Why you can’t plant Christmas trees on your property – signs and superstitions. Why is a spruce tree in a summer cottage a bad omen?

People believe that planting a Christmas tree near the house is Bad sign. According to one belief, its owner may remain a young widow; according to another, the yard where the Christmas tree grows will eventually be empty.

At the beginning of spring of this year, my mother-in-law brought 2 small Christmas trees from Russia, we planted them safely in our yard where we bought a house. One did not take root and withered, the other continues to turn green and grow.

Something like this, only ours is still very small:

Now I don’t know who to listen to!!! The mother-in-law is already squealing as if she wants a Christmas tree in the yard. But my mother and others are categorically against it.

My husband's parents have planted more than one Christmas tree, and it seems like nothing....

What should I do, please advise????

Or give up on everything and not listen to anyone???

Maybe you have some stories from your life???

Many people over-romanticize the work of a landscape designer in their imagination. It’s worth saying: “I’m a landscaper!”, and immediately an admiring “Oh-oh-oh-oh!” This is so interesting!”, accompanied by a splash of hands. Yeah. Yes. Interesting.

So I arrived at the site, there was sand, devastation, the house had just begun to be built, scaffolding, a brick warehouse, a builders' trailer, and they themselves looked at you like you were a buffoon. The designer has arrived! Oh well…

On paper, it’s more fun: the geodesy is neat, separately – the house design, you see the facades, the style of architecture and you’re already starting to understand how the site should be solved.

And so the meeting. You are trying to tell what elements will suit such a house, what trees will be able to live in their soil. And the owner of the house saw something abroad and would like...

I wanted to plant some large trees. 4-5 but they say they don’t plant it on their site...

PS The Uzbeks said that a Christmas tree is not allowed, but a pine tree is a joy...

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if there are spruce and cherries on the plot, there will be no berries on the cherries... never - I have such a situation at my parents’ dacha...

yy, nonsense :) we have a pine forest - everyone has cherries and berries

I have 3 spruce and cherries. Cherries are fruitful.

who knows... but they say that their flowering moment coincides - because of this...
parents have often since 80.....they replanted cherry trees three times - they tried different varieties- she won’t give birth and that’s it... and then our local mega-Michurin came up with the following thesis....

bullshit... I have a princess spruce, the size of a five-story building and a cherry tree under it, 5 meters away... it bears fruit all the time...

This is the first time I’ve heard about this. Both pine and spruce trees have been growing for a long time, being planted very small. And still...

Quote (Frou-Frou)

From the encyclopedia of superstitions it is clear that the landing itself will not lead to anything bad. It's the consequences that matter. In England, if a spruce tree dries out and gets sick, it means someone will die. In Rus' - with its destruction, a general unexpected great misfortune befalls.

Then we'll all be under New Year overtakes, comprehends, etc.
How many Christmas trees are destroyed just like that?
Then they throw it away. And all this is called “happy new year”.

It turns out to be a kind of contradiction - “a cheerful new year” and “a general unexpected great misfortune.”

How to explain this?


It seems like the fly that causes carrots to become “curly” nests on conifers. And still growing alone tall tree in a thunderstorm it is dangerous. There are no other explanations.

Do not plant carrots in the forest!!!

A forest is a collection of individual trees.
Do not go into the forest during a thunderstorm!!!

Quote (Lyudmila from Nuremberg @ 17.3.2009, 23:24)

I dive absolutely everything...

“Quarrels do not subside in our house,” writes Olga, 30 years old. – I have a husband and two children. We live in my husband's parental home. My mother-in-law reproaches my children and me all the time. The husband drinks and cheats. He always complains about work, but he himself can sleep the whole day. I do housework like everyone else. I often have nervous breakdowns. When my husband's relatives are at home, I feel bad. It's like someone is casting a spell on me. Many neighbors used to envy us. My husband was my support in everything; his work was on fire in his hands.”

Reads the letter 44-year-old Liliya Khasapetova, bioenergetics specialist from Krivoy Rog. She takes out from the envelope a photo of the house where Olga and her family live. Near the white building there are two tall spruce trees.

