What's the best way to store things in a small apartment? How to organize storage of things in a small apartment. Kitchen and dining room

Unfortunately, most Russians have too small apartment areas. In such situations, keeping a huge number of necessary things in order can be very difficult. Clutter makes the house uncomfortable and life in it uncomfortable. However, there is a way out.

Designers have developed a large number of little things that allow you to use space more efficiently. Such ideas can be divided into groups depending on the room where they are used.


Few people can boast of a large, luxurious bathroom. But there is a huge variety of things stored here that you can’t do without. The laundry basket usually takes up too much space. There is absolutely nowhere to install it in a small bathroom.

You shouldn’t store dirty laundry in the drum of a washing machine, as many people do. This may lead to equipment failure. You can solve this problem by using an original folding laundry basket. When everything is washed and the container is empty, it can be easily folded and placed behind the machine.

If you don't have space for shelves in your bathroom and absolutely nowhere to put your hot curling iron, buy a holder. With it, the process of creating beauty will become as convenient as possible. Or you can install shelves for small items directly on the sink.

You can store washcloths on special hooks that hang on the bar. And the curtain with pockets will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. Files, scissors and other iron objects can even be stored on charming magnets.

And who decided that washing machine does it have to be big? This baby is no worse than its huge brother, but it takes up much less space.

Kitchen and dining room

Many people can't boast large kitchen, which has enough space to install a spacious bar. An unusual vertical wine cabinet can be a great solution. It is a holder that hangs on the wall. As a result, you not only save space, but also get a chic designer piece that will attract attention.

Another great idea for organizing a bar could be a kind of whatnot with several shelves. It can easily accommodate not only a large number of different bottles, but also glasses, a shaker and other necessary little things. Guests will definitely not remain indifferent.

The pull-out spice storage takes up very little space. Jars can be attached to it using convenient holders. Or it could be spacious drawers. Another one great idea– a pull-out pantry that easily fits next to the refrigerator.

A chic thing is a dish organizer. Even a novice housewife can sew it. At the same time, it looks very original, and a large number of pockets can accommodate many items. Another great idea for storing dishes is a corner drying rack.

Storing cups inside each other helps save space. This option does not require much space. Buy a folding grater and you will get maximum comfort with a minimum of required space.

A convenient drawer for knives allows you to keep them in order. When stored this way, they do not become dull at all from contact with each other.

A trash can doesn't have to take up an entire kitchen cabinet. Designers suggest hanging it on the closet door.

Those who do not have enough work surfaces in the kitchen can be advised to purchase an original cutting board. It can be easily installed on almost any sink. In addition, having such an item in the kitchen, you can do without a colander.


In bedrooms, living rooms and hallways, saving space is also a critical issue. Design ideas not only help to use space efficiently. They can be an excellent interior decoration.

Using a towel holder to store ties, scarves and belts will help keep them organized. This idea makes it possible to find the right thing very quickly and does not allow them to get wrinkled. This ensures maximum storage compactness.

If the area of ​​the room does not allow you to install a wardrobe in it, you can store clothes on vines hanging from the ceiling.

The rotating cabinet is perfect even for small hallway or rooms. Its functionality is simply amazing. On one side there is a chic full-length mirror. Once you rotate this piece of furniture, a hanger or writing board becomes available. In addition, the closet has many spacious shelves.

There is no need to buy inconvenient boxes to place jewelry and jewelry. The chains usually get tangled in them, and it can be difficult to find a pair for an earring. It’s better to get a jewelry holder hidden in the picture.

And shoe fans will love the shoe ottoman. It can hold several pairs of shoes.

The original idea is to hide the ironing board behind the mirror. You can open it at any time and start ironing.

Unfortunately, there is not always room in the room for coffee table. It is difficult to do without it for those who like to refresh themselves while sitting in front of the TV. An original design mounted on the armrest will come to the rescue. It perfectly performs the function of a tabletop.

A small sofa can be converted into a comfortable bed in a few seconds. This may be useful for those who often have overnight guests.

