What levels are there and which ones are better? Construction level how to choose. Convenience and extras from manufacturers

The construction level is an indispensable working tool designed for checking vertical and horizontal various surfaces. It is used at all stages of construction, from preparing the foundation to plastering walls and laying flooring.

Types of building levels

There are 5 types of levels that are used in construction and installation work. They are:
  1. Bubble.
  2. Electronic.
  3. Pipe.
  4. Mermen.
  5. Laser.

Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice in favor of a separate tool largely depends on the operating conditions and the scale of construction or finishing.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Bubble Level

The bubble level is the most common. Often, in addition to the function of a level, it performs the task of a ruler. Usually the device is a flat rail on which glass flasks with alcohol liquid are fixed. They contain small air bubbles. The central bulb serves to display the horizontal, and the two outermost rulers located across the section show the vertical and 45 degrees. This is the simplest and most versatile tool. It is used to check the vertical and horizontal, to draw marks, it is used as a ruler and even as a rule. To check horizontal and vertical lines using such a tool, you need to check that the air bubble in the corresponding flask is exactly in the center.

Bubble devices are inexpensive and very common. This level is made from metal profile. On sale you can find levels whose body is made of aluminum or steel. It is better to avoid aluminum devices, since when dropped, their surface bends or the stiffeners are deformed. The bubble tool will be indispensable when laying walls or plastering works. Similar levels are used as professional builders those who can afford to purchase a more expensive instrument, as well as amateurs. This device has an error of approximately 1 mm per meter of length, but this is not so significant.

The length of this level can be very varied. The cheapest are short instruments 30-40 cm long. They are in little demand because they allow you to determine level deviations only on a perfectly flat surface. In the same case, if you need to work with a non-ideal plane, the surface of which has slight differences around the entire perimeter, you need to use a long level. The most popular are bubble instruments 1 m long. Levels up to 4 m can be found on sale.

Often on the working surface of the level, which is applied to the plane being measured, there is permanent magnet. This allows it to be fixed to steel elements such as beams and roofing sheets.

The bubble building level has a number of advantages:
  • Low cost.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Versatility.
  • Easy to use.
  • Possibility of flask calibration.

The disadvantages of the instrument include its massiveness. This level is difficult to use in small rooms, such as a bathroom or storage room. In this case, you have to choose short instruments that are less accurate.

When purchasing a bubble level, you need to check it. To do this, the instrument is applied to any horizontal surface and the indicator it shows is recorded. Next, you need to rotate the level 180 degrees and compare the new position of the bubble with what it was before. If everything remains the same, then the tool is working as it should, but if the bubble is in a different position, then the level needs to be calibrated, which is accompanied by a number of inconveniences, so it’s better to look for another one. The flask for vertical measurements is also checked in the same way.

Electronic building level

It is practically the same as a bubble one, with the exception that it is equipped with an electronic display on which indicators of the angle of deviation from the norm are displayed. IN individual instruments There is an internal memory that stores data.

Such a tool is more expensive, but in some cases it is more preferable. Thanks to its use, it is possible to measure the volume of material that needs to be used to level the horizontal or vertical surface. For this purpose, well-known geometric formulas are used. This device has a sound indication that indicates that the ideal vertical or horizontal has been achieved.

It is worth noting that the electronic building level allows you to obtain measurement data with an error of only 0.1 degrees. The instrument's sensor is not perfect, so the instrument must be tested before purchasing. If the error in the angle of horizontal or vertical tilt in one position in two directions with a difference of 180 degrees is only 0.2 units, then this is a completely suitable tool that you can buy.

Features of the pipe level

The pipe level is also a bubble design, but in unusual shape. Instead of a rail, it is fixed in a small plastic corner at 90 degrees. This tool is designed to check the tilt of pipes and beams. Thanks to its angular shape, such a tool is securely fixed to the surface and allows you to simultaneously control the horizontal and vertical.

The pipe level, although it has a short base, is used on almost ideal planes, such as pipes and beams, and therefore has good accuracy. Often it has a magnet in its design, so it can work with metal surfaces without support. When purchasing it, you also need to carry out a preliminary check to ensure that the readings of the bubble in the flask correspond to the direction of the instrument. Often the device is tied to the surface being measured using a perforated tape that comes with the kit. The undoubted advantages of such a tool include its compactness and maximum design adaptation for convenient work with pipes and beams. The only drawback that a pipe level has is that it is not suitable for other work.

Features of hydraulic levels

A water spirit level is used to check the slope of long horizontal surfaces. The device has 2 vessels made in the form of flasks, which are connected to each other by a long flexible hose. Before using the tool, the flasks are fixed in one position at the same level and filled with water. The liquid fills them along with the hose that connects them. Water is poured in until the hose and the flasks themselves are filled to 2/3 of their volume. Next, the flasks need to be closed with special tight lids. The vessels are placed at the ends of the surface to be measured, after which the lids are opened. This device operates on physical principle connected vessels. Atmospheric pressure equalizes the liquid column in the vessels to the same level. If the water column in the first and second flasks is at the same height, then the horizontal has been reached.