I don’t see any bad energy in your yard. The family is quarreling because you planted the wrong trees around the house. There are spruce trees growing in your yard. My late grandmother called these trees “widow fir.” In order not to remain widows, the housewives forced...

Someone here on the forum seems to have described a case where a pine tree was planted too close to the house, and it also has powerful roots. One of the roots, having grown, “found” sewer pipe, which was in the ground - but cool and drops of water were slightly oozing from it - or maybe condensation was collecting on the pipe. The root broke through the plastic and grew into the pipe, eventually closing it completely. The tree gets constant water, but people get clogged. I had to redo a rather large piece of sewerage.

There were also cases when such forest trees grew very tall, but in a hurricane or simply from old age, from rotting, they broke and fell on the house, breaking the roof and beams. Such tall trees are extremely difficult to cut down once they have grown. Because, firstly, tree trunks with branches are very heavy, and sawn pieces fall uncontrollably, breaking everything. When they try to cut them with special... cars with a lift - the tree sways under the slightest wind so...

I don’t really believe in all sorts of superstitions, but I recently came across the following situation: I bought Christmas tree seedlings, and several people told me that I can’t plant a Christmas tree in the yard. People were different and they had no interest in not planting Christmas trees. This made me scour the Internet. Indeed, there is such a belief. Who thinks or knows what about this? After all, a Christmas tree in other countries is a very revered tree and they are planted in front of the house.

The same question applies to birches.

Or ignore all these signs.

I suggest you post in this thread various signs and examples from life. What are these signs anyway? For example, I saw the estate (that’s the only way it can be called) of one person, where he has several Christmas trees growing. He’s been living there for 10 years now, he’s alive and well, and if he has problems, it’s definitely not because of the Christmas tree, but rather because of greed :)

I planted several birch trees and fir trees. I also heard about this belief.

Nonsense!!! - Even in terms of Feng Shui........

And spruce is associated with tuberculosis

At the same time as believing grandmothers eat spruce)))

You've fucked everyone up here

Where did you get off? Will you quote? Point your nose at me, please, everyone has been fooled into this!

What's the smartest?

The most, not the most, but smart enough to understand that mortality, just like marriage, cannot be affected by any tree, not even a Christmas tree!))) Unless this tree knocks someone over)))

Everyone expressed their opinion and to me personally, yours is not interesting. The author herself will draw the conclusions she needs.

I am no exception and, just like everyone else, I expressed my opinion. Don't like it or aren't interested? Never mind. I’m also somehow violet about you and your opinion

We brought blue spruce seedlings from Kamchatka and are afraid to plant them outside (they will be cut down for the New Year).

Is it possible to plant a spruce tree in the yard of a private house?

Recently they showed how pop and cinema “stars” live. They have their own private large mansions and spruce trees grow in the yard along the wide paths.

09.15.10 15:31 Tell me, is there such a bad omen? 09.15.10 15:44 Reply to message: 59516141 yes, but only applies to Christmas trees. pine trees are possible 09.15.10 15:46 Reply to message: 59516631 and what is a bad omen, does this relate to planting/non-planting in the private sector? Or is it also bad to plant Christmas trees in the yard of the house with your own hands? Tell me, please 09.15.10 15:49 Reply to message: 59516697 Yeah, listen more, now they’ll tell you nonsense, for...

You will need

  • 2-year-old Christmas tree seedling with a ball of earth
  • Organic fertilizers
  • Shovel
  • Mulch: dry sawdust
  • Abundant watering
  • Sand drainage
  • Stake and string


Select a strong and healthy Christmas tree seedling that is two years old. Look for it in a large nursery that has a good reputation. It is also good to have a gardener or forester you know - they will dig a small Christmas tree out of the ground with you. In our latitudes, both ordinary and prickly fir trees and Canadian ones take root.

Bind tree to the peg with a soft rope in the shape of a figure eight. Water the seedling generously, mulch the soil around the trunk with humus, peat, hay or other natural material so that less moisture evaporates.