Built-in drawers at the head of the bed can accommodate a large number of books or magazines.

It can be difficult to solve the problem of wires from equipment that constantly get tangled under your feet. “Hungry” balls will come to the rescue. Each of them is capable of “eating” up to five meters of cable.

Organizing additional lighting does not always require a lot of space. Enough instead of a floor lamp or table lamp use small lamps on brackets.

Even small balcony can be a convenient place for working or dining outdoors. It is enough to purchase a table that is attached to the railing.

Are you dreaming of a barbecue, but do you have too little space in your yard or garden? Pay attention to the interesting idea of ​​​​a folding wall structure.

Designers successfully prove that a small apartment area is not a reason to worry. It is enough to be bolder, turn on your imagination, and all things will find their place. At the same time, the house will become cozy and unique.

Places: .

. .. Spacious, bright apartment with panoramic windows

, from which an amazing view of the sea or mountains opens, a huge living room, several bedrooms, a spacious dressing room, a bathroom that can easily fit both a jacuzzi and a shower, a giant hall with a full-length mirror and a large wardrobe, wide corridors... Real perfect home. , where there is enough space for all the necessary things, and each family member has their own separate room. Dreaming? Now let’s return to our small apartments with an area of ​​30-40 square meters, “Khrushchev”, “vest”, cramped kitchens, tiny bathrooms and narrow corridors place a lot of things and arrange several zones, organize comfortable sleeping places and, ultimately, make your home cozy and comfortable. Very often we forget that interior design is not only beauty and originality, but also practicality, and it is simply impossible to make a house functional without arranging storage spaces.

How to most effectively organize a storage system in small apartment, where literally every centimeter is in conflict?

Such a spacious closet can accommodate a huge amount of clothes, shoes and useful little things, but it won’t fit in every room.


The “lucky” owners of apartments in standard “Khrushchev” buildings are very familiar with the concept of a storage room - a small, narrow room without windows, which is usually used as a warehouse for old things, an ironing board, a vacuum cleaner, and so on. Some owners decide to expand the living space by demolishing the wall separating the storage room from the living room or bedroom, but this option is not always possible. In addition, the demolition of a wall, even if it is not load-bearing, is already a redevelopment that needs to be approved by the BTI.

Meanwhile, this narrow room can be quite easily turned into a real dressing room and get rid of the need to install a huge closet in the living room, which will take up precious square meters.

First, everything unnecessary is thrown out of the pantry, redecorating- you can stick very inexpensive wallpaper or simply paint the walls, and then you will have to contact a furniture company and order shelves, drawers and fixtures that will be created according to custom sizes.

You will be surprised how many useful things can be placed in just two square meters. square meters with proper organization of space! For example, pipes on which outerwear will hang can be hung in two rows - one above the other, children's clothes will fit perfectly below, and long coats and raincoats above.

The cramped space of a former pantry fits a surprising number of shelves and drawers, eliminating the need for yet another place to store clothes.

IN in this case the dressing room was organized in one of the corners of the bedroom, becoming a very spacious storage space. Unfortunately, this option can only be applied in practical situations. square room, it will not be possible to arrange a corner wardrobe in a narrow and elongated one


Doing without storage space in this is also usually very small room impossible - you need to put your shoes somewhere, outerwear, hang up the umbrella and put down the keys. If the hallway is very tiny, for example, 1.5 by 2 meters, then the wardrobe, of course, will not fit in it. We have to solve the problem differently, using more compact, usually open systems storage

A traditional hanger, that is, a bar with two or three hooks, will not satisfy the family’s needs - it will soon turn into a warehouse where things will hang on top of each other. So, when choosing a storage location for a small hallway, you should pay attention to modern developments and proposals.

Such a storage system will fit even in the smallest hallway, taking up a minimum of space and at the same time allowing you to store a large number of things - from hats to shoes

Another option for a small hallway is a shoe cabinet, top part which turns into a soft seat - putting on shoes on such a cabinet is very convenient, especially if there are small children in the family, and the shoes will be kept at hand in a dry and clean place.

