How the Possessed are Treated. What are demons afraid of and how to drive them away. Physical Signs of a Demon Possessed

The main task of demons is to turn away from God as much as possible more people plunging them into the abyss grave sins, ideally irreversible (bring to suicide).

The souls of almost all people are "clogged" with demons, the difference is only in their quantity - someone has a few of them, and someone has a whole legion, and in "quality" - depending on the severity of human sins "supervised" by demons and some physical infirmities (the Gospel describes examples of exorcisms from the dumb, twisted, paralyzed, etc.). It is not difficult to “fill up” a personal “collection” of demons by being a regular in haunts or being in close contact with convinced sinners.

How do we know if demons live in us and how far the "process" has gone? To do this, we need to critically analyze the set of passions that are characteristic of us, at least those that POISON THE LIFE of the people next to us (scandalousness, assault, alcoholism, drug addiction, lies, betrayal, etc.).

Demons are always where there is no peace and harmony; where everyone, like a rock, persists in their selfish, often inadequate beliefs; where people do not want to admit their sins and start a fight with them (and, in fact, with demons), being therefore in despair from constant life failures and hopeless situations.

And vice versa, people who got rid of demons are distinguished by COMPLIANCE, BENEFICIENCY, TOLERANCE, NEGOTIABILITY. All serious conflicts in the families of such people disappear somewhere, they begin to understand with surprise that one can be happy, being content with little and from time to time receiving God's help in resolving certain problems.

How to get rid of this disastrous scourge - demons? You can, of course, drive them away for a while with a prayer (Jesus, “Let God rise again” and others), bless the dwelling with the involvement of a priest, or sprinkle it holy water with burning incense on their own.

You can even find a priest who performs the so-called "reprimand", or exorcism. The Church does not like to advertise this relatively recently appeared rank because of its non-canonical nature. Professor-theologian A.I. Osipov categorically condemns this ritual because of its uselessness and danger for the exorcist (demons can enter into himself) and is indignant at the fact that in the West there are two-month courses for priests to exorcise demons.

However, all these methods are short-term and by and large do not help to cope with critical situations.

Why is this happening? Because a person CANNOT use his own strength, without attracting the Lord as his helper, to overcome invisible demons possessing extraordinary angelic power. He is only able to “sweep the rubbish” out of his soul for a while, but the demon, having wandered through waterless places (every word in the Gospel is significant - demons are afraid of water), will return, bringing with him even more evil seven brothers (Matt. 12:43).

That is why we often see relapses after the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction - the demons of these passions, after primitive attempts to expel them, easily return to their chosen place again and often take revenge on a person with a vengeance for trying to get rid of them.

Where is the exit? He is well known. In the Gospel, Jesus Christ, when asked why his disciples could not cast out demons from a person, answered that because of their unbelief; and “this kind is driven out ONLY by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:20-21).

Many have read or heard this phrase, but few have dared to apply it to themselves in practice - it’s a pity for yourself, your loved one. But it’s up to the small thing: to take and follow the advice of Christ.

The thing is that a person who wants to get rid of demons not on a temporary, but on a permanent basis, must begin to pray and fast just as CONSTANTLY (every day).

With prayer, everything is more or less clear - you need to ask the Lord in the morning and in the evening for the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from demons. But what about permanent posting?

We find the answer in the Apostle Paul, who clearly outlined the requirements for pagans who wanted to become Christians (everyone was pagans, except for the Jewish people chosen by God): DO NOT EAT HOUSE SACRIFICE (MEAT) AND DO NOT LORD (Acts 21:25). About these same sins, as about the most hated, Christ Himself speaks in the Revelation of John the Theologian (Rev. 2:14-15,20).

Conclusion: so that the Lord does not remain deaf to our prayers, we must try not to do what is especially disgusting to Him (at least not to fornicate and not eat meat), moreover, these requirements are directly related to the above words about FASTING.

Ideally, it is better to exclude sexual life altogether, especially in old age. Christ says in the Gospel that this is one of the ways to acquire the Kingdom of Heaven: “There are eunuchs who were born in this way from the womb; and there are eunuchs who are castrated out of men; and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 19:12).

As for meat, there are more and more scientific research that it is its use that provokes the spread of cardiovascular and oncological diseases in humans, unprecedented for past centuries (fish, on the contrary, is welcome).

When a person makes such a sacrifice to God, then not immediately, but somewhere in six months, he will certainly feel shifts for the better. The Lord will begin to provide him with his help, and the demons will begin to scatter in fear of the Creator, who is definitely stronger than all his creations (including fallen angels).

