How to make an alcoholic eggnog cocktail at home. Gogol-mogol. A recipe for how to make a classic one from eggs, sugar, alcoholic, with cocoa for cough Gogol mogol recipe at home


Gogol-mogol - recipes with photos. How to cook classic eggnog and cough remedies at home

This is an alcohol-based drink with the addition of eggs, sugar and ice. There are many types of it with other products, for example, honey, juice, vanillin, etc. The main area of ​​application of the drink is considered to be the fight against sore throat, so there are options for children. These and other ways to prepare such a dessert are presented in the recipes with photos below.

How to make eggnog

Many different legends tell about the origin of the drink. According to one version, it was invented by a Pole with the last name Gogel when he became hoarse. He used the method of singers who drank raw eggs for their voice. Only the Pole added more salt, some bread and wine. Having mixed it all into a paste, Gogel drank the resulting product. The latest changes to the recipe are attributed to Countess Pototskaya, who used salt instead of honey and changed the original name of the drink “gogel-mogel”. Translated from any language, the term means “mash”.

You can prepare eggnog different ways. According to the classic recipe, the process includes the following steps:

  1. Beat the egg yolks and then grind them with sugar until a strong foam forms.
  2. Next, add a teaspoon of cognac, brandy or rum. Alcohol is not diluted big amount water. Sometimes after this stage the drink is heated in a water bath.
  3. Beat the whites separately, then add the yolk mixture, season with cream and powdered sugar.
  4. On last stage beat the mixture until thickened.
  5. The last step is to pour the dessert into glasses and decorate it with, for example, nutmeg or cinnamon.

Gogol-mogol for cough

Everyone who has read the fairy tale about Aibolit remembers how he treated animals with this drink. The healthy children's medicine is prepared without adding alcohol and turns out cloying, sweet and very pleasant to the taste. The technology includes the following steps:

  1. Grind the sugar thoroughly with the yolks until smooth.
  2. Next add a little melted butter.
  3. After mixing, add cocoa powder.
  4. All that remains is to beat everything with a mixer and serve cough eggnog to children in beautiful glasses. Although cups are also suitable.

Children are allowed to eat eggnog only from the age of five. Even with all its usefulness, this drink can be harmful. Contraindications include allergies to eggs or other ingredients that make up the cocktail. You should refrain from eating eggnog in the following cases:

  • diseases of the stomach and pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • liver pathologies;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • atherosclerosis.

Eggnog cocktail

Learn how to make a real eggnog cocktail. In one of the recipes it has an original name - “lawyer”. Here the egg yolk is ground with sugar and a pinch of salt. When the mixture becomes homogeneous and thick, it is filled with alcohol and heated in a water bath. The main thing is not to overcook so that the cocktail does not “cook”. So it is simply heated for about 10 minutes, after which it is seasoned with spices, for example, vanillin. To serve, the cocktail is poured into glasses and decorated with whipped cream.

Gogol-mogol - recipe at home

The main ingredient in this drink is chicken eggs. The rest is a matter of imagination and personal taste preferences. The framework is the classic recipe for eggnog. Whipped with granulated sugar yolks help restore vocal cords even with sore throat and severe cough. How to make a delicious cocktail out of medicine? Popular recipes for this drink will help you with this.

Classic eggnog recipe

  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 197 kcal.
  • Cuisine: European.

Classic gogol-mogol is prepared from a minimum of ingredients, but it turns out very appetizing. Pleasant aroma, sweet taste, delicate consistency - this cocktail is especially suitable for a slushy autumn evening. What could be better than a glass of eggnog combined with a warm blanket and an interesting book. You can easily replace the wine with nutmeg, which also adds sophistication to the drink.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wine - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat sugar together with eggs until strong white foam appears.
  2. Next, gradually pour in the wine and add salt.
  3. Boil cold milk, then let cool completely. Add it to the egg mixture.
  4. Before serving, it is advisable to strain the resulting cocktail./li>

How to make eggnog from eggs

  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 129 kcal.
  • Cuisine: European.

Coffee nog made from eggs is no less original and tasty. It is prepared with the addition of popular strong drink- coffee. Its consistency should be thicker and denser. To do this, it is recommended to brew it not in a coffee maker, but in a Turk. The peculiarity of the finished cocktail is that it is drunk without stirring, because all the ingredients are poured one by one.


  • milk – 200 g;
  • dark chocolate – 1 tsp;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • cold water– 100 ml;
  • ground coffee – 2-3 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water over the coffee, brew it, then strain and leave to cool.
  2. Separate the yolks and whites. Beat the first ones with the addition of granulated sugar until a fluffy mass is obtained.
  3. Pour heated milk into the bottom of the cup in a thin stream, and a little cooled coffee onto it.
  4. Add grated yolks on top.
  5. Beat the whites until they form a strong, thick foam. Add them as the next layer.

Recipe for eggnog made from proteins and sugar

  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 264 kcal.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

In most recipes, this drink is prepared either from whole eggs or only from yolks. They contain a lot of cholesterol, and not everyone likes them. There is also eggnog made from protein and sugar, i.e. There are no yolks in the composition. This part of the egg will still remain, so you can use it to make a face mask. The cocktail is getting ready in an unusual way. In addition to proteins, fruit juice is added - any juice you like. Apple, grape, peach, pineapple, etc. are suitable. For decoration, use grated chocolate, nutmeg or cinnamon.


  • protein – 2 pcs.;
  • grated chocolate - to taste;
  • cream or boiled milk – 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar (regular or brown) – 1 tbsp;
  • fruit juice – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Crack the chicken egg with a knife, pour the white through the hole, add sugar and beat until a thick foam forms.
  2. Next, pour in the juice. You can add several different ones at once or even use fruit puree from bananas or peaches chopped in a blender.
  3. Lastly, pour in the boiled milk. If you use cream, it should be room temperature.
  4. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

Gogol-mogol - recipe for children

  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 258 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast / for dessert / for children.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Any eggnog recipe for children should not contain alcoholic beverages. Instead, you can use milk, honey, lemon or berry and fruit juices. It turns out not just a treat, but medicine for children. It especially helps with hoarseness and sore throat. For treatment, you can take 2-3 tablespoons daily on an empty stomach. Although drinking such a cocktail just like that is also not prohibited. The positive effect will be noticeable even with a sore throat.


  • warm milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • orange juice – 4-5 tbsp;
  • honey – 5 tsp;
  • sugar – 2-3 tsp;
  • egg yolk – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. In a separate container, beat the yolk with granulated sugar, pour warm milk over them, and mix.
  2. Heat the drink a little more, then pour in the orange juice. Beat the resulting mass again using a mixer.

Gogol-mogol with alcohol

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 387 kcal.
  • Cuisine: English.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Bright and sweet alcoholic eggnog has occupied a special place in cooking for many centuries. There are many recipes with the addition of rum, whiskey, brandy, vodka or cognac. The basis is the same chicken eggs. In the same recipe they are supplemented with milk, cream and powdered sugar. A cinnamon stick is used for decoration. Try making this amazing drink.


  • rum – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • egg – 6 pcs.;
  • milk – 4 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon – 6 sticks;
  • cognac – 1.5 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 0.75 tbsp;
  • powdered sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • nutmeg – 2 pinches.

Cooking method:

  1. Using an egg separator, separate the yolks from the whites. You can also use the old method - use a kitchen knife to split the shell in the center, then drain the white through the hole. Next, open the egg completely over another container so that the yolk falls out.
  2. Gradually add granulated sugar to the yolks and beat the products using a mixer.
  3. Next, pour in the rum, cognac, half the cream and milk, stirring continuously.
  4. Beat the whites separately until stiff, adding powder.
  5. Pour the cocktail into glasses. Top with whipped cream from powder and egg whites. It is better to do this using a cooking bag.
  6. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and add a cinnamon stick.