This cabinet with drawers for shoes and a soft seat will decorate any hallway

There is a place for such an elegant and very beautiful wrought-iron hanger in the smallest hallway, but it will hold very few things, only the essentials. The hallway will have to be supplemented with a shoe cabinet and a shelf, then the problem of providing a tiny room with storage will be solved


The size of the bathrooms in standard apartments may well compete with storage rooms. In such a room, which is also combined with a bathroom, it is simply unrealistic to install any kind of closet, and you need to store swimwear somewhere.

Corners will come to the rescue hanging shelves for the bathroom, and on the door with inside You can and should hang hooks or shelves for towels and all sorts of small items.

The bathroom door can be turned into a real closet with many shelves and hooks

The only drawback of such shelves is that all items will be on display for everyone to see, but there are things that are better hidden from guests who will definitely visit this room sooner or later. In this case, you can use the empty space that always remains under the bathtub by making one of the slabs with which it is lined removable.

For residents of Khrushchev apartments who are still wondering why they need a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, this niche can be an excellent option to equip a small but spacious built-in closet. Of course, you will have to order it according to individual sizes, but it will fit perfectly and will allow you to place everything you need, except for large bath towels. And you can choose almost any facade, ideally suited to the interior of the room. On the kitchen side, the back wall of the cabinet is covered with wallpaper, painted in the same tone as the rest of the walls, or tiled, becoming completely invisible.


In a tiny kitchen, storage spaces have to be installed literally everywhere - above and below work area, under the dining table and so on. Fortunately, modern furniture manufacturers offer options such as rotating carousel shelves that make any part of the deep space accessible. corner cabinet, pull-out shelves, behind which another niche opens and many other devices that make the life of the housewife much easier and allow you to place all the dishes and a small supply of food in a kitchen of four square meters.

Such pull-out shelves significantly increase the usable area kitchen cabinets and allow you to store large quantity dishes. By the way, doors are often attached narrow shelves and holders for cutting boards and pot lids, which is also very convenient

Very attractive and convenient option arrangement of storage space in the kitchen, where the furniture is installed in the shape of the letter “L”

If the size and layout of the kitchen allows you to install a small sofa here, then it is better to choose a model with a lift-up seat - the owners will have a spacious drawer for large quantity items not used daily.

Living room

Residents of small apartments, when buying sofas or beds, are forced to pay attention not only to their attractive appearance and quality, but also availability additional places storage Beds with spacious and comfortable drawers for linen can be either children's or double.

The space under the bed is usually empty anyway, so why not put it to good use?

The armrests of the sofa can turn into a mini-bar, a spacious drawer for magazines and newspapers, and even a coffee table. And inside there is a large drawer for linen

If there is some kind of niche in the living room, for example, the remaining space from a moved doorway, it is impossible not to take advantage of this opportunity. Any niche can be decorated with shelves, beautifully decorated and turned into storage space and a design element.

The former doorway to the pantry has been converted into a niche with bookshelves

An even more radical way to solve the problem of storage space in a small apartment once and for all is to follow the path of the Japanese, who traditionally arrange storage in the floor and build a real podium for the apartment, where you can hide literally anything - from drawers for small items to a full-fledged bedroom places.

Multifunctional podium in the corner of the room - and sleeping area, and ample storage, a great alternative to a regular bed

And in this one-room apartment a large double bed was completely hidden in the podium

By the way, in a small living room it is better not to install massive walls with closed facades that clutter up the space. It is worth preferring the light ones, open shelves, let the drawers be located below, under the television panel, and on top - bookshelves or open spaces storage for souvenirs, CDs and all kinds of small items.

Such a wall in the living room will fit a lot of objects, and it looks light and not at all bulky due to the light wood and a large number of open shelves

It is clear that it is better to live in a spacious house and not worry at all about storing all the necessary things. However, if it so happens that your own apartment does not have a large living space, then it is worth taking advantage of the capabilities of modern manufacturers who create custom-made furniture and offer new ways to turn a tiny home into cozy home, where every thing has its place and order will always reign.

