Vanga's predictions come true. Vanga's prophecies: a list. Vanga's predictions that came true are the best evidence of her being right.

What the great soothsayer said and how her words should be interpreted will be able to explain the material of this article.

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Vanga's predictions are a hoax, true, nonsense, pre-planned scenario or myth

Of course, there were skeptics who believe that Vanga either did not really exist. Or all the predictions are a complete fiction. But there is quite a lot of evidence in favor of the great clairvoyant. As time shows, many of her predictions came true. And the moment when she was alive, many higher ranks, "big" and famous people came to her for advice, to find out the moments of their lives. Of course, now it is difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, but the facts confirming her strength and power say that Vanga is not a myth.

Vanga's predictions Armenia and Azerbaijan

In the early 1990s, Vanga told Azerbaijani journalists, “You came from a country where there is a lot of blood. I hear children cry, I see girls burning Wedding Dresses. Step back, you're fighting for something that doesn't belong to you. You will lose. But this is only the beginning. I see gold that will not bring happiness. After 30 years, you will return your lands." With these words, she predicted the collapse of Azerbaijan. The fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh made me remember the words of a great woman.

Vanga's predictions America and Russia and what came true

"Fear, fear! American brothers will fall, pecked by iron birds. The wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will spill like a river” (1989).

Experts compare these words with the events of September 9, 2001, when innocent people died as a result of a terrorist attack on skyscrapers.

"Russia will again become great empire, first of all, the empire of the spirit "

Recent events will not allow to doubt these words. To date, Russia has proved that it must be reckoned with, it has begun to be respected.

Vanga's predictions and the dead will stand with the living when the Russian Federation becomes a great power

At first glance, these words seem to be complete nonsense. How can the "dead" be next to the living? But on the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War On May 9, the prediction came true. A large number of people all over the country came out to support the "immeasurable regiment". The excitement around the action surprised even the organizers, no one expected that so many people would take to the streets.

Vanga's predictions that came true and did not come true

“The world will survive many cataclysms, strong upheavals. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith ... "

This prediction came true, unfortunately, terrible things are happening all over the world, a huge number of cataclysms, every day on the news you can hear that new tsunamis, fires, floods or earthquakes have occurred in some part of the world. Terrible terrorist attacks around the world scare even seasoned skeptics. Conflicts on religious grounds, unfortunately, are also not uncommon.

Vanga's predictions Syria will fall and the third world war will begin

Once Vanga said that Syria would fall and changes would begin, scientists interpreted based on recent events that the great clairvoyant predicted the third world war after the fall of Syria. But now in the east there are fighting with huge damage to the country, both materially and spiritually. The authorities are changing, order cannot be restored on their own, peaceful people are fleeing from there. Until the prediction came true, the time has not come to say for sure whether it is plausible or not.

Vanga's predictions about Europe

Vanga predicted that with the outbreak of war in the East, trouble would come to Europe. If you look at the situation today, it is safe to say that the prediction came true. Millions of refugees fleeing from the East flooded Europe, so much so that locals were forced to complain. EU policy could not refuse shelter to refugees, but it is also impossible to accept everyone.

Vanga's predictions when the war in Donbass and for Ukraine will end

She didn't say anything good about Ukraine. That the crisis will drag on for a long time, greedy people who want to fill their pockets to capacity will come to power. Not thinking about the interests of the people. Poverty, hunger, robbery, violence - that's what awaits the country. Nothing detailed has been said about the end of the war, or simply has not yet been interpreted.

Vanga's predictions for the Crimea

The prediction about the peninsula is very vague. The only thing that could be found was the words that Crimea and Russia would always go together, perhaps she had in mind the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the return. She also said that for a short time Crimea would belong to the Crimean Tatars.

The article offers an extensive selection of various playful and interesting predictions of fate and the future, which can be used in various situations....

soothsayer Vanga (full nameVangelia Gushterova, nee Surchev) died exactly 22 years ago, on August 11, 1996.