Eggnog made from quail eggs

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 147 kcal.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

When using raw chicken eggs, there is a risk of contracting salmonellosis. If you replace them with quail ones, then you don’t have to worry about such a disease. It is believed that there is no risk of salmonellosis when consuming these eggs. They can be used in any recipe if you know the ratio. There are about five quail eggs per chicken egg. The cooking technology remains the same, so there will be no difficulties. Eggnog from quail eggs can be prepared according to the same recipes as from chicken eggs.


  • cream 10-20% - 100 ml;
  • quail egg – 10 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the eggs, break them, separating the yolks and whites into separate bowls.
  2. Place the latter on the refrigerator shelf and leave them there for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Stir the yolks a little, add salt, season with sugar, and grind until thick foam.
  4. Pour the cream into a separate container. Add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and beat with a mixer.
  5. Take out the chilled whites. Lightly salt them, also add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, then beat until a strong white foam appears.
  6. Take a tall glass, into which first pour the yolk mixture, followed by the protein mixture, and finally the cream mixture.
  7. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.

Gogol-mogol from yolks

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 212 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner / dessert / party.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Eggnog made from yolks turns out creamy. You can serve this dessert to your guests without fear that they won’t like it. It contains alcohol, so the drink is perfect for a party. Considering that it is prepared very easily and quickly, you can easily cope with the task of surprising your guests. It will be even tastier if you add pieces of biscuit.


  • rum - 2 liqueur glasses;
  • yolks – 5 pcs.;
  • lemon zest– from 1 lemon;
  • powdered sugar – 6 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Add powdered sugar to the yolks, beat them until smooth.
  2. Rinse the lemon thoroughly and peel off the zest. Grind it and add to the yolk mixture.
  3. Next, pour in the rum, mix well or beat with a mixer.
  4. Divide into small glasses.

Eggnog with honey

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 107 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner / for dessert / for treating a throat.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Eggnog with honey is also very good for coughs. The drink relieves a cold throat and even affects the bronchi. When adding honey, the healing effect becomes even better. The recipe is very simple. It is better to use not even warm, but hot milk. Citrus fruits play an important role in the fight against colds, so their juice is also added to such a cocktail. It is better to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach until your throat feels better.


  • hot milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • citrus juice – 3 tbsp;
  • honey – 5-6 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. The first step is to separate the whites from the yolks again.
  2. Add honey to the latter and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  3. Next, add citrus juice, hot milk and mix.
  4. Beat the egg whites separately with a mixer until you get a fluffy, thick foam.
  5. Slowly pour the egg white mixture into the yolk mixture.

Gogol-mogol with bread

  • Cooking time: 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 108 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner / dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you don't like sweet drinks, then learn how to make eggnog with bread and salt. This is the very first version of this drink, from which all the others have already appeared. In addition, many may remember this recipe from childhood. In other versions, bread was simply replaced with honey. The result was a more palatable dish. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, then this bread recipe is definitely for you.


  • black bread or loaf – 1 slice;
  • salt - to taste;
  • egg – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Break a raw egg into a mug.
  2. Crumble a slice of bread there and add salt to taste.
  3. Beat everything with a mixer.

Gogol-mogol with cognac

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 110 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast/dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Gogol-mogol with cognac for cough is taken before bedtime for about 5-10 days. It is forbidden to give this mixture to children, as it contains alcoholic drink. It is better to use it for dry cough. Cognac can be replaced with vodka without changing the quantity. Also a feature of the recipe is iodine. You only need a drop of it.


  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • cognac – 1 tbsp;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • iodine – 1 drop;
  • honey – 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a glass, pour the yolk into it, add butter.
  2. Stir, add honey and cognac.
  3. Stir again and add a drop of iodine.

To really cook delicious drink eggnog, worth observing simple rules. Eggs should only be fresh to exclude the possibility of becoming infected with salmonellosis. Is there such a danger? The answer is yes, but only if the eggs are stale. It's easy to check - just put them in a glass of water. If the egg does not sink, it means it is not fresh, so the risk of getting sick increases.

In the case of fresh eggs, you should also be careful. It’s better to play it safe and wash the shells with a brush. To avoid infection:

  • do not take eggs with cracks in the shell;
  • buy only fresh products from the store with a production date no more than 5-7 days ago;
  • Do not prepare a drink from eggs without any shells, i.e. battle.

If you want to enjoy truly delicious eggnog, use homemade eggs. With store-bought ones, the aroma is not as pleasant. Recipes for making eggnog often contain powdered sugar. You can do it yourself. To do this, granulated sugar is ground in a mortar to a dusty consistency. A coffee grinder can also handle this task. It will turn regular sugar into powder in a matter of seconds. Here are some more tips for making eggnog:

  1. Best for children to use quail eggs, and slightly heat the drink itself or add boiled milk. For medicinal purposes, you can add a little baking soda. In this form, it is better to take the cocktail in small portions.
  2. To give eggnog an expectorant property, you can add a couple of drops of iodine.
  3. For sore throat in an adult, it is recommended to add cognac or rum to the drink. They have a disinfecting and warming effect. As a result, the cough softens.
  4. The recipe for eggnog made only from proteins can be used to prepare the glaze that is used to cover the Easter cake.

Video: Gogol-mogol with milk

What do you associate with eggnog? I have a strong, one might say “biographical” association: eggnog is the most delicious medicine in the world. How I loved being sick because of him as a child! Slushy autumn, fresh spring - these are simply wonderful seasons! Because sniffling, a sore throat, which means a warm blanket, a concerned mother, no need to go to school, but you can read an interesting book... And of course, this is it, eggnog - a magical remedy for coughs, for strengthening strength, and just from seasonal depression.

It is with this miraculous medicine from my childhood that I will begin the story about eggnog recipes. Let's prepare eggnog with honey, take warm for cough in the morning before meals. And if you just enjoy it, you can do it chilled at any time.

Eggnog with honey

To prepare a cough remedy, you will need:

  • egg - 1
  • warm milk - 1 cup
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice at room temperature - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook eggnog with honey

Separate the white from the yolk, try to do it carefully. Add honey to the yolk

and grind with a mixer until almost white.

Pour in the milk while continuing to whisk.

Add lemon juice.

Beat egg whites with sugar

to soft peaks. These are:

Pour the milk-yolk mixture into glasses, filling them 3/4 full. Place a cap of whites on top.

The “medicine” is ready for use. Well, who would refuse such treatment?
For sore throat, use soft cocoa butter instead of lemon juice and honey.

The Legend of Gogol-Mogol

Gogol-mogol is a famous dish with a history, according to which it was born precisely as folk remedy from sore throat and loss of voice. By the way, it was not sweet, but salty. At least, this is what one of the versions of the origin of Gogol-Mogol claims.

Legend has it that, in time immemorial, there lived a certain Jewish cantor named Gogel. He lived in Mogilev (modern Belarus), and earned his living by singing in a choir. One not so wonderful day he lost his voice, which left him without a livelihood. Poor father large family I tried in every possible way to restore the functioning of my vocal cords. A simple mixture of raw egg, salt and pieces of black bread, which he ate for breakfast with a small spoon.

It was this “salty” recipe that was popular for a long time in the Russian Empire, and many today prefer it to a sweet recipe. Shall we try?

Gogol-mogol for voice restoration

Break 1 egg into a bowl, add salt and season with spices. Crumble bread into a bowl (not necessarily white, with Borodinsky it’s simply delicious), mix thoroughly and have a healthy breakfast.

