sewn with white threads."

There are many well-argued rebuttals. historical myths called "traditional history", which are based on independent research. This and Tatar-Mongol yoke, the spread of civilization from an African ancestor, and a calendar that should now be 7524 years from the creation of the world instead of 2015. , and much more.

People who are not financially interested are engaged in the collection and analytical processing of information, primary sources and artifacts. They post on blogs and forums. And someday information that contradicts the official dogma will be qualitatively transformed.

Deception number 6. Mankind is alone in the universe

Our planet and the people living on it are not unique. The universe has many civilizations, some of which are just beginning their development, others are not yet born, and still others are on the way. high level development.

The "oneness" of humanity has become a myth, implanted through religious and scientific teachings. Data on contacts with such civilizations were ridiculed and carefully concealed.

Deception number 7. Despite the shortcomings, humanity is developing in the right direction

Most people subconsciously understand that injustice and cruelty are very common on our planet, and this is not normal, it should be different. People need to overcome their limitations and stupidity, developing honesty and justice in their actions, then deceitful and shameless actions will cease to be and seem profitable.

After all, it is at least strange that science has been marking time in one place for many years, industrially poisoning the earth and all its inhabitants with various toxic substances, and in agriculture a course has been taken on food that destroys health and is harmful.

A poisoned society gives each person a choice of actions in each specific situation. How can he navigate? In this case, the individual is addressed by his conscience - the signal of the system of essence.

Its analogue is operational sound signal or illuminated banners in dangerous situations, which are the cockpits of passenger airliners. What happens when pilots ignore emergency signals?

The same thing happens with people: if you ignore your conscience and follow the logic of a sick society, then diseases appear as a material manifestation, people feel unlucky, and the entity completely dumps this body. At the same time, negative “baggage” is being accumulated, which hinders development in new incarnations.

Thus, people at any time can turn to their conscience for right decision, in analogy with the pilot, regularly checking instruments to completely eliminate the tragic consequences.

There is the only and indisputable guide to choosing the right behavior model - this is our conscience. Without a doubt, as long as we live, she is with us. You just need to learn to hear it.

Manipulation of mass consciousness. Deception #8...

seat number 8 remains vacant. We have done this for you to reflect on the above. Maybe someone will refute the deceptions listed ... or will agree with the existence of such and will formulate the most important tenth deception of our sad rating.


All the aforementioned deceptions make one wonder: is there any protection against such global delusions, or can we in no way change our attitude to what is happening around us and its influence on us?

For an adequate perception of the reality around us, it is necessary to study the facts of the modern scientific paradigm, and not blindly believe the media and other unverified sources, take into account the alternative opinion of honest scientists, inventors, researchers.

It is very important to abandon the view of ecology as a separate science and start living in harmony with nature. Everything should become environmentally friendly: politics, economics, science, education, everyone's personal life.

Do not shift the responsibility for your health to "people in white coats", because in existing system we won't even get an apology for medical errors, which are sometimes horrendous. Much more efficient healthy lifestyle of life, in case of diseases, use alternative means of treatment and folk methods. Of course, without forgetting about common sense.

Ask yourself what is the main meaning of your life? Are you going against the voice of conscience, getting money to provide for your family? Let's value our unique human nature more than momentary material goods, and realize the true cost of our wrong deeds and "inverted" thinking. After all, then we evolutionarily go down in this and future incarnations. And inevitably, again and again, we will return to the infected society, dragging a tangle of unresolved problems behind us.

It is wiser to strive for nobility, generosity and honesty. Cannot be taught to children best qualities if at the same time we deceive ourselves and sell our souls.

Only after changing yourself can you instill qualities in your children. Only personal example and not empty words. Only in this case we have a chance to educate those who after us will transform our imperfect world!

Society, elections, electoral technologies - all these concepts lie in the plane of a single information space. The possibilities of controlling the masses by influencing the mass political moods in today's world are very wide and, in the course of numerous democratic elections, they have been sufficiently worked out. But the success they have is not always expected. Why? The fact is that in pursuit of a specific goal - to win the maximum number of votes in the elections, some have an ideological influence on the consciousness of the masses of propagandists, others have a socio-political impact, including socio-economic actions. But no one wants to be engaged in forecasting the development of mass political sentiments, because it is easier to use manipulative technologies.