Anna Sedykh, rmnt.ru

It seems simple enough, but sometimes due to improper storage, there is not enough space even in large closet. To ensure that all things are in perfect order, and the space is not overloaded, it is worth knowing a few simple but effective secrets.

Get rid of everything unnecessary

Organize your closet

First of all, you need to conduct a global audit and go through absolutely all things. It will take some time, but the result will pleasantly please you. So, when looking through things, you need to carefully look at them for defects, try on wardrobe items that have been lying idle for a long time.

If things have not been used for a long time, but only take up space, it makes sense to get rid of them. You don’t have to throw them away, because you can make a lot of interesting decorative items from old things. For example, sew a cover for a chair or a blanket from scraps of fabric. But they definitely have no place in the closet anymore.

Everything on the shelves

Seasonal storage

Seasonal items can be hidden in baskets and put away on the closet

At the turn of the seasons, it is also necessary to sort through things and remove those that will not be used in the near future. You can hide them under the bed or put them in baskets and place them on top of the closet.

Sometimes seasonal items are stored in the pantry or in suitcases, which can serve several functions at once - decorate the interior, act as a coffee table or bedside table, and also be a capacious storage system.

Seasonal items are stored on the top shelf

Competent sorting

Sorting things by color

Proper sorting will help you quickly find out what is where. There are several types of distribution of things:

By color. So, you won’t have to look for a long time among all the variety of things for a yellow sweater or a pink blouse, and harmonious color transitions will only lift your spirits.

By type of material. It's nice when silk blouses hang in one part of the closet, and cotton shirts are given another separate corner.

Top bottom.This sorting allows you to divide things into “top” and “bottom”, that is, it is appropriate to place T-shirts, blouses, shirts and sweaters on the upper shelves, and hang skirts and trousers on the bar below.

Little Helpers

Scarf storage

When tidying up your closet, you shouldn’t ignore all kinds of organizers, hangers with clothespins, transparent containers, wicker baskets, cells for ties. They save a lot of space and help organize storage properly.

For convenience, you can label containers and cells or hang cute labels on them with the words “socks”, “tights” and others.

Convenient clothespins on hangers

Sock storage baskets

Storing things in baskets

Stylish storage of things

Storage organizer

Convenient rods for storing scarves

Storage of shoes and bags

Shoes and bags should have their place in the closet. At the same time, it is better to allocate lower shelves for shoes and boots, or build a small rod for them. It is convenient to store high boots on it, after hanging them on hangers with clothespins.

Thanks to this they will not lose their shape. For bags, you can select the upper shelves. To prevent accessories from getting wrinkled, you should stuff them with paper. Then they will keep their shape.

Shoe storage

Storage women's bags

Storing wallets and clutches

Storing things in drawers

The most difficult thing is to keep the drawers in perfect order. To do this and fit as many things as possible, you need to carefully twist them and fold them in a vertical position. Cardboard partitions and tubes, which are sometimes left over after shopping, can be used as dividers.

This makes it convenient to store underwear, T-shirts, tank tops, socks and scarves. The main thing is to fold things carefully so that they do not get wrinkled and can be used at any time.

Storing scarves and shawls

Pants and Long Dresses It is recommended to throw hangers over the crossbar and then place them in the closet. This way things won’t get wrinkled or get dirty with dust, which often settles at the bottom of the closet.

Once a month the closet needs to be dusted and ventilated.

Perfect order in the closet

How to store things in a small apartment - where to put them and where to store them? Even if you regularly get rid of unnecessary junk, things accumulate and accumulate. It is ideal when the entire storage system is thought out. But this is often not the case in standard homes and rented apartments.

What to do if there is nowhere to put additional furniture, and order in the house is very important? Here are ideas for storage spaces in your home that you haven't considered before.