Gogol-mogol: who benefits, who harms

To finish with the “medicinal” part and move on to the dessert part, a few more words about the benefits of eggnog.
The egg is rich in vitamins A, B3 and B12, C, D; minerals: iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.; amino acids: biotin, cholein, folic.

Medicinal properties. Gogol-mogol will help with loss of voice, sore throat and respiratory diseases. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, nails, and vision. It can help you gain weight, although it is low in calories, but animal protein and fat contribute to rapid weight gain. All additional ingredients contribute healing properties, making a tasty drink more healthy.

Contraindications. However, it is worth taking into account that not everyone can do it. If you are allergic to eggs, diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder or pancreas, then eggnog, alas, is not for you.

Gogol-mogol and salmonellosis

This question necessarily arises because the main thing actor Gogol-Mogol - a fresh egg, and it is fresh eggs that “suffer” from salmonellosis. Let's find out whether there is such a danger.

Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria, but there are no bacteria in fresh eggs. The source of infection is chicken. Salmonella is contained in droppings, which can get onto the shell, and from there, after a few hours, into the egg.

Knowing this mechanism, you should protect yourself: eggs must be fresh and from healthy chickens. The freshness of an egg is easy to check: read the date on it or the packaging, or put it in a glass of water - if it sinks, it means fresh. It is more difficult to find out about the health of the chicken; this question is on the conscience of the poultry farm workers.

What can be done? Before breaking the egg, be sure to wash it with soap and a brush. Do not use cracked eggs for eggnog. Under no circumstances should you cook with eggs purchased without shells (the so-called “scrambled”).

From salty medicine to sweet dessert

However, let's return to the legend. It will be continued by Countess Bronislava Potocka, who loved to perform romances in a secular salon. Alas, the voice sometimes failed, treacherously breaking down at the most inopportune moment. Having learned about the healing power of Gogel's dish, she decided to try it, although she radically transformed it. For it is not proper for the countess to eat black bread, and in general she can do without it. And if so, then salt is not needed. What's left? That's right, an egg. Which she ordered to be supplemented with honey. And at the same time she renamed Gogel into Gogol-Mogol. Oh, these women.

However, this is just another version of the origin of this wonderful dessert; in fact, there are many of them. The British can compete for the right to be called the birthplace of the recipe, because their language has consonant names: hoog-mug, hoogle-mugger, the Germans with their Kuddel-mudel, the Poles with kugel-mogel. All words are translated approximately the same and mean “mush”.

Gogol-mogul recipes

THE SIMPLE RECIPE FOR GOGOL-MOGOL: Grind the yolk (beat with a spoon or mixer) until almost white with sugar. The amount of sugar is to taste: from a couple of dessert spoons to a glass.

What is important to remember: If you prepare eggnog exclusively from the yolk, carefully separate the yolk from the white so that not a drop of yolk gets into the white.

RECIPE FOR GOGOL-MOGOL WITH FRUIT SYRUP. Products: 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 0.5 cups of fruit juice to your taste, 2 cups of milk.
Preparation. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar and a drop of salt until thick. Pour in the juice and stir. Add milk. Pour into glasses. Beat the egg whites until stiff, spread out and sprinkle with finely grated chocolate.

RECIPE WITH COGNAC: 1 yolk, 40 ml each of liqueur and cognac, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Preparation. Grind the yolk with sugar. Add cognac and liqueur, stir thoroughly. Serve eggnog chilled.

RECIPE FOR THE DUTCH “LAWYER”: 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla, whipping cream, 50 ml of cognac.
Preparation: beat the yolk with sugar and salt, pour in the cognac, stir and put on water bath heat over low heat, stirring all the time (do not overheat, the drink should not be hot, just slightly warm), remove from heat and add vanilla, place in glasses, and top with whipped cream.
They eat this eggnog with a spoon.

GOGOL-MOGOL FOR SWEET TOOTH: 1 yolk, 50 ml cream, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar syrup, alcohol (rum, cognac, wine, whiskey, brandy), ice cubes.
How to do: beat the yolk with sugar syrup and cream, pour in an alcoholic drink with ice, stir and serve in a tall glass or glass, you can sprinkle with nutmeg.

WITH COFFEE FOR 4 COFFEE CUPS: 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar (or to taste), 3 coffee cups of brewed ground coffee, 2 coffee cups of milk.
Preparation: separate the yolk from the white; beat the yolk with sugar until creamy; beat the whites into a strong foam. Pour milk equally into cups, pour coffee into each cup, put yolk and white on top. You should drink this eggnog without mixing.

WITH LEMON ZEST: 5 yolks, 2 liqueur glasses of rum, 6 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, lemon zest from one lemon.
Preparation: beat the yolks thoroughly with powdered sugar; add zest and rum, stir. Serve in small glasses. This dessert is eaten with small spoons. Delicious with pieces of biscuit.

GOGOL-MOGOL WITH ORANGE: 2 yolks, 1 liqueur glass of orange liqueur, orange zest from half a large orange, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
Preparation: Mash the yolks with powdered sugar, gradually adding zest and liqueur. Serve the creamy dessert in wide glasses. Also good with biscuits.

RECIPE FOR GOGOL-MOGOL WITH BERRIES: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries and any other), 1 egg, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
How to make eggnog: divide the egg into white and yolk, beat them with powdered sugar; add crushed berries to the yolk and stir; Place in a glass and top with whipped egg white.

WITH ORANGE LIQUEUR AND COGNAC: 6 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac and lemon juice, 5 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of orange liqueur, 1 teaspoon of lemon zest.
Preparation: beat the yolks and sugar thoroughly; add cognac, liqueur, juice and zest and continue whisking for another 3-4 minutes; Place into glasses and place in the refrigerator for an hour on average. Serve garnished with whipped cream or sprinkled with cinnamon.

GOGOL-MOGOL WITH COFFEE: 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of brewed strong coffee, 6 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Preparation: beat the yolk with sugar; Separately beat the white until well foamed, add it to the yolk and mix carefully; pour in the milk and stir, then the coffee, and stir again very carefully.

Don’t get sick, let eggnog be just a sweet dessert or a delicious breakfast for you!

Gogol-mogol, recipes © Magic Food.RU

Gogol-mogol is a sweet cream cocktail with the smell of childhood, which easily improved the mood and increased the vitality of a child with a sore throat, hoarse throat, cold and poor appetite. However, growing up, many were surprised to learn that eggnog is not only a sweet medicine, which was treatment, consolation, reward and compensation for illness, which everyone so needed in childhood. Gogol-mogol is a delicious dessert with a large number of options and, therefore, ingredients that satisfies every taste. Let's discuss how to make eggnog, which decorates the everyday life and holidays of adults and children.

IMPORTANT! The basis of all eggnog recipes is raw eggs. To avoid troubles (salmonellosis and other intestinal problems), you should use only environmentally friendly and proven eggs. There is a point of view that the purest eggs are quail eggs; given their size, for all recipes you need to increase the number of yolks and whites. Before preparing a cocktail, any eggs should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Children often do not like to take medications, become capricious and spit them out. Gogol-mogol is a remedy that will help you get out of this deadlock. You need to take 2 yolks, add sugar or powdered sugar to taste and grind thoroughly until smooth and white. Add a little soft butter to this mixture, grind again and hooray! a wonderful medicine is ready. For variety and entertainment for the child, you can add a little cocoa powder to the classic cream.

Adults, especially singers, use eggnog to support and improve the sound of their voice. Professional eggnog for adults (singers, actors, announcers) made from mashed yolks and sugar, take 2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach.

Classic gogol-mogul recipe


  • yolk of one egg;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon or orange juice;
  • 6 tablespoons of honey.