The hydraulic building level is the cheapest. The length of its hose is usually from 5 to 25 m. The cost of the tool depends on the quality of the flasks. When purchasing you should pay attention Special attention on the material from which they are made and the density of the lids. If they are unreliable, then when filling the instrument with water and stretching the hose to install the flasks along the edges of the surface being measured, liquid may leak out. To the disadvantages of this equipment can be attributed to its limited capabilities. When quickly filling the flasks with water, air bubbles may appear in the hose, which air the system and affect the accuracy of measurements. Often, when storing an instrument in direct sunlight, the transparency of the plastic is lost and it turns yellow.

Advantages and disadvantages of a laser level

A laser building level is also called a level. This professional equipment, which not only allows you to determine the vertical and horizontal, but also illuminates the surface with a laser beam, which allows you to draw on it or immediately navigate along the luminous strip. Such equipment can be fixed in the center of the room, after which its body is leveled using a bubble flask located on its surface. Next, the device turns on, after which the laser beams outline horizontal and vertical lines on the walls. Depending on the power level, the length of the luminous lines can be several tens of meters.

The laser building level is the most advanced. It gives the most accurate indicators and has small dimensions, while allowing you to work in rooms with large area and even in very tight closets. With its help, you can detect the slightest deviations on the measured surface. Laser levels used by professional builders because they significantly speed up the work process. The tool highlights perfectly vertical and horizontal lines, which allows finishing without preliminary drawing. With this level it is easier to lay wall or floor tiles, gluing wallpaper, fixing frames for plasterboard or suspended ceilings.

The obvious disadvantage of this equipment is its high cost. Those instruments that have more or less affordable price, have low efficiency. Of course, they are accurate, but the laser built into them does not allow illumination large room along the entire contour. In daylight, the luminous lines are almost invisible, and the process of setting the level itself before turning it on takes more time.

The bubble level is an indispensable tool in construction. With its help, you can check the slope and angles, create perfectly straight lines in any plane. Levels are also used when laying pipes, when installing household appliances, vibrating during operation and demanding on the evenness of the base. Such devices should be in the arsenal of any home handyman, we will talk about their design and selection rules in this article.

Design - features of modern building levels

The bubble level is constructive simple tool. It is a bar made of solid material, into which several ampoules are built in, filled with liquid and some air. Measuring marks are applied to the surface of the ampoules, which make it possible to determine the evenness of the measured surface by the position of the bubble. To measure inclined surfaces, you can use air deflection indicators relative to the central marks on the ampoules.

Ampoules with air are the most important parts of any level; if the integrity of the ampoule is damaged, the device will be impossible to use. Technical alcohol is usually used to fill ampoules. To increase the functionality of the instruments, some manufacturers supplement the bar with other parts, for example, lenses that allow you to better see the bubble. To ensure the ability to operate the level in low light conditions, in technical alcohol fluorescent components are added, thanks to which ampoules with liquid will be clearly visible even at night.

You can also find shockproof models on the market. measuring instruments. During construction, devices are constantly exposed to adverse influences: they are strongly shaken, dropped, which ultimately leads to damage and failure. Long levels are most susceptible to adverse effects; when they fall, the impact force is significantly greater than that of brands with a short frame. Shockproof tools are much more expensive than others, but they are more reliable and usually last much longer than their cheaper counterparts.

The durability and quality of the measuring device is also affected by its base - a frame consisting of aluminum, wooden or plastic slats. Levels with aluminum bases are the most common, they are made from hollow strips and are very lightweight. However, this is the main disadvantage of such tools. The heavier the device, the better it is specifications, the more convenient it is for them to work and the easier it is to receive accurate results measurements.

There are quite specialized models of such devices. For example, the easiest way to work with metal bases is to use special levels equipped with magnets. They can be attached to the base and information about the evenness of the surface can be easily obtained. A useful addition could be a ruler on long side level, it will be needed when, in addition to the evenness of the base, other measurements need to be taken.

The simplest models are equipped with only one ampoule with an air bubble, but today they are considered very outdated and are rarely found in stores. It is much more convenient to use levels equipped with 2-3 containers. In such devices, one ampoule is located on the long wide side of the bar; it is designed for measuring horizontal planes. The second ampoule is placed on the narrow side of the level perpendicular to the first; it is needed for convenient measurement vertical surfaces. The third flask is placed on the narrow back side of the bar at an angle of 45 degrees; its main purpose is to control the operation of the device.