Vanga's gift began to manifest itself during World War II, when a woman began to answer her fellow villagers quite accurately whether their husbands would return from the front. Rumors about the seer spread quite quickly, and after a few years, real fame came to Vanga.

In the last two decades of her life, she received visitors almost continuously in the Bulgarian village of Rupite. She was later buried in the same village. Vanga's grave is located near the chapel of St. Paraskeva, erected with the seer's money.

The prophetic gift of Vanga is still disputed by skeptics. Someone believes that the whole village was in collusion with the blind old woman - supposedly hotel workers and taxi drivers collected information about visitors in advance for the fortuneteller, and she then built her prophecies on this. However, several important predictions are attributed to her name, which eventually came true.

Death of Stalin

Joseph Stalin. Image:

Prediction: " big man with a pipe will go to another world. The world will become kinder."

It is believed that in 1952 the prediction of death Stalin cost the woman her freedom. The seer boldly told that she saw the death of the leader, for which she was sent to a Bulgarian prison. However, after a few months they were released - in March 1953, Stalin still died.

Assassination of Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi. Image:

Prediction: “The dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!

According to eyewitnesses, in 1969 Vanga made a rather strange prediction. She suddenly started screaming about the fire and the orange and yellow dress that would cause the death of the Prime Minister of India.
The meaning of Vanga's words became clear only in 1984. On October 31, she wore an orange and yellow sari while packing for a TV interview with a British playwright and entertainer. Peter Ustinov. At the same time, she decided to take off her bulletproof vest. On the street, one of the guards shot at her. After receiving several dozen bullets, Gandhi died.

Glory to Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov. Image: Boris Kudryavov / KP Archive

Prediction: "I see him going uphill, and he has a stick in his hands."

A family Philip Kirkorov always knew that their son would become famous. According to family legend, at the age of 4, the future singer fell ill. Then his parents paid a visit to the soothsayer.

Vanga said that the boy would be fine. She also stated that she sees him on high mountain, and he holds a stick, and around admiring people. It was not difficult to guess that the boy was predicted to be a musical star, and the stick is a microphone in his hands. Vanga also claimed that Kirkorov, at the age of 27, would connect his fate with a lady whose name would begin with "A". This prediction also came true - in 1994, his wife became Alla Pugacheva.

Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR

General Secretary CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, US President Ronald Reagan (center) and US Vice President George W. Bush (left) walking around Governors Island in the US in 1988. Image:

Prediction: “The world will change in 6 years. The old leaders will go. A new person will come."

This prophecy was made by Vanga in 1979, when changes in political system The USSR was hard to think of. However, here her words turned out to be true - in 1985, came to power Mikhail Gorbachev, whose name is associated with the years of Perestroika.

In 1988, the prophetess declared that Gorbachev would soon rise even stronger. At first, no one could understand what the soothsayer meant. But in 1990, her words made sense - Gorbachev was elected president of the USSR.

The accident on the submarine "Kursk"

Murmansk region. Base point of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation Vidyaevo. August 24, 2000 A naval officer carries wreaths during a farewell ceremony for the dead crew of the nuclear submarine Kursk K-141, which sank on August 12, 2000. Image: Vladimir Velengurin / KP Archive

Prediction: "Kursk will disappear under water, and the people of the whole world will mourn for it."

The prophecy about the fate of the Kursk was made in 1980. Then it seemed strange to many that the seer spoke of the flooding of the whole city. Moreover, Vanga gave the exact time frame of the event. She indicated that this would happen at the turn of the century, in 1999 or 2000.

On August 12, 2000, an emergency occurred with the Kursk submarine in the Barents Sea. All 118 crew members were killed in the incident.

September 11 tragedy in the USA

The tragedy of September 11 in the United States.

Wang, perhaps, can be called the most famous person in the world who has superpowers. People who were familiar with the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that this woman could determine human diseases with incredible accuracy, predict him further fate, communicate with spirits, foresee certain events in the world.