Grind the yolk, add milk and honey to it. Mix everything properly with a whisk or mixer. Then add juice and beat again. Instead of the yolk, you can take the whole egg and beat it, then add the rest of the ingredients. Another variation of this recipe involves mixing all the products and at the last stage adding egg whites whipped with sugar.

Video recipe

Gogol-mogol with milk and rum

This recipe, like mulled wine, is very good in winter for keeping warm and healthy. Recipe for 6 servings.


  • 6 yolks;
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g rum.


Beat the yolks in a bowl and grind them with powdered sugar until white. While stirring, add boiling milk in portions to the same bowl, without allowing it to cool, add rum, mix everything and serve hot in ceramic mugs.

Fruit eggnog

This recipe makes a non-alcoholic cocktail on a hot day.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a glass of berry or fruit juice (most often cherry or strawberry);
  • 2 glasses of cold milk;
  • half a glass of cold (ice) water.


Beat the yolks with salt and sugar, pour in the juice and stir. Pour milk and water into this mixture, stir and add the whites whipped to a stiff foam. Pour the eggnog into glasses and sprinkle with chopped nutmeg, combined with egg white gives the cocktail a subtle aroma.

Video recipe

Eggnog cocktail “Golden Cockerel”


  • 200 g of alcohol (food grade) or 2 glasses of vodka;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 0.5 cups of chilled boiled milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.


Mix alcohol, condensed and boiled milk, add vanillin to taste and pour this mixture into a mixer. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar and transfer them to the mixer with the prepared mixture. Whisk everything together, pour into a bottle and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Pour cold eggnog into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate, cookies or coconut.

Recipe for eggnog with champagne

INGREDIENTS per serving:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • freshly squeezed juice from half an orange;
  • 1 teaspoon liqueur;
  • chilled champagne;
  • crushed ice


Grind the yolk with powdered sugar and mix with orange juice and liqueur in a mixer. Filter the mixture into a tall glass, add ice and pour cold champagne over everything.

Coffee Eggnog

Grind the yolk of one egg with powdered sugar until the color changes. Beat the egg white until it reaches a stable thick foam (you can add 1-2 drops of lemon juice or citric acid solution to stabilize the foam). Pour a little warm milk or cream into four coffee cups, then brewed coffee, top with ¼ of the mashed yolk and ¼ of the beaten egg white. Serve without stirring.

Video recipe

The main feature of gogol-mogul, which distinguishes it from other creams and cocktails, is grinding the yolks with sugar or powdered sugar. On next stage they are mixed with a variety of drinks from milk to cognac and champagne. You can come up with your own unique recipes for adults and children with your favorite tastes and aromas. At the same time, we must remember that eggnog cannot be stored for a long time and cannot be made in advance, except in specified cases.

What's your favorite eggnog recipe?

An unusual dessert called eggnog is not only very tasty, but also healthy, as it relieves coughs and relieves sore throats. Moreover, it can even be prepared with alcohol by adding a little red wine.

The origin of the name “gogol-mogol” is still unknown; it is covered in many legends. Some attribute its appearance to a German confectioner who called the drink “Kuddel-Muddel”, that is, “mash”; others believe that it was invented by Deacon Gogel, a resident of Mogilev, who came up with the idea of ​​​​treating the throat with a mixture of raw eggs and bread crumbs.

There is also an opinion that this recipe was developed by Countess Bronislava Potocka - she came up with the idea of ​​​​using honey instead of bread, and she also gave the name “mogol-mogol” because it is more euphonious. In any case, the classic version of this dish can be considered a dessert, in which you can use sugar instead of salt and bread.

There are a lot of recipes for making this drink. There are traditional options - they include alcoholic drinks, there are “children’s” ones, where alcohol is replaced with juice or some other healthy ingredients. Regardless of the recipe you choose, the general principles for making eggnog are very similar.

The drink is based on eggs or only yolks; in any case, they must be raw. However, this increases the risk of salmonella infection, which can cause serious harm to the body. That’s why it’s so important to use only proven chicken eggs. To prepare the drink, eggs should be beaten; according to some recipes, whole eggs or only whites or yolks can be beaten. It will be easier to beat them if you cool the eggs in advance and add a little salt.

If you are using the drink for medicinal purposes for children, the eggs should not be whipped into a thick foam, as this will only worsen the problem. Also in this case, it is advisable to use eggs at room temperature.

It is important to use only fresh products; old eggs can not only spoil the taste of the drink, but also be harmful to health.

The drink should only be consumed fresh - it cannot stand for a long time even in the refrigerator.

Classic recipe with alcohol

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 40 ml table wine;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • a pinch of salt and nutmeg.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Divide the sugar in half, mix one part with the white, the second with the yolk.
  3. Add wine, salt to the yolk, beat.
  4. Pour in the milk and beat everything again. Fill the bowl with the resulting mixture.
  5. Beat the egg whites and sugar into a thick foam and decorate the dessert.
  6. Finish by sprinkling some nutmeg on top.

A simple recipe made from proteins and sugar

Most recipes call for whole eggs or just the yolks, but these drinks usually contain a large number of cholesterol, which is quite dangerous for the body. Let's look at a recipe for making eggnog exclusively from proteins. You can add any fruit juice, cinnamon, or chocolate to this dessert for taste.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 50 ml each of milk, juice;
  • grated chocolate to taste;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar.

Making the dessert is quite simple. First, separate the protein, then add sugar and beat thoroughly to form foam. Add juice to the mixture, but you can also use fruit puree - in this case, the eggnog will be thicker. All that remains is to add boiled milk to the mixture (it should be at room temperature). Decorate the top with grated chocolate or nuts.

Therapeutic eggnog for cough for a child

If you want to prepare a drink for children and use it as a medicine, then you need to consume eggnog warm, it will quickly relieve hoarseness and pain. Take the “mixture” on an empty stomach, several tablespoons daily. By the way, it helps a lot with sore throat and similar diseases, but can also serve as an excellent preventive measure.

When cooking, it is better to use natural honey rather than sugar.


  • 4 tsp honey;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 6 tbsp. peach or apricot juice.

Preparing the drink is quite simple:

  1. Separate the yolks and whites - this will make the medicinal dessert airy and fluffy.
  2. Mix the yolks with honey.
  3. Beat the whites separately until foamy; for this it is best to use a mixer.
  4. Add nutmeg to the yolk mixture and pour in the juice, then mix with foam.
  5. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass and decorate the top with fruits, berries, and nuts.

Delicious recipe for Easter

Not many people know that the white glaze used to cover Easter is actually eggnog, but slightly modified.

Let's look at the simplest recipe:

  • whites of 3 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. To begin, separate the yolks from the whites and place the whites in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
  2. When the whites have cooled, add a glass of sugar to them.
  3. Beat well until thick foam forms, then add lemon juice. Continue whisking.
  4. When the foam becomes dense enough, dip the top of the cooled Easter cake in it and decorate with sprinkles. Now all you have to do is wait until the eggnog dries.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Gogol-mogol is not only tasty, but also very healthy dessert, which has the following properties:

  1. Helps heal the throat, restores the voice, and is useful for respiratory diseases.
  2. It has a positive effect on vision, the condition of nails, hair, even teeth.
  3. Satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Despite the fact that such a dessert is considered low-calorie, due to the presence of a large amount of fat and animal protein, you can quickly gain weight, which is important to consider.

There are also contraindications. So, it is not recommended to take eggnog:

  1. For liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis;
  2. If you are allergic to eggs.
  3. Children under 5 years old.

Gogol-mogol is a drink that is not only famous for its unusual taste and aroma, but is also a cure for many diseases. No wonder the kind-hearted physician Aibolit from the book considered it a panacea for all diseases, and recommended it to both children and animals. If you suddenly have a problem with your throat or just want to diversify your dessert table, then preparing eggnog is a win-win option.