Video on the topic

It's important to remember that spruce prickly blue - this is not independent spruce This is a unique species, and one of the subspecies of the familiar prickly spruce - a tree with green needles. Green, greenish-blue and blue-gray shoots may hatch from the seeds. The more saturated blue the seedling has, the more valuable it is. About 15 percent of all seeds planted turn out bright blue.

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Before each New Year, we again and again face the question of choosing and purchasing a Christmas tree, because we cannot do without this main symbol of the holiday. Purchasing a live Christmas tree is always troublesome and not very convenient, because after the holidays are over, you need to take it out of the house, while its already yellowed needles will actively fall off the branches.

An alternative option is an artificial Christmas tree. You can buy it once and take it out of the pantry once a year. It does not crumble and is easy to assemble and store. But there is one but - a huge BUT! Can an artificial Christmas tree in a pot, imitating a living spruce, compare with it? The artificial beauty does not emit that same holiday scent that we have known and loved since childhood.

How can we solve the problem of choice when we don’t want to buy a live, cut down Christmas tree, and we’re not going to settle for an artificial one? The way out of this situation is a Christmas tree in a pot. Living, real, but in a tub, with a whole root system, useful soil and fertilizers, thanks to which it successfully grows and develops, and can later be used as decoration for a personal plot.

Features of live Christmas trees in a pot

The height of such trees is usually from 1 to 2 meters. As the tree grows, you can make formative prunings to get the crown of the desired shape.

At all, home Christmas tree in a pot is universal. It can be decorated as living rooms in a house or apartment, and office rooms, streets, balconies, patios, etc. It can be decorated with toys, tinsel and garlands during the New Year celebrations, and after the holidays are over, it can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden, without removing it from the pot or replanting it anywhere.

IN next year you will bring her into the room again and dress her up for the holiday again. This will save you money, since once purchased, a potted Christmas tree can be used for many years. In addition, you will not be tormented by remorse about the annual killing of the planet's green spaces.

How to choose a live Christmas tree in a pot?

Immediately before making a purchase of your chosen Christmas tree growing in a pot, ask the seller to remove it with roots from the tub in order to inspect it root system. The roots should look fresh, as well as the tree itself.

Christmas trees grown according to all the rules can be used for further maintenance in a pot, only a little larger in size. You can transplant your Christmas tree into a larger diameter pot at home immediately after purchase.

Is it possible to keep a Christmas tree in a pot at home?

With proper care, you can keep your Christmas tree at home during the New Year and Christmas holidays. To do this, you need to avoid installing it heating devices, since plants do not tolerate dry air well. Choose a place for it away from radiators and direct sunlight.

To prevent the Christmas tree from drying out indoors, it must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle several times a day and watered frequently. Use low-power garlands to decorate a live Christmas tree so as not to damage the branches and needles.

At the end of the holidays, the tree must be taken out into the fresh air again, gradually lowering the temperature. It is advisable to store it in a cold and damp place, for example, on a balcony or veranda.

If all the hassle with a live Christmas tree seems overwhelming to you, you always have the option of a decorative Christmas tree in a pot with ready-made lighting and a complete imitation of a natural plant.

Is planting a spruce really a bad omen? Residents of villages are often convinced that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near their house. But can the appearance of a tree on a property really lead to various misfortunes, or is this just another prejudice?

Signs and beliefs are a real storehouse of knowledge and wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Among all the beliefs, the most popular are those related to the seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring), animals, birds and, of course, plants.

There are signs about health, money, love and so on. In some beliefs there is a clearly visible logical chain, and it is easy to draw understandable conclusions. Others never cease to amaze us with their spontaneity.

If we talk about signs associated with Christmas trees, then most often they believe that planting such a plant on your property is a bad omen; people living in areas where there is no spruce forests. In areas where the Christmas tree is not a rare visitor, there are no such horror stories.