Vanga was believed by many. And at the time of the change of millennia, prophecies even began to be published in all printed publications in the world, along with the quatrains of the prophet Nostradamus. But what did Vanga predict? Some of Vanga's real predictions have already come true, some just have to come true.

First of all, it is worth analyzing the predictions that have already come true:

What didn't come true

It is also worth noting that some of Vanga's predictions did not come true. These predictions include the following:

But as you can see, these predictions did not come true.

Predictions for the future

Sociologists have carefully studied the predictions of the Bulgarian seer. They found that out of 99 predictions about Russia, 43 were correct, 43 were ambiguous, and 12 were inadequate. This suggests that the probability of telepathic prediction is about 68%. But still, this result is considered quite high.

Before moving on to predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga was actively promoted by the Bulgarian special services. Bulgaria received a seer who was visited by crowds of tourists and celebrities from all over the world. Clients were never launched to her immediately, they were asked to wait a few days.

Skeptics claim that this was done so that the special services could collect as much information from tourists as possible.

If we talk about the predictions of this woman regarding Russia, then they are extremely dim. One of latest predictions about Russia was reduced to just one gesture: Vanga, without uttering a single word, made a huge circle with her hands.

Future of Russia

The Bulgarian seer said the following about Russia: “Everything will melt like ice, only the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia, will remain untouched.” She also said in her predictions that no one and nothing can stop Russia, this country will sweep away everything in its path and become the ruler of the whole world. But all this will happen only in 2040. According to Vanga, three states should approach by this time:

  • Russia.
  • China.
  • India.

But if we talk about the near future, then the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant are not very favorable. In her opinion, villages and cities will begin to collapse from floods and earthquakes. Various natural disasters will shake the planet, bad people will win, the number of scammers and thieves will increase.

But also during this period, Russia will experience a huge spiritual upsurge. In the coming years, Russia will gain power when it is ruled by Prince Vladimir.

Close relatives and acquaintances of Vanga said that she loved Russia very much. The clairvoyant really wanted to visit Moscow, but the opportunity never presented itself.

21 century

Speaking about predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga almost never said anything directly. Therefore, interpreters could make a mistake in interpreting her words. For example, in 2016 Vanga prophesied a cold and empty Europe. This should have happened after the use of chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as after the war between the European people and the Muslim people. There was no war, so we did not see empty and cold Europe either. Some scientists believe that the Bulgarian clairvoyant meant some kind of spiritual desert, and not the destruction of states in literally. But what else did the Bulgarian clairvoyant prophesy for the 21st century?

Vanga's predictions that came true are hard to list - many of her prophecies concerned individual ordinary people- neighbors and casual petitioners. Nevertheless, the Bulgarian seer spoke about famous people and the fate of humanity as a whole.

In the article:

Vanga's predictions about events in America that came true

Scientists who are engaged in the study and decoding of prophecies have collected and sorted all Vanga's predictions that have come true. They can be a serious argument in favor of the Bulgarian healing abilities of divination. Most of what Vangelia said came true. Something, according to experts, may come true in a few years.

Some of Vanga's prophecies do not come true. The fact is that they are quite difficult to interpret, so mistakes happen. However, these are not the errors of the soothsayer, but the shortcomings of the people who were involved in deciphering her words. Vanga very rarely spoke literally, and in order to understand what kind of future awaits humanity, one has to spend a lot of time interpreting the words of the seer.

A good example is Vanga's prediction about America. Literally, she said this:

Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall down, and the iron birds will tear them to pieces. Wolves howl from under the bush, and innocent blood flows like a river.

Said in 1989, the phrase made sense by 2001. The fallen buildings of the Trade Center were called twin brothers. The planes hijacked by terrorists turned out to be birds. Bush in English is pronounced as "bush", which is consonant with the name of the president who was in power during this period. However, not everyone believed this prediction, because they could not understand what kind of birds they were talking about.