Unusual and controversial origins of the drink

There are countless myths, legends and variations on the origin of the drink. Among them there are three most popular versions. According to one legend, eggnog was first prepared at home by a synagogue minister named Gogel. A leader of services from Mogilev once lost his voice and was almost left without work. A long search for a remedy that could cure his throat led to the invention of a wonderful drink. It was based on chicken eggs and salt. He advised dipping a piece of bread into the “raw egg” and shaking the mixture a little.

Sweet eggnog is the invention of the German Manfred Köckenbauer. The confectioner specialized in the production of canned sweets. During the next “sweet” experiment, “nectar” from egg mass and sugar was born.

According to the third version, the drink was invented by Polish Countess Bronislava Potocka. She modernized Gogel's recipe by adding thick honey instead of bread. And she gave the drink a new name. Now it was eggnog. The recipe at home could be prepared very quickly and easily, so the drink quickly became incredibly popular both among lovers of sweets and among those who wanted to restore the health of a sore throat.

In fact, according to historians, eggnog is a food that appeared long before Köckenbauer’s confectionery experiments or the first symptoms of Gogel’s throat disease. Mentions of it date back to the third century AD. In the Talmud, a mixture of eggs and honey was not even considered a drink, but a complete dish.

Gogol-mogol: classic recipe

The most popular cooking recipe is the Polish version. Many chefs call it a classic. There will not be an exact number of ingredients in the recipe, since everyone determines for themselves the number of eggs and the required degree of sweetness of the drink.

Egg yolks should be thoroughly mixed with the right amount Sahara. The result should be a snow-white thick mass. The whites are whipped separately and only at the last stage are added to the yolks. In between mixing the main ingredients, you can add fruit juice or berries, crushed to a paste, to the eggnog.


If you decide that this dish should combine taste and benefit, then we suggest preparing the following eggnog. This will be a mixture consisting of one raw egg, two tablespoons of dry red wine, a pinch of salt and a pinch of nutmeg. In addition, this recipe will contain 150 ml of milk.

Add wine, sugar and salt to the egg. Mix everything thoroughly. Then add warm boiled milk to the egg mixture and beat well again until foamy. Then you will need to strain the mixture through the finest sieve you can find in the kitchen. Pour the drink into a glass. Sprinkle ground nutmeg on top.

For Easter cake

Many people haven’t even thought that the delicious white fudge on Easter cake is eggnog. For Easter it is prepared according to the classic recipe, only without adding berries or fruit juices.

We “seat” the whites and yolks into different plates. The work will begin with the proteins, which will need to be whipped into a fluffy white mass. Gradually add granulated sugar while whipping. The beaten yolks are introduced at the very last moment. But many housewives see eggnog for Easter cakes as white, so they simply do not add yolks to the resulting mass, leaving it snow-white.

It is important to remember that pouring fondant Easter cake should only be done after the baked goods have completely cooled down. Then the eggnog for the Easter cake, the recipe for which we have proposed, will quickly harden and will not spread, losing color and changing consistency.


Now let's move on to the recipe for eggnog from Countess Pototskaya. This drink will be more useful due to the presence of honey and milk.

To prepare you will need:

  • two yolks;
  • a glass of hot milk;
  • six tablespoons of liquid honey (or three tablespoons of thick);
  • two tables. spoons of citrus juice (lemon, tangerine, orange).

Pour the milk into a small container and put it on the fire. Add honey there and wait until it completely dissolves. Then add two yolks, you can beat them a little with a fork first. When the mixture warms up a little, add lemon juice.

Remove from heat and pour into a large container with high edges. Using a blender or mixer, beat the mixture until fluffy foam is obtained. It is recommended to drink this healthy “medicinal” eggnog on an empty stomach in case of throat diseases (sore throat, cough, loss of voice, hoarseness, etc.)

Medicine for Aibolit

If your child does not want to take bitter pills and categorically refuses to eat nasty, tasteless mixtures, then we advise you to prepare children's eggnog. This is a drink from the favorite doctor from the book, so kids will not refuse such a healthy and very tasty treat.

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

And every Gogol,

Mogul everyone,



Serves him with Gogol-Mogol.

Recipe for children

To make a drink from the “book doctor”, you will need:

  • two eggs;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 100 grams of cocoa;
  • one spoon of plums. oils

To decorate and further attract the child's attention to the useful medicine, you can take pieces of chocolate or nuts.

The cooking process is as follows. First, break the eggs so that the white is separate from the yolk. The latter should be ground with granulated sugar to a homogeneous yellow mass. It is recommended to take homemade eggs for making children's eggnog, rather than store-bought ones that are not trustworthy.

Add cocoa and butter to the yolks. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Add the whites, whipped into a strong foam, into the yellow egg mixture. Pour the drink into a glass and decorate the treat with pieces of chocolate or finely chopped walnuts on top.

For children. Option 2

If you can’t lure your baby with chocolate, then try using the eggnog recipe, which uses a fruity note as a “bait for the whim.” To prepare the drink you will need two chicken eggs, a glass of milk, a pinch of nutmeg, honey or sugar, juice (peach, pineapple, apricot). Try to take sweet juices so that the drink ends up being the same.

To ensure that the eggnog is fluffy and airy, confectioners always advise separating the whites and yolks before whipping. Of course, this will take a little more time, but the result is worth the effort.

So, beat the whites, mix the yolks with sugar or honey and also go over them thoroughly with a mixer whisk. Add juice and a pinch of nutmeg powder to the yolks. Now you can mix the yellow and white masses. Pour the resulting drink into a glass and decorate with nuts, berries, or simply sprinkle with cocoa powder through a beautiful stencil.

If eggnog is prepared for a child not as a treat, but exclusively as an auxiliary medicine, then it is recommended to use it only warm.


There is not only children's recipe preparing eggnog. If you decide to please the adult family members with a tasty and healthy treat, we recommend making a coffee drink. To do this you should take:

  • chicken egg (if desired, you can also use quail eggs, but their number will increase to five);
  • 250-280 ml milk;
  • sugar;
  • ground coffee - 40-70 grams (depending on your preference for strength).

We now carry out the standard manipulations with the white and yolk. Beat them separately, and add granulated sugar to the yolks. Now add milk, ground coffee, and a lush protein component to the glass one by one. The more coffee is added, the stronger and richer the taste of the eggnog will be. The last ingredient is the yolk, beaten with sugar (it will also serve as a decoration for the dish). There is no need to decorate this drink, but if you wish, you can add a few grains of coffee on top. They will dissolve under the influence of temperature and form a bizarre pattern.

What do you associate with eggnog? I have a strong, one might say “biographical” association: eggnog is the most delicious medicine in the world. How I loved being sick because of him as a child! Slushy autumn, fresh spring - these are simply wonderful seasons! Because sniffling, a sore throat, which means a warm blanket, a concerned mother, no need to go to school, but you can read an interesting book... And of course, this is it, eggnog - a magical remedy for coughs, for strengthening strength, and just from seasonal depression.

It is with this miraculous medicine from my childhood that I will begin the story about eggnog recipes. Let's prepare eggnog with honey, take warm for cough in the morning before meals. And if you just enjoy it, you can do it chilled at any time.

Eggnog with honey

  • egg - 1
  • warm milk - 1 cup
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice at room temperature - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook eggnog with honey

Separate the white from the yolk, try to do it carefully. Add honey to the yolk

and grind with a mixer until almost white.

Pour in the milk while continuing to whisk.

Add lemon juice.

Beat egg whites with sugar

to soft peaks. These are:

Pour the milk-yolk mixture into glasses, filling them 3/4 full. Place a cap of whites on top.