Spruce is also found in various legends. The Slavs were sure that if such an outlandish plant was planted near the house, misfortune would begin in the family. It is possible that the wife will not be able to give birth to offspring or will only give birth to daughters. Planting a tree near a single woman’s house meant that she would be alone for the rest of her days or would die in the near future.

There was also a belief that if a tree was planted next to a house, but it suddenly withered, became sick, or was struck by lightning, then all the owners of the house would very soon pass away. It was believed that during thunderstorms and bad weather one should never hide under a spruce tree, since it would be the one that would be struck by lightning.

Such superstitions were widespread not only in the territory Ancient Rus', but also in European countries. For example, legend says that this particular tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland near Lake Keitele.

People revered the tree very much, they were afraid of its wrath, the entire harvest was initially shown to it, and only after the tree saw the fruits of their labor could the products be taken for themselves. It was among Europeans that spruce was considered a symbol of harvest and good luck. However, everything was not so smooth.

It turns out that as soon as one branch dried up on the tree, one of the first colonists was sure to die. This continued until only one old woman remained alive. And as soon as the withered tree collapsed, she died too. In the settlement, only the descendants of the people who first came to this land remained alive.

Modern signs are based on the knowledge that our ancestors received by noticing the events happening around them that preceded any result. Surprisingly, most of these beliefs are still relevant in our world. But why is spruce on the site a bad omen?

In most cases, it is not just the presence of a plant on the site that is negative, but its height. It was believed that if they grow larger than the roof of a building, then someone in the house will definitely die. In some other parts of our vast homeland, the belief was slightly changed. It was believed that the person who planted the tree would die if it grew taller than him.

One of the beliefs is based on amazing properties, which were attributed to the plant. It was believed that it was actually evil, insidious and drained all the happiness, juices, and vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people believed that the couple who planted the tree would soon separate, as the plant would drain all the joy from them.

Our ancestors believed that spruce had an extremely negative attitude towards men, so mostly the male sex would face grief, or the plant simply would not allow men into the house (that is, girls would not be able to get married).

Some beliefs are quite easy to explain. In ancient times, the bodies of the dead were completely covered with fir branches. This explains the superstition that says that this plant brings the dead, death. Among our people there are many superstitions about what trees can be planted in the yard of a house.

Controversy regarding this magic tree continue to this day, since many modern psychics and bioenergetics claim that the plant absorbs other people’s energy only in the warm season. In winter, the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why if in winter, during the period of vitamin deficiency and impotence, you walk through a spruce forest, your strength will increase.

Almost every superstition can be explained from a logical point of view. Signs about Christmas trees are no exception. In Rus', people could not afford to plant such trees near their houses, since spruce trees would catch fire from any spark. And since the houses were wooden, a fire was guaranteed.

Indeed, this plant could often be struck by lightning, but not because it was a cursed tree, but because most often it grew alone.

Another logical explanation for the dislike of Christmas trees - the tree grows very tall, with a dense dense crown, and, having become taller, small house With chimney, during a strong wind, the plant could simply close the chimney and the residents could get burned.

Accordingly, all these horrors that were previously attributed to the plant have a very logical justification. However, today they do not work. In the 21st century, people are no longer afraid of scary omens, they are not afraid of crows that hit the window, they plant fir trees on their property, which were previously considered the tree of the dead, they are not afraid of breaking a mirror, and so on.

Of course, it is stupid to ignore the wisdom of our ancestors, but for the most part, they tried to explain everything that was happening around them, the world in which they lived, with such superstitions. Perhaps this is what helped them maintain harmony with the surrounding nature.

Each person can decide for himself whether to believe in superstitions or not, whether a Christmas tree in the yard is a bad omen or a good one, or in general, if this tree appears on your site, it will not change anything.

IN Lately It has become very fashionable to plant in your yard coniferous trees. But since ancient times it was believed that this was a bad omen. Not everyone believes this, and coniferous trees today can be very often seen on plots.

Stories about planting coniferous trees on your property appeared from the ancient Slavs.

And up to today It is believed that spruce is a tree with negative energy, so planting it near the house is prohibited.