1. Space above the doors

There's plenty of space between the ceiling and the door to hang a neat shelf or two. What should I put there? Heavy, massive things will not work. Best to store:

  • vacation souvenirs;
  • magazines;
  • seasonal accessories (scarves, gloves, umbrellas);
  • small things.

Pay attention to wicker baskets and boxes with lids. Visually they look fashionable and protect things from dust.

Shelves can be hung not only above entrance doors, but also over interior doors. Such designs look appropriate in the hallway and bathroom.

Look at the walls on both sides of the door - a good place for multi-level shelves and racks.

It is better to use narrow shelves. This does not deprive the room of light or overload it. Interesting options extending shelves onto adjacent walls. Thanks to the release of the lower part, the interior space is not overloaded and more effective area for storage.

2. Windows and the space around them

Windows also provide an opportunity to work with the space around them. Free place from the window to the ceiling will be a haven for books, posters, albums with photographs in the rooms or mugs, pots, jars with herbs - in the kitchen.

Shelves are also made in the partition between the windows. In this case, we install blinds or roller blinds on the windows; simple curtains can protrude and disrupt the composition. It's better to think about window design.

Buy simple shelves, compatible with each other. they can always be rearranged like parts of a construction set and create interesting combinations in two or three tiers, symmetrically, or mounted on shelves.

In the kitchen, refusing long curtains, the wall under the window is also freed. Here perfect place for a mini pantry or shelf with equipment.

If you are a lover of curtains, then the next option is narrow shelving or different shelves located on the sides of the window near the walls.

3. Enlarge the window sill

Sometimes increasing the depth of the window space - perfect solution. Large and long window sills will be an addition to storage for souvenirs, necessary small items and even books. Use wicker boxes, beautiful baskets for various trinkets.

If there are several windows in the room, then shelves can be made between the radiators.

Or instead of a window sill, arrange a place to relax with an additional chest.

4. Have you tried angles?

Of course, cluttered corners don’t make anyone look good; it’s better when they are free. But if you're short on space, why not use this solution? All the same shelves, closet, table and bookcase. Not a common option - corner place above the sofa.

A small shelf near the junction of the two halves of the sofa, you see, will not hurt anyone. But it will add storage space:

  • magazines,
  • TV remote,
  • bread box or teapot,
  • even cups and glasses can be placed.

In small kitchens, such a corner shelf can serve as a coffee table.

5. The space around the bath

All kinds of hooks and hanging baskets will help you get rid of cosmetic items and keep your bathroom tidy.

You can install a shelving unit or modest shelves at the head of the bath, depending on what you store there. But there is definitely a place for shampoos, gels and oils.

The space under the bathtub is a godsend for storage. There may be a rag with a bucket and a substantial supply detergents and everything you need for cleaning.

Don’t let the space under the sink go to waste: a sink with a cabinet where you can store towels, personal hygiene products, and various small items. If it’s just a sink, symmetrical small shelves along the wall serve well.

A design option is a folding flap for sponges and small items on the outside of the sink.

6. Shelf in the kitchen

A small shelf between the hood and the stove is a convenient placement option for interior items or products that are not afraid of high temperatures.

Narrow shelf along dining table- for sugar, salt, pepper and napkin holders.

Using the principle of a shallow shelf, you can make a railing along the kitchen unit.

7. Doors and flaps

Why not take some space from the cabinet doors and interior doors? All kinds of pocket systems, rows of hooks for jewelry and belts, and a system of shelves on a solid frame look appropriate. You can store anything here - from all sorts of small items to a hair dryer, creams, knitwear and even spices.

8. Everything unnecessary is under the table

Have you tried it? We don’t just pile them up, but put them in piles, tying them with a beautiful ribbon. Better yet, put it away in closed drawers, suitcases or fashionable boxes. And we push them symmetrically under the table.