The “medicine” is ready for use. Well, who would refuse such treatment?
For sore throat, use soft cocoa butter instead of lemon juice and honey.

The Legend of Gogol-Mogol

Gogol-mogol is a famous dish with a history according to which it was born precisely as a folk remedy for sore throat and loss of voice. By the way, it was not sweet, but salty. At least, this is what one of the versions of the origin of Gogol-Mogol claims.

Legend has it that, in time immemorial, there lived a certain Jewish cantor named Gogel. He lived in Mogilev (modern Belarus), and earned his living by singing in a choir. One not so wonderful day he lost his voice, which left him without a livelihood. The poor father of a large family tried in every way to restore the functioning of his vocal cords. A simple mixture of raw eggs, salt and pieces of black bread, which he ate for breakfast with a small spoon, helped.

It was this “salty” recipe that was popular for a long time in the Russian Empire, and many today prefer it to the sweet recipe. Shall we try?

Gogol-mogol for voice restoration

Break 1 egg into a bowl, add salt and season with spices. Crumble bread into a bowl (not necessarily white, with Borodinsky it’s simply delicious), mix thoroughly and have a healthy breakfast.

Gogol-mogol: who benefits, who harms

To finish with the “medicinal” part and move on to the dessert part, a few more words about the benefits of eggnog.
The egg is rich in vitamins A, B3 and B12, C, D; minerals: iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.; amino acids: biotin, cholein, folic.

Medicinal properties. Gogol-mogol will help with loss of voice, sore throat and respiratory diseases. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, nails, and vision. It can help you gain weight, although it is low in calories, but animal protein and fat contribute to rapid weight gain. All additional ingredients contribute their healing properties, making the tasty drink more healthy.

Contraindications. However, it is worth taking into account that not everyone can do it. If you are allergic to eggs, diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder or pancreas, then eggnog, alas, is not for you.

Gogol-mogol and salmonellosis

This question necessarily arises, since the main character of Gogol-Mogol is a fresh egg, and it is fresh eggs that “suffer” from salmonellosis. Let's find out whether there is such a danger.

Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria, but there are no bacteria in fresh eggs. The source of infection is chicken. Salmonella is contained in droppings, which can get onto the shell, and from there, after a few hours, into the egg.

Knowing this mechanism, you should protect yourself: eggs must be fresh and from healthy chickens. The freshness of an egg is easy to check: read the date on it or the packaging, or put it in a glass of water - if it sinks, it means fresh. It is more difficult to find out about the health of the chicken; this question is on the conscience of the poultry farm workers.

What can be done? Before breaking the egg, be sure to wash it with soap and a brush. Do not use cracked eggs for eggnog. Under no circumstances should you cook with eggs purchased without shells (the so-called “scrambled”).

From salty medicine to sweet dessert

However, let's return to the legend. It will be continued by Countess Bronislava Potocka, who loved to perform romances in a secular salon. Alas, the voice sometimes failed, treacherously breaking down at the most inopportune moment. Having learned about the healing power of Gogel's dish, she decided to try it, although she radically transformed it. For it is not proper for the countess to eat black bread, and in general she can do without it. And if so, then salt is not needed. What's left? That's right, an egg. Which she ordered to be supplemented with honey. And at the same time she renamed Gogel into Gogol-Mogol. Oh, these women.

However, this is just another version of the origin of this wonderful dessert; in fact, there are many of them. The British can compete for the right to be called the birthplace of the recipe, because their language has consonant names: hoog-mug, hoogle-mugger, the Germans with their Kuddel-mudel, the Poles with kugel-mogel. All words are translated approximately the same and mean “mush”.

Gogol-mogul recipes

THE SIMPLE RECIPE FOR GOGOL-MOGOL: Grind the yolk (beat with a spoon or mixer) until almost white with sugar. The amount of sugar is to taste: from a couple of dessert spoons to a glass.

What is important to remember: If you prepare eggnog exclusively from the yolk, carefully separate the yolk from the white so that not a drop of yolk gets into the white.

RECIPE FOR GOGOL-MOGOL WITH FRUIT SYRUP. Products: 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 0.5 cups of fruit juice to your taste, 2 cups of milk.
Preparation. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar and a drop of salt until thick. Pour in the juice and stir. Add milk. Pour into glasses. Beat the egg whites until stiff, spread out and sprinkle with finely grated chocolate.

RECIPE WITH COGNAC: 1 yolk, 40 ml each of liqueur and cognac, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Preparation. Grind the yolk with sugar. Add cognac and liqueur, stir thoroughly. Serve eggnog chilled.

RECIPE FOR THE DUTCH “LAWYER”: 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla, whipping cream, 50 ml of cognac.
Preparation: beat the yolk with sugar and salt, pour in the cognac, stir and place in a water bath, heat over low heat, stirring all the time (do not overheat, the drink should not be hot, just slightly warm), remove from heat and add vanilla, pour into glasses , top with whipped cream.
They eat this eggnog with a spoon.

GOGOL-MOGOL FOR SWEET TOOTH: 1 yolk, 50 ml cream, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar syrup, alcohol (rum, cognac, wine, whiskey, brandy), ice cubes.
How to do: beat the yolk with sugar syrup and cream, pour in an alcoholic drink with ice, stir and serve in a tall glass or glass, you can sprinkle with nutmeg.

WITH COFFEE FOR 4 COFFEE CUPS: 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar (or to taste), 3 coffee cups of brewed ground coffee, 2 coffee cups of milk.
Preparation: separate the yolk from the white; beat the yolk with sugar until creamy; beat the whites into a strong foam. Pour milk equally into cups, pour coffee into each cup, put yolk and white on top. You should drink this eggnog without mixing.

WITH LEMON ZEST: 5 yolks, 2 liqueur glasses of rum, 6 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, lemon zest from one lemon.
Preparation: beat the yolks thoroughly with powdered sugar; add zest and rum, stir. Serve in small glasses. This dessert is eaten with small spoons. Delicious with pieces of biscuit.

GOGOL-MOGOL WITH ORANGE: 2 yolks, 1 liqueur glass of orange liqueur, orange zest from half a large orange, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
Preparation: Mash the yolks with powdered sugar, gradually adding zest and liqueur. Serve the creamy dessert in wide glasses. Also good with biscuits.

RECIPE FOR GOGOL-MOGOL WITH BERRIES: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries and any other), 1 egg, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
How to make eggnog: divide the egg into white and yolk, beat them with powdered sugar; add crushed berries to the yolk and stir; Place in a glass and top with whipped egg white.

WITH ORANGE LIQUEUR AND COGNAC: 6 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac and lemon juice, 5 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of orange liqueur, 1 teaspoon of lemon zest.
Preparation: beat the yolks and sugar thoroughly; add cognac, liqueur, juice and zest and continue whisking for another 3-4 minutes; Place into glasses and place in the refrigerator for an hour on average. Serve garnished with whipped cream or sprinkled with cinnamon.

GOGOL-MOGOL WITH COFFEE: 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of brewed strong coffee, 6 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Preparation: beat the yolk with sugar; Separately beat the white until well foamed, add it to the yolk and mix carefully; pour in the milk and stir, then the coffee, and stir again very carefully.

Don’t get sick, let eggnog be just a sweet dessert or a delicious breakfast for you!

Gogol-mogol is a famous drink with a wonderful aroma and taste. Many people use it as a medicine for various diseases. There are many options for preparing it. The main ingredients of this delicious product are eggs and sugar. According to desire and taste, gourmets add their own additives - nutmeg, fruit juice, vanillin, milk, honey, cognac, rum.