Is it possible to plant coniferous trees (spruce) in the yard sign: what trees can be planted near the house

Today it is very difficult to find a house near which there is not a single tree. Planting something on your site is a tradition that has appeared quite a long time ago. But even in ancient times, not all trees could be planted near the house.

It is believed that planting a cherry tree near your house is good omen. This tree does not require large quantity concerns, which suits many. Cherry is a symbol of fertility and wealth. Since ancient times, it was believed that lighting a fire at the moment of flowering of this tree is a guarantee of future wealth.

I consider viburnum to be a protective tree. Berries from such a bush have healing properties.

To decorate the site, many people plant rose hips. This bush has long been considered a positive plant and one that cannot bring anything bad to the family.

In addition to the above trees, the most often planted near the house are: apple tree, larch, rowan and much more.

Is it possible to plant coniferous trees (spruce) in the yard sign: ancient legends

The ancestors collected signs from what happened near them. And there are also a lot of things about spruce.

Coniferous trees were not planted because it was believed that this tree attracts lightning. And during a thunderstorm, they never hid their sweat under spruce.

In ancient times, it was believed that if you planted a spruce near your house, it would lead to the death of someone in the family.

Legends about this tree were not only among the Slavs. Europeans also had their own beliefs. So there was a story about a tree that was planted by the first colonists near Lake Keitele. When a branch dried up on a spruce tree, one of the colonists died. And when the tree dried up completely, none of these people were alive anymore.

But there are other signs associated with this tree. For example, if you plant a spruce, this will lead to an unsuccessful marriage, or to the divorce of the owners of the house.

Spruce is associated with loneliness, and planting such a tree means driving all men out of the house.

Is it possible to plant coniferous trees (spruce) in the yard sign: explanation by scientists

Scientists do not take such signs into account; they explained it from a scientific point of view. In their opinion, the main reason that coniferous trees were not planted in Rus' was their rapid ignition. And such a tree could lead to a fire of the entire village.

In addition, if such a tree grows alone on the site, then there is a high probability of lightning hitting it.

Scientists also point out that the spruce tree had a bad crown, and thus, when it grew large and outgrew the height of a peasant’s house, it could easily catch fire from the chimney.

Today, very few houses are built of wood. In addition, some areas have two or more floors. Therefore, we can consider such signs no longer working in our time. And whether or not to plant such a tree in your yard is a decision solely for the owners of the house.

It is believed that planting a spruce is a bad omen. You can hear about this from residents of villages and private sectors who believe that there is no place for a Christmas tree in the yard or near the house. Whether this is so and what this sign is connected with, we will tell below. Why planting a spruce is a bad omen - answers from ancient legends Our ancestors collected omens, noticing events happening around them that led to one or another result. Most of these beliefs have reached us in their original form and still work today. Signs exist regarding almost everything that surrounds us: about animals, about plants, about the weather, about the house, about love, money, health, etc. It is a bad omen to plant a spruce on your property. And if the logic of some of them is obvious - if you spilled salt, it means you will soon cry, then some of the signs are frankly surprising. The bad omen about the Christmas tree on the property was no exception. It is worth noting that it is common in those regions where spruce is a rare guest. In areas with spruce forests there is no such belief. Almost everyone knows that planting a spruce is a bad omen for death, loneliness, childlessness or the birth of only daughters. If this tree, planted near the house, dies, gets sick, or is struck by lightning, you can soon expect the death of one of the owners of the house. During a thunderstorm, in the old days they never sought shelter under a spruce tree; they chose a birch tree, however, there were also many bad omens about it. Similar superstitions were found not only among the Slavs, but also in Europe. Thus, one of the most famous examples of folklore associated with spruce is the legend of a tree planted by the first colonists near Lake Keitele in Finland. This spruce was considered a symbol of good luck; the first fruits of the harvest were brought to it, and only after that they were served on the table. According to legend, every time one branch withered on a tree, one of the first colonists died. And then the tree fell, and after that the last surviving old woman, who was one of the first to come to explore new territories, died. After the fall of the spruce tree, only the descendants of the colonists remained alive. The latter went into the world of the dead along with the tree, which symbolized their luck, harvest and vitality. A bad omen - a Christmas tree on the site