And then you need to try so that the dwelling of the human soul is not empty with the prospect of the return of demons, and pray for the infusion of God's grace. To do this, you need not stand still, but grow spiritually, gradually (with God's help) getting rid of other passions and raising the Lord to the pedestal of your soul instead of numerous worldly idols and idols.

Then, for sure, the soul of such a person will hardly be chosen by demons as a permanent home.


You, Angelina, understand fasting as abstinence from meat and sex. Yes, sex is also a coveted meat of a kind. Not so bad, though, when a tiger tears a doe to pieces, but still ... However, the Bible means something else by fasting. This is the gathering of heavenly manna: gather for six days, rest on the seventh. That is, do not eat anything for six days, or you can not drink - and do not drink, but eat on the seventh day, since the spiritual food for this day was collected the previous day. It is necessary to collect seventy weeks for life - this is according to Daniel (Daniel 9:24), and according to Christ (Matthew 18:22; 12:30)), and according to Lamech (Genesis 4:24), from which the blessed seed came - Noah . The maturity of the intellect as a result of fasting will not manifest itself immediately, but the change of spirits from terrible to tolerant and blessed will be noticeable. But this, of course, is not advice for those who plow, provide comfort for the family, etc. For those who can not work, the apostle Paul requires - and do not eat! And this is not a mockery of parasitism, but a call to fast (2 Thessalonians 3:10). Seven, which is also a unit, is a divine blessed number. Numbers greater than one and less than seven lead to discord, to selfishness, to plurality, in contrast to the Unity that we now contemplate in Syria. Let the 58th chapter of Isaiah about fasting on the heights of seven be an edification to us. And let's not build our faith on only one week, on one harvest, as Satan asked (Luke 22:31). But let us try to sow and reap every seventy weeks. And here is a page on how the pagans fast, who, alas, have overtaken the minds of Christians stuck near false teachers.

"HOW TO FIGHT DEMONS?" (Answers Archpriest Alexy Moroz). WHO DO DEMONS HAVE POWER OVER? Over people sinful, evil; often the channel for the entry of a demon into a person is vices or human passions. But I think the best answer to this question is… the demons themselves. In the life of St. Martyr Tryphon we read that at a young age he healed illnesses and cast out possessed demons. The Roman emperor Gordian, from whose daughter St. the martyr cast out the demon, wishing with his own eyes to see the exiled. St. Tryphon summoned a demon, and everyone saw him in the form of a black dog with fiery eyes. "St. the martyr asked the demon: “Who sent you to the girl?” The demon answered: "Father, the head of all wickedness, who sits in hell." St. Tryphon: “Who gave you such power?” Bes: “We have no power over those who know God and believe in the Only Begotten Son of God; only by the permission of God do we inflict light temptations; but we have full power over those who do not believe in God, but walk in their own lusts and do what is pleasing to us. The following deeds please us: idolatry, blasphemy, adultery, envy, murder, pride, etc. These people are entangled in sins like nets; they are our friends, and the same fate awaits them with us. SHOULD DEMONS BE FEARED? Of course not, you should not be afraid of demons. “You should not be afraid of them (demons), for all their enterprises are turned into nothing by the grace of Christ” (St. Athanasius of Alexandria). But forgetting that "the devil walks like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour", is also not worth it. It should be remembered that LIVING AS CHRISTIANS is about resisting Satan, it is about fighting demons and all the thoughts and feelings that they want to sow in us. HOW TO FIGHT DEMONS? No magic tricks will help us here. ONLY THROUGH PERSONAL SPIRITUAL LIFE, PRAYER, FASTING, THROUGH CONFESSION AND HOLY COMMUNICATION WILL WE RECEIVE THE FORCE TO RESIST THE EVIL AND OVERCOME HIM. It happens that after turning to psychics or sorcerers, a person experiencing demonic attacks feels supposedly relieved. In fact, no spiritual healing has taken place. Demons, seeing the occult manipulations that a psychic sorcerer performs on a person, enter into a certain game - for a while they stop disturbing a person. They do it on purpose, deliberately, to lull the vigilance of the unfortunate. And after a while they show themselves again. He again runs to the healers. Again, for a while, the demons subside. And so all my life. They torture the victim and laugh at her stupidity... One parishioner told the priest: “Father, what is it? As soon as I start praying, fasting, I get sick, I quarrel with my wife, troubles begin at work ... ” All these are typical attacks of demons against new beginning Christians... At first, demons, of course, hide. One ancient author famously said that Satan's eternal trick is to convince people that he is not. demons behave more frankly and viciously... FASTING, PRAYER, HUMILITY, REPENTANCE AND HOLY COMMUNICATION - THIS IS WHAT WE NEED TO FIGHT AGAINST THE EVIL AND TO SAVE OUR SOUL.