Even when no one would have believed in the coming of a black man to power, Vanga said that. She knew that Barack Obama would be the last president of the United States, and a separate prediction on this occasion does not inspire hope for the people of America - he will lay the foundations for the collapse of the unification of the States.

What Vanga's predictions about Russia came true

Many residents of Russia are wondering which Vanga's predictions came true and how many of them. It is not surprising, because it was about Russia that the Bulgarian clairvoyant most often spoke. She loved this country very much and paid much attention to it during divination. Residents of Russia want to know if they are being deceived, hiding behind the name of Vanga. A lot of Vanga's predictions come true, as well as her words, which are just beginning to come true, have been recorded.

In January 1988, Vangelia said the following about the Russian president:

A completely unexpected person will come. Not Lebed and not Zyuganov will be.

Then the seer did not reveal the identity of the future president of the country. However, some believe that she predicted Putin's rise to power. First, he became acting president, and then he won the maximum number of votes in the presidential elections in Russia. There is another prediction from 1979:

Like cold ice melts everything, only one future will not touch - Vladimir's glory, Russian glory. Nothing will stand in its way, and Russia will dominate the world.

At the time Vanga said this, no one had even heard of Vladimir Putin. But now few people doubt that she predicted his coming to power and a great destiny for Russia. It turns out that this prophecy of Vanga is coming true, because Vladimir has already come to power, the only thing is for him to glorify Russia and make it a world power.

Vanga also spoke about the collapse Soviet Union. She did not want this to happen, but according to the healer, it was impossible to prevent events. In 1979, she said that the old Russia would return and be called as it was called under St. Sergius. It remains only to achieve spiritual superiority over the whole world, as the great Vanga bequeathed.

In 1980, the famous prediction was made about Kursk, which will sink under the surface of the sea at the turn of the millennium. This tragedy should have been mourned by the whole world. Many expected a flood in Kursk, but it was not the city that suffered, but the submarine of the same name. Her entire crew died, and many countries really sympathized with this tragedy, offering Russia help.

Vanga's predictions about famous personalities that came true

If you doubt whether Vanga's predictions come true, you can read about her words about Hitler, Stalin and other world-famous personalities. She predicted many events of world significance, and all her words were documented at the same time.

During World War II, Vanga told her fellow villagers about the whereabouts of their husbands, saying who would return from the war and who would not. Gradually, her prophecies became more global. So, in 1943, Vangelia said that Hitler will be defeated on April 30, 1945. If he wants to survive, he will have to retreat and stay away from Russia. Of course, Hitler did not heed the words of the soothsayer from Bulgaria, and everyone knows the date of the victory over the Nazis.

In 1952 Vanga made a prediction about Stalin. Many were worried about the question of his death, and parts of it were asked by the Bulgarian clairvoyant. She did not hide what she sees and boldly made any statements. But after she predicted Stalin's death no later than a year later, she was imprisoned for 10 years without the right to correspond. This fact is known from the full, as well as the fact that she spent six months in prison. In March 1953, Stalin really died, and the seer was released from prison.

In 1942, Vanga received the first high-ranking visitor - the Tsar of Bulgaria. Boris lll heard about the power of the soothsayer and became one of her visitors. She predicted his imminent death and even named her date - August 28. Vanga was right, the king of Bulgaria died in 1943 on August 28.

The Bulgarian healer also knew about the death of Princess Diana. She said the wedding would kill the princess. According to Vanga, Diana finds out about her death, but they will die almost simultaneously. This was in 1981. The princess survived the soothsayer by only a year, she also died in August.

Vanga predicted famous people not only death. For example, she promised Philip Kirkorov fame and a wife, whose name would begin with the letter "A". He was supposed to marry this woman at the age of 27, and it came true, it is difficult to find a person who would not know about the marriage of Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov. Vanga saw him at a height with a metal stick, which is easy to decipher - this is a stage and a microphone stand.

