Manifestations of heroism. Heroism and self-sacrifice as structural components of the beauty of the spirit

Heroic, accomplishment of societies outstanding in their own way. the importance of actions that meet the interests of Nar. masses, advanced classes and requiring personal courage, steadfastness, readiness for self-sacrifice from a person. Since ancient times, people ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

heroism- a, m. héroïsme m. Ability to heroic deeds, deeds; selflessness, courage. Sl. 18. Where are you, dark ages, ages of barbarism and heroism? 1793. Karamzin PRP 1 89. Severe, cruel heroism of Sparta and Messina. MM 1803 3 199. The heroism of the sight ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

The highest degree of civil or military courage. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. HEROISM Greek, from heros, hero. Courage extraordinary; the spirit of the hero. Explaining 25,000 foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Heroism, valor, courage, courage, courage, courage, fearlessness, fearlessness; courage, fearlessness, masculinity, self-sacrifice, audacity, fearlessness, heroism, determination. Ant. cowardice, cowardice Dictionary of Russians ... ... Synonym dictionary

HEROISM, heroism, pl. no, husband. (book). The ability to accomplish a feat; distraction noun to heroic. During the disaster, he showed true heroism. He is not heroic. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Outstanding in its own way public importance action. Military heroism is multifaceted and is associated with the most difficult and dangerous situations that require enormous strong-willed efforts, high military skill, the ability to quickly accept the only ... ... Marine Dictionary

HEROISM, ah, husband. Courage, determination and self-sacrifice in a critical situation. G. defenders of the Motherland. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

See Hero (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

See aesthetic VV Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

heroism- Selfless, incomparable, unparalleled, the greatest, amazing, exceptional, true, unprecedented, unprecedented, extraordinary, ostentatious. Tawdry. Combat, military, mass, revolutionary, labor, etc. Dictionary of epithets of the Russian language. 2006 ... Dictionary of epithets

Heroism- Heroism ♦ Heroisme An extreme degree of selfless courage against any real or possible evil. Such courage is able to withstand not only fear, but also suffering, fatigue, despondency, disgust, temptation, etc. This is ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville


  • , Vyazemsky Yuri Pavlovich. With this book, we continue the new series-library of Yuri Vyazemsky "Clever Men and Clever Girls: Olympiad". Let's prepare for the Olympics together! The collection is dedicated to Russian literature - its problems, ...
  • Heroism in Russian Literature. From "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" to "The Quiet Don", Vyazemsky Yu.P. With this book we continue the new series-library of Yuri Vyazemsky "Clever Men and Clever Girls: Olympiad". Let's prepare for the Olympics together! The collection is dedicated to Russian literature - its problems, ...

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls out to people:

Come on people never

Let's not forget about it!

May her memory be true

Store, about this flour.

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren grandchildren.

Then to forget it

Generations did not dare.

Then, in order for us to be happier,

And happiness is not in oblivion.

A. Tvardovsky

War is the most difficult test, a tragic period in the history of any nation. The most severe, terrible in terms of the scale of destruction and victims is the second World War and its integral part - the Great Patriotic War. She, like a tornado, swept through the Soviet Union. Like a plague, a fire, a flood, this war left behind corpses, ashes, bitter smoke. It is in such difficult moments that the best human qualities are manifested. The fact that people were able to pass this test with honor, not to lose their dignity, to protect their Motherland, their children is the greatest feat. The ability to accomplish a feat is the most important quality real person. To accomplish it, first of all, you need to forget about yourself and think about others, forget about death and the fear of death, challenge nature with your renunciation of the thirst for life inherent in all living things.

Each country can be compared to the human body. If all the organs are in order, the body is hardened, the lungs are healthy, then the country is also healthy. The brain-government takes care of the actions and functions of the body, stimulates development and progress. Various ministries maintain the body in good condition, filter incoming and outgoing information. And the heart is the main source of life in the body. If the heart is unhealthy, sad, worried, the body is also sick. If the heart is joyful, carefree, in love, the body thrives. The heart is the source of all living, loving and beautiful that a person can create. Everything is subject to the heart - even to work miracles. The heart of a country is its people. People of all ages and social status, nationalities, races, hobbies. People. The country depends on them. It is on them that victory depends. Soviet people of all ages faced death every day, and every day they proved that trouble could not break them. The ugly face of the war was seen and remembered by everyone, including the sons and daughters of the Kazakh SSR.