Meanwhile, the very possibility of such an impact on a person appeared relatively recently, with the development of mass media and information. The concept of "mass communication", which contains a wide field of manipulative possibilities, actively entered the practice of communication in the twentieth century. This is largely due to the emergence of fundamentally new means of information transmission, such a powerful means of manipulating mass consciousness as television. This informational phenomenon in a short time had a huge impact on the life of society. TV and other means of mass culture production are under the control of political and economic elites and serve their interests. It is quite obvious that they are used as one of the leading tools for manipulating the consciousness of the masses.

Manipulative activity negatively affects the choice of citizens, turning it from a free conscious decision into a formal act pre-programmed by specialists in the formation of mass consciousness. Modern manipulators, understanding the enormous role of the masses in the political process, skillfully use the laws of mass psychology. manipulation political election campaign

The term "manipulation" is lexically ambiguous, as it has undergone some changes in its meaning. In the literal sense of the word, it denotes complex types of actions performed by hands, requiring skill and skill. The Latin progenitor of the term - manipulus - has two meanings: 1) a handful, a handful (manus - hand + ple - to fill); 2) a small group, a handful, a handful. In this sense, this word meant a small detachment of soldiers (about 120 people) in the Roman army. Then the word takes on a metaphorical connotation. At first, the word "manipulation" was used in relation to the demonstration of tricks and card games, which value skill in conducting false distractions, creating a deceptive impression or illusion. In a metaphorical sense, manipulation can be defined as a way of influencing people or deftly controlling them or things. The metaphorical definition of psychological manipulation in the end involves "taking over", maintaining the illusion of independence of the actions of the manipulator, as well as the skillfulness of methods of influence. The type of application of power, covert control and processing - these are the three pillars on which the manipulative actions of an interested group of people are built.

Manipulation of mass consciousness or manipulation of public opinion is one of the ways to suppress the will of people through conscious influence through programming their behavior. Such an impact is aimed at the human psyche, carried out covertly and aims to change the opinions, motivations, goals of people in the direction necessary for someone.

Many scientists over the centuries have tried to comprehensively comprehend the specifics of the psychology of the masses, the susceptibility of the masses to manipulation. Even Z. Freud, describing mass psychology, drew attention to the fact that the crowd is amenable to suggestion and hypnosis. His theory of the manipulation of the masses is partly based on the purely psychological features of the mass consciousness.

Among the domestic works of recent decades, devoted to the consideration of the manifestations of mass consciousness, the study of public opinion, mass moods, and actions of the masses, including in election campaigns, is of interest.

The discoveries of many foreign and domestic researchers in the field of political psychology gave a new impetus to the development of democratic societies, frightened by the revolutionary upheavals of the early 20th century. In order to manage the power of the masses, there are two ways: the first is a totalitarian model of governance, based on rallying the masses into an organized force through intimidation and indoctrination, and the second is disunity of people, propaganda of individualistic values, indulgence of animal instincts. But if under a totalitarian regime terror and fear are used, not only as a tool of destruction and intimidation, but also as a logical tool for controlling the masses, then in a democratic society manipulations often replace the mechanisms of physical coercion characteristic of totalitarian regimes, and therefore become even more sophisticated. Everything that happens in society is determined by the behavior of the masses. And today the political manipulation of the masses, mass consciousness is becoming a common practice of people striving for power by all means.

It is impossible not to think about the consequences that political manipulation has brought to many countries and how it has affected Russia. The relevance of this topic is also determined by the fact that if individuals become victims of interpersonal manipulations, then huge masses of people become victims of political manipulations. Political manipulation includes both interpersonal and mass manipulation. In the first case, for their implementation, the manipulator resorts to a certain technique, that is, a set of manipulative techniques that work at the interpersonal level. In the second case, manipulative technologies come to the aid of the manipulator.

Political manipulation of the masses represent a means of achieving certain goals by a certain political entity. And the purpose of the activity of any political subject is to come to power. Having come to power, the subject political process strives to realize and preserve this power, since there are always many who want to take it away. So, there are three main goals that political leaders pursue: coming to power, its implementation and its preservation.

The wide purposeful influence on the masses of millions, which became possible in the 20th century (although many examples of indoctrination to the masses can be found even during the Reformation), is increasingly enhanced thanks to new technological possibilities. The main “offensive force” here is the mass media (media). Public opinion, the effect of publicity, the ability to manipulate consciousness have acquired such a force that it is no longer possible to ignore.

Thus, considering political manipulation as a hidden influence on the broad masses, through suggestion, propaganda, etc., with the goal of making the masses think and act in the interests of the manipulator, we have come to the direct link "manipulation techniques - election campaign."
