Dr. Lisa: her death was a personal grief for thousands of people. Life, work and tragic death of elizaveta glinka - doctor and public figure, volunteer and philanthropist

On February 20, Elizaveta Glinka, who saw her duty as helping the homeless and seriously ill, could have turned 56 years old. Some considered the famous human rights activist almost a saint, others accused her of lying and were sure that her activities were at least ineffective. the site recalls what was the one that the whole country knew as Dr. Lisa.

Fragile, but only in appearance, with large understanding eyes that seemed to look straight into the soul, Elizaveta Glinka took care of the homeless, sick and dying. Despite constant criticism and even threats, Dr. Liza did not retreat from her plan and achieved her goal - both in possible and impossible ways. The human rights activist could get through to any person, sometimes saying only a couple of words.

Glinka believed that not a single share of the fund " fair help"cannot pass without her direct participation, so she was torn to the hottest spots in the world. However, Elizaveta Petrovna did not manage to save all those in need ...

How it all began

Despite the fact that in childhood Elizaveta Glinka was fond of ballet and music, she never faced the question of which university to enter. Little Lisa realized quite early that her mission was to heal people.

A girl who spent a lot of time in the hospital due to the fact that her mother worked in an ambulance, one day she herself became a doctor - a pediatric resuscitator-anaesthesiologist.

The human rights activist began her charitable work, thanks to which she became famous, much later, in the 2000s. And in the late 1980s, immediately after graduating from the institute, Elizabeth, who had many admirers, met her future husband Gleb Glinka, an American lawyer of Russian origin.

Elizabeth and Gleb met at an expressionist exhibition. Glinka immediately inflamed with passion for a slender girl. But it took Elizabeth a week to fall in love with her future husband. At first, the girl was embarrassed by the fact that the boyfriend was 14 years older than her, but the feelings turned out to be stronger.

Subsequently, the spouses more than once made serious sacrifices for each other.

So, together with her husband, the doctor either moved to the USA, then to Ukraine, then back to the States. And Gleb was sympathetic to the difficult and rather dangerous activities of his wife and never reproached the fact that Lisa could break loose at night to a sick person. “Do you need to call a taxi or will they come for you?” he habitually asked.

In the 1990s in America, Glinka first became acquainted with the hospice system, enrolling in Darmouth Medical School to study in the specialty "palliative medicine" (an area of ​​healthcare designed to improve the quality of life of critically ill patients,- approx. website). This predetermined further fate Doctor Lisa.

Elizaveta created the first such organization in Kyiv and took part in the opening of the Russian fund for helping hospices "Vera".

They are people too

Elizabeth returned to Moscow only in 2007, when her mother became seriously ill. Soon Galina Ivanovna died. It was at that moment that Glinka, in order to cope with the pain, created the Fair Help Foundation. And then for the first time she was asked to see a homeless man with cancer living near the Paveletsky railway station.

Since then, Glinka began to bring food and things there every Wednesday and independently treat wounds to all those in need. The philanthropist and her team were expected and idolized.

However, at first, the public came down with serious criticism of Dr. Lisa, accusing her of contributing to the fact that there were more and more people without a fixed place of residence. Many did not understand why she cares about those who themselves do not want to make their lives a little better. Glinka always had a ready answer: "No one will help them except me, they are people too."

She gave her own money to charity and only once regretted it. Glinka really wanted to buy an apartment for her youngest son, Ilya, but spent all her savings on another charity event.

Soon Elizabeth began to be threatened, and basement, in which the foundation was located, was constantly attacked by vandals.

However, Glinka continued to help the disadvantaged. Despite unflattering reviews about herself on the Web, she once organized a charity striptease near the Kurskaya metro station in Moscow, which caused a heated discussion in society. However, the action was a success, and the guests who came to the event collected a lot of things and money for the homeless.

Not an angel at all

Only in appearance, Elizabeth was a fragile woman who sometimes had to take a weight with her into the elevator to go down to the first floor. (note site: her own weight was not enough for the mechanism to move).

In fact, nothing human was alien to the doctor: she loved to tell obscene jokes and bought stylish handbags (for this, by the way, she was also criticized, wondering where she got money for fashionable things). The philanthropist did not hide the fact that she was a rather conflicted person. Elizabeth could smash both an impudent ward and an inactive official to smithereens. However, Glinka turned to representatives of the authorities only in extreme cases.