A feature of many apartments from the times of the Union were restrictions on area. Most of all this applied to the kitchen, bathroom and hallway. People still live in these apartments, rejoicing at least in such living space. At first glance, it may seem that in cramped conditions, owners will have to give up many necessary and practical household items. But, thanks to proper distribution of space and some tricks, in small apartment you can install a modern washing machine, large refrigerator, multifunctional wardrobe and everything that is necessary in everyday life.

Various ideas for storing things in a small apartment

In every apartment there are a lot of things and objects that people do not use, but consider them necessary. It is generally accepted that if a person has never needed an item for two years, then it should be thrown away. But as soon as an item ends up in a landfill, as here, it becomes necessary. That's why many people continue to store items that they rarely need. I would like to know interesting ideas for storing things in a small apartment.

Idea #1

To store various small items and household items, you can sew a special hanging pocket with compartments different widths. We don’t give any special recommendations for sewing, since it all depends on which free corner you will hang such a pocket in, and how many and what kind of compartments you will provide (Fig. 1,2,3). You can store various household items in it (combs, furniture and shoe brushes, glasses, charging device, hair clips, hand massagers, AA batteries, remote controls, cords, old Cell phones, rechargeable batteries, adapters and even shoes). You can hang such a pocket on the wall or on the doors leading to the pantry or bathtub.

Figure 1 - hanging pocket with cells
Fig 2 hanging shoe pocket

Fig 3 - hanging pocket
Figure 4 - storing the ironing board

For small kitchens they will help you compactly and beautifully furnish even the smallest kitchenette.

Idea No. 2 – ironing board

Behind the door you can equip a place to store your ironing board. For such an arrangement you don’t need many additional accessories: just two hooks located along the same line so that the ironer’s leg rests comfortably on them (Fig. 4). There are many different ideas for storing your ironing board. A practical option It is considered to be stored in a closet (Fig. 5), a drawer in the kitchen (Fig. 6,7), on hooks (Fig. 8). To perform such actions, no special equipment or high costs are required.

Fig 5 - ironing board in the closet
Fig 6 - ironing board in a drawer in the kitchen

Figure 7 - pull-out ironing board
Figure 8 - ironing board on hooks

Thesis No. 3

A good idea for storing things in a small apartment is to equip the entire wall with hooks on which you can place a lot of things and objects (bicycle, umbrella, gloves, sports tools, items of clothing, bags) (Fig. 9). But it is better if such a wall is placed on an insulated balcony or loggia. In addition, on closed balcony You can build a closet to the height of the entire wall. It can be open or closed and is suitable for storing empty cans, tools, some things, conservation, cans of paint, drying oil, glue, fishing gear, and tools for the garden.

Fig. 9 hanging rod for hangers
Fig 10 bed with storage box

Ideas for making your own nursery and the necessary materials.

Thesis No. 4

An important idea for storing things in a small apartment is based on the availability practical furniture. For this they practice:

  • sofas and beds with spacious drawers (Fig. 10.11);
  • baskets for storing shoes and other things (Fig. 12);
  • a sofa with a shelf on the armrest (Figure 13);
  • tall, spacious and deep wardrobe;
  • multifunctional rotating cabinet equipped with a mirror, shelves, hangers, drawers(Figure 14);

Fig 11 - sofa with drawers
Figure 12 - hanging baskets for storing things

Figure 13 - sofa with shelf
Figure 14 - rotating cabinet

Thesis No. 5

To remain more space for everyday use, should be changed swing doors on sliding structures, going into the wall. If such a reorganization has not been completed, then you can organize shelves above the door and on its sides, which can be used to store books, magazines (Fig. 15) and other items.

Fig. 15 - shelves above and near the doors

Idea No. 6 – platform

A platform is considered a practical option in an apartment (Figure 16). It can create the maximum number of storage spaces for various items. In this case, it is important that the apartment has high ceilings.

Figure 16 - platform in the apartment


In any apartment you can embody various interesting intentions for practical use space. But you should also review the things and objects you store from time to time. An excessive number of them will lead to cluttering of space in any, even large apartment. If the size of your living space is minimal, then from time to time you should inspect all objects and things.