Bubble levels can be different lengths. The simplest modifications for home use have a length of 20 cm, while professional devices can reach a length of 300-400 cm. The functionality and efficiency of the level directly depends on the length. In a private house, a short level is sufficient for installing household equipment and simple installation work. To lay tiles, longer planks are required, in the range of 40-100 cm. The longest levels are used when performing complex construction and installation work. IN household they are rarely needed.

Learning to choose measuring devices - what to pay attention to?

On construction market spirit levels (levels) are presented in the widest range. Such devices are, perhaps, a favorite among manufacturers of low-quality and counterfeit products, because every owner wants to have such a device at hand, but not everyone knows how to choose among the assortment of a hardware store. The spirit level is quite simple to produce, but requires the highest precision and the use of only high-quality materials.

Fake and simply low-quality levels are produced in violation of all possible technologies; unreliable materials are used to create them, which are not capable of providing the device with decent resistance to external influences and durability. If you are not knowledgeable about measuring instruments, you should only buy products from reputable manufacturers. Devices from the following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Bosch;
  • Kapro;
  • Gross Laser;
  • Stabila;
  • Shark;
  • Leader;
  • Ermak.

You should not choose equipment based only on cost; keep in mind that devices from the named manufacturers are not the cheapest on the market. If you see a spirit level from Bosch at a ridiculous price, most likely it’s a fake and you shouldn’t buy it.

In addition, you need to choose devices that fully correspond to the planned work. If you plan to tile your floors or walls yourself, you need a good standard. There is no need to buy a very expensive professional spirit level, you will just waste money. You need to decide in advance on the length of a suitable tool. The more complex work you have to, the longer the spirit level you need. Optimal size household level, which can be used to solve various problems - 40-60 cm.

When choosing, carefully examine the device visually, paying special attention glass elements. The flasks must be intact, without any signs mechanical damage and impacts. Then you need to evaluate the strength of fixation of ampoules with bubbles on a long bar. The containers should be installed as tightly as possible and should not wobble or fall off.

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find levels in which the flasks can be adjusted. This is a controversial function of measuring devices. On the one hand, by adjusting it is possible to reconfigure the damaged level, on the other hand, the device will be much more vulnerable to adverse mechanical stress, falls and shakes. We strongly recommend purchasing spirit levels with tight fixation of the ampoules; they are the most reliable and durable.

After examining the integrity and reliability of fixation of the ampoules, pay attention to the air in the containers and the marks applied to them. All marks on the flasks must be clearly visible and located in close proximity to each other.

It is best if the control strips on the ampoules are located inside the flasks, and not outside, since due to active use of the device, the marks on the outer surface may simply be erased.

Regardless of what material the spirit level itself is made of, the device must be heavy, durable and stable. It is best to choose devices equipped with additional stiffeners. You can also choose a device from well-known models that you like visually, but external attractiveness does not in any way affect the accuracy of measurements.

It is highly advisable to first check the performance of the level before purchasing. In large construction stores For this purpose there are special stands with a perfectly flat surface. If there is no such stand, you can simply place the level in a horizontal plane and remember the position of the air bubble. After this, the device is rotated 180 degrees and placed on the same surface; in both cases, the vial in the ampoule should be in the same position. If there are no deviations in the measurements, the device is working properly and can be purchased.

By the way, even if you don’t check the accuracy of measuring flat surfaces with a spirit level in a store, you can do it at home. But be sure to keep the purchase receipt so that if problems with the level are detected, it can be replaced with another one. However, experts do not recommend buying measuring equipment, be it a bubble spirit level, or a level without preliminary checks. Even the most expensive devices from well-known manufacturers need to be checked, quality equipment may be defective and fail during transportation from the manufacturer to the place of sale.

Setting up unfixed spirit level containers

If you purchase a model of a measuring device with unfixed ampoules, it can be configured and reconfigured if the readings are lost. Setting up the device is quite simple, you can easily cope with this task yourself. To do this, you need to determine the most flat wall in the room. If you have never checked surfaces with an accurate spirit level before, you can choose the visually smoothest wall.

Step back from the left corner of the wall about 4 cm and drive a nail into the surface at eye level (you can screw in a self-tapping screw) so that the fastener protrudes on the surface at a distance of 20-30 mm. The spirit level is placed on top so that one side rests on a screw or nail, and the long side is adjacent to the wall surface. Adjust the device so that the air in the container shows a flat surface. Draw a line on the wall along the edge of the level.

Then turn the device over and repeat the procedure again. If the drawn lines completely coincide, then the device is adjusted normally and can be operated. If the marks diverge, you will have to further adjust the device. To do this with right side the walls where the marks end, mark the center point between them. The level is placed on the nail so that one of its edges is adjacent to the marked point. In this position, the device must be fixed and the ampoule adjusted so that the vial shows a flat base.

  • LEVEL, -yay, m.