What other prophecies of Vanga are coming true right now

Vanga often talked about what awaits humanity as a whole, and how human consciousness will change in the future. If the list of prophecies over the years says that people will forget about violence and evil intentions, then this is not the case at all now. Vanga spoke about the current period of time like this:

Cataclysms and troubles await our world. The consciousness of people will have to change. Difficult years are coming. Faith will divide people ...

Hard times is pretty blurry and relative concept. In general, people of all times talked about them. There are many cataclysms, and it was almost always like that. Regarding the division of people on the basis of faith, perhaps we are talking about terrorism on a religious basis, as well as riots and similar troubles. All this has a place to be, therefore this prediction of Vanga is considered correct.

In the 60s, the great Bulgarian soothsayer reported that by 2018 trains would start flying along the wires, and these wires would go from sun. People will no longer be engaged in oil production, the earth will finally be able to take a break from resource extraction. This prophecy is just beginning to come true. Just by this time, it is planned to organize the extraction of a mineral on the Moon, which will become a source of energy.

Fate gave the twelve-year-old from Bulgaria a terrible and, at the same time, amazing fate. Once a strong hurricane hit her village, from which Vanga did not have time to hide. She was found littered with branches of fallen trees and with sand in her eyes. Since Vanga's parents did not have the means for treatment, the girl remained blind. But over time, she discovered that instead of physical vision, she developed an amazing inner vision, which made Vanga famous.

Eyewitnesses claimed that when uttering predictions, the Bulgarian prophetess spoke in a strange voice, as if someone spoke through her.

Vanga's first vision was a rider on a horse, who promised the blind girl the disclosure of many secrets. And so it happened - after the start of World War II, Vanga began to see things that were inaccessible to the human eye. According to studies conducted by the Institute of Suggestology and, from the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, about 70% of the prophecies.

Vanga's unfulfilled visions

Of Vanga's unfulfilled predictions, the most significant of them can be mentioned. So, in 1990, she predicted the death of US President George W. Bush from a plane explosion. The Bulgarian prophetess also predicted the disappearance of one of the Arab states from the face of the Earth. Unfortunately, Vanga's prediction did not come true that after 2000 there would be no natural disasters and disasters on our planet, and people would live in peace and prosperity for a whole thousand years.

Very often, Vanga mentioned the use of chemical weapons and the destruction of nature by radioactive fallout, but all the deadlines have passed, and nature is still alive.

In 2010, Vanga predicted the start of the third world war, which was supposed to end in 2014. According to her, onions, garlic, peppers and other plants will disappear from the face of the earth, and milk will become undrinkable. The prophetess also promised the invention of a cure for cancer, which scientists would “enclose in iron chains.”

So, as you can see, some unfulfilled predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant would be great news for humanity - of course, if they become a reality. However, we cannot look into the future, so who knows, what if peace, prosperity and a cure for cancer await us already at the next turn of our unpredictable history?

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Michel de Notre Dame, better known as Nostradamus, wrote a book of predictions at the beginning of the 16th century, many of which began to come true 11 years after his death. This fact is fascinating, especially considering the fact that he was a simple apothecary. Thousands of his followers believe that he predicted events that are yet to come.

Events of past centuries

One of the predictions of Nostradamus concerns the Great Fire in London, which happened exactly one hundred years after the death of the seer. The fire engulfed one building after another. About 80,000 people suffered from the fire, burned down most of buildings and even Cathedral Saint Paul. Many Londoners saw something sinister in such a prediction, because the fire happened in September 1666, and this is the year marked with the number of the devil.

Nostradamus wrote in metaphors, vaguely indicating dates, places and events. Therefore, many of his predictions, as they say, are "attracted" and are subject to doubt.

Nostradamus predicted that in 1799 there would be a revolution in France. He wrote that enslaved people would rise up against their princes and masters. Indeed, his predictions began to come true: mass riots led to the fact that absolute monarchy which had existed in France for centuries, fell within three years. Religious, aristocratic and feudal privileges were eradicated. The time has come for the freethinking of the liberals.