History of the Great Patriotic War full of facts of courage and selflessness of millions of people who selflessly defended their Motherland. January fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three. The village of Kazachikha (Novosokolnichesky district of the Pskov region). The battalion goes on the offensive. Reflects enemy counterattacks and attacks again. Battalion sniper Aliya threw a grenade into the bowels of one of the Nazi machine guns and shuddered again from the cold. With a well-aimed shot, she neutralized another Nazi. Alia happily thought that she was coping. Cope, despite his young age. The girl remembered how the commander sighed, sending her to battle. However, Aliya soon proved that she knew how to wield a rifle: in the first two months in the army, she destroyed about thirty enemy soldiers. With each new sortie, the machine gun fit more and more habitually in the hands, movements became faster, even heavy weapons seemed lighter. Throughout her life, Aliya has strived for perfection, stubbornly moving towards the goals that she set for herself. She again and again had to prove her strength to people who tried to save her, just a girl, from the war. And she wanted to fight. Aliya believed that with every killed Nazi she brought the day of victory closer. It has become a whole occupation - to guess how many days are left before the victory. All these thoughts raced through Alia's head during a brief lull. The relative silence was soon broken by more shots. The Germans launched another counterattack. One of the bullets screeched very close to Alia. Another shattered the scope of her rifle. A fragment of a mine wounded Aliya in the arm, but she did not even feel pain, sending shots forward, one after another, at the enemy. Suddenly, as if on fire, his chest burned - a fascist officer aims at Aliya for a second shot. With a huge effort, the girl stopped trembling in her hands, took aim, fired - and the officer fell dead. The girl dropped her rifle and sank helplessly to the ground. The last thought, before her eyes darkened, was: how many days are left before victory?

July twenty-fifth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three. The area of ​​the village of Sinyavino (Kirov district of the Leningrad region). For three days the Sultan and his company have been preparing for the offensive. There are many Nazis - so many that the Sultan has lost count of them. The body moved like a mechanical one - it lay in trenches, threw grenades, pulled the trigger. On this day, machine guns did not stop. Habitually stunned, the Sultan lay in the trench and, with reddened, swollen eyes, looked out for the location of enemy embrasures. Found. The Sultan took six grenades and crawled forward, at the same time making a sign to the fighters - to advance. The Sultan got close to the bunker, which fired most often, and threw two grenades one after the other. The machine gun is silent. There were two more left. Because of them, the company could not advance further. Then the Sultan crept up to the nearest of them and threw two grenades. The fire didn't stop. The Sultan threw the third grenade directly into the embrasure. It's over. The last machine gun remained. However, in order to get close to him, it was necessary to cross an almost bare hill - where one could easily become a target. There is only one grenade left. Crawl back? No, the company will not be able to move forward because of that triangular bunker, which fires almost constantly. The Sultan took a deep breath and quickly crossed the hill. Threw a grenade. She exploded not far from the embrasure, without causing her any harm. The fire didn't stop. And the company has already moved forward, almost close to the Germans. Only a triangular bunker interfered ... The Sultan lowered his head and breathed deeply. A heavy, stuffy, earthy smell hit his nose. The Sultan thought about the earth, about the grass and flowers, about those people who remained in the rear, and jumped to his feet. And with one jump he reached the bunker. And covered it with his body. His company took advantage of the pause and rushed forward. A moment later he lay on the ground, motionless, lifeless. In his last moments he saw no smoke, no trenches, no enemies, no; Sultan Baimagambetov, the courageous defender of Leningrad, saw bright flowers and silky grasses in the fields of their homeland.

October fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, near the city of Nevel, Pskov region. The Manshuk infantry unit faced a difficult task - to capture the height that dominated the area. The outcome of the battle depended on this. The Nazis counterattacked continuously, desperately trying to delay the offensive. Soviet troops. Manshuk and his comrades-shooters entrenched themselves in an advantageous position, repelling counterattacks. Without taking her hands off her gun for a second, Manshuk looked with hatred beyond the line of fire, to where the Nazis were. From the first days of the war, working as a nurse, she had seen enough of the dead and wounded. They arrived every day and every night. Most were very young. Manshuk always thought about them. About what they would have become if the war had not intervened. She wanted to change something. I wanted to invest my share in the efforts of millions of people fighting for their Motherland. Soon she learned to be a machine gunner and went to the front. She liked to imagine what life would be like after the war. No one knew what she would be, so Manshuk could imagine the most incredible things. She always hoped for the best. Even now, when she was left alone from the machine gun crew. The rest of the arrows lay on the ground without moving. Manshuk knew that what she was doing was very important. This thought gave her strength for three hours, when she repelled German attacks with three machine guns. When an explosive wave overturned one of the machine guns and hot blood flooded her face, Manshuk felt neither fear, nor panic, nor sadness. She always hoped for the best. She knew that there was very little left before victory.

April thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, Berlin. Lieutenant Koshkarbaev with a group of scouts lie near a moat filled with water, not far from the Reichstag building. The lieutenant clutched a heavy bundle in his hands. He pressed the bundle to his chest, and it seemed to the lieutenant that the Red Banner of War inside was warming him. He warms the breath of the millions of people who fought for him.

Atbasar. I think that many have heard about this small town in the Akmola region at least once. In the history of my hometown and the region there are many facts of the manifestation of courage and dedication of people during the Great Patriotic War. In the first year of the war, more than three thousand seven hundred people were sent from the Atbasar region to the active army, some of whom became part of the three hundred and tenth Novgorod rifle division, which was formed in Akmolinsk. The division fought near Leningrad and participated in breaking the blockade of this city, as well as in offensive battles to liberate dozens of cities and villages of our country from fascist invaders and ended up in Germany. We are rightfully proud of our fellow countrymen who have been awarded the high title of Hero Soviet Union. There are four of them in our district: Akan Kurmanov, Ivan Mikhailovich Dyachenko, Nikita Fedorovich Karatsupa, Nikolai Denisovich Videneev. Their exploits will always excite people with unprecedented heroism and valor.

The Great Patriotic War demanded from the society both reckless courage, and readiness to rally for the sake of victory, and superhuman effort. Front and rear were one. Everything for the front! All for victory! - this call was unanimously supported by the working people of Kazakhstan. A feasible contribution to the common cause was made by our Atbasar compatriots. For the successful implementation of agricultural work and filling the state bins with more than one million poods of grain in 1943, Atbasar grain growers were awarded the challenge red banner State Committee Defense. In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, the country received from the workers of the region about four million poods of bread, six thousand two hundred centners of milk, more than two thousand centners of meat and many other products. During the war years, an evacuation hospital operated in Atbasar, which treated the wounded and prisoners of war. Atbasarians, together with all Kazakhstanis, survived the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, heard the cry of destitute children, women and the elderly, who lost their most precious thing - loved ones.

With a total effort different people Victory was accomplished at the front and in the rear, on tanks and combines. Baurzhan Momyshuly, Tulegen Tokhtarov, Malik Gabdullin, Chaganak Bersiev and many, many others helped to defeat the enemy. Our victory can be compared to a colorful carpet: each person wove the thread of his actions into its pattern. Every day someone performed a feat so that others could live to win. The path to the world we live in today has been long and difficult. At the cost of incredible efforts, endless courage and faith, our people managed to defend their homeland. Thank you. Thanks to those who died - for valor; thanks to those who returned - for the strength to live on; Thanks to those who waited in the rear and worked. We, who live today, must not forget about the war. We must not forget the people who overcame fear and pain to protect us. We must remember the war in order to prevent it from entering our future. We must honor the memory of the defenders of the Motherland. The events of the war years are moving further and further into the past, but they will always excite us with the tragedy of events, the unprecedented heroism of the Soviet people. We must learn to respect every person on earth, regardless of their gender, race or nationality - and the blue sky eternal peace the clouds will never close.

Bekmagambetova Dinara, a student of the 11th grade of the Secondary multidisciplinary school of gymnasium No. 2 in Atbasar, Akmola region.

Manifestations of heroism

Heroism is valor, courage, courage, courage, determination, selflessness, the ability to accomplish a feat. The hero takes upon himself the solution of an exceptional task in terms of its scale and difficulties, imposes on himself a greater measure of responsibility and duties than is presented to people in normal conditions generally accepted norms of behavior, overcomes special obstacles in this regard. A personal feat can play the role of an initiative, an example for many people and turn into mass heroism. A person performs heroic deeds because he considers it necessary. This is a kind of conscious choice in following one's duty as a citizen in a critical situation, even to the detriment of oneself and one's life. Over the centuries of heroic history, Russia has such a number of feats that no other state in the world has, there have not been and will not be such a number of Heroes of the Fatherland.