Elizabeth did not, and could not, limit herself to helping the homeless and the sick: she organized the collection of funds and necessary things for the victims of the fires in 2010, and two years later - during the flood in Krymsk.

Elizabeth had a special passion for gardening and LJ. The human rights activist actively maintained her page on the social network and even became the “Blogger of the Year” in the ROTOR competition in 2010. True, in her notes, Elizabeth spoke mainly about the work of the foundation. The philanthropist did not like to talk about her personal life.

Despite numerous projects, Glinka managed to raise her sons Konstantin and Alexei, and since 2007 also Ilya. The foster mother of the child was a patient of Glinka: when the woman died of cancer, Elizabeth did not have the strength to hand the boy back to the orphanage.

The worst thing is not being able to

Dr. Lisa saved sick children wherever she could, including in the Donbass. To all accusations of interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, Glinka stated that children are the same everywhere and they all need help, so she took the kids away from the war zone on her own, not being afraid that she could die at any moment. By the way, Elizabeth was never afraid to risk her life: she loved fast driving, jumping with a parachute.

The only thing that scared her was the prospect of not having time to help all those who needed help.

After the start of the war in Syria, Glinka immediately organized the collection of medicines and things there. In this case, too, it was important for Dr. Lisa to control the process of delivering the necessary humanitarian aid to the victims of hostilities, although her relatives persuaded her not to do this.

On December 8, 2016, Vladimir Putin presented Elizaveta Glinka with a state award Russian Federation for his contribution to human rights work.

Then the philanthropist in her speech admitted that she was never sure that she would return from another trip to the war zone. Alas, these words turned out to be prophetic...

On December 25 of the same year, Glinka was going to go to Latakia, but almost no one knew about this. When the plane crashed over the Black Sea, many of Glinka's acquaintances hoped to the last that she was not among the passengers. Only with the help of a DNA test, the experts were able to confirm the fact that Glinka died in a plane crash, without helping those she was going to.

In the plane crash of Dr. Lisa, Elizabeth Glinka. She has saved hundreds of lives. She took out the wounded and seriously ill children of Donbass from under the fire of the Ukrainian army. She helped terminally ill patients in hospices, fed and treated the homeless, raised funds for victims of fires and floods. The head of the Just Aid Foundation flew to Syria with humanitarian cargo and medicines for a hospital in Latakia.

The doors of her foundation were always open. Like a heart wide open. Today at the threshold of candles and flowers. When asked if you were a flower, what kind, Dr. Lisa once answered - lavender. Modest, unpretentious, with an inexplicably attractive aroma. Her aura of vitality was almost visible. After all, you can’t deceive children, but they calmed down in her arms.

"I always knew - not what I wanted, but I knew that I would be a doctor."

Elizaveta Glinka is a resuscitator by education. But is it worth explaining that Dr. Lisa, which she has become, is much broader than about the profession. The number of lives saved is in the thousands. In the Morozov Children's Hospital alone, five hundred Liza's children were admitted.

“So that she would refuse someone, forget someone, or someone fell out of her field of vision - this has never happened. Moreover, when the children were in our hospital, she solved all their questions. Household, social, with documents, that is, she was like a guardian angel for these people," recalls Igor Koltunov, chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital.

She is called "our Liza" - even the smallest heroes of her rescue and rescue operations. From Donetsk alone, she took hundreds of children to Russia for treatment. Vika, after returning from Moscow, is already running along the hospital corridor - you can’t catch up. Yulia's son is still in a cast, but on the mend - with the help of Dr. Lisa they were helped in St. Petersburg.

“She helped my granddaughter by sending her to Moscow for treatment. She was a very sympathetic person, she tried with all her heart to help people who were in trouble,” says Tatyana Trifonova, a nurse.

Fair help is helping those who need it, Dr. Lisa believed. Initially, it was a fund for helping non-cancer patients. Then the homeless, the disabled, and lonely old people came under his care. Affected by forest fires in Moscow in 2010, from the flood in Krymsk in 2012. Everyone needed her.

“Everyone always said “little Dr. Lisa.” She is really small, so fragile, thin arms and legs, eyes like Bambi’s are huge. But this is a man of iron will,” said Anna Federmesser, founder and president of the Vera Hospice Charitable Foundation ".