"Removal of damage", "Exorcism of demons", "Removal of the evil eye" - both newspapers and the Internet are full of such ads. In 99.9% of cases, sorcerers and magicians who exorcise demons are ordinary swindlers who make money on gullible fellow citizens. And yet all religions acknowledge the existence evil spirits. Moreover, it can even be successfully dealt with without resorting to the services of fortune-tellers. Where did the demons come from, where do they live, what do they do and, most importantly, how to neutralize them - this is what Izvestia found out from theologians.

Look for hooves and cock's feet

In Judaism, demons are called mazikim (evil spirits). They are incorporeal, but have the ability to take on human form. However, they can still be recognized - by the hooves on their feet. True, there are demons who prefer cock's paws. Hence - fairy tales about huts on chicken legs. Demons, of course, hide their hooves and paws, but they can be quite easily detected.

According to the head of the public relations department of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Borukh Gorin, there is a recipe in the Jewish tradition: you need to take a cat's afterbirth and burn it, and scatter the ashes near the bed. If traces of cock's paws are found in the morning, it means that the demon was nearby.

Demons are female and male, and the fallen angel Asmodeus "leads" them. Lilith, the ruler of the night, is considered the most insidious demon. According to one version, she looks like a long-haired woman, according to another, like a bird that looks like an owl. Lilith, as Borukh Gorin said, is a very strong demon:

She managed to bewitch King Solomon himself, although he could conjure demons. It is believed that if a man commits adultery, then this is the work of Lilith. According to our sages, Lilith has a mission to kill children conceived in sin. And not only in sin - early deaths children are considered the result of its activities. And if a child laughs on Saturday night, it is believed that Lilith is playing with him.

The demon Agran is responsible for illnesses. She flies accompanied by a retinue of demons. A demon named Khabala entwines a person like vine and the person becomes drunk. Among the demons, shedim are distinguished - devils and seerim - shaggy devils dancing in front of Azazelo, who is considered the head of the seerim. Azazelo has a goat-like appearance.

There are demons that inhabit a person - dybbuks. And then the person does not control himself, he screams in a voice that is not his own. In a word, it starts to rage.

There are several theories regarding the nature of the origin of demons. One of them is that Asmodeus produced them by sorcery. According to another, Adam and Eve gave life to the demons.

According to Borukh Gorin, the number of demons is constantly growing.

Demons are eternal, they do not die, their number is constantly increasing, - explains Gorin. - New demons appear from masturbation, so it is impossible to name the number of demons, there are myriads of them.

Anti-Demonic Hygiene

Of course, there are ways to protect yourself from demons. To protect the home, the Jews attach a mezuzah to the doorposts - a capsule with the words of a prayer written on parchment. And next to the bed it is recommended to put a bowl of water so that in the morning, waking up and not getting out of bed yet, wash your fingertips from the night evil spirits. By the way, a Jew should wash his hands when leaving the cemetery, because demons also live there. There are special amulets from Lilith for babies.

Exorcism (the religious practice of the ritual exorcism of the devil) is not characteristic of all branches of Judaism. Boruch Gorin explained that the Hasidim have not conjured demons for a long time, because they believe that two hundred years ago, Rabbi Bal Shem Tov expelled them from the face of the earth. But the Sephardim conjure. Gorin noted that the view of demons in Judaism differs from the views of other monotheistic religions:

In Judaism, demons do not fight the Almighty, they only act as a blind instrument of his anger.

According to Gorin, people who consider themselves demon-possessed turn to the synagogue, but, as a rule, this is due to psychophysical illnesses, and they need not so much a rabbi as a doctor. "I personally have never seen demoniacs," he said.

infrared monsters

In the monastery, late in the evening, the abbot checks what the monks are doing. He enters one cell and sees that a monk in a spoon on a candle is frying egg. You can’t do this - in monasteries they eat in the refectory in certain hours. The hegumen asks: "What are you doing?" Monk: "Oh, I'm sorry, father hegumen, the demon has beguiled." At this time, a voice is heard from the corner: "Nothing like that. I myself am learning from him."

Alexei Osipov, a professor at the Moscow Theological Academy of the Moscow Patriarchate, told Izvestia this anecdote, which is popular among the Orthodox.

Orthodox also recognize the presence of demons. But it is believed that they were originally created good, but became proud and perverted their moral nature, becoming evil beings. The demons themselves are invisible, like infrared rays:
- In the 19th century there was such a definition - ethereal bodies, - says Professor Osipov. - A demon can inhabit a person, but only by God's permission. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the possession of a demon somehow badly testifies about a person.

Professor Osipov opposes exorcism, in Orthodox tradition called reprimand or reprimand.