IN different years Heroes of the Fatherland were called differently People's Heroes, Cavaliers of the highest orders, Knights of St. George, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory Heroes of Socialist Labor, Cavaliers of the Orders of the Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation. Cavaliers of orders of modern Russia.

All of them are united, along with the common Motherland, by the most important factor - the origins of their heroism and courage, the origins of their exploits. Heroism and exploits, as the highest manifestation of patriotic feelings, have always been and remain the national treasure of our Fatherland.

What kind of miracle heroism is, it is difficult to answer for each his own. Why do some people who look no different from others, decide to save a person? After all, when you rush to help someone, you don’t think what they will say, you just rush to help ... It would seem that courage, selflessness and courage are such powerful foundations of heroism that even to the uninitiated it will seem that these pillars of personality are quite enough to commit feat. However, in reality, relying only on courage, selflessness and courage will turn out to be a waste of energy if thought does not come out in unity with these human factors. Loss of thought, and sacrifices in vain. An act then becomes a real embodiment of heroism, when under it there is a wide plateau of the meaning of life. We can recall many examples of heroism during the Great Patriotic War. Those who fought at the front were ordinary people who, in an extreme situation, rose to a heroic state. They were exactly the same people as you and me.

“To be always heroes” this slogan was vividly embodied in the immortal feat of the Panfilovites, which was accomplished by 28 soldiers of the 316th division of General I.V. Panfilov. Defending the line at the Dubosekovo junction, this group, under the command of political instructor V.G. Klochkova on November 16 entered into single combat with 50 German tanks, accompanied by a large detachment of enemy machine gunners. Soviet soldiers fought with unparalleled courage and stamina. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow, ”the political instructor addressed the soldiers with such an appeal. And the soldiers fought to the death, 24 of them, including VG Klochkov, died the death of the brave, but the enemy did not pass here. A vivid example that embodies the heroic spirit of our soldiers is the feat of a marine fighter, Komsomol member M.A. Panikahin. During an enemy attack on the outskirts of the Volga, he, engulfed in flames, rushed to meet a Nazi tank and set it on fire with a bottle of fuel. The hero burned down together with the enemy tank. Comrades compared his feat with the feat of Gorky's Danko: the light of the feat of the Soviet hero became a beacon to which other warrior heroes were equal. What fortitude was shown by those who did not hesitate to cover with their bodies the embrasure of the enemy bunker, which was spewing deadly fire! Private Alexander Matrosov was one of the first to accomplish such a feat. During the Great Patriotic War, the feat of Matrosov was repeated by over 200 Soviet soldiers and officers! Of course, selflessness, contempt for death in the fight against the enemy does not necessarily entail the loss of life.

Moreover, often these qualities of Soviet soldiers help them to mobilize all their spiritual and physical forces to find a way out of a difficult situation. Faith in the people, confidence in victory, in the name of which the Russian man goes to his death without fear of it, inspires the fighter, pours new strength into him. The whole world knows the iron steadfastness of our soldiers in the days of the heroic defense of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Odessa. The determination to fight the enemy to the end was a mass phenomenon and found its expression in the oaths of individual fighters and units. Here is one of these oaths taken by Soviet sailors during the days of the defense of Sevastopol: “For us, the slogan “Not a step back!” became the slogan of life. We are all, as one, unshakable. If among us there is a lurking coward or a traitor, then our hand will not falter - he will be destroyed.

Any person can be a hero, having such feelings as: compassion, love, mutual assistance, understanding and patience. And therefore, one can become a hero not only in war, but also in Everyday life: saving a drowning man, preventing a fire or a terrorist attack, standing up for the weak.

You can become a hero for yourself when you do not succumb to entreaties to try drugs, smoking, alcohol - this is also a feat, not to succumb to the “weak” reason, but at the same time you will win your life, your future and make your own choice in your favor . And when you yourself can answer “no to evil”, then you can try to tell your friends about it - this is also a feat to express your opinion.

And if so, then everything in this life will change for the better!