Perhaps due to the fact that Nostradamus was French by birth, many of his predictions concerned France. He was able to tell about the rise of Napoleon in an absolutely unimaginable way. Speaking about the future emperor, he says the following words: Pau, Nay, Loron. If you rearrange the letters, you get Napaulon Roy, which sounds like the name Napoleon.

Events of our era

"AT Western Europe a child will be born. He will raise up the people with his word and his glory will go far to the east. With these words, Nostradamus described Adolf Hitler, who, according to many historians, is one of the three Antichrists described by the seer. The most impressive prediction of Nostradamus was the story of World War II. Not a single armed confrontation in the history of mankind can be compared in cruelty with Hitler's plans to conquer the world. It was the most destructive, the most devastating war, killing tens of millions of people. It's on this moment the only war in which atomic weapons were used. Nostradamus described the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US troops as "the destruction of people with steel." Apparently, he could not explain what he saw, and the word "steel" in those days was used in relation to various types weapons. Although many believe that the visions of mass death tell more about the death of people from famine and plague than about the events of the Second World War.

Nostradamus is said to have predicted his own death. Saying goodbye to the servant in the evening, he said that by morning he would be gone. Indeed, in the morning he was found dead.

Nostradamus quite clearly described the death of the Kennedy brothers, one of whom was shot dead in Dallas in front of his wife, and the other was killed in Los Angeles five years later, and Princess Diana, who died in a car accident with his friend due to a tipsy driver.

But the most incredible is the prediction of the events of September 11, when, as a result of a terrorist attack, two towers of the Trade Center in New York caught fire and fell. Nostradamus wrote: “The fire of the volcano from the center of the earth will shudder new town. two stones long time will be engulfed in war. Arethusa will then color the new river red. In the year 1999, in the seventh month, Death will come from heaven. Historians believe that Nostradamus described the events of the day when New York shuddered from a terrifying event: two planes crashed into the twin towers one after another, Shopping center caught fire, people were locked in and could not get out of the burning buildings, and then the towers collapsed.

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Today it is difficult to meet a person who would not know who Vanga is. This woman, who shocked the whole world with her predictions, at first seemed an implausible fiction, and later came true.

Vanga could predict the future of not only one particular person, but also the fate of an entire people and even civilization. The most famous political figures came to her reception, the most respected people of our time listened to her advice. Vanga's predictions are popular even 18 years after her death.

Vanga's most famous predictions that have already come true

Vanga predicted Stalin's death six months before the event itself. This vision cost her freedom - she was imprisoned in Bulgarian. Six months later, immediately after the death of the leader, the seer was released.

Vanga predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union back in 1979.

Another prediction of Vanga, which has already come true, concerns the death of the Kursk submarine. She predicted this event back in 1980. At that time, no one believed in him, because the ship had not yet been built, and the fact that the Russian city would sink seemed absurd.

Vanga's most famous predictions from 2014 to 2111

2014 - half of the world's population suffers from cancer (skin cancer, ulcers). These serious diseases, according to the soothsayer, should be the result of chemical warfare.

2016 - As a result of terrible and deadly cancers, Europe remains almost deserted.

2018 - This year, China becomes the most powerful world power.

2023 - simply incredible events happen to the Earth - its orbit changes slightly.

2028 is very important and auspicious year for all mankind. Vanga predicts victory over hunger throughout the world. Also this year, humans will travel to Venus for the first time.

2033 - Glaciers around the world are melting at a rapid rate, causing sea levels to rise.

2043 - The situation in Europe is completely changed, it is ruled by Muslims. This is very beneficial for the global economy.

2046 - the peak of the development of medicine. People will finally learn how to grow any organs, which will reduce the mortality rate of the population.

2066 is a terrible year for the entire planet. America decides to use climate weapons to conquer Muslim Europe. The consequence of this is global cooling.

2076 - all social classes will disappear, world communism will be established.

2088 is an unfavorable year for the entire population of the Earth. A new terrible disease appears due to which people begin to age instantly.
The most famous prophecy about Russia