Prayers for the exorcism of demons arose as early as the 4th century, and the corresponding rite (order of worship) was drawn up by the Metropolitan Kievsky Peter Grave in the 17th century based on Catholic sources.

But, as Osipov says, this rank has never been used by the Russian Orthodox Church. And the spread of reprimands in some churches Alexei Osipov is very worried. He considers exorcism a kind of delusion - high conceit, ignorance of one's spiritual poverty by those priests who are engaged in this.

The exorcism of demons is a miracle, it was performed by the Savior himself, the apostles, holy people who received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now they are engaged in by individual priests, who, as a rule, do not have the blessing of the bishop, without which the priest, in principle, has no right to perform any sacred action.

"I'll reprimand him myself!"

The references of modern exorcists to the blessing of the confessor are frank self-justification, since without the blessing of the bishop, any sacred action, and even more so reprimanding (as an exceptional matter, not included in the usual scope of duties of a priest) turns into an anti-canonical and sinful act, detrimental to both the exorcist and the sick. Professor Osipov thinks so.

What if the blessing is received?

How do you imagine receiving such a blessing?! A priest comes to the bishop and says: “Bless me, Vladyka, I will work miracles…” A confessor will never give a blessing for a reprimand on his own initiative. That is, it is not the bishop who calls the clergyman to this, but the clergyman himself asks. And this testifies to the painful spiritual state of the asker.

But such blessings are given?

I don't know anything about such cases. I heard that holy patriarch once said that the one who will be engaged in reprimands, he "he will reprimand".

According to Alexei Osipov, even St. Sergius of Radonezh, when the demoniac was brought to him, did not reprimand, but gathered the monks for collective prayer, and they prayed for the healing of the sick person.

Professor Osipov draws attention to another important circumstance: Christ and the saints cast out demons only from those whom the Lord indicated, and by no means en masse, as they are trying to do today, gathering a huge number of people in temples for reprimand. Osipov believes that people who think they are possessed by a demon should first of all go to the doctors and less bother with stories about corruption and witchcraft. But if the demon has really taken possession, then one should not go to a reprimand, but continue to lead a Christian life.

The official position of the Moscow Patriarchate is not as unambiguous as the point of view of Professor Osipov. As Priest Mikhail Prokopenko, head of the communications service, said, there is no consensus among the pastors of the Church regarding the rite of reprimand. Father Mikhail noted that, unfortunately, many people see in the rite of reprimand a kind of magical ritual that allows you to get rid of real or imaginary demonic possession without turning to a full-fledged church life. He also said that the believer can clarify in the diocesan administration whether the bishop is aware that this or that priest practices the rite of reprimand, and whether he has a blessing for this.

"Hottabych is a believer genie"

According to Islamic teachings, Allah created angels, humans and jinn. Jinn were created from fire. According to Sheikh Farid Asadullin, head of the science department of the Council of Muftis of Russia, genies believed that they should be higher than people in their position. As a result, the jinn were divided into believers and unbelievers. Unbelievers are demons led by the devil Iblis, a fallen angel who entered the fight with the Almighty. Jinn can take on human form and will exist until the end of the world. Unbelieving jinn are trying in every possible way to seduce the faithful, distract them from prayer, make them forget their duties to the Almighty. They affect souls. The old man Hottabych and the genie from the fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp", according to Sheikh Farid, can be attributed to believers as genies. There is no evil behind them.

Evil spirits live in ruins, desert places and baths where people wash away their sins. But they can also inhabit humans. To combat them, says Sheikh Farid Asadullin, a Muslim can read the azan - this is a call to prayer.

The sounds of adhan cause Satan to leave the believer. Also, Islamic theologians recommend that Muslims who experience discomfort, who believe that an evil spirit has inhabited them, read Ayat Al-Kursi and Sura Annas.

Muslims also have their own amulets - rukya. These are leather bags with texts of suras and verses.

Healing session. Fast. Inexpensive

Regarding the question of all kinds of grandmothers-healers who remove damage, Father Mikhail Prokopenko said that visiting such people is generally Orthodox faith has nothing to do with it.

No matter what icons such people hang around them, no matter what they say, Orthodox Christian there is nothing to do there. This is not Orthodoxy, these are some quasi-folk occult beliefs. Once I came across such a "guidebook" for removing damage, where prayers were mixed with some kind of nonsense and spells, - says Father Mikhail. - Yes, and what kind of damage can be Orthodox person living the Christian life?! In any case, going to sorcerers is unthinkable for an Orthodox person! This demons only rejoice. If a person is sick, he should go to the doctors and lead a normal church life.