The calorie content of a dish varies significantly and depends on the products present in the recipe. On average, it is 250 kcal per 100 g. You will learn how to make eggnog by reading this material, which describes several variations step by step and with photos.

The benefits and harms of gogol-mogul

What is the benefit of the product:

  • Eggs are rich in beneficial amino acids;
  • Minerals: zinc, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • Vitamins: C, D, A, B12, B3.

Medicinal qualities:

  • An excellent dessert will help treat a sore throat, loss of voice, and respiratory diseases;
  • Has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of teeth, hair, nails;
  • Well satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • Although the dish is considered low-calorie, fat and animal protein will help you gain weight quickly. The remaining additional components bring their healing and beneficial features.


  • For liver diseases, diabetes, problems with the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, atherosclerosis;
  • If you are allergic to eggs.

It is advisable to give homemade eggnog to children from the age of five.

Testicles must be used fresh (without cracks), from healthy chickens, and pre-washed with a brush and soap. Such a drink made from eggs cannot be kept for a long time, but only consumed freshly prepared.

Original recipe for gogol-mogol

The classic recipe for eggnog is the most common and popular and serves as the basis for other types.

You will need:

  • A pinch of salt;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Nutmeg or cinnamon - for decoration.


  1. Separate the yolks from the whites, remove the latter refrigerator for 15 minutes;
  2. Add 1/2 sugar to the yolks, add salt, and beat with a mixer. The mass should double or slightly more;
  3. We take out the cooled egg whites, add the remaining granulated sugar, add a little more salt, and beat with a mixer until foam appears;
  4. Mix the yolks and whites, again carefully working with the mixer;
  5. Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon.

Miracle cure with honey

It strengthens strength, helps with coughs, and treats seasonal depression. For cough, a warm “elixir” is taken in the morning before meals. You can simply eat it chilled at any time.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar – 2 large spoons (less can be used);
  • Egg;
  • Honey – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice at room temperature;
  • Warm milk - a glass.

Detailed recipe:

  1. Separate the white from the yolk, add honey to the latter and grind with a mixer until almost white;
  2. Add milk and continue whisking;
  3. Add lemon juice;
  4. Beat the egg whites with granulated sugar until soft peaks form;
  5. Pour the delicious mixture into glasses, filling them 3/4 full. Decorate with a “cap” of protein.

For sore throat, honey and lemon juice should be replaced with soft cocoa butter.

Eggnog made from sugar and proteins

In many versions, such a hearty drink is prepared either from whole eggs or from yolks. But they contain a large amount of cholesterol, so you can make eggnog from protein and sugar (without yolks).

In addition to proteins, add any fruit juice you like to this dessert. Peach, apple, pineapple, and grape are perfect. To decorate the dish, use cinnamon or nutmeg and grated chocolate.

Required components:

  • Fruit juice, boiled milk or cream – 50 ml each;
  • Grated chocolate - to taste;
  • Protein – 2 pieces;
  • Sugar (brown or regular) – large spoon.

Cooking plan:

  1. Crack the eggs with a knife, add whites through the crack, add sugar, beat until thick foam;
  2. Pour in the juice. If desired, add a few different types, or use pureed peaches or bananas, crushed using a blender;
  3. Next, add boiled milk or cream at room temperature;
  4. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

Recipe for a healthy drink for children

If you are preparing a cocktail for children as a medicine, and not as a dessert, then it is advisable to consume it warm. It will relieve sore throat and hoarseness well.

This “mixture” is drunk on an empty stomach every day, 2-3 large spoons. Good effect will also occur with a sore throat. It is also not forbidden to take this product just like that, for prevention. The ingredients use either honey or sugar.


  • Granulated sugar – 3 small spoons;
  • Honey – 4 small spoons;
  • Milk - a glass;
  • Nutmeg – a pinch;
  • Eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Juice - 5 - 6 tablespoons (apricot, pineapple, peach).

Cooking instructions:

  1. Before beating, separate the yolks and whites so that the eggnog at home turns out airy and fluffy;
  2. Mix the yolks with honey or granulated sugar;
  3. Separately, beat the whites and sweet yolk mixture. It is better to use a mixer;
  4. Add a pinch of nutmeg and juice to the yolk mixture, then mix it with the beaten egg whites;
  5. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass, decorate with berries, nuts or sprinkle with cocoa powder through a stencil.

Another way to prepare a medicinal product for a baby

If your child has a sore throat, we offer you this version of a “magical” dessert. It is a lifesaver for children who find it difficult to get them to take medications.

Product composition:

  • 150 g sugar;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 100 g cocoa.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Break the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, grind the latter with sugar until smooth;
  2. Add butter and cocoa to the yolk mass, mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  3. Beat the whites and mix into the yellow egg mixture. Pour the healing “elixir” into cups and decorate the top with small pieces of walnuts or pieces of chocolate.

It is advisable to use homemade eggs, good quality, not store-bought ones. They should be at room temperature.

Healing “elixir” with cognac

You need to take this cough medicine for 6-10 days before going to bed. It should not be given to children because the ingredients contain alcohol. Use the product for dry coughs; it perfectly disinfects and warms. Instead of cognac, you can take vodka in the same quantity. The recipe also contains iodine, which has expectorant properties.


  • Cognac and honey - a large spoon each;
  • Iodine – drop;
  • Butter - a small spoon;
  • Yolk.

Description of cooking:

  1. Pour the yolk into a glass, season with butter;
  2. Stir, add cognac and honey;
  3. Stir again and add iodine.

Medicine to restore vocal cords

  1. Break the egg into a bowl, add salt, and, if desired, season with spices;
  2. Let's crumble some bread, best of all - "Borodinsky";
  3. Mix well and eat with a teaspoon in the morning.

Video: Simple recipe for eggnog

Today I will introduce not only the classic recipe for making eggnog at home from proteins and sugar, but also its various variations. This is another recipe from stories that I am a big fan of. Well, you must admit, it’s nice not just to feast on a dish, but also to know that specific people are behind its origin. They are long gone, but the work of culinary masters still lives on and delights gourmets.

Just by changing the ratio of ingredients and adding various additives, you will create an innumerable variety of healthy and wonderful egg treats in accordance with your mood and taste.

Gogol-mogol - a classic recipe

The simplest classic recipe, which, as history says, was invented by the countess and the cantor.

You will need:

  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 3 teaspoons.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Cinnamon or nutmeg for garnish.


  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and put the latter in the refrigerator for 10 - 20 minutes.
  2. Add half the sugar to the yolks, add salt and beat in a mixer. As a result, the mass will increase approximately two, two and a half times.
  3. Take out the cooled whites, add the remaining sugar, add a little salt again and beat with a mixer until foamy.
  4. Mix the beaten yolks with the whites and work thoroughly with the mixer again.
    Pour into glasses and garnish with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Don't like sweets? Then don’t add sugar, prepare homemade eggnog, but with salt. Crumble some white bread crumbs into the already whipped cream.

Based on the classic gogol-mogul recipe, including various flavor additions, you can prepare other cocktails.

Gogol-mogol - recipe with honey

An excellent helper for sore throat and cough.

You will need:

  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Honey – 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Orange or lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Mix the ingredients and beat with a mixer. Prepare the drink with therapeutic purpose, then preheat the milk, then add the rest of the ingredients and then whisk.

Recipe for a medicinal dessert for children

The recipe is already recognized as a classic children's eggnog, since it is an excellent treatment for colds at home, the baby will not refuse it.

Do you remember how Dr. Aibolit made eggnog at Chukovsky’s? If a child has a sore throat or a sore throat, a tasty cocktail is a real lifesaver for children who do not like medicine. And if, in addition, you offer a good fairy tale and your favorite cookies, then the disease will run away without looking back.