In any case, everyone should become a hero for themselves, feel like a hero, try to be a hero. Then the people around you may begin to admire you. The main thing is to try hard! The main thing is to want!

The uniqueness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among other bodies state power consists in the fact that it is law enforcement agencies that more often than others directly contact citizens. The observance of law in the life of the country, order on the streets of cities, and sometimes peace in the houses and apartments of the citizens themselves depend on the work of police officers. According to the number of provided socially significant state functions, in terms of penetration into all sectors of society, only the Ministry of Health and social development or the Ministry of Education and Science.

Today, many aspects of the daily life of citizens depend on the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The internal affairs bodies are engaged in ensuring order on the streets, preventing and solving crimes, protecting and protecting private property, state and commercial facilities. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fight for safety on the roads of the country, ensure the holding of mass events, day and night come to the aid of citizens in emergency situations. From the minister to the district police officer The Ministry of the Interior is guarding the interests of the citizen, the law and society.

As you know, a person is not born a patriot, endowed with patriotic consciousness, courage, heroism and courage, a sense of loyalty, the traditions of the state of which he is a citizen.

The heroism of employees of the internal affairs bodies is an organic unity, an alloy of labor and military heroism, since the conditions of service are such that it is difficult to draw a clear line between a labor feat and the manifestation of heroism, courage, courage of personnel for restoring constitutional order, disarming gangs, detaining an armed criminal , calming the hooligan crowd, stopping the movement of vehicles with a drunk driver at the wheel is, on the one hand, a common service activity for special police units, operational staff, traffic police officers, and on the other hand, this is a feat, a heroic deed.

The basis of heroism among employees of the internal affairs bodies is loyalty to the Oath, pride in serving for the glory of the Fatherland, the readiness of personnel to perform official tasks in strict accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, to follow the glorious traditions of previous generations of internal affairs employees.

IN modern conditions we call patriots and heroes of service those employees who do not leave active creative activity aimed at serving the people, society, the Motherland and which is realized in the impeccable performance of the tasks of protecting the constitutional rights of citizens, proper protection of public order and security, active offensive struggle against crime.

personal feat courage heroism

Heroism is valor, courage, courage, courage, determination, selflessness, the ability to accomplish a feat. The hero takes upon himself the solution of a task that is exceptional in its scope and difficulties, assumes a greater measure of responsibility and duties than is imposed on people in ordinary conditions by generally accepted norms of behavior, and in this connection overcomes special obstacles. A personal feat can play the role of an initiative, an example for many people and turn into mass heroism. A person performs heroic deeds because he considers it necessary. This is a kind of conscious choice in following one's duty as a citizen in a critical situation, even to the detriment of oneself and one's life. What kind of miracle heroism is, it is difficult to answer for each his own. Why do some people who look no different from others, decide to save a person? After all, when you rush to help someone, you don’t think what they will say, you just rush to help ... It would seem that courage, selflessness and courage are such powerful foundations of heroism that even to the uninitiated it will seem that these pillars of personality are quite enough to commit feat. However, in reality, relying only on courage, selflessness and courage will turn out to be a waste of energy if thought does not come out in unity with these human factors. Loss of thought, and sacrifices in vain. An act then becomes a real embodiment of heroism, when under it there is a wide plateau of the meaning of life. We can recall many examples of heroism during the Great Patriotic War. Those who fought at the front were ordinary people who, in an extreme situation, rose to a heroic state. They were exactly the same people as you and me.