Deacon Andrei Kuraev told Izvestia that his attitude towards exorcism is wary:
- There is nothing wrong with the act itself. But the fashion for it confuses. There was a huge number of guest performers traveling around the country. They even put up posters: "Come to us for a prayer service - you will receive complete healing." They put on performances. There is even one archimandrite, a graduate of a theater university, who suits such performances ...

As for all kinds of evil eye, damage and its removal, Andrey Kuraev believes that the diseases, evil eye and damage that were sent did not come from the church language, but from the world of gossip and legends, whispering and fairy tales. “Such stories lead to the spread of magical rituals,” believes Deacon Andrei Kuraev, “and lead to the replacement of the veneration of real shrines by “shrines.”

The original article is on the website

If you are interested in who a demon is - Christianity, Slavic legends and demonology will answer all your questions. Find out what this representative of evil spirits looks like and what he is afraid of, as well as the opinion of the clergy about him.

In the article:

Who is a demon - Christianity and demonology

The demon in Christianity comes from fallen angels or is one of them. Damn, devil, evil spirit, demon - these are all synonyms for this word when it comes to Christian sources. Demonologists, on the other hand, consider devils, demons and demons to be different representatives of the demonic hierarchy. The demon is weaker than the demon, but stronger and smarter than the devil. It is possible to expel or, if you know his name, for a demon, this is not a prerequisite.

According to the Bible, he became a victim of pride. He desired to become as powerful as God. The third part of the angels shared the views of Lucifer. For the sin of pride and envy, Lucifer and his followers among the angels were cast out of heaven. They became those whom we know under the definitions demons, demons and devils. The evil spirit has the same origin as the angels, but she voluntarily made a choice in the direction of evil. Repentance is also impossible for demons and demons, as repentance is for a dead person.

According to the Christian concept, demons hate all of God's creations, because they believe that they could cope with the creation of the world much better than God. Man also belongs to God's creatures, and his evil spirit hates even more than the rest of his creations. Accordingly, the demon in Orthodoxy always tries to deceive, harm, get some benefit from a person. During the Inquisition, he was considered the culprit of epidemics and poor harvests.

Divination, magic, and the occult are considered sinful activities precisely because they were created by demons. The secrets of witchcraft were revealed to the first magicians of our world by representatives of evil spirits. It is extremely dangerous to trust demons and try to use their knowledge and tips - they are capable of deception, and in cooperation with a person they are looking for benefits primarily for themselves. What is the benefit of a demon? This is an introduction to the sin of a pure soul of a person, directing him against God's will and, in fact, replenishing the army of evil spirits in the end or getting another soul of a sinner in hell.

It is known that evil spirits can inhabit a person. Almost everyone knows about such a phenomenon as, or madness. There are reliable signs of a demon invading a person, by which one can determine the essence of the problem, as well as the rites of his expulsion. The problem of possession in Orthodoxy is occupied by the clergy.

Obsession is not a sight for the faint of heart. People whose body is in the power of the devil blaspheme, convulse, or, on the contrary, suffer from temporary paralysis. Their voices change beyond recognition, as does their behavior. In this case, demons pursue certain goals, which can only be known if you get in touch with them. As a rule, they consist in trying to change the world created by God in their own way and declining as much as possible more God's creations to darkness.

Every person is demon possessed to some degree. However, exorcism rituals are required only in the most severe cases. In the rest, only humility, willpower and faith in the Lord, as well as prayer and fasting, will help. Demons come only where everything is prepared for these "guests". They love sinners, depraved people who use tobacco and alcohol, and also do not fast and do not go to church.

It is known that demons and demons are well aware of the Holy Scriptures. It is generally accepted that they also know the future, but the evil one always seeks to deceive a person, so it is dangerous to believe his prophecies. Demons are capable of telepathy and mind reading - they know all your secrets, which they willingly tell you during exorcism sessions. There are many varieties - prodigal, noon, luck and others.

Deceiving and seducing people, evil spirits can take on completely different forms. These are not only people - acquaintances and not. Evil spirits can appear even in the guise of an angel, which he once was. In addition, the evil one can take the form Mother of God, Jesus Christ and even the cross. That is, the demon easily takes the form of what he is afraid of like fire. True appearance this representative of evil spirits is humanoid, but with a patch instead of a nose, hooves, horns and a tail. Outwardly, the demon is very similar to the devil, but larger.

Like most members of the spirit world, he can be incorporeal, passing through closed doors and hiding from view. Particularly sensitive people often feel the presence of evil spirits nearby.

Do demons exist - whether to believe in the existence of the forces of darkness

Many people doubt whether demons exist, or are they just an invention of the occultists and clergymen, needed to intimidate people for selfish purposes. Known real cases of possession can make even the most inveterate atheist stop doubting the existence of evil spirits.