So, why is spruce on the site a bad omen? In villages there is a belief that spruce cannot be planted in the yard, next to the house. It is believed that as soon as the spruce grows higher than the roof, a death will occur in the family. According to another variation, when the spruce grew taller than the person who planted it, he died. There is another interpretation of the relatively bad omen of a Christmas tree on the site. There is a belief that a spruce planted near a house will prevent the owners of the plot from getting married successfully, and married couples will get divorced. According to this superstition, spruce is considered the tree of loneliness. Another variation of this interpretation suggests that the spruce drives men out of the house. And they were not advised to plant Christmas trees near the house of a young family, as this could deprive them of their heirs. Another meaning suggests that spruce brings the dead, since previously the bodies of the dead were covered with spruce branches. In addition, there is a belief that spruce is a kind of energy vampire. However, esotericists say that this tree actively absorbs energy in the summer, and, on the contrary, shares it in the winter. Therefore, it is recommended to take walks in the spruce forest more often for people who cannot tolerate winter time of the year. The following proverb can also be called a reflection of the sign: In a pine forest - to pray, in a birch forest - to have fun, and in a spruce forest - to hang yourself. A Christmas tree in the yard is a bad omen: explanations from scientists. When asked why it is not possible to plant Christmas trees on a property, it is a bad omen, historians give other reasons. The fact is that houses in Rus' were built of wood, and a spruce planted next to the house could quickly catch fire from the slightest spark. In this case, the fire quickly spread to the house. The Christmas tree could have caused a fire in the entire village. In addition, do not forget that a single tree often attracts lightning, which can also cause a fire. And the third reason for the dislike of spruce trees in Rus' was that this evergreen plant has a very dense crown. Consequently, when the spruce outgrew the low peasant house with a chimney, strong wind you could get burned in the hut. From this point of view, the sign is quite logical. However, now houses, firstly, are not built from wood, and secondly, most private ones are built on two or three floors. Therefore, the sign cannot be called “working”. And here is what cultural experts write: For the Finno-Ugric peoples language group a tree is an intermediary between the world of people and the world of the dead, the lower world of ancestors. The Karelians had a custom of confessing to a tree. Among the Verkhnevychegda Komi, they brought a spruce tree to a dying sorcerer, before which he confessed and died without torment. Coniferous trees - spruce, pine, juniper, fir, cedar, etc. - were endowed with special sacredness. They symbolized eternal life , immortality, were the receptacle of the divine vitality , had a cult significance Dronov T.I. Earthly existence - as preparation for the afterlife So, we see how our ancestors collected signs, on the basis of which they believed in certain properties of spruce. Meanwhile, in our time, spruce is a symbol of the New Year, and many people plant fir trees in the yard so that later in the winter they can dance around it. And how can you imagine a plot in a country house or a private house without trees? It’s interesting that they are now planting on plots not only common spruce

, but also fir, which is also considered the tree of the dead, helping souls find their way after death. Canadian spruce trees are also popular, about which our ancestors have no signs at all. Whether to follow the sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. When trusting this or that sign, it is important to remember the psychological aspect. With the help of omens, a person shifts responsibility for what is happening to a tree growing in the yard, a tit knocking on the window, a croaking crow, or spilled salt. For some, this is an option for working with grief, in this way a person tries to survive the tragedy that has occurred, the death of a loved one. In “easier” cases, the psyche conveniently shifts responsibility for what is happening to signs, so as not to face an unpleasant reality that requires an even more unpleasant decision. It's no secret that thoughts materialize. And if, for example, you see black tulips and remember that they are unlucky, and you constantly think about it, you will easily attract this misfortune. This does not mean that our ancestors were superstitious and had absolutely cave mentality. No, their wisdom is still relevant today. Just remembering this or that sign, think about how it corresponds to our time. Believe in the magical and unknown, but do not forget about adequacy.