In this endless universe of selfless help, she was the brightest comet ever ready to fly anywhere. An incredible force of attraction - she did not just gather around her those who were not indifferent, she knew how to make a person not indifferent. And I didn’t understand how children can be divided into friends and foes. There were no outsiders for her.

"What difference does it make to me what country the child is from and why he suffered? We started this wonderful tradition in terrible conditions - in the midst of death to build an island of life, an island of hope - we managed to build a humanitarian corridor for seriously wounded and sick children," she said. in November 2016.

In this interview just a month ago, Dr. Lisa spoke about a hospital in Latakia, where she had already been in September. About the department for newborns, where even in war there is life, and babies weighing 400 grams are nursed. The difficulties she is used to dealing with are equipment that is out of order, no X-ray film and medicines. They have already been bought, Glinka said, we are just waiting for the board. She, as always, flew herself. Tireless and fearless.

Somehow she was asked why she is not afraid of death? To this, Elizaveta Glinka replied: “I am afraid of death, like everyone else, because I don’t know what is there. I have a feeling, like a religious person, that it should be better there.”

Saved children will live. There will be a hospital named after Elizabeth Glinka in Grozny and one of the medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Dr. Lisa struggled all her life with death, which took away her beloved friend from her exactly six years ago. Faith - dedicated to the post on Facebook, which became the last.

"I wait and believe that the war will end, that we will all stop doing and writing vain, evil words to each other. And there will be no wounded and hungry children. See you soon, Vera!"

Hello Irina!

Of course our natural reaction to such a tragedy - sorrow, horror and inner protest: how could this happen? But, if we seriously want to get answers to the questions that concern us, we will have to try to think logically, in accordance with the principles of faith.

Let's clarify what exactly we want to understand: why she died such a terrible death, in a plane crash, and not died " own death" in the bed? Why did she die undeservedly early? They are actually two different questions, but both are based on the assumption that this death is a punishment. And the question is - why was Doctor Lisa punished when, on the contrary, she was such a worthy and noble person, did so much good? Is this fair for To her?

And if we want to understand why G-d did not allow her to continue her mission and help sick children in this way, then this is another question: is this fair to to them; to all whom she helped; to the world that lost her?

And now let's try to figure it out in order.

Why did she die a terrible death in a plane crash, and not die in bed?

To tell the truth, I personally do not know which death is more terrible. The horror of death - firstly, in physical torment, and secondly, in psychological, when you know that the time of death is approaching. And in this regard, not everyone who lives safely to old age is more “lucky”: after all, they usually die of illnesses by “own death”, and they can last a long time and be accompanied by torment, both physical and psychological, when you know that the disease deadly. Here, physical torment, which was, did not last long, the plane crashed from a water hammer; psychological - judging by what is known on this moment, - ten seconds when the plane was falling. By no means do I want to say that all this is not terrible, and I would not wish this on myself or anyone else. I'm just not sure that such a death is so much more terrible than others that we can have questions about the justice of G-d. Yes, and those torments that a person still experiences at death are considered by us as atonement for the sins that he has (and no one is sinless), so it will be easier for him in the next world.

Why did she die undeservedly early? Why was she punished when she deserved a reward?

Here the answer is actually simple: there is no real reward for good deeds in this world, it can only be after death. This is true for any person, but for Dr. Lisa it is especially obvious: after all, the places where she usually went in this life are hell on earth. So in this world, she did not bliss in any way, but stayed in hellish conditions and was engaged in hard work - and extremely noble. For what in the next world she is supposed to be rewarded - she now receives it. So in this regard early death- not a punishment, but on the contrary, a sign that she has already worked hard enough and it's time to get a well-deserved reward.

The only question that can be asked about justice to her is why was it not given to her to continue her activities until old age and thereby earn even greater reward?

The answer to this is given by Midrash Tanchuma (Ki Tisa 3): a righteous man who died young can say to G-d: if You had not taken me, I would have continued to fulfill the commandments until old age. And G-d does indeed give him a reward for the commandments that he would have fulfilled in this case. So in that sense, such a person really has nothing to lose.

And one more thing: the life of such people is so saturated - both with their own affairs and with the events that happen to them, that, one might say, "essentially" Dr. Lisa has lived longer than many of those who live to old age. Her “freight train” has fewer car-years, but each of them is more filled with cargo, so there is more cargo overall!