There is a lot of evidence of the phenomenon of evil spirits. Interestingly, there is a hypothesis that the hallucinations that alcoholics and drug addicts see are a consequence of an increase in a person's ability to see the lower worlds. It is in them that the evil spirit lives. Smokers, alcoholics, non-fasters, and lechers are people who are always surrounded by demons.

The clergy are sure that disbelief in God and the existence of dark forces are the main reason for obtaining the unprecedented power of the latter. You can't fear what you don't even believe in. Demons and demons openly take advantage of people's unbelief and materialism. Among the things you need to know about demons is that they are not able to resist God, but a person is weak and subject to the influence of the forces of darkness.

What are demons afraid of and how to drive them away

Frame from the film "Viy", 1967

The best defense against demons is prayer. They are afraid of sacred words and immediately rush to their heels as soon as they hear prayers. Absolutely any texts are suitable, for example, "Our Father" or a prayer to the guardian angel. You can pray in your own words - the main thing here is not the text, but its meaning, as well as the strength of the prayer's faith.

If we talk about what demons are afraid of, then you should know that they cannot enter a consecrated room where charitable deeds are performed. If you are a believer who pays enough attention to the spiritual side of life, you are unlikely to have to suffer from the machinations of evil forces. Demons and demons live where there is a place for them. They love sinners, and in our difficult times there are not so few of them. The unbaptized are in a special risk zone, they should be baptized as soon as possible.

The fight against demons will be difficult if you do not wear pectoral cross. This is your personal amulet against evil forces, never take it off. Wearable icons and amulets are also suitable as a talisman for an Orthodox person who is overcome by evil spirits.

How to deal with demons if you cannot call yourself a righteous man and do not plan to renounce magic and witchcraft? There are powerful witchcraft rites, which protect against evil spirits no worse than Christian symbols. One of them will require a new padlock. It is supposed to be fumigated with the smoke of wormwood - an anti-demonic plant, which is afraid of all evil spirits. It is possible to sprinkle the castle with holy water, if this is permissible for you. Sorcerers, if their goal is protection from demons, often replace holy water with wormwood smoke.

Stand on the threshold of the house, holding the lock and the key in your hands, with your back to the house itself, facing the exit from it. Turn the key in the lock, opening it, and say a plot from demons:

I, the servant of God (name), close my house from east to west, from north to south, with seventy-seven iron locks, seventy-seven gold locks and seventy-seven silver locks. I, the servant of God (name), close my house and his household (names) from all diseases of the body and soul, from all the intrigues of devils and enrage that they want to do evil to me, but now they cannot. Save and save my home, Lord. My words are behind my lips, my tongue is locked, forever and ever. Amen.

Now put a padlock on door handle or any other protruding structure, but only near front door. Lock the key. The key must be hidden securely, it is better to carry it with you. When the lock rusts, you should put new protection- rust is a sign of the depletion of the protective barrier or the impact of evil forces on it.

Holy fathers about demons - what every person should know

Archbishop Anthony

Holy Fathers of the Church It is customary to name outstanding church figures who lived at different times, who left a great mark on the development of Orthodoxy. They have a reputation for being people who have been touched by the Holy Spirit. It is believed that during their lifetime they knew many secrets, and among the Orthodox society it is customary to look for the truth in the records and quotations of the holy fathers.

The holy fathers talked a lot about demons, the topic of evil spirits and its influence on people has occupied great minds for many centuries. The quotes of the holy fathers about demons touch on many aspects related to this issue. So, for example, Archbishop Anthony pointed out the importance of Divine grace, without which the fight against demons is impossible:

The cunning of the devil surpasses the human mind in its sophistication, and therefore it is impossible and useless for a person to fight with the devil, acting in the heart through passions. It is impossible until a person receives from God the power and strength to attack the power of the enemy. But for this you need to go through a comprehensive test, gain experience in the struggle and victory over the devil through temptations allowed by the grace of God.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov described the ways in which a demon can destroy a person:

For example, those who like to drink are forced by demons to drink more and more, they try to bring them to hard drinking, fights, murders and suicides, and thereby destroy them forever. Some demons accustom to theft, another very subtly lead to arrogance, vanity, pride, and, finally, to spiritual delusion and so they try to destroy. And in many other ways they seek eternal destruction for man.

Abbot Nikon, on the other hand, repeatedly described the power that demons receive after the death of a sinful person.