    1. Conventional horizontal line or plane that is the boundary height of something. A few minutes later, Zvonarev stood up to his full height, and his head was right at the level of the funnel. Stepanov, Port Arthur. At the same level as the tower, a cloud slowly, lazily crawled. M. Alekseev, Soldiers. || Height of standing water. The sea rose, its level was 9 feet above the levels of the highest tides. Herzen, On earthquakes. This high bank rises fifty fathoms above the level of the Rokhli [river]. Garshin, Bears.

    2. what or Which. The stage reached in development of something., qualitative state, degree of this development. Level of technology development. Pre-war production level. The level of well-being of the people.If you want to educate the people, raise the level of education in a civilized society. Pisarev, Realists. At consultations, he, Shelestov, is always struck by the low level of knowledge in his comrades. Chekhov, Intrigue.

    3. A device for checking the horizontality of planes and measuring small angles of inclination (in the form of a bar with an ampoule fixed in it, filled with alcohol or ether, with the exception of a small gas bubble); spirit level

    Sea level- the position of the free surface of the water of the seas and oceans, measured along a plumb line relative to the conventional origin.

    B level with what- in full accordance with smth. The young, vibrant part of society did not stop developing and constantly tried to keep up with modern requirements. Dobrolyubov, Literary trifles of last year.

    Be ( or be) at the level- meet, meet the requirements.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics.

research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language;

Polygraph resources, 1999;

Level, m., Level

noun used often Morphology:(no) what? level, what? level, (see) what? level, how? level; , about what? about the level pl. What? levels(no) what? , (no) what?, what? pl., (see) what? levels, how? levels

1. levels about levels

Level | called a conventional horizontal line or plane that shows the height limit of something. | Intermediate level.

The level of the river's source is higher than its mouth.

2. The window is located at shoulder level. geography

Water level | is called the height of rise and standing of water. The water level has exceeded dangerous levels. Despite

3. Sea level Taken measures

, the water level in the area still remains above critical. | - this is the position of the water surface of the seas and oceans relative to a certain reference point.

4. levels The pass is located at an altitude of one hundred meters above sea level.

Systematic observations of the level of the Caspian Sea began in 1837. | is an indicator that characterizes the development or improvement of something. | General level of technology development.

5. Low level of knowledge. The World Bank considers the level of telephone penetration to be one of the indicators of the level of economic development of a country.

Standard of living | - this is an indicator of the provision of people in the country with products, consumer goods, services, etc.

6. levels Low, medium, high standard of living.

The standard of living of the population is influenced not only by the income of citizens, but also by social and living conditions. | is a quantitative indicator that characterizes the quality or intensity of something.

Required level of protection and security.

Computer simulation of vehicle flows to assess the level of traffic safety. conformity assessment 7. If you say that someone or something (is)

at the (proper) level

, then this means that some person, process, preparation, etc. meets the requirements and has the necessary qualities and characteristics. The athletic training of the players was not up to the mark, and therefore the team lost. 8. If you say that something (is)

at an average (low) level | , then this means that some process, fact, situation is considered unsatisfactory by someone.

Protection of rights and intellectual property is at a low level.

9. levels called a level in the hierarchical system of power.

Federal and regional authorities.

10. Meeting at top level - these are official events with the participation of heads of state and government.

level adj.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:


    Synonyms See what “level” is in other dictionaries: LEVEL, level, male. 1. Horizontal plane

    , which is the boundary of the height of something. During a flood, the water level rises greatly. Sea level (conditional starting point for determining heights on the earth's surface).... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    The OSI model contains a set of structures and programs that provide processing of a certain class of events. The level acts as a unit of decomposition of a set of functions that provide information interaction between application processes. In the OSI model there are... ... Financial Dictionary

    See degree... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. level height, degree, spirit level, point, tessitura, edge, echelon, surface, ordinary, tier, step ... Synonym dictionary

    LEVEL, vnya, husband. 1. A horizontal plane, a surface as a boundary, from which the height is measured. U. water in the river. 2. The degree of size, development, significance of something. Cultural u. U. of life (the degree of satisfaction of the population with material and... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Life (economic theory). The standard of life (translation of the English expression Standard of Life) is usually understood in the sense of the standard of needs. Some, however, distinguish between these two concepts, of which the second is in English. special designation: Standard of... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron level

    - Level, if you heard this, for example, message from the flood commission: The water level in the river has increased, then know that this commission probably includes flood specialists, but not Russian language specialists, because the level may... ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    Life (economic theory). The standard of life (translation of the English expression Standard of Life) is usually understood in the sense of the standard of needs. Some, however, distinguish between these two concepts, of which the second is in English. special designation: Standard of... ... LEVEL, see equalize. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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    level 4- Transport layer in the OSI model. Provides delivery between endpoints. Technical Translator's Guide

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