This phenomenon is seen when you think about the lives of great people who died young. For example, such classics as Pushkin, Lermontov, Mozart, Schubert, Chopin. There is no feeling that they have not “finished” something, that they have not “realized”, that they have not developed their potential. No, they developed and realized, everyone went through the stages of both youth and maturity, each collection of works is “complete”. It's just that their life went faster, but it was more eventful. (We will only make a reservation that we are talking exclusively about their work, and not about their personal life, to compare with which the life of Dr. Lisa would be an insult to To her. After all, many of these classics in life were not saints at all, but ordinary sons of their time and society, with many of its vices. But that's another story.)

This is how we approach the answer to the last of questions asked: Why was she not allowed to continue her noble work? Couldn't she help more more people, sick children?

She could, of course. But it cannot be said that in practice, having lived less than the “normal” number of years, she helped people less than the “normal” number - she helped much more than the “norm” anyway! Her work was not finished? It is never finished - after all, apart from Gd Himself, no one is eternal and omnipotent, and in the end, there would still be those whom she could not help. But she nevertheless helped so many, because she was a person to whom G-d gave more than average strength, both physical and moral, and inspired to such deeds. That is, such people and their activities are clearly a gift to mankind from G-d. And then - how much he gave; You can't save everyone anyway, and you should rather be grateful for what you have.

And it's really very important point. Notice, when we have questions, why did G-d do something? When such tragedies occur. How could he?! Why did He take Dr. Lisa? But during her lifetime, we somehow did not have questions: why did G-d give us her gave? Where did a person have the strength for such selflessness, for doing so much good in such difficult and dangerous conditions? I seem to be a good person, but I don’t have such powers, but she did.

In other words, we look at the world as a whole and take all the good things in it for granted. It is there because it should be so, everything is right. But when something “wrong” happens, when something fails, when someone does not live well for himself, but suffers or dies, then it turns out that Gd did it - why?!! That is, in our perception, a good life exists on its own, and G-d comes, like a hunter with a gun in the forest of paradise, and decides which bird to shoot today, who will feel bad, and who will die altogether.

No, God is not like that! All the good life and all good people exist only because He created them! I must say thank you for everything in general and for Dr. Lisa in particular.

But now there is one more important point: does it follow from everything that has been said that we are in vain horrified and mourn over her death? If in fact everything is good and fair, maybe we should rejoice, and not perceive what happened as a terrible tragedy - with pain and inner protest?

No. This is how we react in a natural way, because it is with this nature that the same G-d created us. According to the Ramban (commentary on Devarim 14:1), the Torah forbids extreme forms of mourning, such as self-mutilation, but does not forbid weeping. Because, on the one hand, one must believe that Gd is doing everything right, but, on the other hand, it is in human nature to cry and grieve when parting with a loved one, and there is no point in suppressing it.

But why didn't G-d give us the strength to calmly accept everything and resign ourselves to everything that happens according to His will?

Because then we would not have done any good in life and would not have become worthy people. We strive to help people, relieve their suffering or save them from death, only because G-d has planted in us the feeling that all this is terrible and tragic. Otherwise, they would stand quietly on the sidelines and think: God knows what he is doing, and why should we interfere. Gd would then really do what is necessary, but we would be callous and indifferent people. But G-d expects something else from us, so He laid in us this compassion for people and the horror of suffering and death. It motivates us to help, and that is how we become worthy people.

In other words, if such tragedies did not cause horror and grief in a person, there would be no people like Dr. Lisa in the world! But God wants them to be. Therefore, He wants us to mourn for the dead, shudder, thinking about their fate - and strive to save as many living people as possible from suffering and death. To become like her.

And this, perhaps, is the “additional” meaning of what happened: after all, as a result of such a resonant death, Doctor Lisa also became more famous and more people learned about her work - and were inspired by her example. This is a very tragic last chord, but much more powerful than if she had died a natural death, of old age, having already retired. A much more resonant echo remained, a bright trace. And the positive impact of this is great, and her merit from this also becomes even greater.

So we rightly mourn and wish that there were more such noble people so that they could do good longer. But at the same time, there is no reason to doubt the justice of Gd: He will reward Doctor Lisa according to her deserts, and gave the world her activity as a mercy, beyond the “norm”, for which we also need to be grateful.

Any transport accident is always grief, fear and horror of the inevitable, it is especially tragic when worthy people die, activists of public life who could do a lot more. AT last week On December 25, 2016, a plane of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia crashed near Sochi, on board were: the crew, the military, the musicians of the Alexandrov ensemble, as well as a Russian public figure, philanthropist and famous doctor, Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna, who was popularly called simply "Doctor Liza" .