About 2 years ago, exhausted by the painful consequences of the sin of unnatural fornication, I accidentally found out about the services of a grandmother who supposedly knows how to look at water and remove damage, and turned to her. When I got there, she whispered some prayers over a cup of water, then put the cup on my head and read a certain sequence of incantations and prayers and gave me a drink. At the same time, I felt some strange warmth, and it was as if I was enveloped in some kind of whitish fog. Staying in this strange aura, I saw everything as if through some kind of cloudy whitish fog. After that, the grandmother gave me instructions to perform certain procedures, and, returning from there, I continued to stay in this foggy aura. At confession, I told the priests about visiting the grandmother, and they warned me that it was a sin, and that the demon would return and bring 7 others with it, but I ignored their warnings and continued to visit the grandmother. In addition, I dared to offer up a self-willed prayer for the return of the enlightened state of consciousness that I had previously achieved, etc. in the same vein, and repeated this request before the church several times. At the same time, I seemed to feel in myself some kind of increased prayer power. But a few days later, when I was sitting alone, I felt as if some kind of stream of strange sweetness was entering me in the chest area, and at the same time I felt someone's presence right in front of me, although I did not see anyone. I stood up and bowed before this invisibly standing figure, while I felt his ghostly legs on the floor, from which some kind of ghostly energy flows spread and flowed into my head. When I tried to pray, at every word some kind of sweetness flowed into my soul, which made me even want to speak, but this sweetness was somehow false. At the same time, my mind was distracted from the things I was doing, and I became unable to do ordinary things. Some time later, from somewhere outside, information began to come into my head about people whom I used to know, information about events that had happened to me before, previously unknown to me, and my mind was more and more immersed in a state of some kind of alienation from real world and I even started to feel the urge to get out of the house. I was almost convinced that I had been visited by a miraculous visitation and spiritual gifts were given to me, but just before going to bed, I remembered what I knew about the state of delusion and realized that I was in a state of delusion. So the next morning I went to church in fear, called the priest, and began to tell him what had happened. Without listening to the end, he brought a confession, began to speak for me, and as soon as he crossed me, it was as if this veil fell off me, and I saw everything in a different light, different from ordinary consciousness, and felt the Divine power that dominated me, which kept growing and causing me something like an overwhelming burning sensation, in short, I apparently came to a state free from delusion and fell into the hands of the Living God. After that, the priest came up, lifted me to my feet, blessed me to take communion and said that there was a reprimand from Father Alexander in the Vvednskaya Church, and I needed to go there. After that, I was brought home, and I gradually descended back from this state of grace, in which it was very difficult for me to stay, and at the same time I felt the presence of demonic forces next to me. After that, a whole series of demonic obsessions followed, and, probably, only through the efforts of the Guardian Angel did I not become completely possessed. However, the demons took possession of my mind, and under their influence I was in a state of mental disorder for a whole week, until, finally, I was taken to Father Alexander's reprimand. After that, my psyche returned to normal, and the demons, apparently, departed from me, but they faked fears in a dream for some time. However, about a year after the first visit to my grandmother, all sorts of black thoughts and fantasies gradually began to creep into my head, in which my mind was actively involved, in short, I came into some kind of painful state of consciousness, in which my soul and mind were painfully tense and bound from within, and the senses came into a state of painful tension. Then I again had to go to lectures to exorcise the demon. This made me feel better, but I continued to feel some kind of painful disorder in the work of the mind, psyche and sense organs. A few months later, unpleasant sensations arose again, which were expressed in the fact that I felt my body suspended in the air, like a rag, then I felt complete discord and insomnia in my head, and could not gather my consciousness together, etc. Only after I again went to reprimand, I felt better, but I am afraid that after a while the attacks of demons will begin again at the most inopportune moment. In addition, in a casual conversation with fellow students, the conversation turned to the grandmother, and ended up with the fact that I gave the grandmother's phone number to one of them, which probably exacerbates my guilt even more. To make amends for my guilt, I submitted her to a prayer service. When I told Father Alexander about my visit to my grandmother and the consequences, he said that I had violated the Law of God, and that I had to write a general confession from the age of 7 and the curse had to be removed from me. When I said that I had already repented of this sin many times in confession, he asked if they read a prayer over me to remove the curse? I answered no, then he repeated that I needed to write a general confession and repent properly, but I still did not understand about lifting the curse. So I wrote here to find out basically these questions: Did I bring a curse or something like that on myself by visiting my grandmother, and if so, what kind of curse is this? If this curse is an act of calling demonic forces on me, as a result of which they gained some access to me, then how much does it spread over time, what consequences does it have and what is necessary to remove it? Is it enough that I confessed this sin, took communion and was at the prayer service for casting out demons, or is something else required - a prayer to lift the curse or something like that? To what extent is it possible to get rid of all these consequences? Are all the painful symptoms described above a consequence of the fact that the demon approaches me at a certain distance and spreads some of its waves or something else on me? I am even more worried about the fact that, perhaps, since I once came into contact with the grandmother - the conductor of the devil's power in this world, the consequences of this are not limited to the fact that a certain number of demons approached me at a certain distance and do some obsessions and illnesses. If Satan is the prince of this world, and the information that I have learned about him indicates that he is an air prince, a world ruler, that he stands everywhere, etc., then this leads me to the assumption that by visiting the grandmother I violated the estrangement and protection of my soul and my entire structure from Satan established by Baptism, and that my soul has now come into contact not only with individual demons, but also with Satan, who, apparently, is not only a person, but also an integral integral part of the present universe, as long as he is a ruler of the world, and so on. And that the protective shell that previously separated me from the world-holding and omnipresent power of Satan and made my soul alien to him, now, as a result of a visit to my grandmother, has been destroyed, and now I am in my spiritual being not only in contact with God, but and with Satan, who now has direct access to my soul for his destructive influences. It seems that the Mother of God makes a protective shell around a person, and my fears that it was partially or completely destroyed are based on the fact that, as I described above, streams of satanic energy flowed into my soul, producing a sensation of false sweetness in it. My biggest fear is that the currents of satanic energy are flowing into my eyes and head, and that the protective sheath has been removed from my eyes. These fears are based on the fact that I received some hallucinations while watching TV, etc. I hope that these assumptions of mine are incorrect, but this cannot be left to chance, and if you are competent in these matters, please confirm or refute them. AND.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Dear I.! The protective shell you write about is nothing but our physical body in a certain state. Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) writes about this: The divinely inspired writer of the Book of Genesis says that after the fall of the first people, God, having pronounced a sentence on them, before expelling them from paradise, created for them garments of leather and clothed them (Genesis 3.21). The robes of leather, according to the explanation of the Holy Fathers (St. John of Damascus. An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Book 3, Chapter 1), mean our rough flesh, which, during the fall, has changed: it has lost its subtlety and spirituality, it has gained its growing fatness. Although the initial cause of the change was the fall; but the change has taken place under the influence of the Almighty Creator, by His unspeakable mercy towards them, for our greatest good. Among other useful consequences for us, flowing from the state in which our body now finds itself, we must point out that, through the assumption of a corpulent body, we have become incapable of sensual vision of the spirits into whose region we have fallen. Man has free will and often, unfortunately, abuses it. Conscious appeal to evil spirits deprives our body of its ability to be a natural defense. Demons find access to the soul and lead it to a painful state. The sincere conversion of a person to God through the sacraments of repentance, communion and unction deprive demons of power over a person. Alive in the help of the Most High. In the blood of the Heavenly God will be settled. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor, and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him(Ps. 90:1). When a person begins to live in the blessed experience of the Church, his will is freed from direct dependence on fallen spirits. However, the soul, having gone through the terrible experience of the fall, still experiences the consequences of the violence committed against it for a long time.