Please, before you treat your child to eggnog, remember if he is allergic to eggs.


  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder - teaspoon.
  • Butter – 10 gr.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Cinnamon - a pinch.

How to make classic children's eggnog:

  1. Separate the yolks and whites. Grind the yolks with sugar, add butter and cocoa powder.
  2. Beat with a mixer until foamy.
  3. Decorate with nuts and grated chocolate.

Homemade eggnog with coffee

  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Coffee, ground – 50 ml.
  • Milk - one glass.
  • Sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Separate the white with the yolk. Let the whites cool for 10 minutes.
    You can proceed further in two ways. The first option is to mix everything and beat well.
  2. Another recipe: Beat the yolk with sugar (add to taste), beat the white separately.
  3. Pour milk into the bottom of a cup or glass, pour in coffee prepared separately. And only after that, carefully spread the beaten yolk with a spoon over the entire surface.
  4. Place the beaten egg white on top, in the center. There is no need to mix the ingredients. The cocktail looks incredibly beautiful, especially in a tall glass.

The history of the origin of the dessert

The history of the origin of Gogol-Mogul is full of injustice and treachery.
Official version: the dish with an unusual name was invented by the German confectioner Manfred Köckenbauer. In his work, he experimented a lot with canning various sweets. The confectioner named the resulting dessert Kuddel-muddel and soon sold the patent for production to a food concern for a very tidy sum.

But another, more interesting story has survived.

Many years ago, in the small Belarusian town of Mogilev, there lived a Jewish deacon - a cantor. Singing in the synagogue was his only source of income. big family. But an irreparable, at first glance, misfortune happened. The cantor lost his voice and was fired from the synagogue.

The descendant of the family of Moses was worried, but decided not to give up. Gogel (name of the hero) tried many remedies, but his voice was not restored. One day he decided to try his own recipe, invented by him, for luck. This is what it sounded like:

“Take a raw egg, drop it into a mug, crumble chernukha (that is, black bread), add salt and shake.”

The medicine turned out to be tasty, but since the clergyman was a poor man, he took it with a small spoon, little by little. And at the same time I had a hearty breakfast.

Gogel from the city of Mogel came up with not only a wonderful medicine for restoring his voice, but also a tasty treat for children and adults. That’s what the dessert was called: gogel-mogel.
The young Countess Bronislava Potocka from Bolshaya Svorotva, who lived at the same time as the cantor, also claimed her rights to the invention.

The culinary rival loved to sing in front of famous guests. But here’s the problem: during the performance of new romances, the voice often broke treacherously.

Having learned about the miracle remedy from Mogilev, the Countess ordered it to be prepared. But I made some adjustments:
“Well, why is there bread here? After all, it makes you very fat. And don’t add salt, it’s better to add half a spoonful of honey. And stir well longer!”

And then the noble lady did not like the name, and she changed it slightly, since ganders in those parts had long been called “Gogels,” which was too dissonant for the sophisticated Mrs. Bronya. As a result, the medicinal dessert began to be called gogol-mogol and its fame, with the help of the countess, spread throughout Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine.

The Jewish deacon was not very upset when he learned about the treachery of the young countess; he said that his dish was called Mogol-nog. This is how the classic delicacy recipe turned out.

Traditionally, dessert is consumed for breakfast in the morning. Children especially love him. We haven't forgotten about medicinal properties cocktail.

Gogol-mogol - medicinal properties

  • This wonderful delicacy can restore the functions of the vocal cords and strengthen them.
  • Helps cure cough.
  • It has a healing effect on sore throats with sore throats and colds.
  • Perfectly satisfies hunger.

The main ingredients of a delicious homemade cocktail are eggs and sugar. Gourmets add milk, rum, cognac, nutmeg, vanillin, honey, and fruit juice according to their taste.

Tasty and healthy:

Do you remember your childhood? In those days, I was treated for cough only with eggnog, prepared according to the classic recipe. And the disease did not seem so terrible. Be healthy, share your great dessert recipes, I won’t mind. With love and respect... Galina Nekrasova.

Gogol-mogol is a simple cocktail made from available ingredients. It is based on eggs and sugar. But these ingredients are used for the basic recipe.

The availability of ingredients for cooking determines its popularity. The drink has a mild taste, slightly sweet. When additional ingredients are added, the organoleptic properties change.

    The dishes must be dry. Even a couple of drops of water can ruin the result.

    Eggs must be chilled. Therefore, it is better to keep them in the refrigerator.

    Separate the whites very carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into them!

    It's better to use a mixer. Beating the mass by hand is very difficult, the process will take a lot of time.

Classic eggnog recipe


    Egg – 1 pc.

    Sugar to taste

Cooking method

    Break the egg carefully. By pouring between the two parts of the shell, the protein is separated; it is not needed in this recipe.

    The yolk is placed in a glass. Add enough sugar to it.

    Now take a fork or mixer. Beat the mixture well until it turns whitish.

    The drink is ready! By the way, the number of yolks can be increased by adding enough sugar to them.

Recipe for eggnog with cognac

Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

Yolk of one egg.

Cooking method

    It is better to take alcohol that is not the cheapest. Budget cognac and liqueur have a specific taste and can ruin your cocktail.

    Initially, separate the yolk and beat with sugar.

    Then add a little alcohol to the glass and mix everything well again.

    If you want to get more of the finished drink, then proportionally increase the amount of all ingredients.

Recipe for eggnog with lemon

Powdered sugar - 6 tbsp. l.

Yolk – 5 pcs.

Lemon zest

Cooking method

    Take a fine grater. You need to remove the zest from it in one motion. That is, slide the lemon down the grater and turn it slightly to the side. Continue this until you have removed all the zest from the surface. The white part of the peel is bitter and will only spoil the taste.

    Now the yolks need to be mixed with powdered sugar. Continuing to beat them, add the zest and rum.

    The result should be a special dessert, with the aroma of lemon and the taste of rum.

Gogol-mogol recipe made from proteins


    Eggs – 3 pcs.

    Sugar – 9 tsp.

Cooking method

    Place the whites in a dry bowl. Beat them until a slight foam forms, start adding sugar and continue stirring the mass.

    It is important to achieve a lush structure. If you remove the whisk from the egg whites and soft peaks form, the dessert is ready!

    Transfer the mixture into a glass. The resulting dessert has a sweetish taste and airy structure. To use it, it is better to use a spoon.

Coffee eggnog recipe


    Brewed coffee – 5 tbsp. l.

    Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

    Egg – 1 pc.

    Milk – 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

    Break the egg and separate its parts. Mash the yolk well with sugar.

    The whites are whipped separately until foam forms.

    Now combine the yolk and protein mass, mix a little.

    Pour milk and coffee into the glass and stir everything again.

    As a result, you should get a delicious drink with an air cap on top.

The benefits and harms of eggnog

First, let's list the useful properties

    Visual acuity increases.

    The drink can be consumed if you are underweight or if you need to gain weight.

    It will be useful for respiratory diseases.

When should you not drink this cocktail?

    You have problems with your gastrointestinal tract.

    Diseases of the liver and pancreas.


    Individual intolerance to eggs.


    Childhood up to five years.

But, I can get infected with salmonellosis

Don't be afraid. The fact is that the yolk and white itself do not contain the causative agents of this infection.

If the chicken is sick, the bacteria are on the shell. They can get into the drink when an egg is broken.

How to protect yourself from infection?

It's simple - just wash the eggs well with soap. If there were bacteria on the shell, they are now completely removed. Do not use eggs with cracks for this drink; infection could get inside.

You should not use eggs without shells for cocktails. They are also called “battle”. Such eggs are only suitable for frying, since heat treatment kills the bacteria.

As you can see, protecting yourself from salmonellosis is easy.