She was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. His father was a military man, and his mother was a dietitian, wrote books on cooking and the proper use of vitamins, and worked on television. After graduating from school, Lisa Glinka entered the Pirogov Second Medical Institute, five years later she received a diploma in the specialty "children's resuscitator-anaesthetist". After completing her studies at the institute, according to some reports, she worked in one of the Moscow clinics, but some argue that she did not work in her specialty.

In the biography of Dr. Lisa Glinka great importance has an "American period" of its activities. In 1990, she and her husband Mikhail moved to the United States. Abroad, she continued to practice medicine, went to work in a hospice. At that time, there were no such institutions in Russia, and Glinka was simply shocked by the structure of such a system. Indeed, in a hospice, a person doomed to death gets a chance to lead a more or less worthy life. In her interviews, Elena Petrovna emphasized that in such medical centers people feel happy and do not stop believing in recovery.


Apart from Russian education, Dr. Lisa Glinka in America graduated from Dartmouth Medical Institute with a degree in palliative medicine. Doctors in this field are trying to find ways to improve the quality of life of patients with incurable forms of cancer and other fatal diseases. Home help for them it is psychological. It is especially difficult to teach people to live every second. Palliative medicine does not mean treatment, but rather help to prevent and stop severe pain.

In the late 90s, she and her husband went to Ukraine, in Kyiv, Mikhail Glinka had a contract for temporary work. At this time, hospices had already opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and Elena Petrovna closely communicated with the doctors of these institutions. But there were no hospices in Kyiv yet, and Dr. Liza took upon herself the organization of palliative wards at oncology centers. Thanks to her connections in the US, the American Vale Foundation founded the first hospice in Kyiv. Two years later, Liza Glinka and her husband returned to the United States, but often returned to Ukraine and helped the hospice.

Foundation "Fair Aid"

In 2007, Elizaveta Petrovna returned to Moscow to take care of her sick mother. Since that time, her life has been inextricably linked with the promotion of the idea of ​​helping the terminally ill in Russia. In the summer of 2007, Lisa Glinka, together with the same enthusiasts, founded charitable foundation"Fair Help", which was financed by the party "Fair Russia". The Foundation was founded to provide palliative care to sick people, not only oncology, but any diseases that could lead to hospice. Low-income people, even the homeless, came here. Here they could get medical care and psychological support.

Doctor Lisa Glinka, along with other doctors, visited Moscow railway stations more than once. Here, doctors distributed clothes and food to homeless people, residents of other cities also received help. Gradually, the Fair Aid Foundation expanded the scope of its activities, all of Russia learned about it after the fires of 2010, when activists of the organization were collecting money for the victims. At the same time, the media began to constantly broadcast the activities of Lisa Glinka, they began to recognize her, help, and some criticize her.

Social activity

The popularity of Dr. Lisa in Russia grew with each humanitarian action, and soon she began to engage in more than just medicine. In early 2012, together with other activists, among whom were famous actors, singers and politicians, the League of Voters was organized. The reason for the creation of this movement was very noble, all its members advocated fair elections, the goal of the community was to control the electoral process in presidential and parliamentary campaigns.

In the "League of Voters" Liza, Elizaveta Glinka, dealt not with political issues, but with the problems of freedom of speech of a person and possible consequences falsification of information. For example, in April 2012, activists went to Astrakhan, where a local mayoral candidate went on a hunger strike, he demanded a revision of the election results, as he considered them unfair. Dr. Lisa managed to dissuade him from causing harm to health and go to court for justice.


The activities of the association "League of Voters" soon became interested in the highest ranks, searches were carried out in the office of the institution, accounts were frozen for some time, but the misunderstanding was resolved, and all assets were returned. Liza Glinka herself tried to remain neutral to different political forces countries. Although in the fall of 2012 she became a member of the committee of the party of Mikhail Prokhorov "Civil Platform", where she also dealt with issues of observance of civil rights. Very soon she and Prokhorov withdrew from the movement.

In 2012, by decree of President V.V. Putin, Elizaveta Petrovna was appointed a member of the council for the development of civil society, as well as the observance of human rights. By the nature of her activities, she has repeatedly attracted famous politicians and artists to charity. Assistants at different times were Sergei Chuev, Boris Grebenshchikov, Anatoly Chubais, Irina Khakamada and Vitali Klitschko.