“To be always heroes” this slogan was vividly embodied in the immortal feat of the Panfilovites, which was accomplished by 28 soldiers of the 316th division of General I.V. Panfilov. Defending the line at the Dubosekovo junction, this group, under the command of political instructor V.G. Klochkov, on November 16 entered into combat with 50 German tanks, accompanied by a large detachment of enemy machine gunners. Soviet soldiers fought with unparalleled courage and stamina. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow, ”the political instructor addressed the soldiers with such an appeal. And the soldiers fought to the death, 24 of them, including VG Klochkov, died the death of the brave, but the enemy did not pass here. A vivid example that embodies the heroic spirit of our soldiers is the feat of a marine fighter, Komsomol member M.A. Panikakhin. During an enemy attack on the outskirts of the Volga, he, engulfed in flames, rushed to meet a Nazi tank and set it on fire with a bottle of fuel. The hero burned down together with the enemy tank. Comrades compared his feat with the feat of Gorky's Danko: the light of the feat of the Soviet hero became a beacon to which other warrior heroes were equal. What fortitude was shown by those who did not hesitate to cover with their bodies the embrasure of the enemy bunker, which was spewing deadly fire! Private Alexander Matrosov was one of the first to accomplish such a feat. During the Great Patriotic War, Matrosov's feat was repeated by over 200 Soviet soldiers and officers! Of course, selflessness, contempt for death in the fight against the enemy does not necessarily entail the loss of life. Moreover, often these qualities of Soviet soldiers help them mobilize all their spiritual and physical strength in order to find a way out of a difficult situation. Faith in the people, confidence in victory, in the name of which the Russian man goes to his death without fear of it, inspires the fighter, pours new strength into him. The whole world knows the iron steadfastness of our soldiers in the days of the heroic defense of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Odessa. The determination to fight the enemy to the end was a mass phenomenon and found its expression in the oaths of individual fighters and units. Here is one of these oaths taken by Soviet sailors during the days of the defense of Sevastopol: “For us, the slogan “Not a step back!” became the slogan of life. We are all, as one, unshakable. If among us there is a lurking coward or a traitor, then our hand will not falter - he will be destroyed.

The mass labor heroism of the Soviet people is also a historical phenomenon. His selfless work they won the battle for metal and bread, fuel and raw materials, for the creation of weapons of victory. People worked twelve or more hours a day, without days off and holidays. Even during the German air raids on the front-line cities, work did not stop. And if we take into account the lack of food, the most basic things, the cold in irregularly heated houses, it becomes clear in what harsh conditions people lived and worked. But they knew that the active army was waiting for planes, tanks, guns, ammunition, and so on. And everyone tried to produce products as much as possible.
Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin about heroism, which he said in June 1967 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur:
"From time to time, and still to this day, one has to come across the so-called theory of deheroization, with those who believe that the days of the heroism of everyday work seem to have passed.
… Obviously, people who think like this misunderstand what heroism is, what heroism is. They believe that heroism is some kind of impulse, a moment when a person puts all his strength.
In my opinion, heroism is completely different. This is everyday heroic work, when a person does not even think that he is performing a feat. Did the first people, when they came to the construction of Komsomolsk, think that they would become heroes, that they would be talked about for many decades, that their accomplishment would be regarded by our people as a heroic deed?
And here is an example of a heroic deed in our time. In post-perestroika times, already at the decline of the Union Empire, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an essay about a lieutenant who retired and worked at a school and taught NVP. Once he brought a training model of a grenade to a lesson with tenth graders. He explains to the students how a training grenade differs from a combat one: if you pull out the pin, then a click will be heard at the training one, and a pop at the combat grenade and smoke will go out - and after 4 seconds - an explosion. And here he is, demonstrating how to use a grenade, pulling the pin. At that moment, one of the students joked: “What if smoke comes out? ..”, the teacher smiled, - this cannot be! There was a bang and smoke went up. A professional military teacher - I immediately realized that the grenade was a military one, what should I do ?! I rushed to the window - first graders were pacing there. There were also lessons in the corridor (for lack of space). Then he pressed a grenade to his stomach and threw himself under the teacher's table. After 4 seconds, as expected, there was an explosion. The teacher died instantly. Small fragments hit the ceiling, but none of the children were hurt. The shocked students received a live lesson of courage and heroism, they remembered it for the rest of their lives! It is generally accepted that the place for heroism and exploits is purely in the war, and our modern measured life, devoid of dangers, has given a corner to the heroic deeds of people only on the battlefield. But what is war? A mass of people in extreme, life-threatening circumstances, where everyone can behave differently, and by no means necessarily in a heroic way! Although, as another well-known saying says, there are no heroes in war, a person just has to do what he must.
Summing up, we can say that these are just some of the heroic deeds that perform simple people in difficult circumstances. Moreover, it is not necessary to be a policeman or a black belt holder - everyone can pass or commit a heroic deed in an extreme situation, you just need to have something inside that will push you to action, something that makes a person a person.

Our homeland is the cradle of heroes, a fiery forge where simple souls becoming hard as diamond and steel.
A. N. Tolstoy