Dear I.! We must believe that the Lord wants and can heal you. You do not need to look for any special prayers and think about lifting the "curse". Participate sincerely and regularly in the prayer and liturgical life of the Church, zealously approach the holy sacraments, be sure to observe fasts, do morning and evening rule. Prayerfully approach the whole-bearing relics of the saints of God: St. Sergius Radonezh, Saints Mitrofan of Voronezh and Tikhon of Zadonsk, Blessed Matrona of Moscow and others. Resolutely move away from everything harmful: TV, reading unhelpful books, and so on. Otherwise, the healing of your spiritually weakened soul will be delayed.

The "hallucinations" you write about are a subjective phenomenon. This is caused by demons who want to instill fear in you. There is no need to be afraid of them. Spiritually they are nothing. Their imaginary power appears only when we are powerless and give them meaning. You have a "protective shell" because church sacraments heal not only the soul, but also the body. Through them, a person is reborn. The devil is not "an integral part of the present universe." He is called the prince of peace (John 14:30), ruler of the darkness of this world(Eph. 6:12) because he rules over the part of humanity that has fallen away from God.

With humility and reverence let us follow the teaching of the Holy Fathers, the tradition Orthodox Church! With reverence, let us obey the decree of God, who covered our souls with thick curtains and shrouds of bodies during our earthly wandering, separated us from the created spirits with them, screened and protected us from the fallen spirits. We do not need a sensual vision of spirits to complete our earthly, laborious wandering. For this, another lamp is needed, and it is given to us: The lamp of my feet is Your Law, and the light of my paths (Psalm 119, 105). Those who travel with the constant radiance of the lamp - the Law of God - will not be deceived either by their passions or by fallen spirits, as Scripture testifies(St. Ignatius Brianchaninov).