Glinka Liza, together with the activists of the fund, often held all kinds of actions, for example, “Station on Wednesdays”. During such trips, doctors examined homeless people, provided them with medical care, gave them food and warm clothes; or "Friday Dinner" - free tables for the poor were arranged in the foundation's office. The doctors of the charitable organization became especially active in 2014 with the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass. Even after the death of Dr. Liza, the foundation continues to help wounded and seriously ill children who find themselves in the epicenter of the war.

Since 2006, Lisa Glinka has been the leader of the Russian seriously ill people who are in hospice. In addition, she actively participated in the charitable organization "Country of the Deaf", which helps people with hearing problems. Thanks to the work of doctors, hospice departments have opened in many cities of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The main work was carried out in the society itself. Elizaveta Petrovna and her associates sought to show all people that the hospice is not a place of death, but a home for life, even if it is short.

Humanitarian work in the East of Ukraine

The biography of Lisa Glinka received a new round in 2014, when her foundation accepted Active participation in the provision of humanitarian assistance in the East of Ukraine. As a doctor and philanthropist, she could not help but go to places where blood was shed and medicines were in short supply. Moreover, Dr. Lisa was sincerely outraged by the policy of the Red Cross. Representatives of the world organization refused to bring medicines to the people of Donbass, because they did not like Putin's policy.

Soon the children for Liza Glinka come to the fore, she helped take out hundreds of children who need treatment in the capital's clinics. With her activities in the Donbass, she caused an abundance of criticism from the Ukrainian authorities, as well as some ill-wishers in our country. She was accused of her own PR, ostentatious assistance, waste of budgetary funds, and so on.


On December 25, 2016, an aircraft of the Ministry of Defense, flying from Moscow to Latakia (Syria), crashed into the sea, not far from the runway in Sochi. There were 92 people on board the plane: the crew, journalists from several channels, musicians from the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, and Liza Glinka as head of the Fair Help Foundation.

The tragedy immediately caused a strong reaction in Russian society, people were shocked by the death of artists and one of the most active charitable figures in the country and around the world - Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka. Officially, the causes of the crash have not been named. There are several versions: from aircraft overload to pilot error. Many opponents of the policy of the Moscow government and generally ill-wishers immediately pointed to the terrorist attack as possible cause crash. terrorist revenge for the military presence of Russian troops in Syria.

Be that as it may, on December 25, 2016, worthy and talented people. Russia has lost in the face of Dr. Liza Glinka a bright and good doctor. She has already flown to Syria more than once, bringing medicines, food, water and clothes to the hot spot. And this time she again carried a large load to the inhabitants of Aleppo.

Personal life

According to some reports, Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna, “Doctor Liza,” as the children called her, did not have Russian citizenship, only American, which is why she was not officially appointed head of the Fair Aid Foundation. But she herself considered her homeland the place where someone needed her help. According to the recollections of friends and relatives, she read a lot, listened to classical music and jazz.

They met her husband Mikhail in their student years, she accompanied him for a long time on all business trips, including in America and Ukraine. She has three sons, one of whom is adopted. The family of Lisa Glinka was very upset by her death and, for obvious reasons, refused to comment on this matter.

Many people know Elizaveta Glinka as an active blogger, she ran her own LiveJournal page, where her work was described, issues of the Fair Help Foundation were resolved, for which she even received an award as Blogger of the Year.

Public opinion

Lisa Glinka has earned recognition as an altruist and "heavenly messenger" of the afflicted. It is difficult to count all the good deeds she has done throughout her life. AT last years she dealt with the problems of children, the observance of their rights to receive medical and psychological help. She was respected among doctors and politicians. Glinka brought up several dozen activists like herself, who wanted to help their neighbors just like that, for free.

Parallel to this opinion, there is also the exact opposite: some consider Dr. Lisa to be Putin’s henchman, propagandist for the war in Ukraine, and also accused of other political and economic sins. All these curses have no evidence, this is an example of propaganda, information warfare that is customary today.


For her charitable and social activities, Elizaveta Glinka, Dr. Liza, has been awarded prestigious awards more than once. In 2012, she received the "Order of Friendship" for many years successful work. For her contribution to the promotion of charity in Russia in 2015, she was awarded the distinction “For Good Deed”. One of the last lifetime awards Glinka received before the fatal flight. Medal "Participant military operation in Syria" in 2016 was presented personally by V. V. Putin.

After her death, posthumously, she was awarded the medal "For purity of thoughts and nobility of deeds" with the wording "For an invaluable contribution to the triumph of Goodness and peace on Earth."


The sudden death of Liza Glinka came as a surprise to family, friends and associates, many projects were frozen, but most of affairs - a charitable foundation and humanitarian movements, all created by Dr. Lisa - continues to exist today. Many only after her death realized the scale of her work around the world and decided to continue the embodiment of altruistic ideas.

On January 16, 2017, a military children's sanatorium in Yevpatoriya, as well as the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital in Grozny and a hospice in Yekaterinburg were named after Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka.

Doctor Elizaveta Glinka, also known as Doctor Liza, specialized in helping the most vulnerable segments of the population. She participated in political life Her work has been the subject of much controversy. But even opponents have always respected her for her courage and openness.

According to Glinka's colleagues, she flew to Syria to take medicines to the Tishrin University Hospital in Latakia.

Glinka visited Tishrin in September of this year. Doctors then complained about the acute shortage of medicines and consumables.

Reports of her death were not immediately confirmed: she was on the passenger list, but Glinka's entourage said that the doctor could have refused the flight.

2 weeks before the tragedy, Glinka spoke about the importance and danger of humanitarian operations in the war zone at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We are never sure that we will return alive, because war is hell on earth. And I know what I'm talking about, ”Glinka said then.

Hospices, children and politics

Elizaveta Glinka was born in Moscow in 1962 to a military family and a nutritionist.

By profession, Glinka was a pediatric resuscitator-anaesthesiologist. Later, she received her medical education with a degree in palliative medicine.

In the late 1980s, Glinka left for the United States with her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin, Gleb Glinka. The husband of Dr. Lisa is the son of the famous Russian poet Gleb Glebovich Glinka. There is evidence that he is a descendant of the composer Glinka. He is a successful American lawyer. Gleb Glebovich and Elizabeth Glinka have three sons, one of whom is adopted.

In 1991 she received her second medical degree in palliative medicine from the Dartmouth Medical School of Dartmouth College. Has American citizenship. Living in America, I got acquainted with the work of hospices, giving them 5 years. By own words, was shocked by the human attitude towards hopeless patients in these institutions.

“These people are happy,” Glinka later recalled. “They have the opportunity to say goodbye to their families, to get something important from life.”

According to media reports, she was the founder of the American fund VALE Hospice International.

Then they moved to Kyiv. In 1999, Glinka founded the first hospice in Kyiv. He worked at the Oncology Hospital of the city.

When Gleb Glinka's two-year contract expired, the family returned to the United States, but Yelizaveta Glinka continued to visit the Kyiv hospice regularly and participate in its work. She said that back in the 1990s she tried to open a branch of the fund in Russia, but could not: “The officials resisted, referring to the law on the registration of commercial foreign enterprises.”

In 2007, when her mother fell ill, Glinka moved to Moscow. In the same year, she founded the Fair Help charity foundation in Moscow. The wards of the foundation were oncological patients, low-income non-oncological patients, and the homeless.

Elizaveta Glinka became famous for a charity event organized in 2010 to collect humanitarian aid to victims of forest fires. Winter 2010-2011 The foundation opened humanitarian aid points for people without a fixed place of residence. In 2012, items and medicines were collected for flood victims in Krymsk.

In 2011, Elizaveta Glinka was included in the list of "One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia", taking 58th place. In the ranking of "100 Most Influential Women in Russia" by Ogonyok magazine, published in March 2014, she took 26th place.

The film "Doctor Lisa" by Elena Pogrebizhskaya about the activities of Elizaveta Petrovna was shown on REN TV and won the TEFI-2009 award as the best documentary film.

During the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014-2015, Glinka repeatedly traveled to territories controlled by pro-Russian armed groups.

Glinka carried medicines and provided assistance to children living in the territories of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. She then took some of these children to Russia for emergency medical care.

2 weeks before the plane crash, Glinka received from Putin the State Prize of Russia for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights activities.

“She was ready to pay with her life for what she thought was right. And she paid. All disputes are in the past. Eternal memory!” Politician Mikhail Khodorkovsky tweeted.
